Artikelen bij COM(2023)799 - Standpunt dat moet worden ingenomen namens de EU met betrekking tot het indienen van voorstellen tot wijziging van de aanhangsels II en III bij het Verdrag inzake het behoud van wilde dieren en planten en hun natuurlijk leefmilieu in Europa met het oog op de vergadering van de Permanente Commissie van het verdrag

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Article 1

1.The Commission is hereby authorised to submit to the Standing Committee to the Convention, on behalf of the Union, a proposal to move the wolf (Canis lupus) species from Appendix II on “Strictly protected fauna species” to Appendix III on “Protected fauna species”.

2.The Commission shall communicate this proposal to the Secretariat of the Convention.

Article 2

The position to be taken on the Union's behalf in the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention shall be to support removing the wolf (Canis lupus) from Appendix II and adding it to Appendix III of the Convention.

Article 3

Refinement of the positions referred to in Articles 1 and 2 may be agreed to, in the light of developments in the Standing Committee, by the representatives of the Union, in consultation with Member States during on-the-spot coordination meetings, without a further decision of the Council.

Article 3

This Decision is addressed to the Commission.