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dossier COM(2024)210 - .
document COM(2024)210
datum 10 juni 2024

Article 1

The position to be taken on the Union's behalf during the 16th session of the CTE of the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail of 9 May 1980 on the revision of the UTP WAG concerning the subsystem “Rolling stock – Freight Wagons”, the revision of the UTP Noise concerning the subsystem “Rolling stock – Noise”, the revision of the UTP TCRC concerning train composition and route compatibility checks, and on the update of the references to the Technical Documents of TAF TSI listed in Appendix I of UTP TAF shall be the following:

(1) to vote in favour of the CTE proposed revision of UTP WAG concerning the subsystem “Rolling stock – Freight Wagons”, as found in the CTE Working Document TECH-24003 UTP WAG, and subject to the following amendments:

(a) In point 0.3,

- replace the title by “Vehicles suitable for free circulation and interchangeable vehicles”;

- in third paragraph, second indent, replace the text by

“Interchangeable vehicle” means a vehicle which meets the requirements for free circulation and which, in addition, is equipped with standardised inter-vehicle interfaces, enabling the vehicle to be integrated into a train composition alongside other interchangeable vehicles. Wagons meeting these criteria may be marked “GE” or “CW”, in addition to the “TEN” marking.”

- in fourth paragraph, point 3, replace “general operation” by “interchangeable vehicles”;

(b) In point 4.2.1 ‘General’, oppose to proposed deletion of the following text:

“When the functional and technical specifications that are necessary in order to achieve interoperability and to meet the essential requirements, have not been developed concerning a particular technical aspect, this aspect is identified as an open point in the relevant point. As required in

Article 8 § 7 of APTUArticle 4(6) of Directive (EU) 2016/797

All open points are listed in Appendix A”;

(c) In point ‘Derailment detection and actuation function (DDAF)’, third paragraph, replace “Implementing Regulation (EU) No 402/2013” by “UTP GEN-G”;

(d) In point ‘Running gear’, fourth paragraph, replace “If the vehicle does not reach its minimum axle load in tare condition, the conditions for use of the vehicle shall require” by “If the vehicle’s mass does not enable it to reach its minimum axle load in tare condition, the conditions for use of the vehicle may require”;

(2) to vote in favour of the CTE proposed amendments to UTP Noise concerning the subsystem “Rolling stock – Noise”, as found in the CTE Working Document TECH-24004 UTP Noise;

(3) to vote in favour of the CTE proposed amendments to UTP TCRC concerning train composition and route compatibility checks, as found in the CTE Working Document TECH-24005 UTP TCRC;

(4) to vote in favour of the CTE proposal to update the references to the Technical Documents of TAF TSI listed in Appendix I of UTP TAF, as found in the CTE Working Document TECH-24005 UTP TAF.

(5) Minor changes may be agreed to the acts set out in this Article by the Commission, without a further decision of the Council.

Article 2

Once adopted, the decisions of the Committee of Technical Experts shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union, indicating the date of their entry into force.

Article 3

This Decision is addressed to the Commission.