Artikelen bij COM(2013)12 - Standpunt EU over de voorstellen voor de 16de bijeenkomst van de Conference of Parties bij de conventie over handel in bedreigde diersoorten (CITES), 3-4 maart 2013

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Article 1

The position of the Union, to be expressed by the Member States acting jointly in the interest of the Union at CITES CoP 16, shall be in accordance with the Annexes to this Decision.

Article 2

Where the position referred to in Article 1 is likely to be affected by new scientific or technical information presented after the adoption of this decision and before or during CoP 16 or where new proposals are made at that meeting on which there is not yet a Union

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position, the Union position shall be established by means of on the spot co-ordination before the Conference of Parties is called to vote on those proposals. In such cases, the Union position shall be consistent with the principles laid down in Annex I to this Decision.

Article 3 This Decision is addressed to the Member States.