Artikelen bij COM(2023)94 - Maatregelen om de kosten van de uitrol van elektronischecommunicatienetwerken met gigabitsnelheden te verlagen en tot intrekking van Richtlijn 2014/61/EU (verordening gigabitinfrastructuur)

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Article 1 - Subject matter and scope

1. This Regulation aims to facilitate and stimulate the roll-out of very high capacity networks by promoting the joint use of existing physical infrastructure and by enabling a more efficient deployment of new physical infrastructure so that such networks can be rolled out faster and at a lower cost.

2. If any provision of this Regulation conflicts with a provision of Directive (EU) 2018/1972 or Directive 2002/77/EC, the relevant provision of those Directives shall prevail.

3. Member States may maintain or introduce measures in conformity with Union law which contain more detailed provisions than those set out in this Regulation where they serve to promote the joint use of existing physical infrastructure or enable a more efficient deployment of new physical infrastructure.

4. By way of exception to paragraph 3, Member States shall not maintain or introduce in their national law provisions diverging from those laid down in Article 3(3) and (6), Article 4(4), Article 5(2) and (4), Article 6(2) and Article 8(7) and (8).

Article 2 - Definitions

For the purposes of this Regulation, the definitions in Directive (EU) 2018/1972 apply.

The following definitions also apply:

(1) ‘network operator’ means:

(a)an operator as defined in Article 2, point (29), of Directive (EU) 2018/1972;

(b)an undertaking providing a physical infrastructure intended to provide:

(i) a service of production, transport or distribution of:

- gas;

- electricity, including public lighting;

- heating;

- water, including disposal or treatment of wastewater and sewage, and drainage systems;

(ii) transport services, including railways, roads, ports and airports;

(2) ‘physical infrastructure’ means: 

(a)any element of a network that is intended to host other elements of a network without becoming an active element of the network itself, such as pipes, masts, ducts, inspection chambers, manholes, cabinets, antenna installations, towers and poles, as well as buildings or entries to buildings, and any other asset including street furniture, such as light poles, street signs, traffic lights, billboards, bus and tramway stops and metro stations; 

(b)where they are not part of a network and are owned or controlled by public sector bodies: buildings or entries to buildings, and any other asset including street furniture, such as light poles, street signs, traffic lights, billboards, bus and tramway stops and metro stations.

Cables, including dark fibre, as well as elements of networks used for the provision of water intended for human consumption as defined in Article 2, point 1, of Council (EU) 2020/2184 of the European Parliament and of the Council 46  are not physical infrastructure within the meaning of this Regulation;

(3) ‘civil works’ means every outcome of building or civil engineering works taken as a whole that is sufficient in itself to fulfil an economic or technical function and entails one or more elements of a physical infrastructure;

(4) ‘public sector body’ means a State, regional or local authority, a body governed by public law or an association formed by one or several such authorities or one or several such bodies governed by public law;

(5) ‘bodies governed by public law’ means bodies that have all of the following characteristics:

(a)they are established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character;

(b)they have legal personality;

(c)they are financed, in full or for the most part, by state, regional or local authorities or by other bodies governed by public law; or are subject to management supervision by those authorities or bodies; or have an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by state, regional or local authorities or by other bodies governed by public law;

(6) ‘in-building physical infrastructure’ means physical infrastructure or installations at the end user’s location, including elements under joint ownership, intended to host wired and/or wireless access networks, where such access networks are capable of delivering electronic communications services and connecting the building access point with the network termination point;

(7) ‘in-building fibre wiring’ means optical fibre cables at the end user’s location, including elements under joint ownership, intended to deliver electronic communications services and connecting the building access point with the network termination point;

(8) ‘fibre-ready in-building physical infrastructure’ means in-building physical infrastructure intended to host optical fibre elements;

(9) ‘major renovation works’ means building or civil engineering works at the end user’s location encompassing structural modifications of the entire in-building physical infrastructure or a significant part thereof and that require a building permit;

(10) ‘permit’ means an explicit or implicit decision or set of decisions taken simultaneously or successively by one or several competent authorities that are needed for an undertaking to carry out building or civil engineering works necessary for the deployment of elements of very high capacity networks;

(11) ‘access point’ means a physical point, located inside or outside the building, accessible to one or more undertakings providing or authorised to provide public electronic communications networks, where connection to the fibre-ready in-building physical infrastructure is made available.

Article 3 - Access to existing physical infrastructure

1. Upon written request of an operator, public sector bodies owning or controlling physical infrastructure or network operators shall meet all reasonable requests for access to that physical infrastructure under fair and reasonable terms and conditions, including price, with a view to deploying elements of very high capacity networks or associated facilities. Public sector bodies owning or controlling physical infrastructure shall meet all reasonable requests for access also under non-discriminatory terms and conditions. Such written requests shall specify the elements of the physical infrastructure for which the access is requested, including a specific time frame.

2. When determining prices as part of fair and reasonable terms and conditions for granting access, network operators and public sector bodies owning or controlling physical infrastructure shall take into account the following:

(a)the need to ensure that the access provider has a fair opportunity to recover the costs it incurs in order to provide access to its physical infrastructure, taking into account specific national conditions and any tariff structures put in place to provide a fair opportunity for cost recovery; in the case of electronic communications networks, any remedies imposed by a national regulatory authority shall also be taken into account.

(b)the impact of the requested access on the access provider’s business plan, including investments in the physical infrastructure to which the access has been requested;

(c)in the specific case of access to physical infrastructure of operators, the economic viability of those investments based on their risk profile, any time schedule for the return on investment, any impact of access on downstream competition and consequently on prices and return on investment, any depreciation of the network assets at the time of the access request, any business case underpinning the investment at the time it was made, in particular in the physical infrastructures used for the provision of connectivity, and any possibility previously offered to the access seeker to co-invest in the deployment of the physical infrastructure, notably pursuant to Article 76 of Directive (EU) 2018/1972, or to co-deploy alongside it. 

3. Network operators and public sector bodies owning or controlling physical infrastructure may refuse access to specific physical infrastructure based on one or more of the following conditions:

(a)there is a lack of technical suitability of the physical infrastructure to which access has been requested to host any of the elements of very high capacity networks referred to in paragraph 2;

(b)there is a lack of availability of space to host the elements of very high capacity networks or associated facilities referred to in paragraph 2, including after having taken into account the future need for space of the access provider that is sufficiently demonstrated;

(c)the existence of safety and public health concerns;

(d)concerns for the integrity and security of any network, in particular critical national infrastructure;

(e)the risk of serious interferences of the planned electronic communications services with the provision of other services over the same physical infrastructure; or

(f)the availability of viable alternative means of wholesale physical access to electronic communications networks provided by the same network operator and suitable for the provision of very high capacity networks, provided that such access is offered under fair and reasonable terms and conditions.

In the event of a refusal to provide access, the network operator or the public sector body owning or controlling physical infrastructure shall communicate to the access seeker, in writing, the specific and detailed reasons for such refusal within 1 month from the date of the receipt of the complete request for access.

4. Member States may establish a body to coordinate access requests to physical infrastructure owned or controlled by public sector bodies, provide legal and technical advice through the negotiation of access terms and conditions, and facilitate the provision of information via a single information point referred to in Article 10.

5. Physical infrastructure which is already subject to access obligations imposed by national regulatory authorities pursuant to Directive (EU) 2018/1972 or resulting from the application of Union State aid rules shall not be subject to the obligations set out in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4, for as long as such access obligations are in place.

6. Public sector bodies owning or controlling buildings or certain categories of buildings may not apply paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 to those buildings or categories of buildings for reasons of architectural, historical, religious, or natural value, or for reasons of public security, safety and health. Member States shall identify such buildings or categories of buildings in their territories based on duly justified and proportionate reasons. Information on such buildings or categories of buildings shall be published via a single information point and notified to the Commission.

7. Operators shall have the right to offer access to their physical infrastructure for the purpose of deploying networks other than electronic communications networks or associated facilities.

8. This Article shall be without prejudice to the right to property of the owner of the physical infrastructure where the network operator or the public sector body is not the owner and to the right to property of any other third party, such as landowners and private property owners.

9. After having consulted stakeholders, the national dispute settlement bodies and other competent Union bodies or agencies in the relevant sectors as appropriate, the Commission may, in close cooperation with BEREC, provide guidance on the application of this Article.

Article 4 - Transparency on physical infrastructure

1. In order to request access to physical infrastructure in accordance with Article 3, any operator shall have the right to access, upon request, the following minimum information on existing physical infrastructure in electronic format via a single information point:

(a)georeferenced location and route;

(b)type and current use of the infrastructure;

(c)a contact point.

Such minimum information shall be accessible promptly, under proportionate, non-discriminatory and transparent terms and, in any event no later than 15 days after the request for information is submitted.

Any operator requesting access to information pursuant to this Article shall specify the area in which it envisages deploying elements of very high capacity networks or associated facilities.

Access to the minimum information may be limited only where necessary to ensure the security of certain buildings owned or controlled by public sector bodies, the security of the networks and their integrity, national security, public health or safety, or for reasons of confidentiality or operating and business secrets.

2. Network operators and public sector bodies shall make available the minimum information referred to in paragraph 1, via the single information point and in electronic format, by [DATE OF ENTRY INTO FORCE + 12 MONTHS]. Under the same conditions, network operators and public sector bodies shall make available promptly any update to that information and any new minimum information referred to in paragraph 1.

3. Network operators and public sector bodies shall meet reasonable requests for on-site surveys of specific elements of their physical infrastructure upon specific request of an operator. Such requests shall specify the elements of the physical infrastructure concerned with a view to deploying elements of very high capacity networks or associated facilities. On-site surveys of the specified elements of the physical infrastructure shall be granted under proportionate, non-discriminatory and transparent terms within 1 month from the date of receipt of the request, subject to the limitations set out in paragraph 1, fourth subparagraph.

4. Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 need not apply to critical national infrastructure as defined under national law.

Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall not apply:

(a)in the case of physical infrastructure that is not technically suitable for the deployment of very high capacity networks or associated facilities’; or

(b)in specific cases where the obligation to provide information about certain existing physical infrastructure pursuant to paragraph 1, first subparagraph, would be disproportionate, on the basis of a detailed cost-benefit analysis conducted by Member States and based on a consultation with stakeholders.

Any such exceptions shall be published via a single information point and notified to the Commission.

5. Operators that obtain access to information pursuant to this Article shall take appropriate measures to ensure respect for confidentiality and operating and business secrets.

Article 5 - Coordination of civil works

1. Any network operator shall have the right to negotiate agreements on the coordination of civil works, including on the apportioning of costs, with operators with a view to deploying elements of very high capacity networks or associated facilities.

2. Any network operator when performing or planning to perform directly or indirectly civil works, which are fully or partially financed by public means, shall meet any reasonable written request to coordinate those civil works under transparent and non-discriminatory terms made by operators with a view to deploying elements of very high capacity networks or associated facilities.

Such requests shall be met provided that the following cumulative conditions are met:

(a)this will not entail any unrecoverable additional costs, including those caused by additional delays, for the network operator that initially envisaged the civil works in question, without prejudice to the possibility of agreeing on apportioning the costs between the parties concerned;

(b)the network operator initially envisaging the civil works remains in control over the coordination of the works; 

(c)the request to coordinate is filed as soon as possible and, when a permit is necessary, at least 2 months before the submission of the final project to the competent authorities for granting permits.

3. A request to coordinate civil works made by an undertaking providing or authorised to provide public electronic communications networks to an undertaking providing or authorised to provide public electronic communications networks may be deemed unreasonable where both following conditions are met:

(a)the request concerns an area which has been subject to either of the following:

(i)a forecast of the reach of broadband networks, including very high capacity networks pursuant to Article 22(1) of Directive (EU) 2018/1972;

(ii)an invitation to declare the intention to deploy very high capacity networks pursuant to Article 22(3) of Directive (EU) 2018/1972;

(iii)a public consultation in applying Union State aid rules;

(b)the requesting undertaking failed to express its intention to deploy very high capacity networks in the area referred to in point (a) in any of the most recent procedures among those listed in that point covering the period during which the request for coordination is made.

If a request to coordinate is considered unreasonable on the basis of the first paragraph, the undertaking providing or authorised to provide public electronic communications networks refusing the coordination of civil works shall deploy physical infrastructure with sufficient capacity to accommodate possible future reasonable needs for third-party access.

4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 need not apply to civil works that are limited in scope, such as in terms of value, size or duration, or for critical national infrastructure. Member States shall identify the type of civil works considered to be limited in scope or related to critical national infrastructure based on duly justified and proportionate reasons. Information on such types of civil works shall be published via a single information point and notified to the Commission.

5. After having consulted stakeholders, the national dispute settlement bodies and other competent Union bodies or agencies in the relevant sectors as appropriate, the Commission may, in close cooperation with BEREC, provide guidance on the application of this Article.

Article 6 - Transparency on planned civil works

1. In order to negotiate agreements on coordination of civil works referred to in Article 5, any network operator shall make available in electronic format via a single information point the following minimum information:

(a)the georeferenced location and the type of works;

(b)the network elements involved;

(c)the estimated date for starting the works and their duration;

(d)the estimated date for submitting the final project to the competent authorities for granting permits, where applicable;

(e)a contact point.

The network operator shall make available the information referred to in the first subparagraph for planned civil works related to its physical infrastructure. This must be done as soon as the information is available to the network operator and, in any event and where a permit is envisaged, not later than 3 months prior to the first submission of the request for a permit to the competent authorities.

Operators shall have the right to access the minimum information referred to in the first subparagraph in electronic format, upon request, via the single information point. The request for access to information shall specify the area in which the requesting operator envisages deploying elements of very high capacity networks or associated facilities. Within 1 week from the date of the receipt of the request for information, the requested information shall be made available under proportionate, non-discriminatory and transparent terms. Access to the minimum information may be limited only to the extent necessary to ensure the security of the networks and their integrity, national security, public health or safety, confidentiality or operating and business secrets.

2. Paragraph 1 need not apply to information on civil works limited in scope, such as in terms of value, size or duration, in the case of critical national infrastructure, or for reasons of national security or emergency. Member States shall identify, based on duly justified and proportionate reasons, the civil works that would be considered limited in scope or concern critical national infrastructure, as well as the emergencies or the reasons of national security that would justify not being subject to the obligation to provide information. Information on such civil works excluded from transparency obligations shall be published via a single information point and notified to the Commission.

Article 7 - Procedure for granting permits, including rights of way

1. Competent authorities shall not unduly restrict, hinder or make economically less attractive the deployment of any element of very high capacity networks or associated facilities. Member States shall ensure that any rules governing the conditions and procedures applicable for granting permits, including rights of way, required for the deployment of elements of very high capacity networks or associated facilities are consistent across the national territory.

2. Competent authorities shall make available all information on the conditions and procedures applicable for granting permits, including rights of way, including any information on exemptions on some or all permits or rights of way required under national or Union law, via a single information point in electronic format.

3. Any operator shall have the right to submit, via a single information point in electronic format, applications for permits or rights of way and to retrieve information about the status of its application.

4. The competent authorities shall, within 15 working days from its receipt, reject applications for permits, including for rights of way, for which the minimum information has not been made available via a single information point, pursuant to Article 6(1) first subparagraph, by the same operator which applies for that permit.

5. The competent authorities shall grant or refuse permits, other than rights of way, within 4 months from the date of the receipt of a complete permit application.

The completeness of the application for permits or rights of way shall be determined by the competent authorities within 15 days from the receipt of the application. Unless the competent authorities invited the applicant to provide any missing information within that period, the application shall be deemed complete.

The first and second subparagraph shall be without prejudice to other specific deadlines or obligations laid down for the proper conduct of the procedure that are applicable to the permit-granting procedure, including appeal proceedings, in accordance with Union law or national law in compliance with Union law.

By way of exception and based on a justified reason set out by a Member State, the 4 month deadline referred to in the first subparagraph and in paragraph 6 may be extended by the competent authority on its own motion. Any extension shall be the shortest possible. Member States shall set out the reasons justifying such an extension, publish them in advance via single information points and notify them to the Commission.

Any refusal of a permit or right of way shall be duly justified on the basis of objective, transparent, non-discriminatory and proportionate criteria.

6. By way of derogation from Article 43(1), point (a) of Directive (EU) 2018/1972, where rights of way over or under public or private property are required for the deployment of elements of very high capacity networks or associated facilities in addition to permits, competent authorities shall grant such rights of way within the 4 month period from the date of receipt of the application.

7. In the absence of a response from the competent authority within the 4-month deadline referred to in paragraphs 5 first subparagraph, and unless such deadline is extended pursuant to paragraph 5 fourth subparagraph, the permit shall be deemed to have been granted. This shall also apply in the case of rights of way referred to in paragraph 6.

8. The Commission shall, by means of an implementing act, specify categories of deployment of elements of very high capacity networks or associated facilities that shall not be subject to any permit-granting procedure within the meaning of this Article. This implementing act shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 13.

9. Competent authorities shall not subject the deployment of elements referred to in paragraph 8 to any individual town planning permit or other individual prior permits. By way of derogation, competent authorities may require permits for the deployment of elements of very high capacity networks or associated facilities on buildings or sites of architectural, historical, religious or natural value protected in accordance with national law or where necessary for public safety reasons.

10. Permits, other than rights of way, required for the deployment of elements of very high capacity networks or associated facilities shall not be subject to any fees or charges going beyond administrative costs as provided for, mutatis mutandis, in Article 16 of Directive (EU) 2018/1972.

11. Any operator that has suffered damage as a result of non-compliance with the deadlines applicable under paragraphs 5 and 6 shall receive compensation for the damage suffered, in accordance with national law.

Article 8 - In-building physical infrastructure and fibre wiring

1. All buildings at the end user’s location, including elements under joint ownership, newly constructed or undergoing major renovation works, for which applications for building permits have been submitted after [ENTRY INTO FORCE + 12 MONTHS], shall be equipped with a fibre-ready in-building physical infrastructure up to the network termination points as well as with in-building fibre wiring.

2. All multi-dwelling buildings newly constructed or undergoing major renovation works, for which applications for building permits have been submitted after [ENTRY INTO FORCE + 12 MONTHS], shall be equipped with an access point.

3. By [ENTRY INTO FORCE + 12 MONTHS], all buildings at the end-users’ location, including elements thereof under joint ownership, undergoing major renovations as defined in point 10 of Article 2 of Directive 2010/31/EU shall be equipped with a fibre-ready in-building physical infrastructure, up to the network termination points, as well as with in-building fibre wiring. All multi-dwelling buildings undergoing major renovations as defined in point 10 of Article 2 of Directive 2010/31/EU shall also be equipped with an access point.

4. Member States shall adopt the relevant standards or technical specifications that are necessary for the implementation of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 before [ENTRY INTO FORCE + 9 months]. Those standards or technical specifications shall set at least:

(a)the building access point specifications and fibre interface specifications;

(b)cable specifications;

(c)socket specifications;

(d)specifications of pipes or micro-ducts;

(e)technical specifications needed to prevent interference with electrical cabling; 

(f)the minimum bend radius.

5. Buildings equipped in accordance with this Article shall be eligible to receive a ‘fibre-ready’ label.

6. Member States shall set up certification schemes for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the standards or technical specifications referred to in paragraph 4 as well as for qualifying for the ‘fibre-ready’ label provided for in paragraph 5 before [ENTRY INTO FORCE + 12 months]. Member States shall make the issuance of the building permits referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 conditional upon compliance with the standards or technical specifications referred to in this paragraph on the basis of a certified test report.

7. Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall not apply to certain categories of buildings, in particular single-dwelling buildings, where compliance with those paragraphs is disproportionate, in particular in terms of costs for individual or joint owners based on objective elements.

8. Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 need not apply to certain types of buildings, such as specific categories of monuments, historic buildings, military buildings and buildings used for national security purposes, as defined by national law. Member States shall identify such categories of buildings based on duly justified and proportionate reasons. Information on such categories of buildings shall be published via a single information point and notified to the Commission.

Article 9 - Access to in-building physical infrastructure

1. Subject to paragraph 3, first subparagraph, any public electronic communications network provider shall have the right to roll out its network at its own costs up to the access point.

2. Subject to paragraph 3, any public electronic communications network provider shall have the right to access any existing in-building physical infrastructure with a view to deploying elements of very high capacity networks if duplication is technically impossible or economically inefficient.

3. Any holder of a right to use the access point and the in-building physical infrastructure shall meet all reasonable requests for access to the access point and the in-building physical infrastructure from public electronic communications network providers under fair and non-discriminatory terms and conditions, including price, where appropriate.

Any holder of a right to use the access point or the in-building physical infrastructure may refuse access where access to in-building fibre wiring is provided pursuant to obligations imposed under Directive (EU) 2018/1972, under Title II, Chapters II to IV, or made available under fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions, including price.

4. In the absence of available fibre-ready in-building physical infrastructure, every public electronic communications network provider shall have the right to terminate its network at the premises of the subscriber, subject to the agreement of the subscriber, provided that it minimises the impact on the private property of third parties.

5. This Article shall be without prejudice to the right to property of the owner of the access point or the in-building physical infrastructure where the holder of a right to use that infrastructure or access point is not the owner thereof, and to the right to property of other third parties, such as landowners and building owners.

6. After having consulted stakeholders, the national dispute settlement bodies and other competent Union bodies or agencies in the relevant sectors as appropriate, the Commission may, in close cooperation with BEREC, provide guidance on the application of this Article.

Article 10 - Digitalisation of single information points

1. Single information points shall make appropriate digital tools available, such as in the form of web portals, digital platforms or digital applications, to enable the online exercise of all the rights and the compliance with all the obligations set out in this Regulation.

2. Member States may interconnect or fully or partially integrate several digital tools supporting the single information points referred to paragraph 1, as appropriate.

3. Member States shall set out a single national digital entry point, consisting of a common user interface ensuring seamless access to the digitalised single information points.

Article 11 - Dispute settlement

1. Without prejudice to the possibility to refer the case to a court, any party shall be entitled to refer to the competent national dispute settlement body established pursuant to Article 12 a dispute that may arise:

(a)where access to existing infrastructure is refused or agreement on specific terms and conditions, including price, has not been reached within 1 month from the date of receipt of the request for access under Article 3;

(b)in connection to the rights and obligations set out in Articles 4 and 6, including where the information requested is not provided within 15 days after the request under Article 4 is submitted, and within 1 week after the request under Article 6 is submitted;

(c)where an agreement on the coordination of civil works pursuant to Article 5(2) has not been reached within 1 month from the date of receipt of the formal request to coordinate civil works; or

(d)where an agreement on access to in-building physical infrastructure referred to in Article 9(2) or (3) has not been reached within 1 month from the date of receipt of the formal request for access;

2. Taking full account of the principle of proportionality and the principles established in Commission guidance, the national dispute settlement body referred to in paragraph 1 shall issue a binding decision to resolve the dispute at the latest:

(a)within four months from the date of the receipt of the dispute settlement request, with respect to disputes referred to in paragraph 1, point (a);

(b)within one month from the date of the receipt of the dispute settlement request, with respect to disputes referred to in paragraph 1, points (b), (c) and (d).

Those deadlines may only be extended in exceptional circumstances.

3. As regards disputes referred to in paragraph 1, points (a), (c) and (d) the decision of national dispute settlement body may consist in setting fair and reasonable terms and conditions, including price, where appropriate.

Where the dispute relates to access to the infrastructure of an operator and the national dispute settlement body is the national regulatory authority, the objectives set out in Article 3 of Directive (EU) 2018/1972 shall be taken into account, where appropriate.

4. The rules laid down in the present Article are in addition to and without prejudice to the judicial remedies and procedures in compliance with Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union 47 .

Article 12 - Competent bodies

1. Each of the tasks assigned to the national dispute settlement body shall be undertaken by one or more competent bodies, which can be an existing body.

2. The national dispute settlement body shall be legally distinct and functionally independent of any network operator and any public sector body owning or controlling physical infrastructure involved in the dispute. Member States that retain ownership or control of network operators shall ensure effective structural separation of the functions related to the national dispute settlement procedures and those of the single information point from activities associated with ownership or control.

3. The national dispute settlement body may charge fees to cover the costs of carrying out the tasks assigned to it.

4. All parties concerned by a dispute shall cooperate fully with the national dispute settlement body.

5. The functions of a single information point referred to in Articles 3 to 8 and 10 shall be performed by one or more competent bodies appointed by the Member States at national, regional or local level, as appropriate. In order to cover the costs of carrying out those functions, fees may be charged for the use of the single information points.

6. Paragraph 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the competent bodies performing the functions of a single information point.

7. The competent bodies shall exercise their powers impartially, transparently and in a timely manner. Member States shall ensure that they shall have adequate technical, financial and human resources to carry out the tasks assigned to them.

8. Member States shall publish the respective tasks to be undertaken by each competent body via a single information point, in particular where those tasks are assigned to more than one competent body or where the assigned tasks have changed. Where appropriate, the competent bodies shall consult and cooperate with each other on matters of common interest.

9. Member States shall notify to the Commission the identity of each competent body in accordance with this Article for carrying out a function under this Regulation, and their respective responsibilities, by [DATE OF ENTRY INTO FORCE] and any modification thereof, before such designation or modification enters into force.

10. Any decision taken by a competent body shall be subject to an appeal, in accordance with national law, before a fully independent appeal body, including a body of judicial character. Article 31 of Directive (EU) 2018/1972 shall apply mutatis mutandis to any appeal pursuant to this paragraph.

The right to appeal in accordance with the first subparagraph shall be without prejudice to the right of the parties to bring the dispute before the national competent court.

Article 13 - Committee procedure

1. The Commission shall be assisted by the Communications Committee established by Article 118(1) of Directive (EU) 2018/1972. That committee shall be a committee within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011.

2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall apply.

Article 14 - Penalties and compensation

Member States shall lay down rules on penalties, including, where necessary, fines and non-criminal predetermined or periodic penalties, applicable to infringements of this Regulation and of any binding decision adopted pursuant to this Regulation by the competent bodies referred to in Article 12 and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. The penalties provided for shall be appropriate, effective, proportionate and dissuasive.

Member States shall lay down rules on adequate financial compensation for persons suffering damage as a result of the exercise of the rights provided for in this Regulation.

Article 15 - Report and monitoring

1. By [DATE OF ENTRY INTO FORCE + 5 YEARS], the Commission shall present a report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of this Regulation. The report shall include a summary of the impact of the measures set out in this Regulation and an assessment of the progress towards achieving its objectives, including whether and how the Regulation could further contribute to achieving the connectivity targets set out in the Decision establishing the Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030.

2. To that end, the Commission may request information from Member States that shall be submitted without undue delay. In particular, by [DATE OF ENTRY INTO FORCE + 12 MONTHS], Member States shall, in close cooperation with the Commission, through the Communications Committee set up under Article 118 of Directive (EU) 2018/1972, set out indicators to adequately monitor the application of this Regulation and the mechanism to ensure a periodic data gathering and reporting to the Commission thereof.

Article 16 - Transitional measures

National measures that specify the categories of deployment of elements of very high capacity networks or associated facilities not being subject to any permit-granting procedure within the meaning of Article 7, and that were adopted by the Member States pursuant to Directive 2014/61/EU or before its entry into force but in line with it shall continue to apply until the implementing act provided for in Article 7(8) of this Regulation enters into application.

Article 17 - Repeal

1. Directive 2014/61/EU is repealed.

2. References to the repealed Directive shall be construed as references to this Regulation and read in accordance with the correlation table in the Annex.

Article 18 - Entry into force and application

1. This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

2. It shall apply from [6 months after its entry into force].

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.