Overwegingen bij COM(2013)12 - Standpunt EU over de voorstellen voor de 16de bijeenkomst van de Conference of Parties bij de conventie over handel in bedreigde diersoorten (CITES), 3-4 maart 2013

Dit is een beperkte versie

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(1)       CITES is implemented in the Union by Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97 of 9 December 19962.

(2)       Resolutions of the Conference of the Parties and amendments to the Appendices of the Convention will affect the Union legislation concerned and will require amendments thereto.

(3)       The Member States cannot, outside the framework of the Union institutions, assume obligations which might affect Union rules or alter their scope.

(4)       Due to the fact that the 'Gaborone' amendment to CITES has not entered into force, the Union is not yet a contracting party to the Convention.

(5)       In such circumstances the Union position should be expressed by the Member States acting jointly in the interest of the Union and within the framework of a common position decided by the Council.