Bijlagen bij COM(2006)124 - Beleidsresultaten in 2005

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dossier COM(2006)124 - Beleidsresultaten in 2005.
document COM(2006)124 NLEN
datum 14 maart 2006
Annex – Items adopted in 2005 from the Commission Legislative and Work Programme 2005 – by strategic objective


Title | Reference no | Adoption date | Type of proposal or act |

Communication on Better Regulation and Competitiveness | COM(2005) 97; SEC(2005) 175 | 16.3.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme | COM(2005) 121; SEC(2005) 433; 2005/0050(COD) | 6.4.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Decision |

Communication on the new generation of tax and customs programmes | COM(2005) 111; SEC(2005) 423 | 6.4.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Seventh Framework Programmes for Research (2007-2013) | COM(2005) 118+119; SEC(2005) 430+431; 2005/0043(COD); 2005/0044(CNS) | 6.4.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Decision |

Proposal for a modification of the Regulation on the Stability and Growth Pact | COM(2005) 154+155; 2005/0064(SYN); 2005/0061(CNS) | 20.4.2005 | Legislative Proposal |

Green Paper on Financial Services Integration: Horizon 2005-2010 | COM(2005) 177 | 3.5.2005 | Non-legislative action / Green Paper |

Communication i2010 | COM(2005) 229; SEC(2005) 717 | 1.6.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

State aid action plan | COM(2005) 107; SEC(2005) 795 | 7.6.2005 | Non-legislative action / Other |

Proposal for a Council Directive on taxation of passenger cars in the EU | COM(2005) 621; SEC(2005) 809; 2005/0130(CNS) | 5.7.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Directive |

Green Paper on obstacles to integration of mortgage credit market | COM(2005) 327 | 19.7.2005 | Non-legislative action / Green Paper |

More Research and Innovation: Investing for Growth and Employment | COM(2005) 488; SEC(2005) 1283+1289 | 12.10.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Cross-border management of copyright in the online music sector | C(2005) 3764; SEC(2005) 1254 | 18.10.2005 | Non-legislative action / Recommendation |

Communication on progress in creating internal market for electricity and gas | COM(2005) 568; SEC(2005) 1448 | 15.11.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Proposal for a Regulation on advanced therapies | COM(2005) 567; SEC(2005) 1444; 2005/0227(COD) | 16.11.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Regulation |

Proposal on the management structure of the industrial SESAME project (common enterprise) for the technical realisation of Single Sky | COM(2005) 602; SEC(2005) 1532; 2005/0235(CNS) | 25.11.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Directive |

Modification Customs Code: simplification of procedures - Ecustoms | COM(2005) 608; SEC(2005) 1543+1545 | 30.11.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Regulation |

Legal Framework for Payments | COM(2005) 603; SEC(2005) 1535; 2005/0245(COD) | 1.12.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Directive |

Communication on the results of the consultation launched on Defence Procurement | COM(2005) 626; SEC(2005) 1572 | 6.12.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Maritime proposal | COM(2005) 651; SEC(2005) 1640+1641 | 14.12.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Regulation |

Green paper on claims for damages under EC Competition law | COM(2005) 672; SEC(2005) 1732 | 19.12.2005 | Non-legislative action / Green Paper |

Modification of Medical Devices Directives | COM(2005) 681; SEC(2005) 1742; 2005/0263(COD) | 22.12.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Directive |

Home State Taxation pilot scheme for SMEs | COM(2005) 702; SEC(2005) 1785 | 23.12.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |


Title | Reference no | Adoption date | Type of proposal or act |

Communication on post 2012 Climate Change Strategies | COM(2005) 35; SEC(2005) 180 | 9.2.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Social Agenda | COM(2005) 33; SEC(2005) 177 | 9.2.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Green Paper on management of the demographic trends in the European Union | COM(2005) 94 | 16.3.2005 | Non-legislative action / Green Paper |

Communication on restructuring and employment | COM(2005) 120 | 31.3.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Proposal for a COD Regulation establishing the EU Solidarity Fund | COM(2005) 108; SEC(2005) 447; 2005/0033(COD) | 6.4.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Regulation |

Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing Community financial measures for the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy and in the area of the Law of the Sea | COM(2005) 117; SEC(2005) 426; 2005/0045(CNS) | 6.4.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Regulation |

Disaster Preparedness and Response Instrument | COM(2005) 113; SEC(2005) 439; 2005/0052(CNS) | 6.4.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Regulation |

Programme for active citizenship | COM(2005) 116; SEC(2005) 442; 2005/0041(COD) | 6.4.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Decision |

European Year of Mobility for Workers (2006) | - | 27.4.2005 | Non-legislative action / Other |

Communication on youth policy | COM(2005) 206; SEC(2005) 693 | 30.5.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Communication on ‘non discrimination and equal chances for all - a framework strategy and a proposal for a decision on the European year for equal chances for all (2007)’ | COM(2005) 224+225; SEC(2005) 689+690; 2005/0107(COD) | 1.6.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Decision |

Sugar Reform – Common Market Organisation (CMO) Regulation + Single Payment Regulation | COM(2005) 263; SEC(2005) 808+810; 2005/0118-0120(CNS) | 22.6.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Regulation |

Green Paper on a European Energy Efficiency Initiative | COM(2005) 265 | 22.6.2005 | Non-legislative action / Green Paper |

EU Rural Development Strategy | COM(2005) 304; SEC(2005) 914; 2005/0129(CNS) | 5.7.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Decision |

Communication on eAccessibility | COM(2005) 425; SEC(2005) 1095 | 13.9.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution | COM(2005) 446+447; SEC(2005) 1135+1133; 2005/0183(COD) | 21.9.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Directive |

Communication on reducing the climate change impact of aviation | COM(2005) 459; SEC(2005) 1184 | 27.9.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Intercultural dialogue 2008 | COM(2005) 467; SEC(2005) 1202; 2005/0203(COD) | 5.10.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Decision |

Thematic strategy for the protection of the Marine Environment | COM(2005) 504+505; SEC(2005) 1290; 2005/0211(COD) | 24.10.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Directive |

Communication on sustainable energy | COM(2005) 627; SEC(2005) 1571 | 7.12.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Communication on an Action plan for Biomass | COM(2005) 328; SEC(2005) 1573 | 7.12.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

New Directive on Audio-visual Content | COM(2005) 646; SEC(2005) 1625+1626; 2005/0260(COD) | 13.12.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Directive |

Proposal for a Regulation on motor vehicles emissions (EURO 5) | COM(2005) 683; SEC(2005) 1745; 2005/0282(COD) | 21.12.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Regulation |

Thematic Strategy on Resources | COM(2005) 670; SEC(2005) 1683+1684 | 21.12.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Thematic Strategy on the Prevention and Recycling of Waste | COM(2005) 666+667; SEC(2005) 1681+1682; 2005/0281(COD) | 21.12.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Directive |

Security and freedom

Title | Reference no | Adoption date | Type of proposal or act |

EU Drugs Action Plan 2005-2008 | COM(2005) 45; SEC(2005) 216 | 14.2.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Green Paper on successions and wills | COM(2005) 65; SEC(2005) 270 | 1.3.2005 | Non-legislative action / Green Paper |

Green Paper on applicable law to divorces | COM(2005) 82; SEC(2005) 331 | 14.3.2005 | Non-legislative action / Green Paper |

Health and Consumer Policy Programme | COM(2005) 115; SEC(2005) 425; 2005/0042(COD) | 6.4.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Decision |

Framework programme on fundamental rights and Justice | COM(2005) 122; SEC(2005) 434; 2005/0037(COD); 2005/0038(CNS); 2005/0039(CNS); 2005/0040(COD) | 6.4.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Framework decision (JHA) |

Framework programme on security and safeguard of freedom | COM(2005) 124; SEC(2005) 436; 2005/0034(CNS); 2005/0035(CNS) | 6.4.2005 | Legislative Proposal |

Framework programme on solidarity and management of migration | COM(2005) 123; SEC(2005) 435; 2005/0046(COD); 2005/0047(COD); 2005/0048(CNS); 2005/0049(COD) | 6.4.2005 | Legislative Proposal |

Directive on control of avian influenza | COM(2005) 171; SEC(2005) 549; 2005/0062(CNS); 2005/0063(CNS) | 28.4.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Directive |

Action Plan on the Hague Programme | COM(2005) 184 | 10.5.2005 | Non-legislative action / Other |

Protection of chicken kept for the production of meat | COM(2005) 221; SEC(2005) 801; 2005/0099(CNS) | 30.5.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Directive |

Fundamental Rights Agency | COM(2005) 280; SEC(2005) 849; 2005/0124(CNS); 2005/0125(CNS) | 30.6.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Regulation |

Proposal for a Framework Decision on the fight against counterfeiting | COM(2005) 276; SEC(2005) 848; 2005/0128(CNS) | 12.7.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Framework decision (JHA) |

Proposal for a Directive on the fight against counterfeiting | COM(2005) 276; SEC(2005) 848; 2005/0127(CNS) | 12.7.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Directive |

Animal health conditions - Aquatic animals | COM(2005) 362; SEC(2005) 1047; 2005/0153(CNS); 2005/0154(CNS) | 23.8.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Directive |

Proposal for a Directive on common standards for return procedures | COM(2005) 391; SEC(2005) 1057; 2005/0167(COD) | 1.9.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Directive |

Directive on data retention | COM(2005) 438; SEC(2005) 1131; 2005/0182(COD) | 21.9.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Directive |

Framework Decision on standards for transfer of personal data | COM(2005) 475; SEC(2005) 1241; 2005/0202(CNS) | 4.10.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Framework decision (JHA) |

Equivalent access to law enforcement authorities | COM(2005) 490; SEC(2005) 1270; 2005/0207(CNS) | 12.10.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Framework decision (JHA) |

Communication and proposal for a Regulation on the extension of the tasks of the European Aviation Safety Agency | COM(2005) 578+579; 2005/0228(COD) | 15.11.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Regulation |

3rd Package on Maritime Safety (7 legislative proposals) | COM(2005) 585+590; COM(2005) 592+593; SEC(2005) 1496-1499; SEC(2005) 1514-1517; 2005/0236-0242(COD) | 23.11.2005 | Legislative Proposal |

Green Paper on the establishment of a European Migration Monitoring Centre | COM(2005) 606 | 28.11.2005 | Non-legislative action / Green Paper |

Green Paper - Platform for Nutrition and Health | COM(2005) 637 | 8.12.2005 | Non-legislative action / Green Paper |

Maintenance obligations | COM(2005) 648+649; SEC(2005) 1628-1630; 2005/0259(CNS) | 15.12.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Regulation |

Communication including an action plan relating to legal migration | COM(2005) 669; SEC(2005) 1680 | 21.12.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Europe as a world partner

Title | Reference no | Adoption date | Type of proposal or act |

Mandate for negotiations with Croatia | Accession negotiation document | 1.2.2005 | Non-legislative action / Other |

Communication on the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) Action Plans with Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, Lebanon, Egypt | COM(2005) 72; SEC(2005) 294; SEC(2005) 285-289 | 2.3.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Barcelona Process 10th anniversary | COM(2005) 139; SEC(2005) 482+483 | 12.4.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Accelerating progress towards attaining the MDGs: Financing for Development | COM(2005) 133; SEC(2005) 433+434 | 12.4.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Accelerating progress towards attaining the MDGs: The contribution of the EU | COM(2005) 132; SEC(2005) 452; SEC(2005) 456 | 12.4.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Communication on EU-US relations | COM(2005) 196 | 18.5.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Proposal for a Regulation establishing accompanying measures for Sugar Protocol countries affected by the reform of the EU sugar regime | COM(2005) 266; SEC(2005) 828; 2005/0117(COD) | 22.6.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Regulation |

Euromed mandate on services and investment | SEC(2005) 787+788 | 24.6.2005 | Legislative Proposal / Decision |

Civil Society dialogue between the EU and candidate countries | COM(2005) 290; SEC(2005) 891 | 29.6.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Information note on the negotiating framework with Turkey | SEC(2005) 888 | 29.6.2005 | Non-legislative action / Other |

Proposal for a new statement on the EC Development Policy | COM(2005) 311; SEC(2005) 929 | 13.7.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Communication on an EU Strategy for Africa | COM(2005) 489; SEC(2005) 1255 | 12.10.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

2005 ENLARGEMENT PACKAGE - I | COM(2005) 534; SEC(2005) 1352-1354 | 25.10.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

Opinion on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | COM(2005) 562; SEC(2005) 1425; SEC(2005) 1429 | 9.11.2005 | Non-legislative action / Opinion |

2005 ENLARGEMENT PACKAGE - II | COM(2005) 553; COM(2005) 555-559; COM(2005) 561-563; SEC(2005) 1421-1424; SEC(2005) 1426; SEC(2005) 1428 | 9.11.2005 | Agreement with third countries / Council Decision for the conclusion of an agreement |

Accession Partnership for Turkey | COM(2005) 559; SEC(2005) 1426 | 9.11.2005 | Agreement with third countries / Council Decision for the conclusion of an agreement |

European Partnership for Croatia | COM(2005) 556; SEC(2005) 1424 | 9.11.2005 | Agreement with third countries / Council Decision for the conclusion of an agreement |

EU relations with Latin America | COM(2005) 363; SEC(2005) 1590; SEC(2005) 1613 | 8.12.2005 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication |

[1] Strategische doelstellingen 2005-2009. Europa 2010: een partnerschap voor Europese vernieuwing, welvaart, solidariteit en veiligheid, COM(2005) 12.

[2] Voor een volledige lijst van de in 2005 goedgekeurde punten van het werkprogramma, zie bijlage.

[3] Zoals voorgeschreven door de Verdragen, heeft de Commissie op 14 februari 2006 het Algemeen Verslag over de werkzaamheden van de Europese Unie 2005 ingediend, SEC(2006) 1200

[4] COM(2005) 531.