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dossier SEC(2009)1724 - Peak Performance - New Insights into Mountain Farming in the EU.
document SEC(2009)1724
datum 16 december 2009
ANNEX 8: References

[to be completed]

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Dax, T. and Wiesinger, G. (1998), Mountain Farming and the Environment: Towards Integration, Perspectives for mountain policies in Central and Eastern Alps, research report no. 44 of Bundesanstalt für Bergbauernfragen, Wien.

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MacDonald, D., Crabtree, J.R., Wiesinger, G., Dax, T., Stamou, N., Fleury, P., Gutierrez Lazpita J.and Gibon A. (2000), Agricultural abandonment in mountain areas of Europe: Environmental consequences and policy response, in: Journal of Environmental Management 59, p. 47-69. s%20of%20Europe.pdf

Dax, T. (2002), The impact of the policy framework on dynamics of mountain farming in Austria, paper to the Fifth IFSA European Symposium, International Farming Systems Association, in: IFSA European Group (ed.), Farming and Rural Systems Research and Extension, Local Identities and Globalisation, pre-proceedings, 8-11 April, Firenze, p.229-238.

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Mountain Infrastructure: Access, Communication, and Energy

Thomas Kohler, Hans Hurni, and Urs Wiesmann* United Nations Environment Programme 2002

CIPRA, Alps know how,


FADN: ….

Convention of the Alps: water

Draft submitted to DG AGRI on 09/10/09