Bijlagen bij COM(2023)559 - Ondertekening van de Economische partnerschapsovereenkomst tussen Kenia, lid van de Oost-Afrikaanse Gemeenschap, enerzijds, en de EU, anderzijds - Hoofdinhoud
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dossier | COM(2023)559 - Ondertekening van de Economische partnerschapsovereenkomst tussen Kenia, lid van de Oost-Afrikaanse Gemeenschap, enerzijds, ... |
document | COM(2023)559 |
datum | 12 december 2023 |
(8) COUNCIL DECISION (EU) 2020/13 of 19 December 2019 amending the negotiating directives for the negotiation of Economic Partnership Agreements with the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries and regions, to the extent that they fall within the competence of the Union, OJ L6/101, 10.1.2020.
Brussels, 28.9.2023
COM(2023) 559 final
to the
Proposal for a Council Decision
on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Kenya, Member of the East African Community of the one part, and the European Union of the other Part
(hereinafter referred to as "the EAC Partner State"
of the one part, and
(hereinafter referred to as the "EU"),
of the other part
RECALLING their commitments within the framework of the World Trade Organisation, hereinafter referred to as the "WTO Agreement";
HAVING REGARD TO the Agreement establishing the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States, signed in Georgetown on 6 June 1975;
HAVING REGARD TO the Partnership Agreement between the Members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States of the other part, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000, as first amended in Luxembourg on 25 June 2005 and as amended for the second time in Ouagadougou on 22 June 2010, hereinafter referred to as the "Cotonou Agreement", and its successor agreement;
HAVING REGARD TO the Treaty Establishing the East African Community (EAC) signed in Arusha on 30 November 1999 and its Protocol on the Establishment of the East African Community Customs Union;
HAVING REGARD TO the Economic Partnership Agreement between the East African Community Partner States, of the one part, and the European Union and its Member States of the other part, whose negotiations were finalised on 16 October 2014 (hereinafter referred to as "EU-EAC EPA");
REITERATING their desire for a wider unity of Africa and the achievement of the objectives of the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community;
HAVING REGARD TO the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU);
CONSIDERING that the EAC Partner State(s) and the EU have agreed that their trade and economic cooperation shall aim at fostering the smooth and gradual integration of the ACP States into the world economy with due regard to their political choices, levels of development and development priorities, thereby promoting their sustainable development and contributing to the eradication of poverty in the EAC Partner State(s);
REAFFIRMING also that this Agreement shall be consistent with the objectives and principles of the Cotonou Agreement and, in particular, with the provisions of Part 3, Title II thereof, on Economic and Trade Cooperation, and the corresponding provisions of its successor agreement;
REAFFIRMING that this Agreement shall serve as an instrument of development and shall promote sustained growth, increase the production and supply-side capacity of the EAC Partner State(s), foster structural transformation of the EAC Partner State(s)' economies and their diversification and competitiveness and lead to the development of trade, the attraction of investment, technology and the creation of employment in the EAC Partner State(s);
REITERATING the need to ensure that particular emphasis shall be placed on regional integration and the provision of special and differential treatment to all EAC Partner State(s), while maintaining special treatment for least developed EAC Partner State(s);
RECOGNISING that substantial investment is required to raise the standards of living of the EAC Partner State(s);
REITERATING that this Agreement aims to implement the provisions of theEconomic Partnership Agreement between the EU and EAC;
Scope of the Agreement
The Parties hereby establish an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). This Agreement covers:
(a) General Provisions
(b) Trade in Goods
(c) Fisheries
(d) Agriculture
(e) Economic and Development Cooperation
(f) Institutional Provisions
(g) Dispute Avoidance and Settlement
(h) General Exceptions
(i) General and Final Provisions
(j) Annexes, Protocols and Joint Statements to the above
1. The objectives of this Agreement are to:
(a) contribute to economic growth and development through the establishment of a strengthened and strategic trade and development partnership consistent with the objective of sustainable development;
(b) promote regional integration, economic cooperation and good governance in the EAC Partner State(s);
(c) promote the gradual integration of the EAC Partner State(s) into the world economy, in conformity with their political choices and development priorities;
(d) foster the structural transformation of the EAC Partner State(s)’ economies, and their diversification and competitiveness by enhancing their production, supply and trading capacity;
(e) improve the EAC Partner State(s)’ capacity in trade policy and trade‑related issues;
(f) establish and implement an effective, predictable and transparent regulatory framework for trade and investment in the EAC Partner State(s), thus supporting the conditions for increasing investment and private sector initiative; and
(g) strengthen the existing relations between the Parties on the basis of solidarity and mutual interest. To this end, consistent with their WTO rights and obligations, this Agreement shall enhance commercial and economic relations, support a new trading dynamic between the Parties by means of the progressive, asymmetrical liberalisation of trade between them and reinforce, broaden and deepen cooperation in all areas relevant to trade and investment.
2. This Agreement also aims, consistent with Articles 34 and 35 of the Cotonou Agreement and the corresponding provisions of its successor agreement to:
(a) establish an agreement consistent with Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 ("GATT 1994");
(b) facilitate continuation of trade by the EAC Partner State(s) under terms no less favourable than those under the Cotonou Agreement or its successor agreement;
(c) establish the framework and scope of potential negotiation in relation to other issues including trade in services, trade‑related issues as identified in the Cotonou Agreement or its successor agreement and any other areas of interest to both Parties;
Rendez-vous Clause
The Parties undertake to conclude the negotiations in the subject matters listed below, within five (5) years from the entry into force of this Agreement:
(a) Trade in services;
(b) Trade-related issues, namely:
(i) Competition policy;
(ii) Investment and private sector development;
(iii) Trade, environment and sustainable development;
(iv) Intellectual property rights;
(v) Transparency in public procurement;
(c) Any other areas that the Parties may agree upon.
This Agreement is based on the following principles:
(a) building on the acquis of the Cotonou Agreement and its successor agreement;
(b) strengthening integration in the EAC Region;
(c) ensuring asymmetry, in favour of the EAC Partner State(s), in the liberalisation of trade and in the application of trade‑related measures and trade defence instruments;
(d) allowing the EAC Partner State(s) to maintain regional preferences with other African countries and regions without an obligation to extend them to the EU; and
(e) contributing to enhance the production, supply and trading capacity of the EAC Partner State(s).
Scope and Objectives
1. The provisions of this Part shall apply to all goods originating in the EU and EAC Partner State(s).
2. The objectives in the area of trade in goods are to:
(a) provide full duty‑free and quota‑free market access conditions for goods originating in the EAC Partner State(s) into the market of the EU on a secure, long‑term and predictable basis in accordance with the modalities established in this Agreement;
(b) liberalise progressively and gradually the EAC Partner State(s) market(s) for goods originating from the EU in accordance with the modalities established in this Agreement; and
(c) preserve and improve market access conditions to ensure that the EAC Partner State(s) fully benefit from the EPA.
Customs duty
1. A customs duty shall include any duty or charge of any kind imposed on or in connection with the importation of goods and any form of surtax or surcharge in connection with such importation, but shall not include:
(a) charges equivalent to internal taxes levied on both imported and locally produced goods consistent with the provisions of Article 20;
(b) anti-dumping, countervailing or safeguard measures applied in accordance with the provisions of Title VI; and,
(c) fees or other charges imposed in accordance with the provisions of Article 8.
2. The basic customs duty to which the successive reductions are to be applied shall be that specified in each Party's tariff liberalisation schedule for each product.
Classification of goods
1. The classification of goods in trade covered by this Agreement shall be that set out in each Party's respective tariff nomenclature in conformity with the International Convention on the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System ("HS").
2. The Parties shall exchange all necessary information, within a period of three months after a tariff modification or a change in the HS, on their applied customs duties and the corresponding nomenclatures with those products listed in Annexes I and II.
Fees and other charges
Fees and other charges referred to in Article 6(1)(c), shall be limited in amount to the approximate cost of services rendered and shall not represent an indirect protection for domestic products or a taxation of imports for fiscal purposes. Trade-related fees and charges shall not be imposed for consular services.
Rules of origin
1. For the purposes of this Part, the term "originating" means qualifying as "originating" under the applicable law of the importing Party. 1 2
2. The EPA Council shall, by decision, adopt a protocol governing the rules of origin at the latest 5 years after entry into force of this Agreement. Paragraph 1 shall cease to apply from the moment that this protocol becomes applicable.
3. If at the end of the five-year period referred to in paragraph 2 the Parties have not adopted the above-mentioned protocol, the EPA Council shall assess the application of paragraph 1 and may decide to extend the afore-mentioned period.
Customs duties on products originating in the EAC Partner State(s)
Products originating in the EAC Partner State(s) shall be imported into the EU free of customs duties, under the conditions set out in Annex I.
Customs duties on products originating in the EU
Products originating in the EU shall be imported into the EAC Partner State(s) under the conditions set out in the schedule of tariff liberalisation in Annex II.
1. The Parties agree not to increase their applied customs duties for products subject to liberalisation under this Agreement, with the exception of measures adopted in accordance with Articles 48, 49 and 50.
2. In order to preserve the prospect for the wider African regional integration processes, the Parties may decide in the EPA Council to modify the level of customs duties stipulated in Annexes II(a), II(b) and II(c), which may be applied to a product originating in the EU upon its importation into the EAC Partner State(s). The Parties shall ensure that any such modification does not result in an incompatibility of this Agreement with the requirements of Article XXIV of GATT 1994.
Movement of goods
1. Customs duties shall be imposed once for goods originating in one Party into the territory of the other Party.
2. Any duty paid upon importation into an EAC Partner State shall be refunded fully for the goods that leave the EAC Partner State of first importation to another EAC Partner State. The duty shall be paid in the EAC Partner State of consumption of the goods.
3. The Parties agree on cooperation to facilitate the movement of goods and simplify customs procedures.
Export Duties and Taxes
1. A Party shall not institute any new duties or taxes in connection with the exportation of goods to the other Party that are in excess of those imposed on like products destined for internal sale.
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the EAC Partner State(s) can impose, after notifying the EU, a temporary duty or tax in connection with the exportation of goods under the following circumstances:
(a) to foster the development of domestic industry;
(b) to maintain currency stability, when the increase in the world price of an export commodity creates the risk of a currency overvaluation or
(c) to protect revenue, food security and environment.
3. Such taxes should be enforced on a limited number of products for a limited period of time and shall be reviewed by the EPA Council for renewal after 48 months.
4. Any more favourable treatment consisting in or in relation to taxes applied by the EAC Partner State(s) to exports of any products destined for any major trading economy shall, from the entry into force of this Agreement, be accorded to the like product destined for the territory of the EU.
5. For the purposes of this Article and Article 15, "major trading economy" means any developed country, or any country accounting for a share of world merchandise exports above 1 percent in the year before the entry into force of the free trade agreement referred to in Article 15, or any group of countries acting individually, collectively or through a free trade agreement accounting collectively for a share of world merchandise exports above 1,5 percent in the year before the entry into force of the free trade agreement referred to in Article 15 3 .
More favourable treatment resulting from a free trade agreement
1. With respect to the goods covered by this Part, the EU shall accord to the EAC Partner State(s) any more favourable treatment applicable as a result of the EU becoming party to a free trade agreement with a third party after the signature of this Agreement.
2. With respect to the goods covered by this Part, the EAC Partner State(s) shall accord to the EU any more favourable treatment applicable as a result of the EAC Partner State(s) becoming party to a free trade agreement with any major trading economy after the signature of this Agreement. Provided that the EU can demonstrate that it has been given less favourable treatment than that offered by the EAC Partner State(s) to any other major trading economy, the Parties shall to the extent possible, consult and jointly decide on how best to implement the provisions of this paragraph on a case-by-case basis.
3. The provisions of this Part shall not be so construed as to oblige the Parties to extend reciprocally any preferential treatment applicable as a result of one of them being party to a free trade agreement with a third party on the date of signature of this Agreement.
4. The provisions of paragraph 2 shall not apply in respect of trade agreements between the EAC Partner State(s) with countries of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Groups, or other African countries and regions.
5. For the purposes of this Article, "free trade agreement" means an agreement substantially liberalising trade and substantially eliminating discriminatory measures and / or prohibiting new or more discriminatory measures among Parties at the entry into force of that agreement or within a reasonable time frame.
Special provisions on administrative cooperation
1. The Parties agree that administrative cooperation is essential for the implementation and control of the preferential treatment granted under this Part and underline their commitment to combat irregularities and fraud in customs and related matters.
2. Where a Party has made a finding, on the basis of objective information, of a failure to provide administrative cooperation and/or of irregularities or fraud, the Party concerned may temporarily suspend the relevant preferential treatment of the product(s) concerned in accordance with this Article.
3. For the purpose of this Article, a failure to provide administrative cooperation shall mean, inter alia:
(a) a repeated failure to respect the obligations to verify the originating status of the product(s) concerned;
(b) a repeated refusal or undue delay in carrying out and/or communicating the results of subsequent verification of the proof of origin;
(c) a repeated refusal or undue delay in obtaining authorisation to conduct administrative cooperation missions to verify the authenticity of documents or accuracy of information relevant to the granting of the preferential treatment in question.
4. A finding of irregularities or fraud may be made, inter alia, where there is a rapid increase, without satisfactory explanation, in imports of goods exceeding the usual level of production and export capacity of the other Party that is linked to objective information concerning irregularities or fraud.
5. The application of a temporary suspension shall be subject to the following conditions:
(a) The Party which has made a finding, on the basis of objective information, of a failure to provide administrative cooperation and/or of irregularities or fraud shall without undue delay notify the Committee of Senior Officials, established under Article 106 (hereinafter "the Committee of Senior Officials") of its finding together with the objective information and enter into consultations within the Committee of Senior Officials, on the basis of all relevant information and objective findings, with a view to reaching a solution acceptable to both Parties.
(b) Where the Parties have entered into consultations within the Committee of Senior Officials as above and have failed to agree on an acceptable solution within three (3) months following the notification, the Party concerned may temporarily suspend the relevant preferential treatment of the product(s) concerned. A temporary suspension shall be notified to the EPA Council without undue delay.
(c) Temporary suspensions under this Article shall be limited to that necessary to protect the financial interests of the Party concerned. They shall not exceed a period of six (6) months, and may be renewed. They shall be subject to periodic consultations within the Committee of Senior Officials in particular with a view to their termination as soon as the conditions for their application no longer exist.
6. At the same time as the notification to the Committee of Senior Officials under paragraph 5(a) of this Article, the Party concerned should publish a notice to importers in its Official Journal. The notice to importers should indicate for the product concerned that there is a finding, on the basis of objective information, of a failure to provide administrative cooperation and/or of irregularities or fraud.
Management of administrative errors
In case of error by the competent authorities in the proper management of the preferential system of export, and in particular in the application of the rules of origin applicable for the purposes of this Agreement concerning the definition of the concept of "originating products" and methods of administrative cooperation, where this error leads to consequences in terms of import duties, the Party facing such consequences may request the Committee of Senior Officials to examine the possibilities of adopting all appropriate measures with a view to resolving the situation.
Customs Valuation
1. Article VII of GATT 1994 and the Agreement on the implementation of Article VII of GATT 1994 shall govern customs valuation rules applied to trade between the Parties.
2. The Parties shall cooperate with a view to reaching a common approach to issues relating to customs valuation.
Prohibition of quantitative restrictions
1. All prohibitions or restrictions on the importation, exportation or sale for export between the Parties, other than customs duties, taxes, fees and other charges provided for under Article 6, whether made effective through quotas, import or export licenses or other measures, shall be eliminated upon the entry into force of this Agreement. No new such measures shall be introduced in trade between the Parties. The provisions of this Article shall be without prejudice to the provisions of Title VI of this Part.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not extend to the following:
(a) Export prohibitions or restrictions temporarily applied to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs or other products essential to the exporting contracting party;
(b) Import and export prohibitions or restrictions necessary to the application of standards or regulations for the classification, grading or marketing of commodities in international trade.
National treatment on internal taxation and regulation
1. Imported products originating in one Party shall not be subject, either directly or indirectly, to internal taxes or other internal charges of any kind in excess of those applied, directly or indirectly, to like domestic products of the other Party. Moreover, the Parties shall not otherwise apply internal taxes or other internal charges so as to afford protection to their respective production.
2. Imported products originating in one Party shall be accorded treatment no less favourable than that accorded to like domestic products of the other Party in respect of all laws, regulations and requirements affecting their internal sale, offering for sale, purchase, transportation, distribution or use. The provisions of this paragraph shall not prevent the application of differential internal transportation charges, which are based exclusively on the economic operation of the means of transport and not on the origin of the product.
3. Neither Party shall establish or maintain any internal quantitative regulation relating to the mixture, processing or use of products in specified amounts or proportions which requires, directly or indirectly, that any specified amount or proportion of any product which is the subject of the regulation must be supplied from domestic sources. Moreover, neither Party shall apply internal quantitative regulations so as to afford protection to their respective production.
4. The provisions of this Article shall not prevent the payment of subsidies exclusively to national producers, including payments to national producers derived from the proceeds of internal taxes or charges applied consistently with the provisions of this Article and subsidies effected through governmental purchases of national products.
5. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to laws, regulations, procedures or practices governing public procurement.
Good Governance in the Tax Area
The Parties recognise the importance of cooperation on the principles of good governance in the area of taxation through the relevant authorities in line with their respective national laws and regulations.
Scope and objectives
1. The Parties acknowledge the importance of customs cooperation and trade facilitation matters in the evolving global trading environment and agree:
(a) to reinforce cooperation and ensure that the relevant legislation and procedures, as well as the administrative capacity of the relevant administrations, fulfil the objective of promoting trade facilitation.
(b) that the EAC Partner State(s) need transitional periods and capacity building to smoothly implement the provisions of this Title.
2. The objectives of this Title are to:
(a) facilitate trade between the Parties,
(b) promote harmonisation of customs legislation and procedures at regional level,
(c) provide support to the EAC Partner State(s) to strengthen trade facilitation,
(d) provide support to the EAC Partner State(s)' customs administrations to implement this Agreement and other international customs best practices, and
(e) enhance cooperation between the Parties' customs authorities and other related border agencies.
Customs cooperation and mutual administrative assistance
1. In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Title and effectively respond to the objectives laid down in Article 22, the Parties shall:
(a) exchange information on customs legislation and procedures;
(b) develop joint initiatives in mutually agreed areas;
(c) cooperate in the following areas:
(i) modernisation of customs systems and procedures, as well as reduction of customs clearance time;
(ii) simplification and harmonisation of customs procedures and trade formalities, including those related to import, export and transit;
(iii) enhancement of regional transit systems;
(iv) enhancement of transparency in accordance with Article 24(3);
(v) capacity building including financial and technical assistance to the EAC Partner State(s),
(vi) any other area of customs as may be agreed by the Parties.
(d) establish, as far as possible, common positions in international organisations in the field of customs and trade facilitation, such as the WTO, World Customs Organisation (WCO), United Nations (UN) and United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
(e) promote coordination between all related agencies, both internally and across borders.
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the Parties shall provide each other mutual administrative assistance in customs matters in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 1.
Customs Legislation and Procedures
1. The Parties agree that their respective trade and customs legislation and procedures shall draw upon international instruments and standards applicable in the field of customs and trade, including the substantive elements of the revised Kyoto Convention on the Simplification and Harmonisation of Customs Procedures, the substantive elements of the WCO Framework of Standards to secure and Facilitate Global Trade, the WCO data set and the HS Convention.
2. The Parties agree that their respective trade and customs legislation and procedures shall be based upon:
(a) the need to protect and facilitate legitimate trade through effective enforcement of, and compliance with, the requirements set out in the customs legislation;
(b) the need to avoid unnecessary and discriminatory burdens on economic operators, to protect against fraud and corruption, and to provide further facilitation for operators that meet high levels of compliance with customs legislation and procedures;
(c) the need to use a single administrative document or electronic equivalent, for the purposes of establishing customs declarations in the EU and in the EAC Partner State(s) respectively;
(d) modern customs techniques, including risk assessment, simplified procedures for entry and release of goods, post release controls, and audits;
(e) the progressive development of systems, including those based upon information technology, for export import and transit operations, to facilitate the exchange of information between economic operators, customs administrations and other agencies;
(f) the principle that penalties imposed for minor breaches of customs regulations or procedural requirements are proportionate and do not give rise to undue delays in their application in customs clearance;
(g) a system of binding rulings on customs matters, in particular on tariff classification and rules of origin, in accordance with the rules laid down in regional and/or national legislation;
(h) the need to apply fees and charges that are commensurate with the service provided in relation to any specific transaction, and not be calculated on an ad valorem basis. Fees and charges shall not be imposed on consular services in respect of trade in goods;
(i) the elimination of any requirement for the mandatory use of pre-shipment inspections as defined by the WTO Agreement on Pre-shipment Inspection, or their equivalent;
(j) the elimination of all requirements for the mandatory use of customs brokers, as well as transparent, non-discriminatory and proportionate rules for their licensing.
3. In order to improve working methods and to ensure the transparency and efficiency of customs operations, the Parties shall:
(a) take further steps towards the simplification and standardisation of documentation and trade formalities to enable the rapid release and clearance of goods;
(b) provide effective, prompt and non-discriminatory procedures enabling the right of appeal against customs and other agency administrative actions, rulings and decisions affecting imports, exports or goods in transit. Such procedures shall be easily accessible to all enterprises;
(c) ensure that integrity is maintained, through the application of measures reflecting the principles of the relevant international conventions and instruments.
Facilitation of transit movements
1. The Parties shall ensure freedom of transit through their territory via the most convenient routes. Any restriction, control or requirement shall be non-discriminatory, proportionate and applied uniformly.
2. A Party may require that traffic in transit through its territory be entered at the proper customs house through designated routes. Should a Party require the use of such routes, it shall do it in full compliance with Article V(3) of GATT 1994.
3. Without prejudice to legitimate customs controls, a Party shall accord no less favourable treatment for goods in transit from the territory of the other Party than that accorded to domestic goods.
4. The Parties shall operate bonded transport regimes that allow the transit of goods without payment of customs duties or other charges having an equivalent effect, subject to the provision of an appropriate guarantee in accordance with regional and/or national customs legislation.
5. The Parties shall promote and implement regional transit arrangements.
6. The Parties shall promote coordination between all concerned agencies, both internally and across borders.
7. The legislation of the Parties shall draw upon international standards and instruments relevant to transit.
Relations with the Business Community
The Parties agree to:
(a) ensure that all legislation, procedures and fees and charges are made publicly available, as far as possible through electronic or any other appropriate means, and whenever possible provide necessary clarifications;
(b) regularly consult in a timely manner with trade representatives on legislative proposals and procedures related to customs and trade issues;
(c) introduce new or amended legislation and procedures in a way that allows traders to become well prepared for complying with them;
(d) make publicly available relevant notices of an administrative nature, including agency requirements and entry procedures, hours of operation and operating procedures for customs offices at ports and border crossing points, and points of contact for information enquiries;
(e) foster cooperation between operators and relevant administrations via the use of non-arbitrary and publicly accessible procedures, such as Memoranda of Understanding, based upon those promulgated by the WCO;
(f) ensure that their respective customs and related requirements and procedures continue to meet the needs of the trading community, follow best practices, and remain as little trade-restrictive as possible.
Transitional provisions
1. In view of the need to enhance EAC Partner State(s)' capacity in the area of Customs and Trade Facilitation and without prejudice to their WTO commitments, the Parties agree that the EAC Partner State(s) shall benefit from a transitional period of five (5) years after the entry into force of this Agreement to meet the obligations in Articles 23, 24 and 25.
2. This transitional period can be further extended by authorisation of the EPA Council.
Harmonisation of Customs Standards at Regional Level
The Parties acknowledge and recognise the importance of consolidating the harmonisation of customs standards and trade facilitation measures at regional level, including the initiation of reforms in the field of customs and trade facilitation where necessary.
Special Committee on Customs and Trade Facilitation
1. The Parties hereby establish a Special Committee on Customs and Trade Facilitation, composed of their representatives, which shall:
(a) meet on a date and with an agenda agreed in advance by the Parties;
(b) be chaired alternately by either Party; and
(c) report to the EPA Council.
2. The functions of the Special Committee on Customs and Trade Facilitation shall include:
(a) monitoring the implementation and administration of this Title and of Article 9;
(b) providing a forum to consult and discuss all issues concerning customs, including rules of origin, general customs procedures, customs valuation, tariff classification, transit and mutual administrative assistance in customs matters;
(c) enhancing cooperation on the development, application and enforcement of rules of origin and related customs procedures, general customs procedures and mutual administrative assistance in customs matters;
(d) enhancing cooperation on capacity building and technical assistance;
(e) any other issues agreed by the Parties in respect of this Title.
Scope and definitions
1. The provisions of this Title apply to measures covered by the World Trade Organisation Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (the WTO SPS Agreement).
2. For the purpose of this Title, unless otherwise provided, the definitions of the WTO SPS Agreement, the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the World Animal Health Organisation and International Plant Protection Convention shall apply.
The objectives in the area of application of sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures are to:
(a) facilitate the Parties' inter-regional and intra-regional trade, whilst safeguarding human, animal and plant life or health in accordance with the WTO SPS Agreement;
(b) address problems arising from SPS measures on agreed priority sectors and products giving due consideration to regional integration;
(c) establish procedures and modalities for facilitating cooperation in SPS matters;
(d) ensure transparency as regards SPS measures applicable to trade between and within the Parties;
(e) promote intra-regional harmonisation of measures with international standards, in accordance with the WTO SPS Agreement, and the development of appropriate policies, legislative, regulatory and institutional frameworks within the EAC Partner State(s);
(f) enhance the effective participation of EAC Partner State(s) in the Codex Alimentarius Commission, World Animal Health Organisation and International Plant Protection Convention;
(g) promote consultation and exchanges between the EAC Partner State(s) and EU institutions and laboratories;
(h) facilitate the development of capacity for setting and implementing regional and national standards in accordance with international requirements in order to facilitate regional integration;
(i) establish and enhance the EAC Partner State(s)' capacity to implement and monitor SPS measures pursuant to the provisions of Title VI of Part V on Economic and Development Cooperation; and
(j) promote technology transfer.
Rights and Obligations
1. The Parties reaffirm their rights and obligations under the international
treaties and agreements relating to this Title to which they are party.
2. Each Party shall:
(a) have the sovereign right to implement SPS measures, provided that such measures are consistent with the provisions of the WTO SPS Agreement;
(b) consult the other Party prior to the introduction of any new SPS measures, through the notification mechanisms provided for in the WTO SPS Agreement and, if and when appropriate, through the Parties' contact points;
(c) support the other Party in gathering information needed to make informed decisions;
(d) promote linkages, joint ventures, joint research and development between the EAC Partner State(s) and EU institutions and laboratories.
Scientific Justification of Measures
Subject to the provisions of this Title, the Parties shall ensure that the introduction, alteration or modification of any SPS measure in their territories shall be based on scientific justifications and comply with the WTO SPS Agreement.
1. The Parties shall aim to achieve harmonisation of their respective rules and procedures for formulation of their SPS measures, including inspection, testing and certification procedures, in accordance with the WTO SPS Agreement.
2. The Committee of Senior Officials shall develop modalities to assist and to monitor this process of harmonisation.
The Parties shall apply the principles of equivalence according to the provisions of the WTO SPS Agreement. For this purpose, each Party shall give reasonable access, upon request, to the other Party for inspection, testing and other relevant procedures.
Zoning and Compartmentalisation
The Parties shall recognise, on a case by case basis, designated areas, which are free from pests or diseases or areas of low pest or disease prevalence as potential sources of plant and animal products taking into account the provisions of Article 6 of the WTO SPS Agreement.
Notification, Enquiry and Transparency
1. The Parties shall be transparent in their application of SPS measures in accordance with the WTO SPS Agreement.
2. The Parties recognise the importance of effective mechanisms for consultation, notification and exchange of information with respect to SPS measures in accordance with the WTO SPS Agreement.
3. The importing Party shall inform the exporting Party of any changes in its SPS import requirements that may affect trade falling under the scope of this Title. The Parties also undertake to establish mechanisms for the exchange of such information.
Conformity Assessment
The Parties shall, for the purpose of ensuring compliance with SPS standards, agree on procedures for conformity assessment.
Information Exchange and Transparency of Trade Conditions
Cooperation shall include:
(a) Information sharing and consultation on changes to SPS measures which may affect products of export interest to either Party.
(b) Exchange of information on other areas of potential relevance to their trade relations, including rapid alerts, scientific opinions and events upon specific request.
(c) Advance notice to ensure that the EAC Partner State(s) are informed of new SPS measures that may affect the EAC Partner State(s) exports to the EU. This system shall build on existing mechanisms under WTO obligations, especially Article 7 of the WTO SPS Agreement.
(d) Promotion of transparency as regards the sampling, analysis and action following official controls on feed and food from either Party.
Competent Authorities
1. The respective SPS authorities of the Parties shall be the Competent Authorities in the EAC Partner State(s) and the EU for the implementation of the measures referred to in this Title.
2. The Competent Authorities referred to in paragraph 1 shall have the roles conferred upon them under the WTO SPS Agreement.
3. The Parties shall notify each other of their respective Competent Authorities referred to in paragraph 1 and any changes thereto.
Scope and definitions
1. The provisions of this Title shall apply to the preparation, adoption and application of technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment, as defined in the WTO Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement (TBT Agreement).
2. For the purpose of this Title the definitions of the TBT Agreement shall apply.
Rights and obligations
1. The Parties reaffirm their rights and obligations under the TBT Agreement, while taking account of their rights and commitments under other international arrangements to which both the EAC Partner State(s) and the EU are parties, including in particular those relating to the protection of the environment and biodiversity.
2. The Parties shall ensure that technical regulations are not prepared, adopted or applied with a view to, or with an effect of, creating unnecessary obstacles to trade between them, in accordance with the provisions of the TBT Agreement.
Mutual Recognition Agreements
The Parties may negotiate mutual recognition agreements in sectors of mutual economic interest.
Transparency and Notification
1. The Parties reaffirm their obligations concerning the notification and sharing of information about technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures as provided for by the TBT Agreement.
2. The Parties shall exchange information on issues of potential relevance to their trade relations, including rapid alerts, scientific opinions and events through enquiry points.
3. The Parties may cooperate in the establishment and maintenance of enquiry points, and in the setting up and maintenance of common data bases.
The Parties shall endeavour to harmonise their standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures.
Conformity Assessment
1. The Parties reaffirm their commitments on conformity assessment in accordance with the TBT Agreement.
2. The Parties may consider, taking account of the extent of alignment of their technical regulations, standards, and conformity assessment infrastructures, the negotiation of agreements on the mutual recognition of conformity assessment procedures.
Technical Regulatory Bodies
1. The Regulatory Bodies of the EAC Partner State(s) shall be the competent authorities in the EAC Partner State(s) for the implementation of the measures referred to in this Title that have the responsibility and competence for ensuring or supervising the implementation of standardisation, metrology, accreditation and conformity assessment.
2. The body responsible in the EU for the implementation of this Title is the European Commission.
3. The EAC Partner State(s) shall notify the EU of their Technical Regulatory Bodies in accordance with this Agreement.
Anti-dumping and countervailing measures
1. Subject to the provisions of this Article, nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the EU or the EAC Partner State(s), whether individually or collectively, from adopting anti-dumping or countervailing measures in accordance with the relevant WTO agreements. For the purpose of this Article, origin shall be determined in accordance with the non-preferential rules of origin of the Parties.
2. Before imposing definitive anti-dumping or countervailing duties in respect of products imported from either Party, the Parties shall consider the possibility of constructive remedies as provided for in the relevant WTO agreements.
3. Where an anti-dumping or countervailing measure has been imposed by either Party, there shall be one single forum of judicial review, including at the stage of appeals.
4. Where anti-dumping or countervailing measures can be imposed on a regional basis and on a national basis, where applicable, the Parties shall ensure that such measures are not applied simultaneously in respect of the same product by regional authorities on the one hand, and national authorities on the other.
5. Either Party shall notify the exporting Party of the receipt of a properly documented complaint before initiating any investigation.
6. The provisions of this Article shall be applicable in all investigations initiated after this Agreement enters into force.
7. The WTO rules on Dispute Settlement shall apply to any disputes related to anti-dumping or countervailing measures.
Multilateral safeguards
1. Subject to the provisions of this Article, nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the EAC Partner State(s) and the EU from adopting measures in accordance with Article XIX of the GATT 1994, the WTO Agreement on Safeguards, and Article 5 of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture annexed to the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the WTO (WTO Agreement on Agriculture). For the purpose of this Article, origin shall be determined in accordance with the non‑preferential rules of origin of the Parties.
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the EU shall, in the light of the overall development objectives of this Agreement and the small size of the economies of the EAC Partner State(s), exclude imports from any EAC Partner State(s) from any measures taken pursuant to Article XIX of GATT 1994, the WTO Agreement on Safeguards and Article 5 of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture.
3. The provisions of paragraph 2 shall apply for a period of five (5) years, beginning with the date of entry into force of this Agreement. Not later than one hundred and twenty (120) days before the end of that period, the EPA Council shall review the operation of those provisions in the light of the development needs of the EAC Partner State(s), with a view to determining whether to extend their application for a further period.
4. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall be subject to the WTO Understanding on rules and procedures governing the settlement of disputes (DSU).
Bilateral safeguards
1. After having examined alternative solutions, a Party may apply safeguard measures of limited duration which derogate from the provisions of Article 10 and 11 under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down in this Article.
2. Safeguard measures referred to in paragraph 1 may be taken where a product originating in one Party is being imported into the territory of the other Party in such increased quantities and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause:
(a) serious injury to the domestic industry producing like or directly competitive products in the territory of the importing Party, or;
(b) disturbances in a sector of the economy, particularly where these disturbances produce major social problems, or difficulties which could bring about serious deterioration in the economic situation of the importing Party, or;
(c) disturbances in the markets of like or directly competitive agricultural products 4 or in the mechanisms regulating those markets.
3. Safeguard measures referred to in this Article shall not exceed what is necessary to remedy or prevent the serious injury or disturbances, as defined in paragraphs 2 and 5(b). The safeguard measures of the importing Party may only consist of one or more of the following:
(a) the suspension of the further reduction of the rate of import duty for the product concerned, as provided for under this Agreement,
(b) an increase in the customs duty on the product concerned up to a level which does not exceed the customs duty applied to other WTO Members, and
(c) the introduction of tariff quotas on the product concerned.
4. Without prejudice to paragraphs 1 to 3, where any product originating in the EAC Partner State(s) is being imported in such increased quantities and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause one of the situations referred to under paragraph 2 to one or several of the EU outermost regions, the EU may take surveillance or safeguard measures limited to the region or regions concerned in accordance with the procedures laid down in paragraphs 6 to 9.
5. (a) Without prejudice to paragraphs 1 to 3, where any product originating in the EU is being imported in such increased quantities and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause one of the situations referred to under paragraph 2 to the EAC Partner State(s), the EAC Partner State(s) may take surveillance or safeguard measures limited to their territory in accordance with the procedures laid down in paragraphs 6 to 9.
(b) the EAC Partner State(s) may take safeguard measures, in accordance with the procedures laid down in paragraphs 6 to 9, where a product originating in the EU as a result of the reduction of duties is being imported into their territory in such increased quantities and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause disturbances to an infant industry producing like or directly competitive products. Such provision is only applicable for a period of ten (10) years from the date of entry into force of this Agreement. This period may be extended by the EPA Council for a period of a maximum of five (5) years.
6. (a) Safeguard measures referred to in this Article shall be maintained only for such a time as may be necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury or disturbances as defined in paragraphs 2, 4 and 5.
(b) Safeguard measures referred to in this Article shall not be applied for a period exceeding two (2) years. Where the circumstances warranting imposition of safeguard measures continue to exist, such measures may be extended for a further period of no more than two (2) years. Where the EAC Partner State(s) apply a safeguard measure, or where the EU applies a safeguard measure limited to the territory of one or more of its outermost regions, such measure may however be applied for a period not exceeding four (4) years and, where the circumstances warranting imposition of safeguard measures continue to exist, extended for a further period of four (4) years.
(c) Safeguard measures referred to in this Article that exceed one (1) year shall contain clear elements progressively leading to their elimination at the end of the set period, at the latest.
(d) No safeguard measure referred to in this Article shall be applied to the import of a product that has previously been subject to such a measure, for a period of at least one (1) year since the expiry of the measure.
7. For the implementation of paragraphs 1 to 6, the following provisions shall apply:
(a) Where a Party takes the view that one of the circumstances set out in paragraphs 2, 4 and/or 5 exists, it shall immediately refer the matter to the Committee of Senior Officials for examination;
(b) The Committee of Senior Officials may make any recommendation needed to remedy the circumstances which have arisen. If no recommendation has been made by the Committee of Senior Officials aimed at remedying the circumstances, or no other satisfactory solution has been reached within thirty (30) days of the matter being referred to the Committee of Senior Officials the importing Party may adopt the appropriate measures to remedy the circumstances in accordance with this Article;
(c) Before taking any measure provided for in this Article or, in the cases to which paragraph 8 of this Article applies, as soon as possible, the EAC Partner State(s) shall supply the Committee of Senior Officials with all relevant information required for a thorough examination of the situation, with a view to seeking a solution acceptable to the Parties concerned;
(d) In the selection of safeguard measures pursuant to this Article, priority must be given to those which least disturb the operation of this Agreement;
(e) Any safeguard measure taken pursuant to this Article shall be notified in writing immediately to the Committee of Senior Officials and shall be the subject of periodic consultations within that body, particularly with a view to establishing a timetable for their abolition as soon as circumstances permit.
8. Where exceptional circumstances require immediate action, the importing Party concerned may take the measures provided for in paragraph 3, 4 or 5 on a provisional basis without complying with the requirements of paragraph 7. Such action may be taken for a maximum period of one hundred and eighty (180) days where measures are taken by the EU, and of two hundred (200) days where measures are taken by the EAC Partner State(s) or where measures taken by the EU are limited to the territory of one or more of its outermost regions. The duration of any such provisional measure shall be counted as a part of the initial period and any extension referred to in paragraph 6. In the taking of such provisional measures, the interest of all Parties involved shall be taken into account, including their level of development. The importing Party concerned shall inform the other Party and shall immediately refer the matter to the Committee of Senior Officials for examination.
9. If an importing Party subjects imports of a product to an administrative procedure having as its purpose the rapid provision of information on the trend of trade flows liable to give rise to the problems referred to in this Article, it shall inform the Committee of Senior Officials without delay.
10. The WTO Agreement shall not be invoked to preclude a Party from adopting safeguard measures in conformity with this Article.
Scope and Principles
1. The cooperation in fisheries trade and development shall cover marine, inland fisheries and aquaculture.
2. The Parties recognise that fisheries constitute a key economic resource of the EAC Partner State(s), contribute significantly to the economies of the EAC Partner State(s), and have great potential for future regional economic development and poverty reduction. They are also an important source of food and foreign exchange.
3. The Parties further recognise that fisheries resources are also of considerable interest to both the EU and the EAC Partner State(s), and agree to cooperate for the sustainable development and management of the fisheries sector in their mutual interests, taking into account economic, environmental and social impacts.
4. The Parties agree that the appropriate strategy to promote the economic growth of the fisheries sector and to enhance its contribution to the economy of the EAC Partner State(s), while taking into consideration its long-term sustainability, is through increasing value‑adding activities within the sector.
Principles of cooperation
1. The principles of cooperation in fisheries shall include:
(a) supporting the development and strengthening of regional integration;
(b) preserving the acquis of the Cotonou Agreement and its successor agreement;
(c) providing special and differential treatment;
(d) taking into account the best available scientific information for resource assessment and management;
(e) ensuring functioning monitoring systems for the environmental, economic and social impacts in the EAC Partner State(s);
(f) ensuring conformity with existing national laws and relevant international instruments, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982, done at Montego Bay on 10 December 1982 (UNCLOS), regional and sub-regional agreements;
(g) ensuring the preservation of, and the priority of particular needs of, the artisanal/subsistence fishery.
2. These guiding principles should contribute to sustainable and responsible development of the living inland and marine resources and aquaculture, and to optimising the benefits of this sector for present and future generations, through increased investment, capacity building and improved market access.
3. The Parties shall cooperate to ensure that financial and other support will be provided to improve the competitiveness and production capacity of the processing factories, the diversification of the fishing industry and development and improvement of port facilities in the EAC Partner State(s).
4. Detailed areas of cooperation are identified under Title IV of Part V of this Agreement.
Scope and objectives
1. The provisions of this Title shall apply to the utilisation, conservation and management of marine fisheries resources to optimise the benefits from fisheries for the EAC Partner State(s) through investment, capacity building and improved market access.
2. The objectives of cooperation are to:
(a) promote the sustainable development and management of fisheries;
(b) strengthen cooperation to ensure the sustainable exploitation and management of fisheries resources as a strong basis for regional integration, given the straddling and migratory species which are shared among coastal EAC Partner State(s), and given that no individual EAC Partner State has the capacity to ensure sustainability of the resource;
(c) ensure a more equitable share of the benefits derived from the fisheries sector;
(d) ensure effective Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) necessary for combating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing;
(e) promote the effective exploitation, conservation and management of the living marine resource in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and waters in which the EAC Partner State(s) have jurisdiction based on international instruments, including UNCLOS, for the social and economic benefit of the Parties;
(f) promote and develop regional and international trade based on best practices;
(g) create an enabling environment, including infrastructure and capacity building, for the EAC Partner State(s) to cope with the stringent market requirements for both industrial and small scale fisheries;
(h) support national and regional policies aimed at increasing productivity and competitiveness of the fisheries sector; and
(i) build links with other economic sectors.
Fisheries Management and Conservation Issues
1. A precautionary approach shall be applied in determining levels of sustainable catch, fishing capacity and other management strategies to avoid or reverse undesirable outcomes such as over‑capacity and over-fishing, as well as undesirable impacts on the ecosystems and artisanal fisheries.
2. Each EAC Partner State may take appropriate measures, including seasonal and gear restrictions, in order to protect its territorial waters and ensure the sustainability of the artisanal and coastal fisheries.
3. The Parties shall promote the membership of all the concerned EAC Partner State(s) to the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) and other relevant fisheries organisations. The EAC Partner State(s), with the EU, shall coordinate action to ensure the management and conservation of all fish species, including tuna and tuna-like resources and to facilitate relevant scientific research.
4. Where there is insufficient scientific evidence for the competent national management authority to determine limits and target levels of sustainable catch in an EAC Partner State's EEZ, the Parties, in consultation with the competent national authority, and together with IOTC and, where relevant, other regional fisheries organisations, shall support such scientific analysis.
5. The Parties agree to take appropriate measures where an increase in effort results in catch levels above the target sustainable level established by the competent national authority.
6. In order to conserve and manage straddling stocks and highly migratory fish stocks, the EU and the EAC Partner State(s) shall ensure compliance by vessels flying their flags with relevant national, regional and sub-regional fisheries management measures and related national laws and regulations.
Vessel Management and Post-Harvest Arrangements
1. Vessel Management and post‑harvest arrangements emerging from IOTC and any other relevant regional fisheries organisations will be observed. The EAC Partner State(s) and the EU shall set out minimum terms and conditions with respect to the monitoring, control and surveillance of EU fishing vessels operating in the waters of the EAC Partner State(s), which should include the following:
(a) A Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) will be set up for the EAC Partner State(s), . If the EAC Partner State(s) does not have a VMS will be assisted by the EU to set up a compatible VMS.
(b) In addition to a compulsory compatible VMS system, the EAC Partner State(s), together with the EU, will develop other mechanisms to ensure effective Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS), and the EU will support the EAC Partner State(s) to put such an agreed system in place and assist in its implementation.
(c) The EU and the EAC Partner State(s) shall have the right of placing observers, whether in national or international waters, with the procedures concerning the deployment of observers being well stipulated. Observers are to be paid by the national governments, but all costs on board are to be met by the ship-owner. The EU shall support the costs of training observers.
(d) Common systems of reporting of fishing will be developed and used throughout the region, with minimum terms set for reporting.
(e) All vessels that land or tranship their catch within an EAC Partner State shall do so in ports or outer-port areas. No transhipment shall be allowed at sea, except on particular conditions foreseen by the relevant Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (RFMO). The Parties shall cooperate to develop and modernise landing or transhipment infrastructure in ports of the EAC Partner State(s), including development capacity of fish products.
(f) Discards reporting shall be compulsory. Priority should be given to avoiding discards through the use of selective fishing methods in line with principles of the IOTC and relevant regional fisheries organisations. As far as possible, by-catch shall be brought ashore.
2. The Parties agree to cooperate in developing and implementing national/regional training programmes for the EAC Partner State(s) nationals in order to facilitate their effective participation in the fishing industry. Where the EU has negotiated a bilateral fisheries agreement, the employment of the EAC Partner State(s) nationals shall be encouraged. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work shall apply to seamen signed on European vessels.
3. The Parties shall undertake coordinated efforts to improve the means for preventing, deterring, and eliminating IUU fishing, and to this end take appropriate measures. Fishing vessels involved in IUU fishing should be confiscated and the owners prosecuted by the competent authorities. They should not be allowed to fish again in waters of the EAC Partner State(s) unless prior authorisation has been obtained from both the flag State and the EAC Partner State(s) as well as, where relevant, the RFMO concerned.
Scope and Objectives
1. The provisions of this Title shall apply to inland fisheries, coastal and aquaculture development in the EAC Partner State(s) with respect to capacity building, technology transfer, SPS standards, investment and investment finance, environmental protection, and legal and regulatory frameworks.
2. The objectives of cooperation in inland fisheries and aquaculture development will be to promote sustainable exploitation of inland fisheries resources, and enhance aquaculture production, remove supply‑side constraints, improve fish and fish products' quality to comply with international SPS measures, improve access to the market of the EU, address intra-regional trade barriers, attract capital inflows and investment into the sector, build capacity, and enhance access to financial support for the private investors for inland fisheries and aquaculture development.
Scope and definitions
1. The provisions of this Part shall apply to crops and livestock, including productive insects.
2. For the purposes of this Part and Title II of Part V, the following definitions shall apply:
(a) agriculture includes crops, livestock and productive insects;
(b) agricultural products are those covered by Annex I of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture;
(c) agricultural financing means providing financial resources in support of agricultural related activities along the whole value chain, such as input supplies, agricultural services, production, storage, distribution, product transformation and marketing;
(d) agricultural inputs means all substances or materials, equipment and tools used in the production and handling of agricultural products;
(e) sustainable agriculture technology means a technology designed with special consideration of its environmental, social and, economic impacts;
(f) food and nutrition security implies that all people at all times have both physical and economic access to safe, sufficient, and nutritious food to meet their needs for a productive and healthy life;
(g) livelihood security means adequate and sustainable access to income and resources to meet basic needs in an equitable manner (including adequate access to food, potable water, health facilities, educational opportunities, housing and time for community participation and social integration);
(h) natural disaster is the consequence of natural calamities, e.g. drought, earthquake, landslide, volcano eruptions, floods, pests and diseases;
(i) small scale farmers are producers with limited resources and own small land holding of less than two (2) hectares and whose scale of operations is too small to attract the provision of services needed to significantly increase productivity and leverage market opportunities;
(j) sustainable development in the context of this Part includes the management and protection of the natural resource base for economic and social development in such a manner as to aim at meeting human needs for present and future generations.
1. The Parties agree that the fundamental objective of this Part is sustainable agricultural development which includes, but is not limited to, food and livelihoods security, rural development and poverty reduction in the EAC Partner State(s).
2. The objectives of this Part are to:
(a) foster cooperation between the Parties with a view to creating wealth and improving the quality of life of those engaged in agricultural activities through increased production, productivity and market share;
(b) improve food and nutrition security in the EAC Partner State(s) by promoting value addition, increasing output, quality, safety, market integration, trade, availability and accessibility;
(c) contribute to provision of gainful employment throughout the value chain of modernised agricultural sector;
(d) develop modern and competitive agro-based industries;
(e) promote the sustainable use and management of natural and cultural resources, by developing environmentally friendly and sustainable technologies that improve agricultural productivity;
(f) contribute to competitiveness by promoting value addition throughout the supply chains to access markets;
(g) improve producers' revenue by developing the marketing of value added agricultural products in the marketplace;
(h) facilitate the adjustment of the agricultural sector and the rural economy, to cope with global economic changes;
(i) mobilise and increase the economic performance of small scale farmers, through capacity building of farmers' organisations;
(j) improve trade and market facilitation for agricultural commodities in order to increase foreign exchange earnings;
(k) improve infrastructure within the EAC Partner State(s) for enhancing the production, productivity, marketing and distribution of agricultural inputs and products, with particular attention to storage, grading, handling, packing and transport.
General Principles
1. The Parties recognise the importance of agriculture in the EAC Partner State(s)' economies, as the main source of livelihood for the majority of the EAC Partner State(s)' population, as the primary factor to ensure food and nutrition security, as a potential sector for high growth and added value, and as a source of export earnings.
2. In view of the multi-functional role agriculture plays in the economy of the EAC Partner State(s), the Parties agree to use a comprehensive approach to agriculture as a basis for sustainable development.
3. The Parties agree to cooperate in promoting the sustainable growth of the agriculture sector, taking into account its multiple facets and the diversity of the economic, social, environmental characteristics and development strategies of the EAC Partner State(s).
4. The Parties recognise that deeper integration of the agricultural sector across the EAC Partner State(s) will contribute to the expansion of inter-regional markets, and increase the scope for investment and private sector development.
5. The Parties recognise the importance of supporting agricultural production, the promotion of value addition, agricultural trade and market development initiatives through appropriate instruments, and the provision of appropriate regulatory framework to respond to changing market conditions. In this respect, the Parties resolve to work together to attract necessary investment into the EAC Partner State(s).
6. The Parties agree that agricultural priorities considered in this Part shall be clearly linked to the regional overarching policy framework for food and nutrition security and poverty reduction to ensure consistency and guidance of the regional development agenda.
Comprehensive Dialogue
1. The Parties shall establish an EAC Partner State(s)-EU Comprehensive Dialogue on Agriculture and Rural Development Policy (the "Agriculture Dialogue") on all matters covered in this Part. The Agriculture Dialogue shall monitor the progress in implementing this Part and shall provide a forum for exchange and cooperation on the Parties' respective domestic agricultural policies and, in particular, the role of agriculture in the EAC Partner State(s) in raising farm incomes, food security, sustainable use of resources, rural development and economic growth.
2. The Agriculture Dialogue shall take place within the Committee of Senior Officials.
3. The Parties shall establish the working procedures and modalities of the Agriculture Dialogue by mutual agreement.
Regional Integration
The Parties recognise that the integration of the agricultural sector across EAC Partner States, through the progressive removal of barriers and the provision of an appropriate regulatory and institutional framework, harmonisation and convergence of policies, will contribute to the deepening of the regional integration process and thus contribute to the expansion of regional markets, which will increase the scope for investment and private sector development.
Enabling Policies
The Parties recognise the importance of adopting and implementing policies and institutional reforms to enable and facilitate the achievement of objectives of this Part.
Sustainable Agricultural Development
The Parties shall cooperate in achieving sustainable agricultural development with special focus on supporting vulnerable rural populations in the EAC Partner State(s) in light of the changing world production and trade patterns as well as consumer tastes and preferences.
Food and Nutrition Security
1. The Parties agree that the provisions of this Agreement shall enable the EAC Partner State(s) to implement effective measures to achieve food and nutrition security and sustainable agricultural development, and to develop commercial agricultural markets in the region to ensure food and nutrition security.
2. The Parties shall ensure that actions taken under this Part aim at enhancing food and nutrition security, and avoid the adoption of measures that could endanger achievement of food and nutrition security at the household, national and regional levels.
Value Chain Management
The Parties agree to have a regional strategy for enhancing supply capacities in agriculture, identifying high value agricultural sub-sectors for which the region has competitive advantage, and capitalise on investments that can facilitate the shift from comparative to competitive advantages.
Early Warning Systems
The Parties recognise the need to establish, improve and enhance food security information systems, including national early warning systems, as well as vulnerability assessment and monitoring systems, and to implement capacity building actions, in conjunction with, and through, existing international and regional mechanisms.
The Parties recognise the importance of modern and sustainable agricultural technologies and agree to develop and promote the use of modern agricultural technologies that include:
(a) sustainable irrigation and fertigation technologies;
(b) tissue culture and micro propagation;
(c) improved seed;
(d) artificial insemination;
(e) integrated pest management;
(f) product packaging;
(g) post-harvest handling;
(h) accredited laboratories;
(i) biotechnology;
(j) risk assessment and management.
Domestic policy measures
1. Each Party shall ensure transparency in the area of agricultural support related to trade in agricultural products. To this end, the EU shall report periodically within the Agriculture Dialogue to the EAC Partner State(s) on the legal basis, form and amount of such support. Such information is deemed to have been provided if it is made available by the Parties or on their behalf on a publicly accessible website.
2 The EU shall not grant export subsidies for all agricultural products to the EAC Partner State(s), as from the entry into force of this Agreement. This prohibition shall be reviewed by the EPA Council after 48 months.
3. Furthermore, the Committee of Senior Officials shall examine issues that may arise in relation to the access of the Parties' agricultural products to each other's markets. The Committee may make recommendations to the EPA Council in accordance with Article 107
Production and Marketing of Agricultural Commodities
1. The Parties recognise the challenges faced by the EAC Partner State(s) because of their dependence on the export of primary agricultural commodities, which are subject to high price volatility and declining terms of trade, for foreign exchange earnings.
2. The Parties therefore agree to:
(a) strengthen Public-Private-Partnership in investments for production, processing and marketing of agricultural commodities;
(b) cooperate in developing capacities to access niche markets and facilitate compliance with commodity standards to meet such markets requirements;
(c) support diversification of agricultural production and export products in the EAC Partner State(s)
(d) improve producers' revenue by developing the marketing of value added agricultural products in the market place.
The Parties agree that the EPA Council shall review and monitor the implementation of their obligations under this Agreement. The EPA Council shall provide effective surveillance of compliance with obligations through ensuring transparency and give them an opportunity to assess the contribution of those obligations to their long-term objective of establishing a fair and market‑oriented agricultural trading system.
Net Food-Importing Countries
1. The Parties recognise the importance of addressing the concerns of the net food-importing EAC Partner State(s). Therefore, the objective of this Article is to assist States that are net food importers to develop programmes to ensure food security.
2. The Parties agree to:
(a) address constraints on food production, storage and distribution in the EAC Partner State(s);
(b) source food aid from within the EAC Partner State(s) and other African Regional Economic Communities;
(c) improve the coordination of food aid.
3. The Parties agree to maintain an adequate level of food aid, taking into account the interests of food aid recipients and to ensure that the measures mentioned in paragraph 2 do not unintentionally impede the delivery of food aid provided to deal with emergency situations.
4. The Parties shall ensure that food aid is provided in full conformity with the measures that aim at preventing commercial displacement, which include:
(a) ensuring that all food aid transactions are need driven and in full grant form; and,
(b) not tying them directly or indirectly to commercial exports of agricultural products or of other goods and services.
Importance of certain sectors
1. The Parties recognise that:
(a) the provision of adequate access to food, clean and safe drinking water, health facilities, educational opportunities, housing, community participation and social integration is important for the livelihood security of rural populations;
(b) agricultural infrastructure development, including production, processing, marketing and distribution, plays a crucial role in the EAC Partner State(s)' social-economic rural development and regional integration;
(c) technical support services, such as agricultural research, extension and advisory services training, are important in increasing agricultural productivity;
(d) facilitating agricultural financing is an important measure for transforming the agricultural sector in the EAC Partner State(s). Financing is required for agricultural technology development, agricultural credit and insurance, infrastructure development and markets as well as farmers' training; and
(e) sustainable rural development is important to improve standards of living of the rural population of the EAC Partner State(s).
2. The Parties agree to cooperate in the areas of livelihood security, agricultural infrastructure, technical support services, agricultural financing services and rural development, as provided for in Title II of Part V.
Exchange of Information and Consultation
1. The Parties agree to exchange experience and information on best practices, and to consult on all issues in pursuit of the objectives of this Part.
2. The Parties agree to:
(a) exchange information on agricultural production, consumption and trade and on the respective market developments for agricultural products;
(b) exchange information on investment opportunities and incentives available in the agricultural sector, including small-scale activities;
(c) exchange information on agricultural policies, laws and regulations between them;
(d) discuss policy and institutional changes needed to underpin the transformation of the agricultural sector, as well as the formulation and implementation of regional policies on agriculture, and rural development in pursuit of regional integration;
(e) exchange information on new and appropriate technologies, as well as policies and measures related to the quality of agricultural products.
Geographical indications
1. The Parties recognise the importance of geographical indications for sustainable agriculture and rural development.
2. The Parties agree to cooperate in the identification, recognition and registration of products that could benefit from protection as geographical indications and any other action aimed at achieving protection for products so identified.
General Provisions
1. In accordance with Articles 34 and 35 of the ACP – EU Partnership Agreement, signed in Cotonou on 23rd June 2000 as revised to-date and the corresponding provisions of its successor agreement, the Parties reaffirm that development cooperation is a core element of their Partnership and an essential factor for achieving the objectives of this Agreement. The Parties agree that Annex VI to this Agreement prevails over the provisions of this Part of the Agreement.
2. The Parties agree to address the developmental needs of the EAC Partner State(s) by, increasing production and supply capacity, fostering the structural transformation and competitiveness of their economies, enhancing their economic diversification and increasing added value, in order to promote sustainable development and support regional integration.
3. The Parties commit to cooperate in order to facilitate the implementation of this Agreement and to support regional integration and development strategies. The Parties agree that cooperation shall be based on the Economic and Development Cooperation Part and the EPA Development Matrix, both subject to the provisions of Annex VI which prevail, in addition to the regional and national development strategies of the EAC Partner State(s). The Matrix and corresponding baseline benchmarks, indicators and targets reflecting the needs identified by the EAC Partner State(s) at the time of the EU-EAC EPA signature are hereto attached as Annex III(a) and Annex III(b). They shall be reviewed every five (5) years. The cooperation shall take the form of financial and non-financial support to the EAC Partner State(s).
4. In this regard, the financing relating to development cooperation between the EAC Partner State(s) and the EU for the implementation of this Agreement shall be carried out within the framework of the rules and relevant procedures provided for by the Cotonou Agreement and its successor agreement and within the framework of the successive relevant instruments financed by the General Budget of the EU. In this context, taking into account the new challenges deriving from enhanced regional integration and competition on the global markets, the Parties agree that one of the priorities shall be to support the implementation of this Agreement. The Parties agree that financial instruments provided for in the Cotonou Agreement and its successor agreement shall be mobilised so as to maximise the expected benefits of this Agreement.
5. For the purposes of the implementation of this Agreement, the Parties commit to jointly and individually mobilising resources, with guidance thereon provided by the specific provisions of Title X on resource mobilisation, subject to the provisions of Annex VI to this Agreement which prevail.
6. Consistent with the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness adopted in 2005, the Parties agree to use and support as appropriate nationally- and/or regionally-owned delivery mechanisms, funds or facilities for channelling and coordinating resources for the implementation of this Agreement.
The economic and development cooperation shall aim at:
(a) enhancing the competitiveness of the EAC Partner State(s)' economy(ies);
(b) building up supply capacity and enabling the smooth implementation of this Agreement;
(c) transforming the structure of EAC Partner State(s)' economies by establishing a strong, competitive and diversified economic base through enhancing production, distribution, transport and marketing;
(d) developing trade capacity as well as capacity to attract investment;
(e) strengthening trade, investment policies and regulations; and
(f) deepening regional integration.
Areas of Cooperation
Economic and development cooperation shall include the following areas, subject to the provisions of Annex VI to this Agreement which prevail:
(a) infrastructure;
(b) agriculture and livestock;
(c) private sector development;
(d) fisheries;
(e) water and environment;
(f) market access issues, including:
(i) SPS,
(ii) TBT, and
(iii) customs and trade facilitation in the EAC Partner State(s)
(g) EPA adjustment measures; and
(h) the mobilisation of resources.
Scope and Objectives
1. Cooperation in the development of physical infrastructure shall include in particular transport, energy, information and communications technology.
2. The objectives in this area are to:
(a) increase the competitiveness of the EAC Partner State(s);
(b) address supply-side constraints at institutional, national, and regional levels; and
(c) enhance the development of Public-Private Partnerships.
1. Cooperation in transport shall include road, rail, air and water transport.
2. The objectives in this area are to:
(a) improve national and regional connectivity, to deepen regional economic integration;
(b) develop, restructure, rehabilitate, upgrade and modernise the EAC Partner State(s)' durable and efficient transport systems;
(c) improve the movement of people and flow of goods; and
(d) provide better access to markets through improved road, air, maritime, inland water and rail transports.
3. Subject to the provisions of Article 75, the Parties agree to cooperate in the following areas:
(a) the management of transport systems;
(b) the improvement, development and modernisation of infrastructure at all levels, including the development of inter-modal infrastructure networks;
(c) strengthening the institutional, technical and administrative capacities of the EAC Partner State(s) in standards, quality assurance, metrology and conformity assessment services;
(d) technology development and transfer, innovation, information exchange and networks, and marketing;
(e) the encouragement of partnerships, linkages and joint ventures between economic operators;
(f) the improvement of safety and reliability of the transport sector, including meteorological forecasting, management of hazardous goods, and emergency responses;
(g) the development of regional transport policies and the regulatory frameworks.
1. Cooperation in the energy sector shall include public and private sector participation in energy generation, transmission, distribution and cross-border energy trade.
2. The objectives in this area are to:
(a) develop, increase and expand the region's energy generation capacity;
(b) increase the number of alternative sources of energy;
(c) develop, increase and expand networks;
(d) develop, increase and expand distribution and transmission;
(e) improve the access of the EAC Partner State(s) to modern, efficient, reliable, diversified, sustainable and renewable sources of clean energy at competitive prices;
(f) enhance the production, distribution and management capacity of energy at national and regional levels;
(g) promote power interconnectivity both within and outside the EAC Partner State(s) for maximum energy utilisation; and
(h) support the creation of a conducive environment for attracting investment in this sector.
3. Subject to the provisions of Article 75, the Parties agree to cooperate in the following areas:
(a) production, transmission and distribution capacity of existing energy sources, in particular hydropower, petroleum and biomass;
(b) diversification of the energy mix to include other potential sources of energy that are socially and environmentally acceptable and that reduce dependency on oil;
(c) development of energy infrastructure, including for rural areas;
(d) development of appropriate energy regulatory and policy reforms, including commercialisation and privatisation;
(e) regional and inter-regional interconnectivity and cooperation in the production and distribution of energy;
(f) capacity building in human resources, improvement in management, service standards, and institutional structures;
(g) technology development and transfer, Research and Development, innovation, information exchange, development of databases and networks;
(h) partnerships, linkages and joint ventures.
Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)
1. Cooperation in the ICT sector shall include: the development of Information and Communication Technologies, competitiveness, innovation, as well as the smooth transition towards the information society.
2. The objectives in this area are to:
(a) develop the ICT sector;
(b) enhance the contribution of ICT in facilitating trade through e-services, e-commerce, e‑government, e-health, secure transactions and other socio-economic sectors.
3. Subject to the provisions of Article 75, the Parties agree to cooperate in the following areas:
(a) ICT connectivity and cost-effectiveness at the national, regional and global levels;
(b) dissemination of new information and communication technologies;
(c) development of the legal and regulatory frameworks for ICT;
(d) technology development, transfer and applications, R&D, innovation, information exchange and networks and marketing;
(e) capacity building in human resources, improvement in service standards, and institutional structures;
(f) partnerships, linkages and joint ventures between economic operators;
(g) promotion and support for the development of niche markets for ICT-enabled services.
Scope and objectives
1. Cooperation in this Title shall apply to crops and livestock, including productive insects.
2. The Parties agree that the main objective of this Title is sustainable agricultural development, which includes but is not limited to food and livelihoods security, rural development and poverty reduction in the EAC Partner State(s).
3. The other objectives of this Title are stipulated in Article 58 of Part IV.
Areas of Cooperation
1. The Parties acknowledge the importance of the agricultural sector to the economies of the EAC Partner State(s) and agree to cooperate in promoting its transformation to increase its competitiveness, ensure food and nutrition security, rural development and facilitate the adjustment of agriculture and the rural economy to accommodate the effects of implementation of this Agreement, with special attention to small-scale farmers.
2. The Parties agree to cooperate in the following areas:
(a) Regional Integration
Improvement of access to regional and international markets for agricultural products including the development of market systems and market development strategies;
(b) Enabling Policies
(i) development of national and regional agricultural policies, legal and regulatory frameworks, building of the necessary capacity and support to institutional development;
(ii) building capacities in the EAC Partner State(s) to take full advantage of increased trading opportunities and to maximise the benefits of trade reforms.
(c) Sustainable Agricultural Development
(i) undertaking joint activities on a regional basis, including fertiliser production, seed production, livestock development and plant and animal disease control;
(ii) promotion and strengthening Processing, Marketing, Distribution and Transportation (PMDT) and the handling of agricultural products;
(iii) capacity building to comply with international standards relating to agricultural production, packaging and SPS measures.
(d) Agricultural Infrastructure
(i) development of agricultural support infrastructure, including sustainable irrigation systems, water harvesting, storage and management, marketing, and grading;
(ii) development of research and training infrastructure, storage facilities, feeder and community access roads;
(iii) development of agro-processing infrastructure;
(iv) establishment of agro-meteorology centre in the EAC Partner State(s);
(v) development of modern market infrastructure for the expansion of domestic and regional markets.
(e) Food and Nutrition Security
(i) capacity building of rural and urban communities for the promotion of improved livelihoods, eradication of poverty, and sustainable development;
(ii) diversification of agricultural production and development of products that address the food and nutrition security needs of the EAC Partner State(s);
(iii) design and implementation of programmes that lead to increased production and productivity in the agricultural sector, with special focus on small-scale farmers;
(iv) capacity development for national and regional food safety compliance; and
(v) designing and implementation of social adjustment programmes in regions adversely affected by natural disasters.
(f) Value chain Management
(i) promotion of the use of sustainable agricultural technologies and supply of necessary farm inputs;
(ii) enhancing production, productivity and competitiveness of the agricultural sector through promoting agro-based industries;
(iii) enhancing value addition throughout the supply chain of agricultural products to meet the requirements of national, regional and international markets; and
(iv) promoting the development of activities in the areas of processing, marketing, distribution and transport of agricultural products.
(g) Early Warning Systems
(i) capacity building in terms of assessing and disseminating information on the likely impacts of impending disasters well in advance in order to take contingent measures and early responsiveness;
(ii) development and management of national and regional information systems;
(iii) development, strengthening and linking of early warning systems and contingency plans and strategies for disaster response management at national and regional levels; and
(iv) supporting climate change adaptation and mitigation options in the EAC Partner State(s).
(h) Production and Marketing of Agricultural Commodities
(i) developing capacities to access niche markets and facilitating compliance with commodity standards to meet such markets requirements;
(ii) diversification of agricultural production and export products in the EAC Partner State(s)
(iii) development of modern market infrastructure for expansion of domestic and regional markets; and
(iv) developing product packaging and labelling programmes which enable the EAC Partner State(s)' producers to secure premium prices for commodity exports.
(i) Rural Development
(i) capacity building of farmers' groups along the entire agricultural value chain;
(ii) improving transport, communication and market facilities for marketing agricultural inputs and outputs;
(iii) addressing socio-cultural barriers such as language differences, literacy levels, gender biases and community health, that influence the nature of farming systems;
(iv) improving farmers' access to credit services and natural and cultural resource management; and
(v) developing relevant policy measures to support the availability of adequate agricultural inputs to small scale farmers on a timely basis.
(j) Net Food Importing Countries
Addressing constraints in food production, storage and distribution in the EAC Partner State(s).
(k) Livelihood Security
(i) capacity building for developing social services for populations in rural and peri‑urban areas;
(ii) improving total household income from agricultural production through diversification, adding value, off-farm employment and the adoption of new sustainable agricultural technologies, among others, in the EAC Partner State(s)
(iii) increasing productivity of the agricultural sector within the EAC Partner State(s); and
(iv) increasing the use of sustainable agricultural technologies.
(l) Technical Support Services
The EU commits to provide adequate resources and technical assistance for capacity building to the EAC Partner State(s) in a manner that is predictable and sustainable in the following areas:
(i) strengthening of innovation and transfer of technology, knowledge, R&D;
(ii) developing and increasing use of mechanisation of the EAC Partner State(s)' agricultural sector;
(iii) establishing agricultural input plants and distribution systems within the EAC Partner State(s);
(iv) promoting and strengthening investment in agricultural research, extension services, training and links between research-extensions and farmers;
(v) as appropriate, establishing and strengthening regional centres of excellence, including an agro-meteorology centre, biotechnology, analytical and diagnostic laboratories for crops, livestock and soils; and
(vi) improving access to services in plant and animal production, including livestock breeding services, veterinary services and plant protection services.
(m) Agricultural Financing Services
(i) strengthening rural financial services for small-scale producers, processors and traders;
(ii) developing regionally owned mechanisms or a fund for agricultural and rural development;
(iii) developing agricultural micro-financing institutions and insurance schemes;
(iv) facilitating access to credit from banks and other financial institutions for agro processors, traders and farmers; and
(v) supporting the EAC Partner State(s)' financial institutions serving the agriculture sector and facilitating access by the private sector to capital markets to raise both short- and long-term capital.
(n) Geographical indications
(i) developing policies and legal frameworks on geographical indications;
(ii) establishing regulations on geographical indications;
(iii) developing a code of practice to define products in relation to their origin;
(iv) facilitating local organisations and institutions to coordinate local stakeholders on geographical indications and product conformity;
(v) building capacity on identification, registration, marketing, traceability and conformity on geographical indications products; and
(vi) developing any other area of cooperation under this heading that may arise in the future.
Scope and objectives
1. Cooperation on private sector development shall include investment promotion and enterprise development.
2. The objectives of this Title are to:
(a) create a conducive environment for promotion of investment and private enterprises, including the development of new industries, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and technology transfer;
(b) enhance supply capacities, competitiveness and value addition;
(c) improve access to investment finance from EU financing institutions such as the European Investment Bank;
(d) build capacity and provide institutional support for private sector development institutions such as investment promotion agencies, apex bodies, chambers of commerce, associations, contact points and trade facilitation institutions;
(e) develop and/or strengthen a policy, legal and regulatory framework that promotes and protects investment;
(f) improve support and delivery mechanisms to the Private Sector from the joint ACP-EU institutions, including the Centre for the Development of Agriculture (CTA), among others, for promotion of investment in the EAC Partner State(s); and
(g) create and strengthen partnerships, joint ventures, subcontracting, outsourcing and linkages.
Investment Promotion
The Parties agree to promote investments within the EAC Partner State(s) in the following areas:
(a) supporting reforms in the policies, legal and regulatory frameworks;
(b) supporting enhancement of institutional capacities, in particular, capacity building for investment promotion agencies of the EAC Partner State(s) and institutions involved in promoting and facilitating foreign and local investment;
(c) supporting the establishment of appropriate administrative structures, including one-stop shops, for the entry and setting up of investments;
(d) supporting the creation and continuity of a predictable and secure investment climate;
(e) supporting efforts of the EAC Partner State(s) to design revenue generating instruments to mobilise investment resources;
(f) establishing and supporting risk insurance schemes as a risk-mitigating mechanism in order to boost investor confidence in the EAC Partner State(s)
(g) supporting the establishment of mechanisms for exchange of information between the EAC Partner State(s) investment agencies and their EU counterparts;
(h) encouraging EU private sector investments in the EAC Partner State(s);
(i) supporting the establishment of financial frameworks and instruments adapted to the investment needs of SMEs; and
(j) facilitating partnerships through joint ventures and capital financing.
Enterprise Development
The Parties agree to cooperate on enterprise development within the EAC Partner State(s) through supporting:
(a) the promotion of EAC Partner State(s)-EU private sector business dialogue, cooperation and partnerships;
(b) efforts for Micro-, Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises' (MSME) promotion and integration into mainstream business activities;
(c) the promotion of efficient production and the marketing of EAC Partner State(s)' firms;
(d) the implementation of the EAC Partner State(s)' Private Sector Development Strategies (PSDS);
(e) the promotion of a favourable environment for the development and growth of MSMEs;
(f) private sector organisations' capacities to comply with international standards;
(g) the protection of innovations from piracy; and
(h) the capacities of the EAC Partner State(s) for the exploration, exploitation and marketing of natural resources.
Scope of cooperation
Cooperation in fisheries shall cover marine and inland fisheries and aquaculture.
Areas of cooperation in marine fisheries
1. Cooperation in marine fisheries shall include:
(a) fisheries management and conservation issues;
(b) vessel management and post-harvest arrangements;
(c) financial and trade measures; and
(d) development of fisheries and fisheries products and marine aquaculture.
2. The EU shall contribute to the mobilisation of the resources for the implementation of the identified areas of cooperation at national and regional levels, which will also include support for regional capacity building.
3. Subject to the provisions of Part III of this Agreement and Article 75, the Parties agree to cooperate, in the following areas:
(a) development and improvement of infrastructure for storage, marketing and distribution of fish and fish products;
(b) capacity building at the national and regional levels to meet SPS/TBT/Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points technical requirements, development of monitoring control and surveillance systems of the EAC Partner State(s)' EEZ, and introduction and management of certification schemes for specific marine fisheries;
(c) investment and technology transfer in fishing operations, fish processing, port services, development and improvement of port facilities, diversification of the fishery to include non‑tuna species which are under-exploited or not exploited;
(d) joint ventures and linkages especially with MSME and artisanal fisheries within the fisheries supply chain;
(e) value addition on fish; and
(f) R&D on stock assessment and sustainability levels.
4. The Parties undertake to cooperate in promoting the setting‑up of joint ventures in fishing operations, fish processing, port services, enhance production capacity, improve competitiveness of fishing and related industries and services, downstream processing, development and improvement of port facilities, diversification of the fishery to include non-tuna species which are under-exploited or not exploited.
Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Development
Cooperation on inland fisheries and aquaculture development shall include EU contributions to the following areas:
(a) Capacity building and export market development through:
(i) building capacity in industrial and artisanal production, processing and product diversification that strengthen the competitiveness of the region's inland fisheries and aquaculture. This could, for example, be achieved by the creation of Research and Development (R&D) centres including the development of aquaculture for commercial fishing farms;
(ii) building capacity for managing export market chains, including the introduction and management of certification schemes for specific product lines; and implementation of market promotion, value addition and reduction in post‑harvest losses in fisheries products;
(iii) increasing capacity in the region through, for example, improving fisheries competent authorities, traders' and fishermen's associations in order to participate in fisheries trade with the EU Party, and training programs in product development and branding.
(b) Infrastructure through:
(i) the development and improvement of infrastructure for inland fisheries and aquaculture;
(ii) facilitating access to funding for infrastructure, including all types of equipment.
(c) Technology through:
(i) the development of technical capabilities, including value‑adding technology promotion, for example through fisheries technology transfer from the EU to the EAC Partner State(s);
(ii) the enhancement of fisheries management capacity in the region, for example through research and data collection systems and contribution towards appropriate technologies on harvesting and post-harvest management.
(d) Legal and regulatory framework through:
(i) the development of inland fisheries and aquaculture regulations and monitoring control and surveillance systems;
(ii) the development of appropriate legal and regulatory instruments on Intellectual Property Rights and building capacity for their implementation in international trade;
(iii) the protection of eco-labelling and intellectual property.
(e) Investment and finance through:
(i) the promotion of joint ventures and other forms of mixed investments between stakeholders in the Parties, for example for the setting-up of modalities for identifying investors for joint venture operations in inland fisheries and aquaculture;
(ii) providing access to credit facilities for the development of small- to medium-scale enterprises, as well as industrial-scale inland fisheries.
(f) Environmental and Stocks Conservation in Fisheries through measures to ensure that the fish trade supports environmental conservation, safeguards against stock depletion, the maintenance of biodiversity and cautious introduction of exotic species for aquaculture; for example, through the cautious introduction of exotic species to be introduced only in managed/closed spaces in consultation with all neighbouring countries concerned.
(g) Socioeconomic and poverty alleviation measures through:
(i) the promotion of small- and medium-scale fishers, processors, and fish traders by building the capacity of the EAC Partner State(s) to participate in trade with the EU;
(ii) the participation of marginal groups in the fishing industry. For example, the promotion of gender equity in fisheries, and particularly developing the capacity of women traders involved or intending to engage in fisheries. Other disadvantaged groups with the potential to engage in fisheries for sustainable social economic development will also be involved in such processes.
Scope and objectives
1. Cooperation in this Title shall include natural resources, in particular water, the environment and biodiversity.
2. The objectives of cooperation in this Title are to:
(a) enhance the linkages between trade and environment;
(b) support the implementation of international environmental agreements, conventions and treaties;
(c) ensure the balance between environmental management and poverty reduction;
(d) protect the environment, and enhance biodiversity conservation and genetic preservation;
(e) promote the equitable and sustainable utilisation of natural resources;
(f) facilitate and encourage the sustainable utilisation of shared resources;
(g) promote public and private sector involvement in natural resource management.
Water Resources
1. Cooperation in the area of water resources shall include irrigation, hydropower generation, water production and supply, and the protection of water catchment areas.
2. The objectives of cooperation in this area are to:
(a) develop the sustainable use and management of water resources in the EAC Partner State(s), so as to improve the livelihood of the population of the EAC Partner State(s);
(b) promote regional cooperation for the sustainable utilisation of transboundary water resources;
(c) develop water supply infrastructure for productive purposes.
3. Subject to the provisions of Article 75, the Parties agree to cooperate in the following areas:
(a) the development of water supply infrastructure in the region;
(b) the development of the relevant legal and regulatory frameworks;
(c) integrated water resource management;
(d) capacity building in human resources, improvement in service standards, water management, and institutional structures;
(e) creation of partnerships, linkages, and joint ventures between economic operators;
(f) the promotion of technology development, transfer and applications, R&D, innovation, information exchange and networks;
(g) the development of water pollution control, purification and conservation, wastewater treatment and sanitation;
(h) the promotion of sustainable irrigation schemes.
1. Cooperation in the area of environment shall include the protection and sustainable management of the environment, as well as the implementation of trade-related environmental policies.
2. The objectives of cooperation in this area are to:
(a) protect, restore and conserve the environment and biodiversity (flora, fauna and microbial genetic resources, including their ecosystems);
(b) develop industries in the EAC Partner State(s) that use environmentally friendly technologies;
(c) promote technology development, transfer and application, research and development, innovation and information exchange.
3. Subject to the provisions of Article 75, the Parties agree to cooperate in the following areas:
(a) the implementation of international environmental agreements, conventions and treaties;
(b) strengthening and promoting equitable and sustainable utilisation, conservation and management of environment and biodiversity, including forestry and wildlife resources;
(c) the reinforcement of institutional and legal frameworks and the capacity to develop, implement, administer and enforce environmental laws, regulations, standards and policies;
(d) the creation of partnerships, linkages and joint ventures between economic operators;
(e) the prevention of, and mitigation against, natural environmental disasters and the loss of biodiversity;
(f) the promotion of technology development and adaptation, transfer and applications, R&D, and innovation;
(g) the protection and management of coastal and marine resources, domestic and wild indigenous biological and genetic resources;
(h) the development of alternative environmentally friendly activities and livelihoods;
(i) the production and facilitation of trade in goods and services for which eco-labelling is important;
(j) information exchange and networking on products and their requirements, in terms of production process, transport, marketing and labelling;
(k) the development of infrastructure facilities on environmental friendly products;
(l) the integration of local communities into the management of biodiversity, forestry, and wildlife resources;
(m) the development of waste management, and the safe disposal of industrial and toxic wastes;
(n) the promotion of stakeholder participation in international environmental dialogue.
Scope and objectives
1. Cooperation in this Title shall include supporting and building capacity in harmonisation, zoning and compartmentalisation, conformity assessment, information exchange and transparency of trade conditions.
2. The objectives of cooperation in this Title are to:
(a) facilitate Parties' inter-regional and intra-regional trade, whilst safeguarding human, animal and plant life or health in accordance with the WTO SPS Agreement;
(b) address problems arising from SPS measures on agreed priority sectors and products, giving due consideration to regional integration;
(c) stipulate procedures and modalities for facilitating cooperation in SPS matters;
(d) ensure transparency as regards SPS measures applicable to trade between and within the Parties;
(e) promote intra-regional harmonisation of measures with international standards, in accordance with the WTO SPS Agreement, and the development of appropriate policies, legislative, regulatory and institutional frameworks in the EAC Partner State(s)
(f) enhance the effective participation of the EAC Partner State(s) in the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC);
(g) promote consultation and exchanges between EAC and EU institutions and laboratories;
(h) facilitate the development of capacity for setting and implementing regional and national standards in accordance with international requirements in order to facilitate regional integration;
(i) establish and enhance the EAC Partner State(s)' capacity to implement and monitor SPS measures pursuant to this Article; and
(j) promote technology transfer.
3. Subject to the provisions of Article 75, the Parties agree to cooperate in the following areas:
(a) support the EAC Partner State(s) to comply with SPS measures, including the development of appropriate regulatory frameworks, policies, matters concerning the work of the relevant international standards-setting bodies, training, information events, capacity building, and technical assistance;
(b) as appropriate, support the harmonisation of SPS measures within the EAC Partner State(s) and the setting-up of national SPS coordinating committees, and to promote the capacity of the public and private sector for sanitary control. Priority areas include development and implementation of a quality programme, training, information events, the building, upgrading, modernisation and accreditation of laboratories.
(c) support on matters concerning the work of the relevant international standards-setting bodies. This cooperation may include training, information events, capacity building and technical assistance;
(d) support in the area of fisheries with the aim of developing harmonised regional rules, legislation and standards of fish products to promote trade between the Parties and within the EAC region;
(e) support with the aim of promoting cooperation between the EAC Partner State(s) SPS institutions and equivalent EU SPS institutions.
(f) support the implementation of the SPS Agreement, particularly, in strengthening the EAC Partner State(s) competent authorities, notification and enquiry points;
(g) support information sharing and exchange.
1. The Parties shall aim to achieve harmonisation of their respective rules and procedures for formulation of their SPS measures, including inspection, testing and certification procedures, in accordance with the WTO SPS Agreement.
2. As appropriate, the EAC Partner State(s) will develop, with the support of the EU, a program and timeframe for harmonising their SPS standards
3. The Committee of Senior Officials shall develop modalities to assist and to monitor the process of harmonisation within the regions, as appropriate.
Zoning and Compartmentalisation
The Parties shall recognise on a case by case basis designated areas which are free from pests or diseases and areas of low pest or disease prevalence as potential sources of plant and animal products, taking into account the provisions of Article 6 of the WTO SPS Agreement.
Special and Differential Treatment and Technical Assistance
1. The EU agrees to provide technical assistance and special and differential treatment in accordance with Articles 9 and 10 of the WTO SPS Agreement.
2. The Parties shall cooperate to address the special needs of the EAC Partner State(s) arising from the implementation of provisions of this Title.
3. The Parties agree that the following areas are priorities for technical assistance:
(a) the building of technical capacity in the public and private sectors of the EAC Partner State(s) to enable sanitary and phytosanitary controls, including training and information events for inspection, certification, supervision and control;
(b) the enhancement of technical capacity for the implementation and monitoring of SPS measures, including promoting greater use of international standards;
(c) the development of capacities for risk analysis, harmonisation, compliance, testing, certification, residue monitoring, traceability and accreditation including through the upgrading or setting-up of laboratories and other equipment to help the EAC Partner State(s) comply with international standards;
(d) the support for the participation of the EAC Partner State(s) in the work of relevant international standards-setting bodies;
(e) the development of the EAC Partner State(s)' capacity for effective participation in the notification processes.
Scope and objectives
1. Cooperation in this Title shall include the preparation, adoption and application of technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures, as defined in the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT Agreement).
2. The objectives of cooperation in this Title are to:
(a) progressively eliminate technical barriers to trade, in order to facilitate trade between the Parties and within the EAC Partner State(s);
(b) enhance regional integration among EAC Partner State(s) by harmonising standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures applied in the EAC Partner State(s), in accordance with the TBT Agreement;
(c) promote greater use of international technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures, including sector-specific measures;
(d) develop functional links, joint ventures and joint research and development work between the EAC Partner State(s) and EU standardisation, conformity assessment and regulatory institutions;
(e) enhance market access for products originating in the EAC Partner State(s), through improvements in their safety, quality and competitiveness;
(f) promote the greater use of international best practices for technical regulations, international standards and conformity assessment procedures;
(g) ensure that the preparation, adoption and application of standards and technical regulations are transparent and do not create unnecessary obstacles to trade between the Parties, in accordance with the provisions of the TBT Agreement;
(h) support the development of appropriate regulatory frameworks, policies and reforms within the EAC Partner State(s), to meet internationally accepted practices;
(i) assist the EAC Partner State(s) to implement the TBT Agreement and to comply with the TBT requirements of their trading partners in the context of the TBT Agreement.
3. Subject to the provisions of Article 75, the Parties agree to cooperate in the following areas:
(a) support the promotion of greater use of international standards, technical regulations and conformity assessments, including sector-specific measures in the Parties' territories;
(b) support the EAC Partner State(s)' capacity building in the fields of standardisation, metrology, accreditation and conformity assessment procedures, including support in the upgrading and setting up of laboratories and relevant institutions, as well as the procurement of relevant equipment;
(c) support quality management and assurance in selected sectors of importance to the EAC Partner State(s);
(d) support the EAC Partner State(s)' standards and other technical regulatory bodies' full participation in international standard-setting bodies, and reinforcing the role of international standards as a basis for technical regulations;
(e) support the efforts by EAC Partner State(s)' conformity assessment bodies to obtain international accreditation;
(f) development of functional links between the Parties' standardisation, conformity assessment and certification institutions;
(g) support the development of common understanding on good regulatory practices, including:
(i) transparency in the preparation, adoption and application of technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures;
(ii) the necessity and proportionality of regulatory measures and related conformity assessment procedures, which may include the use of suppliers' declarations of conformity;
(iii) the use of international standards as a basis for setting up technical regulations, except where such international standards would be an ineffective or inappropriate means for the fulfilment of the legitimate objectives pursued;
(iv) the enforcement of technical regulations and market surveillance activities; and
(v) the establishment of mechanisms and methods for reviewing technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures.
(h) identification, prioritisation and support in the development of, the necessary technical infrastructure and transfer of technology in terms of metrology, standardisation, testing, certification and accreditation, to support technical regulations;
(i) enhancement of regulatory, technical and scientific cooperation by, inter alia, exchange of information, experiences and data, with a view to improving the quality and level of the relevant technical regulations and making efficient use of regulatory resources;
(j) development of compatibility and convergence of the respective technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures;
(k) promotion and encouragement of bilateral cooperation between the Parties' respective organisations responsible for metrology, standardisation, testing, certification and accreditation;
(l) promotion of cooperation between the Parties and in the EAC in relation to the work of relevant international institutions and organisations, and fora dealing with TBT issues.
Scope and objectives
1. The Parties acknowledge and recognise the importance of cooperation in customs and trade facilitation matters in the evolving global trading environment.
2. The Parties agree to reinforce cooperation with a view to ensuring that the relevant legislation and procedures, as well as the administrative capacity of the relevant administrations, fulfil the objective of promoting trade facilitation.
3. The Parties acknowledge the need for proper administrative capacity to meet these objectives. They agree that the EAC Partner State(s) will need transitional periods and capacity building to smoothly implement the provisions of this Title.
4. The objectives of cooperation in this Title are to:
(a) facilitate trade between the Parties;
(b) promote the harmonisation of customs legislation and procedures at regional level;
(c) provide support to the EAC Partner State(s) to strengthen trade facilitation;
(d) provide support to the EAC Partner State(s)' customs administrations to implement this Agreement and other international customs best practices;
(e) enhance cooperation between the Parties' customs authorities and other related border agencies.
5. Subject to the provisions of Article 75, the Parties agree to cooperate in the following areas:
(a) exchange of information on customs legislation and procedures;
(b) development of joint initiatives in mutually agreed areas;
(c) support of the:
(i) modernisation of customs systems and procedures and reduction of customs clearance time;
(ii) simplification and harmonisation of customs procedures and trade formalities, including those related to import, export, and transit;
(iii) enhancement of regional transit systems;
(iv) enhancement of transparency in accordance with Article 134;
(v) capacity building, including financial and technical assistance to the EAC Partner State(s) in this area; and
(vi) any other area of customs as agreed on by the Parties to this Agreement;
(d) establishment, as far as possible, of common positions in international organisations in the field of customs and trade facilitation, such as the WTO, WCO, UN and UNCTAD;
(e) promotion of coordination between all related agencies, both internally and across borders.
6. The Parties shall cooperate in customs matters and on rules of origin as follows:
(a) introduction of procedures and practices which reflect international instruments and standards applicable in the field of customs and trade facilitation, including WTO rules and WCO instruments and standards;
(b) implementation of activities aimed at consolidating the harmonisation of customs standards and trade facilitation measures;
(c) the application of modern customs techniques, including risk assessment, binding rulings, simplified procedures, post release controls and audit methods;
(d) the automation of customs and other trade procedures, including electronic exchange of customs and trade information;
(e) the training of customs officials and other relevant public and private sector officials on customs and trade facilitation; and
(f) any other areas that may be identified by the Parties.
Scope and objectives
1. The Parties recognise that the elimination and /or substantial reduction of tariffs as set out in this Agreement will be a challenge for the EAC Partner State(s). The Parties agree that this specific challenge shall be addressed through the creation of a compensatory framework, subject to the provisions of Annex VI to this Agreement which prevail.
2. The Parties also recognise that the implementation of this Agreement may result in potential challenges, inter alia social, economic and environmental, to the economies of the EAC Partner State(s). The Parties agree that these challenges shall be addressed through economic and development cooperation actions.
3. Cooperation in this Title aims at addressing actual and potential adjustment challenges resulting from the implementation of this Agreement.
Areas of Cooperation
1. With regard to revenue losses linked to the reduction of tariffs, the EU shall, subject to the provisions of Annex VI to this Agreement which prevail:
(a) engage in an enhanced dialogue on fiscal adaptation measures and reforms;
(b) establish cooperation modalities to support fiscal reform;
(c) provide financial resources to cover transitionally the agreed losses of government revenue arising from the elimination of, and/or a substantial reduction in, customs tariffs.
2. To ensure that the economies of the EAC Partner State(s) take full advantage of this Agreement, the EU agrees to work with the EAC Partner State(s) to undertake appropriate cooperation activities aiming at:
(a) improving the competitiveness of productive sectors within the EAC Partner State(s);
(b) improving productive and professional capacities of the workforce of the EAC Partner State(s), including training of workers displaced by the closure of firms and/or equipping them with new skills for new activities etc.;
(c) supporting measures towards sustainable environment;
(d) building capacity to enhance macro-economic discipline;
(e) mitigating the possible impacts affecting food and nutrition security, rural development, livelihood security and export earnings in the EAC Partner State(s);
(f) addressing other possible cooperation areas related to the implementation challenges of this Agreement.
Principles and objectives
1. Recognising the EU's commitment to support the implementation of this Agreement and the EAC Partner State(s)' own efforts to finance their development needs, the Parties agree to work both jointly and independently to mobilise financial resources to support the implementation of this Agreement, regional integration and the EAC Partner State(s)' development strategies.
2. The objective of joint resource mobilisation is to complement, support and promote in the spirit of interdependence, the efforts of the EAC Partner State(s) in pursuing alternative sources of funding to support regional integration and the development strategies, in particular the EPA Development Matrix, contained in this Agreement, subject to the provisions of Annex VI to this Agreement which prevail.
1. Subject to the provisions of Annex VI to this Agreement which prevail, the EAC Partner State(s) shall:
(a) commit resources from their financing mechanisms on a timely and predictable basis to support regional integration and the EPA related development strategies and projects as contained in the EPA Development Matrix;
(b) develop their development strategies with due regard for the right of the EAC Partner State(s) to determine the direction and the sequence of their development strategies and priorities;
(c) establish an EPA fund to channel EPA-related resources;
(d) incorporate the priorities of the EPA Development Matrix in regional and national strategies.
2. Subject to Annex VI to this Agreement which prevail, the EAC Partner State(s) shall formulate rules and regulations for the management of the Fund, to ensure transparency, accountability and value for money in the utilisation of those resources. Without prejudice to other partners' contributions to the EAC EPA Fund, the channelling of the EU resources will be made provisional on a successful assessment of the Fund's operating procedures by the EU.
3. Subject to Annex VI to this Agreement which prevail, The EU shall commit resources on a timely and predictable basis taking particularly into account the supply-side constraints of the EAC Partner State(s) linked to the implementation of this Agreement, including financing gaps identified in the EPA Development Matrix, through:
(a) the EU Budget;
(b) any other instrument that will be used to implement the EU's Official Development Assistance (ODA).
4. The Parties shall jointly commit to work towards mobilising the following resources:
(a) funds of other donors (multilateral and bilateral donors);
(b) grants, concessional loans, public-private partnerships, and specialised facilities;
(c) any other ODA resources available from development partners.
Scope and objective
1. The provisions of this Part apply to the EPA Council, the Committee of Senior Officials, the Consultative Committee, and to any other institutions and committees as may be established under this Agreement.
2. The objective of this Part is to establish institutions which will facilitate the achievement of the objectives of this Agreement.
EPA Council
1. An EPA Council is hereby established upon entry into force of this Agreement.
2. The EPA Council shall be composed of the representatives of the Parties at ministerial level.
3. The EPA Council shall establish its own rules of procedure within six (6) months of the entry into force of this Agreement.
4. The EPA Council shall be co-chaired by a representative of each Party, in accordance with the provisions laid down in its rules of procedure.
5. The EPA Council shall meet at regular intervals, not exceeding a period of two (2) years, and extraordinarily, whenever circumstances so require, with the agreement of the Parties.
6. The EPA Council shall be responsible for:
(a) the operation and implementation of this Agreement and the monitoring of the fulfilment of its objectives;
(b) the examination of any major issue arising within the framework of this Agreement, as well as any other question of common interest affecting trade between the Parties, without prejudice to the rights conferred in Part VII; and
(c) the examination of proposals and recommendations from the Parties for the review and amendment of this Agreement.
Powers of the EPA Council
1. The EPA Council shall have powers to take decisions and may adopt recommendations from the Committee of Senior Officials in writing by mutual agreement.
2. The decisions taken shall be binding on the Parties, who shall take all the measures necessary to implement them in accordance with their respective internal rules.
3. The EPA Council shall establish and adopt within six (6) months after the entry into force of this Agreement the Rules of Procedure required for the establishment of an Arbitration Panel, as provided for in Articles 112 and 113.
4. For matters in which an EAC Partner State acts individually, the adoption of such decisions by the EPA Council shall require the agreement of the EAC Partner State concerned.
Committee of Senior Officials
1. A Committee of Senior Officials is hereby established upon entry into force of this Agreement.
2. It shall be composed of Permanent Secretaries or Principal Secretaries, as the case may be, from the EAC Partner State(s), and representatives from the EU at Senior Officials level.
3. Subject to any directions which may be given by the EPA Council, the Committee of Senior Officials shall meet at least once in each year, and may hold extraordinary meetings whenever circumstances so require, at any time agreed by the Parties. The Committee of Senior Officials shall also meet preceding the meetings of the EPA Council.
4. The Committee shall be co-chaired by a representative of each of the Parties.
5. The Committee of Senior Officials shall be responsible for:
(a) assisting the EPA Council in the performance of its duties;
(b) receiving and considering reports of the specialised committees, working sessions, task forces or any bodies established by the Committee under Article 107(1) and coordinating their activities, as well as making recommendations for consideration by the EPA Council;
(c) submitting reports and recommendations on the implementation of this Agreement to the EPA Council, either on its own initiative or upon the request of the EPA Council, or upon request of a Party;
(d) In the area of trade:
(i) supervising, and being responsible for, the implementation and proper application of the provisions of this Agreement, and discussing and recommending areas of cooperation in this regard;
(ii) undertaking action to avoid disputes, and resolving disputes, that may arise regarding the interpretation or application of the Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of Title I of Part VII;
(iii) assisting the EPA Council in the performance of its functions, including the submission of recommendations for decisions to be taken by the EPA Council;
(iv) monitoring the development of regional integration and of economic and trade relations between the Parties;
(v) monitoring and assessing the impact of the implementation of this Agreement on the sustainable development of the Parties;
(vi) discussing and undertaking actions that may facilitate trade, investment and business opportunities between the Parties; and
(vii) discussing any matters pertaining to this Agreement and any issue liable to affect the attainment of its objectives.
(e) In the area of development:
(i) assisting the EPA Council in the performance of its functions regarding development cooperation related matters falling under this Agreement;
(ii) monitoring the implementation of the cooperation provisions laid down in this Agreement and coordinating such action with third party donors;
(iii) making recommendations on trade-related cooperation between the Parties;
(iv) keeping under periodic review the areas of cooperation set out in this Agreement, and making recommendations on the inclusion of new priorities, as appropriate; and
(v) reviewing and discussing cooperation issues pertaining to regional integration and the implementation of this Agreement.
Powers of the Committee of Senior Officials
1. In the performance of its functions, the Committee of Senior Officials shall:
(a) establish as appropriate, give directives to and oversee any specialised committees, working sessions, task forces or bodies to deal with matters falling within its competence, and determine their composition, duties and their rules of procedure unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement;
(b) take decisions or adopt recommendations in the cases provided for in this Agreement or where such implementing power has been delegated to it by the EPA Council. In cases where such implementing power has been delegated to the Committee, it shall take decisions or make recommendations in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 105; and
(c) consider any issues under this Agreement and take appropriate action in the exercise of its functions.
2. The Committee shall hold specific working sessions to perform the functions provided for in paragraph 1(a).
3. The Committee shall determine its own rules of procedure within three (3) months of the entry into force of this Agreement.
EPA Consultative Committee
1. An EPA Consultative Committee is hereby established with the task of assisting the Committee of Senior Officials to promote dialogue and cooperation between representatives of the private sector, organisations of civil society, including the academic community, and social and economic partners. Such dialogue and cooperation shall include all matters covered under this Agreement as they arise in the context of the implementation this Agreement.
2. Participation in the EPA Consultative Committee shall be decided by the EPA Council, upon recommendations from the Committee of Senior Officials, with a view to ensuring a broad representation of all interested parties.
3. The EPA Consultative Committee shall carry out its activities on the basis of consultation by the Committee of Senior Officials or on its own initiative and make recommendations to the Committee of Senior Officials. Representatives of the Parties shall attend the meetings of the EPA Consultative Committee.
4. The EPA Consultative Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure within three (3) months after its establishment, in agreement with the Committee of Senior Officials.
Scope and Objective
1. This Part applies to any dispute concerning the interpretation and application of the provisions of this Agreement, unless otherwise provided.
2. The objective of this Part is to avoid and settle in good faith any dispute between the Parties concerning the interpretation and application of this Agreement and, where possible, to arrive at a mutually agreed solution.
1. The Parties shall enter into consultations and endeavour to resolve in good faith any dispute concerning the interpretation and application of this Agreement with the aim of reaching a mutually agreed solution.
2. A Party shall seek consultations by means of a written request to the other Party, copied to the Committee of Senior Officials, identifying the measure at issue and the provisions of the Agreement that it considers the measure not to be in conformity with.
3. Consultations shall take place, unless the Parties agree otherwise, in the territory of the Party complained against and shall be held within twenty (20) days of the date of the receipt of the request. The consultations shall be deemed concluded within sixty (60) days of the date of the receipt of the request of the Party complained against, unless the Parties agree to continue consultations. All information disclosed during the consultations shall remain confidential.
4. Consultations on matters of urgency, including those regarding perishable or seasonal goods shall be held as soon as is practically possible and in any event within fifteen (15) days of the date of the receipt of the request, and shall be deemed concluded within thirty (30) days of the date of the receipt of the request, unless the Parties agree to continue consultations.
5. If the Party to which the request is made does not respond to the request for consultations within ten (10) days of the date of its receipt thereof, or if consultations are not held within the respective timeframes laid down in paragraphs 3 and 4, or if consultations have been concluded and no agreement has been reached on a mutually agreed solution, either Party may request settlement of the dispute by arbitration in accordance with Article 112.
6. The Parties may agree to amend the time limits referred to in paragraphs 3 to 5, in light of the difficulties or complexities of the case experienced by either Party.
1. If consultations fail to produce a mutually agreed solution, the Parties may, by agreement, seek recourse to a mediator. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, the terms of reference for the mediation shall be the matter referred to in the request for consultations.
2. Either Party may proceed to arbitration under Article 112 without recourse to mediation.
3. Unless the Parties agree on a mediator within fifteen (15) days of the date of the agreement to request mediation, the Chairperson of the Committee of Senior Officials, or his or her delegate, shall select by lot a mediator from the pool of individuals who are on the list referred to in Article 125 and are not nationals of either Party. The selection shall be made within twenty five (25) days of the date of the submission of agreement to request mediation and in the presence of a representative of each Party. The mediator shall convene a meeting with the Parties no later than thirty (30) days after being selected. The mediator shall receive the submissions of each Party no later than fifteen (15) days before the meeting and notify an opinion no later than forty five (45) days after having been selected.
4. The mediator's opinion may include a recommendation on how to resolve the dispute consistent with the provisions of this Agreement. The mediator's opinion is non-binding.
5. The Parties may agree to amend the time limits referred to in paragraph 3. The mediator may also decide to amend those time limits upon request of any of the Parties or on his or her own initiative, in light of the difficulties experienced by the Party concerned or the complexities of the case.
6. The proceedings involving mediation, in particular all information disclosed and positions taken by the Parties during these proceedings shall remain confidential.
Initiation of the Arbitration Procedure
1. Where the Parties have failed to resolve the dispute by recourse to consultations as provided for in Article 110, the complaining Party may give notice to initiate the procedure for the establishment of an arbitration panel, which shall be established in accordance with Article 113.
2. The notice for establishment of an arbitration panel shall be made in writing to the Party complained against and to the Committee of Senior Officials. The complaining Party shall identify in its notice the specific measures at issue, and it shall clearly explain how such measures constitute a breach of the provisions of this Agreement.
Establishment of the Arbitration Panel
1. An arbitration panel shall be composed of three arbitrators.
2. Within ten (10) days of the date of the submission of the notice for the establishment of an arbitration panel to the Committee of Senior Officials, the Parties shall consult in order to reach an agreement on the composition of the arbitration panel.
3. In the event that the Parties are unable to agree on the composition of the arbitration panel within the timeframe laid down in paragraph 2, each Party will select an arbitrator, from the list of arbitrators established under Article 125, within five (5) days. If any of the Parties fails to appoint its arbitrator, upon request of the other Party, that Party's arbitrator shall be selected by lot by the Chairperson of the Committee of Senior Officials, or the Chairperson's delegate from the sub-list of that Party established under Article 125.
4. Unless the Parties reach an agreement concerning the Chairperson of the arbitration panel within the timeframe established in paragraph 2, the two arbitrators shall in turn appoint a third arbitrator as the Chairperson of the panel, from the list established under Article 125, within five (5) days of their appointment and shall notify the Committee of Senior Officials of the appointment. In the event of failure to appoint the Chairperson of the panel, either Party may ask the Chairperson of the Committee of Senior Officials or the Chairperson's delegate to select by lot the Chairperson of the arbitration panel from the sub-list of Chairpersons, contained in the list established under Article 125, within five (5) days.
5. The date of establishment of the arbitration panel shall be the date on which the three arbitrators are selected and have accepted their appointment according to the rules of procedure.
Interim panel report
1. The arbitration panel shall notify the Parties of an interim report containing both the descriptive section and its findings and conclusions, as a general rule not later than ninety (90) days from its date of establishment. Where it considers that this deadline cannot be met, the Chairperson of the arbitration panel must notify the Parties and the Committee of Senior Officials in writing, stating the reasons for the delay and the date on which the panel plans to issue its interim report. Under no circumstances should the interim report be issued later than one hundred and twenty (120) days after the date of the establishment of the arbitration panel. Any Party may submit written comments to the arbitration panel on precise aspects of its interim report within fifteen (15) days of the notification of the report.
2. In cases of urgency, including those involving perishable or seasonal goods, the arbitration panel shall make every effort to issue its interim report within thirty (30) days, and in any case no later than forty five (45) days, after its establishment. A Party may submit a written request for the arbitration panel to review precise aspects of the interim report, within seven (7) days of the notification of the interim report.
3. After considering any written comments by the Parties on the interim report, the arbitration panel may modify its report and make any further examination it considers appropriate. The final arbitration panel ruling shall include a discussion of the arguments made at the interim review stage and shall answer clearly to the questions and observations of the Parties.
Arbitration panel ruling
1. The arbitration panel shall:
(a) Notify its ruling to the Parties and to the Committee of Senior Officials within one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of its establishment;
(b) Notwithstanding point (a), where that deadline cannot be met, the Chairperson of the arbitration panel shall notify the Parties and the Committee of Senior Officials in writing, stating the reasons for the delay and the date on which the panel plans to issue its ruling. Under no circumstance shall the ruling be notified later than one hundred and fifty (150) days from the date of the date of its establishment;
2. In cases of urgency, including those involving perishable and seasonal goods, the arbitration panel:
(a) shall notify its ruling within sixty (60) days from the date of its establishment;
(b) may give a preliminary ruling, as soon as is practically possible, and in any event within seven (7) days of its establishment, on whether it deems the case to be urgent.
3. The arbitration panel ruling shall include recommendations as to how the Party complained against could bring itself into compliance;
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 6 to 10 on the Reasonable Period of Time (RPT), the Party complained against shall take any measure necessary to comply immediately and in good faith with the arbitration panel ruling;
5. If immediate compliance is not possible, the Parties shall endeavour to agree on the period of time to comply with the ruling. In such a case, the Party complained against shall, no later than twenty one (21) days after the notification of the arbitration panel ruling to the Parties, notify the complaining Party and the Committee of Senior Officials of the time it will require for compliance
6. If there is disagreement between the Parties on the RPT to comply with the arbitration panel ruling, the complaining Party shall, within fourteen (14) days of the notification made under paragraph 1, request in writing the arbitration panel to determine the length thereof. Such request shall be notified simultaneously to the other Party and to the Committee of Senior Officials. The arbitration panel shall notify its ruling to the Parties and to the Committee of Senior Officials within twenty one (21) days from the date of the submission of the request.
7. In the event of the original arbitration panel, or some of its members, being unable to reconvene, the procedures set out in Article 113 shall apply. The time limit for notifying the ruling shall be thirty five (35) days from the date of the submission of the request referred to in paragraph 6.
8. In determining the length of the RPT, the arbitration panel shall take into consideration the length of time that it will normally take the Party complained against to adopt comparable legislative or administrative measures to those identified by such Party as being necessary to ensure compliance, and in particular, the panel shall take into account the difficulties the EAC Partner State(s) may encounter due to lack of requisite capacity.
9. The RPT may be extended by agreement of the Parties.
Review of any measure taken to comply with the arbitration panel ruling
1. The Party complained against shall notify the complaining Party and the Committee of Senior Officials before the end of the reasonable period of time of any measure that it has taken to comply with the arbitration panel ruling.
2. Where, at the end of the RPT, the Party complained against has not complied with paragraph 1, the complaining Party may take, upon notification to the other Party and the Committee of Senior Officials, appropriate measures in accordance with Article 118(2).
3. Where there is a disagreement between the Parties as to whether the Party complained against has brought itself into compliance with the provisions of this Agreement, either Party may request in writing the arbitration panel to rule on the matter. Such request shall identify the specific measure at issue and it shall explain clearly how such measure is incompatible or compatible with the provisions of the Agreement and the arbitration panel ruling.
4. The arbitration panel shall endeavour to notify its ruling within forty five (45) days of the date of the submission of the request referred to in paragraph 3. In cases of urgency, including those involving perishable and seasonal goods, the arbitration panel shall notify its ruling within thirty (30) days of the date of the submission of the request.
5. In the event that the original arbitration panel is, or some of its members are, unable to reconvene within fifteen (15) days, the procedures set out in Article 113 shall apply. In such cases, the time limit for notifying the ruling shall be eighty (80) days from the date of the submission of the request referred to in paragraph 3.
Temporary remedies in case of non-compliance
1. If the Party complained against fails to notify any measure taken to comply with the arbitration panel ruling before the expiry of the RPT, or if the arbitration panel rules that the measure notified under Article 116(1) is not compatible with the obligations of the Party complained against under the provisions of this Agreement, the complaining Party shall be entitled, upon notification to the other Party, to adopt appropriate measures.
2. In adopting such measures, the complaining Party shall endeavour to select measures that least affect the attainment of the objectives of this Agreement, and shall take into consideration their impact on the economy of the Party complained against. In addition, where the EU has obtained the right to adopt such measures, it shall select measures which are specifically aimed at bringing into compliance the EAC Partner State whose measures were found to be in breach of this Agreement.
3. At any time after the expiry of the RPT, the complaining Party may request the Party complained against to provide an offer for temporary compensation, and the Party complained against shall present such an offer.
4. Compensation or retaliatory measures shall be temporary and shall be applied only until any measure found to violate the provisions of this Agreement has been withdrawn or amended so as to bring it into conformity with those provisions, or until the Parties have agreed to settle the dispute.
Review of any measure taken to comply after the adoption of appropriate measures
1. The Party complained against shall notify the other Party and the Committee of Senior Officials of any measure it has taken to comply with the ruling of the arbitration panel and of its request for an end to the application of appropriate measures by the complaining Party.
2. Where the Parties do not reach an agreement on the compatibility of the notified measure with the provisions of this Agreement within thirty (30) days of the date of the submission of the notification, the complaining Party shall request in writing the arbitration panel to rule on the matter. Such request shall be notified to the other Party and to the Committee of Senior Officials. The arbitration panel ruling shall be notified to the Parties and to the Committee of Senior Officials within forty five (45) days of the date of the submission of the request.
3. If the arbitration panel rules that any measure taken to comply is not in conformity with the provisions of this Agreement, it shall determine whether the complaining Party can continue to apply appropriate measures. If the arbitration panel rules that any measure taken to comply is in conformity with the provisions of this Agreement, the appropriate measures shall be terminated immediately following the date of the ruling.
4. In the event that the original arbitration panel is, or some of its members are, unable to reconvene, the procedures laid down in Article 113 shall apply. The period for notifying the ruling shall be sixty (60) days from the date of the submission of the request referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article.
Mutually agreed solution
The Parties may reach an agreed solution to a dispute under this Part at any time and shall notify the Committee of Senior Officials thereof. If the solution requires approval pursuant to the relevant domestic procedures of either Party, the notification shall refer to that requirement, and the procedures shall be suspended. If such approval is not required, or upon notification of the completion of any such domestic procedure, the procedure shall be terminated.
Rules of procedure
Dispute settlement procedures shall be governed by Rules of Procedure to be adopted by the EPA Council within six (6) months after the entry into force of this Agreement.
Information and technical advice
At the request of either Party, or upon its own initiative, the arbitration panel may obtain information for the arbitration panel proceeding from any source it deems appropriate, including the Parties involved in the dispute. The arbitration panel shall also have the right to seek the relevant opinion of experts as it deems appropriate. Interested natural or legal persons of the Parties and other third parties are authorised to submit amicus curiae briefs to the arbitration panel in accordance with the Rules of Procedure. Any information obtained in this manner must be disclosed to the Parties, who may submit comments.
Language of the submissions
1. The written and oral submissions of the Parties shall be made in any official languages of the Parties.
2. The Parties shall endeavour to agree on a common working language for any specific proceedings under this Part. If the Parties are unable to agree on a common working language, each Party shall arrange for and bear the costs of the translation of its written submissions and interpretations at the hearings into the language chosen by the Party complained against, unless such language is an official language of that Party. 5
Rules of interpretation
1. Arbitration panels shall interpret the provisions of this Agreement in accordance with the customary rules of interpretation of public international law, including those set out in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
2. The interpretations and rulings of the arbitration panel cannot add to or diminish the rights and obligations provided in the provisions of this Agreement.
Arbitration panel rulings procedure
1. The arbitration panel shall make every effort to take any decision by consensus. Where a decision cannot be adopted by consensus, the matter at issue shall be decided by majority vote.
2. Any ruling of the arbitration panel shall set out the findings of fact, the applicability of the relevant provisions of this Agreement and the reasoning behind any findings, recommendations or conclusions that it makes. The Committee of Senior Officials shall make the arbitration panel rulings publicly available.
3. Arbitration panel rulings shall be final and binding on the Parties.
List of Arbitrators
1. The Committee of Senior Officials shall, not later than six (6) months after the entry into force of this Agreement, establish a list of at least fifteen (15) individuals who are willing and able to serve as arbitrators. The list shall be composed of three sub-lists: one sub-list for each Party to serve as arbitrators; and one sub-list of individuals that are not nationals of either Party and who shall be available to act as Chairperson of the arbitration panel. Each sub-list shall include at least five (5) individuals. The Committee of Senior Officials shall ensure that the list is always maintained at this level, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.
2. Should any of the sub-lists not be established or not contain sufficient names of individuals at the time a notice is made pursuant to Article 113(2), the arbitrators shall be drawn by lot from the individuals who have been formally proposed for the respective sub-list by one or both of the Parties. If only one Party has proposed names, the three arbitrators shall be drawn by lot from among those names.
3. In case there is no list of arbitrators established under paragraph 1, or names of arbitrators proposed under paragraph 2, the Party initiating the process of arbitration shall request the Secretary-General of the Permanent Court of Arbitration to act as the appointing authority.
4. Arbitrators shall have specialised knowledge of, and experience in, law and international trade. They shall be independent, serve in their individual capacities and not take instructions from any organisation or government, or be affiliated with the government of any of the Parties, and shall comply with the Code of Conduct annexed to the Rules of Procedures to be adopted by the EPA Council within six (6) months after the entry into force of this Agreement.
Relations with the WTO Dispute Settlement
1. Arbitration panels set up under this Agreement shall not adjudicate disputes on either Party's rights or obligations under the WTO Agreements.
2. Recourse to the dispute settlement provisions of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to any action in the WTO framework, including dispute settlement action. However, where a Party has, with regard to a particular measure, initiated a dispute settlement proceeding, either under this Title or under the WTO Agreement, it shall not institute a dispute settlement proceeding regarding the same measure in the other forum until the first proceeding has ended. In addition, a Party shall not seek redress for the breach of an obligation which is identical under the Agreement and under the WTO Agreement in the two fora. In such case, once a dispute settlement proceeding has been initiated, the Party shall not bring a claim seeking redress for the breach of the identical obligation under the other agreement to the other forum, unless the forum selected fails for procedural or jurisdictional reasons to make findings on the claim seeking redress of that obligation.
3. A Party may, with regard to a particular measure, institute a dispute settlement proceeding either under this Part or under the WTO Agreement, as follows:
(a) dispute settlement proceedings under this Part shall be deemed to be initiated by a Party's request for the establishment of an arbitration panel under Article 112, and shall be deemed to be ended when the arbitration panel notifies its ruling to the Parties and to the Committee of Senior Officials under Article 115, or where a mutually agreed solution has been reached under Article 119.
(b) dispute settlement proceedings under the WTO Agreement shall be deemed to be initiated by a Party's request for the establishment of a panel under Article 6 of the (DSU), and shall be deemed to be ended when the Dispute Settlement Body adopts the Panel's report, and the Appellate Body's report as the case may be, under Articles 16 and 17(14) of the DSU.
4. Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude a Party from implementing the suspension of obligations authorised by the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO. The WTO Agreement shall not preclude a Party from suspending obligations under this Agreement.
Time limits
1. Any time limits laid down in this Part, including the limits for the arbitration panels to notify their rulings, shall be counted in calendar days from the day following the act or fact to which they refer.
2. Any time limit referred to in this Part may be extended by mutual agreement of the Parties.
General exception clause
Subject to the requirement that such measures are not applied in a manner which would constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination between the Parties where like conditions prevail, or a disguised restriction on international trade, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement by the EU or the EAC Partner State(s) of measures:
(a) necessary to protect public security and morals or to maintain public order;
(b) necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health;
(c) relating to the importation or exportation of gold or silver;
(d) necessary to secure compliance with laws or regulations which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement, including those relating to customs enforcement, the enforcement of monopolies operated under paragraph 4 of Article II and Article XVII of GATT, the protection of patents, trade marks and copyrights, and the prevention of deceptive practices;
(e) relating to the products of prison labour;
(f) imposed for the protection of national treasures of artistic, historic or archaeological value;
(g) relating to the conservation of exhaustible natural resources, if such measures are made effective in conjunction with restrictions on domestic production or consumption;
(h) undertaken in pursuance of obligations under any intergovernmental commodity agreement which conforms to criteria submitted to the GATT Contracting Parties and not disapproved by them or which is itself so submitted and not so disapproved 6 ;
(i) involving restrictions on exports of domestic materials necessary to ensure essential quantities of such materials to a domestic processing industry during periods when the domestic price of such materials is held below the world price as part of a governmental stabilisation plan. However, such measures shall not operate to increase the exports of or the protection afforded to such domestic industry, and shall not depart from the provisions of this Agreement relating to non‑discrimination;
(j) essential to the acquisition or distribution of products in general or local short supply, provided that any such measures shall be consistent with the principle that the EU or the EAC Partner State(s) are entitled to an equitable share of the international supply of such products, and that any such measures, which are inconsistent with the other provisions of this Agreement, shall be eliminated as soon as the conditions giving rise to them have ceased to exist.
Security exceptions
1. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed:
(a) to require the EU or the EAC Partner State(s) to furnish any information the disclosure of which it considers contrary to its essential security interests; or
(b) to prevent the EU or the EAC Partner State(s) from taking any action which it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interests:
(i) relating to fissionable materials or the materials from which they are derived;
(ii) relating to the traffic in arms, ammunition and implements of war and to such traffic in other goods and materials as is carried on directly or indirectly for the purpose of supplying a military establishment;
(iii) relating to government procurement indispensable for national security or for national defence purposes;
(iv) taken in time of war or other emergency in international relations; or
(c) to prevent the EU or the EAC Partner State(s) from taking any action in pursuance of their obligations under the United Nations Charter for the maintenance of international peace and security.
2. The Committee of Senior Officials shall be informed to the fullest extent possible of measures taken under paragraphs 1(b) and (c) and of their termination.
1. Nothing in this Agreement, or in any arrangement adopted under this Agreement, shall be construed to prevent a Party from distinguishing, in the application of the relevant provisions of its fiscal legislation, between taxpayers who are not in the same situation, in particular with regard to their place of residence or with regard to the place where their capital is invested.
2. Nothing in this Agreement, or in any arrangement adopted under this Agreement, shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measure aimed at preventing the avoidance or evasion of taxes pursuant to the tax provisions of agreements to avoid double taxation or other tax arrangements or domestic fiscal legislation.
3. Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the rights and obligations of the Parties under any tax convention. In the event of any inconsistency between this Agreement and any such convention, that convention shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.
Balance of Payments Difficulties
1. Where a Party is in serious balance of payments and external financial difficulties, or under threat thereof, it may adopt or maintain restrictive measures with regard to trade in goods.
2. The Parties shall endeavour to avoid the application of the restrictive measures referred to in paragraph 1.
3. Any restrictive measure adopted or maintained under this Article shall be non-discriminatory and of limited duration and shall not go beyond what is necessary to remedy the balance of payments and external financial situation. It shall be in accordance with the conditions established in the WTO Agreements and consistent with the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as applicable.
4. A Party maintaining or having adopted restrictive measures, or any changes thereto, shall promptly notify them to the other Party and to the EPA Council and present as soon as possible, a time schedule for their removal.
5. Consultations shall be held promptly within the EPA Council, and such consultations shall assess the balance of payments situation of the concerned Party and the restrictions adopted or maintained under this Article, taking into account, inter alia, such factors as:
(a) the nature and extent of the balance of payments and the external financial difficulties;
(b) the external economic and trading environment;
(c) alternative corrective measures which may be available.
6. The consultations shall address the compliance of any restrictive measures with paragraphs 3 and 4. All findings of statistical and other facts presented by the International Monetary Fund relating to foreign exchange, monetary reserves and balance of payments shall be accepted, and conclusions shall be based on the assessment by the Fund of the balance of payments and the external financial situation of the concerned Party adopting or maintaining the measure.
Definition of the Parties and fulfilment of obligations
1. Contracting Parties of this Agreement are the Republic of Kenya and any other Contracting Parties to The Treaty establishing the East African Community that accede to this Agreement in accordance with Article 144, herein referred to as the 'EAC Partner State(s)', on the one part, and the European Union, herein referred to as the 'EU', of the other part.
2. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term 'Party' shall refer to the EAC Partner State(s) or the EU as the case may be. The term 'Parties' shall refer to the EAC Partner States acting collectively and the EU.
3. The EAC Partner State(s) may mandate one of their representatives to act on their behalf on all matters under this Agreement for which they have agreed to act collectively.
4. The Parties shall adopt any general or specific measures required from them to fulfil their obligations under this Agreement and shall ensure that they comply with the objectives laid down in this Agreement.
Contact Points
1. In order to facilitate communication relating to the effective implementation of this Agreement, the Parties shall designate a contact point for the exchange of information upon entry into force of this Agreement. The designation of a contact point for the exchange of information is without prejudice to the specific designation of competent authorities under specific provisions of this Agreement.
2. On the request of the contact points for exchange of information, each Party shall indicate the office or official responsible for any matter pertaining to the implementation of this Agreement and provide the required support to facilitate communication with the requesting Party.
3. Each Party, as the case may be, shall, on the request of the other Party, and to the extent legally possible, provide information and reply promptly to any question from the other Party relating to an actual or proposed measure that might affect trade between the Parties.
Transparency and confidentiality
1. Each Party shall ensure that any laws, regulations, procedures and administrative rulings of general application as well as any international commitments relating to any trade matter covered by this Agreement are promptly published or made publicly available and brought to the attention of the other Party.
2. Without prejudice to specific transparency provisions in this Agreement, the information referred to under this Article shall be considered to have been provided when the information has been made available to the governments of the EAC Partner State(s) and the European Commission or to the WTO or on the official, publicly and fee-free accessible websites of the Parties.
3. Nothing in this Agreement shall require any Party to provide confidential information, the disclosure of which would impede law enforcement, or otherwise be contrary to the public interest, or which would prejudice legitimate commercial interests of particular enterprises, public or private, except to the extent that it may be necessary to be disclosed in the context of a dispute settlement proceeding under Part VII of this Agreement. Where such disclosure is considered necessary by a panel established under Article 113 of Part VII the panel shall ensure that confidentiality is fully protected.
Outermost regions of the European Union
1. Taking account of the geographical proximity of the outermost regions of the European Union and the EAC Partner State(s) and in order to reinforce economic and social links between those regions and the EAC Partner State(s), the Parties shall endeavour to facilitate cooperation in all areas covered by this Agreement between the outermost regions of the EU and the EAC Partner State(s).
2. The objectives enunciated in paragraph 1 of this Article shall also be pursued, wherever possible, through fostering the joint participation of the EAC Partner State(s) and the outermost regions of the EU in the framework and specific programmes of the EU in areas covered by this Agreement.
3. The EU shall endeavour to ensure coordination between the various financial instruments of the EU's cohesion and development policies in order to foster cooperation between the EAC Partner State(s) and the outermost regions of the EU in the areas covered by this Agreement.
4. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the EU from applying existing measures aimed at addressing the structural social and economic situation of its outermost regions pursuant to Article 349 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Relations with other Agreements
1. With the exception of development cooperation provisions contained in Title II of Part 3 of the Cotonou Agreement or the corresponding provisions of its successor agreement, in case of any inconsistency between the provisions of this Agreement and the provisions of Title II of Part 3 of the Cotonou Agreement or the corresponding provisions of its successor agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail.
2. In case of any inconsistency between the provisions of Part V of this Agreement and the Cotonou agreement or its successor agreement, the provisions of the Cotonou agreement or the corresponding provisions of its successor agreement shall prevail.
3. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed so as to prevent the adoption by either Party of any appropriate measures consistent with this Agreement and pursuant to the Cotonou Agreement or the corresponding provisions of its successor agreement.
Relations with the WTO Agreements
The Parties agree that nothing in this Agreement requires them to act in a manner inconsistent with the WTO Agreements.
Notifications required under this Agreement shall be made in writing and sent to the governments of the EAC Partner State(s) or the European Commission as the case may be.
Entry into Force
1. This Agreement shall be signed and ratified, or approved in accordance with the applicable constitutional or internal rules and procedures of the respective Parties.
2. This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following that in which the Parties have notified each other of the completion of the internal legal procedures referred to in Paragraph 1.
3. Notifications of entry into force shall be sent, in the case of the EAC Partner State(s) to the relevant depositories of this Agreement in the EAC Partner State(s), and in the case of the EU to the Secretary‑General of the Council of the European Union, who shall be joint depositories of this Agreement. Each depository shall notify the other depository upon receipt of the last instrument of ratification indicating the completion of their internal legal procedures for the purpose of entry into force.
1. Each EAC Partner State or the EU may give written notice to the other Party of its intention to denounce this Agreement.
2. Denunciation shall take effect one year after notification to the other Party.
Territorial application
This Agreement shall apply, on the one hand, to the territories in which the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union are applied and, on the other hand, to the territories of the EAC Partner State(s). References to 'territory' in this Agreement shall be understood in this sense.
Review Clause
1. This Agreement shall be reviewed after every five (5) years from the date of its entry into force.
2. As regards the implementation of this Agreement, a Party may make suggestions oriented towards adjusting trade-related cooperation, taking into account the experience acquired during the implementation of this Agreement.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, the Parties agree that this Agreement may be reviewed in light of the expiration of the Cotonou Agreement or of its successor agreement.
Amendment Clause
1. The Parties may agree, in writing, to amend this Agreement. A Party may submit proposals for the amendment of this Agreement to the EPA Council for consideration. The other Party may comment on the proposals for amendment within ninety (90) days from the date of receipt of the proposal.
2. Should the EPA Council adopt amendments to this Agreement, such amendments shall be submitted to the Parties for ratification, acceptance or approval in accordance with their respective constitutional or internal legal requirements.
3. An amendment shall enter into force after the Parties exchange written notifications certifying that they have completed their respective applicable legal requirements and procedures, on such date as the Parties may agree.
Accession of Contracting Parties to the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community
1. This Agreement shall be open to accession by any State that is a contracting party to the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community. A request for accession shall be submitted to the EPA Council.
2. The Parties shall review the effects of the accession of the eligible State(s) on this Agreement. The EPA Council may decide on any transitional or amending measures that might be necessary.
Accession of new Members to the European Union
1. The EU shall notify the EAC Partner State(s) of any request for accession of a third country to the EU.
2. During the negotiations between the EU and the third country referred to in paragraph 1, the EU shall endeavour to:
(a) provide, upon request of the EAC Partner State(s), and to the extent possible, information regarding any matter covered by this Agreement; and
(b) take into account concerns expressed by the EAC Partner State(s).
3. The EU shall notify the EAC Partner State(s) of the entry into force of any treaty concerning the accession of a third country to the EU.
4. The EPA Council shall examine, sufficiently in advance of the date of accession of a third country to the EU, any effects which that accession may have on this Agreement. The Parties may, by decision of the EPA Council, put in place any necessary adjustments of this Agreement or transitional arrangements.
Authentic texts
This Agreement is drawn up in duplicate in the Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Irish, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Kiswahili languages, each of those texts being equally authentic.
Annexes and Protocols
The following Annexes and Protocols and Joint Statements to this Agreement shall form an integral part of this Agreement:
Annex I | Customs duties on products originating in the EAC Partner State(s) |
Annex II | Customs duties on products originating in the EU |
Annex III(a) | EAC EPA Development Matrix |
Annex III(b) | Development Benchmarks, Targets and Indicators |
Annex IV | Joint Declaration regarding countries which have established a Customs Union with the European Union |
Annex V Annex VI | Trade and Sustainable Development Joint Declaration of the Parties on the Economic and Development Cooperation in this Agreement |
Protocol 1 Joint Statement 1 Joint Statement 2 | On mutual administrative assistance in customs matters Joint Statement on Rules of Origin Joint Statement on Trade and Sustainable Development |
(1) For greater certainty, in determining the consistency of a measure with this Agreement under Part VII, Title II, an arbitration panel may consider, as appropriate, the law of a Party as a matter of fact. In doing so, the arbitration panel shall follow the prevailing interpretation given to the law by the courts or authorities of that Party and any meaning given to law by the arbitration panel shall not be binding upon the courts or the authorities of that Party.
(2) Products originating in the EAC Partner State when imported into Ceuta or Melilla, shall enjoy in all respects the same customs regime as that which is applied to products originating in the customs territory of the EU under Protocol No 2 of the Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties (OJ EU L 302, 15.11.1985, p. 23–465). The EAC Partner State shall grant to imports of products covered by this Agreement and originating in Ceuta and Melilla the same customs regime as that which is granted to products imported from and originating in the EU.
(3) This calculation shall be based on the WTO official data on leading exporters on world merchandise trade (excluding intra-EU trade)
(4) For the purpose of this article, agricultural products are those covered by Annex I of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture.
(5) For the purpose of this Article, the official languages are those listed in Article 146.
(6) The exception provided for in this subparagraph extends to any commodity agreement which conforms to the principles approved by the Economic and Social Council in its Resolution 30 (IV) of 28 March 1947.
Brussels, 28.9.2023
COM(2023) 559 final
to the
Proposal for a Council Decision
on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Kenya, Member of the East African Community of the one part, and the European Union of the other Part
1. Without prejudice to paragraph 4, customs duties of the EU (hereinafter "EU customs duties") shall be entirely eliminated on all products of Chapters 1 to 97 of the Harmonised System, except those of Chapter 93 thereof, originating in an EAC Partner State on the date of entry into force of this Agreement. For products of Chapter 93, the EU shall continue to impose the applied Most Favoured Nation duty rate (hereinafter "MFN duty rate").
2. The importation of products of tariff heading 1701 originating in an EAC Partner State that is recognised by the United Nations as a least developed country shall remain subject to the provisions of Article 50 1 .
3. As of 1 October 2015, for the purpose of the application of the provisions of Article 50, disturbances in the markets of products of tariff heading 1701 may be deemed to arise in situations where the EU market price of white sugar falls during two consecutive months below 80 per cent of the EU market price for white sugar prevailing during the previous marketing year.
4. Paragraph 1 shall not apply to products of tariff headings 1701 and 0803 0019 originating in EAC Partner State(s) and released for free circulation in the French overseas departments. This provision shall be applicable for a period of ten (10) years from the date of entry into force of this Agreement. This period shall be extended for a further period of ten (10) years unless the Parties agree otherwise.
1. Customs duties applicable to products originating in the EU imported into the territory of the EAC Partner State(s) for goods listed in Annex II(a) shall be eliminated upon the entry into force of this Agreement.
2. Customs duties applicable to products originating in the EU imported into the territory of the EAC Partner State(s) for goods listed in Annex II(b) shall be progressively abolished in accordance with the following schedule:
– seven years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 80 per cent of the basic duty,
– eight years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 70 per cent of the basic duty,
– nine years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 60 per cent of the basic duty,
– ten years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 50 per cent of the basic duty,
– eleven years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 40 per cent of the basic duty,
– twelve years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 30 per cent of the basic duty,
– thirteen years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 20 per cent of the basic duty;
– fourteen years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 10 per cent of the basic duty,
– fifteen years after the entry into force of this Agreement the remaining duties shall be abolished.
3. Customs duties applicable to products originating in the EU imported into the territory of the EAC Partner State(s) for goods listed in Annex II(c) shall be progressively abolished in accordance with the following schedule:
– twelve years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 95 per cent of the basic duty,
– thirteen years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 90 per cent of the basic duty,
– fourteen years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 85 per cent of the basic duty,
– fifteen years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 80 per cent of the basic duty,
– sixteen years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 70 per cent of the basic duty,
– seventeen years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 65 per cent of the basic duty,
– eighteen years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 60 per cent of the basic duty,
– nineteen years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 55 per cent of the basic duty,
– twenty years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 50 per cent of the basic duty,
– twenty-one years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 40 per cent of the basic duty,
– twenty-two years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 30 per cent of the basic duty,
– twenty-three years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 20 per cent of the basic duty,
– twenty-four years after the entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 10 per cent of the basic duty,
– twenty-five years after the entry into force of this Agreement the remaining duties shall be abolished.
4. Customs duties applicable to products originating in the EU imported into the territory of the EAC Partner State(s) for goods listed in Annex II(d) shall be excluded from any of the regimes of tariff phase-down contained in this Annex.
HS Code, 8 Digits | HS Code, 6 Digits | Description | Duty rate | Year of Commitment to EU |
01012100 | 010121 | -- Pure-bred breeding animals | 0 % | T0 |
01013010 | 010130 | --- Pure-bred breeding animals | 0 % | T0 |
01022100 | 010221 | -- Pure-bred breeding animals | 0 % | T0 |
01023100 | 010231 | -- Pure-bred breeding animals | 0 % | T0 |
01029010 | 010290 | -- Pure-bred breeding animals | 0 % | T0 |
01031000 | 010310 | - Pure-bred breeding animals | 0 % | T0 |
01041010 | 010410 | --- Pure-bred breeding animals | 0 % | T0 |
01042010 | 010420 | --- Pure-bred breeding animals | 0 % | T0 |
05111000 | 051110 | - Bovine semen | 0 % | T0 |
05119110 | 051191 | --- Fish eggs and roes | 0 % | T0 |
05119120 | 051191 | --- Fish waste | 0 % | T0 |
05119910 | 051199 | --- Animal semen other than of bovine | 0 % | T0 |
06011000 | 060110 | - Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and rhizomes, dormant | 0 % | T0 |
06012000 | 060120 | - Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and rhizomes, in growth or in flower; chicory plants and roots | 0 % | T0 |
06021000 | 060210 | - Unrooted cuttings and slips | 0 % | T0 |
06022000 | 060220 | - Trees, shrubs and bushes, grafted or not, of kinds which bear edible fruit or nuts | 0 % | T0 |
06023000 | 060230 | - Rhododendrons and azaleas, grafted or not | 0 % | T0 |
06024000 | 060240 | - Roses, grafted or not | 0 % | T0 |
06029000 | 060290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
10011100 | 100111 | -- Seed | 0 % | T0 |
10011900 | 100119 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
10019100 | 100191 | -- Seed | 0 % | T0 |
10021000 | 100210 | - Seed | 0 % | T0 |
10029000 | 100290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
10031000 | 100310 | - Seed | 0 % | T0 |
10041000 | 100410 | - Seed | 0 % | T0 |
10049000 | 100490 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
12091000 | 120910 | - Sugar beet seeds | 0 % | T0 |
12092100 | 120921 | -- Lucerne (alfalfa) seeds | 0 % | T0 |
12092200 | 120922 | -- Clover (Trifolium spp.) seeds | 0 % | T0 |
12092300 | 120923 | -- Fescue seeds | 0 % | T0 |
12092400 | 120924 | -- Kentucky blue grass (Poa pratensis L.) seeds | 0 % | T0 |
12092500 | 120925 | -- Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam., Lolium perenne L.) seeds | 0 % | T0 |
12092900 | 120929 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
12093000 | 120930 | - Seeds of herbaceous plants cultivated principally for their flowers | 0 % | T0 |
12099100 | 120991 | -- Vegetable seeds | 0 % | T0 |
12099900 | 120999 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
12101000 | 121010 | - Hop cones, neither ground nor powdered nor in the form of pellets | 0 % | T0 |
12102000 | 121020 | - Hop cones, ground, powdered or in the form of pellets; lupulin | 0 % | T0 |
12119010 | 121190 | -- For Pharmaceutical purposes e.g. Cinchona Bark | 0 % | T0 |
13012000 | 130120 | - Gum Arabic | 0 % | T0 |
13019000 | 130190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
13021100 | 130211 | -- Opium | 0 % | T0 |
13021200 | 130212 | -- Of liquorice | 0 % | T0 |
13021300 | 130213 | -- Of hops | 0 % | T0 |
13021900 | 130219 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
13022000 | 130220 | - Pectic substances, pectinates and pectates | 0 % | T0 |
13023100 | 130231 | -- Agar-agar | 0 % | T0 |
13023200 | 130232 | -- Mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from locust beans, locust bean seeds or guar seeds | 0 % | T0 |
13023900 | 130239 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
15029000 | 150290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
15050000 | 150500 | Wool grease and fatty substances derived therefrom (including lanolin) | 0 % | T0 |
15071000 | 150710 | - Crude oil, whether or not degummed | 0 % | T0 |
15081000 | 150810 | - Crude oil | 0 % | T0 |
15091000 | 150910 | - Virgin | 0 % | T0 |
15111000 | 151110 | - Crude oil | 0 % | T0 |
15131100 | 151311 | -- Crude oil | 0 % | T0 |
15132100 | 151321 | -- Crude oil | 0 % | T0 |
15141100 | 151411 | -- Crude oil | 0 % | T0 |
15149100 | 151491 | -- Crude oil | 0 % | T0 |
15151100 | 151511 | -- Crude oil | 0 % | T0 |
15200000 | 152000 | Glycerol, crude; glycerol waters and glycerol lyes | 0 % | T0 |
15220000 | 152200 | Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes | 0 % | T0 |
18031000 | 180310 | - Not defatted | 0 % | T0 |
18032000 | 180320 | - Wholly or partly defatted | 0 % | T0 |
18040000 | 180400 | Cocoa butter, fat and oil | 0 % | T0 |
18050000 | 180500 | Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | 0 % | T0 |
19053210 | 190532 | --- Communion wafers | 0 % | T0 |
19059010 | 190590 | --- Empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use | 0 % | T0 |
25020000 | 250200 | Unroasted iron pyrites | 0 % | T0 |
25030000 | 250300 | Sulphur of all kinds, other than sublimed sulphur, precipitated sulphur and colloidal sulphur | 0 % | T0 |
25041000 | 250410 | - In powder or in flakes | 0 % | T0 |
25049000 | 250490 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
25051000 | 250510 | - Silica sands and quartz sands | 0 % | T0 |
25059000 | 250590 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
25061000 | 250610 | - Quartz | 0 % | T0 |
25062000 | 250620 | - Quartzite | 0 % | T0 |
25081000 | 250810 | - Bentonite | 0 % | T0 |
25083000 | 250830 | - Fireclay | 0 % | T0 |
25084000 | 250840 | - Other clays | 0 % | T0 |
25085000 | 250850 | - Andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite | 0 % | T0 |
25086000 | 250860 | - Mullite | 0 % | T0 |
25087000 | 250870 | - Chamotte or dinas earths | 0 % | T0 |
25090000 | 250900 | Chalk | 0 % | T0 |
25101000 | 251010 | - Unground | 0 % | T0 |
25102000 | 251020 | - Ground | 0 % | T0 |
25111000 | 251110 | - Natural barium sulphate (barytes) | 0 % | T0 |
25112000 | 251120 | - Natural barium carbonate (witherite) | 0 % | T0 |
25120000 | 251200 | Siliceous fossil meals (for example, kieselguhr, tripolite and diatomite) and similar siliceous earths, whether or not calcined, of an apparent specific gravity of 1 or less | 0 % | T0 |
25131000 | 251310 | - Pumice stone | 0 % | T0 |
25132000 | 251320 | - Emery, natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives | 0 % | T0 |
25140000 | 251400 | Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape | 0 % | T0 |
25151100 | 251511 | -- Crude or roughly trimmed | 0 % | T0 |
25151200 | 251512 | -- Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape | 0 % | T0 |
25152000 | 251520 | - Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone; alabaster | 0 % | T0 |
25161100 | 251611 | -- Crude or roughly trimmed | 0 % | T0 |
25161200 | 251612 | -- Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape | 0 % | T0 |
25162000 | 251620 | - Sandstone | 0 % | T0 |
25169000 | 251690 | - Other monumental or building stone | 0 % | T0 |
25201000 | 252010 | - Gypsum; anhydrite | 0 % | T0 |
25202000 | 252020 | - Plasters | 0 % | T0 |
26011100 | 260111 | -- Non-agglomerated | 0 % | T0 |
26011200 | 260112 | -- Agglomerated | 0 % | T0 |
26012000 | 260120 | - Roasted iron pyrites | 0 % | T0 |
26020000 | 260200 | Manganese ores and concentrates, including ferruginous manganese ores and concentrates with a manganese content of 20 % or more, calculated on the dry weight | 0 % | T0 |
26030000 | 260300 | Copper ores and concentrates | 0 % | T0 |
26040000 | 260400 | Nickel ores and concentrates | 0 % | T0 |
26050000 | 260500 | Cobalt ores and concentrates | 0 % | T0 |
26060000 | 260600 | Aluminium ores and concentrates | 0 % | T0 |
26070000 | 260700 | Lead ores and concentrates | 0 % | T0 |
26080000 | 260800 | Zinc ores and concentrates | 0 % | T0 |
26090000 | 260900 | Tin ores and concentrates | 0 % | T0 |
26100000 | 261000 | Chromium ores and concentrates | 0 % | T0 |
26110000 | 261100 | Tungsten ores and concentrates | 0 % | T0 |
26121000 | 261210 | - Uranium ores and concentrates | 0 % | T0 |
26122000 | 261220 | - Thorium ores and concentrates | 0 % | T0 |
26131000 | 261310 | - Roasted | 0 % | T0 |
26139000 | 261390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
26140000 | 261400 | Titanium ores and concentrates | 0 % | T0 |
26151000 | 261510 | - Zirconium ores and concentrates | 0 % | T0 |
26159000 | 261590 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
26161000 | 261610 | - Silver ores and concentrates | 0 % | T0 |
26169000 | 261690 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
26171000 | 261710 | - Antimony ores and concentrates | 0 % | T0 |
26179000 | 261790 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
26180000 | 261800 | Granulated slag (slag sand) from the manufacture of iron or steel | 0 % | T0 |
26190000 | 261900 | Slag, dross (other than granulated slag), scalings and other waste from the manufacture of iron or steel | 0 % | T0 |
26201100 | 262011 | -- Hard zinc spelter | 0 % | T0 |
26201900 | 262019 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
26202100 | 262021 | -- Leaded gasoline sludges and leaded anti-knock compound sludges | 0 % | T0 |
26202900 | 262029 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
26203000 | 262030 | - Containing mainly copper | 0 % | T0 |
26204000 | 262040 | - Containing mainly aluminium | 0 % | T0 |
26206000 | 262060 | - Containing arsenic, mercury, thallium or their mixtures, of a kind used for the extraction of arsenic or those metals or for the manufacture of their chemical compounds | 0 % | T0 |
26209100 | 262091 | -- Containing antimony, beryllium, cadmium, chromium or their mixtures | 0 % | T0 |
26209900 | 262099 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
26211000 | 262110 | - Ash and residues from the incineration of municipal waste | 0 % | T0 |
26219000 | 262190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
27090000 | 270900 | Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude | 0 % | T0 |
27101210 | 271012 | --- Motor Spirit (gasoline) regular | 0 % | T0 |
27101220 | 271012 | --- Motor Spirit (gasoline) premium | 0 % | T0 |
27101230 | 271012 | --- Aviation Spirit | 0 % | T0 |
27101240 | 271012 | --- Spirit type Jet Fuel | 0 % | T0 |
27101250 | 271012 | --- Special boiling point spirit and white spirit | 0 % | T0 |
27101290 | 271012 | --- Other light oils and preparations | 0 % | T0 |
27101910 | 271019 | --- Partly refined (including topped crudes) | 0 % | T0 |
27101921 | 271019 | ---- Kerosene type Jet Fuel | 0 % | T0 |
27101922 | 271019 | ---- Illuminating Kerosene (IK) | 0 % | T0 |
27101929 | 271019 | ---- Other medium oils and preparations | 0 % | T0 |
27101931 | 271019 | ---- Gas oil (automotive, light, amber, for high speed engines) | 0 % | T0 |
27101932 | 271019 | ---- Diesel oil (industrial heavy, black, for low speed marine and stationery engines) | 0 % | T0 |
27101939 | 271019 | ---- Other gas oils | 0 % | T0 |
27101941 | 271019 | ---- Residual fuel oils(marine, furnace and similar fuel oils) of a Kinematic viscosity of 125 centistokes | 0 % | T0 |
27101942 | 271019 | ---- Residual fuel oils (marine, furnace and similar fuel oils) of a Kinematic viscosity of 180 centistokes | 0 % | T0 |
27101943 | 271019 | ---- Residual fuel oils (marine, furnace and similar fuel oils) of a Kinematic viscosity of 280 centistokes | 0 % | T0 |
27101949 | 271019 | ---- Other residual fuels | 0 % | T0 |
27101955 | 271019 | ---- Transformer oils | 0 % | T0 |
27101957 | 271019 | ---- White oil – Technical grade | 0 % | T0 |
27102000 | 271020 | - Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals (other than crude) and preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70 % or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations, containing biodiesel, other than waste oils | 0 % | T0 |
27122000 | 271220 | - Paraffin wax containing by weight less than 0,75 % of oil | 0 % | T0 |
27129000 | 271290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
27131200 | 271312 | -- Calcined | 0 % | T0 |
28011000 | 280110 | - Chlorine | 0 % | T0 |
28012000 | 280120 | - Iodine | 0 % | T0 |
28013000 | 280130 | - Fluorine; bromine | 0 % | T0 |
28020000 | 280200 | Sulphur, sublimed or precipitated; colloidal sulphur | 0 % | T0 |
28030000 | 280300 | Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon not elsewhere specified or included) | 0 % | T0 |
28041000 | 280410 | - Hydrogen | 0 % | T0 |
28042100 | 280421 | -- Argon | 0 % | T0 |
28042900 | 280429 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28043000 | 280430 | - Nitrogen | 0 % | T0 |
28045000 | 280450 | - Boron; tellurium | 0 % | T0 |
28046100 | 280461 | -- Containing by weight not less than 99,99 % of silicon | 0 % | T0 |
28046900 | 280469 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28047000 | 280470 | - Phosphorus | 0 % | T0 |
28048000 | 280480 | - Arsenic | 0 % | T0 |
28049000 | 280490 | - Selenium | 0 % | T0 |
28051100 | 280511 | -- Sodium | 0 % | T0 |
28051200 | 280512 | -- Calcium | 0 % | T0 |
28051900 | 280519 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28053000 | 280530 | - Rare-earth metals, scandium and yttrium, whether or not intermixed or interalloyed | 0 % | T0 |
28054000 | 280540 | - Mercury | 0 % | T0 |
28061000 | 280610 | - Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) | 0 % | T0 |
28062000 | 280620 | - Chlorosulphuric acid | 0 % | T0 |
28080000 | 280800 | Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids | 0 % | T0 |
28091000 | 280910 | - Diphosphorus pentaoxide | 0 % | T0 |
28092000 | 280920 | - Phosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acids | 0 % | T0 |
28100000 | 281000 | Oxides of boron; boric acids | 0 % | T0 |
28112200 | 281122 | -- Silicon dioxide | 0 % | T0 |
28112900 | 281129 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28121000 | 281210 | - Chlorides and chloride oxides | 0 % | T0 |
28129000 | 281290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28131000 | 281310 | - Carbon disulphide | 0 % | T0 |
28139000 | 281390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28141000 | 281410 | - Anhydrous ammonia | 0 % | T0 |
28142000 | 281420 | - Ammonia in aqueous solution | 0 % | T0 |
28151100 | 281511 | -- Solid | 0 % | T0 |
28151200 | 281512 | -- In aqueous solution (soda lye or liquid soda) | 0 % | T0 |
28152000 | 281520 | - Potassium hydroxide (caustic potash) | 0 % | T0 |
28153000 | 281530 | - Peroxides of sodium or potassium | 0 % | T0 |
28161000 | 281610 | - Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium | 0 % | T0 |
28164000 | 281640 | - Oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, of strontium or barium | 0 % | T0 |
28170010 | 281700 | --- Zinc oxide | 0 % | T0 |
28170020 | 281700 | --- zinc peroxide. | 0 % | T0 |
28181000 | 281810 | - Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined | 0 % | T0 |
28182000 | 281820 | - Aluminium oxide, other than artificial corundum | 0 % | T0 |
28183000 | 281830 | - Aluminium hydroxide | 0 % | T0 |
28191000 | 281910 | - Chromium trioxide | 0 % | T0 |
28199000 | 281990 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28201000 | 282010 | - Manganese dioxide | 0 % | T0 |
28209000 | 282090 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28211000 | 282110 | - Iron oxides and hydroxides | 0 % | T0 |
28212000 | 282120 | - Earth colours | 0 % | T0 |
28220000 | 282200 | Cobalt oxides and hydroxides; commercial cobalt oxides | 0 % | T0 |
28230000 | 282300 | Titanium oxides | 0 % | T0 |
28241000 | 282410 | - Lead monoxide (litharge, massicot) | 0 % | T0 |
28249000 | 282490 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28251000 | 282510 | - Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts | 0 % | T0 |
28252000 | 282520 | - Lithium oxide and hydroxide | 0 % | T0 |
28253000 | 282530 | - Vanadium oxides and hydroxides | 0 % | T0 |
28254000 | 282540 | - Nickel oxides and hydroxides | 0 % | T0 |
28255000 | 282550 | - Copper oxides and hydroxides | 0 % | T0 |
28256000 | 282560 | - Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide | 0 % | T0 |
28257000 | 282570 | - Molybdenum oxides and hydroxides | 0 % | T0 |
28258000 | 282580 | - Antimony oxides | 0 % | T0 |
28259000 | 282590 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28261200 | 282612 | -- Of aluminium | 0 % | T0 |
28261900 | 282619 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28263000 | 282630 | - Sodium hexafluoroaluminate (synthetic cryolite) | 0 % | T0 |
28269000 | 282690 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28271000 | 282710 | - Ammonium chloride | 0 % | T0 |
28272000 | 282720 | - Calcium chloride | 0 % | T0 |
28273100 | 282731 | -- Of magnesium | 0 % | T0 |
28273200 | 282732 | -- Of aluminium | 0 % | T0 |
28273500 | 282735 | -- Of nickel | 0 % | T0 |
28273900 | 282739 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28274100 | 282741 | -- Of copper | 0 % | T0 |
28274900 | 282749 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28275100 | 282751 | -- Bromides of sodium or of potassium | 0 % | T0 |
28275900 | 282759 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28276000 | 282760 | - Iodides and iodide oxides | 0 % | T0 |
28281000 | 282810 | - Commercial calcium hypochlorite and other calcium hypochlorites | 0 % | T0 |
28289000 | 282890 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28291100 | 282911 | -- Of sodium | 0 % | T0 |
28291900 | 282919 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28299000 | 282990 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28301000 | 283010 | - Sodium sulphides | 0 % | T0 |
28309000 | 283090 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28311000 | 283110 | - Of sodium | 0 % | T0 |
28319000 | 283190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28321000 | 283210 | - Sodium sulphites | 0 % | T0 |
28322000 | 283220 | - Other sulphites | 0 % | T0 |
28323000 | 283230 | - Thiosulphates | 0 % | T0 |
28331100 | 283311 | -- Disodium sulphate | 0 % | T0 |
28331900 | 283319 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28332100 | 283321 | -- Of magnesium | 0 % | T0 |
28332200 | 283322 | -- Of aluminium | 0 % | T0 |
28332400 | 283324 | -- Of nickel | 0 % | T0 |
28332500 | 283325 | -- Of copper | 0 % | T0 |
28332700 | 283327 | -- Of barium | 0 % | T0 |
28332900 | 283329 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28333000 | 283330 | - Alums | 0 % | T0 |
28334000 | 283340 | - Peroxosulphates (persulphates) | 0 % | T0 |
28341000 | 283410 | - Nitrites | 0 % | T0 |
28342100 | 283421 | -- Of potassium | 0 % | T0 |
28342900 | 283429 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28351000 | 283510 | - Phosphinates (hypophosphites) and phosphonates (phosphites) | 0 % | T0 |
28352200 | 283522 | -- Of mono- or disodium | 0 % | T0 |
28352400 | 283524 | -- Of potassium | 0 % | T0 |
28352500 | 283525 | -- Calcium hydrogenorthophosphate ('dicalcium phosphate') | 0 % | T0 |
28352600 | 283526 | -- Other phosphates of calcium | 0 % | T0 |
28352900 | 283529 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28353100 | 283531 | -- Sodium triphosphate (sodium tripolyphosphate) | 0 % | T0 |
28353900 | 283539 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28362000 | 283620 | - Disodium carbonate | 0 % | T0 |
28363000 | 283630 | - Sodium hydrogencarbonate (sodium bicarbonate) | 0 % | T0 |
28364000 | 283640 | - Potassium carbonates | 0 % | T0 |
28365000 | 283650 | - Calcium carbonate | 0 % | T0 |
28366000 | 283660 | - Barium carbonate | 0 % | T0 |
28369100 | 283691 | -- Lithium carbonates | 0 % | T0 |
28369200 | 283692 | -- Strontium carbonate | 0 % | T0 |
28369900 | 283699 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28371100 | 283711 | -- Of sodium | 0 % | T0 |
28371900 | 283719 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28372000 | 283720 | - Complex cyanides | 0 % | T0 |
28391100 | 283911 | -- Sodium metasilicates | 0 % | T0 |
28391900 | 283919 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28399000 | 283990 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28401100 | 284011 | -- Anhydrous | 0 % | T0 |
28401900 | 284019 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28402000 | 284020 | - Other borates | 0 % | T0 |
28403000 | 284030 | - Peroxoborates (perborates) | 0 % | T0 |
28413000 | 284130 | - Sodium dichromate | 0 % | T0 |
28415000 | 284150 | - Other chromates and dichromates; peroxochromates | 0 % | T0 |
28416100 | 284161 | -- Potassium permanganate | 0 % | T0 |
28416900 | 284169 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28417000 | 284170 | - Molybdates | 0 % | T0 |
28418000 | 284180 | - Tungstates (wolframates) | 0 % | T0 |
28419000 | 284190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28421000 | 284210 | - Double or complex silicates, including aluminosilicates whether or not chemically defined | 0 % | T0 |
28429000 | 284290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28431000 | 284310 | - Colloidal precious metals | 0 % | T0 |
28432100 | 284321 | -- Silver nitrate | 0 % | T0 |
28432900 | 284329 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
28433000 | 284330 | - Gold compounds | 0 % | T0 |
28439000 | 284390 | - Other compounds; amalgams | 0 % | T0 |
28441000 | 284410 | - Natural uranium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing natural uranium or natural uranium compounds | 0 % | T0 |
28442000 | 284420 | - Uranium enriched in U 235 and its compounds; plutonium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing uranium enriched in U 235, plutonium or compounds of these products | 0 % | T0 |
28443000 | 284430 | - Uranium depleted in U 235 and its compounds; thorium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing uranium depleted in U 235, thorium or compounds of these products | 0 % | T0 |
28444000 | 284440 | - Radioactive elements and isotopes and compounds other than those of subheading 284410, 284420 or 284430; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing these elements, isotopes or compounds; radioactive residues | 0 % | T0 |
28445000 | 284450 | - Spent (irradiated) fuel elements (cartridges) of nuclear reactors (Euratom) | 0 % | T0 |
28451000 | 284510 | - Heavy water (deuterium oxide) (Euratom) | 0 % | T0 |
28459000 | 284590 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28461000 | 284610 | - Cerium compounds | 0 % | T0 |
28469000 | 284690 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28470000 | 284700 | Hydrogen peroxide, whether or not solidified with urea | 0 % | T0 |
28480000 | 284800 | Phosphides, whether or not chemically defined, excluding ferrophosphorus | 0 % | T0 |
28491000 | 284910 | - Of calcium | 0 % | T0 |
28492000 | 284920 | - Of silicon | 0 % | T0 |
28499000 | 284990 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28500000 | 285000 | Hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borides, whether or not chemically defined, other than compounds which are also carbides of heading 2849 | 0 % | T0 |
28521000 | 285210 | - Chemically defined | 0 % | T0 |
28529000 | 285290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
28530000 | 285300 | Other inorganic compounds (including distilled or conductivity water and water of similar purity); liquid air (whether or not rare gases have been removed); compressed air; amalgams, other than amalgams of precious metals | 0 % | T0 |
29011000 | 290110 | - Saturated | 0 % | T0 |
29012100 | 290121 | -- Ethylene | 0 % | T0 |
29012200 | 290122 | -- Propene (propylene) | 0 % | T0 |
29012300 | 290123 | -- Butene (butylene) and isomers thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29012400 | 290124 | -- Buta-1,3-diene and isoprene | 0 % | T0 |
29012900 | 290129 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29021100 | 290211 | -- Cyclohexane | 0 % | T0 |
29021900 | 290219 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29022000 | 290220 | - Benzene | 0 % | T0 |
29023000 | 290230 | - Toluene | 0 % | T0 |
29024100 | 290241 | -- o-Xylene | 0 % | T0 |
29024200 | 290242 | -- m-Xylene | 0 % | T0 |
29024300 | 290243 | -- p-Xylene | 0 % | T0 |
29024400 | 290244 | -- Mixed xylene isomers | 0 % | T0 |
29025000 | 290250 | - Styrene | 0 % | T0 |
29026000 | 290260 | - Ethylbenzene | 0 % | T0 |
29027000 | 290270 | - Cumene | 0 % | T0 |
29029000 | 290290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
29031100 | 290311 | -- Chloromethane (methyl chloride) and chloroethane (ethyl chloride) | 0 % | T0 |
29031200 | 290312 | -- Dichloromethane (methylene chloride) | 0 % | T0 |
29031300 | 290313 | -- Chloroform (trichloromethane) | 0 % | T0 |
29031400 | 290314 | -- Carbon tetrachloride | 0 % | T0 |
29031500 | 290315 | -- Ethylene dichloride (ISO) (1,2-dichloroethane) | 0 % | T0 |
29031910 | 290319 | - - - 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (methyl chloroform) | 0 % | T0 |
29031990 | 290319 | - - - Other | 0 % | T0 |
29032100 | 290321 | -- Vinyl chloride (chloroethylene) | 0 % | T0 |
29032200 | 290322 | -- Trichloroethylene | 0 % | T0 |
29032300 | 290323 | -- Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) | 0 % | T0 |
29032900 | 290329 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29033100 | 290331 | -- Ethylene dibromide (ISO) (1,2-dibromoethane) | 0 % | T0 |
29033910 | 290339 | - - - Bromomethane (methyl bromide) | 0 % | T0 |
29033990 | 290339 | - - - Other | 0 % | T0 |
29037100 | 290371 | -- Chlorodifluoromethane | 0 % | T0 |
29037200 | 290372 | -- Dichlorotrifluoroethanes | 0 % | T0 |
29037300 | 290373 | -- Dichlorofluoroethanes | 0 % | T0 |
29037400 | 290374 | -- Chlorodifluoroethanes | 0 % | T0 |
29037500 | 290375 | -- Dichloropentafluoropropanes | 0 % | T0 |
29037600 | 290376 | -- Bromochlorodifluoromethane, bromotrifluoromethane and dibromotetrafluoroethanes | 0 % | T0 |
29037700 | 290377 | -- Other, perhalogenated only with fluorine and chlorine | 0 % | T0 |
29037800 | 290378 | -- Other perhalogenated derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29037900 | 290379 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29038100 | 290381 | -- 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH (ISO)), including lindane (ISO, INN) | 0 % | T0 |
29038200 | 290382 | -- Aldrin (ISO), chlordane (ISO) and heptachlor (ISO) | 0 % | T0 |
29038900 | 290389 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29039100 | 290391 | -- Chlorobenzene, o-dichlorobenzene and p-dichlorobenzene | 0 % | T0 |
29039200 | 290392 | -- Hexachlorobenzene (ISO) and DDT (ISO) (clofenotane (INN), 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane) | 0 % | T0 |
29039900 | 290399 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29041000 | 290410 | - Derivatives containing only sulpho groups, their salts and ethyl esters | 0 % | T0 |
29042000 | 290420 | - Derivatives containing only nitro or only nitroso groups | 0 % | T0 |
29049000 | 290490 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
29051100 | 290511 | -- Methanol (methyl alcohol) | 0 % | T0 |
29051200 | 290512 | -- Propan-1-ol (propyl alcohol) and propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol) | 0 % | T0 |
29051300 | 290513 | -- Butan-1-ol (n-butyl alcohol) | 0 % | T0 |
29051400 | 290514 | -- Other butanols | 0 % | T0 |
29051600 | 290516 | -- Octanol (octyl alcohol) and isomers thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29051700 | 290517 | -- Dodecan-1-ol (lauryl alcohol), hexadecan-1-ol (cetyl alcohol) and octadecan-1-ol (stearyl alcohol) | 0 % | T0 |
29051900 | 290519 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29052200 | 290522 | -- Acyclic terpene alcohols | 0 % | T0 |
29052900 | 290529 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29053100 | 290531 | -- Ethylene glycol (ethanediol) | 0 % | T0 |
29053200 | 290532 | -- Propylene glycol (propane-1,2-diol) | 0 % | T0 |
29053900 | 290539 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29054100 | 290541 | -- 2-Ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)propane-1,3-diol (trimethylolpropane) | 0 % | T0 |
29054200 | 290542 | -- Pentaerythritol | 0 % | T0 |
29054300 | 290543 | -- Mannitol | 0 % | T0 |
29054400 | 290544 | -- D-glucitol (sorbitol) | 0 % | T0 |
29054500 | 290545 | -- Glycerol | 0 % | T0 |
29054900 | 290549 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29055100 | 290551 | -- Ethchlorvynol (INN) | 0 % | T0 |
29055900 | 290559 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29061100 | 290611 | -- Menthol | 0 % | T0 |
29061200 | 290612 | -- Cyclohexanol, methylcyclohexanols and dimethylcyclohexanols | 0 % | T0 |
29061300 | 290613 | -- Sterols and inositols | 0 % | T0 |
29061900 | 290619 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29062100 | 290621 | -- Benzyl alcohol | 0 % | T0 |
29062900 | 290629 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29071100 | 290711 | -- Phenol (hydroxybenzene) and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29071200 | 290712 | -- Cresols and their salts | 0 % | T0 |
29071300 | 290713 | -- Octylphenol, nonylphenol and their isomers; salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29071500 | 290715 | -- Naphthols and their salts | 0 % | T0 |
29071900 | 290719 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29072100 | 290721 | -- Resorcinol and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29072200 | 290722 | -- Hydroquinone (quinol) and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29072300 | 290723 | -- 4,4′-Isopropylidenediphenol (bisphenol A, diphenylolpropane) and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29072900 | 290729 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29081100 | 290811 | -- Pentachlorophenol (ISO) | 0 % | T0 |
29081900 | 290819 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29089100 | 290891 | -- Dinoseb (ISO) and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29089200 | 290892 | -- 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol (DNOC (ISO)) and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29089900 | 290899 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29091100 | 290911 | -- Diethyl ether | 0 % | T0 |
29091900 | 290919 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29092000 | 290920 | - Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ethers and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29093000 | 290930 | - Aromatic ethers and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29094100 | 290941 | -- 2,2′-Oxydiethanol (diethylene glycol, digol) | 0 % | T0 |
29094300 | 290943 | -- Monobutyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of diethylene glycol | 0 % | T0 |
29094400 | 290944 | -- Other monoalkylethers of ethylene glycol or of diethylene glycol | 0 % | T0 |
29094900 | 290949 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29095000 | 290950 | - Ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29096000 | 290960 | - Alcohol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29101000 | 291010 | - Oxirane (ethylene oxide) | 0 % | T0 |
29102000 | 291020 | - Methyloxirane (propylene oxide) | 0 % | T0 |
29103000 | 291030 | - 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (epichlorohydrin) | 0 % | T0 |
29104000 | 291040 | - Dieldrin (ISO, INN) | 0 % | T0 |
29109000 | 291090 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
29110000 | 291100 | Acetals and hemiacetals, whether or not with other oxygen function, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29121100 | 291211 | -- Methanal (formaldehyde) | 0 % | T0 |
29121200 | 291212 | -- Ethanal (acetaldehyde) | 0 % | T0 |
29121900 | 291219 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29122100 | 291221 | -- Benzaldehyde | 0 % | T0 |
29122900 | 291229 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29124100 | 291241 | -- Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde) | 0 % | T0 |
29124200 | 291242 | -- Ethylvanillin (3-ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde) | 0 % | T0 |
29124900 | 291249 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29125000 | 291250 | - Cyclic polymers of aldehydes | 0 % | T0 |
29126000 | 291260 | - Paraformaldehyde | 0 % | T0 |
29130000 | 291300 | Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of products of heading 2912 | 0 % | T0 |
29141100 | 291411 | -- Acetone | 0 % | T0 |
29141200 | 291412 | -- Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone) | 0 % | T0 |
29141300 | 291413 | -- 4-Methylpentan-2-one (methyl isobutyl ketone) | 0 % | T0 |
29141900 | 291419 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29142200 | 291422 | -- Cyclohexanone and methylcyclohexanones | 0 % | T0 |
29142300 | 291423 | -- Ionones and methylionones | 0 % | T0 |
29142900 | 291429 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29143100 | 291431 | -- Phenylacetone (phenylpropan-2-one) | 0 % | T0 |
29143900 | 291439 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29144000 | 291440 | - Ketone-alcohols and ketone-aldehydes | 0 % | T0 |
29145000 | 291450 | - Ketone-phenols and ketones with other oxygen function | 0 % | T0 |
29146100 | 291461 | -- Anthraquinone | 0 % | T0 |
29146900 | 291469 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29147000 | 291470 | - Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29151100 | 291511 | -- Formic acid | 0 % | T0 |
29151200 | 291512 | -- Salts of formic acid | 0 % | T0 |
29151300 | 291513 | -- Esters of formic acid | 0 % | T0 |
29152100 | 291521 | -- Acetic acid | 0 % | T0 |
29152400 | 291524 | -- Acetic anhydride | 0 % | T0 |
29152900 | 291529 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29153100 | 291531 | -- Ethyl acetate | 0 % | T0 |
29153200 | 291532 | -- Vinyl acetate | 0 % | T0 |
29153300 | 291533 | -- n-Butyl acetate | 0 % | T0 |
29153600 | 291536 | -- Dinoseb (ISO) acetate | 0 % | T0 |
29153900 | 291539 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29154000 | 291540 | - Mono-, di- or trichloroacetic acids, their salts and esters | 0 % | T0 |
29155000 | 291550 | - Propionic acid, its salts and esters | 0 % | T0 |
29156000 | 291560 | - Butanoic acids, pentanoic acids, their salts and esters | 0 % | T0 |
29157000 | 291570 | - Palmitic acid, stearic acid, their salts and esters | 0 % | T0 |
29159000 | 291590 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
29161100 | 291611 | -- Acrylic acid and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29161200 | 291612 | -- Esters of acrylic acid | 0 % | T0 |
29161300 | 291613 | -- Methacrylic acid and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29161400 | 291614 | -- Esters of methacrylic acid | 0 % | T0 |
29161500 | 291615 | -- Oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids, their salts and esters | 0 % | T0 |
29161600 | 291616 | -- Binapacryl (ISO) | 0 % | T0 |
29161900 | 291619 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29162000 | 291620 | - Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29163100 | 291631 | -- Benzoic acid, its salts and esters | 0 % | T0 |
29163200 | 291632 | -- Benzoyl peroxide and benzoyl chloride | 0 % | T0 |
29163400 | 291634 | -- Phenylacetic acid and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29163900 | 291639 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29171100 | 291711 | -- Oxalic acid, its salts and esters | 0 % | T0 |
29171200 | 291712 | -- Adipic acid, its salts and esters | 0 % | T0 |
29171300 | 291713 | -- Azelaic acid, sebacic acid, their salts and esters | 0 % | T0 |
29171400 | 291714 | -- Maleic anhydride | 0 % | T0 |
29171900 | 291719 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29172000 | 291720 | - Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29173200 | 291732 | -- Dioctyl orthophthalates | 0 % | T0 |
29173300 | 291733 | -- Dinonyl or didecyl orthophthalates | 0 % | T0 |
29173400 | 291734 | -- Other esters of orthophthalic acid | 0 % | T0 |
29173500 | 291735 | -- Phthalic anhydride | 0 % | T0 |
29173600 | 291736 | -- Terephthalic acid and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29173700 | 291737 | -- Dimethyl terephthalate | 0 % | T0 |
29173900 | 291739 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29181100 | 291811 | -- Lactic acid, its salts and esters | 0 % | T0 |
29181200 | 291812 | -- Tartaric acid | 0 % | T0 |
29181300 | 291813 | -- Salts and esters of tartaric acid | 0 % | T0 |
29181400 | 291814 | -- Citric acid | 0 % | T0 |
29181500 | 291815 | -- Salts and esters of citric acid | 0 % | T0 |
29181600 | 291816 | -- Gluconic acid, its salts and esters | 0 % | T0 |
29181800 | 291818 | -- Chlorobenzilate (ISO) | 0 % | T0 |
29181900 | 291819 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29182100 | 291821 | -- Salicylic acid and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29182200 | 291822 | -- o-Acetylsalicylic acid, its salts and esters | 0 % | T0 |
29182300 | 291823 | -- Other esters of salicylic acid and their salts | 0 % | T0 |
29182900 | 291829 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29183000 | 291830 | - Carboxylic acids with aldehyde or ketone function but without other oxygen function, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29189100 | 291891 | -- 2,4,5-T (ISO) (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid), its salts and esters | 0 % | T0 |
29189900 | 291899 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29191000 | 291910 | - Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate | 0 % | T0 |
29199000 | 291990 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
29201100 | 292011 | -- Parathion (ISO) and parathion-methyl (ISO) (methyl-parathion) | 0 % | T0 |
29201900 | 292019 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29209000 | 292090 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
29211100 | 292111 | -- Methylamine, di- or trimethylamine and their salts | 0 % | T0 |
29211900 | 292119 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29212100 | 292121 | -- Ethylenediamine and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29212200 | 292122 | -- Hexamethylenediamine and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29212900 | 292129 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29213000 | 292130 | - Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic mono- or polyamines, and their derivatives; salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29214100 | 292141 | -- Aniline and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29214200 | 292142 | -- Aniline derivatives and their salts | 0 % | T0 |
29214300 | 292143 | -- Toluidines and their derivatives; salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29214400 | 292144 | -- Diphenylamine and its derivatives; salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29214500 | 292145 | -- 1-Naphthylamine (α-naphthylamine), 2-naphthylamine (β-naphthylamine) and their derivatives; salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29214600 | 292146 | -- Amfetamine (INN), benzfetamine (INN), dexamfetamine (INN), etilamfetamine (INN), fencamfamin (INN), lefetamine (INN), levamfetamine (INN), mefenorex (INN) and phentermine (INN); salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29214900 | 292149 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29215100 | 292151 | -- o-, m-, p-Phenylenediamine, diaminotoluenes, and their derivatives; salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29215900 | 292159 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29221100 | 292211 | -- Monoethanolamine and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29221200 | 292212 | -- Diethanolamine and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29221300 | 292213 | -- Triethanolamine and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29221400 | 292214 | -- Dextropropoxyphene (INN) and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29221900 | 292219 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29222100 | 292221 | -- Aminohydroxynaphthalenesulphonic acids and their salts | 0 % | T0 |
29222900 | 292229 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29223100 | 292231 | -- Amfepramone (INN), methadone (INN) and normethadone (INN); salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29223900 | 292239 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29224100 | 292241 | -- Lysine and its esters; salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29224200 | 292242 | -- Glutamic acid and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29224300 | 292243 | -- Anthranilic acid and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29224400 | 292244 | -- Tilidine (INN) and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29224900 | 292249 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29225000 | 292250 | - Amino-alcohol-phenols, amino-acid-phenols and other amino-compounds with oxygen function | 0 % | T0 |
29231000 | 292310 | - Choline and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29232000 | 292320 | - Lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids | 0 % | T0 |
29239000 | 292390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
29241100 | 292411 | -- Meprobamate (INN) | 0 % | T0 |
29241200 | 292412 | -- Fluoroacetamide (ISO), monocrotophos (ISO) and phosphamidon (ISO) | 0 % | T0 |
29241900 | 292419 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29242100 | 292421 | -- Ureines and their derivatives; salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29242300 | 292423 | -- 2-Acetamidobenzoic acid (N-acetylanthranilic acid) and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29242400 | 292424 | -- Ethinamate (INN) | 0 % | T0 |
29242900 | 292429 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29251100 | 292511 | -- Saccharin and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29251200 | 292512 | -- Glutethimide (INN) | 0 % | T0 |
29251900 | 292519 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29252100 | 292521 | -- Chlordimeform (ISO) | 0 % | T0 |
29252900 | 292529 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29261000 | 292610 | - Acrylonitrile | 0 % | T0 |
29262000 | 292620 | - 1-Cyanoguanidine (dicyandiamide) | 0 % | T0 |
29263000 | 292630 | - Fenproporex (INN) and its salts; methadone (INN) intermediate (4-cyano-2-dimethylamino-4,4-diphenylbutane) | 0 % | T0 |
29269000 | 292690 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
29270000 | 292700 | Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds | 0 % | T0 |
29280000 | 292800 | Organic derivatives of hydrazine or of hydroxylamine | 0 % | T0 |
29291000 | 292910 | - Isocyanates | 0 % | T0 |
29299000 | 292990 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
29302000 | 293020 | - Thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates | 0 % | T0 |
29303000 | 293030 | - Thiuram mono-, di- or tetrasulphides | 0 % | T0 |
29304000 | 293040 | - Methionine | 0 % | T0 |
29305000 | 293050 | - Captafol (ISO) and methamidophos (ISO) | 0 % | T0 |
29309000 | 293090 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
29311000 | 293110 | - Tetramethyl lead and tetraethyl lead | 0 % | T0 |
29312000 | 293120 | - Tributyltin compounds | 0 % | T0 |
29319000 | 293190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
29321100 | 293211 | -- Tetrahydrofuran | 0 % | T0 |
29321200 | 293212 | -- 2-Furaldehyde (furfuraldehyde) | 0 % | T0 |
29321300 | 293213 | -- Furfuryl alcohol and tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol | 0 % | T0 |
29321900 | 293219 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29322000 | 293220 | - Lactones | 0 % | T0 |
29329100 | 293291 | -- Isosafrole | 0 % | T0 |
29329200 | 293292 | -- 1-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)propan-2-one | 0 % | T0 |
29329300 | 293293 | -- Piperonal | 0 % | T0 |
29329400 | 293294 | -- Safrole | 0 % | T0 |
29329500 | 293295 | -- Tetrahydrocannabinols (all isomers) | 0 % | T0 |
29329900 | 293299 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29331100 | 293311 | -- Phenazone (antipyrin) and its derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29331900 | 293319 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29332100 | 293321 | -- Hydantoin and its derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29332900 | 293329 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29333100 | 293331 | -- Pyridine and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29333200 | 293332 | -- Piperidine and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29333300 | 293333 | -- Alfentanil (INN), anileridine (INN), bezitramide (INN), bromazepam (INN), difenoxin (INN), diphenoxylate (INN), dipipanone (INN), fentanyl (INN), ketobemidone (INN), methylphenidate (INN), pentazocine (INN), pethidine (INN), pethidine (INN) intermediate A, phencyclidine (INN) (PCP), phenoperidine (INN), pipradrol (INN), piritramide (INN), propiram (INN) and trimeperidine (INN); salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29333900 | 293339 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29334100 | 293341 | -- Levorphanol (INN) and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29334900 | 293349 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29335200 | 293352 | -- Malonylurea (barbituric acid) and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29335300 | 293353 | -- Allobarbital (INN), amobarbital (INN), barbital (INN), butalbital (INN), butobarbital, cyclobarbital (INN), methylphenobarbital (INN), pentobarbital (INN), phenobarbital (INN), secbutabarbital (INN), secobarbital (INN) and vinylbital (INN); salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29335400 | 293354 | -- Other derivatives of malonylurea (barbituric acid); salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29335500 | 293355 | -- Loprazolam (INN), mecloqualone (INN), methaqualone (INN) and zipeprol (INN); salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29335900 | 293359 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29336100 | 293361 | -- Melamine | 0 % | T0 |
29336900 | 293369 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29337100 | 293371 | -- 6-Hexanelactam (epsilon-caprolactam) | 0 % | T0 |
29337200 | 293372 | -- Clobazam (INN) and methyprylon (INN) | 0 % | T0 |
29337900 | 293379 | -- Other lactams | 0 % | T0 |
29339100 | 293391 | -- Alprazolam (INN), camazepam (INN), chlordiazepoxide (INN), clonazepam (INN), clorazepate, delorazepam (INN), diazepam (INN), estazolam (INN), ethyl loflazepate (INN), fludiazepam (INN), flunitrazepam (INN), flurazepam (INN), halazepam (INN), lorazepam (INN), lormetazepam (INN), mazindol (INN), medazepam (INN), midazolam (INN), nimetazepam (INN), nitrazepam (INN), nordazepam (INN), oxazepam (INN), pinazepam (INN), prazepam (INN), pyrovalerone (INN), temazepam (INN), tetrazepam (INN) and triazolam (INN); salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29339900 | 293399 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29341000 | 293410 | - Compounds containing an unfused thiazole ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure | 0 % | T0 |
29342000 | 293420 | - Compounds containing in the structure a benzothiazole ring-system (whether or not hydrogenated), not further fused | 0 % | T0 |
29343000 | 293430 | - Compounds containing in the structure a phenothiazine ring-system (whether or not hydrogenated), not further fused | 0 % | T0 |
29349100 | 293491 | -- Aminorex (INN), brotizolam (INN), clotiazepam (INN), cloxazolam (INN), dextromoramide (INN), haloxazolam (INN), ketazolam (INN), mesocarb (INN), oxazolam (INN), pemoline (INN), phendimetrazine (INN), phenmetrazine (INN) and sufentanil (INN); salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29349900 | 293499 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29350000 | 293500 | Sulphonamides | 0 % | T0 |
29362100 | 293621 | -- Vitamins A and their derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29362200 | 293622 | -- Vitamin B1 and its derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29362300 | 293623 | -- Vitamin B2 and its derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29362400 | 293624 | -- D- or DL-Pantothenic acid (vitamin B3 or vitamin B5) and its derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29362500 | 293625 | -- Vitamin B6 and its derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29362600 | 293626 | -- Vitamin B12 and its derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29362700 | 293627 | -- Vitamin C and its derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29362800 | 293628 | -- Vitamin E and its derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29362900 | 293629 | -- Other vitamins and their derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29369000 | 293690 | - Other, including natural concentrates | 0 % | T0 |
29371100 | 293711 | -- Somatotropin, its derivatives and structural analogues | 0 % | T0 |
29371200 | 293712 | -- Insulin and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29371900 | 293719 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29372100 | 293721 | -- Cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisone (dehydrocortisone) and prednisolone (dehydrohydrocortisone) | 0 % | T0 |
29372200 | 293722 | -- Halogenated derivatives of corticosteroidal hormones | 0 % | T0 |
29372300 | 293723 | -- Oestrogens and progestogens | 0 % | T0 |
29372900 | 293729 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29375000 | 293750 | - Prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes, their derivatives and structural analogues | 0 % | T0 |
29379000 | 293790 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
29381000 | 293810 | - Rutoside (rutin) and its derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
29389000 | 293890 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
29391100 | 293911 | -- Concentrates of poppy straw; buprenorphine (INN), codeine, dihydrocodeine (INN), ethylmorphine, etorphine (INN), heroin, hydrocodone (INN), hydromorphone (INN), morphine, nicomorphine (INN), oxycodone (INN), oxymorphone (INN), pholcodine (INN), thebacon (INN) and thebaine; salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29391900 | 293919 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29392000 | 293920 | - Alkaloids of cinchona and their derivatives; salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29393000 | 293930 | - Caffeine and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29394100 | 293941 | -- Ephedrine and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29394200 | 293942 | -- Pseudoephedrine (INN) and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29394300 | 293943 | -- Cathine (INN) and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29394400 | 293944 | -- Norephedrine and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29394900 | 293949 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29395100 | 293951 | -- Fenetylline (INN) and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29395900 | 293959 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29396100 | 293961 | -- Ergometrine (INN) and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29396200 | 293962 | -- Ergotamine (INN) and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29396300 | 293963 | -- Lysergic acid and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
29396900 | 293969 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29399100 | 293991 | -- Cocaine, ecgonine, levometamfetamine, metamfetamine (INN), metamfetamine racemate; salts, esters and other derivatives thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29399900 | 293999 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
29400000 | 294000 | Sugars, chemically pure, other than sucrose, lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose; sugar ethers, sugar acetals and sugar esters, and their salts, other than products of heading 2937, 2938 or 2939 | 0 % | T0 |
29411000 | 294110 | - Penicillins and their derivatives with a penicillanic acid structure; salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29412000 | 294120 | - Streptomycins and their derivatives; salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29413000 | 294130 | - Tetracyclines and their derivatives; salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29414000 | 294140 | - Chloramphenicol and its derivatives; salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29415000 | 294150 | - Erythromycin and its derivatives; salts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
29419000 | 294190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
29420000 | 294200 | Other organic compounds | 0 % | T0 |
30012000 | 300120 | - Extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions | 0 % | T0 |
30019000 | 300190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
30021000 | 300210 | - Antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products, whether or not modified or obtained by means of biotechnological processes | 0 % | T0 |
30022000 | 300220 | - Vaccines for human medicine | 0 % | T0 |
30023000 | 300230 | - Vaccines for veterinary medicine | 0 % | T0 |
30029000 | 300290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
30031000 | 300310 | - Containing penicillins or derivatives thereof, with a penicillanic acid structure, or streptomycins or their derivatives | 0 % | T0 |
30032000 | 300320 | - Containing other antibiotics | 0 % | T0 |
30033100 | 300331 | -- Containing insulin | 0 % | T0 |
30033900 | 300339 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
30034000 | 300340 | - Containing alkaloids or derivatives thereof but not containing hormones or other products of heading 2937 or antibiotics | 0 % | T0 |
30039000 | 300390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
30043100 | 300431 | -- Containing insulin | 0 % | T0 |
30051000 | 300510 | - Adhesive dressings and other articles having an adhesive layer | 0 % | T0 |
30059010 | 300590 | --- White absorbent cotton Wadding | 0 % | T0 |
30059090 | 300590 | --- Other | 0 % | T0 |
30061000 | 300610 | - Sterile surgical catgut, similar sterile suture materials (including sterile absorbable surgical or dental yarns) and sterile tissue adhesives for surgical wound closure; sterile laminaria and sterile laminaria tents; sterile absorbable surgical or dental haemostatics; sterile surgical or dental adhesion barriers, whether or not absorbable | 0 % | T0 |
30062000 | 300620 | - Blood-grouping reagents | 0 % | T0 |
30063000 | 300630 | - Opacifying preparations for X-ray examinations; diagnostic reagents designed to be administered to the patient | 0 % | T0 |
30064000 | 300640 | - Dental cements and other dental fillings; bone reconstruction cements | 0 % | T0 |
30066000 | 300660 | - Chemical contraceptive preparations based on hormones, on other products of heading 2937 or on spermicides | 0 % | T0 |
30067000 | 300670 | - Gel preparations designed to be used in human or veterinary medicine as a lubricant for parts of the body for surgical operations or physical examinations or as a coupling agent between the body and medical instruments | 0 % | T0 |
31010000 | 310100 | Animal or vegetable fertilisers, whether or not mixed together or chemically treated; fertilisers produced by the mixing or chemical treatment of animal or vegetable products | 0 % | T0 |
31021000 | 310210 | - Urea, whether or not in aqueous solution | 0 % | T0 |
31022100 | 310221 | -- Ammonium sulphate | 0 % | T0 |
31022900 | 310229 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
31023000 | 310230 | - Ammonium nitrate, whether or not in aqueous solution | 0 % | T0 |
31024000 | 310240 | - Mixtures of ammonium nitrate with calcium carbonate or other inorganic non-fertilising substances | 0 % | T0 |
31025000 | 310250 | - Sodium nitrate | 0 % | T0 |
31026000 | 310260 | - Double salts and mixtures of calcium nitrate and ammonium nitrate | 0 % | T0 |
31028000 | 310280 | - Mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate in aqueous or ammoniacal solution | 0 % | T0 |
31029000 | 310290 | - Other, including mixtures not specified in the foregoing subheadings | 0 % | T0 |
31031000 | 310310 | - Superphosphates | 0 % | T0 |
31039000 | 310390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
31042000 | 310420 | - Potassium chloride | 0 % | T0 |
31043000 | 310430 | - Potassium sulphate | 0 % | T0 |
31049000 | 310490 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
31051000 | 310510 | - Goods of this chapter in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a gross weight not exceeding 10 kg | 0 % | T0 |
31052000 | 310520 | - Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing the three fertilising elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium | 0 % | T0 |
31053000 | 310530 | - Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate (diammonium phosphate) | 0 % | T0 |
31054000 | 310540 | - Ammonium dihydrogenorthophosphate (monoammonium phosphate) and mixtures thereof with diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate (diammonium phosphate) | 0 % | T0 |
31055100 | 310551 | -- Containing nitrates and phosphates | 0 % | T0 |
31055900 | 310559 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
31056000 | 310560 | - Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing the two fertilising elements phosphorus and potassium | 0 % | T0 |
31059000 | 310590 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
32011000 | 320110 | - Quebracho extract | 0 % | T0 |
32012000 | 320120 | - Wattle extract | 0 % | T0 |
32019000 | 320190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
32021000 | 320210 | - Synthetic organic tanning substances | 0 % | T0 |
32029000 | 320290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
32030000 | 320300 | Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin (including dyeing extracts but excluding animal black), whether or not chemically defined; preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter based on colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin | 0 % | T0 |
32041100 | 320411 | -- Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon | 0 % | T0 |
32041200 | 320412 | -- Acid dyes, whether or not premetallised, and preparations based thereon; mordant dyes and preparations based thereon | 0 % | T0 |
32041300 | 320413 | -- Basic dyes and preparations based thereon | 0 % | T0 |
32041400 | 320414 | -- Direct dyes and preparations based thereon | 0 % | T0 |
32041500 | 320415 | -- Vat dyes (including those usable in that state as pigments) and preparations based thereon | 0 % | T0 |
32041600 | 320416 | -- Reactive dyes and preparations based thereon | 0 % | T0 |
32041700 | 320417 | -- Pigments and preparations based thereon | 0 % | T0 |
32041900 | 320419 | -- Other, including mixtures of colouring matter of two or more of the subheadings 320411 to 320419 | 0 % | T0 |
32042000 | 320420 | - Synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agents | 0 % | T0 |
32049000 | 320490 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
32050000 | 320500 | Colour lakes; preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter based on colour lakes | 0 % | T0 |
32061100 | 320611 | -- Containing 80 % or more by weight of titanium dioxide calculated on the dry matter | 0 % | T0 |
32061900 | 320619 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
32062000 | 320620 | - Pigments and preparations based on chromium compounds | 0 % | T0 |
32064100 | 320641 | -- Ultramarine and preparations based thereon | 0 % | T0 |
32064200 | 320642 | -- Lithopone and other pigments and preparations based on zinc sulphide | 0 % | T0 |
32064900 | 320649 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
32065000 | 320650 | - Inorganic products of a kind used as luminophores | 0 % | T0 |
32071000 | 320710 | - Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers, prepared colours and similar preparations | 0 % | T0 |
32072000 | 320720 | - Vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes (slips) and similar preparations | 0 % | T0 |
32073000 | 320730 | - Liquid lustres and similar preparations | 0 % | T0 |
32074000 | 320740 | - Glass frit and other glass, in the form of powder, granules or flakes | 0 % | T0 |
32159010 | 321590 | --- Ink for ball point pens | 0 % | T0 |
33011200 | 330112 | -- Of orange | 0 % | T0 |
33011300 | 330113 | -- Of lemon | 0 % | T0 |
33011900 | 330119 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
33012400 | 330124 | -- Of peppermint (Mentha piperita) | 0 % | T0 |
33012500 | 330125 | -- Of other mints | 0 % | T0 |
33012900 | 330129 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
33013000 | 330130 | - Resinoids | 0 % | T0 |
33019000 | 330190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
33021000 | 330210 | - Of a kind used in the food or drink industries | 0 % | T0 |
33029000 | 330290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
34031100 | 340311 | -- Preparations for the treatment of textile materials, leather, furskins or other materials | 0 % | T0 |
34031900 | 340319 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
34039100 | 340391 | -- Preparations for the treatment of textile materials, leather, furskins or other materials | 0 % | T0 |
34039900 | 340399 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
34042000 | 340420 | - Of poly(oxyethylene) (polyethylene glycol) | 0 % | T0 |
34049000 | 340490 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
35071000 | 350710 | - Rennet and concentrates thereof | 0 % | T0 |
35079000 | 350790 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
37011000 | 370110 | - For X-ray | 0 % | T0 |
37021000 | 370210 | - For X-ray | 0 % | T0 |
38011000 | 380110 | - Artificial graphite | 0 % | T0 |
38012000 | 380120 | - Colloidal or semi-colloidal graphite | 0 % | T0 |
38013000 | 380130 | - Carbonaceous pastes for electrodes and similar pastes for furnace linings | 0 % | T0 |
38019000 | 380190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
38021000 | 380210 | - Activated carbon | 0 % | T0 |
38029000 | 380290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
38030000 | 380300 | Tall oil, whether or not refined | 0 % | T0 |
38040000 | 380400 | Residual lyes from the manufacture of wood pulp, whether or not concentrated, desugared or chemically treated, including lignin sulphonates, but excluding tall oil of heading 3803 | 0 % | T0 |
38051000 | 380510 | - Gum, wood or sulphate turpentine oils | 0 % | T0 |
38059000 | 380590 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
38061000 | 380610 | - Rosin and resin acids | 0 % | T0 |
38062000 | 380620 | - Salts of rosin, of resin acids or of derivatives of rosin or resin acids, other than salts of rosin adducts | 0 % | T0 |
38063000 | 380630 | - Ester gums | 0 % | T0 |
38069000 | 380690 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
38070000 | 380700 | Wood tar; wood tar oils; wood creosote; wood naphtha; vegetable pitch; brewers' pitch and similar preparations based on rosin, resin acids or on vegetable pitch | 0 % | T0 |
38085000 | 380850 | - Goods specified in subheading note 1 to this chapter | 0 % | T0 |
38089191 | 380891 | - - - - Containing bromomethane (methyl bromide) or bromochloromethane | 0 % | T0 |
38089199 | 380891 | - - - - Other | 0 % | T0 |
38089210 | 380892 | --- Containing bromomethane (methyl bromide) or bromochloromethane | 0 % | T0 |
38089290 | 380892 | --- Other | 0 % | T0 |
38089310 | 380893 | --- Containing bromomethane (methyl bromide) or bromochloromethane | 0 % | T0 |
38089390 | 380893 | --- Other | 0 % | T0 |
38089410 | 380894 | --- Containing bromomethane (methyl bromide) or bromochloromethane | 0 % | T0 |
38089490 | 380894 | --- Other | 0 % | T0 |
38089910 | 380899 | --- Containing bromomethane (methyl bromide) or bromochloromethane | 0 % | T0 |
38089990 | 380899 | --- Other | 0 % | T0 |
38091000 | 380910 | - With a basis of amylaceous substances | 0 % | T0 |
38099100 | 380991 | -- Of a kind used in the textile or like industries | 0 % | T0 |
38099200 | 380992 | -- Of a kind used in the paper or like industries | 0 % | T0 |
38099300 | 380993 | -- Of a kind used in the leather or like industries | 0 % | T0 |
38121000 | 381210 | - Prepared rubber accelerators | 0 % | T0 |
38122000 | 381220 | - Compound plasticisers for rubber or plastics | 0 % | T0 |
38123000 | 381230 | - Anti-oxidising preparations and other compound stabilisers for rubber or plastics | 0 % | T0 |
38130010 | 381300 | ---Containing bromochlorodifluoromethane, bromotrifluoromethane or Dibromotetrafluoroethanes | 0 % | T0 |
38130020 | 381300 | --- Containing methane, ethane or propane hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFCs) | 0 % | T0 |
38130030 | 381300 | --- Containing methane, ethane or propane hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) | 0 % | T0 |
38130040 | 381300 | --- Containing bromochloromethane | 0 % | T0 |
38130090 | 381300 | --- Other | 0 % | T0 |
38140010 | 381400 | ---Containing methane, ethane or propane chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), whether not containing hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) | 0 % | T0 |
38140020 | 381400 | --- Containing methane, ethane or propane hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), but not containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) | 0 % | T0 |
38140030 | 381400 | --- Containing carbon tetrachloride, bromochloromethane or 1,1,1-trichloroethane | 0 % | T0 |
38140090 | 381400 | --- Other | 0 % | T0 |
38160000 | 381600 | Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions, other than products of heading 3801 | 0 % | T0 |
38170000 | 381700 | Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes, other than those of heading 2707 or 2902 | 0 % | T0 |
38210000 | 382100 | Prepared culture media for the development or maintenance of micro-organisms (including viruses and the like) or of plant, human or animal cells | 0 % | T0 |
38220000 | 382200 | Diagnostic or laboratory reagents on a backing, prepared diagnostic or laboratory reagents whether or not on a backing, other than those of heading 3002 or 3006; certified reference materials | 0 % | T0 |
38231100 | 382311 | -- Stearic acid | 0 % | T0 |
38231200 | 382312 | -- Oleic acid | 0 % | T0 |
38231300 | 382313 | -- Tall oil fatty acids | 0 % | T0 |
38231900 | 382319 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
38237000 | 382370 | - Industrial fatty alcohols | 0 % | T0 |
38241000 | 382410 | - Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores | 0 % | T0 |
38243000 | 382430 | - Non-agglomerated metal carbides mixed together or with metallic binders | 0 % | T0 |
38244000 | 382440 | - Prepared additives for cements, mortars or concretes | 0 % | T0 |
38245000 | 382450 | - Non-refractory mortars and concretes | 0 % | T0 |
38246000 | 382460 | - Sorbitol other than that of subheading 290544 | 0 % | T0 |
38247100 | 382471 | -- Containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), whether or not containing hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) or hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) | 0 % | T0 |
38247200 | 382472 | -- Containing bromochlorodifluoromethane, bromotrifluoromethane or dibromotetrafluoroethanes | 0 % | T0 |
38247300 | 382473 | -- Containing hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFCs) | 0 % | T0 |
38247400 | 382474 | -- Containing hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), whether or not containing perfluorocarbons (PFCs) or hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), but not containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) | 0 % | T0 |
38247500 | 382475 | -- Containing carbon tetrachloride | 0 % | T0 |
38247600 | 382476 | -- Containing 1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform) | 0 % | T0 |
38247700 | 382477 | -- Containing bromomethane (methyl bromide) or bromochloromethane | 0 % | T0 |
38247800 | 382478 | -- Containing perfluorocarbons (PFCs) or hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), but not containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) or hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) | 0 % | T0 |
38247900 | 382479 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
38248100 | 382481 | -- Containing oxirane (ethylene oxide) | 0 % | T0 |
38248200 | 382482 | -- Containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) or polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) | 0 % | T0 |
38248300 | 382483 | -- Containing tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate | 0 % | T0 |
38249010 | 382490 | --- "Grey oxide" and "Black oxide" ("Lead dust") | 0 % | T0 |
38249090 | 382490 | --- Other | 0 % | T0 |
38260000 | 382600 | Biodiesel and mixtures thereof, not containing or containing less than 70 % by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals | 0 % | T0 |
39011000 | 390110 | - Polyethylene having a specific gravity of less than 0,94 | 0 % | T0 |
39012000 | 390120 | - Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0,94 or more | 0 % | T0 |
39013000 | 390130 | - Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers | 0 % | T0 |
39019000 | 390190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
39021000 | 390210 | - Polypropylene | 0 % | T0 |
39022000 | 390220 | - Polyisobutylene | 0 % | T0 |
39023000 | 390230 | - Propylene copolymers | 0 % | T0 |
39029000 | 390290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
39031100 | 390311 | -- Expansible | 0 % | T0 |
39031900 | 390319 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
39032000 | 390320 | - Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymers | 0 % | T0 |
39033000 | 390330 | - Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers | 0 % | T0 |
39039000 | 390390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
39041000 | 390410 | - Poly(vinyl chloride), not mixed with any other substances | 0 % | T0 |
39042100 | 390421 | -- Non-plasticised | 0 % | T0 |
39042200 | 390422 | -- Plasticised | 0 % | T0 |
39043000 | 390430 | - Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers | 0 % | T0 |
39044000 | 390440 | - Other vinyl chloride copolymers | 0 % | T0 |
39045000 | 390450 | - Vinylidene chloride polymers | 0 % | T0 |
39046100 | 390461 | -- Polytetrafluoroethylene | 0 % | T0 |
39046900 | 390469 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
39049000 | 390490 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
39071000 | 390710 | - Polyacetals | 0 % | T0 |
39072000 | 390720 | - Other polyethers | 0 % | T0 |
39073000 | 390730 | - Epoxide resins | 0 % | T0 |
39074000 | 390740 | - Polycarbonates | 0 % | T0 |
39076000 | 390760 | - Poly(ethylene terephthalate) | 0 % | T0 |
39081000 | 390810 | - Polyamide-6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 or -6,12 | 0 % | T0 |
39089000 | 390890 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
39093000 | 390930 | - Other amino-resins | 0 % | T0 |
39094000 | 390940 | - Phenolic resins | 0 % | T0 |
39100000 | 391000 | Silicones in primary forms | 0 % | T0 |
39111000 | 391110 | - Petroleum resins, coumarone, indene or coumarone-indene resins and polyterpenes | 0 % | T0 |
39119000 | 391190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
39121100 | 391211 | -- Non-plasticised | 0 % | T0 |
39121200 | 391212 | -- Plasticised | 0 % | T0 |
39122000 | 391220 | - Cellulose nitrates (including collodions) | 0 % | T0 |
39123100 | 391231 | -- Carboxymethylcellulose and its salts | 0 % | T0 |
39123900 | 391239 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
39129000 | 391290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
39131000 | 391310 | - Alginic acid, its salts and esters | 0 % | T0 |
39139000 | 391390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
39140000 | 391400 | Ion-exchangers based on polymers of headings 3901 to 3913, in primary forms | 0 % | T0 |
39151000 | 391510 | - Of polymers of ethylene | 0 % | T0 |
39152000 | 391520 | - Of polymers of styrene | 0 % | T0 |
39153000 | 391530 | - Of polymers of vinyl chloride | 0 % | T0 |
39159000 | 391590 | - Of other plastics | 0 % | T0 |
39161000 | 391610 | - Of polymers of ethylene | 0 % | T0 |
39162000 | 391620 | - Of polymers of vinyl chloride | 0 % | T0 |
39169000 | 391690 | - Of other plastics | 0 % | T0 |
39171000 | 391710 | - Artificial guts (sausage casings) of hardened protein or of cellulosic materials | 0 % | T0 |
39239010 | 392390 | --- Empty gelatine capsules for pharmaceutical use | 0 % | T0 |
40011000 | 400110 | - Natural rubber latex, whether or not prevulcanised | 0 % | T0 |
40012100 | 400121 | -- Smoked sheets | 0 % | T0 |
40012200 | 400122 | -- Technically specified natural rubber (TSNR) | 0 % | T0 |
40012900 | 400129 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
40013000 | 400130 | - Balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar natural gums | 0 % | T0 |
40021100 | 400211 | -- Latex | 0 % | T0 |
40021900 | 400219 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
40022000 | 400220 | - Butadiene rubber (BR) | 0 % | T0 |
40023100 | 400231 | -- Isobutene-isoprene (butyl) rubber (IIR) | 0 % | T0 |
40023900 | 400239 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
40024100 | 400241 | -- Latex | 0 % | T0 |
40024900 | 400249 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
40025100 | 400251 | -- Latex | 0 % | T0 |
40025900 | 400259 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
40026000 | 400260 | - Isoprene rubber (IR) | 0 % | T0 |
40027000 | 400270 | - Ethylene-propylene-non-conjugated diene rubber (EPDM) | 0 % | T0 |
40028000 | 400280 | - Mixtures of any product of heading 4001 with any product of this heading | 0 % | T0 |
40029100 | 400291 | -- Latex | 0 % | T0 |
40029900 | 400299 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
40030000 | 400300 | Reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip | 0 % | T0 |
40040000 | 400400 | Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and powders and granules obtained therefrom | 0 % | T0 |
40051000 | 400510 | - Compounded with carbon black or silica | 0 % | T0 |
40052000 | 400520 | - Solutions; dispersions other than those of subheading 400510 | 0 % | T0 |
40059100 | 400591 | -- Plates, sheets and strip | 0 % | T0 |
40059900 | 400599 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
40061000 | 400610 | - 'Camel-back' strips for retreading rubber tyres | 0 % | T0 |
40070000 | 400700 | Vulcanised rubber thread and cord | 0 % | T0 |
40113000 | 401130 | - Of a kind used on aircraft | 0 % | T0 |
40116100 | 401161 | -- Of a kind used on agricultural or forestry vehicles and machines | 0 % | T0 |
40119200 | 401192 | -- Of a kind used on agricultural or forestry vehicles and machines | 0 % | T0 |
40141000 | 401410 | - Sheath contraceptives | 0 % | T0 |
40149000 | 401490 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
40151100 | 401511 | -- Surgical | 0 % | T0 |
40170010 | 401700 | --- Wastes and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
43011000 | 430110 | - Of mink, whole, with or without head, tail or paws | 0 % | T0 |
43013000 | 430130 | - Of lamb, the following: Astrakhan, Broadtail, Caracul, Persian and similar lamb, Indian, Chinese, Mongolian or Tibetan lamb, whole, with or without head, tail or paws | 0 % | T0 |
43016000 | 430160 | - Of fox, whole, with or without head, tail or paws | 0 % | T0 |
43018000 | 430180 | - Other furskins, whole, with or without head, tail or paws | 0 % | T0 |
43019000 | 430190 | - Heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings, suitable for furriers' use | 0 % | T0 |
44011000 | 440110 | - Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms | 0 % | T0 |
44012100 | 440121 | -- Coniferous | 0 % | T0 |
44012200 | 440122 | -- Non-coniferous | 0 % | T0 |
44013100 | 440131 | -- Wood pellets | 0 % | T0 |
44013900 | 440139 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
44021000 | 440210 | - Of bamboo | 0 % | T0 |
44029000 | 440290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
44031000 | 440310 | - Treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives | 0 % | T0 |
44032000 | 440320 | - Other, coniferous | 0 % | T0 |
44034100 | 440341 | -- Dark red meranti, light red meranti and meranti bakau | 0 % | T0 |
44034900 | 440349 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
44039100 | 440391 | -- Of oak (Quercus spp.) | 0 % | T0 |
44039200 | 440392 | -- Of beech (Fagus spp.) | 0 % | T0 |
44039900 | 440399 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
44041000 | 440410 | - Coniferous | 0 % | T0 |
44042000 | 440420 | - Non-coniferous | 0 % | T0 |
44050000 | 440500 | Wood wool; wood flour | 0 % | T0 |
44061000 | 440610 | - Not impregnated | 0 % | T0 |
44069000 | 440690 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
45011000 | 450110 | - Natural cork, raw or simply prepared | 0 % | T0 |
45019000 | 450190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
45020000 | 450200 | Natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in rectangular (including square) blocks, plates, sheets or strip (including sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers) | 0 % | T0 |
47010000 | 470100 | Mechanical wood pulp | 0 % | T0 |
47020000 | 470200 | Chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades | 0 % | T0 |
47031100 | 470311 | -- Coniferous | 0 % | T0 |
47031900 | 470319 | -- Non-coniferous | 0 % | T0 |
47032100 | 470321 | -- Coniferous | 0 % | T0 |
47032900 | 470329 | -- Non-coniferous | 0 % | T0 |
47041100 | 470411 | -- Coniferous | 0 % | T0 |
47041900 | 470419 | -- Non-coniferous | 0 % | T0 |
47042100 | 470421 | -- Coniferous | 0 % | T0 |
47042900 | 470429 | -- Non-coniferous | 0 % | T0 |
47050000 | 470500 | Wood pulp obtained by a combination of mechanical and chemical pulping processes | 0 % | T0 |
47061000 | 470610 | - Cotton linters pulp | 0 % | T0 |
47062000 | 470620 | - Pulps of fibres derived from recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard | 0 % | T0 |
47063000 | 470630 | - Other, of bamboo | 0 % | T0 |
47069100 | 470691 | -- Mechanical | 0 % | T0 |
47069200 | 470692 | -- Chemical | 0 % | T0 |
47069300 | 470693 | -- Obtained by a combination of mechanical and chemical processes | 0 % | T0 |
47071000 | 470710 | - Unbleached kraft paper or paperboard or corrugated paper or paperboard | 0 % | T0 |
47072000 | 470720 | - Other paper or paperboard made mainly of bleached chemical pulp, not coloured in the mass | 0 % | T0 |
47073000 | 470730 | - Paper or paperboard made mainly of mechanical pulp (for example, newspapers, journals and similar printed matter) | 0 % | T0 |
47079000 | 470790 | - Other, including unsorted waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
48041910 | 480419 | --- Dry battery Kraftliner | 0 % | T0 |
48114110 | 481141 | --- Unprinted | 0 % | T0 |
48115910 | 481159 | --- For labelling dry cells and dry batteries | 0 % | T0 |
48116010 | 481160 | --- Unprinted | 0 % | T0 |
48120000 | 481200 | Filter blocks, slabs and plates, of paper pulp | 0 % | T0 |
48131000 | 481310 | - In the form of booklets or tubes | 0 % | T0 |
48132000 | 481320 | - In rolls of a width not exceeding 5 cm | 0 % | T0 |
48139000 | 481390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
49011000 | 490110 | - In single sheets, whether or not folded | 0 % | T0 |
49019100 | 490191 | -- Dictionaries and encyclopaedias, and serial instalments thereof | 0 % | T0 |
49019900 | 490199 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
49021000 | 490210 | - Appearing at least four times a week | 0 % | T0 |
49029000 | 490290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
49030000 | 490300 | Children's picture, drawing or colouring books | 0 % | T0 |
49040000 | 490400 | Music, printed or in manuscript, whether or not bound or illustrated | 0 % | T0 |
49051000 | 490510 | - Globes | 0 % | T0 |
49059100 | 490591 | -- In book form | 0 % | T0 |
49059900 | 490599 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
49060000 | 490600 | Plans and drawings for architectural, engineering, industrial, commercial, topographical or similar purposes, being originals drawn by hand; handwritten texts; photographic reproductions on sensitised paper and carbon copies of the foregoing | 0 % | T0 |
49070090 | 490700 | --- Other | 0 % | T0 |
49119910 | 491199 | --- Instructional charts and diagrams | 0 % | T0 |
49119920 | 491199 | --- Examination question papers | 0 % | T0 |
50010000 | 500100 | Silkworm cocoons suitable for reeling | 0 % | T0 |
50020000 | 500200 | Raw silk (not thrown) | 0 % | T0 |
50030000 | 500300 | Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock) | 0 % | T0 |
51011100 | 510111 | -- Shorn wool | 0 % | T0 |
51011900 | 510119 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
51012100 | 510121 | -- Shorn wool | 0 % | T0 |
51012900 | 510129 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
51013000 | 510130 | - Carbonised | 0 % | T0 |
51021100 | 510211 | -- Of Kashmir (cashmere) goats | 0 % | T0 |
51021900 | 510219 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
51022000 | 510220 | - Coarse animal hair | 0 % | T0 |
51031000 | 510310 | - Noils of wool or of fine animal hair | 0 % | T0 |
51032000 | 510320 | - Other waste of wool or of fine animal hair | 0 % | T0 |
51033000 | 510330 | - Waste of coarse animal hair | 0 % | T0 |
51040000 | 510400 | Garnetted stock of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair | 0 % | T0 |
51051000 | 510510 | - Carded wool | 0 % | T0 |
51052100 | 510521 | -- Combed wool in fragments | 0 % | T0 |
51052900 | 510529 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
51053100 | 510531 | -- Of Kashmir (cashmere) goats | 0 % | T0 |
51053900 | 510539 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
51054000 | 510540 | - Coarse animal hair, carded or combed | 0 % | T0 |
52010000 | 520100 | Cotton, not carded or combed | 0 % | T0 |
52021000 | 520210 | - Yarn waste (including thread waste) | 0 % | T0 |
52029100 | 520291 | -- Garnetted stock | 0 % | T0 |
52029900 | 520299 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
52030000 | 520300 | Cotton, carded or combed | 0 % | T0 |
53011000 | 530110 | - Flax, raw or retted | 0 % | T0 |
53012100 | 530121 | -- Broken or scutched | 0 % | T0 |
53012900 | 530129 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
53013000 | 530130 | - Flax tow and waste | 0 % | T0 |
53021000 | 530210 | - True hemp, raw or retted | 0 % | T0 |
53029000 | 530290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
53031000 | 530310 | - Jute and other textile bast fibres, raw or retted | 0 % | T0 |
53039000 | 530390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
53050000 | 530500 | Coconut, abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee), ramie and other vegetable textile fibres, not elsewhere specified or included, raw or processed but not spun; tow, noils and waste of these fibres (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) | 0 % | T0 |
55011000 | 550110 | - Of nylon or other polyamides | 0 % | T0 |
55012000 | 550120 | - Of polyesters | 0 % | T0 |
55013000 | 550130 | - Acrylic or modacrylic | 0 % | T0 |
55014000 | 550140 | - Of polypropylene | 0 % | T0 |
55019000 | 550190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
55020000 | 550200 | Artificial filament tow | 0 % | T0 |
55031100 | 550311 | -- Of aramids | 0 % | T0 |
55031900 | 550319 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
55032000 | 550320 | - Of polyesters | 0 % | T0 |
55033000 | 550330 | - Acrylic or modacrylic | 0 % | T0 |
55034000 | 550340 | - Of polypropylene | 0 % | T0 |
55039000 | 550390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
55041000 | 550410 | - Of viscose rayon | 0 % | T0 |
55049000 | 550490 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
55051000 | 550510 | - Of synthetic fibres | 0 % | T0 |
55052000 | 550520 | - Of artificial fibres | 0 % | T0 |
55061000 | 550610 | - Of nylon or other polyamides | 0 % | T0 |
55062000 | 550620 | - Of polyesters | 0 % | T0 |
55063000 | 550630 | - Acrylic or modacrylic | 0 % | T0 |
55069000 | 550690 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
55070000 | 550700 | Artificial staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning | 0 % | T0 |
59021000 | 590210 | - Of nylon or other polyamides | 0 % | T0 |
59022000 | 590220 | - Of polyesters | 0 % | T0 |
59029000 | 590290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
59114000 | 591140 | - Straining cloth of a kind used in oil-presses or the like, including that of human hair | 0 % | T0 |
63049110 | 630491 | --- Mosquito net | 0 % | T0 |
63072000 | 630720 | - Life jackets and lifebelts | 0 % | T0 |
65061000 | 650610 | - Safety headgear | 0 % | T0 |
69021000 | 690210 | - Containing, by weight, singly or together, more than 50 % of the elements Mg, Ca or Cr, expressed as MgO, CaO or Cr2O3 | 0 % | T0 |
69022000 | 690220 | - Containing, by weight, more than 50 % of alumina (Al2O3), of silica (SiO2) or of a mixture or compound of these products | 0 % | T0 |
69029000 | 690290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
69091100 | 690911 | -- Of porcelain or china | 0 % | T0 |
69091200 | 690912 | -- Articles having a hardness equivalent to 9 or more on the Mohs scale | 0 % | T0 |
69091900 | 690919 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
69099000 | 690990 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
70010000 | 700100 | Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass; glass in the mass | 0 % | T0 |
70101010 | 701010 | --- For pharmaceutical products | 0 % | T0 |
70151000 | 701510 | - Glasses for corrective spectacles | 0 % | T0 |
70171000 | 701710 | - Of fused quartz or other fused silica | 0 % | T0 |
70172000 | 701720 | - Of other glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 5 × 10–6 per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0 °C to 300 °C | 0 % | T0 |
70179000 | 701790 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
71031010 | 710310 | --- Tanzanite | 0 % | T0 |
71031020 | 710310 | --- Alexandrite | 0 % | T0 |
71039910 | 710399 | --- Tanzanite | 0 % | T0 |
71039920 | 710399 | --- Alexandrite | 0 % | T0 |
71082000 | 710820 | - Monetary | 0 % | T0 |
71189000 | 711890 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
72011000 | 720110 | - Non-alloy pig iron containing by weight 0,5 % or less of phosphorus | 0 % | T0 |
72012000 | 720120 | - Non-alloy pig iron containing by weight more than 0,5 % of phosphorus | 0 % | T0 |
72015000 | 720150 | - Alloy pig iron; spiegeleisen | 0 % | T0 |
72021100 | 720211 | -- Containing by weight more than 2 % of carbon | 0 % | T0 |
72021900 | 720219 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
72022100 | 720221 | -- Containing by weight more than 55 % of silicon | 0 % | T0 |
72022900 | 720229 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
72023000 | 720230 | - Ferro-silico-manganese | 0 % | T0 |
72024100 | 720241 | -- Containing by weight more than 4 % of carbon | 0 % | T0 |
72024900 | 720249 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
72025000 | 720250 | - Ferro-silico-chromium | 0 % | T0 |
72026000 | 720260 | - Ferro-nickel | 0 % | T0 |
72027000 | 720270 | - Ferro-molybdenum | 0 % | T0 |
72028000 | 720280 | - Ferro-tungsten and ferro-silico-tungsten | 0 % | T0 |
72029100 | 720291 | -- Ferro-titanium and ferro-silico-titanium | 0 % | T0 |
72029200 | 720292 | -- Ferro-vanadium | 0 % | T0 |
72029300 | 720293 | -- Ferro-niobium | 0 % | T0 |
72029900 | 720299 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
72031000 | 720310 | - Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction of iron ore | 0 % | T0 |
72039000 | 720390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
72041000 | 720410 | - Waste and scrap of cast iron | 0 % | T0 |
72042100 | 720421 | -- Of stainless steel | 0 % | T0 |
72042900 | 720429 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
72043000 | 720430 | - Waste and scrap of tinned iron or steel | 0 % | T0 |
72044100 | 720441 | -- Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust, filings, trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundles | 0 % | T0 |
72044900 | 720449 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
72045000 | 720450 | - Remelting scrap ingots | 0 % | T0 |
72051000 | 720510 | - Granules | 0 % | T0 |
72052100 | 720521 | -- Of alloy steel | 0 % | T0 |
72052900 | 720529 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
72061000 | 720610 | - Ingots | 0 % | T0 |
72069000 | 720690 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
72071100 | 720711 | -- Of rectangular (including square) cross-section, the width measuring less than twice the thickness | 0 % | T0 |
72071200 | 720712 | -- Other, of rectangular (other than square) cross-section | 0 % | T0 |
72071900 | 720719 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
72072000 | 720720 | - Containing by weight 0,25 % or more of carbon | 0 % | T0 |
72081000 | 720810 | - In coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, with patterns in relief | 0 % | T0 |
72082500 | 720825 | -- Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more | 0 % | T0 |
72082600 | 720826 | -- Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72082700 | 720827 | -- Of a thickness of less than 3 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72083600 | 720836 | -- Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72083700 | 720837 | -- Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more but not exceeding 10 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72083800 | 720838 | -- Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72083900 | 720839 | -- Of a thickness of less than 3 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72084000 | 720840 | - Not in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, with patterns in relief | 0 % | T0 |
72085100 | 720851 | -- Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72085200 | 720852 | -- Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more but not exceeding 10 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72085300 | 720853 | -- Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72085400 | 720854 | -- Of a thickness of less than 3 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72089000 | 720890 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
72101200 | 721012 | -- Of a thickness of less than 0,5 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72105000 | 721050 | - Plated or coated with chromium oxides or with chromium and chromium oxides | 0 % | T0 |
72139100 | 721391 | -- Of circular cross-section measuring less than 14 mm in diameter | 0 % | T0 |
72139900 | 721399 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
72172000 | 721720 | - Plated or coated with zinc | 0 % | T0 |
72173010 | 721730 | --- Of a kind used in the manufacture of tyres | 0 % | T0 |
72181000 | 721810 | - Ingots and other primary forms | 0 % | T0 |
72189100 | 721891 | -- Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section | 0 % | T0 |
72189900 | 721899 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
72191100 | 721911 | -- Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72191200 | 721912 | -- Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more but not exceeding 10 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72191300 | 721913 | -- Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72191400 | 721914 | -- Of a thickness of less than 3 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72192100 | 721921 | -- Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72192200 | 721922 | -- Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more but not exceeding 10 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72192300 | 721923 | -- Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72192400 | 721924 | -- Of a thickness of less than 3 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72193100 | 721931 | -- Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more | 0 % | T0 |
72193200 | 721932 | -- Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72193300 | 721933 | -- Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but less than 3 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72193400 | 721934 | -- Of a thickness of 0,5 mm or more but not exceeding 1 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72193500 | 721935 | -- Of a thickness of less than 0,5 mm | 0 % | T0 |
72199000 | 721990 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
72241000 | 722410 | - Ingots and other primary forms | 0 % | T0 |
72249000 | 722490 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
73021000 | 730210 | - Rails | 0 % | T0 |
73023000 | 730230 | - Switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing pieces | 0 % | T0 |
73024000 | 730240 | - Fish-plates and sole plates | 0 % | T0 |
73029000 | 730290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
73041100 | 730411 | -- Of stainless steel | 0 % | T0 |
73041900 | 730419 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
73042200 | 730422 | -- Drill pipe of stainless steel | 0 % | T0 |
73042300 | 730423 | -- Other drill pipe | 0 % | T0 |
73042400 | 730424 | -- Other, of stainless steel | 0 % | T0 |
73042900 | 730429 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
73051100 | 730511 | -- Longitudinally submerged arc welded | 0 % | T0 |
73051200 | 730512 | -- Other, longitudinally welded | 0 % | T0 |
73051900 | 730519 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
73052000 | 730520 | - Casing of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas | 0 % | T0 |
73061100 | 730611 | -- Welded, of stainless steel | 0 % | T0 |
73061900 | 730619 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
73062100 | 730621 | -- Welded, of stainless steel | 0 % | T0 |
73062900 | 730629 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
73081000 | 730810 | - Bridges and bridge-sections | 0 % | T0 |
73082000 | 730820 | - Towers and lattice masts | 0 % | T0 |
73084000 | 730840 | - Equipment for scaffolding, shuttering, propping or pit-propping | 0 % | T0 |
73102920 | 731029 | --- Cans and ends for beverages | 0 % | T0 |
73259100 | 732591 | -- Grinding balls and similar articles for mills | 0 % | T0 |
73261100 | 732611 | -- Grinding balls and similar articles for mills | 0 % | T0 |
73269010 | 732690 | --- Traps and snares for the destruction of pests | 0 % | T0 |
73269020 | 732690 | --- Reels for fire hose | 0 % | T0 |
74010000 | 740100 | Copper mattes; cement copper (precipitated copper) | 0 % | T0 |
74020000 | 740200 | Unrefined copper; copper anodes for electrolytic refining | 0 % | T0 |
74040000 | 740400 | Copper waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
74071000 | 740710 | - Of refined copper | 0 % | T0 |
74081100 | 740811 | -- Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 6 mm | 0 % | T0 |
74082200 | 740822 | -- Of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) | 0 % | T0 |
75011000 | 750110 | - Nickel mattes | 0 % | T0 |
75012000 | 750120 | - Nickel oxide sinters and other intermediate products of nickel metallurgy | 0 % | T0 |
75021000 | 750210 | - Nickel, not alloyed | 0 % | T0 |
75022000 | 750220 | - Nickel alloys | 0 % | T0 |
75030000 | 750300 | Nickel waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
75040000 | 750400 | Nickel powders and flakes | 0 % | T0 |
76011000 | 760110 | - Aluminium, not alloyed | 0 % | T0 |
76012000 | 760120 | - Aluminium alloys | 0 % | T0 |
76020000 | 760200 | Aluminium waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
76031000 | 760310 | - Powders of non-lamellar structure | 0 % | T0 |
76032000 | 760320 | - Powders of lamellar structure; flakes | 0 % | T0 |
76109000 | 761090 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
76129010 | 761290 | ---Cans and ends for beverages | 0 % | T0 |
78011000 | 780110 | - Refined lead | 0 % | T0 |
78019100 | 780191 | -- Containing by weight antimony as the principal other element | 0 % | T0 |
78019900 | 780199 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
78020000 | 780200 | Lead waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
78042000 | 780420 | - Powders and flakes | 0 % | T0 |
79011100 | 790111 | -- Containing by weight 99,99 % or more of zinc | 0 % | T0 |
79011200 | 790112 | -- Containing by weight less than 99,99 % of zinc | 0 % | T0 |
79012000 | 790120 | - Zinc alloys | 0 % | T0 |
79020000 | 790200 | Zinc waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
79031000 | 790310 | - Zinc dust | 0 % | T0 |
79039000 | 790390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
80011000 | 800110 | - Tin, not alloyed | 0 % | T0 |
80012000 | 800120 | - Tin alloys | 0 % | T0 |
80020000 | 800200 | Tin waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
81011000 | 810110 | - Powders | 0 % | T0 |
81019400 | 810194 | -- Unwrought tungsten, including bars and rods obtained simply by sintering | 0 % | T0 |
81019600 | 810196 | -- Wire | 0 % | T0 |
81019700 | 810197 | -- Waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
81019900 | 810199 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
81021000 | 810210 | - Powders | 0 % | T0 |
81029400 | 810294 | -- Unwrought molybdenum, including bars and rods obtained simply by sintering | 0 % | T0 |
81029500 | 810295 | -- Bars and rods, other than those obtained simply by sintering, profiles, plates, sheets, strip and foil | 0 % | T0 |
81029600 | 810296 | -- Wire | 0 % | T0 |
81029700 | 810297 | -- Waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
81029900 | 810299 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
81032000 | 810320 | - Unwrought tantalum, including bars and rods obtained simply by sintering; powders | 0 % | T0 |
81033000 | 810330 | - Waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
81039000 | 810390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
81041100 | 810411 | -- Containing at least 99,8 % by weight of magnesium | 0 % | T0 |
81041900 | 810419 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
81042000 | 810420 | - Waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
81043000 | 810430 | - Raspings, turnings and granules, graded according to size; powders | 0 % | T0 |
81049000 | 810490 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
81052000 | 810520 | - Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; unwrought cobalt; powders | 0 % | T0 |
81053000 | 810530 | - Waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
81059000 | 810590 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
81060000 | 810600 | Bismuth and articles thereof, including waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
81072000 | 810720 | - Unwrought cadmium; powders | 0 % | T0 |
81073000 | 810730 | - Waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
81079000 | 810790 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
81082000 | 810820 | - Unwrought titanium; powders | 0 % | T0 |
81083000 | 810830 | - Waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
81089000 | 810890 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
81092000 | 810920 | - Unwrought zirconium; powders | 0 % | T0 |
81093000 | 810930 | - Waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
81099000 | 810990 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
81101000 | 811010 | - Unwrought antimony; powders | 0 % | T0 |
81102000 | 811020 | - Waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
81109000 | 811090 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
81110000 | 811100 | Manganese and articles thereof, including waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
81121200 | 811212 | -- Unwrought; powders | 0 % | T0 |
81121300 | 811213 | -- Waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
81121900 | 811219 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
81122100 | 811221 | -- Unwrought; powders | 0 % | T0 |
81122200 | 811222 | -- Waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
81122900 | 811229 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
81125100 | 811251 | -- Unwrought; powders | 0 % | T0 |
81125200 | 811252 | -- Waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
81125900 | 811259 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
81129200 | 811292 | -- Unwrought; waste and scrap; powders | 0 % | T0 |
81129900 | 811299 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
81130000 | 811300 | Cermets and articles thereof, including waste and scrap | 0 % | T0 |
82084000 | 820840 | - For agricultural, horticultural or forestry machines | 0 % | T0 |
84011000 | 840110 | - Nuclear reactors (Euratom) | 0 % | T0 |
84012000 | 840120 | - Machinery and apparatus for isotopic separation, and parts thereof (Euratom) | 0 % | T0 |
84013000 | 840130 | - Fuel elements (cartridges), non-irradiated (Euratom) | 0 % | T0 |
84014000 | 840140 | - Parts of nuclear reactors (Euratom) | 0 % | T0 |
84021100 | 840211 | -- Watertube boilers with a steam production exceeding 45 tonnes per hour | 0 % | T0 |
84021200 | 840212 | -- Watertube boilers with a steam production not exceeding 45 tonnes per hour | 0 % | T0 |
84021900 | 840219 | -- Other vapour generating boilers, including hybrid boilers | 0 % | T0 |
84022000 | 840220 | - Superheated water boilers | 0 % | T0 |
84029000 | 840290 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84031000 | 840310 | - Boilers | 0 % | T0 |
84039000 | 840390 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84041000 | 840410 | - Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of heading 8402 or 8403 | 0 % | T0 |
84042000 | 840420 | - Condensers for steam or other vapour power units | 0 % | T0 |
84049000 | 840490 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84051000 | 840510 | - Producer gas or water gas generators, with or without their purifiers; acetylene gas generators and similar water process gas generators, with or without their purifiers | 0 % | T0 |
84059000 | 840590 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84061000 | 840610 | - Turbines for marine propulsion | 0 % | T0 |
84068100 | 840681 | -- Of an output exceeding 40 MW | 0 % | T0 |
84068200 | 840682 | -- Of an output not exceeding 40 MW | 0 % | T0 |
84069000 | 840690 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84071000 | 840710 | - Aircraft engines | 0 % | T0 |
84072100 | 840721 | -- Outboard motors | 0 % | T0 |
84079010 | 840790 | --- For industrial, agricultural, water supply, sewerage and drainage | 0 % | T0 |
84081000 | 840810 | - Marine propulsion engines | 0 % | T0 |
84089010 | 840890 | --- For industrial, agricultural, water supply, sewerage and drainage | 0 % | T0 |
84101100 | 841011 | -- Of a power not exceeding 1 000 kW | 0 % | T0 |
84101200 | 841012 | -- Of a power exceeding 1 000 kW but not exceeding 10 000 kW | 0 % | T0 |
84101300 | 841013 | -- Of a power exceeding 10 000 kW | 0 % | T0 |
84109000 | 841090 | - Parts, including regulators | 0 % | T0 |
84111100 | 841111 | -- Of a thrust not exceeding 25 kN | 0 % | T0 |
84111200 | 841112 | -- Of a thrust exceeding 25 kN | 0 % | T0 |
84112100 | 841121 | -- Of a power not exceeding 1 100 kW | 0 % | T0 |
84112200 | 841122 | -- Of a power exceeding 1 100 kW | 0 % | T0 |
84118100 | 841181 | -- Of a power not exceeding 5 000 kW | 0 % | T0 |
84118200 | 841182 | -- Of a power exceeding 5 000 kW | 0 % | T0 |
84119100 | 841191 | -- Of turbojets or turbopropellers | 0 % | T0 |
84119900 | 841199 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84121000 | 841210 | - Reaction engines other than turbojets | 0 % | T0 |
84122100 | 841221 | -- Linear acting (cylinders) | 0 % | T0 |
84122900 | 841229 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84123100 | 841231 | -- Linear acting (cylinders) | 0 % | T0 |
84123900 | 841239 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84128000 | 841280 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
84129000 | 841290 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84132000 | 841320 | - Handpumps, other than those of subheading 841311 or 841319 | 0 % | T0 |
84134000 | 841340 | - Concrete pumps | 0 % | T0 |
84135000 | 841350 | - Other reciprocating positive displacement pumps | 0 % | T0 |
84136000 | 841360 | - Other rotary positive displacement pumps | 0 % | T0 |
84137000 | 841370 | - Other centrifugal pumps | 0 % | T0 |
84138100 | 841381 | -- Pumps | 0 % | T0 |
84138200 | 841382 | -- Liquid elevators | 0 % | T0 |
84139100 | 841391 | -- Of pumps | 0 % | T0 |
84139200 | 841392 | -- Of liquid elevators | 0 % | T0 |
84161000 | 841610 | - Furnace burners for liquid fuel | 0 % | T0 |
84162000 | 841620 | - Other furnace burners, including combination burners | 0 % | T0 |
84163000 | 841630 | - Mechanical stokers, including their mechanical grates, mechanical ash dischargers and similar appliances | 0 % | T0 |
84169000 | 841690 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84171000 | 841710 | - Furnaces and ovens for the roasting, melting or other heat treatment of ores, pyrites or of metals | 0 % | T0 |
84172000 | 841720 | - Bakery ovens, including biscuit ovens | 0 % | T0 |
84178000 | 841780 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
84179000 | 841790 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84186110 | 841861 | --- For dairying or fishing | 0 % | T0 |
84186120 | 841861 | --- For industrial use | 0 % | T0 |
84186910 | 841869 | --- For dairying or fishing | 0 % | T0 |
84186920 | 841869 | --- For industrial use | 0 % | T0 |
84191100 | 841911 | -- Instantaneous gas water heaters | 0 % | T0 |
84191900 | 841919 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84192000 | 841920 | - Medical, surgical or laboratory sterilisers | 0 % | T0 |
84193100 | 841931 | -- For agricultural products | 0 % | T0 |
84193200 | 841932 | -- For wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard | 0 % | T0 |
84193900 | 841939 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84194000 | 841940 | - Distilling or rectifying plant | 0 % | T0 |
84195000 | 841950 | - Heat-exchange units | 0 % | T0 |
84196000 | 841960 | - Machinery for liquefying air or other gases | 0 % | T0 |
84198100 | 841981 | -- For making hot drinks or for cooking or heating food | 0 % | T0 |
84198900 | 841989 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84199000 | 841990 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84201000 | 842010 | - Calendering or other rolling machines | 0 % | T0 |
84209100 | 842091 | -- Cylinders | 0 % | T0 |
84209900 | 842099 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84211100 | 842111 | -- Cream separators | 0 % | T0 |
84212100 | 842121 | -- For filtering or purifying water | 0 % | T0 |
84212200 | 842122 | -- For filtering or purifying beverages other than water | 0 % | T0 |
84221900 | 842219 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84222000 | 842220 | - Machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers | 0 % | T0 |
84223000 | 842230 | - Machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; machinery for aerating beverages | 0 % | T0 |
84224000 | 842240 | - Other packing or wrapping machinery (including heat-shrink wrapping machinery) | 0 % | T0 |
84232000 | 842320 | - Scales for continuous weighing of goods on conveyors | 0 % | T0 |
84233000 | 842330 | - Constant weight scales and scales for discharging a predetermined weight of material into a bag or container, including hopper scales | 0 % | T0 |
84238200 | 842382 | -- Having a maximum weighing capacity exceeding 30 kg but not exceeding 5 000 kg | 0 % | T0 |
84241000 | 842410 | - Fire extinguishers, whether or not charged | 0 % | T0 |
84242000 | 842420 | - Spray guns and similar appliances | 0 % | T0 |
84243000 | 842430 | - Steam or sandblasting machines and similar jet projecting machines | 0 % | T0 |
84248100 | 842481 | -- Agricultural or horticultural | 0 % | T0 |
84248900 | 842489 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84261100 | 842611 | -- Overhead travelling cranes on fixed support | 0 % | T0 |
84261200 | 842612 | -- Mobile lifting frames on tyres and straddle carriers | 0 % | T0 |
84261900 | 842619 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84262000 | 842620 | - Tower cranes | 0 % | T0 |
84263000 | 842630 | - Portal or pedestal jib cranes | 0 % | T0 |
84264100 | 842641 | -- On tyres | 0 % | T0 |
84264900 | 842649 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84269100 | 842691 | -- Designed for mounting on road vehicles | 0 % | T0 |
84269900 | 842699 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84271000 | 842710 | - Self-propelled trucks powered by an electric motor | 0 % | T0 |
84272000 | 842720 | - Other self-propelled trucks | 0 % | T0 |
84279000 | 842790 | - Other trucks | 0 % | T0 |
84281000 | 842810 | - Lifts and skip hoists | 0 % | T0 |
84282000 | 842820 | - Pneumatic elevators and conveyors | 0 % | T0 |
84283100 | 842831 | -- Specially designed for underground use | 0 % | T0 |
84283200 | 842832 | -- Other, bucket type | 0 % | T0 |
84283300 | 842833 | -- Other, belt type | 0 % | T0 |
84283900 | 842839 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84284000 | 842840 | - Escalators and moving walkways | 0 % | T0 |
84286000 | 842860 | - Teleferics, chairlifts, ski-draglines; traction mechanisms for funiculars | 0 % | T0 |
84289000 | 842890 | - Other machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84291100 | 842911 | -- Track laying | 0 % | T0 |
84291900 | 842919 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84292000 | 842920 | - Graders and levellers | 0 % | T0 |
84293000 | 842930 | - Scrapers | 0 % | T0 |
84294000 | 842940 | - Tamping machines and roadrollers | 0 % | T0 |
84295100 | 842951 | -- Front-end shovel loaders | 0 % | T0 |
84295200 | 842952 | -- Machinery with a 360° revolving superstructure | 0 % | T0 |
84295900 | 842959 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84301000 | 843010 | - Piledrivers and pile extractors | 0 % | T0 |
84302000 | 843020 | - Snowploughs and snowblowers | 0 % | T0 |
84303100 | 843031 | -- Self-propelled | 0 % | T0 |
84303900 | 843039 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84304100 | 843041 | -- Self-propelled | 0 % | T0 |
84304900 | 843049 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84305000 | 843050 | - Other machinery, self-propelled | 0 % | T0 |
84306100 | 843061 | -- Tamping or compacting machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84306900 | 843069 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84321000 | 843210 | - Ploughs | 0 % | T0 |
84322100 | 843221 | -- Disc harrows | 0 % | T0 |
84322900 | 843229 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84323000 | 843230 | - Seeders, planters and transplanters | 0 % | T0 |
84324000 | 843240 | - Manure spreaders and fertiliser distributors | 0 % | T0 |
84328000 | 843280 | - Other machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84329000 | 843290 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84332000 | 843320 | - Other mowers, including cutter bars for tractor mounting | 0 % | T0 |
84333000 | 843330 | - Other haymaking machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84334000 | 843340 | - Straw or fodder balers, including pick-up balers | 0 % | T0 |
84335100 | 843351 | -- Combine harvester-threshers | 0 % | T0 |
84335200 | 843352 | -- Other threshing machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84335300 | 843353 | -- Root or tuber harvesting machines | 0 % | T0 |
84335900 | 843359 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84336000 | 843360 | - Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit or other agricultural produce | 0 % | T0 |
84339000 | 843390 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84341000 | 843410 | - Milking machines | 0 % | T0 |
84342000 | 843420 | - Dairy machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84349000 | 843490 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84351000 | 843510 | - Machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84359000 | 843590 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84361000 | 843610 | - Machinery for preparing animal feedingstuffs | 0 % | T0 |
84362100 | 843621 | -- Poultry incubators and brooders | 0 % | T0 |
84362900 | 843629 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84368000 | 843680 | - Other machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84369100 | 843691 | -- Of poultry-keeping machinery or poultry incubators and brooders | 0 % | T0 |
84369900 | 843699 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84371000 | 843710 | - Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain or dried leguminous vegetables | 0 % | T0 |
84378000 | 843780 | - Other machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84379000 | 843790 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84381000 | 843810 | - Bakery machinery and machinery for the manufacture of macaroni, spaghetti or similar products | 0 % | T0 |
84382000 | 843820 | - Machinery for the manufacture of confectionery, cocoa or chocolate | 0 % | T0 |
84383000 | 843830 | - Machinery for sugar manufacture | 0 % | T0 |
84384000 | 843840 | - Brewery machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84385000 | 843850 | - Machinery for the preparation of meat or poultry | 0 % | T0 |
84386000 | 843860 | - Machinery for the preparation of fruits, nuts or vegetables | 0 % | T0 |
84388000 | 843880 | - Other machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84389000 | 843890 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84391000 | 843910 | - Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material | 0 % | T0 |
84392000 | 843920 | - Machinery for making paper or paperboard | 0 % | T0 |
84393000 | 843930 | - Machinery for finishing paper or paperboard | 0 % | T0 |
84399100 | 843991 | -- Of machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material | 0 % | T0 |
84399900 | 843999 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84401000 | 844010 | - Machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84409000 | 844090 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84411000 | 844110 | - Cutting machines | 0 % | T0 |
84412000 | 844120 | - Machines for making bags, sacks or envelopes | 0 % | T0 |
84413000 | 844130 | - Machines for making cartons, boxes, cases, tubes, drums or similar containers, other than by moulding | 0 % | T0 |
84414000 | 844140 | - Machines for moulding articles in paper pulp, paper or paperboard | 0 % | T0 |
84418000 | 844180 | - Other machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84419000 | 844190 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84423000 | 844230 | - Machinery, apparatus and equipment | 0 % | T0 |
84424000 | 844240 | - Parts of the foregoing machinery, apparatus or equipment | 0 % | T0 |
84425000 | 844250 | - Plates, cylinders and other printing components; plates, cylinders and lithographic stones, prepared for printing purposes (for example, planed, grained or polished) | 0 % | T0 |
84431100 | 844311 | -- Offset printing machinery, reel fed | 0 % | T0 |
84431200 | 844312 | -- Offset printing machinery, sheet fed, office type (using sheets with one side not exceeding 22 cm and the other side not exceeding 36 cm in the unfolded state) | 0 % | T0 |
84431300 | 844313 | -- Other offset printing machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84431400 | 844314 | -- Letterpress printing machinery, reel fed, excluding flexographic printing | 0 % | T0 |
84431500 | 844315 | -- Letterpress printing machinery, other than reel fed, excluding flexographic printing | 0 % | T0 |
84431600 | 844316 | -- Flexographic printing machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84431700 | 844317 | -- Gravure printing machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84431900 | 844319 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84433100 | 844331 | -- Machines which perform two or more of the functions of printing, copying or facsimile transmission, capable of connecting to an automatic data-processing machine or to a network | 0 % | T0 |
84433200 | 844332 | -- Other, capable of connecting to an automatic data-processing machine or to a network | 0 % | T0 |
84439100 | 844391 | -- Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442 | 0 % | T0 |
84440000 | 844400 | Machines for extruding, drawing, texturing or cutting man-made textile materials | 0 % | T0 |
84451100 | 844511 | -- Carding machines | 0 % | T0 |
84451200 | 844512 | -- Combing machines | 0 % | T0 |
84451300 | 844513 | -- Drawing or roving machines | 0 % | T0 |
84451900 | 844519 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84452000 | 844520 | - Textile spinning machines | 0 % | T0 |
84453000 | 844530 | - Textile doubling or twisting machines | 0 % | T0 |
84454000 | 844540 | - Textile winding (including weft-winding) or reeling machines | 0 % | T0 |
84459000 | 844590 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
84461000 | 844610 | - For weaving fabrics of a width not exceeding 30 cm | 0 % | T0 |
84462100 | 844621 | -- Power looms | 0 % | T0 |
84462900 | 844629 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84463000 | 844630 | - For weaving fabrics of a width exceeding 30 cm, shuttleless type | 0 % | T0 |
84471100 | 844711 | -- With cylinder diameter not exceeding 165 mm | 0 % | T0 |
84471200 | 844712 | -- With cylinder diameter exceeding 165 mm | 0 % | T0 |
84472000 | 844720 | - Flat knitting machines; stitch-bonding machines | 0 % | T0 |
84479000 | 844790 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
84481100 | 844811 | -- Dobbies and jacquards; card-reducing, copying, punching or assembling machines for use therewith | 0 % | T0 |
84481900 | 844819 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84482000 | 844820 | - Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8444 or of their auxiliary machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84483100 | 844831 | -- Card clothing | 0 % | T0 |
84483200 | 844832 | -- Of machines for preparing textile fibres, other than card clothing | 0 % | T0 |
84483300 | 844833 | -- Spindles, spindle flyers, spinning rings and ring travellers | 0 % | T0 |
84483900 | 844839 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84484200 | 844842 | -- Reeds for looms, healds and heald-frames | 0 % | T0 |
84484900 | 844849 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84485100 | 844851 | -- Sinkers, needles and other articles used in forming stitches | 0 % | T0 |
84485900 | 844859 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84490000 | 844900 | Machinery for the manufacture or finishing of felt or nonwovens in the piece or in shapes, including machinery for making felt hats; blocks for making hats | 0 % | T0 |
84511000 | 845110 | - Dry-cleaning machines | 0 % | T0 |
84512100 | 845121 | -- Each of a dry linen capacity not exceeding 10 kg | 0 % | T0 |
84512900 | 845129 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84513000 | 845130 | - Ironing machines and presses (including fusing presses) | 0 % | T0 |
84514000 | 845140 | - Washing, bleaching or dyeing machines | 0 % | T0 |
84515000 | 845150 | - Machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or pinking textile fabrics | 0 % | T0 |
84518000 | 845180 | - Other machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84519000 | 845190 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84521000 | 845210 | - Sewing machines of the household type | 0 % | T0 |
84522100 | 845221 | -- Automatic units | 0 % | T0 |
84522900 | 845229 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84523000 | 845230 | - Sewing machine needles | 0 % | T0 |
84529000 | 845290 | - Furniture, bases and covers for sewing machines and parts thereof; other parts of sewing machines | 0 % | T0 |
84531000 | 845310 | - Machinery for preparing, tanning or working hides, skins or leather | 0 % | T0 |
84532000 | 845320 | - Machinery for making or repairing footwear | 0 % | T0 |
84538000 | 845380 | - Other machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84539000 | 845390 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84541000 | 845410 | - Converters | 0 % | T0 |
84542000 | 845420 | - Ingot moulds and ladles | 0 % | T0 |
84543000 | 845430 | - Casting machines | 0 % | T0 |
84549000 | 845490 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84551000 | 845510 | - Tube mills | 0 % | T0 |
84552100 | 845521 | -- Hot or combination hot and cold | 0 % | T0 |
84552200 | 845522 | -- Cold | 0 % | T0 |
84553000 | 845530 | - Rolls for rolling mills | 0 % | T0 |
84559000 | 845590 | - Other parts | 0 % | T0 |
84561000 | 845610 | - Operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes | 0 % | T0 |
84562000 | 845620 | - Operated by ultrasonic processes | 0 % | T0 |
84563000 | 845630 | - Operated by electrodischarge processes | 0 % | T0 |
84569000 | 845690 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
84571000 | 845710 | - Machining centres | 0 % | T0 |
84572000 | 845720 | - Unit construction machines (single station) | 0 % | T0 |
84573000 | 845730 | - Multi-station transfer machines | 0 % | T0 |
84581100 | 845811 | -- Numerically controlled | 0 % | T0 |
84581900 | 845819 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84589100 | 845891 | -- Numerically controlled | 0 % | T0 |
84589900 | 845899 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84591000 | 845910 | - Way-type unit head machines | 0 % | T0 |
84592100 | 845921 | -- Numerically controlled | 0 % | T0 |
84592900 | 845929 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84593100 | 845931 | -- Numerically controlled | 0 % | T0 |
84593900 | 845939 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84594000 | 845940 | - Other boring machines | 0 % | T0 |
84595100 | 845951 | -- Numerically controlled | 0 % | T0 |
84595900 | 845959 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84596100 | 845961 | -- Numerically controlled | 0 % | T0 |
84596900 | 845969 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84597000 | 845970 | - Other threading or tapping machines | 0 % | T0 |
84601100 | 846011 | -- Numerically controlled | 0 % | T0 |
84601900 | 846019 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84602100 | 846021 | -- Numerically controlled | 0 % | T0 |
84602900 | 846029 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84603100 | 846031 | -- Numerically controlled | 0 % | T0 |
84603900 | 846039 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84604000 | 846040 | - Honing or lapping machines | 0 % | T0 |
84609000 | 846090 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
84612000 | 846120 | - Shaping or slotting machines | 0 % | T0 |
84613000 | 846130 | - Broaching machines | 0 % | T0 |
84614000 | 846140 | - Gear-cutting, gear-grinding or gear-finishing machines | 0 % | T0 |
84615000 | 846150 | - Sawing or cutting-off machines | 0 % | T0 |
84619000 | 846190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
84621000 | 846210 | - Forging or die-stamping machines (including presses) and hammers | 0 % | T0 |
84622100 | 846221 | -- Numerically controlled | 0 % | T0 |
84622900 | 846229 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84623100 | 846231 | -- Numerically controlled | 0 % | T0 |
84623900 | 846239 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84624100 | 846241 | -- Numerically controlled | 0 % | T0 |
84624900 | 846249 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84629100 | 846291 | -- Hydraulic presses | 0 % | T0 |
84629900 | 846299 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84631000 | 846310 | - Drawbenches for bars, tubes, profiles, wire or the like | 0 % | T0 |
84632000 | 846320 | - Thread-rolling machines | 0 % | T0 |
84633000 | 846330 | - Machines for working wire | 0 % | T0 |
84639000 | 846390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
84641000 | 846410 | - Sawing machines | 0 % | T0 |
84642000 | 846420 | - Grinding or polishing machines | 0 % | T0 |
84649000 | 846490 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
84651000 | 846510 | - Machines which can carry out different types of machining operations without tool change between such operations | 0 % | T0 |
84659100 | 846591 | -- Sawing machines | 0 % | T0 |
84659200 | 846592 | -- Planing, milling or moulding (by cutting) machines | 0 % | T0 |
84659300 | 846593 | -- Grinding, sanding or polishing machines | 0 % | T0 |
84659400 | 846594 | -- Bending or assembling machines | 0 % | T0 |
84659500 | 846595 | -- Drilling or morticing machines | 0 % | T0 |
84659600 | 846596 | -- Splitting, slicing or paring machines | 0 % | T0 |
84659900 | 846599 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84661000 | 846610 | - Tool holders and self-opening dieheads | 0 % | T0 |
84662000 | 846620 | - Work holders | 0 % | T0 |
84663000 | 846630 | - Dividing heads and other special attachments for machine tools | 0 % | T0 |
84669100 | 846691 | -- For machines of heading 8464 | 0 % | T0 |
84669200 | 846692 | -- For machines of heading 8465 | 0 % | T0 |
84669300 | 846693 | -- For machines of headings 8456 to 8461 | 0 % | T0 |
84669400 | 846694 | -- For machines of heading 8462 or 8463 | 0 % | T0 |
84671100 | 846711 | -- Rotary type (including combined rotary-percussion) | 0 % | T0 |
84671900 | 846719 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84672100 | 846721 | -- Drills of all kinds | 0 % | T0 |
84672200 | 846722 | -- Saws | 0 % | T0 |
84672900 | 846729 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84678100 | 846781 | -- Chainsaws | 0 % | T0 |
84678900 | 846789 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84679100 | 846791 | -- Of chainsaws | 0 % | T0 |
84679200 | 846792 | -- Of pneumatic tools | 0 % | T0 |
84679900 | 846799 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84681000 | 846810 | - Hand-held blow pipes | 0 % | T0 |
84682000 | 846820 | - Other gas-operated machinery and apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
84688000 | 846880 | - Other machinery and apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
84689000 | 846890 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84690000 | 846900 | Typewriters other than printers of heading 8443; word-processing machines | 0 % | T0 |
84713000 | 847130 | - Portable automatic data-processing machines, weighing not more than 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display | 0 % | T0 |
84714100 | 847141 | -- Comprising in the same housing at least a central processing unit and an input and output unit, whether or not combined | 0 % | T0 |
84714900 | 847149 | -- Other, presented in the form of systems | 0 % | T0 |
84715000 | 847150 | - Processing units other than those of subheading 847141 or 847149, whether or not containing in the same housing one or two of the following types of unit: storage units, input units, output units | 0 % | T0 |
84716000 | 847160 | - Input or output units, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing | 0 % | T0 |
84717000 | 847170 | - Storage units | 0 % | T0 |
84718000 | 847180 | - Other units of automatic data-processing machines | 0 % | T0 |
84719000 | 847190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
84721000 | 847210 | - Duplicating machines | 0 % | T0 |
84733000 | 847330 | - Parts and accessories of the machines of heading 8471 | 0 % | T0 |
84741000 | 847410 | - Sorting, screening, separating or washing machines | 0 % | T0 |
84742000 | 847420 | - Crushing or grinding machines | 0 % | T0 |
84743100 | 847431 | -- Concrete or mortar mixers | 0 % | T0 |
84743200 | 847432 | -- Machines for mixing mineral substances with bitumen | 0 % | T0 |
84743900 | 847439 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84748000 | 847480 | - Other machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84749000 | 847490 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84751000 | 847510 | - Machines for assembling electric or electronic lamps, tubes or valves or flashbulbs, in glass envelopes | 0 % | T0 |
84752100 | 847521 | -- Machines for making optical fibres and preforms thereof | 0 % | T0 |
84752900 | 847529 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84759000 | 847590 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84771000 | 847710 | - Injection-moulding machines | 0 % | T0 |
84772000 | 847720 | - Extruders | 0 % | T0 |
84773000 | 847730 | - Blow-moulding machines | 0 % | T0 |
84774000 | 847740 | - Vacuum-moulding machines and other thermoforming machines | 0 % | T0 |
84775100 | 847751 | -- For moulding or retreading pneumatic tyres or for moulding or otherwise forming inner tubes | 0 % | T0 |
84775900 | 847759 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84778000 | 847780 | - Other machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84779000 | 847790 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84781000 | 847810 | - Machinery | 0 % | T0 |
84789000 | 847890 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84791000 | 847910 | - Machinery for public works, building or the like | 0 % | T0 |
84792000 | 847920 | - Machinery for the extraction or preparation of animal or fixed vegetable fats or oils | 0 % | T0 |
84793000 | 847930 | - Presses for the manufacture of particle board or fibre building board of wood or other ligneous materials and other machinery for treating wood or cork | 0 % | T0 |
84794000 | 847940 | - Rope- or cable-making machines | 0 % | T0 |
84795000 | 847950 | - Industrial robots, not elsewhere specified or included | 0 % | T0 |
84796000 | 847960 | - Evaporative air coolers | 0 % | T0 |
84797100 | 847971 | -- Of a kind used in airports | 0 % | T0 |
84797900 | 847979 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84798100 | 847981 | -- For treating metal, including electric wire coil-winders | 0 % | T0 |
84798200 | 847982 | -- Mixing, kneading, crushing, grinding, screening, sifting, homogenising, emulsifying or stirring machines | 0 % | T0 |
84798900 | 847989 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84799000 | 847990 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
84801000 | 848010 | - Moulding boxes for metal foundry | 0 % | T0 |
84802000 | 848020 | - Mould bases | 0 % | T0 |
84803000 | 848030 | - Moulding patterns | 0 % | T0 |
84804100 | 848041 | -- Injection or compression types | 0 % | T0 |
84804900 | 848049 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84805000 | 848050 | - Moulds for glass | 0 % | T0 |
84806000 | 848060 | - Moulds for mineral materials | 0 % | T0 |
84807100 | 848071 | -- Injection or compression types | 0 % | T0 |
84807900 | 848079 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
84861000 | 848610 | - Machines and apparatus for the manufacture of boules or wafers | 0 % | T0 |
84862000 | 848620 | - Machines and apparatus for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or of electronic integrated circuits | 0 % | T0 |
84863000 | 848630 | - Machines and apparatus for the manufacture of flat panel displays | 0 % | T0 |
84864000 | 848640 | - Machines and apparatus specified in note 9(C) to this chapter | 0 % | T0 |
84869000 | 848690 | - Parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
85011000 | 850110 | - Motors of an output not exceeding 37,5 W | 0 % | T0 |
85012000 | 850120 | - Universal AC/DC motors of an output exceeding 37,5 W | 0 % | T0 |
85013100 | 850131 | -- Of an output not exceeding 750 W | 0 % | T0 |
85013200 | 850132 | -- Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 75 kW | 0 % | T0 |
85013300 | 850133 | -- Of an output exceeding 75 kW but not exceeding 375 kW | 0 % | T0 |
85013400 | 850134 | -- Of an output exceeding 375 kW | 0 % | T0 |
85014000 | 850140 | - Other AC motors, single-phase | 0 % | T0 |
85015100 | 850151 | -- Of an output not exceeding 750 W | 0 % | T0 |
85015200 | 850152 | -- Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 75 kW | 0 % | T0 |
85015300 | 850153 | -- Of an output exceeding 75 kW | 0 % | T0 |
85016100 | 850161 | -- Of an output not exceeding 75 kVA | 0 % | T0 |
85016200 | 850162 | -- Of an output exceeding 75 kVA but not exceeding 375 kVA | 0 % | T0 |
85016300 | 850163 | -- Of an output exceeding 375 kVA but not exceeding 750 kVA | 0 % | T0 |
85016400 | 850164 | -- Of an output exceeding 750 kVA | 0 % | T0 |
85021100 | 850211 | -- Of an output not exceeding 75 kVA | 0 % | T0 |
85021200 | 850212 | -- Of an output exceeding 75 kVA but not exceeding 375 kVA | 0 % | T0 |
85021300 | 850213 | -- Of an output exceeding 375 kVA | 0 % | T0 |
85022000 | 850220 | - Generating sets with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines | 0 % | T0 |
85023100 | 850231 | -- Wind-powered | 0 % | T0 |
85023900 | 850239 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
85024000 | 850240 | - Electric rotary converters | 0 % | T0 |
85030000 | 850300 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of heading 8501 or 8502 | 0 % | T0 |
85041000 | 850410 | - Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes | 0 % | T0 |
85042100 | 850421 | -- Having a power handling capacity not exceeding 650 kVA | 0 % | T0 |
85042200 | 850422 | -- Having a power handling capacity exceeding 650 kVA but not exceeding 10 000 kVA | 0 % | T0 |
85042300 | 850423 | -- Having a power handling capacity exceeding 10 000 kVA | 0 % | T0 |
85043300 | 850433 | -- Having a power handling capacity exceeding 16 kVA but not exceeding 500 kVA | 0 % | T0 |
85043400 | 850434 | -- Having a power handling capacity exceeding 500 kVA | 0 % | T0 |
85044000 | 850440 | - Static converters | 0 % | T0 |
85045000 | 850450 | - Other inductors | 0 % | T0 |
85049000 | 850490 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
85051100 | 850511 | -- Of metal | 0 % | T0 |
85051900 | 850519 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
85052000 | 850520 | - Electromagnetic couplings, clutches and brakes | 0 % | T0 |
85059000 | 850590 | - Other, including parts | 0 % | T0 |
85069000 | 850690 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
85079000 | 850790 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
85131010 | 851310 | --- Miner's safety lamps | 0 % | T0 |
85141000 | 851410 | - Resistance heated furnaces and ovens | 0 % | T0 |
85142000 | 851420 | - Furnaces and ovens functioning by induction or dielectric loss | 0 % | T0 |
85143000 | 851430 | - Other furnaces and ovens | 0 % | T0 |
85144000 | 851440 | - Other equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss | 0 % | T0 |
85149000 | 851490 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
85151100 | 851511 | -- Soldering irons and guns | 0 % | T0 |
85151900 | 851519 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
85152100 | 851521 | -- Fully or partly automatic | 0 % | T0 |
85152900 | 851529 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
85153100 | 851531 | -- Fully or partly automatic | 0 % | T0 |
85153900 | 851539 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
85158000 | 851580 | - Other machines and apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
85159000 | 851590 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
85167100 | 851671 | -- Coffee or tea makers | 0 % | T0 |
85167200 | 851672 | -- Toasters | 0 % | T0 |
85171200 | 851712 | -- Telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks | 0 % | T0 |
85176100 | 851761 | -- Base stations | 0 % | T0 |
85255000 | 852550 | - Transmission apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
85256000 | 852560 | - Transmission apparatus incorporating reception apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
85261000 | 852610 | - Radar apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
85269100 | 852691 | -- Radio navigational aid apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
85269200 | 852692 | -- Radio remote control apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
85284100 | 852841 | -- Of a kind solely or principally used in an automatic data-processing system of heading 8471 | 0 % | T0 |
85285100 | 852851 | -- Of a kind solely or principally used in an automatic data-processing system of heading 8471 | 0 % | T0 |
85286100 | 852861 | -- Of a kind solely or principally used in an automatic data-processing system of heading 8471 | 0 % | T0 |
85301000 | 853010 | - Equipment for railways or tramways | 0 % | T0 |
85308000 | 853080 | - Other equipment | 0 % | T0 |
85351000 | 853510 | - Fuses | 0 % | T0 |
85352100 | 853521 | -- For a voltage of less than 72,5 kV | 0 % | T0 |
85352900 | 853529 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
85353000 | 853530 | - Isolating switches and make-and-break switches | 0 % | T0 |
85354000 | 853540 | - Lightning arresters, voltage limiters and surge suppressors | 0 % | T0 |
85359000 | 853590 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
85367000 | 853670 | - Connectors for optical fibres, optical fibre bundles or cables | 0 % | T0 |
85372000 | 853720 | - For a voltage exceeding 1 000 V | 0 % | T0 |
85411000 | 854110 | - Diodes, other than photosensitive or light-emitting diodes | 0 % | T0 |
85412100 | 854121 | -- With a dissipation rate of less than 1 W | 0 % | T0 |
85412900 | 854129 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
85413000 | 854130 | - Thyristors, diacs and triacs, other than photosensitive devices | 0 % | T0 |
85414000 | 854140 | - Photosensitive semiconductor devices, including photovoltaic cells whether or not assembled in modules or made up into panels; light-emitting diodes | 0 % | T0 |
85415000 | 854150 | - Other semiconductor devices | 0 % | T0 |
85416000 | 854160 | - Mounted piezoelectric crystals | 0 % | T0 |
85419000 | 854190 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
85433000 | 854330 | - Machines and apparatus for electroplating, electrolysis or electrophoresis | 0 % | T0 |
85447000 | 854470 | - Optical fibre cables | 0 % | T0 |
85451100 | 854511 | -- Of a kind used for furnaces | 0 % | T0 |
86011000 | 860110 | - Powered from an external source of electricity | 0 % | T0 |
86012000 | 860120 | - Powered by electric accumulators | 0 % | T0 |
86021000 | 860210 | - Diesel-electric locomotives | 0 % | T0 |
86029000 | 860290 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
86031000 | 860310 | - Powered from an external source of electricity | 0 % | T0 |
86039000 | 860390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
86040000 | 860400 | Railway or tramway maintenance or service vehicles, whether or not self-propelled (for example, workshops, cranes, ballast tampers, trackliners, testing coaches and track inspection vehicles) | 0 % | T0 |
86050000 | 860500 | Railway or tramway passenger coaches, not self-propelled; luggage vans, post office coaches and other special purpose railway or tramway coaches, not self-propelled (excluding those of heading 8604) | 0 % | T0 |
86061000 | 860610 | - Tank wagons and the like | 0 % | T0 |
86063000 | 860630 | - Self-discharging vans and wagons, other than those of subheading 860610 | 0 % | T0 |
86069100 | 860691 | -- Covered and closed | 0 % | T0 |
86069200 | 860692 | -- Open, with non-removable sides of a height exceeding 60 cm | 0 % | T0 |
86069900 | 860699 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
86071100 | 860711 | -- Driving bogies and bissel-bogies | 0 % | T0 |
86071200 | 860712 | -- Other bogies and bissel-bogies | 0 % | T0 |
86071900 | 860719 | -- Other, including parts | 0 % | T0 |
86072100 | 860721 | -- Air brakes and parts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
86072900 | 860729 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
86073000 | 860730 | - Hooks and other coupling devices, buffers, and parts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
86079100 | 860791 | -- Of locomotives | 0 % | T0 |
86079900 | 860799 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
86080000 | 860800 | Railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings; mechanical (including electromechanical) signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways, roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations or airfields; parts of the foregoing | 0 % | T0 |
86090000 | 860900 | Containers (including containers for the transport of fluids) specially designed and equipped for carriage by one or more modes of transport | 0 % | T0 |
87011000 | 870110 | - Pedestrian-controlled tractors | 0 % | T0 |
87012010 | 870120 | --- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87013000 | 870130 | - Track-laying tractors | 0 % | T0 |
87019000 | 870190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
87021011 | 870210 | ---- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87021021 | 870210 | ---- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87021091 | 870210 | ---- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87029011 | 870290 | ---- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87029021 | 870290 | ---- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87029091 | 870290 | ---- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87032110 | 870321 | --- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87032210 | 870322 | --- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87032310 | 870323 | --- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87032410 | 870324 | --- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87033110 | 870331 | --- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87033210 | 870332 | --- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87033310 | 870333 | --- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87039010 | 870390 | --- Ambulances and hearses | 0 % | T0 |
87039020 | 870390 | --- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87041010 | 870410 | --- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87042110 | 870421 | --- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87042210 | 870422 | --- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87042310 | 870423 | --- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87043110 | 870431 | --- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87043210 | 870432 | --- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87049010 | 870490 | --- Unassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87051000 | 870510 | - Crane lorries | 0 % | T0 |
87052000 | 870520 | - Mobile drilling derricks | 0 % | T0 |
87053000 | 870530 | - Fire fighting vehicles | 0 % | T0 |
87054000 | 870540 | - Concrete-mixer lorries | 0 % | T0 |
87059000 | 870590 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
87091100 | 870911 | -- Electrical | 0 % | T0 |
87091900 | 870919 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
87099000 | 870990 | - Parts | 0 % | T0 |
87100000 | 871000 | Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, motorised, whether or not fitted with weapons, and parts of such vehicles | 0 % | T0 |
87131000 | 871310 | - Not mechanically propelled | 0 % | T0 |
87139000 | 871390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
87142000 | 871420 | - Of carriages for disabled persons | 0 % | T0 |
87161010 | 871610 | --- Unassembled or disassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87162010 | 871620 | --- Unassembled or disassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87163110 | 871631 | --- Unassembled or disassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87163910 | 871639 | --- Unassembled or disassembled | 0 % | T0 |
87164010 | 871640 | --- Unassembled or disassembled | 0 % | T0 |
88010000 | 880100 | Balloons and dirigibles; gliders, hang gliders and other non-powered aircraft | 0 % | T0 |
88021100 | 880211 | -- Of an unladen weight not exceeding 2 000 kg | 0 % | T0 |
88021200 | 880212 | -- Of an unladen weight exceeding 2 000 kg | 0 % | T0 |
88022000 | 880220 | - Aeroplanes and other aircraft, of an unladen weight not exceeding 2 000 kg | 0 % | T0 |
88023000 | 880230 | - Aeroplanes and other aircraft, of an unladen weight exceeding 2 000 kg but not exceeding 15 000 kg | 0 % | T0 |
88024000 | 880240 | - Aeroplanes and other aircraft, of an unladen weight exceeding 15 000 kg | 0 % | T0 |
88026000 | 880260 | - Spacecraft (including satellites) and suborbital and spacecraft launch vehicles | 0 % | T0 |
88031000 | 880310 | - Propellers and rotors and parts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
88032000 | 880320 | - Undercarriages and parts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
88033000 | 880330 | - Other parts of aeroplanes or helicopters | 0 % | T0 |
88039000 | 880390 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
88040000 | 880400 | Parachutes (including dirigible parachutes and paragliders) and rotochutes; parts thereof and accessories thereto | 0 % | T0 |
88051000 | 880510 | - Aircraft launching gear and parts thereof; deck-arrestor or similar gear and parts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
88052100 | 880521 | -- Air combat simulators and parts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
88052900 | 880529 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
89011000 | 890110 | - Cruise ships, excursion boats and similar vessels principally designed for the transport of persons; ferry-boats of all kinds | 0 % | T0 |
89012000 | 890120 | - Tankers | 0 % | T0 |
89013000 | 890130 | - Refrigerated vessels, other than those of subheading 890120 | 0 % | T0 |
89019000 | 890190 | - Other vessels for the transport of goods and other vessels for the transport of both persons and goods | 0 % | T0 |
89020000 | 890200 | Fishing vessels; factory ships and other vessels for processing or preserving fishery products | 0 % | T0 |
89040000 | 890400 | Tugs and pusher craft | 0 % | T0 |
89051000 | 890510 | - Dredgers | 0 % | T0 |
89052000 | 890520 | - Floating or submersible drilling or production platforms | 0 % | T0 |
89059000 | 890590 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
89061000 | 890610 | - Warships | 0 % | T0 |
89069000 | 890690 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
89071000 | 890710 | - Inflatable rafts | 0 % | T0 |
89079000 | 890790 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
89080000 | 890800 | Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up | 0 % | T0 |
90011000 | 900110 | - Optical fibres, optical fibre bundles and cables | 0 % | T0 |
90012000 | 900120 | - Sheets and plates of polarising material | 0 % | T0 |
90013000 | 900130 | - Contact lenses | 0 % | T0 |
90014000 | 900140 | - Spectacle lenses of glass | 0 % | T0 |
90015000 | 900150 | - Spectacle lenses of other materials | 0 % | T0 |
90019000 | 900190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
90049010 | 900490 | --- For correcting vision | 0 % | T0 |
90061000 | 900610 | - Cameras of a kind used for preparing printing plates or cylinders | 0 % | T0 |
90063000 | 900630 | - Cameras specially designed for underwater use, for aerial survey or for medical or surgical examination of internal organs; comparison cameras for forensic or criminological purposes | 0 % | T0 |
90111000 | 901110 | - Stereoscopic microscopes | 0 % | T0 |
90112000 | 901120 | - Other microscopes, for photomicrography, cinephotomicrography or microprojection | 0 % | T0 |
90118000 | 901180 | - Other microscopes | 0 % | T0 |
90119000 | 901190 | - Parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90121000 | 901210 | - Microscopes other than optical microscopes; diffraction apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
90129000 | 901290 | - Parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90131000 | 901310 | - Telescopic sights for fitting to arms; periscopes; telescopes designed to form parts of machines, appliances, instruments or apparatus of this chapter or Section XVI | 0 % | T0 |
90132000 | 901320 | - Lasers, other than laser diodes | 0 % | T0 |
90138000 | 901380 | - Other devices, appliances and instruments | 0 % | T0 |
90139000 | 901390 | - Parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90141000 | 901410 | - Direction finding compasses | 0 % | T0 |
90142000 | 901420 | - Instruments and appliances for aeronautical or space navigation (other than compasses) | 0 % | T0 |
90148000 | 901480 | - Other instruments and appliances | 0 % | T0 |
90149000 | 901490 | - Parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90151000 | 901510 | - Rangefinders | 0 % | T0 |
90152000 | 901520 | - Theodolites and tachymeters (tacheometers) | 0 % | T0 |
90153000 | 901530 | - Levels | 0 % | T0 |
90154000 | 901540 | - Photogrammetrical, surveying instruments and appliances | 0 % | T0 |
90158000 | 901580 | - Other instruments and appliances | 0 % | T0 |
90159000 | 901590 | - Parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90160000 | 901600 | Balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better, with or without weights | 0 % | T0 |
90171000 | 901710 | - Drafting tables and machines, whether or not automatic | 0 % | T0 |
90172000 | 901720 | - Other drawing, marking-out or mathematical calculating instruments | 0 % | T0 |
90173000 | 901730 | - Micrometers, callipers and gauges | 0 % | T0 |
90178000 | 901780 | - Other instruments | 0 % | T0 |
90179000 | 901790 | - Parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90181100 | 901811 | -- Electrocardiographs | 0 % | T0 |
90181200 | 901812 | -- Ultrasonic scanning apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
90181300 | 901813 | -- Magnetic resonance imaging apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
90181400 | 901814 | -- Scintigraphic apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
90181900 | 901819 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
90182000 | 901820 | - Ultraviolet or infra-red ray apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
90183100 | 901831 | -- Syringes, with or without needles | 0 % | T0 |
90183200 | 901832 | -- Tubular metal needles and needles for sutures | 0 % | T0 |
90183900 | 901839 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
90184100 | 901841 | -- Dental drill engines, whether or not combined on a single base with other dental equipment | 0 % | T0 |
90184900 | 901849 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
90185000 | 901850 | - Other ophthalmic instruments and appliances | 0 % | T0 |
90189000 | 901890 | - Other instruments and appliances | 0 % | T0 |
90191000 | 901910 | - Mechano-therapy appliances; massage apparatus; psychological aptitude-testing apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
90192000 | 901920 | - Ozone therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, artificial respiration or other therapeutic respiration apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
90200000 | 902000 | Other breathing appliances and gas masks, excluding protective masks having neither mechanical parts nor replaceable filters | 0 % | T0 |
90211000 | 902110 | - Orthopaedic or fracture appliances | 0 % | T0 |
90212100 | 902121 | -- Artificial teeth | 0 % | T0 |
90212900 | 902129 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
90213100 | 902131 | -- Artificial joints | 0 % | T0 |
90213900 | 902139 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
90214000 | 902140 | - Hearing aids, excluding parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90215000 | 902150 | - Pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles, excluding parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90219000 | 902190 | - Other | 0 % | T0 |
90221200 | 902212 | -- Computed tomography apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
90221300 | 902213 | -- Other, for dental uses | 0 % | T0 |
90221400 | 902214 | -- Other, for medical, surgical or veterinary uses | 0 % | T0 |
90221900 | 902219 | -- For other uses | 0 % | T0 |
90222100 | 902221 | -- For medical, surgical, dental or veterinary uses | 0 % | T0 |
90222900 | 902229 | -- For other uses | 0 % | T0 |
90223000 | 902230 | - X-ray tubes | 0 % | T0 |
90229000 | 902290 | - Other, including parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90230000 | 902300 | Instruments, apparatus and models, designed for demonstrational purposes (for example, in education or exhibitions), unsuitable for other uses | 0 % | T0 |
90241000 | 902410 | - Machines and appliances for testing metals | 0 % | T0 |
90248000 | 902480 | - Other machines and appliances | 0 % | T0 |
90249000 | 902490 | - Parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90251100 | 902511 | -- Liquid-filled, for direct reading | 0 % | T0 |
90251900 | 902519 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
90258000 | 902580 | - Other instruments | 0 % | T0 |
90259000 | 902590 | - Parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90261000 | 902610 | - For measuring or checking the flow or level of liquids | 0 % | T0 |
90262000 | 902620 | - For measuring or checking pressure | 0 % | T0 |
90268000 | 902680 | - Other instruments or apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
90269000 | 902690 | - Parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90271000 | 902710 | - Gas or smoke analysis apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
90272000 | 902720 | - Chromatographs and electrophoresis instruments | 0 % | T0 |
90273000 | 902730 | - Spectrometers, spectrophotometers and spectrographs using optical radiation (UV, visible, IR) | 0 % | T0 |
90275000 | 902750 | - Other instruments and apparatus using optical radiation (UV, visible, IR) | 0 % | T0 |
90278000 | 902780 | - Other instruments and apparatus | 0 % | T0 |
90279000 | 902790 | - Microtomes; parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90281000 | 902810 | - Gas meters | 0 % | T0 |
90282000 | 902820 | - Liquid meters | 0 % | T0 |
90283000 | 902830 | - Electricity meters | 0 % | T0 |
90289000 | 902890 | - Parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90301000 | 903010 | - Instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting ionising radiation | 0 % | T0 |
90302000 | 903020 | - Oscilloscopes and oscillographs | 0 % | T0 |
90303100 | 903031 | -- Multimeters, without a recording device | 0 % | T0 |
90303200 | 903032 | -- Multimeters, with a recording device | 0 % | T0 |
90303300 | 903033 | -- Other, without a recording device | 0 % | T0 |
90303900 | 903039 | -- Other, with a recording device | 0 % | T0 |
90304000 | 903040 | - Other instruments and apparatus, specially designed for telecommunications (for example, cross-talk meters, gain measuring instruments, distortion factor meters, psophometers) | 0 % | T0 |
90308200 | 903082 | -- For measuring or checking semiconductor wafers or devices | 0 % | T0 |
90308400 | 903084 | -- Other, with a recording device | 0 % | T0 |
90308900 | 903089 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
90309000 | 903090 | - Parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90311000 | 903110 | - Machines for balancing mechanical parts | 0 % | T0 |
90312000 | 903120 | - Test benches | 0 % | T0 |
90314100 | 903141 | -- For inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices | 0 % | T0 |
90314900 | 903149 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
90318000 | 903180 | - Other instruments, appliances and machines | 0 % | T0 |
90319000 | 903190 | - Parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90321000 | 903210 | - Thermostats | 0 % | T0 |
90322000 | 903220 | - Manostats | 0 % | T0 |
90328100 | 903281 | -- Hydraulic or pneumatic | 0 % | T0 |
90328900 | 903289 | -- Other | 0 % | T0 |
90329000 | 903290 | - Parts and accessories | 0 % | T0 |
90330000 | 903300 | Parts and accessories (not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter) for machines, appliances, instruments or apparatus of Chapter 90 | 0 % | T0 |
94021010 | 940210 | --- Dentists' chairs and parts thereof | 0 % | T0 |
94029010 | 940290 | --- Operating tables, examination tables and hospital beds with mechanical fittings | 0 % | T0 |
94060010 | 940600 | --- Green houses, cold rooms | 0 % | T0 |
96089100 | 960891 | -- Pen nibs and nib points | 0 % | T0 |
Year, and rate applicable | ||||||||||||
HS Code, 8 Digits | HS Code, 6 Digits | Description | Duty rate | T0+7 | T0+8 | T0+9 | T0+10 | T0+11 | T0+12 | T0+13 | T0+14 | T0+15 |
05100000 | 051000 | Ambergris, castoreum, civet and musk; cantharides; bile, whether or not dried; glands and other animal products used in the preparation of pharmaceutical products, fresh, chilled, frozen or otherwise provisionally preserved | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
08021100 | 080211 | -- In shell | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
08022100 | 080221 | -- In shell | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
11081100 | 110811 | -- Wheat starch | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
11081200 | 110812 | -- Maize (corn) starch | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
11081300 | 110813 | -- Potato starch | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
11081400 | 110814 | -- Manioc (cassava) starch | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
11081900 | 110819 | -- Other starches | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
11082000 | 110820 | - Inulin | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
11090000 | 110900 | Wheat gluten, whether or not dried | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12011000 | 120110 | - Seed | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12019000 | 120190 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12023000 | 120230 | - Seed | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12024100 | 120241 | -- In shell | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12024200 | 120242 | -- Shelled, whether or not broken | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12030000 | 120300 | Copra | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12040000 | 120400 | Linseed, whether or not broken | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12051000 | 120510 | - Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12059000 | 120590 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12060000 | 120600 | Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12071000 | 120710 | - Palm nuts and kernels | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12072100 | 120721 | -- Seed | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12072900 | 120729 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12073000 | 120730 | - Castor oil seeds | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12074000 | 120740 | - Sesamum seeds | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12075000 | 120750 | - Mustard seeds | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12076000 | 120760 | - Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) seeds | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12077000 | 120770 | - Melon seeds | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12079100 | 120791 | -- Poppy seeds | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12079900 | 120799 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12081000 | 120810 | - Of soya beans | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12089000 | 120890 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12112000 | 121120 | - Ginseng roots | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12113000 | 121130 | - Coca leaf | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12114000 | 121140 | - Poppy straw | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12119020 | 121190 | -- Pyrethrum | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12119090 | 121190 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12122100 | 121221 | -- Fit for human consumption | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12122900 | 121229 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12129100 | 121291 | -- Sugar beet | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12129200 | 121292 | -- Locust beans (carob) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12129300 | 121293 | -- Sugar cane | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12129400 | 121294 | -- Chicory roots | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12129900 | 121299 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12130000 | 121300 | Cereal straw and husks, unprepared, whether or not chopped, ground, pressed or in the form of pellets | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12141000 | 121410 | - Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
12149000 | 121490 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
14011000 | 140110 | - Bamboos | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
14012000 | 140120 | - Rattans | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
14019000 | 140190 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
14042000 | 140420 | - Cotton linters | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
15011000 | 150110 | - Lard | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
15012000 | 150120 | - Other pig fat | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
15019000 | 150190 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
15021000 | 150210 | - Tallow | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
15030000 | 150300 | Lard stearin, lard oil, oleostearin, oleo-oil and tallow oil, not emulsified or mixed or otherwise prepared | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
15041000 | 150410 | - Fish-liver oils and their fractions | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
15042000 | 150420 | - Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish, other than liver oils | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
15043000 | 150430 | - Fats and oils and their fractions, of marine mammals | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
15060000 | 150600 | Other animal fats and oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
15121100 | 151211 | -- Crude oil | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
15122100 | 151221 | -- Crude oil, whether or not gossypol has been removed | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
15153000 | 151530 | - Castor oil and its fractions | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
15211000 | 152110 | - Vegetable waxes | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
15219000 | 152190 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
18010000 | 180100 | Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
18020000 | 180200 | Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23011000 | 230110 | - Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal; greaves | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23012000 | 230120 | - Flours, meals and pellets, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23021000 | 230210 | - Of maize (corn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23024000 | 230240 | - Of other cereals | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23025000 | 230250 | - Of leguminous plants | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23031000 | 230310 | - Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23032000 | 230320 | - Beet-pulp, bagasse and other waste of sugar manufacture | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23033000 | 230330 | - Brewing or distilling dregs and waste | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23040000 | 230400 | Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of soya-bean oil | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23050000 | 230500 | Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23061000 | 230610 | - Of cotton seeds | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23062000 | 230620 | - Of linseed | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23063000 | 230630 | - Of sunflower seeds | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23064100 | 230641 | -- Of low erucic acid rape or colza seeds | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23064900 | 230649 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23065000 | 230650 | - Of coconut or copra | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23066000 | 230660 | - Of palm nuts or kernels | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23069000 | 230690 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23070000 | 230700 | Wine lees; argol | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23080000 | 230800 | Vegetable materials and vegetable waste, vegetable residues and by-products, whether or not in the form of pellets, of a kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23099010 | 230990 | - - - Premixes used in the manufacture of animal and poultry feeds | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
23099090 | 230990 | - - - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25070000 | 250700 | Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, whether or not calcined | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25171000 | 251710 | - Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, of a kind commonly used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or other ballast, shingle and flint, whether or not heat-treated | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25172000 | 251720 | - Macadam of slag, dross or similar industrial waste, whether or not incorporating the materials cited in subheading 251710 | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25173000 | 251730 | - Tarred macadam | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25174100 | 251741 | -- Of marble | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25174900 | 251749 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25181000 | 251810 | - Dolomite, not calcined or sintered | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25182000 | 251820 | - Calcined or sintered dolomite | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25183000 | 251830 | - Dolomite ramming mix | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25191000 | 251910 | - Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25199000 | 251990 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25210000 | 252100 | Limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone, of a kind used for the manufacture of lime or cement | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25221000 | 252210 | - Quicklime | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25222000 | 252220 | - Slaked lime | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25223000 | 252230 | - Hydraulic lime | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25251000 | 252510 | - Crude mica and mica rifted into sheets or splittings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25252000 | 252520 | - Mica powder | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25253000 | 252530 | - Mica waste | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25261000 | 252610 | - Not crushed, not powdered | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25262000 | 252620 | - Crushed or powdered | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25280000 | 252800 | Natural borates and concentrates thereof (whether or not calcined), but not including borates separated from natural brine; natural boric acid containing not more than 85 % of H3BO3 calculated on the dry weight | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25291000 | 252910 | - Feldspar | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25292100 | 252921 | -- Containing by weight 97 % or less of calcium fluoride | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25292200 | 252922 | -- Containing by weight more than 97 % of calcium fluoride | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25293000 | 252930 | - Leucite; nepheline and nepheline syenite | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25301000 | 253010 | - Vermiculite, perlite and chlorites, unexpanded | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25302000 | 253020 | - Kieserite, epsomite (natural magnesium sulphates) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
25309000 | 253090 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27011100 | 270111 | -- Anthracite | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27011200 | 270112 | -- Bituminous coal | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27011900 | 270119 | -- Other coal | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27012000 | 270120 | - Briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27021000 | 270210 | - Lignite, whether or not pulverised, but not agglomerated | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27022000 | 270220 | - Agglomerated lignite | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27030000 | 270300 | Peat (including peat litter), whether or not agglomerated | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27040000 | 270400 | Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat, whether or not agglomerated; retort carbon | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27050000 | 270500 | Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar gases, other than petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27060000 | 270600 | Tar distilled from coal, from lignite or from peat, and other mineral tars, whether or not dehydrated or partially distilled, including reconstituted tars | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27071000 | 270710 | - Benzol (benzene) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27072000 | 270720 | - Toluol (toluene) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27073000 | 270730 | - Xylol (xylenes) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27074000 | 270740 | - Naphthalene | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27075000 | 270750 | - Other aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures of which 65 % or more by volume (including losses) distils at 250 °C by the ASTM D 86 method | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27079100 | 270791 | -- Creosote oils | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27079900 | 270799 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27081000 | 270810 | - Pitch | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27082000 | 270820 | - Pitch coke | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27101953 | 271019 | ---- Mould release oils | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27101956 | 271019 | ---- Non-lubrcating oils (cutting oils, coolants, anti-rust, brake fluids and similar oils nes.) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27101959 | 271019 | ---- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27109100 | 271091 | -- Containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) or polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27109900 | 271099 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27131100 | 271311 | -- Not calcined | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27132000 | 271320 | - Petroleum bitumen | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27139000 | 271390 | - Other residues of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27141000 | 271410 | - Bituminous or oil-shale and tar sands | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27149000 | 271490 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27150000 | 271500 | Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, on natural bitumen, on petroleum bitumen, on mineral tar or on mineral tar pitch (for example, bituminous mastics, cut-backs) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
27160000 | 271600 | Electrical energy | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
28070000 | 280700 | Sulphuric acid; oleum | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
28111100 | 281111 | -- Hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
30041000 | 300410 | - Containing penicillins or derivatives thereof, with a penicillanic acid structure, or streptomycins or their derivatives | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
30042000 | 300420 | - Containing other antibiotics | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
30043200 | 300432 | -- Containing corticosteroid hormones, their derivatives or structural analogues | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
30043900 | 300439 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
30044000 | 300440 | - Containing alkaloids or derivatives thereof but not containing hormones, other products of heading 2937 or antibiotics | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
30045000 | 300450 | - Other medicaments containing vitamins or other products of heading 2936 | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
30049000 | 300490 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
30065000 | 300650 | - First-aid boxes and kits | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
32100010 | 321000 | - Water pigments of kind used for finishing leather | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
32110000 | 321100 | Prepared driers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
32121000 | 321210 | - Stamping foils | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
32129010 | 321290 | --- Pigments (including metallic powders and flakes) dispersed in non-aqueous media, in liquid or paste form, of a kind used in the manufacture of paints (including enamels) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
32129090 | 321290 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
32151100 | 321511 | -- Black | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
32151900 | 321519 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
34070000 | 340700 | Modelling pastes, including those put up for children's amusement; preparations known as 'dental wax' or as 'dental impression compounds', put up in sets, in packings for retail sale or in plates, horseshoe shapes, sticks or similar forms; other preparations for use in dentistry, with a basis of plaster (of calcined gypsum or calcium sulphate) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
35011000 | 350110 | - Casein | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
35019000 | 350190 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
35021100 | 350211 | -- Dried | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
35021900 | 350219 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
35022000 | 350220 | - Milk albumin, including concentrates of two or more whey proteins | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
35029000 | 350290 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
35030000 | 350300 | Gelatin (including gelatin in rectangular (including square) sheets, whether or not surface-worked or coloured) and gelatin derivatives; isinglass; other glues of animal origin, excluding casein glues of heading 3501 | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
35040000 | 350400 | Peptones and their derivatives; other protein substances and their derivatives, not elsewhere specified or included; hide powder, whether or not chromed | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
35051000 | 350510 | - Dextrins and other modified starches | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
36010000 | 360100 | Propellent powders | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
36020000 | 360200 | Prepared explosives, other than propellent powders | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
36030000 | 360300 | Safety fuses; detonating fuses; percussion or detonating caps; igniters; electric detonators | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37012000 | 370120 | - Instant print film | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37013000 | 370130 | - Other plates and film, with any side exceeding 255 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37019100 | 370191 | -- For colour photography (polychrome) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37019900 | 370199 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37023100 | 370231 | -- For colour photography (polychrome) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37023200 | 370232 | -- Other, with silver halide emulsion | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37023900 | 370239 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37024100 | 370241 | -- Of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length exceeding 200 m, for colour photography (polychrome) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37024200 | 370242 | -- Of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length exceeding 200 m, other than for colour photography | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37024300 | 370243 | -- Of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length not exceeding 200 m | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37024400 | 370244 | -- Of a width exceeding 105 mm but not exceeding 610 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37025200 | 370252 | -- Of a width not exceeding 16 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37025300 | 370253 | -- Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 35 mm and of a length not exceeding 30 m, for slides | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37025400 | 370254 | -- Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 35 mm and of a length not exceeding 30 m, other than for slides | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37025500 | 370255 | -- Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 35 mm and of a length exceeding 30 m | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37025600 | 370256 | -- Of a width exceeding 35 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37029600 | 370296 | -- Of a width not exceeding 35 mm and of a length not exceeding 30 m | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37029700 | 370297 | -- Of a width not exceeding 35 mm and of a length exceeding 30 m | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37029800 | 370298 | -- Of a width exceeding 35 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37031000 | 370310 | - In rolls of a width exceeding 610 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37032000 | 370320 | - Other, for colour photography (polychrome) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37039000 | 370390 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37040000 | 370400 | Photographic plates, film, paper, paperboard and textiles, exposed but not developed | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37051000 | 370510 | - For offset reproduction | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37059000 | 370590 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37061000 | 370610 | - Of a width of 35 mm or more | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37069000 | 370690 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37071000 | 370710 | - Sensitising emulsions | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
37079000 | 370790 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38089111 | 380891 | - - - - Containing bromomethane (methyl bromide) or Bromochloromethane | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38089119 | 380891 | - - - - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38089121 | 380891 | - - - - Containing bromomethane (methyl bromide) or Bromochloromethane | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38089129 | 380891 | - - - - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38101000 | 381010 | - Pickling preparations for metal surfaces; soldering, brazing or welding powders and pastes consisting of metal and other materials | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38109000 | 381090 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38111100 | 381111 | -- Based on lead compounds | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38111900 | 381119 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38112100 | 381121 | -- Containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38112900 | 381129 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38119000 | 381190 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38151100 | 381511 | -- With nickel or nickel compounds as the active substance | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38151200 | 381512 | -- With precious metal or precious-metal compounds as the active substance | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38151900 | 381519 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38159000 | 381590 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38180000 | 381800 | Chemical elements doped for use in electronics, in the form of discs, wafers or similar forms; chemical compounds doped for use in electronics | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38190000 | 381900 | Hydraulic brake fluids and other prepared liquids for hydraulic transmission, not containing or containing less than 70 % by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
38200000 | 382000 | Anti-freezing preparations and prepared de-icing fluids | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
39069000 | 390690 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
39095000 | 390950 | - Polyurethanes | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
39199010 | 391990 | --- In rolls of a width exceeding 100 cm, unprinted | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
39203010 | 392030 | --- Unprinted | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
39203090 | 392030 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
39206310 | 392063 | --- Unprinted | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
39206390 | 392063 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
39234000 | 392340 | - Spools, cops, bobbins and similar supports | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
39239020 | 392390 | --- Plastic tubes for packing of toothpaste, cosmetics and similar products | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40069000 | 400690 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40081900 | 400819 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40082100 | 400821 | -- Plates, sheets and strip | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40091100 | 400911 | -- Without fittings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40091200 | 400912 | -- With fittings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40092100 | 400921 | -- Without fittings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40092200 | 400922 | -- With fittings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40093100 | 400931 | -- Without fittings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40093200 | 400932 | -- With fittings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40094100 | 400941 | -- Without fittings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40094200 | 400942 | -- With fittings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40101100 | 401011 | -- Reinforced only with metal | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40101200 | 401012 | -- Reinforced only with textile materials | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40101900 | 401019 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40103100 | 401031 | -- Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-section (V-belts), V-ribbed, of an outside circumference exceeding 60 cm but not exceeding 180 cm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40103200 | 401032 | -- Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-section (V-belts), other than V-ribbed, of an outside circumference exceeding 60 cm but not exceeding 180 cm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40103300 | 401033 | -- Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-section (V-belts), V-ribbed, of an outside circumference exceeding 180 cm but not exceeding 240 cm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40103400 | 401034 | -- Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-section (V-belts), other than V-ribbed, of an outside circumference exceeding 180 cm but not exceeding 240 cm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40103500 | 401035 | -- Endless synchronous belts, of an outside circumference exceeding 60 cm but not exceeding 150 cm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40103600 | 401036 | -- Endless synchronous belts, of an outside circumference exceeding 150 cm but not exceeding 198 cm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40103900 | 401039 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40114000 | 401140 | - Of a kind used on motorcycles | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40115000 | 401150 | - Of a kind used on bicycles | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40116200 | 401162 | -- Of a kind used on construction or industrial handling vehicles and machines and having a rim size not exceeding 61 cm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40116300 | 401163 | -- Of a kind used on construction or industrial handling vehicles and machines and having a rim size exceeding 61 cm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40116900 | 401169 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40119300 | 401193 | -- Of a kind used on construction or industrial handling vehicles and machines and having a rim size not exceeding 61 cm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40119400 | 401194 | -- Of a kind used on construction or industrial handling vehicles and machines and having a rim size exceeding 61 cm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40119900 | 401199 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40129010 | 401290 | --- Treads for cold retreading | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40132000 | 401320 | - Of a kind used on bicycles | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40151900 | 401519 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40159000 | 401590 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40161000 | 401610 | - Of cellular rubber | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40169200 | 401692 | -- Erasers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40169300 | 401693 | -- Gaskets, washers and other seals | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40169400 | 401694 | -- Boat or dock fenders, whether or not inflatable | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40169500 | 401695 | -- Other inflatable articles | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
40169900 | 401699 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41012000 | 410120 | - Whole hides and skins, unsplit, of a weight per skin not exceeding 8 kg when simply dried, 10 kg when dry-salted, or 16 kg when fresh, wet-salted or otherwise preserved | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41015000 | 410150 | - Whole hides and skins, of a weight exceeding 16 kg | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41019000 | 410190 | - Other, including butts, bends and bellies | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41021000 | 410210 | - With wool on | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41022100 | 410221 | -- Pickled | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41022900 | 410229 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41032000 | 410320 | - Of reptiles | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41033000 | 410330 | - Of swine | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41039000 | 410390 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41041100 | 410411 | -- Full grains, unsplit; grain splits | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41041900 | 410419 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41044100 | 410441 | -- Full grains, unsplit; grain splits | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41044900 | 410449 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41051000 | 410510 | - In the wet state (including wet-blue) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41053000 | 410530 | - In the dry state (crust) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41062100 | 410621 | -- In the wet state (including wet-blue) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41062200 | 410622 | -- In the dry state (crust) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41063100 | 410631 | -- In the wet state (including wet-blue) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41063200 | 410632 | -- In the dry state (crust) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41064000 | 410640 | - Of reptiles | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41069100 | 410691 | -- In the wet state (including wet-blue) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41069200 | 410692 | -- In the dry state (crust) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41071100 | 410711 | -- Full grains, unsplit | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41071200 | 410712 | -- Grain splits | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41071900 | 410719 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41079100 | 410791 | -- Full grains, unsplit | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41079200 | 410792 | -- Grain splits | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41079900 | 410799 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41120000 | 411200 | Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, including parchment-dressed leather, of sheep or lamb, without wool on, whether or not split, other than leather of heading 4114 | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41131000 | 411310 | - Of goats or kids | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41132000 | 411320 | - Of swine | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41133000 | 411330 | - Of reptiles | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41139000 | 411390 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41141000 | 411410 | - Chamois (including combination chamois) leather | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41142000 | 411420 | - Patent leather and patent laminated leather; metallised leather | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41151000 | 411510 | - Composition leather with a basis of leather or leather fibre, in slabs, sheets or strip, whether or not in rolls | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
41152000 | 411520 | - Parings and other waste of leather or of composition leather, not suitable for the manufacture of leather articles; leather dust, powder and flour | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
43021100 | 430211 | -- Of mink | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
43021900 | 430219 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
43022000 | 430220 | - Heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings, not assembled | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
43023000 | 430230 | - Whole skins and pieces or cuttings thereof, assembled | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
44071000 | 440710 | - Coniferous | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
44072100 | 440721 | -- Mahogany (Swietenia spp.) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
44072200 | 440722 | -- Virola, imbuia and balsa | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
44072500 | 440725 | -- Dark red meranti, light red meranti and meranti bakau | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
44072600 | 440726 | -- White lauan, white meranti, white seraya, yellow meranti and alan | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
44072700 | 440727 | -- Sapelli | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
44072800 | 440728 | -- Iroko | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
44072900 | 440729 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
44079100 | 440791 | -- Of oak (Quercus spp.) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
44079200 | 440792 | -- Of beech (Fagus spp.) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
44079300 | 440793 | -- Of maple (Acer spp.) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
44079400 | 440794 | -- Of cherry (Prunus spp.) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
44079500 | 440795 | -- Of ash (Fraxinus spp.) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
44079900 | 440799 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
45041000 | 450410 | - Blocks, plates, sheets and strip; tiles of any shape; solid cylinders, including discs | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
48010010 | 480100 | --- Weighing less than 42 g/m² | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
48021000 | 480210 | - Handmade paper and paperboard | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
48022000 | 480220 | - Paper and paperboard of a kind used as a base for photosensitive, heat-sensitive or electrosensitive paper or paperboard | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
48024000 | 480240 | - Wallpaper base | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
48025400 | 480254 | -- Weighing less than 40 g/m² | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
48062000 | 480620 | - Greaseproof papers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
48063000 | 480630 | - Tracing papers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
48064000 | 480640 | - Glassine and other glazed transparent or translucent papers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
48092000 | 480920 | - Self-copy paper | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
48102200 | 481022 | -- Lightweight coated paper | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
48102900 | 481029 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
48111000 | 481110 | - Tarred, bituminised or asphalted paper and paperboard | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
48115990 | 481159 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
48116090 | 481160 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
48192010 | 481920 | --- Skillets, free hinge lid packets | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
49070010 | 490700 | --- Cheque form and/or books | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
49081000 | 490810 | - Transfers (decalcomanias), vitrifiable | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
49089000 | 490890 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
50040000 | 500400 | Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) not put up for retail sale | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
50050000 | 500500 | Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail sale | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
50060000 | 500600 | Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste, put up for retail sale; silkworm gut | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
51061000 | 510610 | - Containing 85 % or more by weight of wool | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
51062000 | 510620 | - Containing less than 85 % by weight of wool | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
51071000 | 510710 | - Containing 85 % or more by weight of wool | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
51072000 | 510720 | - Containing less than 85 % by weight of wool | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
51081000 | 510810 | - Carded | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
51082000 | 510820 | - Combed | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
51091000 | 510910 | - Containing 85 % or more by weight of wool or of fine animal hair | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
51099000 | 510990 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
51100000 | 511000 | Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair (including gimped horsehair yarn), whether or not put up for retail sale | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52051100 | 520511 | -- Measuring 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52051200 | 520512 | -- Measuring less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52051300 | 520513 | -- Measuring less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52051400 | 520514 | -- Measuring less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52051500 | 520515 | -- Measuring less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52052100 | 520521 | -- Measuring 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52052200 | 520522 | -- Measuring less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52052300 | 520523 | -- Measuring less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52052400 | 520524 | -- Measuring less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52052600 | 520526 | -- Measuring less than 125 decitex but not less than 106,38 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number but not exceeding 94 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52052700 | 520527 | -- Measuring less than 106,38 decitex but not less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 94 metric number but not exceeding 120 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52052800 | 520528 | -- Measuring less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 120 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52053100 | 520531 | -- Measuring per single yarn 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52053200 | 520532 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52053300 | 520533 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52053400 | 520534 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52053500 | 520535 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52054100 | 520541 | -- Measuring per single yarn 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52054200 | 520542 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52054300 | 520543 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52054400 | 520544 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52054600 | 520546 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex but not less than 106,38 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number but not exceeding 94 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52054700 | 520547 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 106,38 decitex but not less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 94 metric number but not exceeding 120 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52054800 | 520548 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 83,33 decitex (exceeding 120 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52061100 | 520611 | -- Measuring 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52061200 | 520612 | -- Measuring less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52061300 | 520613 | -- Measuring less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52061400 | 520614 | -- Measuring less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52061500 | 520615 | -- Measuring less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52062100 | 520621 | -- Measuring 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52062200 | 520622 | -- Measuring less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52062300 | 520623 | -- Measuring less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52062400 | 520624 | -- Measuring less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52062500 | 520625 | -- Measuring less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52063100 | 520631 | -- Measuring per single yarn 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52063200 | 520632 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52063300 | 520633 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52063400 | 520634 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52063500 | 520635 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52064100 | 520641 | -- Measuring per single yarn 714,29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52064200 | 520642 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 714,29 decitex but not less than 232,56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52064300 | 520643 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 232,56 decitex but not less than 192,31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52064400 | 520644 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 192,31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52064500 | 520645 | -- Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52071000 | 520710 | - Containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
52079000 | 520790 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
53061000 | 530610 | - Single | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
53062000 | 530620 | - Multiple (folded) or cabled | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
53071000 | 530710 | - Single | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
53072000 | 530720 | - Multiple (folded) or cabled | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
53081000 | 530810 | - Coir yarn | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
53082000 | 530820 | - True hemp yarn | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
53089000 | 530890 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54021100 | 540211 | -- Of aramids | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54021900 | 540219 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54022000 | 540220 | - High-tenacity yarn of polyesters | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54023100 | 540231 | -- Of nylon or other polyamides, measuring per single yarn not more than 50 tex | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54023200 | 540232 | -- Of nylon or other polyamides, measuring per single yarn more than 50 tex | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54023300 | 540233 | -- Of polyesters | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54023400 | 540234 | -- Of polypropylene | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54023900 | 540239 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54024400 | 540244 | -- Elastomeric | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54024500 | 540245 | -- Other, of nylon or other polyamides | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54024600 | 540246 | -- Other, of polyesters, partially oriented | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54024700 | 540247 | -- Other, of polyesters | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54024800 | 540248 | -- Other, of polypropylene | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54024900 | 540249 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54025100 | 540251 | -- Of nylon or other polyamides | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54025200 | 540252 | -- Of polyesters | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54025900 | 540259 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54026100 | 540261 | -- Of nylon or other polyamides | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54026200 | 540262 | -- Of polyesters | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54026900 | 540269 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54031000 | 540310 | - High-tenacity yarn of viscose rayon | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54033100 | 540331 | -- Of viscose rayon, untwisted or with a twist not exceeding 120 turns per metre | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54033200 | 540332 | -- Of viscose rayon, with a twist exceeding 120 turns per metre | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54033300 | 540333 | -- Of cellulose acetate | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54033900 | 540339 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54034100 | 540341 | -- Of viscose rayon | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54034200 | 540342 | -- Of cellulose acetate | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54034900 | 540349 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54041100 | 540411 | -- Elastomeric | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54041200 | 540412 | -- Other, of polypropylene | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54041900 | 540419 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54049000 | 540490 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54050000 | 540500 | Artificial monofilament of 67 decitex or more and of which no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm; strip and the like (for example, artificial straw), of artificial textile materials, of an apparent width not exceeding 5 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
54060000 | 540600 | Man-made filament yarn (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55091100 | 550911 | -- Single yarn | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55091200 | 550912 | -- Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55092100 | 550921 | -- Single yarn | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55092200 | 550922 | -- Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55093100 | 550931 | -- Single yarn | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55093200 | 550932 | -- Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55094100 | 550941 | -- Single yarn | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55094200 | 550942 | -- Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55095100 | 550951 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with artificial staple fibres | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55095200 | 550952 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55095300 | 550953 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with cotton | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55095900 | 550959 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55096100 | 550961 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55096200 | 550962 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with cotton | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55096900 | 550969 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55099100 | 550991 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55099200 | 550992 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with cotton | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55099900 | 550999 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55101100 | 551011 | -- Single yarn | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55101200 | 551012 | -- Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55102000 | 551020 | - Other yarn, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55103000 | 551030 | - Other yarn, mixed mainly or solely with cotton | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55109000 | 551090 | - Other yarn | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55111000 | 551110 | - Of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85 % or more by weight of such fibres | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55112000 | 551120 | - Of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85 % by weight of such fibres | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
55113000 | 551130 | - Of artificial staple fibres | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
56031100 | 560311 | -- Weighing not more than 25 g/m² | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
56031200 | 560312 | -- Weighing more than 25 g/m² but not more than 70 g/m² | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
56031300 | 560313 | -- Weighing more than 70 g/m² but not more than 150 g/m² | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
56031400 | 560314 | -- Weighing more than 150 g/m² | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
56039100 | 560391 | -- Weighing not more than 25 g/m² | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
56039200 | 560392 | -- Weighing more than 25 g/m² but not more than 70 g/m² | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
56039300 | 560393 | -- Weighing more than 70 g/m² but not more than 150 g/m² | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
56039400 | 560394 | -- Weighing more than 150 g/m² | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
56041000 | 560410 | - Rubber thread and cord, textile covered | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
56049000 | 560490 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
56050000 | 560500 | Metallised yarn, whether or not gimped, being textile yarn, or strip or the like of heading 5404 or 5405, combined with metal in the form of thread, strip or powder or covered with metal | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
56060000 | 560600 | Gimped yarn, and strip and the like of heading 5404 or 5405, gimped (other than those of heading 5605 and gimped horsehair yarn); chenille yarn (including flock chenille yarn); loop wale-yarn | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
59011000 | 590110 | - Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances, of a kind used for the outer covers of books or the like | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
59019000 | 590190 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
59031000 | 590310 | - With poly(vinyl chloride) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
59032000 | 590320 | - With polyurethane | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
59039000 | 590390 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
59080000 | 590800 | Textile wicks, woven, plaited or knitted, for lamps, stoves, lighters, candles or the like; incandescent gas mantles and tubular knitted gas-mantle fabric therefor, whether or not impregnated | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
59111000 | 591110 | - Textile fabrics, felt and felt-lined woven fabrics, coated, covered or laminated with rubber, leather or other material, of a kind used for card clothing, and similar fabrics of a kind used for other technical purposes, including narrow fabrics made of velvet impregnated with rubber, for covering weaving spindles (weaving beams) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
59112000 | 591120 | - Bolting cloth, whether or not made up | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
59113100 | 591131 | -- Weighing less than 650 g/m² | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
59113200 | 591132 | -- Weighing 650 g/m² or more | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
59119000 | 591190 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
63101000 | 631010 | - Sorted | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
63109000 | 631090 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
64061000 | 640610 | - Uppers and parts thereof, other than stiffeners | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
64062000 | 640620 | - Outer soles and heels, of rubber or plastics | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
64069000 | 640690 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
65010000 | 650100 | Hat-forms, hat bodies and hoods of felt, neither blocked to shape nor with made brims; plateaux and manchons (including slit manchons), of felt | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
65020000 | 650200 | Hat-shapes, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material, neither blocked to shape, nor with made brims, nor lined, nor trimmed | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
65070000 | 650700 | Headbands, linings, covers, hat foundations, hat frames, peaks and chinstraps, for headgear | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
66032000 | 660320 | - Umbrella frames, including frames mounted on shafts (sticks) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
66039000 | 660390 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
68109910 | 681099 | --- Railings and railways' sleepers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
68128000 | 681280 | - Of crocidolite | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
68129100 | 681291 | -- Clothing, clothing accessories, footwear and headgear | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
68138910 | 681389 | --- Friction material | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
68138990 | 681389 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
69031000 | 690310 | - Containing, by weight, more than 50 % of graphite or other carbon or of a mixture of these products | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
69032000 | 690320 | - Containing, by weight, more than 50 % of alumina (Al2O3) or of a mixture or compound of alumina and of silica (SiO2) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
69039000 | 690390 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70021000 | 700210 | - Balls | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70022000 | 700220 | - Rods | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70023100 | 700231 | -- Of fused quartz or other fused silica | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70023200 | 700232 | -- Of other glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 5 × 10–6 per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0 °C to 300 °C | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70023900 | 700239 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70031200 | 700312 | -- Coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70031900 | 700319 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70032000 | 700320 | - Wired sheets | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70033000 | 700330 | - Profiles | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70051000 | 700510 | - Non-wired glass, having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70072900 | 700729 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70080000 | 700800 | Multiple-walled insulating units of glass | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70111000 | 701110 | - For electric lighting | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70112000 | 701120 | - For cathode ray tubes | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70191100 | 701911 | -- Chopped strands, of a length of not more than 50 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70191200 | 701912 | -- Rovings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70191900 | 701919 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70193100 | 701931 | -- Mats | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70193200 | 701932 | -- Thin sheets (voiles) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70194000 | 701940 | - Woven fabrics of rovings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70195100 | 701951 | -- Of a width not exceeding 30 cm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70195200 | 701952 | -- Of a width exceeding 30 cm, plain weave, weighing less than 250 g/m², of filaments measuring per single yarn not more than 136 tex | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70195900 | 701959 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70199010 | 701990 | --- Interwoven netting glass fibre for manufacture of grinding and cutting wheels | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70199090 | 701990 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70200010 | 702000 | --- Floats for fishing nets | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
70200091 | 702000 | ---- Inner glass in-fills for vacuum flasks | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72091500 | 720915 | -- Of a thickness of 3 mm or more | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72091600 | 720916 | -- Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but less than 3 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72091700 | 720917 | -- Of a thickness of 0,5 mm or more but not exceeding 1 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72091800 | 720918 | -- Of a thickness of less than 0,5 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72092500 | 720925 | -- Of a thickness of 3 mm or more | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72092600 | 720926 | -- Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but less than 3 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72092700 | 720927 | -- Of a thickness of 0,5 mm or more but not exceeding 1 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72092800 | 720928 | -- Of a thickness of less than 0,5 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72099000 | 720990 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72111300 | 721113 | -- Rolled on four faces or in a closed box pass, of a width exceeding 150 mm and a thickness of not less than 4 mm, not in coils and without patterns in relief | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72111400 | 721114 | -- Other, of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72111900 | 721119 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72112300 | 721123 | -- Containing by weight less than 0,25 % of carbon | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72119000 | 721190 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72121000 | 721210 | - Plated or coated with tin | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72122000 | 721220 | - Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72123000 | 721230 | - Otherwise plated or coated with zinc | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72124000 | 721240 | - Painted, varnished or coated with plastics | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72125000 | 721250 | - Otherwise plated or coated | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72126000 | 721260 | - Clad | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72131000 | 721310 | - Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72132000 | 721320 | - Other, of free-cutting steel | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72141000 | 721410 | - Forged | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72142000 | 721420 | - Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process or twisted after rolling | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72143000 | 721430 | - Other, of free-cutting steel | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72149100 | 721491 | -- Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72149900 | 721499 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72151000 | 721510 | - Of free-cutting steel, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72155000 | 721550 | - Other, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72159000 | 721590 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72161000 | 721610 | - U, I or H sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of a height of less than 80 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72162100 | 721621 | -- L sections | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72162200 | 721622 | -- T sections | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72163100 | 721631 | -- U sections | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72163200 | 721632 | -- I sections | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72163300 | 721633 | -- H sections | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72164000 | 721640 | - L or T sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of a height of 80 mm or more | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72165000 | 721650 | - Other angles, shapes and sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72166100 | 721661 | -- Obtained from flat-rolled products | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72166900 | 721669 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72169100 | 721691 | -- Cold-formed or cold-finished from flat-rolled products | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72169900 | 721699 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72171000 | 721710 | - Not plated or coated, whether or not polished | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72173090 | 721730 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72179000 | 721790 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72201100 | 722011 | -- Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72201200 | 722012 | -- Of a thickness of less than 4,75 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72202000 | 722020 | - Not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72209000 | 722090 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72210000 | 722100 | Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of stainless steel | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72221100 | 722211 | -- Of circular cross-section | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72221900 | 722219 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72222000 | 722220 | - Bars and rods, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72223000 | 722230 | - Other bars and rods | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72224000 | 722240 | - Angles, shapes and sections | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72230000 | 722300 | Wire of stainless steel | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72251100 | 722511 | -- Grain-oriented | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72251900 | 722519 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72253000 | 722530 | - Other, not further worked than hot-rolled, in coils | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72254000 | 722540 | - Other, not further worked than hot-rolled, not in coils | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72255000 | 722550 | - Other, not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72259100 | 722591 | -- Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72259200 | 722592 | -- Otherwise plated or coated with zinc | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72259900 | 722599 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72261100 | 722611 | -- Grain-oriented | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72261900 | 722619 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72262000 | 722620 | - Of high-speed steel | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72269100 | 722691 | -- Not further worked than hot-rolled | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72269200 | 722692 | -- Not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72269900 | 722699 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72271000 | 722710 | - Of high-speed steel | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72272000 | 722720 | - Of silico-manganese steel | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72279000 | 722790 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72281000 | 722810 | - Bars and rods, of high-speed steel | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72282000 | 722820 | - Bars and rods, of silico-manganese steel | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72283000 | 722830 | - Other bars and rods, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72284000 | 722840 | - Other bars and rods, not further worked than forged | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72285000 | 722850 | - Other bars and rods, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72286000 | 722860 | - Other bars and rods | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72287000 | 722870 | - Angles, shapes and sections | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72288000 | 722880 | - Hollow drill bars and rods | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72292000 | 722920 | - Of silico-manganese steel | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
72299000 | 722990 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73011000 | 730110 | - Sheet piling | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73012000 | 730120 | - Angles, shapes and sections | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73043100 | 730431 | -- Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73043900 | 730439 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73044100 | 730441 | -- Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73044900 | 730449 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73045100 | 730451 | -- Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73045900 | 730459 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73053100 | 730531 | -- Longitudinally welded | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73053900 | 730539 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73059000 | 730590 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73102910 | 731029 | --- Aerosol cans | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73129000 | 731290 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73151100 | 731511 | -- Roller chain | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73151900 | 731519 | -- Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73152000 | 731520 | - Skid chain | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73158100 | 731581 | -- Stud-link | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73158200 | 731582 | -- Other, welded link | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73158900 | 731589 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73159000 | 731590 | - Other parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73160000 | 731600 | Anchors, grapnels and parts thereof, of iron or steel | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73181100 | 731811 | -- Coach screws | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73181200 | 731812 | -- Other wood screws | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73181300 | 731813 | -- Screw hooks and screw rings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73181400 | 731814 | -- Self-tapping screws | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73181900 | 731819 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73182100 | 731821 | -- Spring washers and other lock washers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73182200 | 731822 | -- Other washers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73182300 | 731823 | -- Rivets | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73182400 | 731824 | -- Cotters and cotter pins | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73182900 | 731829 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73221100 | 732211 | -- Of cast iron | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73221900 | 732219 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73229000 | 732290 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73251000 | 732510 | - Of non-malleable cast iron | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73259900 | 732599 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
73261900 | 732619 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74031100 | 740311 | -- Cathodes and sections of cathodes | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74031200 | 740312 | -- Wire-bars | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74031300 | 740313 | -- Billets | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74031900 | 740319 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74032100 | 740321 | -- Copper-zinc base alloys (brass) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74032200 | 740322 | -- Copper-tin base alloys (bronze) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74032900 | 740329 | -- Other copper alloys (other than master alloys of heading 7405) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74050000 | 740500 | Master alloys of copper | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74061000 | 740610 | - Powders of non-lamellar structure | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74062000 | 740620 | - Powders of lamellar structure; flakes | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74072100 | 740721 | -- Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74072900 | 740729 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74081900 | 740819 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74082100 | 740821 | -- Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74082900 | 740829 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74091100 | 740911 | -- In coils | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74091900 | 740919 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74092100 | 740921 | -- In coils | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74092900 | 740929 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74093100 | 740931 | -- In coils | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74093900 | 740939 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74094000 | 740940 | - Of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74099000 | 740990 | - Of other copper alloys | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74101100 | 741011 | -- Of refined copper | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74101200 | 741012 | -- Of copper alloys | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74102100 | 741021 | -- Of refined copper | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74102200 | 741022 | -- Of copper alloys | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
74130090 | 741300 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
75051100 | 750511 | -- Of nickel, not alloyed | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
75051200 | 750512 | -- Of nickel alloys | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
75052100 | 750521 | -- Of nickel, not alloyed | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
75052200 | 750522 | -- Of nickel alloys | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
75061000 | 750610 | - Of nickel, not alloyed | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
75062000 | 750620 | - Of nickel alloys | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
76051100 | 760511 | -- Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 7 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
76051900 | 760519 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
76052100 | 760521 | -- Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 7 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
76052900 | 760529 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
76061100 | 760611 | -- Of aluminium, not alloyed | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
76071100 | 760711 | -- Rolled but not further worked | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
76071910 | 760719 | --- Unprinted aluminium foil | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
76071990 | 760719 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
76072010 | 760720 | --- Unprinted aluminium foil | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
76072090 | 760720 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
76121000 | 761210 | - Collapsible tubular containers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
76129090 | 761290 | ---Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
76130000 | 761300 | Aluminium containers for compressed or liquefied gas | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
76141000 | 761410 | - With steel core | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
76149000 | 761490 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
78041100 | 780411 | -- Sheets, strip and foil of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0,2 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
78041900 | 780419 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
78060000 | 780600 | Other articles of lead | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
79040000 | 790400 | Zinc bars, rods, profiles and wire | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
79050000 | 790500 | Zinc plates, sheets, strip and foil | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
79070000 | 790700 | Other articles of zinc | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
80030000 | 800300 | Tin bars, rods, profiles and wire | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
80070000 | 800700 | Other articles of tin | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82011000 | 820110 | - Spades and shovels | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82013000 | 820130 | - Mattocks, picks, hoes and rakes | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82014000 | 820140 | - Axes, billhooks and similar hewing tools | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82015000 | 820150 | - Secateurs and similar one-handed pruners and shears (including poultry shears) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82016000 | 820160 | - Hedge shears, two-handed pruning shears and similar two-handed shears | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82019000 | 820190 | - Other hand tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82021000 | 820210 | - Handsaws | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82022000 | 820220 | - Bandsaw blades | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82023100 | 820231 | -- With working part of steel | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82023900 | 820239 | -- Other, including parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82024000 | 820240 | - Chainsaw blades | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82029100 | 820291 | -- Straight saw blades, for working metal | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82029900 | 820299 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82031000 | 820310 | - Files, rasps and similar tools | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82032000 | 820320 | - Pliers (including cutting pliers), pincers, tweezers and similar tools | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82033000 | 820330 | - Metal-cutting shears and similar tools | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82034000 | 820340 | - Pipe-cutters, bolt croppers, perforating punches and similar tools | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82041100 | 820411 | -- Non-adjustable | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82041200 | 820412 | -- Adjustable | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82042000 | 820420 | - Interchangeable spanner sockets, with or without handles | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82051000 | 820510 | - Drilling, threading or tapping tools | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82052000 | 820520 | - Hammers and sledge hammers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82053000 | 820530 | - Planes, chisels, gouges and similar cutting tools for working wood | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82054000 | 820540 | - Screwdrivers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82055900 | 820559 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82056000 | 820560 | - Blowlamps | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82057000 | 820570 | - Vices, clamps and the like | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82059000 | 820590 | - Other, including sets of articles of two or more subheadings of this heading | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82060000 | 820600 | Tools of two or more of headings 8202 to 8205, put up in sets for retail sale | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82071300 | 820713 | -- With working part of cermets | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82071900 | 820719 | -- Other, including parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82072000 | 820720 | - Dies for drawing or extruding metal | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82073000 | 820730 | - Tools for pressing, stamping or punching | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82074000 | 820740 | - Tools for tapping or threading | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82075000 | 820750 | - Tools for drilling, other than for rock-drilling | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82076000 | 820760 | - Tools for boring or broaching | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82077000 | 820770 | - Tools for milling | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82078000 | 820780 | - Tools for turning | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82079000 | 820790 | - Other interchangeable tools | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82081000 | 820810 | - For metalworking | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82082000 | 820820 | - For woodworking | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82083000 | 820830 | - For kitchen appliances or for machines used by the food industry | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82089000 | 820890 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82090000 | 820900 | Plates, sticks, tips and the like for tools, unmounted, of cermets | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82100000 | 821000 | Hand-operated mechanical appliances, weighing 10 kg or less, used in the preparation, conditioning or serving of food or drink | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82111000 | 821110 | - Sets of assorted articles | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82119100 | 821191 | -- Table knives having fixed blades | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82119200 | 821192 | -- Other knives having fixed blades | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82119300 | 821193 | -- Knives having other than fixed blades | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82119400 | 821194 | -- Blades | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82119500 | 821195 | -- Handles of base metal | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82129000 | 821290 | - Other parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82130000 | 821300 | Scissors, tailors' shears and similar shears, and blades therefor | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82141000 | 821410 | - Paperknives, letter openers, erasing knives, pencil sharpeners and blades therefor | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82151000 | 821510 | - Sets of assorted articles containing at least one article plated with precious metal | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82152000 | 821520 | - Other sets of assorted articles | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82159100 | 821591 | -- Plated with precious metal | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
82159900 | 821599 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
83021000 | 830210 | - Hinges | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
83022000 | 830220 | - Castors | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
83024100 | 830241 | -- Suitable for buildings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
83024200 | 830242 | -- Other, suitable for furniture | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
83024900 | 830249 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
83051000 | 830510 | - Fittings for loose-leaf binders or files | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
83071000 | 830710 | - Of iron or steel | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
83079000 | 830790 | - Of other base metal | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
83081000 | 830810 | - Hooks, eyes and eyelets | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
83082000 | 830820 | - Tubular or bifurcated rivets | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
83089000 | 830890 | - Other, including parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
83112000 | 831120 | - Cored wire of base metal, for electric arc-welding | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
83119000 | 831190 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84072900 | 840729 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84073100 | 840731 | -- Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cm³ | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84073200 | 840732 | -- Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 50 cm³ but not exceeding 250 cm³ | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84073300 | 840733 | -- Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 250 cm³ but not exceeding 1 000 cm³ | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84073400 | 840734 | -- Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1 000 cm³ | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84079090 | 840790 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84082000 | 840820 | - Engines of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of Chapter 87 | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84089090 | 840890 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84091000 | 840910 | - For aircraft engines | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84099100 | 840991 | -- Suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84099900 | 840999 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84131100 | 841311 | -- Pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84131900 | 841319 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84133000 | 841330 | - Fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84141000 | 841410 | - Vacuum pumps | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84142000 | 841420 | - Hand- or foot-operated air pumps | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84143000 | 841430 | - Compressors of a kind used in refrigerating equipment | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84144000 | 841440 | - Air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84149000 | 841490 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84159000 | 841590 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84185000 | 841850 | - Other furniture (chests, cabinets, display counters, showcases and the like) for storage and display, incorporating refrigerating or freezing equipment | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84189100 | 841891 | -- Furniture designed to receive refrigerating or freezing equipment | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84189900 | 841899 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84211200 | 842112 | -- Clothes dryers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84211900 | 842119 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84212300 | 842123 | -- Oil or petrol filters for internal combustion engines | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84212900 | 842129 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84213100 | 842131 | -- Intake air filters for internal combustion engines | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84213910 | 842139 | --- Industrial filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for gases | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84213990 | 842139 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84219100 | 842191 | -- Of centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84219900 | 842199 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84229000 | 842290 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84231000 | 842310 | - Personal weighing machines, including baby scales; household scales | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84238100 | 842381 | -- Having a maximum weighing capacity not exceeding 30 kg | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84238910 | 842389 | --- Weighing machinery having a maximum weighing capacity exceeding 5 000 kg | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84238990 | 842389 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84239000 | 842390 | - Weighing machine weights of all kinds; parts of weighing machinery | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84249000 | 842490 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84251100 | 842511 | -- Powered by electric motor | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84251900 | 842519 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84253100 | 842531 | -- Powered by electric motor | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84253900 | 842539 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84254100 | 842541 | -- Built-in jacking systems of a type used in garages | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84254200 | 842542 | -- Other jacks and hoists, hydraulic | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84254900 | 842549 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84311000 | 843110 | - Of machinery of heading 8425 | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84312000 | 843120 | - Of machinery of heading 8427 | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84313100 | 843131 | -- Of lifts, skip hoists or escalators | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84313900 | 843139 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84314100 | 843141 | -- Buckets, shovels, grabs and grips | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84314200 | 843142 | -- Bulldozer or angledozer blades | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84314300 | 843143 | -- Parts for boring or sinking machinery of subheading 843041 or 843049 | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84314900 | 843149 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84433900 | 844339 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84439900 | 844399 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84501110 | 845011 | --- Unassembled | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84501210 | 845012 | --- Unassembled | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84501910 | 845019 | --- Unassembled | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84502010 | 845020 | --- Unassembled | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84509000 | 845090 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84701000 | 847010 | - Electronic calculators capable of operation without an external source of electric power and pocket-size data-recording, reproducing and displaying machines with calculating functions | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84702100 | 847021 | -- Incorporating a printing device | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84702900 | 847029 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84703000 | 847030 | - Other calculating machines | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84705000 | 847050 | - Cash registers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84709000 | 847090 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84723000 | 847230 | - Machines for sorting or folding mail or for inserting mail in envelopes or bands, machines for opening, closing or sealing mail and machines for affixing or cancelling postage stamps | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84729000 | 847290 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84731000 | 847310 | - Parts and accessories of the machines of heading 8469 | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84732100 | 847321 | -- Of the electronic calculating machines of subheading 847010, 847021 or 847029 | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84732900 | 847329 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84734000 | 847340 | - Parts and accessories of the machines of heading 8472 | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84735000 | 847350 | - Parts and accessories equally suitable for use with machines of two or more of the headings 8469 to 8472 | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84762100 | 847621 | -- Incorporating heating or refrigerating devices | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84762900 | 847629 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84768100 | 847681 | -- Incorporating heating or refrigerating devices | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84768900 | 847689 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84769000 | 847690 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84811000 | 848110 | - Pressure-reducing valves | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84812000 | 848120 | - Valves for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84813000 | 848130 | - Check (non-return) valves | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84814000 | 848140 | - Safety or relief valves | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84818000 | 848180 | - Other appliances | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84819000 | 848190 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84821000 | 848210 | - Ball bearings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84822000 | 848220 | - Tapered roller bearings, including cone and tapered roller assemblies | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84823000 | 848230 | - Spherical roller bearings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84824000 | 848240 | - Needle roller bearings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84825000 | 848250 | - Other cylindrical roller bearings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84828000 | 848280 | - Other, including combined ball/roller bearings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84829100 | 848291 | -- Balls, needles and rollers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84829900 | 848299 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84831000 | 848310 | - Transmission shafts (including cam shafts and crank shafts) and cranks | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84832000 | 848320 | - Bearing housings, incorporating ball or roller bearings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84833000 | 848330 | - Bearing housings, not incorporating ball or roller bearings; plain shaft bearings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84834000 | 848340 | - Gears and gearing, other than toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately; ball or roller screws; gear boxes and other speed changers, including torque converters | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84835000 | 848350 | - Flywheels and pulleys, including pulley blocks | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84836000 | 848360 | - Clutches and shaft couplings (including universal joints) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84839000 | 848390 | - Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately; parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84841000 | 848410 | - Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84842000 | 848420 | - Mechanical seals | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84849000 | 848490 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84871000 | 848710 | - Ships' or boats' propellers and blades therefor | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
84879000 | 848790 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85043100 | 850431 | -- Having a power handling capacity not exceeding 1 kVA | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85043200 | 850432 | -- Having a power handling capacity exceeding 1 kVA but not exceeding 16 kVA | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85111000 | 851110 | - Sparking plugs | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85112000 | 851120 | - Ignition magnetos; magneto-dynamos; magnetic flywheels | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85113000 | 851130 | - Distributors; ignition coils | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85114000 | 851140 | - Starter motors and dual purpose starter-generators | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85115000 | 851150 | - Other generators | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85118000 | 851180 | - Other equipment | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85119000 | 851190 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85121000 | 851210 | - Lighting or visual signalling equipment of a kind used on bicycles | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85122000 | 851220 | - Other lighting or visual signalling equipment | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85123000 | 851230 | - Sound signalling equipment | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85124000 | 851240 | - Windscreen wipers, defrosters and demisters | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85129000 | 851290 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85131090 | 851310 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85139000 | 851390 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85163100 | 851631 | -- Hairdryers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85163200 | 851632 | -- Other hairdressing apparatus | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85163300 | 851633 | -- Hand-drying apparatus | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85164000 | 851640 | - Electric smoothing irons | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85165000 | 851650 | - Microwave ovens | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85166000 | 851660 | - Other ovens; cookers, cooking plates, boiling rings; grillers and roasters | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85167900 | 851679 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85168000 | 851680 | - Electric heating resistors | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85169000 | 851690 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85171100 | 851711 | -- Line telephone sets with cordless handsets | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85171800 | 851718 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85176200 | 851762 | -- Machines for the reception, conversion and transmission or regeneration of voice, images or other data, including switching and routing apparatus | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85176900 | 851769 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85177000 | 851770 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85232110 | 852321 | --- unrecorded | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85232910 | 852329 | ---un recorded | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85235100 | 852351 | -- Solid-state non-volatile storage devices | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85235200 | 852352 | -- 'Smart cards' | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85235900 | 852359 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85238010 | 852380 | ---Software | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85285910 | 852859 | --- Unassembled | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85287210 | 852872 | --- Unassembled | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85287290 | 852872 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85287310 | 852873 | --- Unassembled | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85287390 | 852873 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85311000 | 853110 | - Burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85312000 | 853120 | - Indicator panels incorporating liquid crystal devices (LCD) or light emitting diodes (LED) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85318000 | 853180 | - Other apparatus | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85319000 | 853190 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85321000 | 853210 | - Fixed capacitors designed for use in 50/60 Hz circuits and having a reactive power handling capacity of not less than 0,5 kvar (power capacitors) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85322100 | 853221 | -- Tantalum | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85322200 | 853222 | -- Aluminium electrolytic | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85322300 | 853223 | -- Ceramic dielectric, single layer | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85322400 | 853224 | -- Ceramic dielectric, multilayer | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85322500 | 853225 | -- Dielectric of paper or plastics | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85322900 | 853229 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85323000 | 853230 | - Variable or adjustable (pre-set) capacitors | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85329000 | 853290 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85331000 | 853310 | - Fixed carbon resistors, composition or film types | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85332100 | 853321 | -- For a power handling capacity not exceeding 20 W | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85332900 | 853329 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85333100 | 853331 | -- For a power handling capacity not exceeding 20 W | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85333900 | 853339 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85334000 | 853340 | - Other variable resistors, including rheostats and potentiometers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85339000 | 853390 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85340000 | 853400 | Printed circuits | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85361000 | 853610 | - Fuses | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85362000 | 853620 | - Automatic circuit breakers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85363000 | 853630 | - Other apparatus for protecting electrical circuits | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85364100 | 853641 | -- For a voltage not exceeding 60 V | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85364900 | 853649 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85365000 | 853650 | - Other switches | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85366100 | 853661 | -- Lamp holders | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85366900 | 853669 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85369000 | 853690 | - Other apparatus | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85371000 | 853710 | - For a voltage not exceeding 1 000 V | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85381000 | 853810 | - Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases for the goods of heading 8537, not equipped with their apparatus | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85389000 | 853890 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85401100 | 854011 | -- Colour | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85401200 | 854012 | -- Monochrome | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85402000 | 854020 | - Television camera tubes; image converters and intensifiers; other photocathode tubes | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85404000 | 854040 | - Data/graphic display tubes, monochrome; data/graphic display tubes, colour, with a phosphor dot screen pitch smaller than 0,4 mm | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85406000 | 854060 | - Other cathode ray tubes | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85407100 | 854071 | -- Magnetrons | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85407900 | 854079 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85408100 | 854081 | -- Receiver or amplifier valves and tubes | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85408900 | 854089 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85409100 | 854091 | -- Of cathode ray tubes | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85409900 | 854099 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85423100 | 854231 | -- Processors and controllers, whether or not combined with memories, converters, logic circuits, amplifiers, clock and timing circuits, or other circuits | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85423200 | 854232 | -- Memories | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85423300 | 854233 | -- Amplifiers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85423900 | 854239 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85429000 | 854290 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85431000 | 854310 | - Particle accelerators | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85432000 | 854320 | - Signal generators | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85437000 | 854370 | - Other machines and apparatus | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85439000 | 854390 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85451900 | 854519 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85452000 | 854520 | - Brushes | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85459000 | 854590 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85461000 | 854610 | - Of glass | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85462000 | 854620 | - Of ceramics | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85469000 | 854690 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85471000 | 854710 | - Insulating fittings of ceramics | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85472000 | 854720 | - Insulating fittings of plastics | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
85479000 | 854790 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87012090 | 870120 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87041090 | 870410 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87049090 | 870490 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87081000 | 870810 | - Bumpers and parts thereof | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87082100 | 870821 | -- Safety seat belts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87082900 | 870829 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87083000 | 870830 | - Brakes and servo-brakes; parts thereof | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87084000 | 870840 | - Gear boxes and parts thereof | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87085000 | 870850 | - Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components, and non-driving axles; parts thereof | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87087000 | 870870 | - Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87088000 | 870880 | - Suspension systems and parts thereof (including shock-absorbers) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87089300 | 870893 | -- Clutches and parts thereof | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87089400 | 870894 | -- Steering wheels, steering columns and steering boxes; parts thereof | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87089500 | 870895 | -- Safety airbags with inflator system; parts thereof | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87089900 | 870899 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87141000 | 871410 | - Of motorcycles (including mopeds) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87149100 | 871491 | -- Frames and forks, and parts thereof | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87149200 | 871492 | -- Wheel rims and spokes | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87149300 | 871493 | -- Hubs, other than coaster braking hubs and hub brakes, and free-wheel sprocket-wheels | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87149400 | 871494 | -- Brakes, including coaster braking hubs and hub brakes, and parts thereof | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87149500 | 871495 | -- Saddles | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87149600 | 871496 | -- Pedals and crank-gear, and parts thereof | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87149900 | 871499 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87161090 | 871610 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87162090 | 871620 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87163190 | 871631 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87163990 | 871639 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87164090 | 871640 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
87169000 | 871690 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90021100 | 900211 | -- For cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90021900 | 900219 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90022000 | 900220 | - Filters | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90029000 | 900290 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90031100 | 900311 | -- Of plastics | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90031900 | 900319 | -- Of other materials | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90039000 | 900390 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90041000 | 900410 | - Sunglasses | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90049090 | 900490 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90051000 | 900510 | - Binoculars | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90058000 | 900580 | - Other instruments | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90059000 | 900590 | - Parts and accessories (including mountings) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90071000 | 900710 | - Cameras | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90072000 | 900720 | - Projectors | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90079100 | 900791 | -- For cameras | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90079200 | 900792 | -- For projectors | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90085000 | 900850 | - Projectors, enlargers and reducers | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90089000 | 900890 | - Parts and accessories | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90101000 | 901010 | - Apparatus and equipment for automatically developing photographic (including cinematographic) film or paper in rolls or for automatically exposing developed film to rolls of photographic paper | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90105000 | 901050 | - Other apparatus and equipment for photographic (including cinematographic) laboratories; negatoscopes | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90106000 | 901060 | - Projection screens | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90109000 | 901090 | - Parts and accessories | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90291000 | 902910 | - Revolution counters, production counters, taximeters, milometers, pedometers and the like | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90292000 | 902920 | - Speed indicators and tachometers; stroboscopes | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
90299000 | 902990 | - Parts and accessories | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92011000 | 920110 | - Upright pianos | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92012000 | 920120 | - Grand pianos | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92019000 | 920190 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92021000 | 920210 | - Played with a bow | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92029000 | 920290 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92051000 | 920510 | - Brass-wind instruments | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92059000 | 920590 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92060000 | 920600 | Percussion musical instruments (for example, drums, xylophones, cymbals, castanets, maracas) | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92071000 | 920710 | - Keyboard instruments, other than accordions | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92079000 | 920790 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92081000 | 920810 | - Musical boxes | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92089000 | 920890 | - Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92093000 | 920930 | - Musical instrument strings | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92099100 | 920991 | -- Parts and accessories for pianos | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92099200 | 920992 | -- Parts and accessories for the musical instruments of heading 9202 | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92099400 | 920994 | -- Parts and accessories for the musical instruments of heading 9207 | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
92099900 | 920999 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
93039000 | 930390 | - Other | 25 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
93069000 | 930690 | - Other | 25 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
94029090 | 940290 | --- Other | 25 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
94038100 | 940381 | -- Of bamboo or rattan | 25 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
94038900 | 940389 | -- Other | 25 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
94060090 | 940600 | --- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
96061000 | 960610 | - Press-fasteners, snap-fasteners and press studs and parts therefor | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
96062100 | 960621 | -- Of plastics, not covered with textile material | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
96062200 | 960622 | -- Of base metal, not covered with textile material | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
96062900 | 960629 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
96063000 | 960630 | - Button moulds and other parts of buttons; button blanks | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
96071100 | 960711 | -- Fitted with chain scoops of base metal | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
96071900 | 960719 | -- Other | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
96072000 | 960720 | - Parts | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
96190010 | 961900 | ---Sanitary towels (pads) and tampons | 10 % | 8 % | 7 % | 6 % | 5 % | 4 % | 3 % | 2 % | 1 % | 0 % |
Year, and rate applicable | |||||||||||||||||
HS Code, 8 Digits | HS Code, 6 Digits | Description | Duty rate | T0+12 | T0+13 | T0+14 | T0+15 | T0+16 | T0+17 | T0+18 | T0+19 | T0+20 | T0+21 | T0+22 | T0+23 | T0+24 | T0+25 |
01012900 | 010129 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01013090 | 010130 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01019010 | 010190 | --- Pure-bred breeding animals | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01019090 | 010190 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01022900 | 010229 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01023900 | 010239 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01029090 | 010290 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01039100 | 010391 | -- Weighing less than 50 kg | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01039200 | 010392 | -- Weighing 50 kg or more | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01041090 | 010410 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01042090 | 010420 | ---Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01051200 | 010512 | -- Turkeys | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01051300 | 010513 | -- Ducks | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01051400 | 010514 | -- Geese | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01051500 | 010515 | -- Guinea fowls | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01059400 | 010594 | -- Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01059900 | 010599 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01061100 | 010611 | -- Primates | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01061200 | 010612 | -- Whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01061300 | 010613 | -- Camels and other camelids (Camelidae) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01061400 | 010614 | -- Rabbits and hares | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01061900 | 010619 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01062000 | 010620 | - Reptiles (including snakes and turtles) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01063100 | 010631 | -- Birds of prey | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01063200 | 010632 | -- Psittaciformes (including parrots, parakeets, macaws and cockatoos) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01063300 | 010633 | -- Ostriches; emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01063900 | 010639 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01064100 | 010641 | -- Bees | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01064900 | 010649 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
01069000 | 010690 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02011000 | 020110 | - Carcases and half-carcases | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02021000 | 020210 | - Carcases and half-carcases | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02031100 | 020311 | -- Carcases and half-carcases | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02031900 | 020319 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02032100 | 020321 | -- Carcases and half-carcases | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02041000 | 020410 | - Carcases and half-carcases of lamb, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02042100 | 020421 | -- Carcases and half-carcases | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02043000 | 020430 | - Carcases and half-carcases of lamb, frozen | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02044100 | 020441 | -- Carcases and half-carcases | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02050000 | 020500 | Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02062100 | 020621 | -- Tongues | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02063000 | 020630 | - Of swine, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02064100 | 020641 | -- Livers | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02064900 | 020649 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02068000 | 020680 | - Other, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02071300 | 020713 | -- Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02071400 | 020714 | -- Cuts and offal, frozen | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02072400 | 020724 | -- Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02072500 | 020725 | -- Not cut in pieces, frozen | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02072600 | 020726 | -- Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02072700 | 020727 | -- Cuts and offal, frozen | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02074100 | 020741 | -- Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02074200 | 020742 | -- Not cut in pieces, frozen | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02074300 | 020743 | -- Fatty livers, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02074400 | 020744 | -- Other, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02074500 | 020745 | -- Other, frozen | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02075100 | 020751 | -- Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02075200 | 020752 | -- Not cut in pieces, frozen | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02075300 | 020753 | -- Fatty livers, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02075400 | 020754 | -- Other, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02075500 | 020755 | -- Other, frozen | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02076000 | 020760 | - Of guinea fowls | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02081000 | 020810 | - Of rabbits or hares | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02083000 | 020830 | - Of primates | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02084000 | 020840 | - Of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); of manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); of seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02085000 | 020850 | - Of reptiles (including snakes and turtles) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02086000 | 020860 | - Of camels and other camelids (Camelidae) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02089000 | 020890 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02091000 | 020910 | - Of pigs | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02099000 | 020990 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02109100 | 021091 | -- Of primates | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02109200 | 021092 | -- Of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); of manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); of seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02109300 | 021093 | -- Of reptiles (including snakes and turtles) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
02109900 | 021099 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03011100 | 030111 | -- Freshwater fish | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03011900 | 030119 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03019100 | 030191 | -- Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarkii, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03019200 | 030192 | -- Eels (Anguilla spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03019300 | 030193 | -- Carp (Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03019400 | 030194 | -- Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03019500 | 030195 | -- Southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03019900 | 030199 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03021100 | 030211 | -- Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarkii, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03021300 | 030213 | -- Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03021400 | 030214 | -- Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03021900 | 030219 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03022100 | 030221 | -- Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03022200 | 030222 | -- Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03022300 | 030223 | -- Sole (Solea spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03022400 | 030224 | -- Turbot (Psetta maxima) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03022900 | 030229 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03023100 | 030231 | -- Albacore or longfinned tuna (Thunnus alalunga) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03023200 | 030232 | -- Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03023300 | 030233 | -- Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03023400 | 030234 | -- Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03023500 | 030235 | -- Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03023600 | 030236 | -- Southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03024100 | 030241 | -- Herring (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03024200 | 030242 | -- Anchovies (Engraulis spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03024300 | 030243 | -- Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03024400 | 030244 | -- Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03024500 | 030245 | -- Jack and horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03024600 | 030246 | -- Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03024700 | 030247 | -- Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03025100 | 030251 | -- Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03025200 | 030252 | -- Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03025300 | 030253 | -- Coalfish (Pollachius virens) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03025400 | 030254 | -- Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03025500 | 030255 | -- Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03025600 | 030256 | -- Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou, Micromesistius australis) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03025900 | 030259 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03027100 | 030271 | -- Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03027200 | 030272 | -- Catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03027300 | 030273 | -- Carp (Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03027400 | 030274 | -- Eels (Anguilla spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03027900 | 030279 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03028100 | 030281 | -- Dogfish and other sharks | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03028200 | 030282 | -- Rays and skates (Rajidae) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03028300 | 030283 | -- Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03028400 | 030284 | -- Sea bass (Dicentrarchus spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03028500 | 030285 | -- Sea bream (Sparidae) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03028900 | 030289 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03029000 | 030290 | - Livers and roes | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03031100 | 030311 | -- Sockeye salmon (red salmon) (Oncorhynchus nerka) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03031200 | 030312 | -- Other Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03031300 | 030313 | -- Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03031400 | 030314 | -- Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarkii, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03031900 | 030319 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03032300 | 030323 | -- Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03032400 | 030324 | -- Catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03032500 | 030325 | -- Carp (Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03032600 | 030326 | -- Eels (Anguilla spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03032900 | 030329 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03033100 | 030331 | -- Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03033200 | 030332 | -- Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03033300 | 030333 | -- Sole (Solea spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03033400 | 030334 | -- Turbot (Psetta maxima) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03033900 | 030339 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03034100 | 030341 | -- Albacore or longfinned tuna (Thunnus alalunga) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03034200 | 030342 | -- Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03034300 | 030343 | -- Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03034400 | 030344 | -- Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03034500 | 030345 | -- Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03034600 | 030346 | -- Southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03034900 | 030349 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03035100 | 030351 | -- Herring (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03035300 | 030353 | -- Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03035400 | 030354 | -- Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03035500 | 030355 | -- Jack and horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03035600 | 030356 | -- Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03035700 | 030357 | -- Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03036300 | 030363 | -- Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03036400 | 030364 | -- Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03036500 | 030365 | -- Coalfish (Pollachius virens) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03036600 | 030366 | -- Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03036700 | 030367 | -- Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03036800 | 030368 | -- Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou, Micromesistius australis) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03036900 | 030369 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03038100 | 030381 | -- Dogfish and other sharks | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03038200 | 030382 | -- Rays and skates (Rajidae) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03038300 | 030383 | -- Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03038400 | 030384 | -- Sea bass (Dicentrarchus spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03038900 | 030389 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03039000 | 030390 | - Livers and roes | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03052000 | 030520 | - Livers and roes of fish, dried, smoked, salted or in brine | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03054100 | 030541 | -- Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03054200 | 030542 | -- Herring (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03055100 | 030551 | -- Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03056100 | 030561 | -- Herring (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03056200 | 030562 | -- Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03056300 | 030563 | -- Anchovies (Engraulis spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03061100 | 030611 | -- Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03061200 | 030612 | -- Lobsters (Homarus spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03061400 | 030614 | -- Crabs | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03061500 | 030615 | -- Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03061600 | 030616 | -- Cold-water shrimps and prawns (Pandalus spp., Crangon crangon) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03061700 | 030617 | -- Other shrimps and prawns | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03061900 | 030619 | -- Other, including flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03062100 | 030621 | -- Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03062200 | 030622 | -- Lobsters (Homarus spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03062400 | 030624 | -- Crabs | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03062500 | 030625 | -- Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03062600 | 030626 | -- Cold-water shrimps and prawns (Pandalus spp., Crangon crangon) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03062700 | 030627 | -- Other shrimps and prawns | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03062900 | 030629 | -- Other, including flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03071100 | 030711 | -- Live, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03071900 | 030719 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03072100 | 030721 | -- Live, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03072900 | 030729 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03073100 | 030731 | -- Live, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03073900 | 030739 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03074100 | 030741 | -- Live, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03074900 | 030749 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03075100 | 030751 | -- Live, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03075900 | 030759 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03076000 | 030760 | - Snails, other than sea snails | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03077100 | 030771 | -- Live, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03077900 | 030779 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03078100 | 030781 | -- Live, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03078900 | 030789 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03079100 | 030791 | -- Live, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03079900 | 030799 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03081100 | 030811 | -- Live, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03081900 | 030819 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03082100 | 030821 | -- Live, fresh or chilled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03082900 | 030829 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03083000 | 030830 | - Jellyfish (Rhopilema spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
03089000 | 030890 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
04081100 | 040811 | -- Dried | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
04089100 | 040891 | -- Dried | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
04100000 | 041000 | Edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
05010000 | 050100 | Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed or scoured; waste of human hair | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
05021000 | 050210 | - Pigs', hogs' or boars' bristles and hair and waste thereof | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
05029000 | 050290 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
05040000 | 050400 | Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (other than fish), whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
05051000 | 050510 | - Feathers of a kind used for stuffing; down | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
05059000 | 050590 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
05061000 | 050610 | - Ossein and bones treated with acid | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
05069000 | 050690 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
05071010 | 050710 | --- Elephant tusks | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
05071020 | 050710 | --- Hippo teeth | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
05071030 | 050710 | --- Rhinoceros horns | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
05071090 | 050710 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
05079000 | 050790 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
05080000 | 050800 | Coral and similar materials, unworked or simply prepared but not otherwise worked; shells of molluscs, crustaceans or echinoderms and cuttle-bone, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape, powder and waste thereof | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
05119190 | 051191 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
05119990 | 051199 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
06039000 | 060390 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
06042000 | 060420 | - Fresh | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
06049000 | 060490 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
07011000 | 070110 | - Seed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
07052100 | 070521 | -- Witloof chicory (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
07052900 | 070529 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
07115100 | 071151 | -- Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
07123100 | 071231 | -- Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
07123200 | 071232 | -- Wood ears (Auricularia spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
07123300 | 071233 | -- Jelly fungi (Tremella spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
07123900 | 071239 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
07141000 | 071410 | - Manioc (cassava) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
07142000 | 071420 | - Sweet potatoes | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
07143000 | 071430 | - Yams (Dioscorea spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
07144000 | 071440 | - Taro (Colocasia spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
07145000 | 071450 | - Yautia (Xanthosoma spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
07149000 | 071490 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08011100 | 080111 | -- Desiccated | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08011200 | 080112 | -- In the inner shell (endocarp) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08011900 | 080119 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08012100 | 080121 | -- In shell | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08012200 | 080122 | -- Shelled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08021200 | 080212 | -- Shelled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08022200 | 080222 | -- Shelled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08023100 | 080231 | -- In shell | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08023200 | 080232 | -- Shelled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08024100 | 080241 | -- In shell | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08024200 | 080242 | -- Shelled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08025100 | 080251 | -- In shell | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08025200 | 080252 | -- Shelled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08041000 | 080410 | - Dates | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08042000 | 080420 | - Figs | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08054000 | 080540 | - Grapefruit, including pomelos | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08055000 | 080550 | - Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) and limes (Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus latifolia) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08061000 | 080610 | - Fresh | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08091000 | 080910 | - Apricots | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08092100 | 080921 | -- Sour cherries (Prunus cerasus) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08092900 | 080929 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08101000 | 081010 | - Strawberries | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08102000 | 081020 | - Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries and loganberries | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08103000 | 081030 | - Black-, white- or redcurrants and gooseberries | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08104000 | 081040 | - Cranberries, bilberries and other fruit of the genus Vaccinium | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08105000 | 081050 | - Kiwifruit | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08106000 | 081060 | - Durians | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08112000 | 081120 | - Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries, loganberries, black-, white- or redcurrants and gooseberries | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08121000 | 081210 | - Cherries | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08129000 | 081290 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08131000 | 081310 | - Apricots | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08132000 | 081320 | - Prunes | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
08133000 | 081330 | - Apples | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
09030000 | 090300 | Maté | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
09061100 | 090611 | -- Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
09061900 | 090619 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
09082100 | 090821 | -- Neither crushed nor ground | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
09082200 | 090822 | -- Crushed or ground | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
09093100 | 090931 | -- Neither crushed nor ground | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
09093200 | 090932 | -- Crushed or ground | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
10039000 | 100390 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
10071000 | 100710 | - Seed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
10079000 | 100790 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
10082100 | 100821 | -- Seed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
10082900 | 100829 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
10083000 | 100830 | - Canary seed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
10084000 | 100840 | - Fonio (Digitaria spp.) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
10085000 | 100850 | - Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
10086000 | 100860 | - Triticale | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
10089000 | 100890 | - Other cereals | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
11031900 | 110319 | -- Of other cereals | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
11032000 | 110320 | - Pellets | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
11042200 | 110422 | -- Of oats | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
11042300 | 110423 | -- Of maize (corn) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
11043000 | 110430 | - Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
11061000 | 110610 | - Of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713 | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
11062000 | 110620 | - Of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 0714 | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
11063000 | 110630 | - Of the products of Chapter 8 | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
15089000 | 150890 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
15100000 | 151000 | Other oils and their fractions, obtained solely from olives, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified, including blends of these oils or fractions with oils or fractions of heading 1509 | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
15132900 | 151329 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
15141900 | 151419 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
15149900 | 151499 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
15151900 | 151519 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
15159000 | 151590 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
15161000 | 151610 | - Animal fats and oils and their fractions | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16030000 | 160300 | Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16051000 | 160510 | - Crab | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16052100 | 160521 | -- Not in airtight containers | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16052900 | 160529 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16053000 | 160530 | - Lobster | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16054000 | 160540 | - Other crustaceans | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16055100 | 160551 | -- Oysters | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16055200 | 160552 | -- Scallops, including queen scallops | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16055300 | 160553 | -- Mussels | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16055400 | 160554 | -- Cuttlefish and squid | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16055500 | 160555 | -- Octopus | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16055600 | 160556 | -- Clams, cockles and arkshells | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16055700 | 160557 | -- Abalone | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16055800 | 160558 | -- Snails, other than sea snails | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16055900 | 160559 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16056100 | 160561 | -- Sea cucumbers | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16056200 | 160562 | -- Sea urchins | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16056300 | 160563 | -- Jellyfish | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
16056900 | 160569 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
17031000 | 170310 | - Cane molasses | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
17039000 | 170390 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
19043000 | 190430 | - Bulgur wheat | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
20039000 | 200390 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
25233000 | 252330 | - Aluminous cement | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
25241000 | 252410 | - Crocidolite | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
25249000 | 252490 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
27101951 | 271019 | ---- Lubricants in liquid form | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
27101952 | 271019 | ---- Lubricating greases | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
27101954 | 271019 | ---- Batching oils | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
27111100 | 271111 | -- Natural gas | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
27111200 | 271112 | -- Propane | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
27111300 | 271113 | -- Butanes | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
27111400 | 271114 | -- Ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
27111900 | 271119 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
27112100 | 271121 | -- Natural gas | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
27112900 | 271129 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
28112100 | 281121 | -- Carbon dioxide | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
30069200 | 300692 | -- Waste pharmaceuticals | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
32100090 | 321000 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
32131000 | 321310 | - Colours in sets | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
32139000 | 321390 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
32159090 | 321590 | ---Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
33062000 | 330620 | - Yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
36041000 | 360410 | - Fireworks | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
36049000 | 360490 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
36069000 | 360690 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
38089131 | 380891 | ---- Pyrethrum based | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
38089132 | 380891 | - - - - Containing bromomethane (methyl bromide) or bromochloromethane | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
38089139 | 380891 | ---- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
38251000 | 382510 | - Municipal waste | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
38252000 | 382520 | - Sewage sludge | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
38253000 | 382530 | - Clinical waste | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
38254100 | 382541 | -- Halogenated | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
38254900 | 382549 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
38255000 | 382550 | - Wastes of metal-pickling liquors, hydraulic fluids, brake fluids and anti-freeze fluids | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
38256100 | 382561 | -- Mainly containing organic constituents | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
38256900 | 382569 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
38259000 | 382590 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
39199090 | 391990 | ---Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
39204310 | 392043 | --- Unprinted | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
39204390 | 392043 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
39204900 | 392049 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
39206210 | 392062 | --- Unprinted | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
39206290 | 392062 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
39239090 | 392390 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
39251000 | 392510 | - Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers, of a capacity exceeding 300 litres | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
39252000 | 392520 | - Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for doors | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
39253000 | 392530 | - Shutters, blinds (including venetian blinds) and similar articles and parts thereof | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
39263000 | 392630 | - Fittings for furniture, coachwork or the like | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
39264000 | 392640 | - Statuettes and other ornamental articles | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
40121100 | 401211 | -- Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
40121200 | 401212 | -- Of a kind used on buses or lorries | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
40121300 | 401213 | -- Of a kind used on aircraft | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
40121900 | 401219 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
40122000 | 401220 | - Used pneumatic tyres | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
40129090 | 401290 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
40170090 | 401700 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
42010000 | 420100 | Saddlery and harness for any animal (including traces, leads, knee pads, muzzles, saddle-cloths, saddlebags, dog coats and the like), of any material | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
42060000 | 420600 | Articles of gut (other than silkworm gut), of goldbeater's skin, of bladders or of tendons | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
43031000 | 430310 | - Articles of apparel and clothing accessories | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
43039000 | 430390 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
43040000 | 430400 | Artificial fur and articles thereof | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
44151000 | 441510 | - Cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings; cable-drums | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
44219010 | 442190 | --- Splints for matches | 10 % | 9.5 % | 8.6 % | 7.3 % | 5.8 % | 4.1 % | 2.6 % | 1.6 % | 0.9% | 0.4 % | 0.2 % | 0.1 % | 0,0 % | 0,0 % | 0,0 % |
44219090 | 442190 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
46012100 | 460121 | -- Of bamboo | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
46012200 | 460122 | -- Of rattan | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
46012900 | 460129 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
46019200 | 460192 | -- Of bamboo | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
46019300 | 460193 | -- Of rattan | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
46019400 | 460194 | -- Of other vegetable materials | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
46019900 | 460199 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
46021100 | 460211 | -- Of bamboo | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
46021200 | 460212 | -- Of rattan | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
46021900 | 460219 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
48010090 | 480100 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
48025500 | 480255 | -- Weighing 40 g/m² or more but not more than 150 g/m², in rolls | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
48041990 | 480419 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
48044200 | 480442 | -- Bleached uniformly throughout the mass and of which more than 95 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of wood fibres obtained by a chemical process | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
48054000 | 480540 | - Filter paper and paperboard | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
48055000 | 480550 | - Felt paper and paperboard | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
48059200 | 480592 | -- Weighing more than 150 g/m² but less than 225 g/m² | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
48101300 | 481013 | -- In rolls | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
48114900 | 481149 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
48142000 | 481420 | - Wallpaper and similar wallcoverings, consisting of paper coated or covered, on the face side, with a grained, embossed, coloured, design-printed or otherwise decorated layer of plastics | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
48192090 | 481920 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
48234000 | 482340 | - Rolls, sheets and dials, printed for self-recording apparatus | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
49119100 | 491191 | -- Pictures, designs and photographs | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
49119990 | 491199 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
50071000 | 500710 | - Fabrics of noil silk | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
50072000 | 500720 | - Other fabrics, containing 85 % or more by weight of silk or of silk waste other than noil silk | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
50079000 | 500790 | - Other fabrics | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
51111100 | 511111 | -- Of a weight not exceeding 300 g/m² | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
51111900 | 511119 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
51112000 | 511120 | - Other, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
51113000 | 511130 | - Other, mixed mainly or solely with man-made staple fibres | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
51119000 | 511190 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
51121100 | 511211 | -- Of a weight not exceeding 200 g/m² | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
51121900 | 511219 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
51122000 | 511220 | - Other, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
51123000 | 511230 | - Other, mixed mainly or solely with man-made staple fibres | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
51129000 | 511290 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
51130000 | 511300 | Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
52041100 | 520411 | -- Containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
52042000 | 520420 | - Put up for retail sale | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
52082300 | 520823 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
52114100 | 521141 | -- Plain weave | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
52121100 | 521211 | -- Unbleached | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
52121300 | 521213 | -- Dyed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
52121400 | 521214 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
52122100 | 521221 | -- Unbleached | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
52122200 | 521222 | -- Bleached | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
52122300 | 521223 | -- Dyed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
53091100 | 530911 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
53091900 | 530919 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
53092100 | 530921 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
53092900 | 530929 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
53101000 | 531010 | - Unbleached | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
53109000 | 531090 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
53110000 | 531100 | Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres; woven fabrics of paper yarn | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
54011000 | 540110 | - Of synthetic filaments | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
54012000 | 540120 | - Of artificial filaments | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
54079400 | 540794 | -- Printed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
54081000 | 540810 | - Woven fabrics obtained from high-tenacity yarn of viscose rayon | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
54082100 | 540821 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
54082200 | 540822 | -- Dyed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
54082300 | 540823 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
54082400 | 540824 | -- Printed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
54083100 | 540831 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
54083200 | 540832 | -- Dyed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
54083300 | 540833 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
55081000 | 550810 | - Of synthetic staple fibres | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
55082000 | 550820 | - Of artificial staple fibres | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
55163300 | 551633 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
55164300 | 551643 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
55169100 | 551691 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
55169200 | 551692 | -- Dyed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
55169300 | 551693 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
56013000 | 560130 | - Textile flock and dust and mill neps | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
56021000 | 560210 | - Needleloom felt and stitch-bonded fibre fabrics | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
56022100 | 560221 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
56022900 | 560229 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
56074100 | 560741 | -- Binder or baler twine | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
57021000 | 570210 | - 'Kelem', 'Schumacks', 'Karamanie' and similar hand-woven rugs | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
57022000 | 570220 | - Floor coverings of coconut fibres (coir) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
57023100 | 570231 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
57023200 | 570232 | -- Of man-made textile materials | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
57023900 | 570239 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
57024100 | 570241 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
57024200 | 570242 | -- Of man-made textile materials | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
57041000 | 570410 | - Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0,3 m² | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
58011000 | 580110 | - Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
58012100 | 580121 | -- Uncut weft pile fabrics | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
58013100 | 580131 | -- Uncut weft pile fabrics | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
58013200 | 580132 | -- Cut corduroy | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
58023000 | 580230 | - Tufted textile fabrics | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
58043000 | 580430 | - Handmade lace | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
58050000 | 580500 | Hand-woven tapestries of the type Gobelins, Flanders, Aubusson, Beauvais and the like, and needle-worked tapestries (for example, petit point, cross stitch), whether or not made up | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
58081000 | 580810 | - Braids, in the piece | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
58090000 | 580900 | Woven fabrics of metal thread and woven fabrics of metallised yarn of heading 5605, of a kind used in apparel, as furnishing fabrics or for similar purposes, not elsewhere specified or included | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
58101000 | 581010 | - Embroidery without visible ground | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
58109100 | 581091 | -- Of cotton | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
58109200 | 581092 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
58109900 | 581099 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
59041000 | 590410 | - Linoleum | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
59049000 | 590490 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
59050000 | 590500 | Textile wall coverings | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
59061000 | 590610 | - Adhesive tape of a width not exceeding 20 cm | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
59069100 | 590691 | -- Knitted or crocheted | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
59069900 | 590699 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
59070000 | 590700 | Textile fabrics otherwise impregnated, coated or covered; painted canvas being theatrical scenery, studio backcloths or the like | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
59090000 | 590900 | Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing, with or without lining, armour or accessories of other materials | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
59100000 | 591000 | Transmission or conveyor belts or belting, of textile material, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, or reinforced with metal or other material | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60011000 | 600110 | - 'Long pile' fabrics | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60012200 | 600122 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60012900 | 600129 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60019200 | 600192 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60024000 | 600240 | - Containing by weight 5 % or more of elastomeric yarn, but not containing rubber thread | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60029000 | 600290 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60031000 | 600310 | - Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60032000 | 600320 | - Of cotton | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60033000 | 600330 | - Of synthetic fibres | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60034000 | 600340 | - Of artificial fibres | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60039000 | 600390 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60041000 | 600410 | - Containing by weight 5 % or more of elastomeric yarn, but not containing rubber thread | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60049000 | 600490 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60052100 | 600521 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60052200 | 600522 | -- Dyed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60052300 | 600523 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60052400 | 600524 | -- Printed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60053100 | 600531 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60053200 | 600532 | -- Dyed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60053300 | 600533 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60053400 | 600534 | -- Printed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60054100 | 600541 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60054200 | 600542 | -- Dyed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60054300 | 600543 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60054400 | 600544 | -- Printed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60059000 | 600590 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60061000 | 600610 | - Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60062100 | 600621 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60062200 | 600622 | -- Dyed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60062300 | 600623 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60062400 | 600624 | -- Printed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60063100 | 600631 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60063200 | 600632 | -- Dyed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60063300 | 600633 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60063400 | 600634 | -- Printed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60064100 | 600641 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60064200 | 600642 | -- Dyed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60064300 | 600643 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60064400 | 600644 | -- Printed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
60069000 | 600690 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
61101100 | 611011 | -- Of wool | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
61101200 | 611012 | -- Of Kashmir (cashmere) goats | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
61101900 | 611019 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
65040000 | 650400 | Hats and other headgear, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material, whether or not lined or trimmed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
65050000 | 650500 | Hats and other headgear, knitted or crocheted, or made up from lace, felt or other textile fabric, in the piece (but not in strips), whether or not lined or trimmed; hairnets of any material, whether or not lined or trimmed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
65069100 | 650691 | -- Of rubber or of plastics | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
65069900 | 650699 | -- Of other materials | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
66019100 | 660191 | -- Having a telescopic shaft | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
66019900 | 660199 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
66020000 | 660200 | Walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
67010000 | 670100 | Skins and other parts of birds with their feathers or down, feathers, parts of feathers, down and articles thereof (other than goods of heading 0505 and worked quills and scapes) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
67021000 | 670210 | - Of plastics | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
67029000 | 670290 | - Of other materials | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
67030000 | 670300 | Human hair, dressed, thinned, bleached or otherwise worked; wool or other animal hair or other textile materials, prepared for use in making wigs or the like | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
67041100 | 670411 | -- Complete wigs | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
67041900 | 670419 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
67042000 | 670420 | - Of human hair | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
67049000 | 670490 | - Of other materials | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68010000 | 680100 | Setts, curbstones and flagstones, of natural stone (except slate) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68022100 | 680221 | -- Marble, travertine and alabaster | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68022300 | 680223 | -- Granite | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68022900 | 680229 | -- Other stone | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68029100 | 680291 | -- Marble, travertine and alabaster | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68029200 | 680292 | -- Other calcareous stone | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68029300 | 680293 | -- Granite | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68029900 | 680299 | -- Other stone | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68030000 | 680300 | Worked slate and articles of slate or of agglomerated slate | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68041000 | 680410 | - Millstones and grindstones for milling, grinding or pulping | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68043000 | 680430 | - Hand sharpening or polishing stones | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68051000 | 680510 | - On a base of woven textile fabric only | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68053000 | 680530 | - On a base of other materials | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68061000 | 680610 | - Slag-wool, rock-wool and similar mineral wools (including intermixtures thereof), in bulk, sheets or rolls | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68062000 | 680620 | - Exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays, foamed slag and similar expanded mineral materials (including intermixtures thereof) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68091100 | 680911 | -- Faced or reinforced with paper or paperboard only | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68091900 | 680919 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68099000 | 680990 | - Other articles | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68101100 | 681011 | -- Building blocks and bricks | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68101900 | 681019 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68109100 | 681091 | -- Prefabricated structural components for building or civil engineering | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68109990 | 681099 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68114000 | 681140 | - Containing asbestos | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68118100 | 681181 | -- Corrugated sheets | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68118200 | 681182 | -- Other sheets, panels, tiles and similar articles | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68118900 | 681189 | -- Other articles | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68129200 | 681292 | -- Paper, millboard and felt | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68129300 | 681293 | -- Compressed asbestos fibre jointing, in sheets or rolls | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68129900 | 681299 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68141000 | 681410 | - Plates, sheets and strips of agglomerated or reconstituted mica, whether or not on a support | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68149000 | 681490 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68151000 | 681510 | - Non-electrical articles of graphite or other carbon | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68152000 | 681520 | - Articles of peat | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
68159100 | 681591 | -- Containing magnesite, dolomite or chromite | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
69041000 | 690410 | - Building bricks | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
69131000 | 691310 | - Of porcelain or china | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
69139000 | 691390 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
70181000 | 701810 | - Glass beads, imitation pearls, imitation precious or semi-precious stones and similar glass smallwares | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
70182000 | 701820 | - Glass microspheres not exceeding 1 mm in diameter | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
70200099 | 702000 | ---- Other | 10 % | 9.5 % | 8.6 % | 7.3 % | 5.8 % | 4.1 % | 2.6 % | 1.6 % | 0.9% | 0.4 % | 0.2 % | 0.1 % | 0,0 % | 0,0 % | 0,0 % |
71011000 | 710110 | - Natural pearls | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71012100 | 710121 | -- Unworked | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71012200 | 710122 | -- Worked | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71021000 | 710210 | - Unsorted | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71022100 | 710221 | -- Unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71022900 | 710229 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71023100 | 710231 | -- Unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71023900 | 710239 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71031090 | 710310 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71039100 | 710391 | -- Rubies, sapphires and emeralds | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71039990 | 710399 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71041000 | 710410 | - Piezoelectric quartz | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71042000 | 710420 | - Other, unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71049000 | 710490 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71051000 | 710510 | - Of diamonds | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71059000 | 710590 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71061000 | 710610 | - Powder | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71069100 | 710691 | -- Unwrought | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71069200 | 710692 | -- Semi-manufactured | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71070000 | 710700 | Base metals clad with silver, not further worked than semi-manufactured | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71081100 | 710811 | -- Powder | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71081200 | 710812 | -- Other unwrought forms | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71081300 | 710813 | -- Other semi-manufactured forms | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71090000 | 710900 | Base metals or silver, clad with gold, not further worked than semi-manufactured | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71101100 | 711011 | -- Unwrought or in powder form | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71101900 | 711019 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71102100 | 711021 | -- Unwrought or in powder form | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71102900 | 711029 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71103100 | 711031 | -- Unwrought or in powder form | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71103900 | 711039 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71104100 | 711041 | -- Unwrought or in powder form | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71104900 | 711049 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71110000 | 711100 | Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71123000 | 711230 | - Ash containing precious metal or precious-metal compounds | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71129100 | 711291 | -- Of gold, including metal clad with gold but excluding sweepings containing other precious metals | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71129200 | 711292 | -- Of platinum, including metal clad with platinum but excluding sweepings containing other precious metals | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71129900 | 711299 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71131100 | 711311 | -- Of silver, whether or not plated or clad with other precious metal | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71131900 | 711319 | -- Of other precious metal, whether or not plated or clad with precious metal | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71132000 | 711320 | - Of base metal clad with precious metal | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71141100 | 711411 | -- Of silver, whether or not plated or clad with other precious metal | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71141900 | 711419 | -- Of other precious metal, whether or not plated or clad with precious metal | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71142000 | 711420 | - Of base metal clad with precious metal | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71151000 | 711510 | - Catalysts in the form of wire cloth or grill, of platinum | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71159000 | 711590 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71161000 | 711610 | - Of natural or cultured pearls | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71162000 | 711620 | - Of precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71171100 | 711711 | -- Cuff links and studs | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71171900 | 711719 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71179000 | 711790 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
71181000 | 711810 | - Coin (other than gold coin), not being legal tender | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
72102000 | 721020 | - Plated or coated with lead, including terne-plate | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
72106900 | 721069 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
72112900 | 721129 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73030000 | 730300 | Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of cast iron | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73063000 | 730630 | - Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of iron or non-alloy steel | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73064000 | 730640 | - Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of stainless steel | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73065000 | 730650 | - Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of other alloy steel | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73066100 | 730661 | -- Of square or rectangular cross-section | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73066900 | 730669 | -- Of other non-circular cross-section | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73071100 | 730711 | -- Of non-malleable cast iron | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73072100 | 730721 | -- Flanges | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73072300 | 730723 | -- Butt welding fittings | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73072900 | 730729 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73079100 | 730791 | -- Flanges | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73079300 | 730793 | -- Butt welding fittings | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73101000 | 731010 | - Of a capacity of 50 l or more | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73102990 | 731029 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73141200 | 731412 | -- Endless bands for machinery, of stainless steel | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73141400 | 731414 | -- Other woven cloth, of stainless steel | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73142000 | 731420 | - Grill, netting and fencing, welded at the intersection, of wire with a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 3 mm or more and having a mesh size of 100 cm² or more | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73143100 | 731431 | -- Plated or coated with zinc | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73143900 | 731439 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73144100 | 731441 | -- Plated or coated with zinc | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73144200 | 731442 | -- Coated with plastics | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73145000 | 731450 | - Expanded metal | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73194000 | 731940 | - Safety pins and other pins | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73199000 | 731990 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73202000 | 732020 | - Helical springs | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73209000 | 732090 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73211100 | 732111 | -- For gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73211900 | 732119 | -- Other, including appliances for solid fuel | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73219000 | 732190 | - Parts | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73231000 | 732310 | - Iron or steel wool; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73239100 | 732391 | -- Of cast iron, not enamelled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73239200 | 732392 | -- Of cast iron, enamelled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73239300 | 732393 | -- Of stainless steel | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73241000 | 732410 | - Sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73242100 | 732421 | -- Of cast iron, whether or not enamelled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73242900 | 732429 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73249000 | 732490 | - Other, including parts | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
73262000 | 732620 | - Articles of iron or steel wire | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74111000 | 741110 | - Of refined copper | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74112100 | 741121 | -- Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74112200 | 741122 | -- Of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74112900 | 741129 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74121000 | 741210 | - Of refined copper | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74122000 | 741220 | - Of copper alloys | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74130010 | 741300 | --- Cables | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74151000 | 741510 | - Nails and tacks, drawing pins, staples and similar articles | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74152100 | 741521 | -- Washers (including spring washers) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74152900 | 741529 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74153300 | 741533 | -- Screws; bolts and nuts | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74153900 | 741539 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74181000 | 741810 | - Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74182000 | 741820 | - Sanitary ware and parts thereof | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74191000 | 741910 | - Chain and parts thereof | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74199100 | 741991 | -- Cast, moulded, stamped or forged, but not further worked | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
74199900 | 741999 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
75071100 | 750711 | -- Of nickel, not alloyed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
75071200 | 750712 | -- Of nickel alloys | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
75072000 | 750720 | - Tube or pipe fittings | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
75081000 | 750810 | - Cloth, grill and netting, of nickel wire | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
75089000 | 750890 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
76041000 | 760410 | - Of aluminium, not alloyed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
76042100 | 760421 | -- Hollow profiles | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
76061200 | 760612 | -- Of aluminium alloys | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
76069200 | 760692 | -- Of aluminium alloys | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
76081000 | 760810 | - Of aluminium, not alloyed | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
76152000 | 761520 | - Sanitary ware and parts thereof | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
76161000 | 761610 | - Nails, tacks, staples (other than those of heading 8305), screws, bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter pins, washers and similar articles | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
76169100 | 761691 | -- Cloth, grill, netting and fencing, of aluminium wire | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
82142000 | 821420 | - Manicure or pedicure sets and instruments (including nail files) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
82149000 | 821490 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
83012000 | 830120 | - Locks of a kind used for motor vehicles | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
83013000 | 830130 | - Locks of a kind used for furniture | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
83014 000 | 830140 | - Other locks | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
83015000 | 830150 | - Clasps and frames with clasps, incorporating locks | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
83017000 | 830170 | - Keys presented separately | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
83025000 | 830250 | - Hat-racks, hat-pegs, brackets and similar fixtures | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
83026000 | 830260 | - Automatic door closers | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
83030000 | 830300 | Armoured or reinforced safes, strongboxes and doors and safe deposit lockers for strong-rooms, cash or deed boxes and the like, of base metal | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
83040000 | 830400 | Filing cabinets, card-index cabinets, paper trays, paper rests, pen trays, office-stamp stands and similar office or desk equipment, of base metal, other than office furniture of heading 9403 | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
83061000 | 830610 | - Bells, gongs and the like | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
83062100 | 830621 | -- Plated with precious metal | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
83062900 | 830629 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
83063000 | 830630 | - Photograph, picture or similar frames; mirrors | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84145100 | 841451 | -- Table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output not exceeding 125 W | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84145900 | 841459 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84146000 | 841460 | - Hoods having a maximum horizontal side not exceeding 120 cm | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84148010 | 841480 | --- Fixed compressors | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84148090 | 841480 | --- other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84151000 | 841510 | - Window or wall types, self-contained or 'split-system' | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84152000 | 841520 | - Of a kind used for persons, in motor vehicles | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84158100 | 841581 | -- Incorporating a refrigerating unit and a valve for reversal of the cooling/heat cycle (reversible heat pumps) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84158200 | 841582 | -- Other, incorporating a refrigerating unit | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84158300 | 841583 | -- Not incorporating a refrigerating unit | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84181000 | 841810 | - Combined refrigerator-freezers, fitted with separate external doors | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84182100 | 841821 | -- Compression-type | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84182900 | 841829 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84183000 | 841830 | - Freezers of the chest type, not exceeding 800 litres capacity | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84184000 | 841840 | - Freezers of the upright type, not exceeding 900 litres capacity | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84186190 | 841861 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84186990 | 841869 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84221100 | 842211 | -- Of the household type | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84331100 | 843311 | -- Powered, with the cutting device rotating in a horizontal plane | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84331900 | 843319 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84501190 | 845011 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84501290 | 845012 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84501990 | 845019 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
84502090 | 845020 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85072000 | 850720 | - Other lead-acid accumulators | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85073000 | 850730 | - Nickel-cadmium | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85074000 | 850740 | - Nickel-iron | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85075000 | 850750 | - Nickel-metal hydride | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85076000 | 850760 | - Lithium-ion | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85078000 | 850780 | - Other accumulators | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85081100 | 850811 | -- Of a power not exceeding 1 500 W and having a dust bag or other receptacle capacity not exceeding 20 l | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85081900 | 850819 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85086000 | 850860 | - Other vacuum cleaners | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85087000 | 850870 | - Parts | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85094000 | 850940 | - Food grinders and mixers; fruit or vegetable juice extractors | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85098000 | 850980 | - Other appliances | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85099000 | 850990 | - Parts | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85101000 | 851010 | - Shavers | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85102000 | 851020 | - Hair clippers | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85103000 | 851030 | - Hair-removing appliances | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85109000 | 851090 | - Parts | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85161000 | 851610 | - Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85162100 | 851621 | -- Storage heating radiators | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85162900 | 851629 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85181000 | 851810 | - Microphones and stands therefor | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85182100 | 851821 | -- Single loudspeakers, mounted in their enclosures | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85182200 | 851822 | -- Multiple loudspeakers, mounted in the same enclosure | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85182900 | 851829 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85183000 | 851830 | - Headphones and earphones, whether or not combined with a microphone, and sets consisting of a microphone and one or more loudspeakers | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85184000 | 851840 | - Audio-frequency electric amplifiers | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85185000 | 851850 | - Electric sound amplifier sets | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85189000 | 851890 | - Parts | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85192000 | 851920 | - Apparatus operated by coins, banknotes, bank cards, tokens or by other means of payment | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85193000 | 851930 | - Turntables (record-decks) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85195000 | 851950 | - Telephone answering machines | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85198100 | 851981 | -- Using magnetic, optical or semiconductor media | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85198900 | 851989 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85211000 | 852110 | - Magnetic tape-type | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85219000 | 852190 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85221000 | 852210 | - Pick-up cartridges | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85229000 | 852290 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85232190 | 852321 | --- recorded | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85232990 | 852329 | --- recorded | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85234100 | 852341 | -- Unrecorded | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85234900 | 852349 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85238090 | 852380 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85258000 | 852580 | - Television cameras, digital cameras and video camera recorders | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85271200 | 852712 | -- Pocket-size radio cassette players | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85271300 | 852713 | -- Other apparatus combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85271900 | 852719 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85272100 | 852721 | -- Combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85272900 | 852729 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85279100 | 852791 | -- Combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85279200 | 852792 | -- Not combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus but combined with a clock | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85279900 | 852799 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85284900 | 852849 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85285990 | 852859 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85286900 | 852869 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85287100 | 852871 | -- Not designed to incorporate a video display or screen | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85291000 | 852910 | - Aerials and aerial reflectors of all kinds; parts suitable for use therewith | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85299000 | 852990 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85309000 | 853090 | - Parts | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85391000 | 853910 | - Sealed beam lamp units | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85392100 | 853921 | -- Tungsten halogen | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85392200 | 853922 | -- Other, of a power not exceeding 200 W and for a voltage exceeding 100 V | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85392900 | 853929 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85393100 | 853931 | -- Fluorescent, hot cathode | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85393200 | 853932 | -- Mercury or sodium vapour lamps; metal halide lamps | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85393900 | 853939 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85394100 | 853941 | -- Arc lamps | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85394900 | 853949 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85399000 | 853990 | - Parts | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85441100 | 854411 | -- Of copper | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85441900 | 854419 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85442000 | 854420 | - Coaxial cable and other coaxial electric conductors | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85443000 | 854430 | - Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets of a kind used in vehicles, aircraft or ships | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85446000 | 854460 | - Other electric conductors, for a voltage exceeding 1 000 V | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
85481000 | 854810 | - Waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators; spent primary cells, spent primary batteries and spent electric accumulators | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
87031000 | 870310 | - Vehicles specially designed for travelling on snow; golf cars and similar vehicles | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
87039090 | 870390 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
87071000 | 870710 | - For the vehicles of heading 8703 | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
87150000 | 871500 | Baby carriages and parts thereof | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
89031000 | 890310 | - Inflatable | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
89039100 | 890391 | -- Sailboats, with or without auxiliary motor | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
89039200 | 890392 | -- Motor boats, other than outboard motor boats | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
89039900 | 890399 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
90064000 | 900640 | - Instant print cameras | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
90065100 | 900651 | -- With a through-the-lens viewfinder (single lens reflex (SLR)), for roll film of a width not exceeding 35 mm | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
90066100 | 900661 | -- Discharge lamp (electronic) flashlight apparatus | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
90066900 | 900669 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
90069100 | 900691 | -- For cameras | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
90069900 | 900699 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91011100 | 910111 | -- With mechanical display only | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91011900 | 910119 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91012100 | 910121 | -- With automatic winding | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91012900 | 910129 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91019100 | 910191 | -- Electrically operated | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91019900 | 910199 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91021100 | 910211 | -- With mechanical display only | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91021200 | 910212 | -- With opto-electronic display only | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91021900 | 910219 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91022100 | 910221 | -- With automatic winding | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91022900 | 910229 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91029100 | 910291 | -- Electrically operated | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91029900 | 910299 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91031000 | 910310 | - Electrically operated | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91039000 | 910390 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91040000 | 910400 | Instrument panel clocks and clocks of a similar type for vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91051100 | 910511 | -- Electrically operated | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91051900 | 910519 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91052100 | 910521 | -- Electrically operated | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91052900 | 910529 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91059100 | 910591 | -- Electrically operated | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91059900 | 910599 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91061000 | 910610 | - Time-registers; time-recorders | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91069000 | 910690 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91070000 | 910700 | Time switches, with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91081100 | 910811 | -- With mechanical display only or with a device to which a mechanical display can be incorporated | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91081200 | 910812 | -- With opto-electronic display only | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91081900 | 910819 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91082000 | 910820 | - With automatic winding | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91089000 | 910890 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91091000 | 910910 | - Electrically operated | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91099000 | 910990 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91101100 | 911011 | -- Complete movements, unassembled or partly assembled (movement sets) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91101200 | 911012 | -- Incomplete movements, assembled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91101900 | 911019 | -- Rough movements | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91109000 | 911090 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91111000 | 911110 | - Cases of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91112000 | 911120 | - Cases of base metal, whether or not gold- or silver-plated | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91118000 | 911180 | - Other cases | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91119000 | 911190 | - Parts | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91122000 | 911220 | - Cases | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91129000 | 911290 | - Parts | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91131000 | 911310 | - Of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91132000 | 911320 | - Of base metal, whether or not gold- or silver-plated | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91139000 | 911390 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91141000 | 911410 | - Springs, including hairsprings | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91143000 | 911430 | - Dials | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91144000 | 911440 | - Plates and bridges | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
91149000 | 911490 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
93011000 | 930110 | - Artillery weapons (for example, guns, howitzers and mortars) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
93012000 | 930120 | - Rocket launchers; flame-throwers; grenade launchers; torpedo tubes and similar projectors | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
93019000 | 930190 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
93020000 | 930200 | Revolvers and pistols, other than those of heading 9303 or 9304 | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
93031000 | 930310 | - Muzzle-loading firearms | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
93032000 | 930320 | - Other sporting, hunting or target-shooting shotguns, including combination shotgun-rifles | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
93033000 | 930330 | - Other sporting, hunting or target-shooting rifles | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
93040000 | 930400 | Other arms (for example, spring, air or gas guns and pistols, truncheons), excluding those of heading 9307 | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
93051000 | 930510 | - Of revolvers or pistols | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
93052000 | 930520 | - Of shotguns or rifles of heading 9303 | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
93059100 | 930591 | -- Of military weapons of heading 9301 | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
93059900 | 930599 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
93062100 | 930621 | -- Cartridges | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
93062900 | 930629 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
93063000 | 930630 | - Other cartridges and parts thereof | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
93070000 | 930700 | Swords, cutlasses, bayonets, lances and similar arms and parts thereof and scabbards and sheaths therefor | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
94011000 | 940110 | - Seats of a kind used for aircraft | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
94015100 | 940151 | -- Of bamboo or rattan | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
94015900 | 940159 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
94021090 | 940210 | --- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
94049000 | 940490 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95030000 | 950300 | Tricycles, scooters, pedal cars and similar wheeled toys; dolls' carriages; dolls; other toys; reduced-size ('scale') models and similar recreational models, working or not; puzzles of all kinds | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95042000 | 950420 | - Articles and accessories for billiards of all kinds | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95043000 | 950430 | - Other games, operated by coins, banknotes, bank cards, tokens or by any other means of payment, other than automatic bowling alley equipment | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95044000 | 950440 | - Playing cards | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95045000 | 950450 | - Video game consoles and machines, other than those of subheading 950430 | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95049000 | 950490 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95051000 | 950510 | - Articles for Christmas festivities | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95059000 | 950590 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95061100 | 950611 | -- Skis | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95061200 | 950612 | -- Ski-fastenings (ski-bindings) | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95061900 | 950619 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95062100 | 950621 | -- Sailboards | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95062900 | 950629 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95063100 | 950631 | -- Clubs, complete | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95063200 | 950632 | -- Balls | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95063900 | 950639 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95064000 | 950640 | - Articles and equipment for table tennis | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95065100 | 950651 | -- Lawn-tennis rackets, whether or not strung | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95065900 | 950659 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95066100 | 950661 | -- Lawn-tennis balls | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95066200 | 950662 | -- Inflatable | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95066900 | 950669 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95067000 | 950670 | - Ice skates and roller skates, including skating boots with skates attached | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95069100 | 950691 | -- Articles and equipment for general physical exercise, gymnastics or athletics | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95069900 | 950699 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95071000 | 950710 | - Fishing rods | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95072000 | 950720 | - Fish-hooks, whether or not snelled | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95073000 | 950730 | - Fishing reels | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95079000 | 950790 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95081000 | 950810 | - Travelling circuses and travelling menageries | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
95089000 | 950890 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96011000 | 960110 | - Worked ivory and articles of ivory | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96019000 | 960190 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96020000 | 960200 | Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of these materials; moulded or carved articles of wax, of stearin, of natural gums or natural resins or of modelling pastes, and other moulded or carved articles, not elsewhere specified or included; worked, unhardened gelatin (except gelatin of heading 3503) and articles of unhardened gelatin | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96031000 | 960310 | - Brooms and brushes, consisting of twigs or other vegetable materials bound together, with or without handles | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96032900 | 960329 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96033000 | 960330 | - Artists' brushes, writing brushes and similar brushes for the application of cosmetics | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96034000 | 960340 | - Paint, distemper, varnish or similar brushes (other than brushes of subheading 960330); paint pads and rollers | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96035000 | 960350 | - Other brushes constituting parts of machines, appliances or vehicles | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96040000 | 960400 | Hand sieves and hand riddles | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96050000 | 960500 | Travel sets for personal toilet, sewing or shoe or clothes cleaning | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96083000 | 960830 | - Fountain pens, stylograph pens and other pens | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96084000 | 960840 | - Propelling or sliding pencils | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96085000 | 960850 | - Sets of articles from two or more of the foregoing subheadings | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96086000 | 960860 | - Refills for ballpoint pens, comprising the ball point and ink-reservoir | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96089900 | 960899 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96091000 | 960910 | - Pencils and crayons, with leads encased in a rigid sheath | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96092000 | 960920 | - Pencil leads, black or coloured | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96099000 | 960990 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96121000 | 961210 | - Ribbons | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96122000 | 961220 | - Ink-pads | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96131000 | 961310 | - Pocket lighters, gas fuelled, non-refillable | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96132000 | 961320 | - Pocket lighters, gas fuelled, refillable | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96138000 | 961380 | - Other lighters | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96139000 | 961390 | - Parts | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96140000 | 961400 | Smoking pipes (including pipe bowls) and cigar or cigarette holders, and parts thereof | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96151100 | 961511 | -- Of hard rubber or plastics | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96151900 | 961519 | -- Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96159000 | 961590 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96161010 | 961610 | - - - Heads used in the manufacture of sprays. | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96161090 | 961610 | - - - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96162000 | 961620 | - Powder-puffs and pads for the application of cosmetics or toilet preparations | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
96180000 | 961800 | Tailors' dummies and other lay figures; automata and other animated displays used for shop window dressing | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
97011000 | 970110 | - Paintings, drawings and pastels | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
97019000 | 970190 | - Other | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
97020000 | 970200 | Original engravings, prints and lithographs | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
97030000 | 970300 | Original sculptures and statuary, in any material | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
97040000 | 970400 | Postage or revenue stamps, stamp-postmarks, first-day covers, postal stationery (stamped paper), and the like, used or unused, other than those of heading 4907 | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
97050000 | 970500 | Collections and collectors' pieces of zoological, botanical, mineralogical, anatomical, historical, archaeological, palaeontological, ethnographic or numismatic interest | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
97060000 | 970600 | Antiques of an age exceeding 100 years | 25 % | 23,8 % | 22,5 % | 21,3 % | 20,0 % | 17,5 % | 16,3 % | 15,0 % | 13,8 % | 12,5 % | 10,0 % | 7,5 % | 5,0 % | 2,5 % | 0,0 % |
HS Code, 8 Digits | HS Code, 6 Digits | Description | Duty rate |
01051100 | 010511 | -- Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus | 25 % |
02012000 | 020120 | - Other cuts with bone in | 25 % |
02013000 | 020130 | - Boneless | 25 % |
02022000 | 020220 | - Other cuts with bone in | 25 % |
02023000 | 020230 | - Boneless | 25 % |
02031200 | 020312 | -- Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in | 25 % |
02032200 | 020322 | -- Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in | 25 % |
02032900 | 020329 | -- Other | 25 % |
02042200 | 020422 | -- Other cuts with bone in | 25 % |
02042300 | 020423 | -- Boneless | 25 % |
02044200 | 020442 | -- Other cuts with bone in | 25 % |
02044300 | 020443 | -- Boneless | 25 % |
02045000 | 020450 | - Meat of goats | 25 % |
02061000 | 020610 | - Of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | 25 % |
02062200 | 020622 | -- Livers | 25 % |
02062900 | 020629 | -- Other | 25 % |
02069000 | 020690 | - Other, frozen | 25 % |
02071100 | 020711 | -- Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled | 25 % |
02071200 | 020712 | -- Not cut in pieces, frozen | 25 % |
02101100 | 021011 | -- Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in | 25 % |
02101200 | 021012 | -- Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof | 25 % |
02101900 | 021019 | -- Other | 25 % |
02102000 | 021020 | - Meat of bovine animals | 25 % |
03023900 | 030239 | -- Other | 25 % |
03043100 | 030431 | -- Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) | 25 % |
03043200 | 030432 | -- Catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.) | 25 % |
03043300 | 030433 | -- Nile perch (Lates niloticus) | 25 % |
03043900 | 030439 | -- Other | 25 % |
03044100 | 030441 | -- Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) | 25 % |
03044200 | 030442 | -- Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarkii, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | 25 % |
03044300 | 030443 | -- Flat fish (Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae) | 25 % |
03044400 | 030444 | -- Fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae | 25 % |
03044500 | 030445 | -- Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) | 25 % |
03044600 | 030446 | -- Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) | 25 % |
03044900 | 030449 | -- Other | 25 % |
03045100 | 030451 | -- Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus), eels (Anguilla spp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channa spp.) | 25 % |
03045200 | 030452 | -- Salmonidae | 25 % |
03045300 | 030453 | -- Fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae | 25 % |
03045400 | 030454 | -- Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) | 25 % |
03045500 | 030455 | -- Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) | 25 % |
03045900 | 030459 | -- Other | 25 % |
03046100 | 030461 | -- Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) | 25 % |
03046200 | 030462 | -- Catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.) | 25 % |
03046300 | 030463 | -- Nile perch (Lates niloticus) | 25 % |
03046900 | 030469 | -- Other | 25 % |
03047100 | 030471 | -- Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) | 25 % |
03047200 | 030472 | -- Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) | 25 % |
03047300 | 030473 | -- Coalfish (Pollachius virens) | 25 % |
03047400 | 030474 | -- Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) | 25 % |
03047500 | 030475 | -- Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) | 25 % |
03047900 | 030479 | -- Other | 25 % |
03048100 | 030481 | -- Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) | 25 % |
03048200 | 030482 | -- Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarkii, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | 25 % |
03048300 | 030483 | -- Flat fish (Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae) | 25 % |
03048400 | 030484 | -- Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) | 25 % |
03048500 | 030485 | -- Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) | 25 % |
03048600 | 030486 | -- Herring (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) | 25 % |
03048700 | 030487 | -- Tuna (of the genus Thunnus), skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis) | 25 % |
03048900 | 030489 | -- Other | 25 % |
03049100 | 030491 | -- Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) | 25 % |
03049200 | 030492 | -- Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) | 25 % |
03049300 | 030493 | -- Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus), eels (Anguilla spp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channa spp.) | 25 % |
03049400 | 030494 | -- Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) | 25 % |
03049500 | 030495 | -- Fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, other than Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) | 25 % |
03049900 | 030499 | -- Other | 25 % |
03051000 | 030510 | - Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption | 25 % |
03053100 | 030531 | -- Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus), eels (Anguilla spp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channa spp.) | 25 % |
03053200 | 030532 | -- Fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae | 25 % |
03053900 | 030539 | -- Other | 25 % |
03054300 | 030543 | -- Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarkii, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | 25 % |
03054400 | 030544 | -- Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus), eels (Anguilla spp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channa spp.) | 25 % |
03054900 | 030549 | -- Other | 25 % |
03055900 | 030559 | -- Other | 25 % |
03056400 | 030564 | -- Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus), eels (Anguilla spp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channa spp.) | 25 % |
03056900 | 030569 | -- Other | 25 % |
03057100 | 030571 | -- Shark fins | 25 % |
03057200 | 030572 | -- Fish heads, tails and maws | 25 % |
03057900 | 030579 | -- Other | 25 % |
04011000 | 040110 | - Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1 % | 60 % |
04012000 | 040120 | - Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1 % but not exceeding 6 % | 60 % |
04014000 | 040140 | - Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6 % but not exceeding 10 % | 60 % |
04015000 | 040150 | - Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 10 % | 60 % |
04021000 | 040210 | - In powder, granules or other solid forms, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1,5 % | 60 % |
04022100 | 040221 | -- Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | 60 % |
04022900 | 040229 | -- Other | 60 % |
04029100 | 040291 | -- Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | 60 % |
04029900 | 040299 | -- Other | 60 % |
04031000 | 040310 | - Yogurt | 25 % |
04039000 | 040390 | - Other | 25 % |
04041000 | 040410 | - Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | 25 % |
04049000 | 040490 | - Other | 25 % |
04051000 | 040510 | - Butter | 25 % |
04052000 | 040520 | - Dairy spreads | 25 % |
04059000 | 040590 | - Other | 25 % |
04061000 | 040610 | - Fresh (unripened or uncured) cheese, including whey cheese, and curd | 25 % |
04062000 | 040620 | - Grated or powdered cheese, of all kinds | 25 % |
04063000 | 040630 | - Processed cheese, not grated or powdered | 25 % |
04064000 | 040640 | - Blue-veined cheese and other cheese containing veins produced by Penicillium roqueforti | 25 % |
04069000 | 040690 | - Other cheese | 25 % |
04071100 | 040711 | -- Of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus | 25 % |
04071900 | 040719 | -- Other | 25 % |
04072100 | 040721 | -- Of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus | 25 % |
04072900 | 040729 | -- Other | 25 % |
04079000 | 040790 | - Other | 25 % |
04081900 | 040819 | -- Other | 25 % |
04089900 | 040899 | -- Other | 25 % |
04090000 | 040900 | Natural honey | 25 % |
06031100 | 060311 | -- Roses | 25 % |
06031200 | 060312 | -- Carnations | 25 % |
06031300 | 060313 | -- Orchids | 25 % |
06031400 | 060314 | -- Chrysanthemums | 25 % |
06031500 | 060315 | -- Lilies (Lilium spp.) | 25 % |
06031900 | 060319 | -- Other | 25 % |
07019000 | 070190 | - Other | 25 % |
07020000 | 070200 | Tomatoes, fresh or chilled | 25 % |
07031000 | 070310 | - Onions and shallots | 25 % |
07032000 | 070320 | - Garlic | 25 % |
07039000 | 070390 | - Leeks and other alliaceous vegetables | 25 % |
07041000 | 070410 | - Cauliflowers and headed broccoli | 25 % |
07042000 | 070420 | - Brussels sprouts | 25 % |
07049000 | 070490 | - Other | 25 % |
07051100 | 070511 | -- Cabbage lettuce (head lettuce) | 25 % |
07051900 | 070519 | -- Other | 25 % |
07061000 | 070610 | - Carrots and turnips | 25 % |
07069000 | 070690 | - Other | 25 % |
07070000 | 070700 | Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled | 25 % |
07081000 | 070810 | - Peas (Pisum sativum) | 25 % |
07082000 | 070820 | - Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) | 25 % |
07089000 | 070890 | - Other leguminous vegetables | 25 % |
07092000 | 070920 | - Asparagus | 25 % |
07093000 | 070930 | - Aubergines (eggplants) | 25 % |
07094000 | 070940 | - Celery other than celeriac | 25 % |
07095100 | 070951 | -- Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus | 25 % |
07095900 | 070959 | -- Other | 25 % |
07096000 | 070960 | - Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta | 25 % |
07097000 | 070970 | - Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach) | 25 % |
07099100 | 070991 | -- Globe artichokes | 25 % |
07099200 | 070992 | -- Olives | 25 % |
07099300 | 070993 | -- Pumpkins, squash and gourds (Cucurbita spp.) | 25 % |
07099900 | 070999 | -- Other | 25 % |
07101000 | 071010 | - Potatoes | 25 % |
07102100 | 071021 | -- Peas (Pisum sativum) | 25 % |
07102200 | 071022 | -- Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) | 25 % |
07102900 | 071029 | -- Other | 25 % |
07103000 | 071030 | - Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach) | 25 % |
07104000 | 071040 | - Sweetcorn | 25 % |
07108000 | 071080 | - Other vegetables | 25 % |
07109000 | 071090 | - Mixtures of vegetables | 25 % |
07112000 | 071120 | - Olives | 25 % |
07114000 | 071140 | - Cucumbers and gherkins | 25 % |
07115900 | 071159 | -- Other | 25 % |
07119000 | 071190 | - Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables | 25 % |
07122000 | 071220 | - Onions | 25 % |
07129000 | 071290 | - Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables | 25 % |
07131000 | 071310 | - Peas (Pisum sativum) | 25 % |
07132000 | 071320 | - Chickpeas (garbanzos) | 25 % |
07133100 | 071331 | -- Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper or Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek | 25 % |
07133200 | 071332 | -- Small red (Adzuki) beans (Phaseolus or Vigna angularis) | 25 % |
07133300 | 071333 | -- Kidney beans, including white pea beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) | 25 % |
07133400 | 071334 | -- Bambara beans (Vigna subterranea or Voandzeia subterranea) | 25 % |
07133500 | 071335 | -- Cow peas (Vigna unguiculata) | 25 % |
07133900 | 071339 | -- Other | 25 % |
07134000 | 071340 | - Lentils | 25 % |
07135000 | 071350 | - Broad beans (Vicia faba var. major) and horse beans (Vicia faba var. equina, Vicia faba var. minor) | 25 % |
07136000 | 071360 | - Pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan) | 25 % |
07139000 | 071390 | - Other | 25 % |
08013100 | 080131 | -- In shell | 25 % |
08013200 | 080132 | -- Shelled | 25 % |
08026100 | 080261 | -- In shell | 25 % |
08026200 | 080262 | -- Shelled | 25 % |
08027000 | 080270 | - Kola nuts (Cola spp.) | 25 % |
08028000 | 080280 | - Areca nuts | 25 % |
08029000 | 080290 | - Other | 25 % |
08031000 | 080310 | - Plantains | 25 % |
08039000 | 080390 | - Other | 25 % |
08043000 | 080430 | - Pineapples | 25 % |
08044000 | 080440 | - Avocados | 25 % |
08045000 | 080450 | - Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens | 25 % |
08051000 | 080510 | - Oranges | 25 % |
08052000 | 080520 | - Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas); clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids | 25 % |
08059000 | 080590 | - Other | 25 % |
08062000 | 080620 | - Dried | 25 % |
08071100 | 080711 | -- Watermelons | 25 % |
08071900 | 080719 | -- Other | 25 % |
08072000 | 080720 | - Papaws (papayas) | 25 % |
08081000 | 080810 | - Apples | 25 % |
08083000 | 080830 | - Pears | 25 % |
08084000 | 080840 | - Quinces | 25 % |
08093000 | 080930 | - Peaches, including nectarines | 25 % |
08094000 | 080940 | - Plums and sloes | 25 % |
08107000 | 081070 | - Persimmons | 25 % |
08109000 | 081090 | - Other | 25 % |
08111000 | 081110 | - Strawberries | 25 % |
08119000 | 081190 | - Other | 25 % |
08134000 | 081340 | - Other fruit | 25 % |
08135000 | 081350 | - Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits of this chapter | 25 % |
08140000 | 081400 | Peel of citrus fruit or melons (including watermelons), fresh, frozen, dried or provisionally preserved in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions | 25 % |
09011100 | 090111 | -- Not decaffeinated | 25 % |
09011200 | 090112 | -- Decaffeinated | 25 % |
09012100 | 090121 | -- Not decaffeinated | 25 % |
09012200 | 090122 | -- Decaffeinated | 25 % |
09019000 | 090190 | - Other | 25 % |
09021000 | 090210 | - Green tea (not fermented) in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3 kg | 25 % |
09022000 | 090220 | - Other green tea (not fermented) | 25 % |
09023000 | 090230 | - Black tea (fermented) and partly fermented tea, in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3 kg | 25 % |
09024000 | 090240 | - Other black tea (fermented) and other partly fermented tea | 25 % |
09041100 | 090411 | -- Neither crushed nor ground | 25 % |
09041200 | 090412 | -- Crushed or ground | 25 % |
09042100 | 090421 | -- Dried, neither crushed nor ground | 25 % |
09042200 | 090422 | -- Crushed or ground | 25 % |
09051000 | 090510 | - Neither crushed nor ground | 25 % |
09052000 | 090520 | - Crushed or ground | 25 % |
09062000 | 090620 | - Crushed or ground | 25 % |
09071000 | 090710 | - Neither crushed nor ground | 25 % |
09072000 | 090720 | - Crushed or ground | 25 % |
09081100 | 090811 | -- Neither crushed nor ground | 25 % |
09081200 | 090812 | -- Crushed or ground | 25 % |
09083100 | 090831 | -- Neither crushed nor ground | 25 % |
09083200 | 090832 | -- Crushed or ground | 25 % |
09092100 | 090921 | -- Neither crushed nor ground | 25 % |
09092200 | 090922 | -- Crushed or ground | 25 % |
09096100 | 090961 | -- Neither crushed nor ground | 25 % |
09096200 | 090962 | -- Crushed or ground | 25 % |
09101100 | 091011 | -- Neither crushed nor ground | 25 % |
09101200 | 091012 | -- Crushed or ground | 25 % |
09102000 | 091020 | - Saffron | 25 % |
09103000 | 091030 | - Turmeric (curcuma) | 25 % |
09109100 | 091091 | -- Mixtures referred to in note 1(b) to this chapter | 25 % |
09109900 | 091099 | -- Other | 25 % |
10019910 | 100199 | --- Hard Wheat | 35 % |
10019990 | 100199 | --- Other | 35 % |
10051000 | 100510 | - Seed | 25 % |
10059000 | 100590 | - Other | 50 % |
10061000 | 100610 | - Rice in the husk (paddy or rough) | 25 % |
10062000 | 100620 | - Husked (brown) rice | 25 % |
10063000 | 100630 | - Semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not polished or glazed | 25 % |
10064000 | 100640 | - Broken rice | 25 % |
10081000 | 100810 | - Buckwheat | 25 % |
11010000 | 110100 | Wheat or meslin flour | 60 % |
11022000 | 110220 | - Maize (corn) flour | 50 % |
11029000 | 110290 | - Other | 25 % |
11031100 | 110311 | -- Of wheat | 25 % |
11031300 | 110313 | -- Of maize (corn) | 25 % |
11041200 | 110412 | -- Of oats | 25 % |
11041900 | 110419 | -- Of other cereals | 25 % |
11042900 | 110429 | -- Of other cereals | 25 % |
11051000 | 110510 | - Flour, meal and powder | 25 % |
11052000 | 110520 | - Flakes, granules and pellets | 25 % |
11071000 | 110710 | - Not roasted | 10 % |
11072000 | 110720 | - Roasted | 10 % |
14049000 | 140490 | - Other | 10 % |
15079000 | 150790 | - Other | 25 % |
15099000 | 150990 | - Other | 25 % |
15119010 | 151190 | --- Palm olein, fractions | 10 % |
15119020 | 151190 | --- Palm stearin, fractions | 10 % |
15119030 | 151190 | --- Palm olein, RBD | 25 % |
15119040 | 151190 | --- Palm stearin, RBD | 10 % |
15119090 | 151190 | --- Other | 25 % |
15121900 | 151219 | -- Other | 25 % |
15122900 | 151229 | -- Other | 25 % |
15131900 | 151319 | -- Other | 25 % |
15152100 | 151521 | -- Crude oil | 10 % |
15152900 | 151529 | -- Other | 25 % |
15155000 | 151550 | - Sesame oil and its fractions | 25 % |
15162000 | 151620 | - Vegetable fats and oils and their fractions | 25 % |
15171000 | 151710 | - Margarine, excluding liquid margarine | 25 % |
15179000 | 151790 | - Other | 25 % |
15180000 | 151800 | Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, boiled, oxidised, dehydrated, sulphurised, blown, polymerised by heat in vacuum or in inert gas or otherwise chemically modified, excluding those of heading 1516; inedible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils of this chapter, not elsewhere specified or included | 25 % |
16010000 | 160100 | Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood; food preparations based on these products | 25 % |
16021000 | 160210 | - Homogenised preparations | 25 % |
16022000 | 160220 | - Of liver of any animal | 25 % |
16023100 | 160231 | -- Of turkeys | 25 % |
16023200 | 160232 | -- Of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus | 25 % |
16023900 | 160239 | -- Other | 25 % |
16024100 | 160241 | -- Hams and cuts thereof | 25 % |
16024200 | 160242 | -- Shoulders and cuts thereof | 25 % |
16024900 | 160249 | -- Other, including mixtures | 25 % |
16025000 | 160250 | - Of bovine animals | 25 % |
16029000 | 160290 | - Other, including preparations of blood of any animal | 25 % |
16041100 | 160411 | -- Salmon | 25 % |
16041200 | 160412 | -- Herring | 25 % |
16041300 | 160413 | -- Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats | 25 % |
16041400 | 160414 | -- Tuna, skipjack and bonito (Sarda spp.) | 25 % |
16041500 | 160415 | -- Mackerel | 25 % |
16041600 | 160416 | -- Anchovies | 25 % |
16041700 | 160417 | -- Eels | 25 % |
16041900 | 160419 | -- Other | 25 % |
16042000 | 160420 | - Other prepared or preserved fish | 25 % |
16043100 | 160431 | -- Caviar | 25 % |
16043200 | 160432 | -- Caviar substitutes | 25 % |
17011210 | 170112 | --- Jaggery | 35 % |
17011290 | 170112 | --- Other | 100 % |
17011310 | 170113 | --- Jaggery | 35 % |
17011390 | 170113 | --- Other | 35 % |
17011410 | 170114 | --- Jaggery | 100 % |
17011490 | 170114 | --- Other | 100 % |
17019100 | 170191 | -- Containing added flavouring or colouring matter | 100 % |
17019910 | 170199 | --- Sugar for industrial use | 100 % |
17019990 | 170199 | --- Other | 100 % |
17021100 | 170211 | -- Containing by weight 99 % or more lactose, expressed as anhydrous lactose, calculated on the dry matter | 10 % |
17021900 | 170219 | -- Other | 10 % |
17022000 | 170220 | - Maple sugar and maple syrup | 10 % |
17023000 | 170230 | - Glucose and glucose syrup, not containing fructose or containing in the dry state less than 20 % by weight of fructose | 10 % |
17024000 | 170240 | - Glucose and glucose syrup, containing in the dry state at least 20 % but less than 50 % by weight of fructose, excluding invert sugar | 10 % |
17025000 | 170250 | - Chemically pure fructose | 10 % |
17026000 | 170260 | - Other fructose and fructose syrup, containing in the dry state more than 50 % by weight of fructose, excluding invert sugar | 10 % |
17029000 | 170290 | - Other, including invert sugar and other sugar and sugar syrup blends containing in the dry state 50 % by weight of fructose | 10 % |
17041000 | 170410 | - Chewing gum, whether or not sugar-coated | 25 % |
17049000 | 170490 | - Other | 25 % |
18061000 | 180610 | - Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | 25 % |
18062000 | 180620 | - Other preparations in blocks, slabs or bars weighing more than 2 kg or in liquid, paste, powder, granular or other bulk form in containers or immediate packings, of a content exceeding 2 kg | 25 % |
18063100 | 180631 | -- Filled | 25 % |
18063200 | 180632 | -- Not filled | 25 % |
18069000 | 180690 | - Other | 25 % |
19011000 | 190110 | - Preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale | 25 % |
19012010 | 190120 | --- Biscuit Powder | 10 % |
19012090 | 190120 | --- Other | 25 % |
19019010 | 190190 | - - - Malt extract | 10 % |
19019090 | 190190 | - - - Other | 25 % |
19021100 | 190211 | -- Containing eggs | 25 % |
19021900 | 190219 | -- Other | 25 % |
19022000 | 190220 | - Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared | 25 % |
19023000 | 190230 | - Other pasta | 25 % |
19024000 | 190240 | - Couscous | 25 % |
19030000 | 190300 | Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch, in the form of flakes, grains, pearls, siftings or similar forms | 25 % |
19041000 | 190410 | - Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products | 25 % |
19042000 | 190420 | - Prepared foods obtained from unroasted cereal flakes or from mixtures of unroasted cereal flakes and roasted cereal flakes or swelled cereals | 25 % |
19049000 | 190490 | - Other | 25 % |
19051000 | 190510 | - Crispbread | 25 % |
19052000 | 190520 | - Gingerbread and the like | 25 % |
19053100 | 190531 | -- Sweet biscuits | 25 % |
19053290 | 190532 | ---Other | 25 % |
19054000 | 190540 | - Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products | 25 % |
19059090 | 190590 | --- Other | 25 % |
20011000 | 200110 | - Cucumbers and gherkins | 25 % |
20019000 | 200190 | - Other | 25 % |
20021000 | 200210 | - Tomatoes, whole or in pieces | 25 % |
20029000 | 200290 | - Other | 25 % |
20031000 | 200310 | - Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus | 25 % |
20041000 | 200410 | - Potatoes | 25 % |
20049000 | 200490 | - Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables | 25 % |
20051000 | 200510 | - Homogenised vegetables | 25 % |
20052000 | 200520 | - Potatoes | 25 % |
20054000 | 200540 | - Peas (Pisum sativum) | 25 % |
20055100 | 200551 | -- Beans, shelled | 25 % |
20055900 | 200559 | -- Other | 25 % |
20056000 | 200560 | - Asparagus | 25 % |
20057000 | 200570 | - Olives | 25 % |
20058000 | 200580 | - Sweetcorn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | 25 % |
20059100 | 200591 | -- Bamboo shoots | 25 % |
20059900 | 200599 | -- Other | 25 % |
20060000 | 200600 | Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other parts of plants, preserved by sugar (drained, glacé or crystallised) | 25 % |
20071000 | 200710 | - Homogenised preparations | 25 % |
20079100 | 200791 | -- Citrus fruit | 25 % |
20079900 | 200799 | -- Other | 25 % |
20081100 | 200811 | -- Groundnuts | 25 % |
20081900 | 200819 | -- Other, including mixtures | 25 % |
20082000 | 200820 | - Pineapples | 25 % |
20083000 | 200830 | - Citrus fruit | 25 % |
20084000 | 200840 | - Pears | 25 % |
20085000 | 200850 | - Apricots | 25 % |
20086000 | 200860 | - Cherries | 25 % |
20087000 | 200870 | - Peaches, including nectarines | 25 % |
20088000 | 200880 | - Strawberries | 25 % |
20089100 | 200891 | -- Palm hearts | 25 % |
20089300 | 200893 | -- Cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Vaccinium vitis-idaea) | 25 % |
20089700 | 200897 | -- Mixtures | 25 % |
20089900 | 200899 | -- Other | 25 % |
20091100 | 200911 | -- Frozen | 25 % |
20091200 | 200912 | -- Not frozen, of a Brix value not exceeding 20 | 25 % |
20091900 | 200919 | -- Other | 25 % |
20092100 | 200921 | -- Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 | 25 % |
20092900 | 200929 | -- Other | 25 % |
20093100 | 200931 | -- Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 | 25 % |
20093900 | 200939 | -- Other | 25 % |
20094100 | 200941 | -- Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 | 25 % |
20094900 | 200949 | -- Other | 25 % |
20095000 | 200950 | - Tomato juice | 25 % |
20096100 | 200961 | -- Of a Brix value not exceeding 30 | 25 % |
20096900 | 200969 | -- Other | 25 % |
20097100 | 200971 | -- Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 | 25 % |
20097900 | 200979 | -- Other | 25 % |
20098100 | 200981 | -- Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Vaccinium vitis-idaea) juice | 25 % |
20098900 | 200989 | -- Other | 25 % |
20099000 | 200990 | - Mixtures of juices | 25 % |
21011100 | 210111 | -- Extracts, essences and concentrates | 10 % |
21011200 | 210112 | -- Preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of coffee | 25 % |
21012000 | 210120 | - Extracts, essences and concentrates, of tea or maté, and preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates, or with a basis of tea or maté | 25 % |
21013000 | 210130 | - Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof | 25 % |
21021000 | 210210 | - Active yeasts | 25 % |
21022000 | 210220 | - Inactive yeasts; other single-cell micro-organisms, dead | 25 % |
21023000 | 210230 | - Prepared baking powders | 25 % |
21031000 | 210310 | - Soya sauce | 25 % |
21032000 | 210320 | - Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces | 25 % |
21033000 | 210330 | - Mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard | 25 % |
21039000 | 210390 | - Other | 25 % |
21041000 | 210410 | - Soups and broths and preparations therefor | 25 % |
21042000 | 210420 | - Homogenised composite food preparations | 25 % |
21050000 | 210500 | Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa | 25 % |
21061000 | 210610 | - Protein concentrates and textured protein substances | 10 % |
21069010 | 210690 | ---- Specially prepared for infants | 10 % |
21069020 | 210690 | --- Preparations of a kind used in manufacturing of beverages | 10 % |
21069091 | 210690 | ---- Food supplements | 25 % |
21069092 | 210690 | ---- Mineral premix used in fortification | 25 % |
21069099 | 210690 | ---- Other | 25 % |
22011000 | 220110 | - Mineral waters and aerated waters | 25 % |
22019000 | 220190 | - Other | 25 % |
22021000 | 220210 | - Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured | 25 % |
22029000 | 220290 | - Other | 25 % |
22030010 | 220300 | --- Stout and porter | 25 % |
22030090 | 220300 | --- Other | 25 % |
22041000 | 220410 | - Sparkling wine | 25 % |
22042100 | 220421 | -- In containers holding 2 litres or less | 25 % |
22042900 | 220429 | -- Other | 25 % |
22043000 | 220430 | - Other grape must | 10 % |
22051000 | 220510 | - In containers holding 2 litres or less | 25 % |
22059000 | 220590 | - Other | 25 % |
22060010 | 220600 | --- Cider | 25 % |
22060020 | 220600 | --- Opaque beer ( e.g., Kibuku) | 25 % |
22060090 | 220600 | --- Other | 25 % |
22071000 | 220710 | - Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of 80 % vol or higher | 25 % |
22072000 | 220720 | - Ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength | 25 % |
22082000 | 220820 | - Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape marc | 25 % |
22083000 | 220830 | - Whiskies | 25 % |
22084000 | 220840 | - Rum and other spirits obtained by distilling fermented sugar-cane products | 25 % |
22085000 | 220850 | - Gin and Geneva | 25 % |
22086000 | 220860 | - Vodka | 25 % |
22087000 | 220870 | - Liqueurs and cordials | 25 % |
22089010 | 220890 | --- Distilled Spirits (e.g., Konyagi, Uganda Waragi) | 25 % |
22089090 | 220890 | --- Other | 25 % |
22090000 | 220900 | Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar obtained from acetic acid | 25 % |
23023000 | 230230 | - Of wheat | 10 % |
23091000 | 230910 | - Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale | 10 % |
24011000 | 240110 | - Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped | 25 % |
24012000 | 240120 | - Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped | 25 % |
24013000 | 240130 | - Tobacco refuse | 25 % |
24021000 | 240210 | - Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos, containing tobacco | 25 % |
24022010 | 240220 | ---Of length not exceeding 72 mm in length including the filter tip | 35 % |
24022090 | 240220 | --- Other | 35 % |
24029000 | 240290 | - Other | 25 % |
24031100 | 240311 | -- Water-pipe tobacco specified in subheading note 1 to this chapter | 35 % |
24031900 | 240319 | -- Other | 35 % |
24039100 | 240391 | -- 'Homogenised' or 'reconstituted' tobacco | 25 % |
24039900 | 240399 | -- Other | 25 % |
25010000 | 250100 | Salt (including table salt and denatured salt) and pure sodium chloride, whether or not in aqueous solution or containing added anti-caking or free-flowing agents; sea water | 25 % |
25231000 | 252310 | - Cement clinkers | 10 % |
25232100 | 252321 | -- White cement, whether or not artificially coloured | 25 % |
25232900 | 252329 | -- Other | 55 % |
25239000 | 252390 | - Other hydraulic cements | 25 % |
27121000 | 271210 | - Petroleum jelly | 25 % |
28044000 | 280440 | - Oxygen | 25 % |
28111900 | 281119 | -- Other | 10 % |
30069100 | 300691 | -- Appliances identifiable for ostomy use | 25 % |
32081000 | 320810 | - Based on polyesters | 25 % |
32082000 | 320820 | - Based on acrylic or vinyl polymers | 25 % |
32089000 | 320890 | - Other | 25 % |
32091000 | 320910 | - Based on acrylic or vinyl polymers | 25 % |
32099000 | 320990 | - Other | 25 % |
32141000 | 321410 | - Glaziers' putty, grafting putty, resin cements, caulking compounds and other mastics; painters' fillings | 25 % |
32149000 | 321490 | - Other | 25 % |
33030000 | 330300 | Perfumes and toilet waters | 25 % |
33041000 | 330410 | - Lip make-up preparations | 25 % |
33042000 | 330420 | - Eye make-up preparations | 25 % |
33043000 | 330430 | - Manicure or pedicure preparations | 25 % |
33049100 | 330491 | -- Powders, whether or not compressed | 25 % |
33049900 | 330499 | -- Other | 25 % |
33051000 | 330510 | - Shampoos | 25 % |
33052000 | 330520 | - Preparations for permanent waving or straightening | 25 % |
33053000 | 330530 | - Hair lacquers | 25 % |
33059000 | 330590 | - Other | 25 % |
33061000 | 330610 | - Dentifrices | 25 % |
33069000 | 330690 | - Other | 25 % |
33071000 | 330710 | - Pre-shave, shaving or aftershave preparations | 25 % |
33072000 | 330720 | - Personal deodorants and antiperspirants | 25 % |
33073000 | 330730 | - Perfumed bath salts and other bath preparations | 25 % |
33074100 | 330741 | -- 'Agarbatti' and other odoriferous preparations which operate by burning | 25 % |
33074900 | 330749 | -- Other | 25 % |
33079000 | 330790 | - Other | 25 % |
34011100 | 340111 | -- For toilet use (including medicated products) | 25 % |
34011900 | 340119 | -- Other | 25 % |
34012010 | 340120 | --- Noodles for manufacture of toilet soap | 25 % |
34012090 | 340120 | --- Other | 25 % |
34013000 | 340130 | - Organic surface-active products and preparations for washing the skin, in the form of liquid or cream and put up for retail sale, whether or not containing soap | 25 % |
34021100 | 340211 | -- Anionic | 10 % |
34021200 | 340212 | -- Cationic | 10 % |
34021300 | 340213 | -- Non-ionic | 25 % |
34021900 | 340219 | -- Other | 25 % |
34022000 | 340220 | - Preparations put up for retail sale | 25 % |
34029000 | 340290 | - Other | 25 % |
34051000 | 340510 | - Polishes, creams and similar preparations, for footwear or leather | 25 % |
34052000 | 340520 | - Polishes, creams and similar preparations, for the maintenance of wooden furniture, floors or other woodwork | 25 % |
34053000 | 340530 | - Polishes and similar preparations for coachwork, other than metal polishes | 25 % |
34054000 | 340540 | - Scouring pastes and powders and other scouring preparations | 25 % |
34059000 | 340590 | - Other | 25 % |
34060000 | 340600 | Candles, tapers and the like | 25 % |
35052000 | 350520 | - Glues | 25 % |
35061000 | 350610 | - Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg | 25 % |
35069100 | 350691 | -- Adhesives based on polymers of headings 3901 to 3913 or on rubber | 25 % |
35069900 | 350699 | -- Other | 25 % |
36050000 | 360500 | Matches, other than pyrotechnic articles of heading 3604 | 35 % |
36061000 | 360610 | - Liquid or liquefied-gas fuels in containers of a kind used for filling or refilling cigarette or similar lighters and of a capacity not exceeding 300 cm³ | 25 % |
39051200 | 390512 | -- In aqueous dispersion | 10 % |
39051900 | 390519 | -- Other | 10 % |
39052100 | 390521 | -- In aqueous dispersion | 10 % |
39052900 | 390529 | -- Other | 10 % |
39053000 | 390530 | - Poly(vinyl alcohol), whether or not containing unhydrolysed acetate groups | 10 % |
39059100 | 390591 | -- Copolymers | 10 % |
39059900 | 390599 | -- Other | 10 % |
39061000 | 390610 | - Poly(methyl methacrylate) | 10 % |
39075000 | 390750 | - Alkyd resins | 10 % |
39077000 | 390770 | - Poly(lactic acid) | 10 % |
39079100 | 390791 | -- Unsaturated | 10 % |
39079900 | 390799 | -- Other | 10 % |
39091000 | 390910 | - Urea resins; thiourea resins | 10 % |
39092000 | 390920 | - Melamine resins | 10 % |
39172100 | 391721 | -- Of polymers of ethylene | 25 % |
39172200 | 391722 | -- Of polymers of propylene | 25 % |
39172300 | 391723 | -- Of polymers of vinyl chloride | 25 % |
39172900 | 391729 | -- Of other plastics | 25 % |
39173100 | 391731 | -- Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, having a minimum burst pressure of 27,6 MPa | 25 % |
39173200 | 391732 | -- Other, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, without fittings | 25 % |
39173300 | 391733 | -- Other, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, with fittings | 25 % |
39173900 | 391739 | -- Other | 25 % |
39174000 | 391740 | - Fittings | 25 % |
39181000 | 391810 | - Of polymers of vinyl chloride | 25 % |
39189000 | 391890 | - Of other plastics | 25 % |
39191000 | 391910 | - In rolls of a width not exceeding 20 cm | 10 % |
39201010 | 392010 | --- Unprinted | 10 % |
39201090 | 392010 | --- Other | 10 % |
39202010 | 392020 | --- Unprinted | 25 % |
39202090 | 392020 | --- Other | 25 % |
39205110 | 392051 | --- Unprinted | 25 % |
39205190 | 392051 | --- Other | 25 % |
39205910 | 392059 | --- Unprinted | 10 % |
39205990 | 392059 | --- Other | 10 % |
39206110 | 392061 | --- Unprinted | 10 % |
39206190 | 392061 | --- Other | 10 % |
39206910 | 392069 | --- Unprinted | 25 % |
39206990 | 392069 | --- Other | 25 % |
39207110 | 392071 | --- Unprinted | 25 % |
39207190 | 392071 | --- Other | 25 % |
39207310 | 392073 | --- Unprinted | 10 % |
39207390 | 392073 | --- Other | 10 % |
39207910 | 392079 | --- Unprinted | 25 % |
39207990 | 392079 | --- Other | 25 % |
39209110 | 392091 | --- Unprinted | 25 % |
39209190 | 392091 | --- Other | 25 % |
39209210 | 392092 | --- Unprinted | 25 % |
39209290 | 392092 | --- Other | 25 % |
39209310 | 392093 | --- Unprinted | 10 % |
39209390 | 392093 | --- Other | 10 % |
39209410 | 392094 | --- Unprinted | 25 % |
39209490 | 392094 | --- Other | 25 % |
39209910 | 392099 | --- Unprinted | 10 % |
39209990 | 392099 | --- Other | 10 % |
39211110 | 392111 | --- Unprinted | 10 % |
39211190 | 392111 | --- Other | 10 % |
39211210 | 392112 | --- Unprinted | 10 % |
39211290 | 392112 | --- Other | 25 % |
39211310 | 392113 | --- Unprinted | 10 % |
39211390 | 392113 | --- Other | 10 % |
39211410 | 392114 | --- Unprinted | 25 % |
39211490 | 392114 | --- Other | 25 % |
39211910 | 392119 | --- Unprinted | 25 % |
39211990 | 392119 | --- Other | 25 % |
39219000 | 392190 | - Other | 25 % |
39221000 | 392210 | - Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins | 25 % |
39222000 | 392220 | - Lavatory seats and covers | 25 % |
39229000 | 392290 | - Other | 25 % |
39231000 | 392310 | - Boxes, cases, crates and similar articles | 25 % |
39232100 | 392321 | -- Of polymers of ethylene | 25 % |
39232900 | 392329 | -- Of other plastics | 25 % |
39233000 | 392330 | - Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles | 25 % |
39235010 | 392350 | --- Inserts | 10 % |
39235090 | 392350 | --- Other | 25 % |
39241000 | 392410 | - Tableware and kitchenware | 25 % |
39249000 | 392490 | - Other | 25 % |
39259000 | 392590 | - Other | 25 % |
39261000 | 392610 | - Office or school supplies | 25 % |
39262000 | 392620 | - Articles of apparel and clothing accessories (including gloves, mittens and mitts) | 25 % |
39269010 | 392690 | --- Floats for fishing nets | 10 % |
39269090 | 392690 | --- Other | 10 % |
40081100 | 400811 | -- Plates, sheets and strip | 10 % |
40082900 | 400829 | -- Other | 10 % |
40111000 | 401110 | - Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars) | 25 % |
40112010 | 401120 | --- With a rim size below 17 inches | 10 % |
40112020 | 401120 | --- With a rim size of 17 inches and above | 10 % |
40131000 | 401310 | - Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars), buses or lorries | 25 % |
40139000 | 401390 | - Other | 25 % |
40169100 | 401691 | -- Floor coverings and mats | 25 % |
42021100 | 420211 | -- With outer surface of leather or of composition leather | 25 % |
42021200 | 420212 | -- With outer surface of plastics or of textile materials | 25 % |
42021900 | 420219 | -- Other | 25 % |
42022100 | 420221 | -- With outer surface of leather or of composition leather | 25 % |
42022200 | 420222 | -- With outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials | 25 % |
42022900 | 420229 | -- Other | 25 % |
42023100 | 420231 | -- With outer surface of leather or of composition leather | 25 % |
42023200 | 420232 | -- With outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials | 25 % |
42023900 | 420239 | -- Other | 25 % |
42029100 | 420291 | -- With outer surface of leather or of composition leather | 25 % |
42029200 | 420292 | -- With outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials | 25 % |
42029900 | 420299 | -- Other | 25 % |
42031000 | 420310 | - Articles of apparel | 25 % |
42032100 | 420321 | -- Specially designed for use in sports | 25 % |
42032900 | 420329 | -- Other | 25 % |
42033000 | 420330 | - Belts and bandoliers | 25 % |
42034000 | 420340 | - Other clothing accessories | 25 % |
42050000 | 420500 | Other articles of leather or of composition leather | 10 % |
44081000 | 440810 | - Coniferous | 25 % |
44083100 | 440831 | -- Dark red meranti, light red meranti and meranti bakau | 25 % |
44083900 | 440839 | -- Other | 25 % |
44089000 | 440890 | - Other | 25 % |
44091000 | 440910 | - Coniferous | 25 % |
44092100 | 440921 | -- Of bamboo | 25 % |
44092900 | 440929 | -- Other | 25 % |
44101100 | 441011 | -- Particle board | 25 % |
44101200 | 441012 | -- Oriented strand board (OSB) | 25 % |
44101900 | 441019 | -- Other | 25 % |
44109000 | 441090 | - Other | 25 % |
44111200 | 441112 | -- Of a thickness not exceeding 5 mm | 25 % |
44111300 | 441113 | -- Of a thickness exceeding 5 mm but not exceeding 9 mm | 25 % |
44111400 | 441114 | -- Of a thickness exceeding 9 mm | 25 % |
44119200 | 441192 | -- Of a density exceeding 0,8 g/cm³ | 25 % |
44119300 | 441193 | -- Of a density exceeding 0,5 g/cm³ but not exceeding 0,8 g/cm³ | 25 % |
44119400 | 441194 | -- Of a density not exceeding 0,5 g/cm³ | 25 % |
44121000 | 441210 | - Of bamboo | 25 % |
44123100 | 441231 | -- With at least one outer ply of tropical wood specified in subheading note 2 to this chapter | 25 % |
44123200 | 441232 | -- Other, with at least one outer ply of non-coniferous wood | 25 % |
44123900 | 441239 | -- Other | 25 % |
44129400 | 441294 | -- Blockboard, laminboard and battenboard | 25 % |
44129900 | 441299 | -- Other | 25 % |
44130000 | 441300 | Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or profile shapes | 25 % |
44140000 | 441400 | Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects | 25 % |
44152000 | 441520 | - Pallets, box pallets and other load boards; pallet collars | 25 % |
44160000 | 441600 | Casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers' products and parts thereof, of wood, including staves | 25 % |
44170000 | 441700 | Tools, tool bodies, tool handles, broom or brush bodies and handles, of wood; boot or shoe lasts and trees, of wood | 25 % |
44181000 | 441810 | - Windows, French windows and their frames | 25 % |
44182000 | 441820 | - Doors and their frames and thresholds | 25 % |
44184000 | 441840 | - Shuttering for concrete constructional work | 25 % |
44185000 | 441850 | - Shingles and shakes | 25 % |
44186000 | 441860 | - Posts and beams | 25 % |
44187100 | 441871 | -- For mosaic floors | 25 % |
44187200 | 441872 | -- Other, multilayer | 25 % |
44187900 | 441879 | -- Other | 25 % |
44189000 | 441890 | - Other | 25 % |
44190000 | 441900 | Tableware and kitchenware, of wood | 25 % |
44201000 | 442010 | - Statuettes and other ornaments, of wood | 25 % |
44209000 | 442090 | - Other | 25 % |
44211000 | 442110 | - Clothes hangers | 25 % |
45031000 | 450310 | - Corks and stoppers | 10 % |
45039000 | 450390 | - Other | 10 % |
45049000 | 450490 | - Other | 10 % |
46029000 | 460290 | - Other | 25 % |
48025600 | 480256 | -- Weighing 40 g/m² or more but not more than 150 g/m², in sheets with one side not exceeding 435 mm and the other side not exceeding 297 mm in the unfolded state | 25 % |
48025700 | 480257 | -- Other, weighing 40 g/m² or more but not more than 150 g/m² | 25 % |
48025800 | 480258 | -- Weighing more than 150 g/m² | 25 % |
48026100 | 480261 | -- In rolls | 25 % |
48026200 | 480262 | -- In sheets with one side not exceeding 435 mm and the other side not exceeding 297 mm in the unfolded state | 25 % |
48026900 | 480269 | -- Other | 10 % |
48030000 | 480300 | Toilet or facial tissue stock, towel or napkin stock and similar paper of a kind used for household or sanitary purposes, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, whether or not creped, crinkled, embossed, perforated, surface-coloured, surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or sheets | 10 % |
48041100 | 480411 | -- Unbleached | 25 % |
48042100 | 480421 | -- Unbleached | 25 % |
48042900 | 480429 | -- Other | 25 % |
48043100 | 480431 | -- Unbleached | 25 % |
48043900 | 480439 | -- Other | 25 % |
48044100 | 480441 | -- Unbleached | 25 % |
48044900 | 480449 | -- Other | 25 % |
48045100 | 480451 | -- Unbleached | 25 % |
48045200 | 480452 | -- Bleached uniformly throughout the mass and of which more than 95 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of wood fibres obtained by a chemical process | 25 % |
48045900 | 480459 | -- Other | 25 % |
48051100 | 480511 | -- Semi-chemical fluting paper | 25 % |
48051200 | 480512 | -- Straw fluting paper | 25 % |
48051900 | 480519 | -- Other | 25 % |
48052400 | 480524 | -- Weighing 150 g/m² or less | 25 % |
48052500 | 480525 | -- Weighing more than 150 g/m² | 25 % |
48053000 | 480530 | - Sulphite wrapping paper | 25 % |
48059100 | 480591 | -- Weighing 150 g/m² or less | 25 % |
48059300 | 480593 | -- Weighing 225 g/m² or more | 25 % |
48061010 | 480610 | --- Printed | 10 % |
48061090 | 480610 | --- Other | 10 % |
48070000 | 480700 | Composite paper and paperboard (made by sticking flat layers of paper or paperboard together with an adhesive), not surface-coated or impregnated, whether or not internally reinforced, in rolls or sheets | 25 % |
48081000 | 480810 | - Corrugated paper and paperboard, whether or not perforated | 25 % |
48084000 | 480840 | - Kraft paper, creped or crinkled, whether or not embossed or perforated | 25 % |
48089000 | 480890 | - Other | 25 % |
48099000 | 480990 | - Other | 10 % |
48101400 | 481014 | -- In sheets with one side not exceeding 435 mm and the other side not exceeding 297 mm in the unfolded state | 25 % |
48101900 | 481019 | -- Other | 25 % |
48103100 | 481031 | -- Bleached uniformly throughout the mass and of which more than 95 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of wood fibres obtained by a chemical process, and weighing 150 g/m² or less | 10 % |
48103200 | 481032 | -- Bleached uniformly throughout the mass and of which more than 95 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of wood fibres obtained by a chemical process, and weighing more than 150 g/m² | 25 % |
48103900 | 481039 | -- Other | 25 % |
48109200 | 481092 | -- Multi-ply | 25 % |
48109900 | 481099 | -- Other | 25 % |
48114190 | 481141 | --- Other | 10 % |
48115100 | 481151 | -- Bleached, weighing more than 150 g/m² | 25 % |
48119000 | 481190 | - Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres | 10 % |
48149000 | 481490 | - Other | 25 % |
48162000 | 481620 | - Self-copy paper | 25 % |
48169000 | 481690 | - Other | 25 % |
48171000 | 481710 | - Envelopes | 25 % |
48172000 | 481720 | - Letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence cards | 25 % |
48173000 | 481730 | - Boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums, of paper or paperboard, containing an assortment of paper stationery | 25 % |
48181000 | 481810 | - Toilet paper | 25 % |
48182000 | 481820 | - Handkerchiefs, cleansing or facial tissues and towels | 25 % |
48183000 | 481830 | - Tablecloths and serviettes | 25 % |
48185000 | 481850 | - Articles of apparel and clothing accessories | 25 % |
48189000 | 481890 | - Other | 25 % |
48191000 | 481910 | - Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper or paperboard | 25 % |
48193000 | 481930 | - Sacks and bags, having a base of a width of 40 cm or more | 25 % |
48194000 | 481940 | - Other sacks and bags, including cones | 25 % |
48195000 | 481950 | - Other packing containers, including record sleeves | 25 % |
48196000 | 481960 | - Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar articles, of a kind used in offices, shops or the like | 25 % |
48201000 | 482010 | - Registers, account books, notebooks, order books, receipt books, letter pads, memorandum pads, diaries and similar articles | 25 % |
48202000 | 482020 | - Exercise books | 25 % |
48203000 | 482030 | - Binders (other than book covers), folders and file covers | 25 % |
48204000 | 482040 | - Manifold business forms and interleaved carbon sets | 25 % |
48205000 | 482050 | - Albums for samples or for collections | 25 % |
48209000 | 482090 | - Other | 25 % |
48211010 | 482110 | --- For labelling dry cell batteries | 10 % |
48211090 | 482110 | --- Other | 25 % |
48219000 | 482190 | - Other | 10 % |
48221000 | 482210 | - Of a kind used for winding textile yarn | 10 % |
48229000 | 482290 | - Other | 10 % |
48232000 | 482320 | - Filter paper and paperboard | 25 % |
48236100 | 482361 | -- Of bamboo | 25 % |
48236900 | 482369 | -- Other | 25 % |
48237000 | 482370 | - Moulded or pressed articles of paper pulp | 25 % |
48239010 | 482390 | --- Straw wrappers | 10 % |
48239090 | 482390 | --- Other | 10 % |
49090000 | 490900 | Printed or illustrated postcards; printed cards bearing personal greetings, messages or announcements, whether or not illustrated, with or without envelopes or trimmings | 25 % |
49100000 | 491000 | Calendars of any kind, printed, including calendar blocks | 25 % |
49111000 | 491110 | - Trade advertising material, commercial catalogues and the like | 25 % |
52041900 | 520419 | -- Other | 25 % |
52081100 | 520811 | -- Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m² | 25 % |
52081200 | 520812 | -- Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m² | 25 % |
52081300 | 520813 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 25 % |
52081900 | 520819 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52082100 | 520821 | -- Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m² | 25 % |
52082200 | 520822 | -- Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m² | 25 % |
52082900 | 520829 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52083100 | 520831 | -- Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m² | 25 % |
52083200 | 520832 | -- Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m² | 25 % |
52083300 | 520833 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 25 % |
52083900 | 520839 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52084100 | 520841 | -- Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m² | 25 % |
52084200 | 520842 | -- Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m² | 25 % |
52084300 | 520843 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 25 % |
52084900 | 520849 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52085110 | 520851 | --- Khanga, Kikoi and Kitenge | 50 % |
52085190 | 520851 | --- Other | 25 % |
52085210 | 520852 | --- Khanga, Kikoi and Kitenge | 50 % |
52085290 | 520852 | --- Other | 25 % |
52085900 | 520859 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52091100 | 520911 | -- Plain weave | 25 % |
52091200 | 520912 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 25 % |
52091900 | 520919 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52092100 | 520921 | -- Plain weave | 25 % |
52092200 | 520922 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 25 % |
52092900 | 520929 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52093100 | 520931 | -- Plain weave | 25 % |
52093200 | 520932 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 25 % |
52093900 | 520939 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52094100 | 520941 | -- Plain weave | 25 % |
52094200 | 520942 | -- Denim | 25 % |
52094300 | 520943 | -- Other fabrics of 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 25 % |
52094900 | 520949 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52095110 | 520951 | --- Khanga, Kikoi and Kitenge | 50 % |
52095190 | 520951 | --- Other | 25 % |
52095200 | 520952 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 25 % |
52095900 | 520959 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52101100 | 521011 | -- Plain weave | 25 % |
52101900 | 521019 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52102100 | 521021 | -- Plain weave | 25 % |
52102900 | 521029 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52103100 | 521031 | -- Plain weave | 25 % |
52103200 | 521032 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 25 % |
52103900 | 521039 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52104100 | 521041 | -- Plain weave | 25 % |
52104900 | 521049 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52105110 | 521051 | --- Khanga, Kikoi and Kitenge | 50 % |
52105190 | 521051 | --- Other | 25 % |
52105900 | 521059 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52111100 | 521111 | -- Plain weave | 25 % |
52111200 | 521112 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 25 % |
52111900 | 521119 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52112000 | 521120 | - Bleached | 25 % |
52113100 | 521131 | -- Plain weave | 25 % |
52113200 | 521132 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 25 % |
52113900 | 521139 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52114200 | 521142 | -- Denim | 25 % |
52114300 | 521143 | -- Other fabrics of 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 25 % |
52114900 | 521149 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52115110 | 521151 | --- Khanga, Kikoi and Kitenge | 50 % |
52115190 | 521151 | --- Other | 25 % |
52115200 | 521152 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill | 25 % |
52115900 | 521159 | -- Other fabrics | 25 % |
52121200 | 521212 | -- Bleached | 25 % |
52121510 | 521215 | --- Khanga, Kikoi and Kitenge | 50 % |
52121590 | 521215 | --- Other | 25 % |
52122400 | 521224 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % |
52122510 | 521225 | --- Khanga, Kikoi and Kitenge | 50 % |
52122590 | 521225 | --- Other | 25 % |
54071000 | 540710 | - Woven fabrics obtained from high-tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides or of polyesters | 25 % |
54072000 | 540720 | - Woven fabrics obtained from strip or the like | 25 % |
54073000 | 540730 | - Fabrics specified in note 9 to Section XI | 25 % |
54074100 | 540741 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % |
54074200 | 540742 | -- Dyed | 25 % |
54074300 | 540743 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % |
54074400 | 540744 | -- Printed | 25 % |
54075100 | 540751 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % |
54075200 | 540752 | -- Dyed | 25 % |
54075300 | 540753 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % |
54075400 | 540754 | -- Printed | 25 % |
54076100 | 540761 | -- Containing 85 % or more by weight of non-textured polyester filaments | 25 % |
54076900 | 540769 | -- Other | 25 % |
54077100 | 540771 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % |
54077200 | 540772 | -- Dyed | 25 % |
54077300 | 540773 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % |
54077400 | 540774 | -- Printed | 25 % |
54078100 | 540781 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % |
54078200 | 540782 | -- Dyed | 25 % |
54078300 | 540783 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % |
54078400 | 540784 | -- Printed | 25 % |
54079100 | 540791 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % |
54079200 | 540792 | -- Dyed | 25 % |
54079300 | 540793 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % |
54083400 | 540834 | -- Printed | 25 % |
55121100 | 551211 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % |
55121900 | 551219 | -- Other | 25 % |
55122100 | 551221 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % |
55122900 | 551229 | -- Other | 25 % |
55129100 | 551291 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % |
55129900 | 551299 | -- Other | 25 % |
55131100 | 551311 | -- Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | 25 % |
55131200 | 551312 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres | 25 % |
55131300 | 551313 | -- Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres | 25 % |
55131900 | 551319 | -- Other woven fabrics | 25 % |
55132100 | 551321 | -- Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | 25 % |
55132300 | 551323 | -- Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres | 25 % |
55132900 | 551329 | -- Other woven fabrics | 25 % |
55133100 | 551331 | -- Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | 25 % |
55133900 | 551339 | -- Other woven fabrics | 25 % |
55134110 | 551341 | --- Khanga, Kikoi and Kitenge | 50 % |
55134190 | 551341 | --- Other | 25 % |
55134900 | 551349 | -- Other woven fabrics | 25 % |
55141100 | 551411 | -- Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | 25 % |
55141200 | 551412 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres | 25 % |
55141900 | 551419 | -- Other woven fabrics | 25 % |
55142100 | 551421 | -- Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | 25 % |
55142200 | 551422 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres | 25 % |
55142300 | 551423 | -- Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres | 25 % |
55142900 | 551429 | -- Other woven fabrics | 25 % |
55143000 | 551430 | - Of yarns of different colours | 25 % |
55144110 | 551441 | --- Khanga, Kikoi and Kitenge | 50 % |
55144190 | 551441 | --- Other | 25 % |
55144200 | 551442 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres | 25 % |
55144300 | 551443 | -- Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres | 25 % |
55144900 | 551449 | -- Other woven fabrics | 25 % |
55151100 | 551511 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with viscose rayon staple fibres | 25 % |
55151200 | 551512 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments | 25 % |
55151300 | 551513 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
55151900 | 551519 | -- Other | 25 % |
55152100 | 551521 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments | 25 % |
55152200 | 551522 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
55152900 | 551529 | -- Other | 25 % |
55159100 | 551591 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments | 25 % |
55159900 | 551599 | -- Other | 25 % |
55161100 | 551611 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % |
55161200 | 551612 | -- Dyed | 25 % |
55161300 | 551613 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % |
55161400 | 551614 | -- Printed | 25 % |
55162100 | 551621 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % |
55162200 | 551622 | -- Dyed | 25 % |
55162300 | 551623 | -- Of yarns of different colours | 25 % |
55162400 | 551624 | -- Printed | 25 % |
55163100 | 551631 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % |
55163200 | 551632 | -- Dyed | 25 % |
55163400 | 551634 | -- Printed | 25 % |
55164100 | 551641 | -- Unbleached or bleached | 25 % |
55164200 | 551642 | -- Dyed | 25 % |
55164400 | 551644 | -- Printed | 25 % |
55169400 | 551694 | -- Printed | 25 % |
56012100 | 560121 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
56012200 | 560122 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
56012900 | 560129 | -- Other | 25 % |
56029000 | 560290 | - Other | 25 % |
56072100 | 560721 | -- Binder or baler twine | 25 % |
56072900 | 560729 | -- Other | 25 % |
56074900 | 560749 | -- Other | 25 % |
56075000 | 560750 | - Of other synthetic fibres | 10 % |
56079000 | 560790 | - Other | 25 % |
56081100 | 560811 | -- Made-up fishing nets | 10 % |
56081910 | 560819 | --- Fruit tree and seedbed netting | 10 % |
56081990 | 560819 | --- Other | 25 % |
56089000 | 560890 | - Other | 25 % |
56090000 | 560900 | Articles of yarn, strip or the like of heading 5404 or 5405, twine, cordage, rope or cables, not elsewhere specified or included | 25 % |
57011000 | 570110 | - Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
57019000 | 570190 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
57024900 | 570249 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
57025000 | 570250 | - Other, not of pile construction, not made up | 25 % |
57029100 | 570291 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
57029200 | 570292 | -- Of man-made textile materials | 25 % |
57029900 | 570299 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
57031000 | 570310 | - Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
57032000 | 570320 | - Of nylon or other polyamides | 25 % |
57033000 | 570330 | - Of other man-made textile materials | 25 % |
57039000 | 570390 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
57049000 | 570490 | - Other | 25 % |
57050000 | 570500 | Other carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made up | 25 % |
58012200 | 580122 | -- Cut corduroy | 25 % |
58012300 | 580123 | -- Other weft pile fabrics | 25 % |
58012600 | 580126 | -- Chenille fabrics | 25 % |
58012700 | 580127 | -- Warp pile fabrics | 25 % |
58013300 | 580133 | -- Other weft pile fabrics | 25 % |
58013600 | 580136 | -- Chenille fabrics | 25 % |
58013700 | 580137 | -- Warp pile fabrics | 25 % |
58019000 | 580190 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
58021100 | 580211 | -- Unbleached | 25 % |
58021900 | 580219 | -- Other | 25 % |
58022000 | 580220 | - Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics, of other textile materials | 25 % |
58030000 | 580300 | Gauze, other than narrow fabrics of heading 5806 | 25 % |
58041000 | 580410 | - Tulles and other net fabrics | 25 % |
58042100 | 580421 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
58042900 | 580429 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
58061000 | 580610 | - Woven pile fabrics (including terry towelling and similar terry fabrics) and chenille fabrics | 25 % |
58062000 | 580620 | - Other woven fabrics, containing by weight 5 % or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread | 25 % |
58063100 | 580631 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
58063200 | 580632 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
58063900 | 580639 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
58064000 | 580640 | - Fabrics consisting of warp without weft assembled by means of an adhesive (bolducs) | 25 % |
58071000 | 580710 | - Woven | 25 % |
58079000 | 580790 | - Other | 25 % |
58089000 | 580890 | - Other | 25 % |
58110000 | 581100 | Quilted textile products in the piece, composed of one or more layers of textile materials assembled with padding by stitching or otherwise, other than embroidery of heading 5810 | 25 % |
60012100 | 600121 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
60019100 | 600191 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
60019900 | 600199 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61012000 | 610120 | - Of cotton | 25 % |
61013000 | 610130 | - Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
61019000 | 610190 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61021000 | 610210 | - Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
61022000 | 610220 | - Of cotton | 25 % |
61023000 | 610230 | - Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
61029000 | 610290 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61031000 | 610310 | - Suits | 25 % |
61032200 | 610322 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61032300 | 610323 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
61032900 | 610329 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61033100 | 610331 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
61033200 | 610332 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61033300 | 610333 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
61033900 | 610339 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61034100 | 610341 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
61034200 | 610342 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61034300 | 610343 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
61034900 | 610349 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61041300 | 610413 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
61041900 | 610419 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61042200 | 610422 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61042300 | 610423 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
61042900 | 610429 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61043100 | 610431 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
61043200 | 610432 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61043300 | 610433 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
61043900 | 610439 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61044100 | 610441 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
61044200 | 610442 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61044300 | 610443 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
61044400 | 610444 | -- Of artificial fibres | 25 % |
61044900 | 610449 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61045100 | 610451 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
61045200 | 610452 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61045300 | 610453 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
61045900 | 610459 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61046100 | 610461 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
61046200 | 610462 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61046300 | 610463 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
61046900 | 610469 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61051000 | 610510 | - Of cotton | 25 % |
61052000 | 610520 | - Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
61059000 | 610590 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61061000 | 610610 | - Of cotton | 25 % |
61062000 | 610620 | - Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
61069000 | 610690 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61071100 | 610711 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61071200 | 610712 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
61071900 | 610719 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61072100 | 610721 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61072200 | 610722 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
61072900 | 610729 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61079100 | 610791 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61079900 | 610799 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61081100 | 610811 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
61081900 | 610819 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61082100 | 610821 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61082200 | 610822 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
61082900 | 610829 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61083100 | 610831 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61083200 | 610832 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
61083900 | 610839 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61089100 | 610891 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61089200 | 610892 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
61089900 | 610899 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61091000 | 610910 | - Of cotton | 25 % |
61099000 | 610990 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61102000 | 611020 | - Of cotton | 25 % |
61103000 | 611030 | - Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
61109000 | 611090 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61112000 | 611120 | - Of cotton | 25 % |
61113000 | 611130 | - Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
61119000 | 611190 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61121100 | 611211 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61121200 | 611212 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
61121900 | 611219 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61122000 | 611220 | - Ski suits | 25 % |
61123100 | 611231 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
61123900 | 611239 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61124100 | 611241 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
61124900 | 611249 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61130000 | 611300 | Garments, made up of knitted or crocheted fabrics of heading 5903, 5906 or 5907 | 25 % |
61142000 | 611420 | - Of cotton | 25 % |
61143000 | 611430 | - Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
61149000 | 611490 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61151000 | 611510 | - Graduated compression hosiery (for example, stockings for varicose veins) | 25 % |
61152100 | 611521 | -- Of synthetic fibres, measuring per single yarn less than 67 decitex | 25 % |
61152200 | 611522 | -- Of synthetic fibres, measuring per single yarn 67 decitex or more | 25 % |
61152900 | 611529 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61153000 | 611530 | - Other women's full-length or knee-length hosiery, measuring per single yarn less than 67 decitex | 25 % |
61159400 | 611594 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
61159500 | 611595 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61159600 | 611596 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
61159900 | 611599 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61161000 | 611610 | - Impregnated, coated or covered with plastics or rubber | 25 % |
61169100 | 611691 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
61169200 | 611692 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
61169300 | 611693 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
61169900 | 611699 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
61171000 | 611710 | - Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like | 25 % |
61178000 | 611780 | - Other accessories | 25 % |
61179000 | 611790 | - Parts | 25 % |
62011100 | 620111 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
62011200 | 620112 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62011300 | 620113 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
62011900 | 620119 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62019100 | 620191 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
62019200 | 620192 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62019300 | 620193 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
62019900 | 620199 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62021100 | 620211 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
62021200 | 620212 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62021300 | 620213 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
62021900 | 620219 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62029100 | 620291 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
62029200 | 620292 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62029300 | 620293 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
62029900 | 620299 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62031100 | 620311 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
62031200 | 620312 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
62031900 | 620319 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62032200 | 620322 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62032300 | 620323 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
62032900 | 620329 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62033100 | 620331 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
62033200 | 620332 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62033300 | 620333 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
62033900 | 620339 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62034100 | 620341 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
62034200 | 620342 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62034300 | 620343 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
62034900 | 620349 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62041100 | 620411 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
62041200 | 620412 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62041300 | 620413 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
62041900 | 620419 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62042100 | 620421 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
62042200 | 620422 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62042300 | 620423 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
62042900 | 620429 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62043100 | 620431 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
62043200 | 620432 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62043300 | 620433 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
62043900 | 620439 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62044100 | 620441 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
62044200 | 620442 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62044300 | 620443 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
62044400 | 620444 | -- Of artificial fibres | 25 % |
62044900 | 620449 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62045100 | 620451 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
62045200 | 620452 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62045300 | 620453 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
62045900 | 620459 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62046100 | 620461 | -- Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
62046200 | 620462 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62046300 | 620463 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
62046900 | 620469 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62052000 | 620520 | - Of cotton | 25 % |
62053000 | 620530 | - Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
62059000 | 620590 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62061000 | 620610 | - Of silk or silk waste | 25 % |
62062000 | 620620 | - Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
62063000 | 620630 | - Of cotton | 25 % |
62064000 | 620640 | - Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
62069000 | 620690 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62071100 | 620711 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62071900 | 620719 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62072100 | 620721 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62072200 | 620722 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
62072900 | 620729 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62079100 | 620791 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62079900 | 620799 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62081100 | 620811 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
62081900 | 620819 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62082100 | 620821 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62082200 | 620822 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
62082900 | 620829 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62089100 | 620891 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62089200 | 620892 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
62089900 | 620899 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62092000 | 620920 | - Of cotton | 25 % |
62093000 | 620930 | - Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
62099000 | 620990 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62101000 | 621010 | - Of fabrics of heading 5602 or 5603 | 25 % |
62102000 | 621020 | - Other garments, of the type described in subheadings 620111 to 620119 | 25 % |
62103000 | 621030 | - Other garments, of the type described in subheadings 620211 to 620219 | 25 % |
62104000 | 621040 | - Other men's or boys' garments | 25 % |
62105000 | 621050 | - Other women's or girls' garments | 25 % |
62111100 | 621111 | -- Men's or boys' | 25 % |
62111200 | 621112 | -- Women's or girls' | 25 % |
62112000 | 621120 | - Ski suits | 25 % |
62113200 | 621132 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
62113300 | 621133 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
62113900 | 621139 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62114210 | 621142 | --- Khanga, Kikoi and Kitenge | 50 % |
62114290 | 621142 | --- Other | 25 % |
62114310 | 621143 | --- Khanga, Kikoi and Kitenge | 50 % |
62114390 | 621143 | --- Other | 25 % |
62114910 | 621149 | --- Khanga, Kikoi and Kitenge | 50 % |
62114990 | 621149 | --- Other | 25 % |
62121000 | 621210 | - Brassières | 25 % |
62122000 | 621220 | - Girdles and panty girdles | 25 % |
62123000 | 621230 | - Corselettes | 25 % |
62129000 | 621290 | - Other | 25 % |
62132000 | 621320 | - Of cotton | 25 % |
62139000 | 621390 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62141000 | 621410 | - Of silk or silk waste | 25 % |
62142000 | 621420 | - Of wool or fine animal hair | 25 % |
62143000 | 621430 | - Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
62144000 | 621440 | - Of artificial fibres | 25 % |
62149000 | 621490 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62151000 | 621510 | - Of silk or silk waste | 25 % |
62152000 | 621520 | - Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
62159000 | 621590 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
62160000 | 621600 | Gloves, mittens and mitts | 25 % |
62171000 | 621710 | - Accessories | 25 % |
62179000 | 621790 | - Parts | 25 % |
63011000 | 630110 | - Electric blankets | 25 % |
63012000 | 630120 | - Blankets (other than electric blankets) and travelling rugs, of wool or of fine animal hair | 25 % |
63013000 | 630130 | - Blankets (other than electric blankets) and travelling rugs, of cotton | 25 % |
63014000 | 630140 | - Blankets (other than electric blankets) and travelling rugs, of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
63019000 | 630190 | - Other blankets and travelling rugs | 25 % |
63021000 | 630210 | - Bedlinen, knitted or crocheted | 25 % |
63022100 | 630221 | -- Of cotton | 50 % |
63022200 | 630222 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
63022900 | 630229 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
63023100 | 630231 | -- Of cotton | 50 % |
63023200 | 630232 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
63023900 | 630239 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
63024000 | 630240 | - Table linen, knitted or crocheted | 25 % |
63025100 | 630251 | -- Of cotton | 50 % |
63025300 | 630253 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
63025900 | 630259 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
63026000 | 630260 | - Toilet linen and kitchen linen, of terry towelling or similar terry fabrics, of cotton | 25 % |
63029100 | 630291 | -- Of cotton | 50 % |
63029300 | 630293 | -- Of man-made fibres | 25 % |
63029900 | 630299 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
63031200 | 630312 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
63031900 | 630319 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
63039100 | 630391 | -- Of cotton | 25 % |
63039200 | 630392 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
63039900 | 630399 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
63041100 | 630411 | -- Knitted or crocheted | 25 % |
63041900 | 630419 | -- Other | 25 % |
63049190 | 630491 | --- Other | 25 % |
63049200 | 630492 | -- Not knitted or crocheted, of cotton | 25 % |
63049300 | 630493 | -- Not knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
63049900 | 630499 | -- Not knitted or crocheted, of other textile materials | 25 % |
63051000 | 630510 | - Of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading 5303 | 45 % |
63052000 | 630520 | - Of cotton | 25 % |
63053200 | 630532 | -- Flexible intermediate bulk containers | 25 % |
63053300 | 630533 | -- Other, of polyethylene or polypropylene strip or the like | 25 % |
63053900 | 630539 | -- Other | 25 % |
63059000 | 630590 | - Of other textile materials | 25 % |
63061200 | 630612 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
63061900 | 630619 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
63062200 | 630622 | -- Of synthetic fibres | 25 % |
63062900 | 630629 | -- Of other textile materials | 25 % |
63063000 | 630630 | - Sails | 25 % |
63064000 | 630640 | - Pneumatic mattresses | 25 % |
63069000 | 630690 | - Other | 25 % |
63071000 | 630710 | - Floorcloths, dishcloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths | 25 % |
63079000 | 630790 | - Other | 25 % |
63080000 | 630800 | Sets consisting of woven fabric and yarn, whether or not with accessories, for making up into rugs, tapestries, embroidered tablecloths or serviettes, or similar textile articles, put up in packings for retail sale | 25 % |
63090000 | 630900 | Worn clothing and other worn articles | 45 % |
64011000 | 640110 | - Footwear incorporating a protective metal toecap | 25 % |
64019200 | 640192 | -- Covering the ankle but not covering the knee | 25 % |
64019900 | 640199 | -- Other | 25 % |
64021200 | 640212 | -- Ski-boots, cross-country ski footwear and snowboard boots | 25 % |
64021900 | 640219 | -- Other | 25 % |
64022000 | 640220 | - Footwear with upper straps or thongs assembled to the sole by means of plugs | 25 % |
64029100 | 640291 | -- Covering the ankle | 25 % |
64029900 | 640299 | -- Other | 25 % |
64031200 | 640312 | -- Ski-boots, cross-country ski footwear and snowboard boots | 25 % |
64031900 | 640319 | -- Other | 25 % |
64032000 | 640320 | - Footwear with outer soles of leather, and uppers which consist of leather straps across the instep and around the big toe | 25 % |
64034000 | 640340 | - Other footwear, incorporating a protective metal toecap | 25 % |
64035100 | 640351 | -- Covering the ankle | 25 % |
64035900 | 640359 | -- Other | 25 % |
64039100 | 640391 | -- Covering the ankle | 25 % |
64039900 | 640399 | -- Other | 25 % |
64041100 | 640411 | -- Sports footwear; tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes and the like | 25 % |
64041900 | 640419 | -- Other | 25 % |
64042000 | 640420 | - Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather | 25 % |
64051000 | 640510 | - With uppers of leather or composition leather | 25 % |
64052000 | 640520 | - With uppers of textile materials | 25 % |
64059000 | 640590 | - Other | 25 % |
66011000 | 660110 | - Garden or similar umbrellas | 25 % |
68021000 | 680210 | - Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or not rectangular (including square), the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm; artificially coloured granules, chippings and powder | 25 % |
68042100 | 680421 | -- Of agglomerated synthetic or natural diamond | 25 % |
68042200 | 680422 | -- Of other agglomerated abrasives or of ceramics | 25 % |
68042300 | 680423 | -- Of natural stone | 25 % |
68052000 | 680520 | - On a base of paper or paperboard only | 25 % |
68069000 | 680690 | - Other | 25 % |
68071000 | 680710 | - In rolls | 25 % |
68079000 | 680790 | - Other | 25 % |
68080000 | 680800 | Panels, boards, tiles, blocks and similar articles of vegetable fibre, of straw or of shavings, chips, particles, sawdust or other waste of wood, agglomerated with cement, plaster or other mineral binders | 25 % |
68132000 | 681320 | - Containing asbestos | 10 % |
68138100 | 681381 | -- Brake linings and pads | 10 % |
68159900 | 681599 | -- Other | 25 % |
69010000 | 690100 | Bricks, blocks, tiles and other ceramic goods of siliceous fossil meals (for example, kieselguhr, tripolite or diatomite) or of similar siliceous earths | 25 % |
69049000 | 690490 | - Other | 25 % |
69051000 | 690510 | - Roofing tiles | 25 % |
69059000 | 690590 | - Other | 25 % |
69060000 | 690600 | Ceramic pipes, conduits, guttering and pipe fittings | 25 % |
69071000 | 690710 | - Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or not rectangular, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm | 25 % |
69079000 | 690790 | - Other | 25 % |
69081000 | 690810 | - Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or not rectangular, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm | 25 % |
69089000 | 690890 | - Other | 25 % |
69101000 | 691010 | - Of porcelain or china | 25 % |
69109000 | 691090 | - Other | 25 % |
69111000 | 691110 | - Tableware and kitchenware | 25 % |
69119000 | 691190 | - Other | 25 % |
69120000 | 691200 | Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, other than of porcelain or china | 25 % |
69141000 | 691410 | - Of porcelain or china | 25 % |
69149000 | 691490 | - Other | 25 % |
70042000 | 700420 | - Glass, coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer | 10 % |
70049000 | 700490 | - Other glass | 10 % |
70052100 | 700521 | -- Coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or merely surface ground | 10 % |
70052900 | 700529 | -- Other | 10 % |
70053000 | 700530 | - Wired glass | 10 % |
70060000 | 700600 | Glass of heading 7003, 7004 or 7005, bent, edge-worked, engraved, drilled, enamelled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted with other materials | 25 % |
70071100 | 700711 | -- Of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels | 10 % |
70071900 | 700719 | -- Other | 10 % |
70072100 | 700721 | -- Of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels | 10 % |
70091000 | 700910 | - Rear-view mirrors for vehicles | 10 % |
70099100 | 700991 | -- Unframed | 25 % |
70099200 | 700992 | -- Framed | 25 % |
70101090 | 701010 | --- Other | 25 % |
70102000 | 701020 | - Stoppers, lids and other closures | 10 % |
70109000 | 701090 | - Other | 25 % |
70119000 | 701190 | - Other | 10 % |
70131000 | 701310 | - Of glass ceramics | 25 % |
70132200 | 701322 | -- Of lead crystal | 25 % |
70132800 | 701328 | -- Other | 25 % |
70133300 | 701333 | -- Of lead crystal | 25 % |
70133700 | 701337 | -- Other | 25 % |
70134100 | 701341 | -- Of lead crystal | 25 % |
70134200 | 701342 | -- Of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 5 × 10–6 per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0 °C to 300 °C | 25 % |
70134900 | 701349 | -- Other | 25 % |
70139100 | 701391 | -- Of lead crystal | 25 % |
70139900 | 701399 | -- Other | 25 % |
70140000 | 701400 | Signalling glassware and optical elements of glass (other than those of heading 7015), not optically worked | 10 % |
70159000 | 701590 | - Other | 10 % |
70161000 | 701610 | - Glass cubes and other glass smallwares, whether or not on a backing, for mosaics or similar decorative purposes | 25 % |
70169000 | 701690 | - Other | 25 % |
70189000 | 701890 | - Other | 25 % |
70193900 | 701939 | -- Other | 10 % |
72101100 | 721011 | -- Of a thickness of 0,5 mm or more | 25 % |
72103000 | 721030 | - Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc | 25 % |
72104100 | 721041 | -- Corrugated | 25 % |
72104900 | 721049 | -- Other | 25 % |
72106100 | 721061 | -- Plated or coated with aluminium-zinc alloys | 25 % |
72107000 | 721070 | - Painted, varnished or coated with plastics | 25 % |
72109000 | 721090 | - Other | 25 % |
73049000 | 730490 | - Other | 10 % |
73069000 | 730690 | - Other | 25 % |
73071900 | 730719 | -- Other | 25 % |
73072200 | 730722 | -- Threaded elbows, bends and sleeves | 25 % |
73079200 | 730792 | -- Threaded elbows, bends and sleeves | 25 % |
73079900 | 730799 | -- Other | 25 % |
73083000 | 730830 | - Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for doors | 25 % |
73089010 | 730890 | --- Roofing tiles coated with acrylic paint and the weather side coated with natural sand granules | 25 % |
73089091 | 730890 | ---- Road guard rails | 25 % |
73089099 | 730890 | ---- Other | 25 % |
73090000 | 730900 | Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment | 25 % |
73102100 | 731021 | -- Cans which are to be closed by soldering or crimping | 25 % |
73110000 | 731100 | Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel | 25 % |
73121000 | 731210 | - Stranded wire, ropes and cables | 10 % |
73130000 | 731300 | Barbed wire of iron or steel; twisted hoop or single flat wire, barbed or not, and loosely twisted double wire, of a kind used for fencing, of iron or steel | 25 % |
73141900 | 731419 | -- Other | 25 % |
73144900 | 731449 | -- Other | 25 % |
73151200 | 731512 | -- Other chain | 10 % |
73170000 | 731700 | Nails, tacks, drawing pins, corrugated nails, staples (other than those of heading 8305) and similar articles, of iron or steel, whether or not with heads of other material, but excluding such articles with heads of copper | 25 % |
73181500 | 731815 | -- Other screws and bolts, whether or not with their nuts or washers | 10 % |
73181600 | 731816 | -- Nuts | 10 % |
73201000 | 732010 | - Leaf-springs and leaves therefor | 25 % |
73211200 | 732112 | -- For liquid fuel | 25 % |
73218100 | 732181 | -- For gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels | 25 % |
73218200 | 732182 | -- For liquid fuel | 25 % |
73218900 | 732189 | -- Other, including appliances for solid fuel | 25 % |
73239400 | 732394 | -- Of iron (other than cast iron) or steel, enamelled | 25 % |
73239900 | 732399 | -- Other | 25 % |
73269090 | 732690 | --- Other | 25 % |
76042900 | 760429 | -- Other | 25 % |
76069100 | 760691 | -- Of aluminium, not alloyed | 10 % |
76082000 | 760820 | - Of aluminium alloys | 25 % |
76090000 | 760900 | Aluminium tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves) | 25 % |
76101000 | 761010 | - Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for doors | 25 % |
76110000 | 761100 | Aluminium reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers, for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of a capacity exceeding 300 litres, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment | 25 % |
76151000 | 761510 | - Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like | 25 % |
76169900 | 761699 | -- Other | 25 % |
82055100 | 820551 | -- Household tools | 10 % |
82121000 | 821210 | - Razors | 25 % |
82122000 | 821220 | - Safety razor blades, including razor blade blanks in strips | 10 % |
83011000 | 830110 | - Padlocks | 25 % |
83016000 | 830160 | - Parts | 10 % |
83023000 | 830230 | - Other mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for motor vehicles | 10 % |
83052000 | 830520 | - Staples in strips | 10 % |
83059000 | 830590 | - Other, including parts | 10 % |
83091000 | 830910 | - Crown corks | 40 % |
83099010 | 830990 | --- Easy opening ends in the form of incised flap and a ring pull or other easy opening mechanism made of base metal used for drink or food cans | 25 % |
83099090 | 830990 | --- Other | 25 % |
83100000 | 831000 | Sign-plates, nameplates, address-plates and similar plates, numbers, letters and other symbols, of base metal, excluding those of heading 9405 | 25 % |
83111000 | 831110 | - Coated electrodes of base metal, for electric arc-welding | 10 % |
83113000 | 831130 | - Coated rods and cored wire, of base metal, for soldering, brazing or welding by flame | 10 % |
85061000 | 850610 | - Manganese dioxide | 35 % |
85063000 | 850630 | - Mercuric oxide | 35 % |
85064000 | 850640 | - Silver oxide | 35 % |
85065000 | 850650 | - Lithium | 35 % |
85066000 | 850660 | - Air-zinc | 35 % |
85068000 | 850680 | - Other primary cells and primary batteries | 35 % |
85071000 | 850710 | - Lead-acid, of a kind used for starting piston engines | 25 % |
85444200 | 854442 | -- Fitted with connectors | 25 % |
85444900 | 854449 | -- Other | 25 % |
85489000 | 854890 | - Other | 25 % |
87021019 | 870210 | ---- Other | 25 % |
87021022 | 870210 | ---- For the transport of not more than 15 persons | 25 % |
87021029 | 870210 | ---- Other | 25 % |
87021099 | 870210 | ---- Other | 25 % |
87029019 | 870290 | ---- Other | 25 % |
87029029 | 870290 | ---- Other | 25 % |
87029099 | 870290 | ---- Other | 25 % |
87032190 | 870321 | --- Other | 25 % |
87032290 | 870322 | --- Other | 25 % |
87032390 | 870323 | --- Other | 25 % |
87032490 | 870324 | --- Other | 25 % |
87033190 | 870331 | --- Other | 25 % |
87033290 | 870332 | --- Other | 25 % |
87033390 | 870333 | --- Other | 25 % |
87042190 | 870421 | --- Other | 25 % |
87042290 | 870422 | --- Other | 25 % |
87042390 | 870423 | --- Other | 25 % |
87043190 | 870431 | --- Other | 25 % |
87043290 | 870432 | --- Other | 25 % |
87060000 | 870600 | Chassis fitted with engines, for the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 | 25 % |
87079000 | 870790 | - Other | 25 % |
87089100 | 870891 | -- Radiators and parts thereof | 10 % |
87089200 | 870892 | -- Silencers (mufflers) and exhaust pipes; parts thereof | 10 % |
87111010 | 871110 | - - - Motorcycle ambulances | 25 % |
87111090 | 871110 | - - - Other | 25 % |
87112010 | 871120 | - - - Motorcycle ambulances | 25 % |
87112090 | 871120 | - - - Other | 25 % |
87113010 | 871130 | - - - Motorcycle ambulances | 25 % |
87113090 | 871130 | - - - Other | 25 % |
87114010 | 871140 | - - - Motorcycle ambulance | 25 % |
87114090 | 871140 | - - - Other | 25 % |
87115010 | 871150 | - - - Motorcycles ambulances | 25 % |
87115090 | 871150 | - - - Other | 25 % |
87119000 | 871190 | - Other | 25 % |
87120000 | 871200 | Bicycles and other cycles (including delivery tricycles), not motorised | 10 % |
87168000 | 871680 | - Other vehicles | 10 % |
90065200 | 900652 | -- Other, for roll film of a width less than 35 mm | 25 % |
90065300 | 900653 | -- Other, for roll film of a width of 35 mm | 25 % |
90065900 | 900659 | -- Other | 25 % |
94012000 | 940120 | - Seats of a kind used for motor vehicles | 25 % |
94013000 | 940130 | - Swivel seats with variable height adjustment | 25 % |
94014000 | 940140 | - Seats other than garden seats or camping equipment, convertible into beds | 25 % |
94016100 | 940161 | -- Upholstered | 25 % |
94016900 | 940169 | -- Other | 25 % |
94017100 | 940171 | -- Upholstered | 25 % |
94017900 | 940179 | -- Other | 25 % |
94018000 | 940180 | - Other seats | 25 % |
94019000 | 940190 | - Parts | 25 % |
94031000 | 940310 | - Metal furniture of a kind used in offices | 25 % |
94032000 | 940320 | - Other metal furniture | 25 % |
94033000 | 940330 | - Wooden furniture of a kind used in offices | 25 % |
94034000 | 940340 | - Wooden furniture of a kind used in the kitchen | 25 % |
94035000 | 940350 | - Wooden furniture of a kind used in the bedroom | 25 % |
94036000 | 940360 | - Other wooden furniture | 25 % |
94037000 | 940370 | - Furniture of plastics | 25 % |
94039000 | 940390 | - Parts | 25 % |
94041000 | 940410 | - Mattress supports | 25 % |
94042100 | 940421 | -- Of cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not covered | 25 % |
94042900 | 940429 | -- Of other materials | 25 % |
94043000 | 940430 | - Sleeping bags | 25 % |
94051000 | 940510 | - Chandeliers and other electric ceiling or wall lighting fittings, excluding those of a kind used for lighting public open spaces or thoroughfares | 25 % |
94052000 | 940520 | - Electric table, desk, bedside or floor-standing lamps | 25 % |
94053000 | 940530 | - Lighting sets of a kind used for Christmas trees | 25 % |
94054000 | 940540 | - Other electric lamps and lighting fittings | 25 % |
94055000 | 940550 | - Non-electrical lamps and lighting fittings | 25 % |
94056000 | 940560 | - Illuminated signs, illuminated nameplates and the like | 25 % |
94059110 | 940591 | ---For bulbs and flurescent tubes | 10 % |
94059190 | 940591 | ---Other | 25 % |
94059200 | 940592 | -- Of plastics | 25 % |
94059910 | 940599 | ---For bulbs and flurescent tubes | 10 % |
94059990 | 940599 | ---Other | 25 % |
96032100 | 960321 | -- Toothbrushes, including dental-plate brushes | 25 % |
96039000 | 960390 | - Other | 25 % |
96081000 | 960810 | - Ballpoint pens | 25 % |
96082000 | 960820 | - Felt-tipped and other porous-tipped pens and markers | 25 % |
96100000 | 961000 | Slates and boards, with writing or drawing surfaces, whether or not framed | 25 % |
96110000 | 961100 | Date, sealing or numbering stamps, and the like (including devices for printing or embossing labels), designed for operating in the hand; hand-operated composing sticks and hand printing sets incorporating such composing sticks | 25 % |
96170000 | 961700 | Vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels, complete with cases; parts thereof other than glass inners | 25 % |
96190090 | 961900 | --- Other | 25 % |
Year | Value, USD, liberalised | % of trade liberalised | Value, USD, excluded by EAC | EAC Exclusion | EC Liberalisation | Trade Liberalisation Coverage | Number of Tariff Lines |
T0 | 1.590.623.926 | 64,4 % | 430.094.737 | 17,4 % | 100 % | 1934 | |
T+15 | 377.967.173 | 15,3 % | 1082 | ||||
T+25 | 71.339.692 | 2,9% | 990 | ||||
Exclusion | 430.094.737 | 1432 | |||||
Total trade liberalised EAC | 2.039.930.791 | 82,6 % | 91,3 % | ||||
Total EAC Imports from EU | 2.470.025.527 | ||||||
Total Tariff Lines | 5438 |
(1) For this purpose and by derogation from Article 50, an individual State recognised by the United Nations as a least developed country may be subject to safeguard measures.
Brussels, 28.9.2023
COM(2023) 559 final
to the
Proposal for a Council Decision
on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Kenya, Member of the East African Community of the one part, and the European Union of the other Part
Project Sub-component | Location | Geographical Coverage | Current Status | Total Estimated Cost (million USD) | EU | EU Member States | Other Donors | EAC PS | Gap to be financed (million USD) | Equivalent in Euros (USD 1 = EUR 0,78) | Implementation Period | Comments | |
Northern Corridor No. 1 (Mombasa-Malaba-Katuna) | Mombasa Port Development (MPDP) | Kenya | Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania | Feasibility Studies and detailed designs completed and phase 1 ongoing & phase 2 funding is available | 1 375,00 | - | - | 885,00 | 690,00 | 5 years | Modernise infrastructure at the port to allow larger vessels to call at the port and enhance trade - It includes development of new container terminal berth No. 23 at a cost of USD 300 million. The conversion of conventional cargo berths 11 to 14 into container berths at a cost of USD 73 million. Relocation of Kipevu Oil terminal at USD 152 million. Development of Dongo Kundu Free Port at a cost of USD 300 million. Dredging of the Channel USD 60 million | ||
Voi Dry port | Kenya | Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania | Feasibility study done | 104,00 | 81,12 | 4 years | To decongest Mombasa Port and regional transit point. 97 acres of land available. | ||||||
Container Ship Hub development | Tanzania/Zanzibar | Kenya, Uganda | Project study is already completed | 212,00 | 5 years | Enabling easier transhipment and good link along EAC coast wise and in land container ports destination | |||||||
Development of Kisumu Port and other Lake Victoria Ports | |||||||||||||
Development of new transport corridor from Lamu to Ethiopia and South Sudan | Kenya | Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi | Initiated | 22 000,00 | 30,00 | 21 170,00 | 5 years | Development of the Port of Lamu, Road Network, 3 International Airports, Oil Refinery, Pipeline and 3 Resort Cities for an efficient rail transport linking Lamu Port to South Sudan and Ethiopia | |||||
Widening of the port basin and Construction of a container terminal in Bujumbura Port | Burundi | Burundi, Tanzania & Rwanda | Feasibility studies completed | 19,00 | - | - | - | - | 19,00 | 14,82 | This project will allow Bujumbura Port Construction of Breakwater at Port Entrance and Rehabilitation of Oil Terminal | ||
Shipyard construction at Bujumbura port | Burundi | Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda | Ongoing Feasibility studies available (within Ports Master Plan) | 7,00 | - | - | - | - | 7,00 | 5,46 | Improvement of equipment handling, construction of a warehouse, enlargement of docks, construction of a new port authorities building. Cost to be determined. Renovation of the fleet, construction of new vessels, improving navigation safety. | ||
Construction of Bukasa Port and associated ships to connect with Mwanza Port in Tanzania | Uganda | Uganda & Tanzania | Feasibility study to be undertaken | 300,00 | - | - | - | - | 300,00 | 234,00 | 5 years | Will enable the easy access and connection to Tanzania | |
Establish Off Dock Container Depots in Mombasa and Dar Es Salaam | Rwanda | Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania | Feasibility studies completed for both Mombasa and Dar. Land acquisition in Mombasa is in the final stage while the process has not started in Dar es Salaam. | 34,00 | - | - | WB and TMEA | - | 34,00 | 26,52 | 7years | GoR is implementing this project as part of the integrated logistics facilities project seeking to transform the Logistics chain from the ports to the hinterland; reduce costs and improve operations. | |
Development of a New Port at Mwambani Bay Tanga and the Musoma Railway | Tanzania | Tanzania, Uganda | The feasibility study was completed in November, 2012. Following unsuccessful international competitive tender procurement Under Design build Finance (DBF) on 27 January 2015 it has been decided that the project will be undertaken in two phases starting with detailed designs independent of construction works. ToR for design is expected to be advertised in August 2015 | 500,00 | - | - | - | - | 500,00 | 390,00 | 3 years | The railway project is part of the Tanga (Mwambani) – Arusha - Musoma - New Kampala Railway and Maritime project, which also has a maritime component of developing high capacity new ports at Mwambani - Tanga, Musoma and Kampala. The line will open Tanga Development Corridor to the International gateway and promote cross border trade with neighbouring countries. The railway line will be used to transport agriculture and forest products, soda ash, phosphates and other mineral products to the market centres. The project will also stimulate evacuation of a huge nickel deposit which has been discovered at Dutwa, some 100 km east of Mwanza and a huge soda ash deposit at /near Lake Natron. | |
Construct oil pipeline from Kigali to Bujumbura | Burundi | Rwanda & Burundi | Not initiated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Feasibility studies and construction not yet initiated. Costs to be determined by the study. BAD accepted (USD 579 368) the financial support in the framework of the EAC | ||
Construction of parallel pipeline from Nairobi to Eldoret to increase the pumping capacity | Kenya | Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi | Feasibility study completed | 194,74 | - | - | - | - | 194,74 | 151,90 | 5 years | Installation of a 14-inch diameter oil pipeline from Nairobi to Eldoret | |
Extension of the Kenya-Uganda Petroleum Pipeline (KUPPE) | Kenya | Kenya & Uganda | Design /procurement initiated | 144,94 | - | - | - | - | 144,94 | 113,05 | 5 years | Construction of Eldoret - Malaba - Kampala oil pipeline to ensure safety and supply of oil products to Uganda, install a 10 inch diameter oil pipeline in the reverse implemented by both countries. | |
Central Corridor No. 2 (Dar es Salaam-Dodoma-Isaka-Mutukula-Masaka) | Development of Kisarawe Freight Station (KFS) | Tanzania | Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi | TPA is in the process of acquiring 1 760 acres for project development. The Contract for carrying out Feasibility Study was signed on 17th September 2014 and the Consultant now is at Interim stage of the study and expected to complete the study by end of September, 2015. | 120,00 | - | - | - | - | 120,00 | 93,60 | 5 years | The project will increase capacity of the port of Dar es Salaam to handle traffic for Tanzania and neighbouring countries of Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda. |
Construction of a standard gauge railway line from Dar es Salaam - Isaka - Kigali /Keza - Gitega - Musongati (1 670 km). | Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda | Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda | Feasibility Study on construction of a standard gauge railway from Isaka - Kigali /Keza - Gitega -Musongati was completed under AfDB financing (USD 2,80 milion). Feasibility study for upgrading to standard gauge of Dar-Isaka line was completed by BNSF under USTDA & BNSF joint financing (USD 0,9 milion). Detailed Engineering study for the whole railway line (Dar es Salaam-Isaka- Kigali/Keza-Gitega-Musongati) was finalised in November 2014 under AfDB financing (USD 8,9 milion) Project coordinated by a Secretariat chaired by Tanzania and Rwanda hosting the project secretariat. | 5 580,00 | - | - | - | - | 5 580,00 | 4 352,40 | 8 years | ||
A Transaction Advisor (CPSC) was recruited to package the project into PPPs and assist in finance negotiations. An EoI was requested in July 2015. | |||||||||||||
Upgrading to bitumen standard of Mutukula- Kyaka- Bugene – Kasulo (277 km) | Tanzania | Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda | 124,00 | - | - | - | - | 124,00 | 96,72 | 5 years | Funding is sought for 124 km only | ||
Development of berths 13 & 14 at Dar es Salaam Port | Tanzania | Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda | A Transaction Advisor (CPSC) was recruited to package the project into PPPs and assist in finance negotiations. An EoI was requested in July 2015. | 400,00 | - | - | - | - | 400,00 | 312,00 | 3 years | Estimate cost is for construction and equipment procurement | |
Improvements to Mwanza South, Kigoma and Kasanga ports | Tanzania | Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi | Feasibility study for Mwanza Port Modernisation started in August, 2014 by Consultant Royal Haskoning and will be completed in March, 2015. Modernisation works to start after completion of studies | 400,00 | - | - | - | - | 400,00 | 312,00 | 5 years | ||
Upgrading of Mpanda – Uvinza – Kanyani (252 km) The road section is part of the Western Corridor namely: Tunduma – Sumbawanga – Mpanda – Kigoma - Nyakanazi (1 286 km). Economic activities along this corridor include agriculture, tourism, mining, timberworks, fishing and gold smithing. Section of Tz's major western corridor, opening up central-western Tanzania and connecting with EAC and COMESA regions. It is an important linkage to the TANZAM, at Tunduma and Central Corridors, at Nyakanazi. | Tanzania | EAC-SADC-COMESA | A total of 50 km from Mpanda-Mishamo (Mpanda-Usiumbili section (35 km)) is under procurement for works under GOT funding. The missing link which requires financing is the Usimbili-Mishamo-Uvinza-Kanyani 267 km. Feasibility Study and Designs completed by the GoT. | 203,46 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1,46 | 202 | 5 years | ||
Dar es Salaam Southern Bypass Expressway (85,5 km) - Link Dar Port with proposed Kisarawe Dry Port and Mlandizi | Tanzania | Tanzania, EAC, COMESA | Feasibility study and design are ongoing under GOT financing | 200 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 200 | 156,00 | 5 years | Expressway will decongest the central transport corridor and increase efficiency of traffic throughput into and out of Dar city. | |
Upgrading to bitumen standard of Handeni - Kiberashi - Singida Road (460 km) | Tanzania | Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi | Feasibility study and design are on-going under the Government of Tanzania financing | 460,00 | - | - | - | - | 460,00 | 358,80 | 5 years | ||
Dar es Salaam Southern Bypass Expressway (85,5 km) | Tanzania | Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda | Feasibility study and design are on-going under the Government of Tanzania financing | 200,00 | - | - | - | - | 200,00 | 156,00 | 5 years | Expressway will decongest the central transport corridor and increase efficiency of traffic throughput into and out of Dar city. | |
Construction of Rumonge port (Feasibility studies and construction) | Burundi | Burundi Tanzania | Not initiated Feasibility studies available | 6,00 | - | - | - | - | 6,00 | 4,68 | 2011/12 -2014/16 | ||
Rehabilitation of Kayonza- Rusumo road (92 km) | Rwanda | Rwanda and Tanzania | The Government of Rwanda is mobilising funds from JICA and AfDB. | 75,45 | - | - | 0,45 | - | 75,00 | 58,50 | 3 years | The project appraisal by JICA was completed in July 2015 | |
Rehabilitation of Musanze - Cyanika Road (24 km) | Rwanda | Rwanda and Uganda | Detailed study was initiated in March 2015. It is due to be completed in November 2015 | 26,20 | - | - | 0,20 | - | 26,00 | 20,28 | 3 years | No funding for works yet available | |
Upgrading of Ngoma - Ramiro - Nyanza (130 km in 2 lots) . Link to Central Corridor | Rwanda | Rwanda and Tanzania | The detailed study was completed in January 2015 | 170,00 | - | - | 0,50 | - | 169,50 | 132,21 | 4 years | No funding for works yet available | |
Construction of a ferry boat on Lake Tanganika | Burundi | Burundi & Tanzania | Not initiated | 12,00 | - | - | - | - | 12,00 | 9,36 | 2012 - 2016 | No funding for works yet available | |
Rehabilitation of the National road 6, Muyinga -Kobero | Burundi | Burundi-Tanzania | 104,00 | - | - | - | - | 104,00 | 81,12 | ||||
Rehabilitation and extension of the National road 12 Gitega- Karuzi- Muyinga -Tanzanie | Burundi | Burundi-Tanzania | Detailed design done | 89,60 | - | - | - | - | 89,60 | 69,89 | |||
Rehabilitation of the National road 18, Nyakararo - Mwaro - Gitega | Burundi | Burundi-Tanzania | Detailed design done | 44,80 | - | - | - | - | 44,80 | 34,94 | No funding for works yet available for Mwaro-Gitega | ||
Rehabilitation of the National road 7, Bujumbura –Nyakararo | Burundi | Burundi-Tanzania | Detailed design done | 60,00 | - | - | - | - | 60,00 | 46,80 | |||
Rehabilitation and extension of the National road 1, Bujumbura- Kayanza,- Kanyaru Haut | Burundi | Burundi- Rwanda | Detailed design done | 138,00 | - | - | - | - | 138,00 | 107,64 | |||
Construction works for the Provincial road 101 | Burundi | 49,20 | - | - | - | - | 49,20 | 38,38 | |||||
Extension of the National road 6 to Kayanza | Burundi | Burundi-Rwanda | Detailed design done on the section from Kobero to Muyinga | 156,00 | - | - | - | - | 156,00 | 121,68 | |||
Rehabilitation for the National road 2, Bujumbura- Gitega | Burundi | Burundi-Tanzania | 52,00 | - | - | - | - | 52,00 | 40,56 | ||||
Rehabilitation and construction works for the National roads 16 & 17 Gitega-Bururi-Makamba – 127 km) | Burundi | Burundi-Tanzania | 145,20 | - | - | - | - | 145,20 | 113,26 | ||||
Feasibility study and Construction of Ruyigi-Gisuru-Gahumo(Burundi - Tanzania) 80 km | Burundi | Burundi & Tanzania | Not initiated | 70,00 | - | - | - | - | 70,00 | 54,60 | Costs to be determined by the study | ||
Construction of a standard gauge railway line from Dar es Salaam - Isaka - Kigali /Keza - Gitega - Musongati (1 670 km) | Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda | Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda | Feasibility Study on construction of a standard gauge railway from Isaka - Kigali /Keza - Gitega -Musongati was completed under AfDB financing (USD 2,80 milion). Feasibility study for upgrading to standard gauge of Dar-Isaka line was completed by BNSF under USTDA & BNSF joint financing (USD 0,9 milion). Detailed Engineering study for the whole railway line (Dar es Salaam - Isaka - Kigali/Keza-Gitega-Musongati) will be finalised in February 2013 under AfDB financing (USD 8,9 milion) Project coordinated by a Secretariat chaired by Tanzania and Rwanda hosting the project secretariat. | 5 580,00 | - | - | - | 5 580,00 | 4 352,40 | 8 years | |||
Feasibility studies by DBI of Germany and BNSF of USA were finalised. Currently a detailed engineering study financed by the AfDB to the tune of USD 8,9 million is underway to package the project into PPPs and undertake pre-investment/feasibility study on the priority interventions. Draft report expected in December , 2012 and final report in February , 2013 | |||||||||||||
Railway project Mombasa-Kampala-Kigali Standard gauge railway | Rwanda | Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Burundi | The construction of Mombasa-Nairobi section has started in November 2013. This section is mainly financed by the Exim Bank of China and the construction is implemented by China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC); | 13 800,00 | - | - | 6 500 | 7 300,00 | 5 694,00 | 2014-2019 (Institutional framework, financing and design: 2 years; Construction: 3 years.) | |||
-The feasibility study for the Nairobi-Malaba section is been carried out by China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), to be completed in September 2015; The Preliminary Engineering Design for Malaba-Kampala section has been completed in August 2014. In March 2015, the Government of Uganda and China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) has signed an agreement for the construction of that section, including the northern route to Gulu and Nimule; | |||||||||||||
- Uganda and South Sudan have started implementing jointly the Preliminary Engineering Design for the Tororo-Nimule-Juba section. - Uganda and Rwanda have started implementing jointly the Preliminary Engineering Design for the Kampala-Kigali section and spurs, to be completed in October 2015. Process for finance mobilisation has been initiated in the 3 countries. | |||||||||||||
Rehabilitation of Nyanguge-Magu-Musoma road (184,2 km) | Tanzania | Tanzania & Kenya | Rehabilitation has been completed for the Simiyu/Mara Boarder to Musoma section of 85,5 km. The missing link which needs financing is Nyanguge Simiyu/Mara border section (80 km). Feasibility Study was completed in June 2008 and detailed engineering design was completed in 2009 under EU financing | 115,00 | 0,67 | - | - | - | 114,33 | 89,18 | 5 years | The project could be financed from the 10th EDF resources (RIP). | |
Kidahwe – Kibondo – Nyakanazi Road (310 km) | Tanzania | Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda | A total of 100 km (50 km from Nyakanazi towards Kasulu and 50 km from Kidahwe towards Kasulu) are under construction to bitumen standard through GOT funding. The missing length which has no financing commitment for construction is 250 km. Procurement of consultant to undertake update of the feasibility study and detailed design of Kasulu to Nyakanazi section (210 km) and Feasibility study of Kasulu Mugina (45 km) (Tanzania-Burundi border) is on going under NEPAD- IPPF Financing | 255,00 | - | - | - | - | 255,00 | 198,90 | 5 years | ||
Construction of Malindi Lungalunga Bagamoyo Road. (503 km) | 5 % | Kenya and Tanzania | Feasibility studies and detailed engineering designs completed. | 571,00 | 571,00 | 445,38 | 5 years | Feasibility studies and detailed engineering designs fully funded by AfDB. As a priority it links to corridor No. 1 and LAPSSET. | |||||
Tanga - Moshi- Arusha - Musoma Railway Line | Tanzania | Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya | Feasibility study ongoing (Cost 2 billion Tanzania shillings) | 1 903,00 | - | - | - | 1 903,00 | 1 484,34 | 2012-2017 | The project entails strengthening, upgrading and construction of railway line from Tanga to Musoma with spur to Lake Natron at Mto wa Mbu. The rail will establish a link between Uganda and port of Tanga. | ||
Rehabilitation of the existing Voi-Taveta Railway 110 km | Kenya | Kenya, Tanzania | Feasibility study done | 18,00 | |||||||||
Upgrading of airport facilities at Karume Airport, Pemba | Tanzania/Zanzibar | Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda | Feasibility study ready | 12,12 | |||||||||
Power Generation (Energy) | Rusizi IV hydro power plant study and construction (285 MW) | Rwanda | Rwanda and Burundi | Pre-feasibility study completed. Feasibility studies to be undertaken | 500,00 | - | - | - | - | 500,00 | 390,00 | Negotiations with developers of Rusizi III are ongoing. | |
Construction of Rusizi III power plant 145 MW | Rwanda | Rwanda & Burundi | All studies already completed. Negotiations with the private developer ongoing | 405,00 | 2,82 | - | 402,18 | 313,70 | 2015-2019 | To be developed under the PPP. | |||
Liquified Natural Gas Joint Plant (100 MW) | Rwanda | Rwanda and Kenya | Kenya floated a tender for 700 MW power plant including a Floating Storage and re-gasification unit to be located in Mombasa county.(to consult with Rwanda) GoR through Mininfra developed a concept paper for a 1 000 MW project, and had follow-up discussions with Kenya. | 900,00 | - | - | - | - | 900,00 | 702,00 | Given the complexity of the project, especially the LNG floating, storage and gasification facility construction time is of 2-3 years (excluding finance mobilisation and procurement) | A full assessment of the technical feasibility of all aspects of the project from the port to the power station to the transmission network. A full assessment of the financial feasibility of the project based on capital costs and projections of demand and prices of LNG. An assessment as to whether this project should be undertaken publicly with each of the countries committing funding or privately with each country guaranteeing a portion of the payment required by the private operator. | |
Construction of transmission line from Uganda to Kenya to increase power supply to the Kenya national grid (127 km, 220 kV) Lessos- Tororo interconnector | Kenya | Uganda - Kenya | Feasibility study completed, Preparatory work, design and bidding documents prepared. | 56,00 | - | - | - | - | 56,00 | 43,68 | 5 years | The project is regional in nature and it will enhance supply of power within the region. Estimated capacity 200 MW. | |
Construction of transmission line from Tanzania to Kenya to increase power supply to the Kenya national grid (100 km, 400 kV) double circuit line between Isinya & Namanga) | Kenya | Kenya-Tanzania | Feasibility study completed. Preparatory work, design and bidding documents prepared. | 55,00 | - | - | - | - | 55,00 | 42,90 | 5 years | Estimated capacity 1 300 MW | |
Power Interconnection Tanzania - Zambia - Kenya (TZK) Project. Extension of 292 km section from Iringa - Mbeya, 670 km section from Iringa - Shinyanga and 414,4 km from Singida - Arusha of 400 kV transmission line from Zambia to Tanzania and Kenya. | Tanzania | Tanzania & Kenya | Feasibility studies completed (Mbeya - Iringa, Iringa - Shinyanga and Singida - Arusha); Implementation ongoing for Iringa - Shinyanga | 911,23 | - | - | 470,00 | - | 441,29 | 344,21 | 4 years | Development Partners World Bank, JICA, EIB, EDCF are ready to financed Iringa - Shinyanga (USD 470 milion); Consortium of Lenders (WB/IDA, AfDB, JICA and French Development Agency (AFD) have shown interest to finance Singida - Arusha (USD 242,09 milion) and Mbeya - Iringa (USD 199,2 milion) finance is being sought. | |
Transmission Lines; 1) Olwiyo-Nimule –Juba 400 kV Live (190 km) 2) Nkenda- Mpondwe- Beni 200 kV line (70 km) 3) Masaka – Mwanza 200 kV line (85 km) | Uganda | Uganda and Tanzania | Feasibility Study to be undertaken | 162,00 | - | - | - | - | 162,00 | 126,36 | 4 years | ||
ICT AND TELECOMMUNICATION | Cross border connectivity(line to the eastern Africa sub marine Cable) (Feasibility studies and construction) | Rwanda | Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania | Updated status Sept. 2014 Long term lease for 2,4 Gbps to be supplied to Rwanda was signed. This capacity is insufficient given Rwanda's needs. | 32,00 | - | - | - | - | 32,00 | 24,96 | 3 years | There is an urgent need to establish a dedicated dark fibre ring linking all 5 capitals in the EAC region, this will reduce the costs of traffic as well as increase capacity flowing across the countries |
Establishment of ICT Parks in Kenya and Rwanda (Rwanda Technopol) | Kenya | Kenya & Rwanda | 5 000 acres of Land acquired and fenced for the construction of the ICT Park, Konza Technology City Master Plan approved, Master Delivery Partner I procured,, Power connected to the site office, Thwake dam construction ongoing, 10 boreholes drilled, construction of sales pavilion on going, a 10 km radius buffer zone created, construction of access road ongoing and ground-breaking done. | 11 765,00 | 11 765,00 | 9 176,70 | 12 years | International investor Conference held, ground breaking ceremony conducted with 14 international ICT related companies beginning construction such as IBM, Microsoft, Google, Safaricom and Local Banks, the Government plans to implement the project through a PPP arrangement | |||||
Kenya & Rwanda | EAC | Updated status Sept. 2014 A Masterplan, business plan and high-level architectural design has been completed for a 61,3 Ha Technology park Next phase 1. development detailed architectural designs 2. Development of physical infrastructure for the technology park 3. The construction of the regional centre of excellence is set to begin before end of this year (for 22 months). | 230,00 | - | - | - | - | 230,00 | 179,40 | 2014-2019 | Due to the high cost of the Technology park to GOR, we have been compelled to consider a phased approach which will take more than 10 years to complete. Should funds be available, we will be in position to deliver a Technology park in half the time (reflected in the implementation timelines) | ||
Setting up Regional Internet Exchange Point (RIXP) | Rwanda | Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania | Preliminary (Initiation) phase | 15,00 | - | - | - | - | 15,00 | 11,70 | 2013-2015 | NEW. It will create the enabling infrastructure & services to break the regional dependencies on international operators keeping regional traffic in the region. | |
Regional Education and Research Network project (REduNet) | Rwanda | Rwanda and Tanzania | Pilot project initiated in Rwanda and Tanzania | 20,00 | - | - | - | - | 20,00 | 15,60 | 2013- 2015 | In the region, there is limited R&D and lack of Institution capacity to innovate. The project will create a dedicated cost-effective and high performance data network connecting Research and HLI to reach others and to Global research and education resources via Ubuntunet and Internet. | |
Construction of combined fertilizer plant | Kenya | Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania | Feasibility study undertaken | 3,20 | 5 years | Facilitate access to affordable and quality fertilizer | |||||||
CAPACITY BULDING AND INSTUTIONAL FRAMEWORK | Strengthening the Capacity and Technology Transfer In Sanitary and Phytosanitary Issues in the EAC Partner States to conform with International Standards The funds will be used for training standards and quality assurance officers, participation in the work of Codex, OIE and IPPC (""the three sisters""); and implementation of both regional and international SPS standards including establishment of accredited laboratories, disease free zone. | EAC | EAC | Preliminary Study completed | 60,25 | - | - | 0,25 | - | 60,00 | 46,80 | 5 years | FAO Biosecurity project under UN Joint Program which contributed USD 247 256. |
Construction of fish feeder roads around Lake Victoria | Kenya | Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania | On going | 7,10 | - | - | - | - | 7,10 | 5,54 | 3 years | ||
Establishment of Standards and Quality inspection border posts (Namanga, Sirari, Holili and Tunduma) | Tanzania | Tanzania and Kenya | Ongoing | 13,00 | - | - | - | - | 13,00 | 10,14 | 4 years | Implementation of this project will help to eliminate or reduce to a great extent incidences of illegal fishing practices, and improve biodiversity, fish catches and fish supply thus increasing government revenue from fishing activities. | |
Lake victoria projects | Rehabilitation and expansion of Port Bell with associated ferries to Kisumu and Mwanza | Uganda | Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya | Feasibility Study yet to be undertaken | 157,89 | - | - | - | - | 157,89 | 123,15 | 4 years | Amounts contributed by other donors to be ascertained. AfDB has shown interest |
Development of fisheries marketing infrastructure | Kenya | Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi | ongoing | 46,60 | 5 years | To increase exports; reduce post harvest losses; and increase fish from capture and culture | |||||||
Combating illegal and unregulated fishing | Kenya | Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi | ongoing | 46,60 | 5 years | Strengthening the monitoring control and surveillance systems | |||||||
Improve water transport on L. Victoria | Uganda | Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya | Feasibility study is ongoing | 100,00 | - | - | - | - | 100,00 | 78,00 | 5 years | The project involves procurement of Navigation Aids to replace dilapidated ones. | |
AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK | Establishment of disease free zones | Kenya | Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi | 4.10 | 5 years | to facilitate access of animal products to local, regional and external markets within international standards | |||||||
Total | 71 520,68 | 3,49 | - | 471,40 | 6 531,46 | 62 777,77 | 32 221,32 |
Area of Cooperation | Goals | Baseline (2013) | Targets | Performance indicators | ||
Short Term (3 years) ) | Medium Term (5 years) | Long Term (2033) | ||||
1.1. Energy | Improve the access of EAC Partner States to modern, reliable, diversified and renewable sources of energy at competitive prices in order to facilitate intra and inter regional trade. | Existing energy installed capacity (hydro, bagasse, thermal, geothermal and natural gas)around 3 597 MW, yet the projected capacity is 18 744 MW in 2030 and 21 173 MW in 2033. | Production increased by 1 613 MW (40 % of the total expected production) | Production increased by 3 225 MW (40 % of the total expected production) | Production increased by 6 773 MW (40 % of the total expected production: 21 173 MW) | % change in amount of electricity generated in megawatts Reduction in cost of electricity Reduction in reliance on fossil fuel energy |
Lack of a regional grid network linking all EAC Partner States | Two high tension interconnection lines built and operational in the EAC region | Four high tension interconnection lines built and operational in the EAC region Upgrade the built up infrastructure capacity, | All the national power networks of EAC Partner States interconnected | Number of new cross border interconnections the regional grid is fully operational | ||
Improved access to private sector units to at least 75 % | Improved access to private sector units to 100 % | % of new connections to private sector | ||||
Improved reliability of power supply to 95 % | Improved reliability of power supply to 99 % | % of increased reliability of power supply | ||||
Energy policies, legal and regulatory frameworks not harmonised and/or attractive to investors | Energy policies, legal and regulatory frameworks harmonised and attractive to investors | Partnership, linkages and joint ventures created Enhanced investment in R&D | Partnership, linkages and joint ventures developed Technology developed and transferred | Number of harmonised legal and regulatory policies Number of new credible investments (including PPP agreements) New technologies acquired | ||
Institutional, technical and administrative capacities of energy related institutions strengthened | Supply and Reliability of power improved | Stabilised power supply | Increased management capacity of energy nationally and regionally Increased reliability of power supply. | |||
1.2. Transport | To improve national and regional interconnectivity in order to facilitate deepening of regional economic integration and improve the movement of people and goods. | The regional network comprises: | State of inter-modal infrastructure systems developed and improved: | State of inter-modal infrastructure systems developed and improved: | State of inter-modal infrastructure systems developed and improved: | % increase in the volume of intra and inter regional trade Reduction in transportation costs % increase of intra and inter regional traffic (road, railway, air and water) Reduction in turnaround times |
about 178 737 km of roads, of which about 22 347 km are paved and 156 390 km are unpaved (2011) | 4 % (600 km) reduction in the length of unpaved (gravel) roads in the East African Road Network | A 15 % (2 220 km) reduction in the length of unpaved (gravel) roads in the East African Road Network | A 22 % (3 240 km) reduction in the length of unpaved (gravel) roads in the East African Road Network | Kms of missing regional links built and regional corridors improved and maintained | ||
No standard gauge railway in the region. The EAC region comprises about 8 100 km of meter gauge rail out of which about 6 000 km is active. | 2 new railway standard gauge links developed | 3 new railway standard gauge links developed and 2 operational | 4 new railway standard gauge links developed and 5 operational | |||
5 major sea ports and several inland ports | 3 priority ports are developed, expanded and/or modernised | 4 priority ports are developed, expanded and/or modernised | 5 priority ports are developed, expanded and/or modernised | Number of harbours developed, expanded and/or modernised | ||
11 international airports | 3 priority airports are developed, expanded and/or modernised | 3 priority airports are developed, expanded and/or modernised | 5 priority airports are developed, expanded and/or modernised | Number of airports developed, expanded and/or modernised | ||
Regional transport policies and regulatory frameworks developed | Partnerships, linkages and joint ventures developed between economic operators | Improved safety and reliability of the transport sector | Number of new credible investments (including PPP agreements) | |||
Institutional, technical and administrative capacities of transport related institutions strengthened | Improved movement of human and vehicular traffic (including flow of goods) | |||||
1.3. Information & Communication Technology (ICT) | To develop and modernise ICT infrastructure in order to facilitate intra and inter regional trade and service delivery | All EAC Partner States are connected through fibre optic. However, ICT is expensive and only about 13 % of the population have access to internet and about 50 % of the population are mobile phone subscribers. | Seamless cross border ICT infrastructure developed | 80 % of the business community is connected to high speed links | Secured transactions and services (e.g. e-services, e-commerce, e-government, e-health) Internet access tariffs reduced by 60 % | Number of seamless cross border ICT infrastructure developed % increase in bandwidth % cost reduction for internet access |
20 % of the population have access to internet and about 60 % of the population are mobile phone subscribers. | 40 % of the population have access to internet and about 75 % of the population are mobile phone subscribers. | 60 % of the population have access to internet and about 90 % of the population are mobile phone subscribers. | % increase of business transactions online % of increase of telephone and mobile phone subscribers and internet users | |||
Capacity building in human resources, improvement in service standards and institutional structures | Partnership linkages and joint ventures between economic operators developed | Number of new credible investments (including PPP agreements) | ||||
Legal and regulatory frameworks on ICT developed and harmonised | Technology development, transfer and applications, R&D, innovation | % increase in number of ICT specialists | ||||
To improve production and productivity | (To improve production and productivity of major crops (coffee, tea, and sugarcane) from 10,95 million tonnes | Increased production and productivity of crops and livestock by 15 % | Increased production and productivity of crops and livestock by 25 % | Increased production and productivity of crops and livestock by 30 % | Increased Regional food security Increased volume of agricultural exports % increase of agricultural production in the region Removal of NTBs in EAC | |
To increase production and productivity of livestock (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry) from 56,6 million, 32,3 million, 61,9 million, 7,9 million and 143 million respectively | Increased production and productivity of livestock (cattle by 10 %, sheep by 25 %, goats by 4 %, pigs by 20 %, poultry by 10 % | Increased production and productivity of livestock (cattle by 15 %, sheep by 30 %, goats by 10 %, pigs by 25 %, poultry by 15 % | Increased production and productivity of livestock (cattle by 20 %, sheep by 35 %, goats by 15 %, pigs by 30 %, poultry by 20 % | Increased regional food security % increase of livestock production in the region Increased volume of livestock exports | ||
To improve and develop agro-industry (value addition) | The % of value added exports is currently less than 10 % | The % of value added exports is increased to at least 20 % | The % of value added exports is increased to at least 50 % | The % of value added exports is increased to at least 75 % | % increase of value addition of primary products traded to total exports Number of modern and competitive agro-based industries established | |
To improve trade and market access for agricultural commodities | Presently intra-regional trade share in total regional market is about 10 % for most traded products | Increased intra-regional trade share to 30 % | Increased intra-regional trade share to 50 % | Increased intra-regional trade share to 80 % | % increased agricultural exports contribution to GDP | |
Enhanced development of financial markets to support agricultural insurance and finance by 30 % | Enhanced development of financial markets to support agricultural insurance and finance by 50 % | Enhanced development of financial markets to support agricultural insurance and finance by 80 % | Number of financial institutions and insurance schemes established. Number of investment in agriculture insured. | |||
Established and coordinated regional marketing information system | Improved marketing information system coverage to 20 % | Improved marketing information system coverage to 100 %. Investment in Research and Development. | Regional agricultural marketing and information system in place Harmonisation of agricultural standards in EAC Quality assurance, grades and certification. | |||
To improve and develop agricultural infrastructure | Inadequate market infrastructure | Establishing new market infrastructure and upgrading existing ones to modern facilities by 20 % | Upgrading market infrastructure to modern facilities by 40 % | Upgrading market infrastructure to modern facilities by 100 % | Number of constructed and rehabilitated market facilities for agricultural products. Established and upgraded market infrastructure % Increase in volume and value of intra EAC trade using the established infrastructure | |
3. FISHERIES | ||||||
To promote and develop regional and international trade on fish and fish products | The fish industry is underdeveloped. The ratio of value added of fisheries to GDP is 1,3 % | The ratio of value added of fisheries to GDP is increased to 4 % Quantity of fish and fishery products marketed increased by 30 % | The ratio of value added of fisheries to GDP is increased to 6 % Quantity of fish and fishery products marketed increased by 60 % | The ratio of value added of fisheries to GDP is increased to 13 % Quantity of fish and fishery products marketed increased by 85 % | % share increase of value added of fisheries to GDP % increase of quantity of fish and fisheries products produced and marketed increase in number of fish distribution outlets established increase in number of secured markets. | |
Develop, upgrade and modernise fisheries and aquaculture infrastructure | Inadequate modern fisheries infrastructure | Existing fishing, fish handling and processing infrastructure upgraded and modernised | New modern fisheries infrastructure established and equipped: 3 fishing harbours 15 new boatyards 200 fish landing sites, 30 new fish markets, 15 fish processing industries and 300 cold chain facilities Volume of inland water bodies and deep sea fishing increased by 40 % | Volume of inland water bodies and deep sea fishing increased by 60 %; 5 new fishing harbours 25 new boatyards 400 fish landing sites 60 new fish markets 40 fish processing industries 500 cold chain facilities | Number of existing fish handling and processing infrastructure upgraded and modernised Number of new fishing harbours established Number .of new landing sites established Increase in number of inland water bodies and deep sea fishing licences increase in number of cold chain facilities Increase in number and type of diversified value added fish and fishery products Number of modern fishing vessels acquired | |
Inadequate modern aquaculture infrastructure | Upgrade and modernise existing aqua farms, hatcheries and breeding centres so as to increase aquaculture production by 10 % Adoption of appropriate aquaculture technologies | Modernise aqua farms, hatcheries and breeding centres so as to increase aquaculture production by 20 % | Aquaculture production increased by 30 % of fisheries production | No. of new aqua farms constructed No. of new hatcheries and breeding centres constructed No. of existing aqua farms, hatcheries and breeding centres upgraded and modernised Appropriate aquaculture technologies adopted and developed | ||
To ensure effective fisheries resources management, protection and conservation | Limited data on fish stock potential and fisheries information. | Policy, legal and regulatory frame work on fisheries information sharing developed | Acquisition of facilities for data collection, processing & dissemination | Creation of a reliable, operational and comprehensive fisheries database and information management system | Functional FIS in place; Fisheries database established and operational Number and type of equipment procured; Number of publications produced and disseminated Number of water bodies with known fish stock potential | |
Fish stock potential in inshore waters and major lakes determined. | Fish stock potential in territorial and EEZ waters determined | Fish stock potential in marine and inland water bodies determined. | ||||
Existence information on illegal fishing practices and trade | Establishment of Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) system in the region | Operationalise regional MCS systems | Protection and conservation of critical habitats and aquatic biodiversity | % decrease in illegal fishing & trade practices Number of critical habitats improved; Number. & type endangered and threatened fish species conserved Number and type of MCS equipment procured Improved aquatic biodiversity | ||
4.1. Water Resources | To develop sustainable use and management of water resources in the region | The use of water for agriculture production in the EAC is low | Policy, legal and regulatory framework developed | Capacity building undertaken institution framework developed. | Sustainable use and management of water resources enforced | Policy, legal, regulations and institutional framework in place. |
To develop water supply infrastructure for irrigation and other productive purposes | Water supply infrastructure for irrigation purpose in the EAC region is low | Water supply infrastructure feasibility studies, design and procurement undertaken. | at least 5 water supply schemes constructed and operationalised | at least 10 water supply schemes constructed and operationalised | number of feasibility studies undertaken Number of water supply plants constructed and operationalised | |
To promote regional cooperation for the sustainable utilisation of trans-boundary water resources | EAC regional cooperation on the utilisation of common water resources in place | Review of policy, legal and regulatory framework | Undertake capacity building on institution framework | Operationalised policies | Policy, legal, regulations and institutional framework in place and operational. | |
To enhance private sector development, investment, supply capacities and competitiveness | EAC Private Sector Development Strategy | Relevant reforms in the institutional, policies, legal and regulatory frameworks made; | Increased MSMEs (%) integrated into the mainstream business activities; | Increased (%) number of EAC firms exporting products made in the EAC region to the EU market | EAC Investment Code operational. | |
EAC Investment Code Model | Capacity for institutional support for private sector development and investment promotion built | New industries introduced and existing ones transformed | Increased FDI flows. | enhanced investment promotion and enterprise development Increased supply capacities, competitiveness, diversification and value addition | ||
Regional Competition Policy | Framework for creating and strengthening partnerships, joint ventures, sub-contracting, outsourcing and linkages created. | EAC Private Sector access to resources from EC financing institutions such as the EIB, CDE and CTA enhanced | Increased export volumes and earnings | Public-Private Partnership policy and regulatory framework % increase in FDI and % increase in partnerships attained | ||
Establish appropriate administrative structures, including one-stop shops to support investments; EAC Public-Private Partnership Framework established | Access to affordable credit at lower interest rates | % increase in annual export earnings % increase in investment and business financing sourced from EU financial institutions Special funds created and accessed by the private sector to finance investment projects % increase in EU investments in the EAC; % increase in firm capacity utilisation; % increase in EAC exports to the EU market | ||||
6.1. SPS,TBT | Develop capacity for compliance with trade related agreements | EAC SPS Protocol concluded | EAC SPS Protocol and measures domesticated by all the EAC Partner States. Agricultural product identification, registration and traceability systems established Increased share of EAC intra-regional trade to 30 % | EAC SPS Protocol operationalised Increased share of EAC intra-regional trade to 50 % | Establishment of SPS centres of excellence for Food safety, animal & plant health Increased share of EAC intra regional trade to 80 % | % increase in Animal, Plant and Food safety through effective alert systems % increase in share of EAC intra-regional trade |
1500 EAC standards benchmarked to international level harmonised out of 2500 | 1000 standards harmonised EAC participation in standards-setting bodies Develop EAC Technical Regulations regime Joint TBT monitoring committees established within 2 years of implementation of EPA Capacity building in TBT and SPS soft and hard infrastructure including: traceability, inspection, accreditation, risk analysis, standards and certification Harmonisation and notification of EAC Technical Regulations Information exchange | Adoption of International Standards System and product Certification Technology transfer | Accredited conformity assessment institutions | number of technical barriers reduced Mutual recognition tests and Certificates. Increased information disclosures in EAC Portal | ||
6.2. Customs and Trade Facilitation | Harmonisation & implementation of customs legislation & procedures | EAC Customs Management Act in place All EAC PartnerStates are WCO members | Capacity building in customs soft infrastructure, systems and processes undertaken Decreased turn –around period for ships from 11-14 days in 2011 to 6 days in 2017 Average dwell time of loaded import container decreased to 4 days | Customs procedures and processes harmonised One stop border posts established Decreased turn –around period for ships to 3 days Average dwell time of loaded import container decreased to 2 days | turn-around time at border entry points shortened to 1 day. Average dwell time of loaded import container decreased to 1 day | Increase in number of Load/offload of containers per hour Reduce ship turn around time customs legislation & procedures fully harmonised and implemented |
7.1. EPA adjustment Measures | To address actual and potential EPA adjustment challenges resulting from the implementation of the EPA | EPA adjustment fund not established | EPA Adjustment fund established to cover transitionally the potential losses of government revenue arising from elimination and or substantial reduction in customs tariffs. | Assessment study on the potential losses of government revenues undertaken Agreed losses compensated Assessment for compensation for NFIC undertaken Assessment of compensation for loss of export earnings in the EAC undertaken | Enhanced capacity for macro-economic stability. | Amount of adjustment funds disbursed to cover losses of government revenues Compliance with macro-economic indicators of over 7 % GDP growth, sustainable budget deficit and inflation rates |
7.2. Resource mobilisation | To mobilise jointly and individually funding for regional integration and the EPA development strategies | EDF, EU Member States, other development Partners, Private sector, and EAC Partner States contributions | EAC EPA fund established. Funds jointly and individually mobilised Feasibility studies conducted | EAC EPA Development projects (contained in the EPA Development Matrix) funded and implemented | Trade related infrastructure developed | Amount of financial resources committed by EAC Partner States, EU, EU Member States, other development Partners, and the private sector. Amount of resources utilised Number of projects and programmes implemented |
Table of abbreviations used in Annex III(a) and III(b)
Abbreviation | |
WB | World Bank |
TMEA | TradeMark East Africa |
GoR | Government of Rwanda |
ToR | Terms of Reference |
BAD | Banque Africaine de Développement (same as AfDB) |
AfDB | African Development Bank |
BNSF | BNSF Railway (formerly Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway) |
USTDA | US Trade and Development Agency |
CPSC | CPCS - Canadian Pacific Consulting Services |
EoI | Expression of interest |
Tz | Tanzania |
GOT/GoT | Government of Tanzania |
JICA | Japan International Cooperation Agency |
NEPAD-IPPF | New Partnership for Africa's Development – Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility |
CDE | Centre for the Development of Enterprise |
CTA | Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation |
NFIC | Net Food Importing Countries |
TPA | Tanzania Ports Authority |
HLI | High Learning Institutions |
Brussels, 28.9.2023
COM(2023) 559 final
to the
Proposal for a Council Decision
on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Kenya, Member of the East African Community of the one part, and the European Union of the other Part
The EU recalls the obligations of those States that have established a Customs Union with the EU to align their trade regime to that of the EU and, for certain of them, to conclude preferential agreements with those countries having preferential agreements with the EU.
In this context, the Parties note that the EAC Partner State(s) shall start negotiations with those States which:
(a) have established a Customs Union with the EU; and
(b) whose products do not benefit from the tariff concessions under this Agreement,
with a view to concluding a bilateral agreement establishing a free trade area in accordance with Article XXIV of the GATT.
The EAC Partner State(s) agree to negotiate this in the future.
Brussels, 28.9.2023
COM(2023) 559 final
to the
Proposal for a Council Decision
on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Kenya, Member of the East African Community of the one part, and the European Union of the other Part
Context and Objectives
1. The Parties recall the Agenda 21 and the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development adopted at the United Nations (UN) Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro on 3 to 14 June 1992, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development of 2002, the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization, adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 97th Session, held in Geneva on 10 June 2008, (ILO Declaration on Social and Justice for a Fair Globalization), the Outcome Document of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development of 2012 entitled "The Future We Want" endorsed by UN General Assembly Resolution 66/288 adopted on 27 July 2012, UN General Assembly Resolution 70/1 adopted on 25 September 2015 containing the Outcome Document entitled "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals" (2030 Agenda) , and the ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work, adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 108th Session held in Geneva on 21 June 2019.
2. The Parties recognise that sustainable development encompasses economic development, social development and environmental protection, all three being interdependent and mutually reinforcing and affirm their commitment to promote the development of international trade and investment in a way that contributes to the objective of sustainable development.
3. The Parties recognise the urgent need to address climate change, as outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its special report entitled "Global Warming of 1.5°C", as a contribution to the economic, social and environmental objectives of sustainable development.
4. In light of the above, the objective of this Annex is to enhance the integration of sustainable development, notably its labour 1 and environmental dimensions, in the Parties' trade and investment relationship, including through strengthening dialogue and cooperation.
Right to Regulate and Levels of Protection
1. The Parties recognise the right of each Party to determine its sustainable development policies and priorities, to establish the levels of domestic environmental and labour protection it deems appropriate and to adopt or modify its relevant law and policies. Such levels, law and policies shall be consistent with each Party's commitment to the internationally recognised standards and agreements referred to in this Annex.
2. Each Party shall strive to ensure that its relevant law and policies provide for, and encourage, high levels of environmental and labour protection, and shall strive to improve such levels, law and policies.
3. A Party shall not weaken or reduce the levels of protection afforded in its environmental or labour law with the intention to encourage trade or investment.
4. A Party shall not waive or otherwise derogate from, or offer to waive or otherwise derogate from, its environmental or labour law with the intention to encourage trade or investment.
5. A Party shall not, through a sustained or recurring course of action or inaction, fail to effectively enforce its environmental or labour law with the intention to encourage trade or investment.
6. The Parties recognise each other’s developmental policies and priorities with respect to their trade and investment aspirations in accordance with the Special and Differential Treatment provisions under the WTO Agreement and consistent with each Party’s commitments to the internationally recognised standards and agreements under this Annex.
Multilateral Labour Standards and Agreements
1. The Parties affirm their commitment to promote the development of international trade in a way that is conducive to decent work for all, as expressed in the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization .
2. In accordance with the ILO Constitution, adopted as Part XIII of the Treaty of Versailles, signed on 28 June 1919, and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up, adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 86th Session in Geneva on 18 June 1998 (ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work) and as amended at its 110th Session in 2022, each Party shall respect, promote and realise the principles concerning the fundamental rights at work, as defined in the fundamental ILO Conventions, namely:
(a) freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
(b) the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour 2 ;
(c) the effective abolition of child labour;
(d) the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation; and
(e) a safe and healthy working environment.
3. Each Party shall make continued and sustained efforts to ratify the fundamental ILO Conventions if they have not yet done so.
4. The Parties shall periodically exchange information on their respective situations and advances with regard to the ratification of ILO Conventions or protocols classified as up-to-date by the ILO.
5. Each Party shall effectively implement the respective ILO Conventions that the EAC Partner State and the Member States of the European Union have ratified.
6. Recalling the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization, the Parties note that the violation of fundamental principles and rights at work cannot be invoked or otherwise used as a legitimate comparative advantage and that labour standards should not be used for protectionist trade purposes.
7. Each Party shall promote through its law and practices the ILO Decent Work Agenda as set out in the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization, in particular with regard to:
(a) decent working conditions for all with regard to, among others, wages and earnings, working hours, enhancing social security, other conditions of work and social protection;
(b) social dialogue on labour matters among workers and employers and their respective organizations, and with relevant government authorities.
8. Consistent with its commitments under the ILO, each Party shall:
(a) adopt and implement measures and policies regarding terms and conditions of employment, occupational health and safety, including compensation in case of occupational injury or illness;
(b) maintain an effective labour inspection system.
9. The Parties shall work together to strengthen their cooperation on trade-related aspects of labour policies and measures, bilaterally, regionally and in international fora as appropriate, including within the ILO. Such cooperation may cover among others:
(a) implementation of fundamental, priority and other up-to-date ILO Conventions;
(b) decent work, including on the inter-linkages between trade and full and productive employment, labour market adjustment, core labour standards, decent work in global supply chains, social protection and social inclusion, social dialogue and gender equality;
(c) the impact of labour law and standards on trade and investment and the impact of trade and investment law on labour.
10. The Parties shall give due consideration as appropriate, to the views provided by representatives of workers, employers and civil society organisations when identifying areas of cooperation and when carrying out cooperative activities.
Trade and Gender Equality
1. The Parties recognise that inclusive trade policies contribute to advancing women’s economic empowerment and gender equality, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 5 of the 2030 Agenda and the objectives of the Joint Declaration on Trade and Women's Economic Empowerment on the Occasion of the WTO Ministerial Conference held in Buenos Aires in December 2017. The Parties acknowledge the important contribution by women to economic growth through their participation in economic activity, including international trade. The Parties commit to implement the provisions of this Agreement in a manner that promotes and enhances gender equality.
2. The Parties aim to strengthen their trade relations and cooperation in ways that effectively provide equal opportunities and treatment for women and men to benefit from the provisions of this Agreement, including in matters of employment and occupation, in accordance with their international commitments.
3. Each Party shall effectively implement its obligations under international agreements addressing gender equality and women’s rights to which it is a party, including the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women, adopted by the UN General Assembly on 18 December 1979, noting in particular its provisions related to eliminating discrimination against women in economic life and in the field of employment. In this respect, the Parties reiterate their respective commitments pursuant to Article 3 of this Annex including regarding the effective implementation of the ILO Conventions related to gender equality and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
4. Each Party shall strive to ensure that its relevant law and policies provide for, and encourage, equal rights, treatment and opportunities between men and women. Each Party shall strive to improve such law and policies, without prejudice to the right of each Party to establish its own scope and levels of protection for equal opportunities for men and women. Such law and policies shall be consistent with each Party’s commitments to the internationally recognised standards and agreements referred to in this Article.
5. The Parties reiterate their commitments pursuant to Article 2 of this Annex in relation to their respective law aimed at ensuring gender equality or equal opportunities for women and men.
6. The Parties shall work together bilaterally or in other relevant fora as appropriate to strengthen their cooperation on trade-related aspects of gender equality policies and measures, including activities designed to improve the capacity and conditions for women, including workers, businesswomen and entrepreneurs, to access and benefit from the opportunities created by this Agreement. Such cooperation may cover among others exchange of information and best practices related to collection of sex-disaggregated data and gender-based analysis of trade policies.
7. The Parties agree on the importance of monitoring and assessing, in accordance with their domestic procedures, the impact of the implementation of this Agreement on gender equality and equal opportunities provided for women in relation to trade.
Multilateral Environmental Governance and Agreements
1. The Parties recognise the importance of international environmental governance, in particular the role of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), as well as multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) as a response of the international community to global or regional environmental challenges and stress the need to enhance the mutual supportiveness between trade and environment policies, rules and measures.
2. In light of paragraph 1, each Party shall effectively implement the MEAs, protocols and amendments that it has ratified.
3. The Parties shall periodically exchange information on their respective situations as regards the ratifications of MEAs, including their protocols and amendments.
4. The Parties affirm the right of each Party to adopt or maintain measures to further the objectives of MEAs to which it is a party. The Parties recall that measures adopted or enforced to implement such MEAs may be justified pursuant to Part VIII of this Agreement.
5. The Parties shall work together to strengthen their cooperation on trade-related aspects of environmental policies and measures, bilaterally, regionally and in international fora, as appropriate, including in the UN High-level Political Forum for Sustainable Development, the UNEP, the UNEA, MEAs, and the WTO. Such cooperation may cover among others:
(a) policies and measures promoting mutual supportiveness of trade and environment including:
– sharing information on policies and practices and promoting initiatives to encourage the shift to a circular economy;
– promoting initiatives on sustainable production and consumption, green growth and pollution abatement;
– exchanging information on policies and practices, and promoting common positions, in the framework of MEAs.
(b) initiatives to encourage trade and investment in environmental goods and services, including by addressing related tariff and non-tariff barriers;
(c) the impact of environmental law and standards on trade and investment; or the impact of trade and investment law on the environment;
(d) other trade related aspects of MEAs, including their protocols, amendments and implementation.
6. The Parties will give due consideration, as appropriate, to the views or input from the relevant public and interested stakeholders for the definition and implementation of their cooperation activities, and they may involve such stakeholders further in those activities, as appropriate.
Trade and Climate Change
1. The Parties recognise the importance of taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, and the role of trade in pursuing this objective, consistent with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change done at New York on 9 May 1992 (UNFCCC), the Paris Agreement under the UNFCCC, done at Paris on 12 December 2015 (Paris Agreement), and with other MEAs and multilateral instruments in the area of climate change.
2. In light of paragraph 1, each Party shall effectively implement the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.
3. The commitment to effectively implement the Paris Agreement pursuant to paragraph 2 includes the obligation to refrain from any action or omission which materially defeats the object and purpose of the Paris Agreement.
4. A Party may take appropriate measures relating to this Agreement in the event of a violation of the obligation under paragraph 3. Appropriate measures shall be taken in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 96 of the Cotonou Agreement or the corresponding provisions of its successor agreement, as provided by Article 136.3 of this Agreement.
5. In light of paragraph 1, each Party shall:
(a) promote the mutual supportiveness of trade and climate policies and measures thereby contributing to the transition to a low greenhouse gas emission economy, to a resource-efficient and circular economy, and to climate-resilient development;
(b) facilitate the removal of obstacles to trade and investment in goods and services of particular relevance for climate change mitigation and adaptation, such as renewable energy and energy-efficient products and services;
6. The Parties shall work together to strengthen their cooperation on trade-related aspects of climate change policies and measures bilaterally, regionally and in international fora, as appropriate, including under the UNFCCC, the Paris Agreement, , the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer concluded at Montreal on 16 September 1987 (Montreal Protocol) and in the WTO and the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). Such cooperation may cover among others:
(a) policy dialogue and cooperation regarding the implementation of the Paris Agreement, such as on means to promote climate resilience, renewable energy, low-carbon technologies, energy efficiency, preparation and adoption of carbon pricing action including Emission Trading Systems, sustainable transport, sustainable and climate-resilient infrastructure development and emissions monitoring;
(b) supporting the development and adoption of ambitious and effective greenhouse gas emissions reduction measures by the IMO to be implemented by ships engaged in international trade;
(c) supporting an ambitious phase-out of ozone depleting substances (ODS) and phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) under the Montreal Protocol through measures to control their production, consumption and trade, the introduction of environmentally friendly alternatives to ODS and HFCs, ; the updating of safety and other relevant standards as well as by combatting the illegal trade of substances regulated by the Montreal Protocol.
Trade and Biological Diversity
1. The Parties recognise the importance of conserving and sustainably using biological diversity and the role of trade in pursuing these objectives, consistent with relevant MEAs to which they are a party, including the Convention on Biological Diversity, done at Rio de Janeiro on 5 June 1992 (CBD) and its protocols, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora , done at Washington D.C. on 3 March 1973 (CITES), and the decisions adopted thereunder.
2. In light of paragraph 1, each Party shall:
(a) implement effective measures to combat illegal wildlife trade, including with respect to third countries as appropriate;
(b) promote the long-term conservation and sustainable use of CITES listed species and the inclusion of animal and plant species in the Appendices to the CITES where the conservation status of that species is considered at risk because of international trade, as well as conduct periodic reviews, which may result in a recommendation to amend the Appendices to the CITES, in order to ensure that they properly reflect the conservation needs of species threatened by international trade;
(c) promote trade in products derived from a sustainable use of biological resources in order to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity;
(d) promote the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilisation of genetic resources and traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, in accordance with the Nagoya Protocol to the CBD, done at Nagoya on 29 October 2010 (Nagoya Protocol);
(e) take measures to conserve biological diversity when it is subject to pressures linked to trade and investment, in particular to prevent the spread of zoonosis and invasive alien species.
3. The Parties shall work together to strengthen their cooperation on trade-related aspects of biodiversity policies and measures bilaterally, regionally and in international fora, as appropriate, including under the CBD and CITES. Such cooperation may cover among others:
(a) initiatives and good practices concerning trade in products and services derived from the sustainable use of biological resources with the aim of conserving biological diversity;
(b) responsible trade and the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, including the development and application of natural capital and ecosystem accounting methods, the valuation of ecosystems and their services and related economic instruments, and the mainstreaming of biodiversity in trade and trade processes;
(c) combatting illegal wildlife trade, including through initiatives to reduce demand for illegal wildlife products and initiatives to enhance information sharing and cooperation, law enforcement, voluntary technological transfer, exchange programmes and capacity building;
(d) access to genetic resources as well as the fair and equitable sharing of benefits from their utilisation consistent with the Nagoya Protocol.
Trade and Forests
1. The Parties recognise the importance of the conservation and sustainable management of forests for providing environmental functions and economic and social opportunities for present and future generations and the role of trade in pursuing this objective.
2. In light of paragraph 1, each Party shall:
(a) implement measures to combat illegal logging and related trade, including with respect to third countries as appropriate and promote trade in legally harvested forest products;
(b) promote the conservation and sustainable management of forests and trade and consumption of timber and timber products harvested in accordance with the law of the country of harvest and from sustainably managed forests;
(c) exchange information with the other Party on trade-related initiatives regarding sustainable forest management, forest conservation, forest governance, initiatives designed to combat illegal logging, and other relevant policies of mutual interest and cooperate to maximise the impact and mutual supportiveness of their respective policies of mutual interest.
3. Recognising that deforestation is a major driver of global warming and biodiversity loss, the Parties shall exchange knowledge and experience on ways to encourage the consumption and trade in products from deforestation-free supply chains, minimising the risk that products associated with deforestation or forest degradation are being placed on their markets.
4. The Parties shall work together to strengthen their cooperation on trade-related aspects of sustainable forest management, improving forest conservation, minimising all forms of deforestation and forest degradation, improving traceability and chain of custody of forest products, promoting initiatives to enhance information sharing, fighting illegal logging and strengthening the role of forests in climate change mitigation, in the fight against biodiversity loss and in the circular economy and bioeconomy, bilaterally, regionally and in international fora as appropriate.
Trade and Sustainable Management of Marine Biological Resources and Aquaculture
1. The Parties recognise the importance of conserving and sustainably managing marine biological resources and marine ecosystems as well as of promoting responsible and sustainable aquaculture, and the role of trade in pursuing these objectives.
2. The Parties acknowledge that illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing undermines sustainable conservation and management of fish stocks, has a negative impact on the livelihoods of fishing communities and those trading in fish and fishery products. This confirms the need for action to combat and end IUU fishing and to address the problems of overfishing and unsustainable utilisation of fisheries resources.
3. In light of paragraphs 1 and 2, each Party shall:
(a) implement long-term conservation and management measures and sustainable use of marine living resources as defined in the UN Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks (Fish Stocks Agreement) adopted in New York, on 4 August 1995 and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas, adopted in Rome, on 24 November 1993 (Compliance Agreement), and the FAO Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing done in Rome, on 22 November 2009 (PSMA) ;
(b) act consistently with the principles of UNCLOS, the Fish Stocks Agreement, the Compliance Agreement, the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, adopted by Resolution 4/95 of 31 October 1995 and the PSMA, and to participate, as appropriate, in FAO’s initiative on the Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels;
(c) participate actively in the work of the Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) to which they are members, observers or cooperating non-contracting parties, with the aim of achieving good fisheries governance and sustainable fisheries, such as through the promotion of scientific research and the adoption of conservation and management measures based on best available scientific information, the strengthening of compliance mechanisms, the undertaking of periodical performance reviews and the adoption of effective control, monitoring and enforcement of the RFMOs' management measures and, where applicable, the adoption and implementation of catch documentation or certification schemes and port state measures;
(d) implement effective measures to combat IUU fishing, including measures to exclude IUU products from trade flows, and cooperate in facilitating the exchange of information to ensure enforcing traceability;
(e) promote the development of sustainable and responsible aquaculture, taking into account its economic, social and environmental aspects, including with regard to the implementation of the objectives and principles contained in the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.
(f) Promote the long-term conservation and sustainable use of CITES-listed species and the inclusion of aquatic animal and plant species in the Appendices to the CITES where the conservation status of that species is considered at risk because of international trade;
(g) Comply with the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals, done at Bonn on 23 June 1979(Bonn Convention) and instruments under that convention, for sustainable conservation of migratory species, bycatch management and landing data;
4. The Parties shall work together to strengthen their cooperation and mutual benefits on trade-related aspects of fishery and aquaculture policies and measures, bilaterally regionally and in international fora, as appropriate, including in the WTO, RFMOs, FAO and under other multilateral instruments in this field, with the aim of promoting sustainable fishing practices and aquaculture and trade in fish and seafood products from sustainably managed fisheries and aquaculture. The Parties shall work closely together and accelerate their efforts to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 (life below water), which aims to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development including through preventing and significantly reducing marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution, and through mainstreaming marine ecosystems conservation in sustainable blue economy policies.
Trade and Investment Supporting Sustainable Development
1. The Parties recognise that trade and investment in goods and services that are related to the protection of the environment or contribute to enhancing social conditions and that fostering the use of sustainability schemes or other voluntary initiatives can meaningfully contribute to sustainable development.
2. To that end, the Parties have eliminated customs duties on environmental goods originating in the other Party pursuant to Articles 10 and 11 of this Agreement.
3. Furthermore, the Parties have made commitments to conclude negotiations on environmental services and manufacturing activities pursuant to Article 3 of this Agreement.
4. In light of paragraph 1, each Party shall promote and facilitate trade and investment in:
(a) environmental goods and services;
(b) goods that contribute to enhanced social conditions; and
(c) goods subject to transparent, factual and non-misleading sustainability assurance schemes such as fair and ethical trade schemes and eco-labels.
5. The promotion and facilitation of trade and investment referred to in paragraph 4, may include:
(a) awareness-raising actions and information and public education campaigns;
(b) adoption of policy frameworks conducive to the deployment of best available technologies;
(c) encouraging the uptake of transparent, factual and non-misleading sustainability schemes especially for SMEs;
(d) addressing related non-tariff barriers; and
(e) reference to relevant international standards, such as the ILO Conventions and guidelines or MEAs, as periodically updated by the relevant bodies.
6. The Parties shall work together to strengthen their cooperation on trade-related aspects of issues covered by this Article bilaterally, regionally and in international and multilateral fora as appropriate, among others through the exchange of information, best practices and outreach initiatives.
Trade and Responsible Business Conduct and Supply Chain Management
1. The Parties recognise the importance of responsible business conduct and corporate social responsibility practices including responsible supply chain management and the role of trade in pursuing this objective.
2. In light of paragraph 1, each Party shall:
(a) promote responsible business conduct and corporate social responsibility, including responsible supply chain management, by providing supportive policy frameworks that encourage the uptake of relevant practices by businesses;
(b) support the adherence, implementation, follow-up and dissemination of relevant international instruments, such as the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy, adopted in Geneva in November 1977 (the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy), the UN Global Compact, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights endorsed by the Human Rights Council in its Resolution 17/4 of 16 June 2011.
3. The Parties recognise the utility of international sector-specific guidelines in the area of corporate social responsibility/responsible business conduct and shall promote joint work in this regard. In respect of relevant internationally recognized OECD Due Diligence Guidelines for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas and its supplements, the Parties shall also implement measures to promote the uptake of such guidance. As members of the FAO Committee on World Food Security, the Parties shall also promote awareness for the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems and the Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security.
4. The Parties shall work together to strengthen their cooperation on trade-related aspects of issues covered by this article bilaterally, regionally and in international fora as appropriate, among others through the exchange of information, best practices and outreach initiatives.
Scientific and Technical Information
1. When establishing or implementing measures aimed at protecting the environment or labour conditions that may affect trade or investment, each Party shall take into account available scientific and technical information, relevant international standards, guidelines or recommendations.
2. Where there is a lack of full scientific certainty and there are threats of serious or irreversible damage to the environment or to occupational safety and health, a Party may adopt measures to prevent such damage, in accordance with the precautionary principle.
1. Each Party shall, with the view to ensuring awareness and providing reasonable opportunities for interested persons and stakeholders to submit views, develop, enact and implement in a transparent manner:
(a) measures aimed at protecting the environment or labour conditions that may affect trade or investment; or
(b) trade or investment measures that may affect the protection of the environment or labour conditions,
2. Each Party shall give due consideration to communications and opinions from the public on matters related to this Annex. It may inform, where appropriate, the domestic advisory groups established pursuant to Article 15 of this Annex as well as the contact point of the other Party established in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 14 of such communications and opinions.
Special Committee on Trade and Sustainable Development and Contact Points
1. The Parties hereby establish a Special Committee on Trade and Sustainable Development (“the TSD Committee”), governed by Part VI of this Agreement, which shall:
(a) meet once a year, or without undue delay on request of either Party,
(b) be co-chaired, at an appropriate level, by representatives of the Parties; and
(c) report to the EPA Council.
2. The TSD Committee shall:
(a) facilitate, monitor and review the implementation of this Annex;
(b) carry out the tasks referred to in Article18 of this Annex;
(c) contribute to the work of the Committee of Senior Officials on issues covered by this Annex, including with regard to topics for discussion with the EPA Consultative Committee referred to in Article 108 of this Agreement;
(d) consider any other matter related to this Annex as the Parties may agree.
3. The TSD Committee may establish its own rules of procedure, in the absence of which the rules of procedure of the Committee of Senior Officials shall apply mutatis mutandis.
4. The TSD Committee shall publish a report after each of its meetings.
5. Each Party shall, upon the entry into force of this Agreement, designate a contact point within its administration to facilitate communication and coordination between the Parties on any matter relating to this Annex. Each Party shall notify the other Party of the contact details of its contact point. The Parties shall promptly notify each other of any change of those contact details.
Domestic Advisory Groups
1. Each Party shall create a new or designate an existing domestic advisory group within a year after the date of entry into force of this Agreement. The domestic advisory group shall advise the Party concerned on issues covered by this Agreement. It shall consist of a balanced representation of independent civil society organisations including non-governmental organisations, business and employers' organisations as well as trade unions active on economic, sustainable development, social, human rights, environmental and other matters. The domestic advisory group may be convened in different configurations to discuss the implementation of different Parts and provisions of this Agreement.
2. Each Party shall meet with its domestic advisory group at least once a year. Each Party shall consider views or recommendations submitted by its domestic advisory group on the implementation of this Agreement.
3. In order to promote public awareness of the domestic advisory groups, each Party shall publish the list of organisations participating in its domestic advisory group as well as the contact point for that group.
4. The Parties shall promote the interaction between their respective domestic advisory groups, including their participation at the EPA Consultative Committee established pursuant to Article 108 of this Agreement.
Dispute Avoidance and Settlement
1. The Parties shall make all efforts through dialogue, consultation, exchange of information and cooperation to address any disagreement on the application of this Annex.
2. In case of a disagreement between the Parties regarding the application of this Annex, the Parties shall have recourse exclusively to the dispute resolution procedures established pursuant to Article 17 and Article 18 of this Annex.
Consultations and Mediation
1. Except as otherwise provided for in this Article, Articles 110 and 111 of this Agreement shall apply.
2. Consultations shall be held within twenty (20) days of the date of receipt of the request by the Party complained against and shall be deemed concluded within ninety (90) days of that date of receipt , unless the Parties agree to continue consultations.
3. If the consultations concern provisions which relate to multilateral agreements or instruments referred to in this Annex, the Parties shall take into account information from the International Labour Organization (ILO) or from relevant organisations or bodies established under MEAs in order to promote coherence between the work of the Parties and that of such organisations or bodies. Where relevant, the Parties shall seek advice from such organisations or bodies, or from any other expert or body they deem appropriate. Each Party may also seek, if appropriate, the views of the domestic advisory groups established pursuant to Article 15 of this Annex or any other expert advice.
4. Any resolution reached by the Parties shall be made publicly available.
Dispute Settlement
1. Except as otherwise provided for in this Article, Articles 112 to 115, Article 116 (1), (3), (4) and (5), Articles 119 to 124, Article 125(2) and (3), and Articles 126 and 127 of this Agreement shall apply.
2. The TSD Committee set up pursuant to Article 14 of this Annex shall, not later than six (6) months after the entry into force of this Agreement, establish a list of at least fifteen (15) individuals who are willing and able to serve as arbitrators for disputes under this Annex. The list shall be composed of three sub-lists: one sub-list for each Party to serve as arbitrators; and one sub-list of individuals that are not nationals of either Party and who shall be available to act as Chairperson of the arbitration panel. Each sub-list shall include at least five (5) individuals. The TSD Committee shall ensure that the list is always maintained at this level, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.
3. Arbitrators shall have specialised knowledge of or expertise in labour or environmental law, issues addressed in this Annex, or the resolution of disputes arising under international agreements. They shall be independent, serve in their individual capacities and not take instructions from any organisation or government, or be affiliated with the government of any of the Parties, and shall comply with the code of conduct annexed to the rules of procedures to be adopted by the EPA Council within six (6) months after the entry into force of this Agreement pursuant to article 125(4).
4. If the arbitration panel is composed according to the procedure set out in Article 113 of this Agreement, the arbitrators shall be selected from the relevant individuals on the sub-lists referred to in paragraph 2.
5. With regard to matters related to compliance with multilateral agreements and instruments referred to in this Annex, information or expert opinion requested by the arbitration panel pursuant to Article 121 should include information and advice from the ILO or relevant bodies or organisations established under the MEAs.
6. The Party complained against shall no later than 21 days after the delivery of the arbitration panel ruling inform its domestic advisory group set up pursuant to Article 15 of this Annex of the compliance measures it has taken or envisages to take pursuant to Article 115(4) of this Agreement.
7. The TSD Committee shall monitor the implementation of the compliance measures. The domestic advisory groups may submit observations to the TSD Committee in this regard.
For the purposes of this Annex, the term “labour” means the strategic objectives of the ILO under the Decent Work Agenda, which is expressed in the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization.
In this context, the Parties underline the importance of ratification of the Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organization at its 103rd ILC session in Geneva on 11 Jun 2014.
Brussels, 28.9.2023
COM(2023) 559 final
to the
Proposal for a Council Decision
on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Kenya, Member of the East African Community of the one part, and the European Union of the other Part
The EU of the one part and Kenya of the other part, hereinafter referred to for the purposes of this Joint Declaration as "the Parties".
The Parties agree that the following principles and procedures apply to this Agreement.
1. The Parties place great importance on the successful implementation of this Agreement, and on the continuing trade and development relationship between them. The Parties hold a productive relationship and look forward to further developing this relationship under this Agreement.
2. The Parties acknowledge that Part V of this Agreement on Economic and Development Cooperation shall be interpreted and applied in accordance with the Cotonou agreement or its successor agreement. The Parties agree that in case of any inconsistency between the provisions of part V ("‘Economic and Development Cooperation")’ of this Agreement and the Cotonou agreement or its successor agreement, the provisions of the Cotonou agreement or the corresponding provisions of its successor agreement shall prevail. Any provision inconsistent with the above, shall not be applicable.
3. The Parties acknowledge the support of the EU for development across a wide range of sectors, and reiterate their commitment towards rules-based and sustainable development. This value-based and trusted partnership aims to boost sustainable economic growth and decent work for all and to promote inclusive green transition focusing in the areas of digital, climate, energy, and transport, supported by smart, clean and secure investments from both the public and private sectors.
(a) Consistent with the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, done at Busan on 1 December 2011, the Parties agree to use and support as appropriate nationally or regionally owned delivery mechanisms, funds or facilities for channelling and coordinating resources for implementing this Agreement.
(b) The Parties recognise that the implementation of this Agreement may result in challenges, including from the impact of tariff reductions, to be addressed, among others, through economic and development cooperation actions undertaken by the EU. The Parties meanwhile agree that there will be no specific financial compensation by the EU and that the compensatory framework does not apply between the Parties. However, this matter may be proposed for review in the EPA Council at the request of Kenya.
(c) The Parties agree that the provisions relating to the Matrix and Benchmark in this Agreement and its Annexes will not be applicable. The Parties however agree that the Matrix, or parts of it, may be applied or borrowed to the extent applicable taking into account the Parties’ own investment priorities and benchmarks.
(d) The Parties agree that the provisions relating to the EPA Fund, including those relating to its establishment and management does not apply between them.
(e) The Parties agree that this Agreement, including references to the EU budget, the European Development Fund, the Cotonou Agreement or its successor agreement, does not entail any financial obligations for either Party.
Brussels, 28.9.2023
COM(2023) 559 final
to the
Proposal for a Council Decision
on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Kenya, Member of the East African Community of the one part, and the European Union of the other Part
For the purposes of this Protocol:
(a) "Goods" means all goods falling within the scope of the Harmonised System, irrespective of the scope of this Agreement;
(b) "Customs legislation" means any legal or regulatory provisions, applicable in the territories of a Party, governing the import, export and transit of goods and their placing under any other customs regime or procedure, including measures of prohibition, restriction and control;
(c) "Applicant Authority" means a competent administrative authority which has been designated by a Party for the implementation of this Protocol and which makes a request for assistance on the basis of this Protocol;
(d) "Requested Authority" means a competent administrative authority which has been designated by a Party for the implementation of this Protocol and which receives a request for assistance on the basis of this Protocol;
(e) "Personal data" means all information relating to an identified or identifiable individual;
(f) "Operation in breach of customs legislation" means any violation or attempted violation of customs legislation.
1. The Parties shall assist each other, in the areas within their competence, in the manner and under the conditions laid down in this Protocol, to ensure the correct application of the customs legislation, in particular by preventing, investigating and combating operations in breach of that legislation.
2. Assistance in customs matters, as provided for in this Protocol, shall apply to any administrative authority of the Parties which is competent for the application of this Protocol. It shall not prejudice the rules governing mutual assistance in criminal matters. Nor shall it cover information obtained under powers exercised at the request of a judicial authority, except where communication of such information has the prior authorisation of that authority.
3. Assistance in recovery proceedings regarding duties, taxes or fines is not covered by this Protocol.
Assistance on Request
1. At the request of the Applicant Authority, the Requested Authority shall provide it with all relevant information which may enable it to ensure that customs legislation is correctly applied, including information regarding activities noted or planned which are or could be operations in breach of customs legislation.
2. At the request of the Applicant Authority, the Requested Authority shall inform it:
(a) whether goods exported from the territory of a Party have been lawfully imported into the territory of the other Party, specifying, where appropriate, the customs procedure applied to the goods;
(b) whether goods imported into the territory of a Party have been lawfully exported from the territory of the other Party, specifying, where appropriate, the customs procedure applied to the goods.
3. At the request of the Applicant Authority, the Requested Authority shall, within the framework of its legal or regulatory provisions, take the necessary steps to ensure special surveillance of:
(a) natural or legal persons in respect of whom there are reasonable grounds for believing that they are or have been involved in operations in breach of customs legislation;
(b) places where stocks of goods have been or may be assembled in such a way that there are reasonable grounds for believing that these goods are intended to be used in operations in breach of customs legislation;
(c) goods that are or may be transported in such a way that there are reasonable grounds for believing that they are intended to be used in operations in breach of customs legislation; and
(d) means of transport that are or may be used in such a way that there are reasonable grounds for believing that they are intended to be used in operations in breach of customs legislation.
Spontaneous assistance
The Parties shall assist each other, at their own initiative and in accordance with their legal or regulatory provisions, if they consider that to be necessary for the correct application of customs legislation, particularly by providing information obtained pertaining to:
(a) operations which are or appear to be in breach of customs legislation and which may be of interest to the other Party;
(b) new means or methods employed in carrying out operations in breach of customs legislation;
(c) goods known to be subject to operations in breach of customs legislation;
(d) natural or legal persons in respect of whom there are reasonable grounds for believing that they are or have been involved in operations in breach of customs legislation; and
(e) means of transport in respect of which there are reasonable grounds for believing that they have been, are, or may be used in operations in breach of customs legislation.
Delivery and notification
1. At the request of the Applicant Authority, the Requested Authority shall, in accordance with legal or regulatory provisions applicable to the latter, take all necessary measures in order:
(a) to deliver any documents emanating from the Applicant Authority and falling within the scope of this Protocol, to an addressee residing or established in the territory of the Requested Authority, and, where appropriate;
(b) to notify any decisions emanating from the Applicant Authority and falling within the scope of this Protocol, to an addressee residing or established in the territory of the Requested Authority.
2. Requests for delivery of documents or notification of decisions shall be made in writing in an official language of the Requested Authority or in a language acceptable to that authority.
Form and substance of requests for assistance
1. Requests pursuant to this Protocol shall be made in writing. They shall be accompanied by the documents necessary to enable compliance with the request. When required because of the urgency of the situation, oral requests may be accepted, but must be confirmed in writing immediately. Requests may also be communicated in electronic form.
2. Requests pursuant to paragraph 1 shall include the following information:
(a) the name of the Applicant Authority;
(b) the measure requested;
(c) the object of and the reason for the request;
(d) the legal or regulatory provisions and other legal elements involved;
(e) indications as exact and comprehensive as possible on the natural or legal persons who are the target of the investigations; and
(f) a summary of the relevant facts and of the enquiries already carried out.
3. Requests shall be submitted in an official language of the Requested Authority or in a language acceptable to that authority. This requirement shall not apply to any documents that accompany the request under paragraph 1.
4. If a request does not meet the formal requirements set out above, its correction or completion may be requested; in the meantime precautionary measures may be ordered.
Execution of requests
1. In order to comply with a request for assistance, the Requested Authority shall proceed, within the limits of its competence and available resources, as though it were acting on its own account or at the request of other authorities of that same Party by supplying information already possessed, by carrying out appropriate enquiries or by arranging for them to be carried out. This provision shall also apply to any other authority to which the request has been addressed by the Requested Authority when the latter cannot act on its own.
2. Requests for assistance shall be executed in accordance with the legal or regulatory provisions of the requested Party.
3. Duly authorised officials of a Party may, with the agreement of the other Party involved and subject to the conditions laid down by the latter:
(a) be present to obtain in the offices of the Requested Authority or any other concerned authority in accordance with paragraph 1, information relating to activities that are or may be operations in breach of customs legislation which the Applicant Authority needs for the purposes of this Protocol;
(b) be present at enquiries carried out in the latter's territory.
Form in which information is to be communicated
1. The Requested Authority shall communicate results of enquiries to the Applicant Authority in writing together with relevant documents, certified copies or other items.
2. If requested, the information provided for in paragraph 1 may be in electronic form.
3. Original documents shall be transmitted only upon request in cases where certified copies would be insufficient. These originals shall be returned at the earliest opportunity.
Exceptions to the obligation to provide assistance
1. Assistance may be refused or may be subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions or requirements, in cases where a Party concerned is of the opinion that assistance under this Protocol would:
(a) be likely to prejudice the sovereignty of an EAC Partner State or that of a Member State of the European Union which has been requested to provide assistance under this Protocol; or
(b) be likely to prejudice public policy, security or other essential interests, in particular in the cases referred to under Article 10(2); or
(c) violate an industrial, commercial or professional secret.
2. Assistance may be postponed by the Requested Authority on the ground that it will interfere with an ongoing investigation, prosecution or proceeding. In such a case, the Requested Authority shall consult with the Applicant Authority to determine if assistance can be given subject to such terms or conditions as the Requested Authority may require.
3. Where the Applicant Authority seeks assistance which it would itself be unable to provide if so requested, it shall draw attention to that fact in its request. It shall then be for the Requested Authority to decide how to respond to such a request.
4. For the cases referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the decision of the Requested Authority and the reasons must be communicated to the Applicant Authority without delay.
Information exchange and confidentiality
1. Any information communicated in whatsoever form pursuant to this Protocol shall be of a confidential or restricted nature, depending on the rules applicable in each of the Parties. Such information shall be covered by the obligation of official secrecy and shall enjoy the protection extended to similar information under the relevant laws of the Party that received it, and in the case of the EU the corresponding provisions applying to the authorities of the European Union 1 .
2. Personal data may be exchanged only where the Party which may receive them agrees to ensure an adequate level of protection of such data in at least an equivalent way to the one applicable to that particular case in the Party that may supply them. To that end, the Parties shall communicate to each other information on their applicable rules and legal provisions.
3. The use, in judicial or administrative proceedings instituted in respect of operations in breach of customs legislation, of information obtained under this Protocol, is considered to be for the purposes of this Protocol. Therefore, the Parties may, in their records of evidence, reports and testimonies and in proceedings and charges brought before the courts, use as evidence information obtained and documents consulted in accordance with the provisions of this Protocol. The competent authority which supplied that information or gave access to those documents shall be notified of such use.
4. Information obtained shall be used solely for the purposes of this Protocol. Where one of the Parties wishes to use such information for other purposes, it shall obtain the prior written consent of the authority which provided the information. Such use shall then be subject to any restrictions laid down by that authority.
Experts and witnesses
An official of a Requested Authority may be authorised to appear, within the limitations of the authorisation granted, as an expert or witness in judicial or administrative proceedings regarding the matters covered by this Protocol, and produce such objects, documents or certified copies thereof, as may be needed for the proceedings. The request for appearance must indicate specifically before which judicial or administrative authority the official will have to appear, on what matters and by virtue of what title or qualification the official will be questioned.
Assistance expenses
The Parties shall waive all claims on each other for the reimbursement of expenses incurred pursuant to this Protocol, except, as appropriate, for expenses to experts and witnesses, and those to interpreters and translators who are not public service employees.
1. The implementation of this Protocol shall be entrusted on the one hand to the customs authorities of the EAC Partner State(s) and on the other hand to the competent services of the European Commission and the customs authorities of the Member States of the European Union as appropriate. They shall decide on all practical measures and arrangements necessary for its application, taking into consideration the rules in force in particular in the field of data protection.
2. The Parties shall consult each other and subsequently keep each other informed of the detailed rules of implementation which are adopted in accordance with the provisions of this Protocol.
The Parties may recommend to the competent bodies amendments which they consider should be made to this Protocol.
Final Provisions
1. This Protocol shall complement and not impede application of any agreements on mutual administrative assistance which have been concluded or may be concluded between the Parties nor shall it preclude more extensive mutual assistance granted under such agreements.
2. The provisions of this Protocol shall not affect the obligations of the Parties under any other international agreement or convention.
3. The provisions of this Protocol shall not affect the provisions of the European Union governing the communication between the competent services of the European Commission and the customs authorities of the Member States of the European Union of any information obtained under this Protocol which could be of interest to the European Union.
4. The provisions of this Protocol shall not affect the provisions of the EAC Partner State(s) governing the communication between the competent EAC Organs and the customs authorities of the EAC Partner State(s) of any information obtained under this Protocol which could be of interest to the EAC Partner State(s).
5. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, the provisions of this Protocol shall take precedence over the provisions of any bilateral Agreement on mutual assistance which has been or may be concluded between individual Member States of the European Union and an EAC Partner State in so far as the provisions of the latter are incompatible with those of this Protocol.
6. In respect of questions relating to the applicability of this Protocol, the Parties shall consult each other to resolve the matter in the framework of the Special Committee on Customs and Trade Facilitation.
(1) Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (OJEU L 8, 12.1.2001, p. 1).
Brussels, 28.9.2023
COM(2023) 559 final
to the
Proposal for a Council Decision
on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Kenya, Member of the East African Community of the one part, and the European Union of the other Part
The EU of the one part and the Republic of Kenya (Kenya) of the other part, hereinafter referred to for the purposes of this Joint Statement as "the Parties",
RECALLING their shared values and the strong cultural, political, economic and cooperation ties which unite them;
RECALLING the Cotonou Agreement;
RECALLING the Treaty Establishing the East African Community (EAC) signed in Arusha on 30 November 1999 and its Protocol on the Establishment of the East African Community Customs Union;
REAFFIRMING their commitment to strengthen cooperation on bilateral, regional and global issues of common concern;
Confirm the text of Article 9 of this Agreement on rules of origin and agree that the Protocol on rules of origin of the EU-EAC EPA will be the basis for the future protocol on rules of origin to be adopted pursuant to Article 9(2) of this Agreement, including its structure, with some limited adjustments necessary in particular to take account of the bilateral nature of this Agreement. Each Party may make appropriate proposals for such adjustments, bearing in mind the future regional dimension of that protocol. Until such protocol on rules of origin is adopted by the Parties, and pursuant to Article 9(1) of this Agreement, each Party shall apply the rules of origin included in Regulation (EU) 2016/1076 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Market Access Regulation) 1 as the applicable law of the importing Party. The Parties will adopt a protocol on rules of origin pursuant to Article 9(2) of this Agreement covering both EU and Kenyan exports as soon as possible after this Agreement becomes applicable. Discussions on such protocol will start immediately.
OJ L 185, 8.7.2016.
Brussels, 28.9.2023
COM(2023) 559 final
to the
Proposal for a Council Decision
on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Kenya, Member of the East African Community of the one part, and the European Union of the other Part
The EU of the one part and the Republic of Kenya of the other part, hereinafter referred to for the purposes of this Joint Statement as "the Parties",
RECALLING their shared values and the strong cultural, political, economic and cooperation ties which unite them;
RECALLING the Cotonou Agreement, as last amended ;
RECALLING the Treaty Establishing the East African Community (EAC) signed in Arusha on 30 November 1999 and its Protocol on the Establishment of the East African Community Customs Union;
REAFFIRMING their commitment to strengthen cooperation on bilateral, regional and global issues of common concern;
DETERMINED to ensure that this Agreement fosters sustainability, so that economic growth goes together with the protection of decent work, the climate and the environment, in full adherence to the Parties’ shared values and priorities, including support for the green transition and promoting responsible and sustainable value chains;
Commit, in the context of Article 3 of this Agreement, to further explore strengthening mutual mechanisms for the effective implementation and application of Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) commitments, during the initial review period. Such exploration in the furtherance of mutual compliance may include implementation roadmaps, financial and technical assistance, encouragement of participatory approaches as well as ways to address potential divergences in the implementation of agreed commitments.
Timeline legend
Initial legal act
Another version
Selected version
Selected version application period
Hidden intermediate versions
Version which is applicable today
Future version