Verordening 2009/790 - Wijziging van Verordening 1272/2008 betreffende de indeling, etikettering en verpakking van stoffen en mengsels, met het oog op de aanpassing daarvan aan de technische en wetenschappelijke vooruitgang - Hoofdinhoud
5.9.2009 |
NL |
Publicatieblad van de Europese Unie |
L 235/1 |
van 10 augustus 2009
tot wijziging van Verordening (EG) nr. 1272/2008 van het Europees Parlement en de Raad betreffende de indeling, etikettering en verpakking van stoffen en mengsels, met het oog op de aanpassing daarvan aan de technische en wetenschappelijke vooruitgang
(Voor de EER relevante tekst)
Gelet op het Verdrag tot oprichting van de Europese Gemeenschap,
Gelet op Verordening (EG) nr. 1272/2008 van het Europees Parlement en de Raad van 16 december 2008 betreffende de indeling, etikettering en verpakking van stoffen en mengsels, tot wijziging en intrekking van de Richtlijnen 67/548/EEG en 1999/45/EG en tot wijziging van Verordening (EG) nr. 1907/2006 (1), en met name op artikel 53,
Overwegende hetgeen volgt:
(1) |
Deel 3 van bijlage VI bij Verordening (EG) nr. 1272/2008 bevat twee lijsten van gevaarlijke stoffen met hun geharmoniseerde indeling en etikettering. Tabel 3.1 bevat een lijst van gevaarlijke stoffen met hun geharmoniseerde indeling en etikettering op basis van de criteria in deel 2 tot en met 5 van bijlage I bij Verordening (EG) nr. 1272/2008. Tabel 3.2 bevat een lijst van gevaarlijke stoffen met hun geharmoniseerde indeling en etikettering op basis van de criteria in bijlage VI bij Richtlijn 67/548/EEG van de Raad van 27 juni 1967 betreffende de aanpassing van de wettelijke en bestuursrechtelijke bepalingen inzake de indeling, de verpakking en het eigenschappen van gevaarlijke stoffen (2). Deze twee lijsten moeten worden gewijzigd om de indeling van de reeds in de geharmoniseerde indeling opgenomen stoffen te actualiseren en nieuwe geharmoniseerde indelingen op te nemen. Bovendien is het nodig dat bepaalde stoffen worden geschrapt. |
(2) |
Bijlage VI bij Verordening (EG) nr. 1272/2008 moet worden gewijzigd om rekening te houden met de onlangs goedgekeurde wijzigingen van bijlage I bij Richtlijn 67/548/EEG die zijn ingevoerd bij Richtlijn 2008/58/EG van de Commissie van 21 augustus 2008 tot dertigste aanpassing aan de vooruitgang van de techniek van Richtlijn 67/548/EEG van de Raad (3) en bij Richtlijn 2009/2/EG van de Commissie van 15 januari 2009 tot eenendertigste aanpassing aan de vooruitgang van de techniek van Richtlijn 67/548/EEG van de Raad (4). Deze maatregelen zijn aanpassingen aan de technische en wetenschappelijke vooruitgang in de zin van artikel 53 van Verordening (EG) nr. 1272/2008. |
(3) |
Overweging 53 van Verordening (EG) nr. 1272/2008 stelt dat ten volle rekening moet worden gehouden met de in het kader van Richtlijn 67/548/EEG verrichte werkzaamheden en opgedane ervaring, waaronder ook de indeling en etikettering van specifieke stoffen in bijlage I bij die richtlijn. |
(4) |
De geharmoniseerde indelingen van deel 3 van bijlage VI bij Verordening (EG) nr. 1272/2008, zoals gewijzigd bij deze verordening, hoeven niet onmiddellijk te worden toegepast, aangezien er een bepaalde tijd nodig zal zijn om de martkdeelnemers in staat te stellen de etikettering en verpakking van stoffen en mengsels aan de nieuwe indelingen aan te passen. Ook zal er een bepaalde tijd nodig zijn om de martkdeelnemers in staat te stellen te voldoen aan de registratieverplichtingen die voortvloeien uit de nieuwe geharmoniseerde indelingen voor stoffen die zijn ingedeeld als kankerverwekkend, mutageen of vergiftig voor de voortplanting (categorieën 1A en 1B (tabel 3.1) en categorieën 1 en 2 (tabel 3.2.)), of stoffen die zeer vergiftig zijn voor in het water levende organismen en die in het aquatisch milieu op lange termijn schadelijke effecten kunnen veroorzaken, in het bijzonder de verplichtingen vastgesteld in artikel 23 van Verordening (EG) nr. 1907/2006 van het Europees Parlement en de Raad van 18 december 2006 inzake de registratie en beoordeling van en de autorisatie en beperkingen ten aanzien van chemische stoffen (REACH), tot oprichting van een Europees Agentschap voor chemische stoffen, houdende wijziging van Richtlijn 1999/45/EG en houdende intrekking van Verordening (EEG) nr. 793/93 van de Raad en Verordening (EG) nr. 1488/94 van de Commissie alsmede Richtlijn 76/769/EEG van de Raad en de Richtlijnen 91/155/EEG, 93/67/EEG, 93/105/EG en 2000/21/EG van de Commissie (5). |
(5) |
Voor de stoffen in deze verordening die worden geactualiseerd of toegevoegd aan deel 3 van bijlage VI bij Verordening (EG) nr. 1272/2008 is het ook dienstig dat de verplichting om stoffen in te delen overeenkomstig de geharmoniseerde indelingen van deel 3 van bijlage VI bij Verordening (EG) nr. 1272/2008, zoals gewijzigd bij deze verordening, op de in artikel 23 van Verordening (EG) nr. 1907/2006 vastgestelde datum ingaat. Bijgevolg dient deze verordening met ingang van 1 december 2010 van toepassing te zijn. |
(6) |
Leveranciers moeten in staat worden gesteld de geharmoniseerde indelingen van deel 3 van bijlage VI bij Verordening (EG) nr. 1272/2008, zoals gewijzigd bij deze verordening, toe te passen en de etikettering en verpakking dienovereenkomstig aan te passen vóór 1 december 2010, zoals vastgesteld in Verordening (EG) nr. 1272/2008. |
(7) |
De gepubliceerde versie van Richtlijn 2009/2/EG bevatte per abuis het catalogusnummer. 607-674-00-0 (vertakte C10-alkylbenzoaten). Bijgevolg is het dienstig deze materiële fout te corrigeren en de stof met dit catalogusnummer niet op te nemen in bijlage VI bij Verordening (EG) nr. 1272/2008. |
(8) |
De in deze verordening vervatte maatregelen zijn in overeenstemming met het advies van het bij artikel 133 van Verordening (EG) nr. 1907/2006 ingestelde comité, |
Artikel 1
Deel 3 van bijlage VI bij Verordening (EG) nr. 1272/2008 wordt als volgt gewijzigd:
1) |
tabel 3.1 wordt als volgt gewijzigd:
2) |
tabel 3.2 wordt als volgt gewijzigd:
Artikel 2
1.Deze verordening treedt in werking op de twintigste dag volgende op die van haar bekendmaking in het Publicatieblad van de Europese Unie.
2.Artikel 1 is van toepassing met ingang van 1 december 2010.
3.De geharmoniseerde indelingen van deel 3 van bijlage VI bij Verordening (EG) nr. 1272/2008, zoals gewijzigd bij deze Verordening, kunnen vóór 1 december 2010 worden toegepast.
Deze verordening is verbindend in al haar onderdelen en is rechtstreeks toepasselijk in elke lidstaat.
Gedaan te Brussel, 10 augustus 2009.
Voor de Commissie
Stavros DIMAS
Lid van de Commissie
Catalogus-nummer |
Internationale chemische identificatie |
EC-nr. |
CAS-nr. |
Indeling |
Etikettering |
Specifieke concentratiegrenzen M-factoren |
Opmer-kingen |
Gevarenklasse en categoriecode(s) |
Gevaren-aanduidings-code(s) |
Pictogram, signaalwoord-code(s) |
Gevaren-aanduidings-code(s) |
Aanvullende gevaren-aanduidings-code(s) |
001-002-00-4 |
aluminium lithium hydride |
240-877-9 |
16853-85-3 |
Water-react. 1 Skin Corr. 1A |
H260 H314 |
GHS02 GHS05 Dgr |
H260 H314 |
005-006-00-7 |
dibutyltin hydrogen borate |
401-040-5 |
75113-37-0 |
Repr. 1B Muta. 2 STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H360FD H341 H372** H312 H302 H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H360FD H341 H372 H312 H302 H318 H317 H410 |
006-007-00-5 |
salts of hydrogen cyanide with the exception of complex cyanides such as ferrocyanides, ferricyanides and mercuric oxycyanide and those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 1 Acute Tox. 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H330 H310 H300 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H330 H310 H300 H410 |
EUH032 |
A |
006-011-00-7 |
carbaryl (ISO); 1-naphthyl methylcarbamate |
200-555-0 |
63-25-2 |
Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 |
H351 H332 H302 H400 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H351 H332 H302 H400 |
M=100 |
006-015-00-9 |
diuron (ISO); 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea |
206-354-4 |
330-54-1 |
Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H351 H302 H373** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H351 H302 H373 H410 |
M=10 |
006-045-00-2 |
methomyl (ISO); 1-(methylthio)ethylideneamino N-methylcarbamate |
240-815-0 |
16752-77-5 |
Acute Tox. 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H300 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H300 H410 |
M=10 |
006-076-00-1 |
mancozeb (ISO); manganese ethylenebis(dithiocarbamate) (polymeric) complex with zinc salt |
— |
8018-01-7 |
Repr. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H361d*** H317 H400 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H361d*** H317 H400 |
M=10 |
006-077-00-7 |
maneb (ISO); manganese ethylenebis(dithiocarbamate) (polymeric) |
235-654-8 |
12427-38-2 |
Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H361d*** H332 H319 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H361d*** H332 H319 H317 H410 |
M=10 |
006-084-00-5 |
carbosulfan (ISO); 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7-benzofuryl [(dibutylamino)thio]methylcarbamate |
259-565-9 |
55285-14-8 |
Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 3 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H330 H301 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H330 H301 H317 H410 |
006-087-00-1 |
furathiocarb (ISO); 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7-benzofuryl 2,4-dimethyl-6-oxa-5-oxo-3-thia-2,4-diazadecanoate |
265-974-3 |
65907-30-4 |
Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H330 H301 H373** H319 H315 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H330 H301 H373 H319 H315 H317 H410 |
M=100 |
006-088-00-7 |
benfuracarb (ISO); ethyl N-[2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethylbenzofuran-7-yloxycarbonyl(methyl)aminothio]-N-isopropyl- β-alaninate |
— |
82560-54-1 |
Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H361f*** H331 H302 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H361f*** H331 H302 H410 |
007-002-00-0 |
nitrogen dioxide; [1] dinitrogen tetraoxide [2] |
233-272-6 [1] 234-126-4 [2] |
10102-44-0 [1] 10544-72-6 [2] |
Press. Gas Ox. Gas 1 Acute Tox. 2 * Skin Corr. 1B |
H270 H330 H314 |
GHS04 GHS03 GHS06 GHS05 Dgr |
H270 H330 H314 |
* STOT SE 3; H335: C ≥ 0,5 % |
5 |
007-007-00-8 |
ethyl nitrate |
210-903-3 |
625-58-1 |
Unst. Expl |
H200 |
GHS01 Dgr |
H200 |
009-001-00-0 |
fluorine |
231-954-8 |
7782-41-4 |
Press. Gas Ox. Gas 1 Acute Tox. 2 * Skin Corr. 1A |
H270 H330 H314 |
GHS04 GHS03 GHS06 GHS05 Dgr |
H270 H330 H314 |
013-002-00-1 |
aluminium powder (stabilised) |
231-072-3 |
7429-90-5 |
Water-react. 2 Flam. Sol. 1 |
H261 H228 |
GHS02 Dgr |
H261 H228 |
T |
015-003-00-2 |
calcium phosphide; tricalcium diphosphide |
215-142-0 |
1305-99-3 |
Water-react. 1 Acute Tox. 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 |
H260 H300 H400 |
GHS02 GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H260 H300 H400 |
EUH029 |
M=100 |
015-004-00-8 |
aluminium phosphide |
244-088-0 |
20859-73-8 |
Water-react. 1 Acute Tox. 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 |
H260 H300 H400 |
GHS02 GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H260 H300 H400 |
EUH029 EUH032 |
M=100 |
015-005-00-3 |
magnesium phosphide; trimagnesium diphosphide |
235-023-7 |
12057-74-8 |
Water-react. 1 Acute Tox. 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 |
H260 H300 H400 |
GHS02 GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H260 H300 H400 |
EUH029 |
M=100 |
015-006-00-9 |
trizinc diphosphide; zinc phosphide |
215-244-5 |
1314-84-7 |
Water-react. 1 Acute Tox. 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H260 H300 H400 H410 |
GHS02 GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H260 H300 H410 |
EUH029 EUH032 |
M=100 |
T |
015-019-00-X |
dichlorvos (ISO); 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate |
200-547-7 |
62-73-7 |
Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H330 H311 H301 H317 H400 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H330 H311 H301 H317 H400 |
M=1000 |
015-041-00-X |
malathion (ISO); 1,2-bis(ethoxycarbonyl)ethyl O,O-dimethyl phosphorodithioate; [containing ≤ 0,03 % isomalathion] |
204-497-7 |
121-75-5 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H317 H410 |
M=1000 |
015-048-00-8 |
fenthion (ISO); O,O-dimethyl-O-(4-methylthion-m-tolyl) phosphorothioate |
200-231-9 |
55-38-9 |
Muta. 2 Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H341 H331 H312 H302 H372** H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H341 H331 H312 H302 H372** H410 |
M=100 |
015-056-00-1 |
azinphos-ethyl (ISO); O,O-diethyl 4-oxobenzotriazin-3-ylmethyl phosphorodithioate |
220-147-6 |
2642-71-9 |
Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 3 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H300 H311 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H300 H311 H410 |
M=100 |
015-067-00-1 |
phosalone (ISO); S-(6-chloro-2-oxobenzoxazolin-3-ylmethyl) O,O-diethyl phosphorodithioate |
218-996-2 |
2310-17-0 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H301 H332 H312 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H301 H332 H312 H317 H410 |
M=1000 |
015-100-00-X |
phoxim (ISO); α-(diethoxyphosphinothioylimino) phenylacetonitrile |
238-887-3 |
14816-18-3 |
Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H361f*** H302 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H361f*** H302 H317 H410 |
M=1000 |
015-102-00-0 |
tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate |
204-118-5 |
115-96-8 |
Carc. 2 Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H351 H360F*** H302 H411 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H351 H360F*** H302 H411 |
015-114-00-6 |
chlormephos (ISO); S-chloromethyl O,O-diethyl phosphorodithioate |
246-538-1 |
24934-91-6 |
Acute Tox. 1 Acute Tox. 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H317 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H317 H410 |
M=10 |
015-115-00-1 |
chlorthiophos (ISO); [isomeric reaction mass in which O-2,5-dichlorophenyl-4-methylthiophenyl O,O-diethyl phosphorothioate predominates] |
244-663-6 |
21923-23-9 |
Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 3 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H310 H300 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H310 H300 H410 |
M=1000 |
015-140-00-8 |
triazophos (ISO); O,O-diethyl-O-1-phenyl-1H-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl phosphorothioate |
245-986-5 |
24017-47-8 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H331 H301 H312 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H331 H301 H312 H410 |
M=100 |
015-155-00-X |
glufosinate ammonium (ISO); ammonium 2-amino-4-(hydroxymethylphosphinyl)butyrate |
278-636-5 |
77182-82-2 |
Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * |
H360Fd H332 H312 H302 H373** |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H360Fd H332 H312 H302 H373** |
016-009-00-8 |
disodium sulfide; sodium sulfide |
215-211-5 |
1313-82-2 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 |
H311 H302 H314 H400 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H311 H302 H314 H400 |
016-084-00-7 |
prosulfuron (ISO); 1-(4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-3-[2-(3,3,3-trifluoropropyl)phenylsulfonyl]urea |
— |
94125-34-5 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H410 |
M=100 |
017-001-00-7 |
chlorine |
231-959-5 |
7782-50-5 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H331 H319 H335 H315 H400 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H331 H319 H335 H315 H400 |
M=100 |
017-009-00-0 |
ammonium perchlorate |
232-235-1 |
7790-98-9 |
Expl. 1.1 Ox. Sol. 1 |
H201 H271 |
GHS01 Dgr |
H201 H271 |
T |
017-012-00-7 |
calcium hypochlorite |
231-908-7 |
7778-54-3 |
Ox. Sol. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 |
H272 H302 H314 H400 |
GHS03 GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H272 H302 H314 H400 |
EUH031 |
Skin Corr. 1B; H314: C ≥ 5 % Skin Irrit. 2; H; 315: 1 % ≤ C < 5 % Eye Dam. 1; H318: 3 % ≤ C < 5 % Eye Irrit. 2; H319: 0,5 % ≤ C < 3 % STOT SE 3; H335: C ≥ 3 % M=10 |
T |
017-026-00-3 |
chlorine dioxide |
233-162-8 |
10049-04-4 |
Press. Gas Ox. Gas 1 Acute Tox. 2 * Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 |
H270 H330 H314 H400 |
GHS04 GHS03 GHS06 GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H270 H330 H314 H400 |
EUH006 |
M=10 |
5 |
017-026-01-0 |
chlorine dioxide … % |
233-162-8 |
10049-04-4 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 |
H301 H314 H400 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H301 H314 H400 |
Skin Corr. 1B; H314: C ≥ 5 % Skin Irrit. 2; H315: 1 % ≤ C < 5 % Eye Dam. 1; H318: 3 % ≤ C < 5 % Eye Irrit. 2; H319: 0,3 % ≤ C < 3 % STOT SE 3; H335: C ≥ 3 % M=10 |
B |
024-004-00-7 |
sodium dichromate |
234-190-3 |
10588-01-9 |
Ox. Sol. 2 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 1 Skin Corr. 1B Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H272 H350 H340 H360FD H330 H301 H312 H372** H314 H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS03 GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H272 H350 H340 H360FD H330 H301 H312 H372** H314 H334 H317 H410 |
Resp. Sens. 1; H334: C ≥ 0,2 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,2 % STOT SE 3; H335: C ≥ 5 % |
027-002-00-4 |
cobalt oxide |
215-154-6 |
1307-96-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H317 H410 |
M=10 |
027-003-00-X |
cobalt sulfide |
215-273-3 |
1317-42-6 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H410 |
M=10 |
027-004-00-5 |
cobalt dichloride |
231-589-4 |
7646-79-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 2 Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360F*** H302 H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360F*** H302 H334 H317 H410 |
Carc. 1B; H350i: C ≥ 0,01 % M=10 |
1 |
027-005-00-0 |
cobalt sulfate |
233-334-2 |
10124-43-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 2 Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360F*** H302 H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360F*** H302 H334 H317 H410 |
Carc. 1B; H350i: C ≥ 0,01 % M=10 |
1 |
028-002-00-7 |
nickel |
231-111-4 |
7440-02-0 |
Carc. 2 STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H351 H372** H317 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H351 H372** H317 |
S 7 |
028-003-00-2 |
nickel monoxide; [1] nickel oxide; [2] bunsenite [3] |
215-215-7 [1] 234-323-5 [2]
1313-99-1 [1] 11099-02-8 [2] 34492-97-2 [3] |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H350i H372** H317 H413 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 H413 |
028-004-00-8 |
nickel dioxide |
234-823-3 |
12035-36-8 |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H350i H372** H317 H413 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 H413 |
028-005-00-3 |
dinickel trioxide |
215-217-8 |
1314-06-3 |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H350i H372** H317 H413 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 H413 |
028-006-00-9 |
nickel (II) sulfide; [1] nickel sulfide; [2] millerite [3] |
240-841-2 [1] 234-349-7 [2]
16812-54-7 [1] 11113-75-0 [2] 1314-04-1 [3] |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H372** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H372** H317 H410 |
028-007-00-4 |
trinickel disulfide; nickel subsulfide; [1] heazlewoodite [2] |
234-829-6 [1]
12035-72-2 [1] 12035-71-1 [2] |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H372** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H372** H317 H410 |
028-008-00-X |
nickel dihydroxide; [1] nickel hydroxide [2] |
235-008-5 [1] 234-348-1 [2] |
12054-48-7 [1] 11113-74-9 [2] |
Carc. 1A Repr. 1B Muta. 2 STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H360D*** H341 H372** H332 H302 H315 H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H360D*** H341 H372** H332 H302 H315 H334 H317 H410 |
028-009-00-5 |
nickel sulfate |
232-104-9 |
7786-81-4 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H332 H302 H315 H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H332 H302 H315 H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H373: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Irrit. 2; H315: C ≥ 20 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
028-010-00-0 |
nickel carbonate; basic nickel carbonate; carbonic acid, nickel (2+) salt; [1] carbonic acid, nickel salt; [2] [µ-[carbonato(2-)-O:O']] dihydroxy trinickel; [3] [carbonato(2-)] tetrahydroxytrinickel [4] |
222-068-2 [1] 240-408-8 [2] 265-748-4 [3] 235-715-9 [4] |
3333-67-3 [1] 16337-84-1 [2] 65405-96-1 [3] 12607-70-4 [4] |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H332 H302 H315 H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H332 H302 H315 H334 H317 H410 |
029-013-00-X |
trisodium(2-(α-(3-(4-chloro-6-(2-(2-(vinylsulfonyl)ethoxy)ethylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-2-oxido-5-sulfonatophenylazo)benzylidenehydrazino)-4-sulfonatobenzoato)copper(II) |
407-580-8 |
130201-51-3 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
033-005-00-1 |
arsenic acid and its salts with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
Carc. 1A Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350 H331 H301 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350 H331 H301 H410 |
A |
034-002-00-8 |
selenium compounds with the exception of cadmium sulphoselenide and those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H331 H301 H373** H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H331 H301 H373** H410 |
A |
042-001-00-9 |
molybdenum trioxide |
215-204-7 |
1313-27-5 |
Carc. 2 Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 |
H351 H319 H335 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H351 H319 H335 |
042-002-00-4 |
tetrakis(dimethylditetradecylammonium) hexa-μ-oxotetra-μ3-oxodi-μ5-oxotetradecaoxooctamolybdate(4-) |
404-760-8 |
117342-25-3 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Eye Dam. 1 |
H331 H318 |
GHS06 GHS05 Dgr |
H331 H318 |
047-001-00-2 |
silver nitrate |
231-853-9 |
7761-88-8 |
Ox. Sol. 2 Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H272 H314 H400 H410 |
GHS03 GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H272 H314 H410 |
050-002-00-0 |
cyhexatin (ISO); hydroxytricyclohexylstannane; tri(cyclohexyl)tin hydroxide |
236-049-1 |
13121-70-5 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H332 H312 H302 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H332 H312 H302 H410 |
M=1000 |
050-003-00-6 |
fentin acetate (ISO); triphenyltin acetate |
212-984-0 |
900-95-8 |
Carc. 2 Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 1 STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H351 H361d*** H330 H311 H301 H372** H335 H315 H318 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H351 H361d*** H330 H311 H301 H372** H335 H315 H318 H410 |
M=10 |
050-004-00-1 |
fentin hydroxide (ISO); triphenyltin hydroxide |
200-990-6 |
76-87-9 |
Carc. 2 Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 1 STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H351 H361d*** H330 H311 H301 H372** H335 H315 H318 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H351 H361d*** H330 H311 H301 H372** H335 H315 H318 H410 |
M=10 |
050-008-00-3 |
tributyltin compounds, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 1 Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H301 H312 H372** H319 H315 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H301 H312 H372** H319 H315 H410 |
* STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,25 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Irrit. 2; C ≥ 1 % Eye Irrit. 2; C ≥ 1 % M=10 |
A 1 |
050-011-00-X |
triphenyltin compounds, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H331 H311 H301 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H331 H311 H301 H410 |
* M=100 |
A 1 |
050-018-00-8 |
tin(II) methanesulphonate |
401-640-7 |
53408-94-9 |
Skin Corr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H314 H302 H317 H411 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H314 H302 H317 H411 |
053-003-00-4 |
iodoxybenzene |
— |
696-33-3 |
Expl. **** |
**** |
**** |
**** |
053-004-00-X |
calcium iodoxybenzoate |
— |
— |
Expl. **** |
**** |
**** |
**** |
C |
080-001-00-0 |
mercury |
231-106-7 |
7439-97-6 |
Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 2 * STOT RE 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H360D*** H330 H372** H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H360D*** H330 H372** H410 |
080-006-00-8 |
dimercury dicyanide oxide; mercuric oxycyanide |
215-629-8 |
1335-31-5 |
Expl. 1.1 Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H201 H331 H311 H301 H373** H400 H410 |
GHS01 GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H201 H331 H311 H301 H373** H410 |
080-010-00-X |
mercury dichloride; mercuric chloride |
231-299-8 |
7487-94-7 |
Muta. 2 Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 2 * STOT RE 1 Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H341 H361f*** H300 H372** H314 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H341 H361f*** H300 H372** H314 H410 |
082-004-00-2 |
lead chromate |
231-846-0 |
7758-97-6 |
Carc. 1B Repr. 1A STOT RE 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350 H360Df H373** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350 H360Df H373** H410 |
1 |
082-009-00-X |
lead sulfochromate yellow; C.I. Pigment Yellow 34; [This substance is identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, C.I. 77603.] |
215-693-7 |
1344-37-2 |
Carc. 1B Repr. 1A STOT RE 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350 H360Df H373** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350 H360Df H373** H410 |
1 |
082-010-00-5 |
lead chromate molybdate sulfate red; C.I. Pigment Red 104; [This substance is identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, C.I. 77605.] |
235-759-9 |
12656-85-8 |
Carc. 1B Repr. 1A STOT RE 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350 H360Df H373** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350 H360Df H373** H410 |
1 |
092-002-00-3 |
uranium compounds with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 2 * STOT RE 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H330 H300 H373** H411 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H330 H300 H373** H411 |
A |
601-007-00-7 |
hexane (containing < 5 % n-hexane (203-777-6)); 2-methylpentane; [1] 3-methylpentane; [2] 2,2-dimethylbutane; [3] 2,3-dimethylbutane [4] |
203-523-4 [1] 202-481-4 [2] 200-906-8 [3] 201-193-6 [4] |
107-83-5 [1] 96-14-0 [2] 75-83-2 [3] 79-29-8 [4] |
Flam. Liq. 2 Asp. Tox. 1 Skin Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H225 H304 H315 H336 H411 |
GHS02 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H225 H304 H315 H336 H411 |
C |
601-008-00-2 |
heptane; n-heptane; [1] 2,4-dimethylpentane; [2] 2,2,3-trimethylbutane; [3] 3,3-dimethylpentane; [4] 2,3-dimethylpentane; [5] 3-methylhexane; [6] 2,2-dimethylpentane; [7] 2-methylhexane; [8] 3-ethylpentane; [9] isoheptane; [10] |
205-563-8 [1] 203-548-0 [2] 207-346-3 [3] 209-230-8 [4] 209-280-0 [5] 209-643-3 [6] 209-680-5 [7] 209-730-6 [8] 210-529-0 [9] 250-610-8 [10] |
142-82-5 [1] 108-08-7 [2] 464-06-2 [3] 562-49-2 [4] 565-59-3 [5] 589-34-4 [6] 590-35-2 [7] 591-76-4 [8] 617-78-7 [9] 31394-54-4 [10] |
Flam. Liq. 2 Asp. Tox. 1 Skin Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H225 H304 H315 H336 H400 H410 |
GHS02 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H225 H304 H315 H336 H410 |
C |
601-009-00-8 |
octane; n-octane; [1] 2,2,4-trimethylpentane; [2] 2,3,3-trimethylpentane; [3] 3,3-dimethylhexane; [4] 2,2,3-trimethylpentane; [5] 2,3,4-trimethylpentane; [6] 3,4-dimethylhexane; [7] 2,3-dimethylhexane; [8] 2,4-dimethylhexane; [9] 4-methylheptane; [10] 3-methylheptane; [11] 2,2-dimethylhexane; [12] 2,5-dimethylhexane; [13] 2-methylheptane; [14] 2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutane; [15] 3-ethyl-2-methylpentane; [16] 3-ethylhexane; [17] 3-ethyl-3-methylpentane; [18] isooctane; [19] |
203-892-1 [1] 208-759-1 [2] 209-207-2 [3] 209-243-9 [4] 209-266-4 [5] 209-292-6 [6] 209-504-7 [7] 209-547-1 [8] 209-649-6 [9] 209-650-1 [10] 209-660-6 [11] 209-689-4 [12] 209-745-8 [13] 209-747-9 [14] 209-855-6 [15] 210-187-2 [16] 210-621-0 [17] 213-923-0 [18] 247-861-0 [19] |
111-65-9 [1] 540-84-1 [2] 560-21-4 [3] 563-16-6 [4] 564-02-3 [5] 565-75-3 [6] 583-48-2 [7] 584-94-1 [8] 589-43-5 [9] 589-53-7 [10] 589-81-1 [11] 590-73-8 [12] 592-13-2 [13] 592-27-8 [14] 594-82-1 [15] 609-26-7 [16] 619-99-8 [17] 1067-08-9 [18] 26635-64-3 [19] |
Flam. Liq. 2 Asp. Tox. 1 Skin Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H225 H304 H315 H336 H400 H410 |
GHS02 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H225 H304 H315 H336 H410 |
C |
601-033-00-9 |
benz[a]anthracene |
200-280-6 |
56-55-3 |
Carc. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350 H410 |
M=100 |
601-041-00-2 |
dibenz[a,h]anthracene |
200-181-8 |
53-70-3 |
Carc. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350 H410 |
Carc. 1B; H350: C ≥ 0,01 % M=100 |
601-065-00-3 |
reaction mass of: (1'α,3'α,6'α)-2,2,3,7,7'-pentamethylspiro(1,3-dioxane-5,2'-norcarane); (1'α,3'β,6'α)-2,2,3,7,7'-pentamethylspiro(1,3-dioxane-5,2'-norcarane) |
416-930-9 |
— |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H315 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H315 H411 |
602-007-00-X |
bromoform; tribromomethane |
200-854-6 |
75-25-2 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H331 H302 H319 H315 H411 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H331 H302 H319 H315 H411 |
602-030-00-5 |
1,3-dichloropropene; [1] (Z)-1,3-dichloropropene [2] |
208-826-5 [1] 233-195-8 [2] |
542-75-6 [1] 10061-01-5 [2] |
Flam. Liq. 3 Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * Asp. Tox. 1 Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H226 H311 H301 H332 H304 H319 H335 H315 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS02 GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H226 H311 H301 H332 H304 H319 H335 H315 H317 H410 |
C D |
602-050-00-4 |
isodrin; (1α,4α,4aβ,5β,8β,8aβ)-1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro-1,4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydro-1,4:5,8-dimethanonaphthalene |
207-366-2 |
465-73-6 |
Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 1 Acute Tox. 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H330 H310 H300 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H330 H310 H300 H410 |
M=100 |
602-052-00-5 |
endosulfan (ISO); 1,2,3,4,7,7-hexachloro-8,9,10-trinorborn-2-en-5,6-ylenedimethylene sulfite; 1,4,5,6,7,7-hexachloro-8,9,10-trinorborn-5-en-2,3-ylenedimethylene sulfite |
204-079-4 |
115-29-7 |
Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H330 H300 H312 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H330 H300 H312 H410 |
602-054-00-6 |
3-iodpropene; allyl iodide |
209-130-4 |
556-56-9 |
Flam. Liq. 2 Skin Corr. 1B |
H225 H314 |
GHS02 GHS05 Dgr |
H225 H314 |
602-076-00-6 |
2,3,4-trichlorobut-1-ene |
219-397-9 |
2431-50-7 |
Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H351 H331 H302 H319 H335 H315 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H351 H331 H302 H319 H335 H315 H410 |
Carc. 2; H351: C ≥ 0,1 % |
602-080-00-8 |
alkanes, C10-13, chloro; chlorinated paraffins, C10-13 |
287-476-5 |
85535-84-8 |
Carc. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H351 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Wng |
H351 H410 |
EUH066 |
603-005-00-1 |
2-methylpropan-2-ol; tert-butyl alcohol |
200-889-7 |
75-65-0 |
Flam. Liq. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 |
H225 H332 H319 H335 |
GHS02 GHS07 Dgr |
H225 H332 H319 H335 |
603-018-00-2 |
furfuryl alcohol |
202-626-1 |
98-00-0 |
Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 |
H351 H331 H312 H302 H373** H319 H335 |
GHS06 GHS08 Dgr |
H351 H331 H312 H302 H373** H319 H335 |
603-023-00-X |
ethylene oxide; oxirane |
200-849-9 |
75-21-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Acute Tox. 3 * Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 |
H220 H350 H340 H331 H319 H335 H315 |
GHS02 GHS04 GHS06 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 H331 H319 H335 H315 |
603-029-00-2 |
bis(2-chloroethyl) ether |
203-870-1 |
111-44-4 |
Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 1 Acute Tox. 2 * |
H351 H330 H310 H300 |
GHS06 GHS08 Dgr |
H351 H330 H310 H300 |
603-032-00-9 |
ethylene dinitrate; ethylene glycol dinitrate |
211-063-0 |
628-96-6 |
Unst. Expl. Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 1 Acute Tox. 2 * STOT RE 2 |
H200 H330 H310 H300 H373** |
GHS01 GHS06 GHS08 Dgr |
H200 H330 H310 H300 H373** |
603-037-00-6 |
cellulose nitrate; nitrocellulose |
— |
— |
Expl. 1.1 |
H201 |
GHS01 Dgr |
H201 |
T |
603-046-00-5 |
bis(chloromethyl) ether; oxybis(chloromethane) |
208-832-8 |
542-88-1 |
Flam. Liq. 2 Carc. 1A Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * |
H225 H350 H330 H311 H302 |
GHS02 GHS06 GHS08 Dgr |
H225 H350 H330 H311 H302 |
Carc. 1A; H350: C ≥ 0,001 % |
603-064-00-3 |
1-methoxy-2-propanol; monopropylene glycol methyl ether |
203-539-1 |
107-98-2 |
Flam. Liq. 3 STOT SE 3 |
H226 H336 |
GHS02 GHS07 Wng |
H226 H336 |
603-066-00-4 |
1,2-epoxy-4-epoxyethylcyclohexane; 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxide |
203-437-7 |
106-87-6 |
Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * |
H351 H331 H311 H301 |
GHS06 GHS08 Dgr |
H351 H331 H311 H301 |
* |
603-085-00-8 |
bronopol (INN); 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol |
200-143-0 |
52-51-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H312 H302 H335 H315 H318 H400 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H312 H302 H335 H315 H318 H400 |
M=10 |
603-127-00-5 |
butan-2-ol; [1] (S)-butan-2-ol; [2] (R)-butan-2-ol; [3] (±)-butan-2-ol [4] |
201-158-5 [1] 224-168-1 [2] 238-967-8 [3] 240-029-8 [4] |
78-92-2 [1] 4221-99-2 [2] 14898-79-4 [3] 15892-23-6 [4] |
Flam. Liq. 3 Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 STOT SE 3 |
H226 H319 H335 H336 |
GHS02 GHS07 Wng |
H226 H319 H335 H336 |
C |
604-005-00-4 |
1,4-dihydroxybenzene; hydroquinone; quinol |
204-617-8 |
123-31-9 |
Carc. 2 Muta. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H351 H341 H302 H318 H317 H400 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H351 H341 H302 H318 H317 H400 |
M=10 |
604-030-00-0 |
bisphenol A; 4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol |
201-245-8 |
80-05-7 |
Repr. 2 STOT SE 3 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H361f*** H335 H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H361f H335 H318 H317 |
604-055-00-7 |
2,2'-((3,3,5,5'-tetramethyl-(1,1'-biphenyl)-4,4'-diyl)-bis(oxymethylene))-bis-oxirane |
413-900-7 |
85954-11-6 |
Carc. 2 Skin Sens. 1 |
H351 H317 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H351 H317 |
605-004-00-1 |
2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3,5-trioxane; paraldehyde |
204-639-8 |
123-63-7 |
Flam. Liq. 3 |
H226 |
GHS02 Wng |
H226 |
605-005-00-7 |
2,4,6,8-tetramethyl-1,3,5,7-tetraoxacyclooctane; metaldehyde |
203-600-2 |
108-62-3 |
Flam. Sol. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * |
H228 H302 |
GHS02 GHS07 Dgr |
H228 H302 |
605-010-00-4 |
2-furaldehyde |
202-627-7 |
98-01-1 |
Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 |
H351 H331 H301 H312 H319 H335 H315 |
GHS06 GHS08 Dgr |
H351 H331 H301 H312 H319 H335 H315 |
606-013-00-3 |
p-benzoquinone; quinone |
203-405-2 |
106-51-4 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H331 H301 H319 H335 H315 H400 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H331 H301 H319 H335 H315 H400 |
M=10 |
606-021-00-7 |
N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone; 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone |
212-828-1 |
872-50-4 |
Repr. 1B Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 |
H360D*** H319 H335 H315 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H360D*** H319 H335 H315 |
Repr. 1B; H360D: C ≥ 5 % STOT SE 3; H335: C ≥ 10 % |
606-034-00-8 |
metribuzin (ISO); 4-amino-6-tert-butyl-3-methylthio-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one; 4-amino-4,5-dihydro-6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-methylthio-1,2,4-triazin-5-one |
244-209-7 |
21087-64-9 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H410 |
M=10 |
607-003-00-1 |
chloroacetic acid |
201-178-4 |
79-11-8 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 |
H331 H311 H301 H314 H400 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H331 H311 H301 H314 H400 |
STOT SE 3; H335: C ≥ 5 % |
607-007-00-3 |
salts of oxalic acid with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * |
H312 H302 |
GHS07 Wng |
H312 H302 |
* |
A |
607-012-00-0 |
benzoyl chloride |
202-710-8 |
98-88-4 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B Skin Sens. 1 |
H332 H312 H302 H314 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H332 H312 H302 H314 H317 |
607-037-00-7 |
2-ethoxyethyl acetate; ethylglycol acetate |
203-839-2 |
111-15-9 |
Flam. Liq. 3 Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * |
H226 H360FD H332 H312 H302 |
GHS02 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H226 H360FD H332 H312 H302 |
607-051-00-3 |
MCPA (ISO); 4-chloro-o-tolyloxyacetic acid |
202-360-6 |
94-74-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H315 H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H302 H315 H318 H410 |
607-052-00-9 |
salts and esters of MCPA |
— |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H332 H312 H302 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H332 H312 H302 H410 |
A |
607-065-00-X |
bromoacetic acid |
201-175-8 |
79-08-3 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Skin Corr. 1A Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H331 H311 H301 H314 H317 H400 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H331 H311 H301 H314 H317 H400 |
607-085-00-9 |
benzyl benzoate |
204-402-9 |
120-51-4 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H411 |
607-095-00-3 |
maleic acid |
203-742-5 |
110-16-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 |
H302 H319 H335 H315 H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H319 H335 H315 H317 |
Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,1 % |
607-103-00-5 |
succinic anhydride |
203-570-0 |
108-30-5 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 |
H302 H319 H335 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H319 H335 |
* Eye Irrit. 2; H319: C ≥ 1 % STOT SE 3; H335: C ≥ 1 % |
607-142-00-8 |
propyl chloroformate; chloroformic acid propylester; n-propyl chloroformate |
203-687-7 |
109-61-5 |
Flam. Liq. 2 Acute Tox. 3 * Skin Corr. 1B |
H225 H331 H314 |
GHS02 GHS06 GHS05 Dgr |
H225 H331 H314 |
607-162-00-7 |
dalapon; 2,2-dichloropropionic acid; [1] dalapon-sodium; sodium 2,2-dichloropropionate [2] |
200-923-0 [1] 204-828-5 [2] |
75-99-0 [1] 127-20-8 [2] |
Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H315 H318 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H315 H318 H412 |
607-177-00-9 |
Tribenuron-methyl (ISO); 2-[4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl(methyl)carbamoylsulfamoyl]benzoic acid methyl ester; methyl 2-(3-(4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-3methylureidosulfonyl)benzoate |
401-190-1 |
101200-48-0 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H410 |
M=100 |
607-189-00-4 |
trimethylenediaminetetraacetic acid |
400-400-9 |
1939-36-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 |
H302 H318 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 |
607-195-00-7 |
2-methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate |
203-603-9 |
108-65-6 |
Flam. Liq. 3 |
H226 |
GHS02 Wng |
H226 |
607-213-00-3 |
ethyl 3,3-bis(tert-pentylperoxy)butyrate |
403-320-2 |
67567-23-1 |
Org. Perox. D**** Flam. Liq. 3 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H242 H226 H411 |
GHS02 GHS09 Dgr |
H242 H226 H411 |
607-216-00-X |
glutamic acid, reaction products with N-(C12-14-alkyl)propylenediamine |
403-950-8 |
— |
Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 |
H330 H302 H314 H400 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H330 H302 H314 H400 |
607-231-00-1 |
clopyralid (ISO); 3,6-dichloropyridine-2-carboxylic acid |
216-935-4 |
1702-17-6 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-245-00-8 |
tert-butyl acrylate |
216-768-7 |
1663-39-4 |
Flam. Liq. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H225 H332 H312 H302 H335 H315 H317 H411 |
GHS02 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H225 H332 H312 H302 H335 H315 H317 H411 |
D |
607-252-00-6 |
lambda-cyhalothrin (ISO); reaction mass of (S)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl(Z)-(1R)-cis-3-(2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropenyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate and (R)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (Z)-(1S)-cis-3-(2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropenyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate (1:1) |
415-130-7 |
91465-08-6 |
Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H330 H301 H312 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H330 H301 H312 H410 |
M=10000 |
607-253-00-1 |
cyfluthrin (ISO); α-cyano-4-fluoro-3-phenoxybenzyl-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate |
269-855-7 |
68359-37-5 |
Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 3 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H300 H331 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H300 H331 H410 |
M=1000 |
607-319-00-X |
deltamethrin (ISO); (S)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (1R, 3R)-3-(2,2-dibromovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate |
258-256-6 |
52918-63-5 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H331 H301 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H331 H301 H410 |
M=1000000 |
607-397-00-5 |
reaction mass of: Ca salicylates (branched C10-14 and C18-30 alkylated); Ca phenates (branched C10-14 and C18-30 alkylated); Ca sulfurised phenates (branched C10-14 and C18-30 alkylated) |
415-930-6 |
— |
Repr. 2 Skin Sens. 1 |
H361f*** H317 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H361f*** H317 |
607-422-00-X |
α-cypermethrin (ISO); racemate comprising (R)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (1S,3S)-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate; (S)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (1R,3R)-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate |
257-842-9 |
67375-30-8 |
Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 2 * STOT SE 3 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H301 H373** H335 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H301 H373** H335 H410 |
M=1000 |
608-005-00-5 |
n-butyronitrile |
203-700-6 |
109-74-0 |
Flam. Liq. 2 Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * |
H225 H331 H311 H301 |
GHS02 GHS06 Dgr |
H225 H331 H311 H301 |
608-011-00-8 |
oxalonitrile; cyanogen |
207-306-5 |
460-19-5 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Acute Tox. 3 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H220 H331 H400 H410 |
GHS02 GHS04 GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H220 H331 H410 |
608-014-00-4 |
chlorothalonil (ISO); tetrachloroisophthalonitrile |
217-588-1 |
1897-45-6 |
Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 2 * STOT SE 3 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H351 H330 H335 H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H351 H330 H335 H318 H317 H410 |
M=10 |
608-034-00-3 |
chlorfenapyr (ISO); 4-bromo-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-ethoxymethyl-5-trifluoromethylpyrrole-3-carbonitrile |
— |
122453-73-0 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H331 H302 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H331 H302 H410 |
M=100 |
608-058-00-4 |
esfenvalerate (ISO); (S)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl-(S)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-methylbutyrate |
— |
66230-04-4 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H331 H301 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H331 H301 H317 H410 |
M=10000 |
609-005-00-8 |
1,3,5-trinitrobenzene |
202-752-7 |
99-35-4 |
Expl. 1.1 Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 1 Acute Tox. 2 * STOT RE 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H201 H330 H310 H300 H373** H400 H410 |
GHS01 GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H201 H330 H310 H300 H373** H410 |
609-007-00-9 |
2,4-dinitrotoluene; [1] dinitrotoluene [2] |
204-450-0 [1] 246-836-1 [2] |
121-14-2 [1] 25321-14-6 [2] |
Carc. 1B Muta. 2 Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350 H341 H361f*** H331 H311 H301 H373** H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350 H341 H361f*** H331 H311 H301 H373** H410 |
609-009-00-X |
2,4,6-trinitrophenol; picric acid |
201-865-9 |
88-89-1 |
Expl. 1.1 Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * |
H201 H331 H311 H301 |
GHS01 GHS06 Dgr |
H201 H331 H311 H301 |
609-018-00-9 |
2,4,6-trinitroresorcinol; styphnic acid |
201-436-6 |
82-71-3 |
Expl. 1.1 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * |
H201 H332 H312 H302 |
GHS01 GHS07 Dgr |
H201 H332 H312 H302 |
609-023-00-6 |
dinocap (ISO); (RS)-2,6-dinitro-4-octylphenyl crotonates and (RS)-2,4-dinitro-6-octylphenyl crotonates in which „octyl” is a reaction mass of 1-methylheptyl, 1-ethylhexyl and 1-propylpentyl groups |
254-408-0 |
39300-45-3 |
Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H360D*** H332 H302 H373** H315 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H360D*** H332 H302 H373** H315 H317 H410 |
M=100 |
609-046-00-1 |
trifluralin (ISO) (containing < 0,5 ppm NPDA); α,α,α-trifluoro-2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-p-toluidine (containing < 0,5 ppm NPDA); 2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-4-trifluoromethylaniline (containing < 0,5 ppm NPDA); N,N-dipropyl-2,6-dinitro-4-trifluoromethylaniline (containing < 0,5 ppm NPDA) |
216-428-8 |
1582-09-8 |
Carc. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H351 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H351 H317 H410 |
M=10 |
611-028-00-3 |
C,C-azodi(formamide) |
204-650-8 |
123-77-3 |
Resp. Sens. 1 |
H334 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H334 |
611-035-00-1 |
tetralithium 6-amino-4-hydroxy-3-[7-sulfonato-4-(5-sulfonato-2-naphthylazo)-1-naphthylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
403-660-1 |
107246-80-0 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
611-067-00-6 |
reaction mass of: bis(tris(2-(2-hydroxy(1-methyl)ethoxy)ethyl)ammonium) 7-anilino-4-hydroxy-3-(2-methoxy-5-methyl-4-(4-sulfonatophenylazo)phenylazo)naphthalene-2-sulfonate; bis(tris(2-(2-hydroxy(2-methyl)ethoxy)ethyl)ammonium) 7-anilino-4-hydroxy-3-(2-methoxy-5-methyl-4-(4-sulfonatophenylazo)phenylazo)naphthalene-2-sulfonate |
406-910-8 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H412 |
611-130-00-8 |
tetra-ammonium 2-[6-[7-(2-carboxylato-phenylazo)-8-hydroxy-3,6-disulfonato-1-naphthylamino]-4-hydroxy-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino]benzoate |
418-520-5 |
183130-96-3 |
Eye Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H319 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H319 H412 |
612-017-00-6 |
N-methyl-N-2,4,6-tetranitroaniline; tetryl |
207-531-9 |
479-45-8 |
Expl. 1.1 Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 2 |
H201 H331 H311 H301 H373** |
GHS01 GHS06 GHS08 Dgr |
H201 H331 H311 H301 H373** |
612-018-00-1 |
bis(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)amine; hexyl |
205-037-8 |
131-73-7 |
Expl. 1.1 Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 1 Acute Tox. 2 * STOT RE 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H201 H330 H310 H300 H373** H411 |
GHS01 GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H201 H330 H310 H300 H373** H411 |
612-019-00-7 |
dipicrylamine, ammonium salt |
220-639-0 |
2844-92-0 |
Expl. 1.1 Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 1 Acute Tox. 2 * STOT RE 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H201 H330 H310 H300 H373** H411 |
GHS01 GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H201 H330 H310 H300 H373** H411 |
612-034-00-9 |
2-amino-4,6-dinitrophenol; picramic acid |
202-544-6 |
96-91-3 |
Expl. 1.1 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H201 H332 H312 H302 H412 |
GHS01 GHS07 Dgr |
H201 H332 H312 H302 H412 |
612-044-00-3 |
N,N-diacetylbenzidine |
210-338-2 |
613-35-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * |
H350 H341 H332 H312 H302 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H350 H341 H332 H312 H302 |
612-050-00-6 |
cyclohexylamine |
203-629-0 |
108-91-8 |
Flam. Liq. 3 Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B |
H226 H361f*** H312 H302 H314 |
GHS02 GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H226 H361f*** H312 H302 H314 |
612-057-00-4 |
piperazine; [solid] |
203-808-3 |
110-85-0 |
Repr. 2 Skin Corr. 1B Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H361fd H314 H334 H317 |
GHS05 GHS08 Dgr |
H361fd H314 H334 H317 |
612-076-00-8 |
ethyldimethylamine |
209-940-8 |
598-56-1 |
Flam. Liq. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B |
H225 H332 H302 H314 |
GHS02 GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H225 H332 H302 H314 |
612-083-00-6 |
1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine |
200-730-1 |
70-25-7 |
Carc. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H350 H332 H319 H315 H411 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350 H332 H319 H315 H411 |
Carc. 1B; H350: C ≥ 0,01 % |
612-094-00-6 |
4-(2-chloro-4-trifluoromethyl)phenoxy-2-fluoroaniline hydrochloride |
402-190-4 |
113674-95-6 |
STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H372** H302 H373** H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H372** H302 H373** H318 H317 H410 |
612-098-00-8 |
nitrosodipropylamine |
210-698-0 |
621-64-7 |
Carc. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H350 H302 H411 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350 H302 H411 |
Carc. 1B; H350: C ≥ 0,001 % |
612-099-00-3 |
4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine; 2,4-toluenediamine |
202-453-1 |
95-80-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 2 Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H350 H341 H361f*** H301 H312 H373** H317 H411 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350 H341 H361f*** H301 H312 H373** H317 H411 |
612-101-00-2 |
methenamine; hexamethylenetetramine |
202-905-8 |
100-97-0 |
Flam. Sol. 2 Skin Sens. 1 |
H228 H317 |
GHS02 GHS07 Wng |
H228 H317 |
612-122-00-7 |
hydroxylamine ... % [> 55 % in aqueous solution] |
232-259-2 |
7803-49-8 |
Unst. Expl. Met. Corr. 1 Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H200 H290 H351 H312 H302 H373** H335 H315 H318 H317 H400 |
GHS01 GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H200 H290 H351 H312 H302 H373** H335 H315 H318 H317 H400 |
B |
612-123-00-2 |
hydroxylammonium chloride; hydroxylamine hydrochloride; [1] bis(hydroxylammonium) sulfate; hydroxylamine sulfate (2:1) [2] |
226-798-2 [1] 233-118-8 [2] |
5470-11-1 [1] 10039-54-0 [2] |
Met. Corr. 1 Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H290 H351 H312 H302 H373** H319 H315 H317 H400 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H290 H351 H312 H302 H373** H319 H315 H317 H400 |
612-151-00-5 |
methyl-phenylene diamine; diaminotoluene; [technical product – reaction mass of 4-methyl-m-phenylene diamine (EC No 202-453-1) and 2-methyl-m-phenylene diamine (EC No 212-513-9)] |
— |
— |
Carc. 1B Muta. 2 Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H350 H341 H361f*** H301 H312 H373** H319 H317 H411 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350 H341 H361f*** H301 H312 H373** H319 H317 H411 |
613-003-00-2 |
1,2,3,4-tetranitrocarbazole |
— |
6202-15-9 |
Expl. 1.1 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * |
H201 H332 H312 H302 |
GHS01 GHS07 Dgr |
H201 H332 H312 H302 |
613-010-00-0 |
ametryn (ISO); 2-ethylamino-4-isopropylamino-6-methylthio-1,3,5-triazine |
212-634-7 |
834-12-8 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H410 |
M=100 |
613-030-00-X |
troclosene potassium; [1] troclosene sodium [2] |
218-828-8 [1] 220-767-7 [2] |
2244-21-5 [1] 2893-78-9 [2] |
Ox. Sol. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H272 H302 H319 H335 H400 H410 |
GHS03 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H272 H302 H319 H335 H410 |
EUH031 |
* STOT SE 3; H335: C ≥ 10 % EUH031: C ≥ 10 % |
G |
613-044-00-6 |
captan (ISO); 1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-N-(trichloromethylthio)phthalimide |
205-087-0 |
133-06-2 |
Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 3 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H351 H331 H318 H317 H400 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H351 H331 H318 H317 H400 |
M=10 |
613-045-00-1 |
folpet (ISO); N-(trichloromethylthio)phthalimide |
205-088-6 |
133-07-3 |
Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H351 H332 H319 H317 H400 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H351 H332 H319 H317 H400 |
M=10 |
613-060-00-3 |
resmethrin (ISO); 5-benzyl-3-furylmethyl (±)-cis-trans-chrysanthemate |
233-940-7 |
10453-86-8 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H410 |
M=1000 |
613-116-00-7 |
tolylfluanid (ISO); dichloro-N-[(dimethylamino)sulphonyl]fluoro-N-(p-tolyl)methanesulphenamide; [containing ≥ 0,1 % (w/w) of particles with an aerodynamic diameter of below 50 μm] |
211-986-9 |
731-27-1 |
Acute Tox. 2 * STOT RE 1 Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H330 H372** H319 H335 H315 H317 H400 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H330 H372** H319 H335 H315 H317 H400 |
M=10 |
613-120-00-9 |
bioresmethrin (ISO); (5-benzylfur-3-yl)methyl(1R)-trans-2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylpropenyl)cyclopropanecarboxylate |
249-014-0 |
28434-01-7 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
M=1000 |
613-139-00-2 |
metsulfuron-methyl (ISO); 2-(4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylcarbamoylsulfamoyl) benzoic acid |
— |
74223-64-6 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
M=1000 |
613-163-00-3 |
azimsulfuron (ISO); 1-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yl)-3-[1-methyl-4-(2-methyl-2H-tetrazol-5-yl)pyrazol-5-ylsulfonyl]urea |
— |
120162-55-2 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
M=1000 |
613-164-00-9 |
flufenacet (ISO); N-(4-fluorophenyl)-N-isopropyl-2-(5-trifluoromethyl-[1,3,4]thiadiazol-2-yloxy)acetamide |
— |
142459-58-3 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H373** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H373** H317 H410 |
M=100 |
613-165-00-4 |
flupyrsulfuron-methyl-sodium (ISO); methyl 2-[[(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-ylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl]-6-trifluoromethyl]nicotinate, monosodium salt |
— |
144740-54-5 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
M=100 |
613-166-00-X |
flumioxazin (ISO); N-(7-fluoro-3,4-dihydro-3-oxo-4-prop-2-ynyl-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-6-yl)cyclohex-1-ene-1,2-dicarboxamide |
— |
103361-09-7 |
Repr. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H360D*** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H360D*** H410 |
M=1000 |
613-169-00-6 |
9-vinylcarbazole |
216-055-0 |
1484-13-5 |
Muta. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H341 H312 H302 H315 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H341 H312 H302 H315 H317 H410 |
M=100 |
613-174-00-3 |
tetraconazole (ISO); (±) 2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)propyl-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethylether |
407-760-6 |
112281-77-3 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H332 H302 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H332 H302 H411 |
613-203-00-X |
pyraflufen-ethyl (ISO); 2-chloro-5-(4-chloro-5-difluoromethoxy-1-methylpyrazol-3-yl)-4-fluorophenoxyacetic acid ethyl ester; [1] pyraflufen (ISO); 2-chloro-5-(4-chloro-5-difluoromethoxy-1-methylpyrazol-3-yl)-4-fluorophenoxyacetic acid [2] |
129630-19-9 [1] 129630-17-7 [2] |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
M=1000 |
613-204-00-5 |
oxadiargyl (ISO); 3-[2,4-dichloro-5-(2-propynyloxy)phenyl]-5-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2(3H)-one; 5-tert-butyl-3-[2,4-dichloro-5-(prop-2-ynyloxy)phenyl]-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2(3H)-one |
254-637-6 |
39807-15-3 |
Repr. 1A STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H360Fd H373** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H360Fd H373** H410 |
M=1000 |
614-005-00-6 |
colchicine |
200-598-5 |
64-86-8 |
Muta. 1B Acute Tox. 2 * |
H340 H300 |
GHS06 GHS08 Dgr |
H340 H300 |
615-001-00-7 |
methyl isocyanate |
210-866-3 |
624-83-9 |
Flam. Liq. 2 Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 |
H225 H361d*** H330 H311 H301 H334 H317 H335 H315 H318 |
GHS02 GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 Dgr |
H225 H361d*** H330 H311 H301 H334 H317 H335 H315 H318 |
615-004-00-3 |
salts of thiocyanic acid, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H332 H312 H302 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H332 H312 H302 H412 |
EUH032 |
A |
615-005-00-9 |
4,4'-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate; diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate; [1] 2,2'-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate; diphenylmethane-2,2'-diisocyanate; [2] o-(p-isocyanatobenzyl)phenyl isocyanate; diphenylmethane-2,4'-diisocyanate; [3] methylenediphenyl diisocyanate [4] |
202-966-0 [1] 219-799-4 [2] 227-534-9 [3] 247-714-0 [4] |
101-68-8 [1] 2536-05-2 [2] 5873-54-1 [3] 26447-40-5 [4] |
Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H351 H332 H373** H319 H335 H315 H334 H317 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H351 H332 H373** H319 H335 H315 H334 H317 |
Eye Irrit. 2; H319: C ≥ 5 % Skin Irrit. 2; H315: C ≥ 5 % Resp. Sens. 1; H334: C ≥ 0,1 % STOT SE 3; H335: C ≥ 5 % |
C 2 |
615-022-00-1 |
methyl 3-isocyanatosulfonyl-2-thiophene-carboxylate |
410-550-7 |
79277-18-2 |
STOT RE 2 * Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H373** H334 H317 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H373** H334 H317 |
EUH014 |
615-028-00-4 |
ethyl 2-(isocyanatosulfonyl)benzoate |
410-220-2 |
77375-79-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H302 H373** H318 H334 H317 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H373** H318 H334 H317 |
EUH014 |
615-030-00-5 |
alkali salts and alkali earth salts of thiocyanic acid, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H332 H312 H302 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H332 H312 H302 H412 |
A |
615-031-00-0 |
thallium thiocyanate |
222-571-7 |
3535-84-0 |
Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H330 H300 H312 H373** H411 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H330 H300 H312 H373** H411 |
615-032-00-6 |
metal salts of thiocyanic acid, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H332 H312 H302 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H332 H312 H302 H410 |
A |
616-006-00-7 |
dichlofluanid (ISO); N-dichlorofluoromethylthio-N,N-dimethyl-N-phenylsulfamide |
214-118-7 |
1085-98-9 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H332 H319 H317 H400 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H332 H319 H317 H400 |
M=10 |
616-009-00-3 |
propanil (ISO); 3,4'-dichloropropionanilide |
211-914-6 |
709-98-8 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 |
H302 H400 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H400 |
M=10 |
616-124-00-9 |
lithium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide |
415-300-0 |
90076-65-6 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H311 H301 H373** H314 H412 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 Dgr |
H311 H301 H373** H314 H412 |
617-008-00-0 |
dibenzoyl peroxide; benzoyl peroxide |
202-327-6 |
94-36-0 |
Org. Perox. B Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 |
H214 H319 H317 |
GHS01 GHS02 GHS07 Dgr |
H214 H319 H317 |
617-010-00-1 |
1-hydroperoxycyclohexyl 1-hydroxycyclohexyl peroxide; [1] 1,1'-dioxybiscyclohexan-1-ol; [2] cyclohexylidene hydroperoxide; [3] cyclohexanone, peroxide [4] |
201-091-1 [1] 219-306-2 [2] 220-279-4 [3] 235-527-7 [4] |
78-18-2 [1] 2407-94-5 [2] 2699-11-8 [3] 12262-58-7 [4] |
Org. Perox. A Skin Corr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * |
H242 H314 H302 |
GHS01 GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H242 H314 H302 |
STOT SE 3; H335: C ≥ 5 % |
C |
617-017-00-X |
reaction mass of: 2,2'-bis(tert-pentylperoxy)-p-diisopropylbenzene; 2,2'-bis(tert-pentylperoxy)-m-diisopropylbenzene |
412-140-3 |
32144-25-5 |
Org. Perox. D Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H242 H413 |
GHS02 Dgr |
H242 H413 |
T |
648-002-00-6 |
Tar oils, brown-coal; Light Oil; [The distillate from lignite tar boiling in the range of approximately 80 °C to 250 °C (176 °F to 482 °F). Composed primarily of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons and monobasic phenols.] |
302-674-4 |
94114-40-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-003-00-1 |
Benzol forerunnings (coal); Light Oil Redistillate, low boiling; [The distillate from coke oven light oil having an approximate distillation range below 100 °C (212 °F). Composed primarily of C4 to C6 aliphatic hydrocarbons.] |
266-023-5 |
65996-88-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-004-00-7 |
Distillates (coal tar), benzole fraction, BTX-rich; Light Oil Redistillate, low boiling; [A residue from the distillation of crude benzole to remove benzole fronts. Composed primarily of benzene, toluene and xylenes boiling in the range of approximately 75 °C to 200 °C (167 °F to 392 °F).] |
309-984-9 |
101896-26-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-005-00-2 |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C6-10, C8-rich; Light Oil Redistillate, low boiling |
292-697-5 |
90989-41-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-006-00-8 |
Solvent naphtha (coal), light; Light Oil Redistillate, low boiling |
287-498-5 |
85536-17-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-007-00-3 |
Solvent naphtha (coal), xylene-styrene cut; Light Oil Redistillate, intermediate boiling |
287-502-5 |
85536-20-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-008-00-9 |
Solvent naphtha (coal), coumarone-styrene contg.; Light Oil Redistillate, intermediate boiling |
287-500-4 |
85536-19-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-009-00-4 |
Naphtha (coal), distn. residues; Light Oil Redistillate, high boiling; [The residue remaining from the distillation of recovered naphtha. Composed primarily of naphthalene and condensation products of indene and styrene.] |
292-636-2 |
90641-12-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-010-00-X |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C8; Light Oil Redistillate, high boiling |
292-694-9 |
90989-38-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-012-00-0 |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C8-9, hydrocarbon resin polymn. by-product; Light Oil Redistillate, high boiling; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the evaporation of solvent under vacuum from polymerized hydrocarbon resin. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C8 through C9 and boiling in the range of approximately 120 °C to 215 °C (248 °F to 419 °F).] |
295-281-1 |
91995-20-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-013-00-6 |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C9-12, benzene distn.; Light Oil Redistillate, high boiling |
295-551-9 |
92062-36-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-014-00-1 |
Extract residues (coal), benzole fraction alk., acid ext.; Light Oil Extract Residues, low boiling; [The redistillate from the distillate, freed of tar acids and tar bases, from bituminous coal high temperature tar boiling in the approximate range of 90 °C to 160 °C (194 °F to 320 °F). It consists predominantly of benzene, toluene and xylenes.] |
295-323-9 |
91995-61-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-015-00-7 |
Extract residues (coal tar), benzole fraction alk., acid ext.; Light Oil Extract Residues, low boiling; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the redistillation of the distillate of high temperature coal tar (tar acid and tar base free). It consists predominantly of unsubstituted and substituted mononuclear aromatic hydrocarbons boiling in the range of 85 °C to 195 °C (185 °F to 383 °F).] |
309-868-8 |
101316-63-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-016-00-2 |
Extract residues (coal), benzole fraction acid; Light Oil Extract Residues, low boiling; [An acid sludge by-product of the sulfuric acid refining of crude high temperature coal. Composed primarily of sulfuric acid and organic compounds.] |
298-725-2 |
93821-38-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-017-00-8 |
Extract residues (coal), light oil alk., distn. overheads; Light Oil Extract Residues, low boiling; [The first fraction from the distillation of aromatic hydrocarbons, coumarone, naphthalene and indene rich prefractionator bottoms or washed carbolic oil boiling substantially below 145 °C (293 °F). Composed primarily of C7 and C8 aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.] |
292-625-2 |
90641-02-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-018-00-3 |
Extract residues (coal), light oil alk., acid ext., indene fraction; Light Oil Extract Residues, intermediate boiling |
309-867-2 |
101316-62-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-019-00-9 |
Extract residues (coal), light oil alk., indene naphtha fraction; Light Oil Extract Residues, high boiling; [The distillate from aromatic hydrocarbons, coumarone, naphthalene and indene rich prefractionator bottoms or washed carbolic oils, having an approximate boiling range of 155 °C to 180 °C (311 °F to 356 °F). Composed primarily of indene, indan and trimethylbenzenes.] |
292-626-8 |
90641-03-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-020-00-4 |
Solvent naphtha (coal); Light Oil Extract Residues, high boiling; [The distillate from either high temperature coal tar, coke oven light oil, or coal tar oil alkaline extract residue having an approximate distillation range of 130 °C to 210 °C (266 °F to 410 °F). Composed primarily of indene and other polycyclic ring systems containing a single aromatic ring. May contain phenolic compounds and aromatic nitrogen bases.] |
266-013-0 |
65996-79-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-021-00-X |
Distillates (coal tar), light oils, neutral fraction; Light Oil Extract Residues, high boiling; [A distillate from the fractional distillation of high temperature coal tar. Composed primarily of alkyl-substituted one ring aromatic hydrocarbons boiling in the range of approximately 135 °C to 210 °C (275 °F to 410 °F). May also include unsaturated hydrocarbons such as indene and coumarone.] |
309-971-8 |
101794-90-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-022-00-5 |
Distillates (coal tar), light oils, acid exts.; Light Oil Extract Residues, high boiling; [This oil is a complex reaction mass of aromatic hydrocarbons, primarily indene, naphthalene, coumarone, phenol, and o-, m- and p-cresol and boiling in the range of 140 °C to 215 °C (284 °F to 419 °F).] |
292-609-5 |
90640-87-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-023-00-0 |
Distillates (coal tar), light oils; Carbolic Oil; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of coal tar. It consists of aromatic and other hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds and aromatic nitrogen compounds and distills at the approximate range of 150 °C to 210 °C (302 °F to 410 °F).] |
283-483-2 |
84650-03-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-024-00-6 |
Tar oils, coal; Carbolic Oil; [The distillate from high temperature coal tar having an approximate distillation range of 130 °C to 250 °C (266 °F to 410 °F). Composed primarily of naphthalene, alkylnaphthalenes, phenolic compounds, and aromatic nitrogen bases.] |
266-016-7 |
65996-82-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-026-00-7 |
Extract residues (coal), light oil alk., acid ext.; Carbolic Oil Extract Residue; [The oil resulting from the acid washing of alkali-washed carbolic oil to remove the minor amounts of basic compounds (tar bases). Composed primarily of indene, indan and alkylbenzenes.] |
292-624-7 |
90641-01-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-027-00-2 |
Extract residues (coal), tar oil alk.; Carbolic Oil Extract Residue; [The residue obtained from coal tar oil by an alkaline wash such as aqueous sodium hydroxide after the removal of crude coal tar acids. Composed primarily of naphthalenes and aromatic nitrogen bases.] |
266-021-4 |
65996-87-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-028-00-8 |
Extract oils (coal), light oil; Acid Extract; [The aqueous extract produced by an acidic wash of alkali-washed carbolic oil. Composed primarily of acid salts of various aromatic nitrogen bases including pyridine, quinoline and their alkyl derivatives.] |
292-622-6 |
90640-99-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-029-00-3 |
Pyridine, alkyl derivs.; Crude Tar Bases; [The complex combination of polyalkylated pyridines derived from coal tar distillation or as high-boiling distillates approximately above 150 °C (302 °F) from the reaction of ammonia with acetaldehyde, formaldehyde or paraformaldehyde.] |
269-929-9 |
68391-11-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-030-00-9 |
Tar bases, coal, picoline fraction; Distillate Bases; [Pyridine bases boiling in the range of approximately 125 °C to 160 °C (257 °F 320 °F) obtained by distillation of neutralized acid extract of the base-containing tar fraction obtained by the distillation of bituminous coal tars. Composed chiefly of lutidines and picolines.] |
295-548-2 |
92062-33-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-031-00-4 |
Tar bases, coal, lutidine fraction; Distillate Bases |
293-766-2 |
91082-52-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-032-00-X |
Extract oils (coal), tar base, collidine fraction; Distillate Bases; [The extract produced by the acidic extraction of bases from crude coal tar aromatic oils, neutralization, and distillation of the bases. Composed primarily of collidines, aniline, toluidines, lutidines, xylidines.] |
273-077-3 |
68937-63-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-033-00-5 |
Tar bases, coal, collidine fraction; Distillate Bases; [The distillation fraction boiling in the range of approximately 181 °C to 186 °C (356 °F to 367 °F) from the crude bases obtained from the neutralized, acid-extracted base-containing tar fractions obtained by the distillation of bituminous coal tar. It contains chiefly aniline and collidines.] |
295-543-5 |
92062-28-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-034-00-0 |
Tar bases, coal, aniline fraction; Distillate Bases; [The distillation fraction boiling in the range of approximately 180 °C to 200 °C (356 °F to 392 °F) from the crude bases obtained by dephenolating and debasing the carbolated oil from the distillation of coal tar. It contains chiefly aniline, collidines, lutidines and toluidines.] |
295-541-4 |
92062-27-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-035-00-6 |
Tar bases, coal, toluidine fraction; Distillate Bases |
293-767-8 |
91082-53-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-036-00-1 |
Distillates (petroleum), alkene-alkyne manuf. pyrolysis oil, mixed with high-temp. coal tar, indene fraction; Redistillates; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as a redistillate from the fractional distillation of bituminous coal high temperature tar and residual oils that are obtained by the pyrolytic production of alkenes and alkynes from petroleum products or natural gas. It consists predominantly of indene and boils in a range of approximately 160 °C to 190 °C (320 °F to 374 °F).] |
295-292-1 |
91995-31-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-037-00-7 |
Distillates (coal), coal tar-residual pyrolysis oils, naphthalene oils; Redistillates; [The redistillate obtained from the fractional distillation of bituminous coal high temperature tar and pyrolysis residual oils and boiling in the range of approximately 190 °C to 270 °C (374 °F to 518 °F). Composed primarily of substituted dinuclear aromatics.] |
295-295-8 |
91995-35-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-038-00-2 |
Extract oils (coal), coal tar-residual pyrolysis oils, naphthalene oil, redistillate; Redistillates; [The redistillate from the fractional distillation of dephenolated and debased methylnaphthalene oil obtained from bituminous coal high temperature tar and pyrolysis residual oils boiling in the approximate range of 220 °C to 230 °C (428 °F to 446 °F). It consists predominantly of unsubstituted and substituted dinuclear aromatic hydrocarbons.] |
295-329-1 |
91995-66-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-039-00-8 |
Extract oils (coal), coal tar-residual pyrolysis oils, naphthalene oils; Redistillates; [A neutral oil obtained by debasing and dephenolating the oil obtained from the distillation of high temperature tar and pyrolysis residual oils which has a boiliing range of 225 °C to 255 °C (437 °F to 491 °F). Composed primarily of substituted dinuclear aromatic hydrocarbons.] |
310-170-0 |
122070-79-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-040-00-3 |
Extract oils (coal), coal tar residual pyrolysis oils, naphthalene oil, distn. residues; Redistillates; [Residue from the distillation of dephenolated and debased methylnaphthalene oil (from bituminous coal tar and pyrolysis residual oils) with a boiling range of 240 °C to 260 °C (464 °F to 500 °F). Composed primarily of substituted dinuclear aromatic and heterocyclic hydrocarbons.] |
310-171-6 |
122070-80-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-043-00-X |
Creosote oil, acenaphthene fraction, acenaphthene-free; Wash Oil Redistillate; [The oil remaining after removal by a crystallization process of acenaphthene from acenaphthene oil from coal tar. Composed primarily of naphthalene and alkylnaphthalenes.] |
292-606-9 |
90640-85-0 |
Carc. 1B |
H350 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 |
H M |
648-080-00-1 |
Residues (coal tar), creosote oil distn.; Wash Oil Redistillate; [The residue from the fractional distillation of wash oil boiling in the approximate range of 270 °C to 330 °C (518 °F to 626 °F). It consists predominantly of dinuclear aromatic and heterocyclic hydrocarbons.] |
295-506-3 |
92061-93-3 |
Carc. 1B |
H350 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 |
H M |
648-084-00-3 |
Distillates (coal), coke-oven light oil, naphthalene cut; Naphthalene Oil; [The complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from prefractionation (continuous distillation) of coke oven light oil. It consists predominantly of naphthalene, coumarone and indene and boils above 148 °C (298 °F).] |
285-076-5 |
85029-51-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-085-00-9 |
Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils; Naphthalene Oil; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of coal tar. It consists primarily of aromatic and other hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds and aromatic nitrogen compounds and distills in the approximate range of 200 °C to 250 °C (392 °F to 482 °F).] |
283-484-8 |
84650-04-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-086-00-4 |
Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils, naphthalene-low; Naphthalene Oil Redistillate; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by crystallization of naphthalene oil. Composed primarily of naphthalene, alkyl naphthalenes and phenolic compounds.] |
284-898-1 |
84989-09-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-087-00-X |
Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oil crystn. mother liquor; Naphthalene Oil Redistillate; [A complex combination of organic compounds obtained as a filtrate from the crystallization of the naphthalene fraction from coal tar and boiling in the range of approximately 200 °C to 230 °C (392 °F to 446 °F). Contains chiefly naphthalene, thionaphthene and alkylnaphthalenes.] |
295-310-8 |
91995-49-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-088-00-5 |
Extract residues (coal), naphthalene oil, alk.; Naphthalene Oil Extract Residue; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the alkali washing of naphthalene oil to remove phenolic compounds (tar acids). It is composed of naphthalene and alkyl naphthalenes.] |
310-166-9 |
121620-47-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-089-00-0 |
Extract residues (coal), naphthalene oil, alk., naphthalene-low; Naphthalene Oil Extract Residue; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons remaining after the removal of naphthalene from alkali-washed naphthalene oil by a crystallization process. It is composed primarily of naphthalene and alkyl naphthalenes.] |
310-167-4 |
121620-48-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-090-00-6 |
Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils, naphthalene-free, alk. exts.; Naphthalene Oil Extract Residue; [The oil remaining after the removal of phenolic compounds (tar acids) from drained naphthalene oil by an alkali wash. Composed primarily of naphthalene and alkyl naphthalenes.] |
292-612-1 |
90640-90-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-091-00-1 |
Extract residues (coal), naphthalene oil alk., distn. overheads; Naphthalene Oil Extract Residue; [The distillate from alkali-washed naphthalene oil having an approximate distillation range of 180 °C to 220 °C (356 °F to 428 °F). Composed primarily of naphthalene, alkylbenzenes, indene and indan.] |
292-627-3 |
90641-04-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-092-00-7 |
Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils, methylnaphthalene fraction; Methylnaphthalene Oil; [A distillate from the fractional distillation of high temperature coal tar. Composed primarily of substituted two ring aromatic hydrocarbons and aromatic nitrogen bases boiling in the range of approximately 225 °C to 255 °C (437 °F to 491 °F).] |
309-985-4 |
101896-27-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-093-00-2 |
Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils, indole-methylnaphthalene fraction; Methylnaphthalene Oil; [A distillate from the fractional distillation of high temperature coal tar. Composed primarily of indole and methylnaphthalene boiling in the range of approximately 235 °C to 255 °C (455 °F to 491 °F).] |
309-972-3 |
101794-91-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-094-00-8 |
Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils, acid exts.; Methylnaphthalene Oil Extract Residue; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by debasing the methylnaphthalene fraction obtained by the distillation of coal tar and boiling in the range of approximately 230 °C to 255 °C (446 °F to 491 °F). Contains chiefly 1(2)-methylnaphthalene, naphthalene, dimethylnaphthalene and biphenyl.] |
295-309-2 |
91995-48-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-095-00-3 |
Extract residues (coal), naphthalene oil alk., distn. residues; Methylnaphthalene Oil Extract Residue; [The residue from the distillation of alkali-washed naphthalene oil having an approximate distillation range of 220 °C to 300 °C (428 °F to 572 °F). Composed primarily of naphthalene, alkylnaphthalenes and aromatic nitrogen bases.] |
292-628-9 |
90641-05-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-096-00-9 |
Extract oils (coal), acidic, tar-base free; Methylnaphthalene Oil Extract Residue; [The extract oil boiling in the range of approximately 220 °C to 265 °C (428 °F to 509 °F) from coal tar alkaline extract residue produced by an acidic wash such as aqueous sulfuric acid after distillation to remove tar bases. Composed primarily of alkylnaphthalenes.] |
284-901-6 |
84989-12-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-097-00-4 |
Distillates (coal tar), benzole fraction, distn. residues; Wash Oil; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of crude benzole (high temperature coal tar). It may be a liquid with the approximate distillation range of 150 °C to 300 °C (302 °F to 572 °F) or a semi-solid or solid with a melting point up to 70 °C (158 °F). It is composed primarily of naphthalene and alkyl naphthalenes.] |
310-165-3 |
121620-46-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-098-00-X |
Creosote oil, acenaphthene fraction; Wash Oil; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of coal tar and boiling in the range of approximately 240 °C to 280 °C (464 °F to 536 °F). Composed primarily of acenaphthene, naphthalene and alkyl naphthalene.] |
292-605-3 |
90640-84-9 |
Carc. 1B |
H350 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 |
H M |
648-099-00-5 |
Creosote oil; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of coal tar. It consists primarily of aromatic hydrocarbons and may contain appreciable quantities of tar acids and tar bases. It distills at the approximate range of 200 °C to 325 °C (392 °F to 617 °F).] |
263-047-8 |
61789-28-4 |
Carc. 1B |
H350 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 |
H M |
648-100-00-9 |
Creosote oil, high-boiling distillate; Wash Oil; [The high-boiling distillation fraction obtained from the high temperature carbonization of bituminous coal which is further refined to remove excess crystalline salts. It consists primarily of creosote oil with some of the normal polynuclear aromatic salts, which are components of coal tar distillates, removed. It is crystal free at approximately 5 °C (41 °F).] |
274-565-9 |
70321-79-8 |
Carc. 1B |
H350 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 |
H M |
648-102-00-X |
Extract residues (coal), creosote oil acid; Wash Oil Extract Residue; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the base-freed fraction from the distillation of coal tar, boiling in the range of approximately 250 °C to 280 °C (482 °F to 536 °F). It consists predominantly of biphenyl and isomeric diphenylnaphthalenes.] |
310-189-4 |
122384-77-4 |
Carc. 1B |
H350 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 |
H M |
648-103-00-5 |
Anthracene oil, anthracene paste; Anthracene Oil Fraction; [The anthracene-rich solid obtained by the crystallization and centrifuging of anthracene oil. It is composed primarily of anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.] |
292-603-2 |
90640-81-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-104-00-0 |
Anthracene oil, anthracene-low; Anthracene Oil Fraction; [The oil remaining after the removal, by a crystallization process, of an anthracene-rich solid (anthracene paste) from anthracene oil. It is composed primarily of two, three and four membered aromatic compounds.] |
292-604-8 |
90640-82-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-105-00-6 |
Residues (coal tar), anthracene oil distn.; Anthracene Oil Fraction; [The residue from the fraction distillation of crude anthracene boiling in the approximate range of 340 °C to 400 °C (644 °F to 752 °F). It consists predominantly of tri- and polynuclear aromatic and heterocyclic hydrocarbons.] |
295-505-8 |
92061-92-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-106-00-1 |
Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, anthracene fraction; Anthracene Oil Fraction; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by the crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of 330 °C to 350 °C (626 °F to 662 °F). It contains chiefly anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.] |
295-275-9 |
91995-15-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-107-00-7 |
Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, carbazole fraction; Anthracene Oil Fraction; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous coal high temperature tar and boiling in the approximate range of 350 °C to 360 °C (662 °F to 680 °F). It contains chiefly anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.] |
295-276-4 |
91995-16-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-108-00-2 |
Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, distn. lights; Anthracene Oil Fraction; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of approximately 290 °C to 340 °C (554 °F to 644 °F). It contains chiefly trinuclear aromatics and their dihydro derivatives.] |
295-278-5 |
91995-17-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-109-00-8 |
Tar oils, coal, low-temp.; Tar Oil, high boiling; [A distillate from low-temperature coal tar. Composed primarily of hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds and aromatic nitrogen bases boiling in the range of approximately 160 °C to 340 °C (320 °F to 644 °F).] |
309-889-2 |
101316-87-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-110-00-3 |
Extract residues (coal), low temp. coal atar alk.; [The residue from low temperature coal tar oils after an alkaline wash, such as aqueous sodium hydroxide, to remove crude coal tar acids. Composed primarily of hydrocarbons and aromatic nitrogen bases.] |
310-191-5 |
122384-78-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-111-00-9 |
Phenols, ammonia liquor ext.; Alkaline Extract; [The combination of phenols extracted, using isobutyl acetate, from the ammonia liquor condensed from the gas evolved in low-temperature (less than 700 °C (1 292 °F)) destructive distillation of coal. It consists predominantly of a reaction mass of monohydric and dihydric phenols.] |
284-881-9 |
84988-93-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-112-00-4 |
Distillates (coal tar), light oils, alk. exts.; Alkaline Extract; [The aqueous extract from carbolic oil produced by an alkaline wash such as aqueous sodium hydroxide. Composed primarily of the alkali salts of various phenolic compounds.] |
292-610-0 |
90640-88-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-113-00-X |
Extracts, coal tar oil alk.; Alkaline Extract; [The extract from coal tar oil produced by an alkaline wash such as aqueous sodium hydroxide. Composed primarily of the alkali salts of various phenolic compounds.] |
266-017-2 |
65996-83-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-114-00-5 |
Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils, alk. exts.; Alkaline Extract; [The aqueous extract from naphthalene oil produced by an alkaline wash such as aqueous sodium hydroxide. Composed primarily of the alkali salts of various phenolic compounds.] |
292-611-6 |
90640-89-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-115-00-0 |
Extract residues (coal), tar oil alk., carbonated, limed; Crude Phenols; [The product obtained by treatment of coal tar oil alkaline extract with CO2 and CaO. Composed primarily of CaCO3, Ca(OH)2, Na2CO3 and other organic and inorganic impurities.] |
292-629-4 |
90641-06-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-116-00-6 |
Tar acids, coal, crude; Crude Phenols; [The reaction product obtained by neutralizing coal tar oil alkaline extract with an acidic solution, such as aqueous sulfuric acid, or gaseous carbon dioxide, to obtain the free acids. Composed primarily of tar acids such as phenol, cresols, and xylenols.] |
266-019-3 |
65996-85-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-117-00-1 |
Tar acids, brown-coal, crude; Crude Phenols; [An acidified alkaline extract of brown coal tar distillate. Composed primarily of phenol and phenol homologs.] |
309-888-7 |
101316-86-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-118-00-7 |
Tar acids, brown-coal gasification; Crude Phenols; [A complex combination of organic compounds obtained from brown coal gasification. Composed primarily of C6-10 hydroxy aromatic phenols and their homologs.] |
295-536-7 |
92062-22-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-119-00-2 |
Tar acids, distn. residues; Distillate Phenols; [A residue from the distillation of crude phenol from coal. It consists predominantly of phenols having carbon numbers in the range of C8 through C10 with a softening point of 60 °C to 80 °C (140 °F to 176 °F).] |
306-251-5 |
96690-55-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-120-00-8 |
Tar acids, methylphenol fraction; Distillate Phenols; [The fraction of tar acid rich in 3- and 4-methylphenol, recovered by distillation of low-temperature coal tar crude tar acids.] |
284-892-9 |
84989-04-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-121-00-3 |
Tar acids, polyalkylphenol fraction; Distillate Phenols; [The fraction of tar acids, recovered by distillation of low-temperature coal tar crude tar acids, having an approximate boiling range of 225 °C to 320 °C (437 °F to 608 °F). Composed primarily of polyalkylphenols.] |
284-893-4 |
84989-05-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-122-00-9 |
Tar acids, xylenol fraction; Distillate Phenols; [The fraction of tar acids, rich in 2,4- and 2,5-dimethylphenol, recovered by distillation of low-temperature coal tar crude tar acids.] |
284-895-5 |
84989-06-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-123-00-4 |
Tar acids, ethylphenol fraction; Distillate Phenols; [The fraction of tar acids, rich in 3- and 4-ethylphenol, recovered by distillation of low-temperature coal tar crude tar acids.] |
284-891-3 |
84989-03-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-124-00-X |
Tar acids, 3,5-xylenol fraction; Distillate Phenols; [The fraction of tar acids, rich in 3,5-dimethylphenol, recovered by distillation of low-temperature coal tar acids.] |
284-896-0 |
84989-07-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-125-00-5 |
Tar acids, residues, distillates, first-cut; Distillate Phenols; [The residue from the distillation in the range of 235 °C to 355 °C (481 °F to 697 °F) of light carbolic oil.] |
270-713-1 |
68477-23-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-126-00-0 |
Tar acids, cresylic, residues; Distillate Phenols; [The residue from crude coal tar acids after removal of phenol, cresols, xylenols and any higher boiling phenols. A black solid with a melting point approximately 80 °C (176 °F). Composed primarily of polyalkylphenols, resin gums, and inorganic salts.] |
271-418-0 |
68555-24-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-127-00-6 |
Phenols, C9-11; Distillate Phenols |
293-435-2 |
91079-47-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-128-00-1 |
Tar acids, cresylic; Distillate Phenols; [A complex combination of organic compounds obtained from brown coal and boiling in the range of approximately 200 °C to 230 °C (392 °F to 446 °F). It contains chiefly phenols and pyridine bases.] |
295-540-9 |
92062-26-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-129-00-7 |
Tar acids, brown-coal, C2-alkylphenol fraction; Distillate Phenols; [The distillate from the acidification of alkaline washed lignite tar distillate boiling in the range of approximately 200 °C to 230 °C (392 °F to 446 °F). Composed primarily of m- and p-ethylphenol as well as cresols and xylenols.] |
302-662-9 |
94114-29-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-130-00-2 |
Extract oils (coal), naphthalene oils; Acid Extract; [The aqueous extract produced by an acidic wash of alkali-washed naphthalene oil. Composed primarily of acid salts of various aromatic nitrogen bases including pyridine, quinoline and their alkyl derivatives.] |
292-623-1 |
90641-00-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-131-00-8 |
Tar bases, quinoline derivs.; Distillate Bases |
271-020-7 |
68513-87-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-132-00-3 |
Tar bases, coal, quinoline derivs. fraction; Distillate Bases |
274-560-1 |
70321-67-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-133-00-9 |
Tar bases, coal, distn. residues; Distillate Bases; [The distillation residue remaining after the distillation of the neutralized, acid-extracted base-containing tar fractions obtained by the distillation of coal tars. It contains chiefly aniline, collidines, quinoline and quinoline derivatives and toluidines.] |
295-544-0 |
92062-29-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-134-00-4 |
Hydrocarbon oils, arom., mixed with polyethylene and polypropylene, pyrolyzed, light oil fraction; Heat Treatment Products; [The oil obtained from the heat treatment of a polyethylene/polypropylene reaction mass with coal tar pitch or aromatic oils. It consists predominantly of benzene and its homologs boiling in a range of approximately 70 °C to 120 °C (158 °F to 248 °F).] |
309-745-9 |
100801-63-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-135-00-X |
Hydrocarbon oils, arom., mixed with polyethylene, pyrolyzed, light oil fraction; Heat Treatment Products; [The oil obtained from the heat treatment of polyethylene with coal tar pitch or aromatic oils. It consists predominantly of benzene and its homologs boiling in a range of 70 °C to 120 °C (158 °F to 248 °F).] |
309-748-5 |
100801-65-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-136-00-5 |
Hydrocarbon oils, arom., mixed with polystyrene, pyrolyzed, light oil fraction; Heat Treatment Products; [The oil obtained from the heat treatment of polystyrene with coal tar pitch or aromatic oils. It consists predominantly of benzene and its homologs boiling in a range of approximately 70 °C to 210 °C (158 °F to 410 °F).] |
309-749-0 |
100801-66-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-137-00-0 |
Extract residues (coal), tar oil alk., naphthalene distn. residues; Naphthalene Oil Extract Residue; [The residue obtained from chemical oil extracted after the removal of naphthalene by distillation composed primarily of two to four membered condensed ring aromatic hydrocarbons and aromatic nitrogen bases.] |
277-567-8 |
73665-18-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-138-00-6 |
Creosote oil, low-boiling distillate; Wash Oil; [The low-boiling distillation fraction obtained from the high temperature carbonization of bituminous coal, which is further refined to remove excess crystalline salts. It consists primarily of creosote oil with some of the normal polynuclear aromatic salts, which are components of coal tar distillate, removed. It is crystal free at approximately 38 °C (100 °F).] |
274-566-4 |
70321-80-1 |
Carc. 1B |
H350 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 |
H M |
648-139-00-1 |
Tar acids, cresylic, sodium salts, caustic solns.; Alkaline Extract |
272-361-4 |
68815-21-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-140-00-7 |
Extract oils (coal), tar base; Acid Extract; [The extract from coal tar oil alkaline extract residue produced by an acidic wash such as aqueous sulfuric acid after distillation to remove naphthalene. Composed primarily of the acid salts of various aromatic nitrogen bases including pyridine, quinoline, and their alkyl derivatives.] |
266-020-9 |
65996-86-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-141-00-2 |
Tar bases, coal, crude; Crude Tar Bases; [The reaction product obtained by neutralizing coal tar base extract oil with an alkaline solution, such as aqueous sodium hydroxide, to obtain the free bases. Composed primarily of such organic bases as acridine, phenanthridine, pyridine, quinoline and their alkyl derivatives.] |
266-018-8 |
65996-84-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
648-147-00-5 |
Light oil (coal), coke-oven; Crude benzole; [The volatile organic liquid extracted from the gas evolved in the high temperature (greater than 700 °C (1 292 °F)) destructive distillation of coal. Composed primarily of benzene, toluene, and xylenes. May contain other minor hydrocarbon constituents.] |
266-012-5 |
65996-78-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-148-00-0 |
Distillates (coal), liq. solvent extn., primary; [The liquid product of condensation of vapors emitted during the digestion of coal in a liquid solvent and boiling in the range of approximately 30 °C to 300 °C (86 °F to 572 °F). Composed primarily of partly hydrogenated condensed-ring aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic compounds containing nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur, and their alkyl derivatives having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C14.] |
302-688-0 |
94114-52-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-149-00-6 |
Distillates (coal), solvent extn., hydrocracked; [Distillate obtained by hydrocracking of coal extract or solution produced by the liquid solvent extraction or supercritical gas extraction processes and boiling in the range of approximately 30 °C to 300 °C (86 °F to 572 °F). Composed primarily of aromatic, hydrogenated aromatic and naphthenic compounds, their alkyl derivatives and alkanes with carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C14. Nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen-containing aromatic and hydrogenated aromatic compounds are also present.] |
302-689-6 |
94114-53-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-150-00-1 |
Naphtha (coal), solvent extn., hydrocracked; [Fraction of the distillate obtained by hydrocracking of coal extract or solution produced by the liquid solvent extraction or supercritical gas extraction processes and boiling in the range of approximately 30 °C to 180 °C (86 °F to 356 °F). Composed primarily of aromatic, hydrogenated aromatic and naphthenic compounds, their alkyl derivatives and alkanes with carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 to C9. Nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen-containing aromatic and hydrogenated aromatic compounds are also present.] |
302-690-1 |
94114-54-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-152-00-2 |
Distillates (coal), solvent extn., hydrocracked middle; [Distillate obtained from the hydrocracking of coal extract or solution produced by the liquid solvent extraction or supercritical gas extraction processes and boiling in the range of approximately 180 °C to 300 °C (356 °F to 572 °F. Composed primarily of two-ring aromatic, hydrogenated aromatic and naphthenic compounds, their alkyl derivatives and alkanes having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C9 through C14. Nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen-containing compounds are also present.] |
302-692-2 |
94114-56-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-153-00-8 |
Distillates (coal), solvent extn., hydrocracked hydrogenated middle; [Distillate from the hydrogenation of hydrocracked middle distillate from coal extract or solution produced by the liquid solvent extraction or supercritical gas extraction processes and boiling in the range of approximately 180 °C to 280 °C (356 °F to 536 °F). Composed primarily of hydrogenated two- ring carbon compounds and their alkyl derivatives having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C9 through C14.] |
302-693-8 |
94114-57-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
648-156-00-4 |
Light oil (coal), semi-coking process; Fresh oil; [The volatile organic liquid condensed from the gas evolved in the low-temperature (less than 700 °C (1 292 °F)) destructive distillation of coal. Composed primarily of C6-10 hydrocarbons.] |
292-635-7 |
90641-11-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H350 H340 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 |
H J |
649-062-00-6 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracked naphtha depropanizer overhead, C3-rich acid-free; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from fractionation of catalytic cracked hydrocarbons and treated to remove acidic impurities. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C2 through C4, predominantly C3.] |
270-755-0 |
68477-73-6 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-063-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracker; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of the products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists predominantly of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-756-6 |
68477-74-7 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-064-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracker, C1-5-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C6, predominantly C1 through C5.] |
270-757-1 |
68477-75-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-065-00-2 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic polymd. naphtha stabilizer overhead, C2-4-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation stabilization of catalytic polymerized naphtha. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C2 through C6, predominantly C2 through C4.] |
270-758-7 |
68477-76-9 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-066-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic reformer, C1-4-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from a catalytic reforming process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C6, predominantly C1 through C4.] |
270-760-8 |
68477-79-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-067-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), C3-5 olefinic-paraffinic alkylation feed; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of olefinic and paraffinic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C5 which are used as alkylation feed. Ambient temperatures normally exceed the critical temperature of these combinations.] |
270-765-5 |
68477-83-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-068-00-9 |
Gases (petroleum), C4-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from a catalytic fractionation process. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C5, predominantly C4.] |
270-767-6 |
68477-85-0 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-069-00-4 |
Gases (petroleum), deethanizer overheads; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced from distillation of the gas and gasoline fractions from the catalytic cracking process. It contains predominantly ethane and ethylene.] |
270-768-1 |
68477-86-1 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-070-00-X |
Gases (petroleum), deisobutanizer tower overheads; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the atmospheric distillation of a butane-butylene stream. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C4.] |
270-769-7 |
68477-87-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-071-00-5 |
Gases (petroleum), depropanizer dry, propene-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from the gas and gasoline fractions of a catalytic cracking process. It consists predominantly of propylene with some ethane and propane.] |
270-772-3 |
68477-90-7 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-072-00-0 |
Gases (petroleum), depropanizer overheads; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from the gas and gasoline fractions of a catalytic cracking process. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C4.] |
270-773-9 |
68477-91-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-073-00-6 |
Gases (petroleum), gas recovery plant depropanizer overheads; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by fractionation of miscellaneous hydrocarbon streams. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C4, predominantly propane.] |
270-777-0 |
68477-94-1 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-074-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), Girbotol unit feed; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons that is used as the feed into the Girbatol unit to remove hydrogen sulfide. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C4.] |
270-778-6 |
68477-95-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-075-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), isomerized naphtha fractionator, C4-rich, hydrogen sulfide-free; Petroleum gas |
270-782-8 |
68477-99-6 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-076-00-2 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracked clarified oil and thermal cracked vacuum residue fractionation reflux drum; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from fractionation of catalytic cracked clarified oil and thermal cracked vacuum residue. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-802-5 |
68478-21-7 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-077-00-8 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracked naphtha stabilization absorber; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the stabilization of catalytic cracked naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-803-0 |
68478-22-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-078-00-3 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracker, catalytic reformer and hydrodesulfurizer combined fractionater; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation of products from catalytic cracking, catalytic reforming and hydrodesulfurizing processes treated to remove acidic impurities. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having cabon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
270-804-6 |
68478-24-0 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-079-00-9 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic reformed naphtha fractionation stabilizer; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation stabilization of catalytic reformed naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
270-806-7 |
68478-26-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-080-00-4 |
Tail gas (petroleum), saturate gas plant mixed stream, C4-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation stabilization of straight-run naphtha, distillation tail gas and catalytic reformed naphtha stabilizer tail gas. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C6, predominantly butane and isobutane.] |
270-813-5 |
68478-32-0 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-081-00-X |
Tail gas (petroleum), saturate gas recovery plant, C1-2-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from fractionation of distillate tail gas, straight-run naphtha, catalytic reformed naphtha stabilizer tail gas. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1through C5, predominantly methane and ethane.] |
270-814-0 |
68478-33-1 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-082-00-5 |
Tail gas (petroleum), vacuum residues thermal cracker; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the thermal cracking of vacuum residues. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
270-815-6 |
68478-34-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-083-00-0 |
Hydrocarbons, C3-4-rich, petroleum distillate; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation and condensation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C5, predominantly C3 through C4.] |
270-990-9 |
68512-91-4 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-084-00-6 |
Gases (petroleum), full-range straight-run naphtha dehexanizer off; petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractionation of the full-range straight-run naphtha. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C6.] |
271-000-8 |
68513-15-5 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-085-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), hydrocracking depropanizer off, hydrocarbon-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbon produced by the distillation of products from a hydrocracking process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4. It may also contain small amounts of hydrogen and hydrogen sulfide.] |
271-001-3 |
68513-16-6 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-086-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), light straight-run naphtha stabilizer off; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the stabilization of light straight-run naphtha. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C6.] |
271-002-9 |
68513-17-7 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-087-00-2 |
Residues (petroleum), alkylation splitter, C4-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex residuum from the distillation of streams various refinery operations. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C4 through C5, predominantly butane and boiling in the range of approximately –11,7 °C to 27,8 °C (11 °F to 82 °F).] |
271-010-2 |
68513-66-6 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-088-00-8 |
Hydrocarbons, C1-4; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons provided by thermal cracking and absorber operations and by distillation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4 and boiling in the range of approximately minus 164 °C to minus 0,5 °C (– 263 °F to 31 °F).] |
271-032-2 |
68514-31-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-089-00-3 |
Hydrocarbons, C1-4, sweetened; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting hydrocarbon gases to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4 and boiling in the range of approximately – 164 °C to –0,5 °C (– 263 °F to 31 °F).] |
271-038-5 |
68514-36-3 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-090-00-9 |
Hydrocarbons, C1-3; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C3 and boiling in the range of approximately minus 164 °C to minus 42 °C (– 263 °F to –44 °F).] |
271-259-7 |
68527-16-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-091-00-4 |
Hydrocarbons, C1-4, debutanizer fraction; Petroleum gas |
271-261-8 |
68527-19-5 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-092-00-X |
Gases (petroleum), C1-5, wet; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of crude oil and/or the cracking of tower gas oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
271-624-0 |
68602-83-5 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-093-00-5 |
Hydrocarbons, C2-4; Petroleum gas |
271-734-9 |
68606-25-7 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-094-00-0 |
Hydrocarbons, C3; Petroleum gas |
271-735-4 |
68606-26-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-095-00-6 |
Gases (petroleum), alkylation feed; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the catalytic cracking of gas oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C4.] |
271-737-5 |
68606-27-9 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-096-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), depropanizer bottoms fractionation off; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation of depropanizer bottoms. It consists predominantly of butane, isobutane and butadiene.] |
271-742-2 |
68606-34-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-097-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), refinery blend; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination obtained from various processes. It consists of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
272-183-7 |
68783-07-3 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-098-00-2 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracking; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of the products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C5.] |
272-203-4 |
68783-64-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-099-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), C2-4, sweetened; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting a petroleum distillate to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists predominantly of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C4 and boiling in the range of approximately –51 °C to –34 °C (–60 °F to –30 °F).] |
272-205-5 |
68783-65-3 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-100-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), crude oil fractionation off; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the fractionation of crude oil. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
272-871-7 |
68918-99-0 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-101-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), dehexanizer off; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractionation of combined naphtha streams. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
272-872-2 |
68919-00-6 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-102-00-2 |
Gases (petroleum), light straight run gasoline fractionation stabilizer off; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractionation of light straight-run gasoline. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
272-878-5 |
68919-05-1 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-103-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), naphtha unifiner desulfurization stripper off; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by a naphtha unifiner desulfurization process and stripped from the naphtha product. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
272-879-0 |
68919-06-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-104-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), straight-run naphtha catalytic reforming off; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the catalytic reforming of straight-run naphtha and fractionation of the total effluent. It consists of methane, ethane, and propane.] |
272-882-7 |
68919-09-5 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-105-00-9 |
Gases (petroleum), fluidized catalytic cracker splitter overheads; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the fractionation of the charge to the C3 -C4 splitter. It consists predominantly of C3 hydrocarbons.] |
272-893-7 |
68919-20-0 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-106-00-4 |
Gases (petroleum), straight-run stabilizer off; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation of the liquid from the first tower used in the distillation of crude oil. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
272-883-2 |
68919-10-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-107-00-X |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracked naphtha debutanizer; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from fractionation of catalytic cracked naphtha. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
273-169-3 |
68952-76-1 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-108-00-5 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracked distillate and naphtha stabilizer; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractionation of catalytic cracked naphtha and distillate. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
273-170-9 |
68952-77-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-109-00-0 |
Tail gas (petroleum), thermal-cracked distillate, gas oil and naphtha absorber; petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the separation of thermal-cracked distillates, naphtha and gas oil. It consists pedrominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
273-175-6 |
68952-81-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-110-00-6 |
Tail gas (petroleum), thermal cracked hydrocarbon fractionation stabilizer, petroleum coking; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation stabilization of thermal cracked hydrocarbons from petroleum coking process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
273-176-1 |
68952-82-9 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-111-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum, light steam-cracked, butadiene conc.; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a thermal cracking process. It consists of hydrocarbons having a carbon number predominantly of C4.] |
273-265-5 |
68955-28-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-112-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), straight-run naphtha catalytic reformer stabilizer overhead; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the catalytic reforming of straight-run naphtha and the fractionation of the total effluent. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C4.] |
273-270-2 |
68955-34-0 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-113-00-2 |
Hydrocarbons, C4; Petroleum gas |
289-339-5 |
87741-01-3 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-114-00-8 |
Alkanes, C1-4, C3-rich; Petroleum gas |
292-456-4 |
90622-55-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-115-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), steam-cracker C3-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a steam cracking process. It consists predominantly of propylene with some propane and boils in the range of approximately –70 °C to 0 °C (–94 °F to 32 °F).] |
295-404-9 |
92045-22-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-116-00-9 |
Hydrocarbons, C4, steam-cracker distillate; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of the products of a steam cracking process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having a carbon number of C4, predominantly 1-butene and 2-butene, containing also butane and isobutene and boiling in the range of approximately minus 12 °C to 5 °C (10,4 °F to 41 °F).] |
295-405-4 |
92045-23-3 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-117-00-4 |
Petroleum gases, liquefied, sweetened, C4 fraction; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting a liquified petroleum gas mix to a sweetening process to oxidize mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists predominantly of C4 saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.] |
295-463-0 |
92045-80-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-118-00-X |
Hydrocarbons, C4, 1,3-butadiene- and isobutene-free; Petroleum gas |
306-004-1 |
95465-89-7 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-119-00-5 |
Raffinates (petroleum), steam-cracked C4 fraction cuprous ammonium acetate extn., C3-5 and C3-5 unsatd., butadiene-free; Petroleum gas |
307-769-4 |
97722-19-5 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-120-00-0 |
Gases (petroleum), amine system feed; Refinery gas; [The feed gas to the amine system for removal of hydrogen sulfide. It consists of hydrogen. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5 may also be present.] |
270-746-1 |
68477-65-6 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-121-00-6 |
Gases (petroleum), benzene unit hydrodesulfurizer off; Refinery gas; [Off gases produced by the benzene unit. It consists primarily of hydrogen. Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6, including benzene, may also be present.] |
270-747-7 |
68477-66-7 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-122-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), benzene unit recycle, hydrogen-rich; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by recycling the gases of the benzene unit. It consists primarily of hydrogen with various small amounts of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-748-2 |
68477-67-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-123-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), blend oil, hydrogen-nitrogen-rich; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of a blend oil. It consists primarily of hydrogen and nitrogen with various small amounts of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
270-749-8 |
68477-68-9 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-124-00-2 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic reformed naphtha stripper overheads; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from stabilization of catalytic reformed naphtha. Its consists of hydrogen and saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
270-759-2 |
68477-77-0 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-125-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), C6-8 catalytic reformer recycle; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from catalytic reforming of C6-C8 feed and recycled to conserve hydrogen. It consists primarily of hydrogen. It may also contain various small amounts of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-761-3 |
68477-80-5 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-126-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), C6-8 catalytic reformer; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from catalytic reforming of C6-C8feed. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C5 and hydrogen.] |
270-762-9 |
68477-81-6 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-127-00-9 |
Gases (petroleum), C6-8 catalytic reformer recycle, hydrogen-rich; Refinery gas |
270-763-4 |
68477-82-7 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-128-00-4 |
Gases (petroleum), C2-return stream; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the extraction of hydrogen from a gas stream which consists primarily of hydrogen with small amounts of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, ethane, and ethylene. It contains predominantly hydrocarbons such as methane, ethane, and ethylene with small amounts of hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon monoxide.] |
270-766-0 |
68477-84-9 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-129-00-X |
Gases (petroleum), dry sour, gas-concn.-unit-off; Refinery gas; [The complex combination of dry gases from a gas concentration unit. It consists of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C3.] |
270-774-4 |
68477-92-9 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-130-00-5 |
Gases (petroleum), gas concn. reabsorber distn.; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from combined gas streams in a gas concentration reabsorber. It consists predominantly of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C3.] |
270-776-5 |
68477-93-0 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-131-00-0 |
Gases (petroleum), hydrogen absorber off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained by absorbing hydrogen from a hydrogen rich stream. It consists of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, and methane with small amounts of C2 hydrocarbons.] |
270-779-1 |
68477-96-3 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-132-00-6 |
Gases (petroleum), hydrogen-rich; Refinery gas; [A complex combination separated as a gas from hydrocarbon gases by chilling. It consists primarily of hydrogen with various small amounts of carbon monoxide, nitrogen, methane, and C2 hydrocarbons.] |
270-780-7 |
68477-97-4 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-133-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), hydrotreater blend oil recycle, hydrogen-nitrogen-rich; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from recycled hydrotreated blend oil. It consists primarily of hydrogen and nitrogen with various small amounts of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
270-781-2 |
68477-98-5 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-134-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), recycle, hydrogen-rich; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from recycled reactor gases. It consists primarily of hydrogen with various small amounts of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C5.] |
270-783-3 |
68478-00-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-135-00-2 |
Gases (petroleum), reformer make-up, hydrogen-rich; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from the reformers. It consists primarily of hydrogen with various small amounts of carbon monoxide and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
270-784-9 |
68478-01-3 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-136-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), reforming hydrotreater; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from the reforming hydrotreating process. It consists primarily of hydrogen, methane, and ethane with various small amounts of hydrogen sulfide and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C5.] |
270-785-4 |
68478-02-4 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-137-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), reforming hydrotreater, hydrogen-methane-rich; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from the reforming hydrotreating process. It consists primarily of hydrogen and methane with various small amounts of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C5.] |
270-787-5 |
68478-03-5 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-138-00-9 |
Gases (petroleum), reforming hydrotreater make-up, hydrogen-rich; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from the reforming hydrotreating process. It consists primarily of hydrogen with various small amounts of carbon monoxide and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
270-788-0 |
68478-04-6 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-139-00-4 |
Gases (petroleum), thermal cracking distn.; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by distillation of products from a thermal cracking process. It consists of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-789-6 |
68478-05-7 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-140-00-X |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracker refractionation absorber; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from refractionation of products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists of hydrogen and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C3.] |
270-805-1 |
68478-25-1 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-141-00-5 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic reformed naphtha separator; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the catalytic reforming of straight run naphtha. It consists of hydrogen and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-807-2 |
68478-27-3 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-142-00-0 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic reformed naphtha stabilizer; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the stabilization of catalytic reformed naphtha. It consists of hydrogen and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-808-8 |
68478-28-4 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-143-00-6 |
Tail gas (petroleum), cracked distillate hydrotreater separator; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating cracked distillates with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrogen and saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
270-809-3 |
68478-29-5 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-144-00-1 |
Tail gas (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized straight-run naphtha separator; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from hydrodesulfurization of straight-run naphtha. It consists of hydrogen and saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-810-9 |
68478-30-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-145-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic reformed straight-run naphtha stabilizer overheads; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the catalytic reforming of straight-run naphtha followed by fractionation of the total effluent. It consists of hydrogen, methane, ethane and propane.] |
270-999-8 |
68513-14-4 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-146-00-2 |
Gases (petroleum), reformer effluent high-pressure flash drum off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by the high-pressure flashing of the effluent from the reforming reactor. It consists primarily of hydrogen with various small amounts of methane, ethane, and propane.] |
271-003-4 |
68513-18-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-147-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), reformer effluent low-pressure flash drum off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by low-pressure flashing of the effluent from the reforming reactor. It consists primarily of hydrogen with various small amounts of methane, ethane, and propane.] |
271-005-5 |
68513-19-9 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-148-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), oil refinery gas distn. off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination separated by distillation of a gas stream containing hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C6 or obtained by cracking ethane and propane. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C2, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide.] |
271-258-1 |
68527-15-1 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-149-00-9 |
Gases (petroleum), benzene unit hydrotreater depentanizer overheads; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by treating the feed from the benzene unit with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst followed by depentanizing. It consists primarily of hydrogen, ethane and propane with various small amounts of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6. It may contain trace amounts of benzene.] |
271-623-5 |
68602-82-4 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-150-00-4 |
Gases (petroleum), secondary absorber off, fluidized catalytic cracker overheads fractionator; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by the fractionation of the overhead products from the catalytic cracking process in the fluidized catalytic cracker. It consists of hydrogen, nitrogen, and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C3.] |
271-625-6 |
68602-84-6 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-151-00-X |
Petroleum products, refinery gases; Refinery gas; [A complex combination which consists primarily of hydrogen with various small amounts of methane, ethane, and propane.] |
271-750-6 |
68607-11-4 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-152-00-5 |
Gases (petroleum), hydrocracking low-pressure separator; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained by the liquid-vapor separation of the hydrocracking process reactor effluent. It consists predominantly of hydrogen and saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C3.] |
272-182-1 |
68783-06-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-153-00-0 |
Gases (petroleum), refinery; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from various petroleum refining operations. It consists of hydrogen and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C3.] |
272-338-9 |
68814-67-5 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-154-00-6 |
Gases (petroleum), platformer products separator off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from the chemical reforming of naphthenes to aromatics. It consists of hydrogen and saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C4.] |
272-343-6 |
68814-90-4 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-155-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), hydrotreated sour kerosine depentanizer stabilizer off; Refinery gas; [The complex combination obtained from the depentanizer stabilization of hydrotreated kerosine. It consists primarily of hydrogen, methane, ethane, and propane with various small amounts of nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C5.] |
272-775-5 |
68911-58-0 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-156-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), hydrotreated sour kerosine flash drum; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from the flash drum of the unit treating sour kerosine with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists primarily of hydrogen and methane with various small amounts of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C5.] |
272-776-0 |
68911-59-1 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-157-00-2 |
Gases (petroleum), distillate unifiner desulfurization stripper off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination stripped from the liquid product of the unifiner desulfurization process. It consists of hydrogen sulfide, methane, ethane, and propane.] |
272-873-8 |
68919-01-7 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-158-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), fluidized catalytic cracker fractionation off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by the fractionation of the overhead product of the fluidized catalytic cracking process. It consists of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
272-874-3 |
68919-02-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-159-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), fluidized catalytic cracker scrubbing secondary absorber off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by scrubbing the overhead gas from the fluidized catalytic cracker. It consists of hydrogen, nitrogen, methane, ethane and propane.] |
272-875-9 |
68919-03-9 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-160-00-9 |
Gases (petroleum), heavy distillate hydrotreater desulfurization stripper off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination stripped from the liquid product of the heavy distillate hydrotreater desulfurization process. It consists of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
272-876-4 |
68919-04-0 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-161-00-4 |
Gases (petroleum), platformer stabilizer off, light ends fractionation; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained by the fractionation of the light ends of the platinum reactors of the platformer unit. It consists of hydrogen, methane, ethane and propane.] |
272-880-6 |
68919-07-3 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-162-00-X |
Gases (petroleum), preflash tower off, crude distn.; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced from the first tower used in the distillation of crude oil. It consists of nitrogen and saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
272-881-1 |
68919-08-4 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-163-00-5 |
Gases (petroleum), tar stripper off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained by the fractionation of reduced crude oil. It consists of hydrogen and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
272-884-8 |
68919-11-9 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-164-00-0 |
Gases (petroleum), unifiner stripper off; Refinery gas; [A combination of hydrogen and methane obtained by fractionation of the products from the unifiner unit.] |
272-885-3 |
68919-12-0 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-165-00-6 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic hydrodesulfurized naphtha separator; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the hydrodesulfurization of naphtha. It consists of hydrogen, methane, ethane, and propane.] |
273-173-5 |
68952-79-4 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-166-00-1 |
Tail gas (petroleum), straight-run naphtha hydrodesulfurizer; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from the hydrodesulfurization of straight-run naphtha. It consists of hydrogen and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
273-174-0 |
68952-80-7 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-167-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), sponge absorber off, fluidized catalytic cracker and gas oil desulfurizer overhead fractionation; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained by the fractionation of products from the fluidized catalytic cracker and gas oil desulfurizer. It consists of hydrogen and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
273-269-7 |
68955-33-9 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-168-00-2 |
Gases (petroleum), crude distn. and catalytic cracking; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by crude distillation and catalytic cracking processes. It consists of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and paraffinic and olefinic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
273-563-5 |
68989-88-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-169-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), gas oil diethanolamine scrubber off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by desulfurization of gas oils with diethanolamine. It consists predominantly of hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C5.] |
295-397-2 |
92045-15-3 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-170-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), gas oil hydrodesulfurization effluent; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained by separation of the liquid phase from the effluent from the hydrogenation reaction. It consists predominantly of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C3.] |
295-398-8 |
92045-16-4 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-171-00-9 |
Gases (petroleum), gas oil hydrodesulfurization purge; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of gases obtained from the reformer and from the purges from the hydrogenation reactor. It consists predominantly of hydrogen and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
295-399-3 |
92045-17-5 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-172-00-4 |
Gases (petroleum), hydrogenator effluent flash drum off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of gases obtained from flash of the effluents after the hydrogenation reaction. It consists predominantly of hydrogen and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
295-400-7 |
92045-18-6 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-173-00-X |
Gases (petroleum), naphtha steam cracking high-pressure residual; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained as a reaction mass of the non-condensable portions from the product of a naphtha steam cracking process as well as residual gases obtained during the preparation of subsequent products. It consists predominantly of hydrogen and paraffinic and olefinic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5 with which natural gas may also be mixed.] |
295-401-2 |
92045-19-7 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-174-00-5 |
Gases (petroleum), residue visbaking off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from viscosity reduction of residues in a furnace. It consists predominantly of hydrogen sulfide and paraffinic and olefinic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
295-402-8 |
92045-20-0 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-177-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), C3-4; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from the cracking of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C4, predominantly of propane and propylene, and boiling in the range of approximately –51 °C to –1 °C (–60 °F to 30 °F.)] |
268-629-5 |
68131-75-9 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-178-00-7 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracked distillate and catalytic cracked naphtha fractionation absorber; Petroleum gas; [The complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of the products from catalytic cracked distillates and catalytic cracked naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C4.] |
269-617-2 |
68307-98-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-179-00-2 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic polymn. naphtha fractionation stabilizer; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the fractionation stabilization products from polymerization of naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C4.] |
269-618-8 |
68307-99-3 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-180-00-8 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic reformed naphtha fractionation stabilizer, hydrogen sulfide-free; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from fractionation stabilization of catalytic reformed naphtha and from which hydrogen sulfide has been removed by amine treatment. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
269-619-3 |
68308-00-9 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-181-00-3 |
Tail gas (petroleum), cracked distillate hydrotreater stripper; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating thermal cracked distillates with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
269-620-9 |
68308-01-0 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-182-00-9 |
Tail gas (petroleum), straight-run distillate hydrodesulfurizer, hydrogen sulfide-free; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from catalytic hydrodesulfurization of straight run distillates and from which hydrogen sulfide has been removed by amine treatment. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
269-630-3 |
68308-10-1 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-183-00-4 |
Tail gas (petroleum), gas oil catalytic cracking absorber; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of products from the catalytic cracking of gas oil. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
269-623-5 |
68308-03-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-184-00-X |
Tail gas (petroleum), gas recovery plant; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of products from miscellaneous hydrocarbon streams. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
269-624-0 |
68308-04-3 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-185-00-5 |
Tail gas (petroleum), gas recovery plant deethanizer; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of products from miscellaneous hydrocarbon streams. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
269-625-6 |
68308-05-4 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-186-00-0 |
Tail gas (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized distillate and hydrodesulfurized naphtha fractionator, acid-free; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from fractionation of hydrodesulfurized naphtha and distillate hydrocarbon streams and treated to remove acidic impurities. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
269-626-1 |
68308-06-5 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-187-00-6 |
Tail gas (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized vacuum gas oil stripper, hydrogen sulfide-free; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from stripping stabilization of catalytic hydrodesulfurized vacuum gas oil and from which hydrogen sulfide has been removed by amine treatment. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
269-627-7 |
68308-07-6 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-188-00-1 |
Tail gas (petroleum), light straight-run naphtha stabilizer, hydrogen sulfide-free; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from fractionation stabilization of light straight run naphtha and from which hydrogen sulfide has been removed by amine treatment. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
269-629-8 |
68308-09-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-189-00-7 |
Tail gas (petroleum), propane-propylene alkylation feed prep deethanizer; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of the reaction products of propane with propylene. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
269-631-9 |
68308-11-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-190-00-2 |
Tail gas (petroleum), vacuum gas oil hydrodesulfurizer, hydrogen sulfide-free; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from catalytic hydrodesulfurization of vacuum gas oil and from which hydrogen sulfide has been removed by amine treatment. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
269-632-4 |
68308-12-3 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-191-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracked overheads; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from the catalytic cracking process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C5 and boiling in the range of approximately –48 °C to 32 °C (–54 °F to 90 °F).] |
270-071-2 |
68409-99-4 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-193-00-9 |
Alkanes, C1-2; Petroleum gas |
270-651-5 |
68475-57-0 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-194-00-4 |
Alkanes, C2-3; Petroleum gas |
270-652-0 |
68475-58-1 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-195-00-X |
Alkanes, C3-4; petroleum gas |
270-653-6 |
68475-59-2 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-196-00-5 |
Alkanes, C4-5; Petroleum gas |
270-654-1 |
68475-60-5 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-197-00-0 |
Fuel gases; Petroleum gas; [A combination of light gases. It consists predominantly of hydrogen and/or low molecular weight hydrocarbons.] |
270-667-2 |
68476-26-6 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-198-00-6 |
Fuel gases, crude oil of distillates; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of light gases produced by distillation of crude oil and by catalytic reforming of naphtha. It consists of hydrogen and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4 and boiling in the range of approximately – 217 °C to –12 °C (– 423 °F to 10 °F).] |
270-670-9 |
68476-29-9 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-199-00-1 |
Hydrocarbons, C3-4; Petroleum gas |
270-681-9 |
68476-40-4 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-200-00-5 |
Hydrocarbons, C4-5; Petroleum gas |
270-682-4 |
68476-42-6 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-201-00-0 |
Hydrocarbons, C2-4, C3-rich; Petroleum gas |
270-689-2 |
68476-49-3 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-202-00-6 |
Petroleum gases, liquefied; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C7 and boiling in the range of approximately –40 °C to 80 °C (–40 °F to 176 °F).] |
270-704-2 |
68476-85-7 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-203-00-1 |
Petroleum gases, liquefied, sweetened; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting liquefied petroleum gas mix to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C7 and boiling in the range of approximately –40 °C to 80 °C (–40 °F to 176 °F).] |
270-705-8 |
68476-86-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-204-00-7 |
gases (petroleum), C3-4, isobutane-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons usually ranging in carbon numbers from C3 through C6, predominantly butane and isobutane. It consists of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C4, predominantly isobutane.] |
270-724-1 |
68477-33-8 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-205-00-2 |
Distillates (petroleum), C3-6, piperylene-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of saturated and unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons usually ranging in the carbon numbers C3 through C6. It consists of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C6, predominantly piperylenes.] |
270-726-2 |
68477-35-0 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-206-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), butane splitter overheads; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of the butane stream. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C4.] |
270-750-3 |
68477-69-0 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-207-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), C2-3-; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a catalytic fractionation process. It contains predominantly ethane, ethylene, propane, and propylene.] |
270-751-9 |
68477-70-3 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-208-00-9 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic-cracked gas oil depropanizer bottoms, C4-rich acid-free; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from fractionation of catalytic cracked gas oil hydrocarbon stream and treated to remove hydrogen sulfide and other acidic components. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C5, predominantly C4.] |
270-752-4 |
68477-71-4 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-209-00-4 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic-cracked naphtha debutanizer bottoms, C3-5-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the stabilization of catalytic cracked naphtha. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C5.] |
270-754-5 |
68477-72-5 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-210-00-X |
Tail gas (petroleum), isomerized naphtha fractionation stabilizer; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation stabilization products from isomerized naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
269-628-2 |
68308-08-7 |
Press. Gas Flam. Gas 1 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B |
H220 H350 H340 |
GHS04 GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H220 H350 H340 |
649-261-00-8 |
Gasoline, natural; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons separated from natural gas by processes such as refrigeration or absorption. It consists predominantly of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C8 and boiling in the range of approximately minus 20 °C to 120 °C (–4 °F to 248 °F).] |
232-349-1 |
8006-61-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-262-00-3 |
Naphtha; Low boiling point naphtha; [Refined, partly refined, or unrefined petroleum products produced by the distillation of natural gas. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C6 and boiling in the range of approximately 100 °C to 200 °C (212 °F to 392 °F).] |
232-443-2 |
8030-30-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-263-00-9 |
Ligroine; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractional distillation of petroleum. This fraction boils in a range of approximately 20 °C to 135 °C (58 °F to 275 °F).] |
232-453-7 |
8032-32-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-264-00-4 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy straight-run; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 65 °C to 230 °C (149 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-041-0 |
64741-41-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-265-00-X |
Naphtha (petroleum), full-range straight-run; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 220 °C (–4 °F to 428 °F).] |
265-042-6 |
64741-42-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-266-00-5 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light straight-run; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of crude oil. It consists predominantly of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 180 °C (–4 °F to 356 °F).] |
265-046-8 |
64741-46-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-267-00-0 |
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light aliph.; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of crude oil or natural gasoline. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 160 °C (95 °F to 320 °F).] |
265-192-2 |
64742-89-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-268-00-6 |
Distillates (petroleum), straight-run light; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C7 and boiling in the range of approximately –88 °C to 99 °C (– 127 °F to 210 °F).] |
270-077-5 |
68410-05-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-269-00-1 |
Gasoline, vapor-recovery; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons separated from the gases from vapor recovery systems by cooling. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 196 °C(–4 °F to 384 °F).] |
271-025-4 |
68514-15-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-270-00-7 |
Gasoline, straight-run, topping-plant; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced from the topping plant by the distillation of crude oil. It boils in the range of approximately 36,1 °C to 193,3 °C (97 °F to 380 °F).] |
271-727-0 |
68606-11-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-271-00-2 |
Naphtha (petroleum), unsweetened; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced from the distillation of naphtha streams from various refinery processes. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 0 °C to 230 °C (25 °F to 446 °F).] |
272-186-3 |
68783-12-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-272-00-8 |
Distillates (petroleum), light straight-run gasoline fractionation stabilizer overheads; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractionation of light straight-run gasoline. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C6.] |
272-931-2 |
68921-08-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-273-00-3 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy straight run, arom.-contg.; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from a distillation process of crude petroleum. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C8 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 130 °C to 210 °C (266 °F to 410 °F).] |
309-945-6 |
101631-20-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-274-00-9 |
Naphtha (petroleum), full-range alkylate; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of the reaction products of isobutane with monoolefinic hydrocarbons usually ranging in carbon numbers from C3 through C5 It consists of predominantly branched chain saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 90 °C to 220 °C (194 °F to 428 °F).] |
265-066-7 |
64741-64-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-275-00-4 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy alkylate; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of the reaction products of isobutane with monoolefinic hydrocarbons usually ranging in carbon numbers from C3 to C5. It consists of predominantly branched chain saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C9 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 150 °C to 220 °C (302 °F to 428 °F).] |
265-067-2 |
64741-65-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-276-00-X |
Naphtha (petroleum), light alkylate; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of the reaction products of isobutane with monoolefinic hydrocarbons usually ranging in carbon numbers from C3 through C5. It consists of predominantly branched chain saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 90 °C to 160 °C (194 °F to 320 °F).] |
265-068-8 |
64741-66-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-277-00-5 |
Naphtha (petroleum), isomerization; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from catalytic isomerization of straight chain paraffinic C4 through C6 hydrocarbons. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons such as isobutane, isopentane, 2,2-dimethylbutane, 2-methylpentane, and 3-methylpentane.] |
265-073-5 |
64741-70-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-278-00-0 |
Naphtha (petroleum), solvent-refined light; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as the raffinate from a solvent extraction process. It consists predominantly of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 190 °C (95 °F to 374 °F).] |
265-086-6 |
64741-84-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-279-00-6 |
Naphtha (petroleum), solvent-refined heavy; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as the raffinate from a solvent extraction process. It consists predominantly of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 90 °C to 230 °C (194 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-095-5 |
64741-92-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-280-00-1 |
Raffinates (petroleum), catalytic reformer ethylene glycol-water countercurrent exts.; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as the raffinate from the UDEX extraction process on the catalytic reformer stream. It consists of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C9.] |
270-088-5 |
68410-71-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-281-00-7 |
Raffinates (petroleum), reformer, Lurgi unit-sepd.; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [The complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as a raffinate from a Lurgi separation unit. It consists predominantly of non-aromatic hydrocarbons with various small amounts of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C8.] |
270-349-3 |
68425-35-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-282-00-2 |
Naphtha (petroleum), full-range alkylate, butane-contg.; Low boiling point modified naphta; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of the reaction products of isobutane with monoolefinic hydrocarbons usually ranging in carbon numbers from C3 through C5. It consists of predominantly branched chain saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 with some butanes and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 200 °C (95 °F to 428 °F).] |
271-267-0 |
68527-27-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-283-00-8 |
Distillates (petroleum), naphtha steam cracking-derived, solvent-refined light hydrotreated; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as the raffinates from a solvent extraction process of hydrotreated light distillate from steam-cracked naphtha.] |
295-315-5 |
91995-53-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-284-00-3 |
Naphtha (petroleum), C4-12, butane-alkylate, isooctane-rich; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by alkylation of butanes. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C12, rich in isooctane, and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 210 °C (95 °F to 410 °F).] |
295-430-0 |
92045-49-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-285-00-9 |
Hydrocarbons, hydrotreated light naphtha distillates, solvent-refined; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of hydrotreated naphtha followed by a solvent extraction and distillation process. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons boiling in the range of approximately 94 °C to 99 °C (201 °F to 210 °F).] |
295-436-3 |
92045-55-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-286-00-4 |
Naphtha (petroleum), isomerization, C6-fraction; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of a gasoline which has been catalytically isomerized. It consists predominantly of hexane isomers boiling in the range of approximately 60 °C to 66 °C (140 °F to 151 °F).] |
295-440-5 |
92045-58-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-287-00-X |
Hydrocarbons, C6-7, naphtha-cracking, solvent-refined; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the sorption of benzene from a catalytically fully hydrogenated benzene-rich hydrocarbon cut that was distillatively obtained from prehydrogenated cracked naphtha. It consists predominantly of paraffinic and naphthenic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C7 and boiling in the range of approximately 70 °C to 100 °C (158 °F to 212 °F).] |
295-446-8 |
92045-64-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-288-00-5 |
Hydrocarbons, C6-rich, hydrotreated light naphtha distillates, solvent-refined; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of hydrotreated naphtha followed by solvent extraction. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons and boiling in the range of approximately 65 °C to 70 °C (149 °F to 158 °F).] |
309-871-4 |
101316-67-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-289-00-0 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy catalytic cracked; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by a distillation of products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 65 °C to 230 °C (148 °F to 446 °F). It contains a relatively large proportion of unsaturated hydrocarbons.] |
265-055-7 |
64741-54-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-290-00-6 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light catalytic cracked; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 190 °C (–4 °F to 374 °F). It contains a relatively large proportion of unsaturated hydrocarbons.] |
265-056-2 |
64741-55-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-291-00-1 |
Hydrocarbons, C3-11, catalytic cracker distillates; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillations of products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C11 and boiling in a range approximately up to 204 °C (400 °F).] |
270-686-6 |
68476-46-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-292-00-7 |
Naphtha (petroleum), catalytic cracked light distd.; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
272-185-8 |
68783-09-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-293-00-2 |
Distillates (petroleum), naphtha steam cracking-derived, hydrotreated light arom.; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha.; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a light distillate from steam-cracked naphtha. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons.] |
295-311-3 |
91995-50-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-294-00-8 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy catalytic cracked, sweetened; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting a catalytic cracked petroleum distillate to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 60 °C to 200 °C (140 °F to 392 °F).] |
295-431-6 |
92045-50-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-295-00-3 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light catalytic cracked sweetened; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting naphtha from a catalytic cracking process to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons boiling in a range of approximately 35 °C to 210 °C (95 °F to 410 °F).] |
295-441-0 |
92045-59-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-296-00-9 |
Hydrocarbons, C8-12, catalytic-cracking, chem. neutralized; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of a cut from the catalytic cracking process, having undergone an alkaline washing. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C8 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 130 °C to 210 °C (266 °F to 410 °F).] |
295-794-0 |
92128-94-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-297-00-4 |
Hydrocarbons, C8-12, catalytic cracker distillates; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C8 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 140 °C to 210 °C (284 °F to 410 °F).] |
309-974-4 |
101794-97-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-298-00-X |
Hydrocarbons, C8-12, catalytic cracking, chem. neutralized, sweetened; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha |
309-987-5 |
101896-28-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-299-00-5 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light catalytic reformed; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced from the distillation of products from a catalytic reforming process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 190 °C (95 °F to 374 °F). It contains a relatively large proportion of aromatic and branched chain hydrocarbons. This stream may contain 10 vol. % or more benzene.] |
265-065-1 |
64741-63-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-300-00-9 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy catalytic reformed; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced from the distillation of products from a catalytic reforming process. It consists of predominantly aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 90 °C to 230 °C (194 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-070-9 |
64741-68-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-301-00-4 |
Distillates (petroleum), catalytic reformed depentanizer; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of products from a catalytic reforming process. It consists predominantly of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C6 and boiling in the range of approximately –49 °C to 63 °C (–57 °F to 145 °F).] |
270-660-4 |
68475-79-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-302-00-X |
Hydrocarbons, C2-6, C6-8 catalytic reformer; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha |
270-687-1 |
68476-47-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-303-00-5 |
Residues (petroleum), C6-8 catalytic reformer; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex residuum from the catalytic reforming of C6-8 feed. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C6.] |
270-794-3 |
68478-15-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-304-00-0 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light catalytic reformed, arom.-free; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from distillation of products from a catalytic reforming process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C8 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 120 °C (95 °F to 248 °F). It contains a relatively large proportion of branched chain hydrocarbons with the aromatic components removed.] |
270-993-5 |
68513-03-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-305-00-6 |
Distillates (petroleum), catalytic reformed straight-run naphtha overheads; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the catalytic reforming of straight-run naphtha followed by the fractionation of the total effluent. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C6.] |
271-008-1 |
68513-63-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-306-00-1 |
Petroleum products, hydrofiner-powerformer reformates; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [The complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained in a hydrofiner-powerformer process and boiling in a range of approximately 27 °C to 210 °C (80 °F to 410 °F).] |
271-058-4 |
68514-79-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-307-00-7 |
Naphtha (petroleum), full-range reformed; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of the products from a catalytic reforming process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 230 °C (95 °F to 446 °F).] |
272-895-8 |
68919-37-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-308-00-2 |
Naphtha (petroleum), catalytic reformed; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a catalytic reforming process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 30 °C to 220 °C (90 °F to 430 °F). It contains a relatively large proportion of aromatic and branched chain hydrocarbons. This stream may contain 10 vol. % or more benzene.] |
273-271-8 |
68955-35-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-309-00-8 |
Distillates (petroleum), catalytic reformed hydrotreated light, C8-12 arom. fraction; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of alkylbenzenes obtained by the catalytic reforming of petroleum naphtha. It consists predominantly of alkylbenzenes having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C8 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 160 °C to 180 °C (320 °F to 356 °F).] |
285-509-8 |
85116-58-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-310-00-3 |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C8, catalytic reforming-derived; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha |
295-279-0 |
91995-18-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-311-00-9 |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C7-12, C8-rich; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by separation from the platformate-containing fraction. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 (primarily C8) and can contain nonaromatic hydrocarbons, both boiling in the range of approximately 130 °C to 200 °C (266 °F to 392 °F).] |
297-401-8 |
93571-75-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-312-00-4 |
Gasoline, C5-11, high-octane stabilised reformed; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex high octane combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the catalytic dehydrogenation of a predominantly naphthenic naphtha. It consists predominantly of aromatics and non-aromatics having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 45 °C to 185 °C (113 °F to 365 °F).] |
297-458-9 |
93572-29-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-313-00-X |
Hydrocarbons, C7-12, C≥9-arom.-rich, reforming heavy fraction; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by separation from the platformate-containing fraction. It consists predominantly of nonaromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 120 °C to 210 °C (248 °F to 380 °F) and C9 and higher aromatic hydrocarbons.] |
297-465-7 |
93572-35-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-314-00-5 |
Hydrocarbons, C5-11, nonaroms.-rich, reforming light fraction; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by separation from the platformate-containing fraction. It consists predominantly of nonaromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 125 °C (94 °F to 257 °F), benzene and toluene.] |
297-466-2 |
93572-36-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-316-00-6 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light thermal cracked; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from distillation of products from a thermal cracking process. It consists predominantly of unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C8 and boiling in the range of approximately –10 °C to 130 °C (14 °F to 266 °F).] |
265-075-6 |
64741-74-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-317-00-1 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy thermal cracked; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from distillation of the products from a thermal cracking process. It consists predominantly of unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 65 °C to 220 °C (148 °F to 428 °F).] |
265-085-0 |
64741-83-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-318-00-7 |
Distillates (petroleum), heavy arom.; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [The complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of the products from the thermal cracking of ethane and propane. This higher boiling fraction consists predominantly of C5-7 aromatic hydrocarbons with some unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon number predominantly of C5. This stream may contain benzene.] |
267-563-4 |
67891-79-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-319-00-2 |
Distillates (petroleum), light arom.; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [The complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of the products from the thermal cracking of ethane and propane. This lower boiling fraction consists predominantly of C5-7 aromatic hydrocarbons with some unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having a carbon number predominantly of C5. This stream may contain benzene.] |
267-565-5 |
67891-80-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-320-00-8 |
Distillates (petroleum), naphtha-raffinate pyrolyzate-derived, gasoline-blending; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [The complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the pyrolysis fractionation at 816 °C (1 500 °F) of naphtha and raffinate. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having a carbon number of C9 and boiling at approximately 204 °C (400 °F).] |
270-344-6 |
68425-29-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-321-00-3 |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C6-8, naphtha-raffinate pyrolyzate-derived; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractionation pyrolysis at 816 °C (1 500 °F) of naphtha and raffinate. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C8, including benzene.] |
270-658-3 |
68475-70-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-322-00-9 |
Distillates (petroleum), thermal cracked naphtha and gas oil; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of thermally cracked naphtha and/or gas oil. It consists predominantly of olefinic hydrocarbons having a carbon number of C5 and boiling in the range of approximately 33 °C to 60 °C (91 °F to 140 °F).] |
271-631-9 |
68603-00-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-323-00-4 |
Distillates (petroleum), thermal cracked naphtha and gas oil, C5-dimer-contg.; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the extractive distillation of thermal cracked naphtha and/or gas oil. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having a carbon number of C5 with some dimerized C5 olefins and boiling in the range of approximately 33 °C to 184 °C (91 °F to 363 °F).] |
271-632-4 |
68603-01-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-324-00-X |
Distillates (petroleum), thermal cracked naphtha and gas oil, extractive; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the extractive distillation of thermal cracked naphtha and/or gas oil. It consists of paraffinic and olefinic hydrocarbons, predominantly isoamylenes such as 2-methyl-1-butene and 2-methyl-2-butene and boiling in the range of approximately 31 °C to 40 °C (88 °F to 104 °F).] |
271-634-5 |
68603-03-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-325-00-5 |
Distillates (petroleum), light thermal cracked, debutanized arom.; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a thermal cracking process. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons, primarily benzene.] |
273-266-0 |
68955-29-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-326-00-0 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light thermal cracked, sweetened; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting a petroleum distillate from the high temperature thermal cracking of heavy oil fractions to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans. It consists predominantly of aromatics, olefins and saturated hydrocarbons boiling in the range of approximately 20 °C to 100 °C (68 °F to 212 °F).] |
295-447-3 |
92045-65-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-327-00-6 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C13 and boiling in the range of approximately 65 °C to 230 °C (149 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-150-3 |
64742-48-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-328-00-1 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated light; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately minus 20 °C to 190 °C (–4 °F to 374 °F).] |
265-151-9 |
64742-49-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-329-00-7 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized light; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from a catalytic hydrodesulfurization process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 190 °C (–4 °F to 374 °F).] |
265-178-6 |
64742-73-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-330-00-2 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized heavy; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from a catalytic hydrodesulfurization process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 90 °C to 230 °C (194 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-185-4 |
64742-82-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-331-00-8 |
Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle, intermediate boiling; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of products from a middle distillate hydrotreating process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 127 °C to 188 °C (262 °F to 370 °F).] |
270-092-7 |
68410-96-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-332-00-3 |
Distillates (petroleum), light distillate hydrotreating process, low-boiling; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of products from the light distillate hydrotreating process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C9 and boiling in the range of approximately 3 °C to 194 °C (37 °F to 382 °F).] |
270-093-2 |
68410-97-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-333-00-9 |
Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy naphtha, deisohexanizer overheads; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of the products from a heavy naphtha hydrotreating process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C6 and boiling in the range of approximately –49 °C to 68 °C (–57 °F to 155 °F).] |
270-094-8 |
68410-98-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-334-00-4 |
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom., hydrotreated; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C8 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 135 °C to 210 °C (275 °F to 410 °F).] |
270-988-8 |
68512-78-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-335-00-X |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized thermal cracked light; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by fractionation of hydrodesulfurized thermal cracker distillate. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 to C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 23 °C to 195 °C (73 °F to 383 °F).] |
285-511-9 |
85116-60-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-336-00-5 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated light, cycloalkane-contg.; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of a petroleum fraction. It consists predominantly of alkanes and cycloalkanes boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 190 °C (–4 °F to 374 °F).] |
285-512-4 |
85116-61-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-337-00-0 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy steam-cracked, hydrogenated; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha |
295-432-1 |
92045-51-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-338-00-6 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized full-range; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from a catalytic hydrodesulfurization process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 30 °C to 250 °C (86 °F to 482 °F).] |
295-433-7 |
92045-52-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-339-00-1 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated light steam-cracked; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction, derived from a pyrolysis process, with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists predominantly of unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 190 °C (95 °F to 374 °F).] |
295-438-4 |
92045-57-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-340-00-7 |
Hydrocarbons, C4-12, naphtha-cracking, hydrotreated; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation from the product of a naphtha steam cracking process and subsequent catalytic selective hydrogenation of gum formers. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 30 °C to 230 °C (86 °F to 446 °F).] |
295-443-1 |
92045-61-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-341-00-2 |
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated light naphthenic; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists predominantly of cycloparaffinic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C7 and boiling in the range of approximately 73 °C to 85 °C (163 °F to 185 °F).] |
295-529-9 |
92062-15-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-342-00-8 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked, hydrogenated; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced from the separation and subsequent hydrogenation of the products of a steam-cracking process to produce ethylene. It consists predominantly of saturated and unsaturated paraffins, cyclic paraffins and cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 50 °C to 200 °C (122 °F to 392 °F). The proportion of benzene hydrocarbons may vary up to 30 wt. % and the stream may also contain small amounts of sulfur and oxygenated compounds.] |
296-942-7 |
93165-55-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-343-00-3 |
Hydrocarbons, C6-11, hydrotreated, dearomatized; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as solvents which have been subjected to hydrotreatment in order to convert aromatics to naphthenes by catalytic hydrogenation.] |
297-852-0 |
93763-33-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-344-00-9 |
Hydrocarbons, C9-12, hydrotreated, dearomatized; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as solvents which have been subjected to hydrotreatment in order to convert aromatics to naphthenes by catalytic hydrogenation.] |
297-853-6 |
93763-34-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-345-00-4 |
Stoddard solvent; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A colorless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odors and that boils in a range of approximately 148,8 °C to 204,4 °C. (300 °F to 400 °F).] |
232-489-3 |
8052-41-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-346-00-X |
Natural gas condensates (petroleum); Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons separated as a liquid from natural gas in a surface separator by retrograde condensation. It consists mainly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 to C20. It is a liquid at atmospheric temperature and pressure.] |
265-047-3 |
64741-47-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-347-00-5 |
Natural gas (petroleum), raw liq. mix; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons separated as a liquid from natural gas in a gas recycling plant by processes such as refrigeration or absorption. It consists mainly of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C2 through C8.] |
265-048-9 |
64741-48-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-348-00-0 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light hydrocracked; Low boiling naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from distillation of the products from a hydrocracking process. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C10, and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 180 °C (–4 °F to 356 °F).] |
265-071-4 |
64741-69-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-349-00-6 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy hydrocracked; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from distillation of the products from a hydrocracking process. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C12, and boiling in the range of approximately 65 °C to 230 °C (148 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-079-8 |
64741-78-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-350-00-1 |
Naphtha (petroleum), sweetened; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting a petroleum naphtha to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately –10 °C to 230 °C (14 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-089-2 |
64741-87-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-351-00-7 |
Naphtha (petroleum), acid-treated; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as a raffinate from a sulfuric acid treating process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 90 °C to 230 °C (194 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-115-2 |
64742-15-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-352-00-2 |
Naphtha (petroleum), chemically neutralized heavy; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by a treating process to remove acidic materials. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 65 °C to 230 °C (149 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-122-0 |
64742-22-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-353-00-8 |
Naphtha (petroleum), chemically neutralized light; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by a treating process to remove acidic materials. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 190 °C (–4 °F to 374 °F).] |
265-123-6 |
64742-23-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-354-00-3 |
Naphtha (petroleum), catalytic dewaxed; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the catalytic dewaxing of a petroleum fraction. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 230 °C (95 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-170-2 |
64742-66-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-355-00-9 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of the products from a steam cracking process. It consists predominantly of unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately minus 20 °C to 190 °C (–4 °F to 374 °F). This stream is likely to contain 10 vol. % or more benzene.] |
265-187-5 |
64742-83-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-356-00-4 |
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom.; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from distillation of aromatic streams. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C8 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 135 °C to 210 °C (275 °F to 410 °F).] |
265-199-0 |
64742-95-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-357-00-X |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C6-10, acid-treated, neutralized; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified |
268-618-5 |
68131-49-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-358-00-5 |
Distillates (petroleum), C3-5, 2-methyl-2-butene-rich; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of hydrocarbons usually ranging in carbon numbers from C3 through C5, predominantly isopentane and 3-methyl-1-butene. It consists of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C5, predominantly 2-methyl-2-butene.] |
270-725-7 |
68477-34-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-359-00-0 |
Distillates (petroleum), polymd. steam-cracked petroleum distillates, C5-12 fraction; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of polymerized steam-cracked petroleum distillate. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C12.] |
270-735-1 |
68477-50-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-360-00-6 |
Distillates (petroleum), steam-cracked, C5-12 fraction; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of organic compounds obtained by the distillation of products from a steam cracking process. It consists of unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C12.] |
270-736-7 |
68477-53-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-361-00-1 |
Distillates (petroleum), steam-cracked, C5-10 fraction, mixed with light steam-cracked petroleum naphtha C5 fraction; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified |
270-738-8 |
68477-55-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-362-00-7 |
Extracts (petroleum), cold-acid, C4-6; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of organic compounds produced by cold acid unit extraction of saturated and unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons usually ranging in carbon numbers from C3 through C6, predominantly pentanes and amylenes. It consists predominantly of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C4 through C6, predominantly C5.] |
270-741-4 |
68477-61-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-363-00-2 |
Distillates (petroleum), depentanizer overheads; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from a catalytic cracked gas stream. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C6.] |
270-771-8 |
68477-89-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-364-00-8 |
Residues (petroleum), butane splitter bottoms; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex residuum from the distillation of butane stream. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C6.] |
270-791-7 |
68478-12-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H P |
649-365-00-3 |
Residual oils (petroleum), deisobutanizer tower; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex residuum from the atmospheric distillation of the butane-butylene stream. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C6.] |
270-795-9 |
68478-16-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-366-00-9 |
Naphtha (petroleum), full-range coker; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a fluid coker. It consists predominantly of unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C15 and boiling in the range of approximately 43 °C to 250 °C (110 °F-500 °F).] |
270-991-4 |
68513-02-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-367-00-4 |
Naphtha (petroleum), steam-cracked middle arom.; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a steam-cracking process. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 130 °C to 220 °C (266 °F to 428 °F).] |
271-138-9 |
68516-20-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-368-00-X |
Naphtha (petroleum), clay-treated full-range straight-run; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons resulting from treatment of full-range straight-run naphtha with natural or modified clay, usually in a percolation process to remove the trace amounts of polar compounds and impurities present. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 220 °C (–4 °F to 429 °F).] |
271-262-3 |
68527-21-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-369-00-5 |
Naphtha (petroleum), clay-treated light straight-run; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons resulting from treatment of light straight-run naphtha with a natural or modified clay, usually in a percolation process to remove the trace amounts of polar compounds and impurities present. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 93 °C to 180 °C (200 °F to 356 °F).] |
271-263-9 |
68527-22-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-370-00-0 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked arom.; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from a steam-cracking process. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C9 and boiling in the range of approximately 110 °C to 165 °C (230 °F to 329 °F).] |
271-264-4 |
68527-23-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-371-00-6 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked, debenzenized; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from a steam-cracking process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 80 °C to 218 °C (176 °F to 424 °F).] |
271-266-5 |
68527-26-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-372-00-1 |
Naphtha (petroleum), arom.-contg.; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified |
271-635-0 |
68603-08-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-373-00-7 |
Gasoline, pyrolysis, debutanizer bottoms; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation of depropanizer bottoms. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly greater than C5.] |
271-726-5 |
68606-10-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-374-00-2 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light, sweetened; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting a petroleum distillate to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists predominantly of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C6 and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 100 °C (–4 °F to 212 °F).] |
272-206-0 |
68783-66-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-375-00-8 |
Natural gas condensates; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons separated and/or condensed from natural gas during transportation and collected at the wellhead and/or from the production, gathering, transmission, and distribution pipelines in deeps, scrubbers, etc. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C8.] |
272-896-3 |
68919-39-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-376-00-3 |
Distillates (petroleum), naphtha unifiner stripper; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by stripping the products from the naphtha unifiner. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C6.] |
272-932-8 |
68921-09-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-377-00-9 |
Naphtha (petroleum), catalytic reformed light, arom.-free fraction; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons remaining after removal of aromatic compounds from catalytic reformed light naphtha in a selective absorption process. It consists predominantly of paraffinic and cyclic compounds having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 to C8 and boiling in the range of approximately 66 °C to 121 °C (151 °F to 250 °F).] |
285-510-3 |
85116-59-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-378-00-4 |
Gasoline; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons consisting primarily of paraffins, cycloparaffins, aromatic and olefinic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly greater than C3 and boiling in the range of 30 °C to 260 °C (86 °F to 500 °F).] |
289-220-8 |
86290-81-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-379-00-X |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C7-8, dealkylation products, distn. residues; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified |
292-698-0 |
90989-42-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-380-00-5 |
Hydrocarbons, C4-6, depentanizer lights, arom. hydrotreater; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as first runnings from the depentanizer column before hydrotreatment of the aromatic charges. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C6, predominantly pentanes and pentenes, and boiling in the range of approximately 25 °C to 40 °C (77 °F to 104 °F).] |
295-298-4 |
91995-38-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-381-00-0 |
Distillates (petroleum), heat-soaked steam-cracked naphtha, C5-rich; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of heat-soaked steam-cracked naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C4 through C6, predominantly C5.] |
295-302-4 |
91995-41-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-382-00-6 |
Extracts (petroleum), catalytic reformed light naphtha solvent; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as the extract from the solvent extraction of a catalytically reformed petroleum cut. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C8 and boiling in the range of approximately 100 °C to 200 °C (212 °F to 392 °F).] |
295-331-2 |
91995-68-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-383-00-1 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized light, dearomatized; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of hydrodesulfurized and dearomatized light petroleum fractions. It consists predominantly of C7 paraffins and cycloparaffins boiling in a range of approximately 90 °C to 100 °C (194 °F to 212 °F).] |
295-434-2 |
92045-53-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-384-00-7 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light, C5-rich, sweetened; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting a petroleum naphtha to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C5, predominantly C5, and boiling in the range of approximately minus 10 °C to 35 °C (14 °F to 95 °F).] |
295-442-6 |
92045-60-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-385-00-2 |
Hydrocarbons, C8-11, naphtha-cracking, toluene cut; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation from prehydrogenated cracked naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C8 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 130 °C to 205 °C (266 °F to 401 °F).] |
295-444-7 |
92045-62-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-386-00-8 |
Hydrocarbons, C4-11, naphtha-cracking, arom.-free; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from prehydrogenated cracked naphtha after distillative separation of benzene- and toluene-containing hydrocarbon cuts and a higher boiling fraction. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 30 °C to 205 °C (86 °F to 401 °F).] |
295-445-2 |
92045-63-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-387-00-3 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light heat-soaked, steam-cracked; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractionation of steam cracked naphtha after recovery from a heat soaking process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having a carbon number predominantly in the range of C4 through C6 and boiling in the range of approximately 0 °C to 80 °C (32 °F to 176 °F).] |
296-028-8 |
92201-97-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-388-00-9 |
Distillates (petroleum), C6-rich; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of a petroleum feedstock. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers of C5 through C7, rich in C6, and boiling in the range of approximately 60 °C to 70 °C (140 °F to 158 °F).] |
296-903-4 |
93165-19-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-389-00-4 |
Gasoline, pyrolysis, hydrogenated; Low boiling point naphtha-unspecified; [A distillation fraction from the hydrogenation of pyrolysis gasoline boiling in the range of approximately 20 °C to 200 °C (68 °F to 392 °F).] |
302-639-3 |
94114-03-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-390-00-X |
Distillates (petroleum), steam-cracked, C8-12 fraction, polymd., distn. lights; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of the polymerized C8 through C12 fraction from steam-cracked petroleum distillates. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C8 through C12.] |
305-750-5 |
95009-23-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-391-00-5 |
Extracts (petroleum) heavy naphtha solvent, clay-treated; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the treatment of heavy naphthic solvent petroleum extract with bleaching earth. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 80 °C to 180 °C (175 °F to 356 °F).] |
308-261-5 |
97926-43-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-392-00-0 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked, debenzenized, thermally treated; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the treatment and distillation of debenzenized light steam-cracked petroleum naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 95 °C to 200 °C (203 °F to 392 °F).] |
308-713-1 |
98219-46-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-393-00-6 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked, thermally treated; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the treatment and distillation of light steam-cracked petroleum naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C6 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 80 °C (95 °F to 176 °F).] |
308-714-7 |
98219-47-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-394-00-1 |
Distillates (petroleum), C7-9, C8-rich, hydrodesulfurized dearomatized; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of petroleum light fraction, hydrodesulfurized and dearomatized. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C7 through C9, predominantly C8 paraffins and cycloparaffins, boiling in the range of approximately 120 °C to 130 °C (248 °F to 266 °F).] |
309-862-5 |
101316-56-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-395-00-7 |
Hydrocarbons, C6-8, hydrogenated sorption-dearomatized, toluene raffination; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained during the sorptions of toluene from a hydrocarbon fraction from cracked gasoline treated with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C8 and boiling in the range of approximately 80 °C to 135 °C (176 °F to 275 °F).] |
309-870-9 |
101316-66-9 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-396-00-2 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised full-range coker; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by fractionation from hydrodesulfurised coker distillate. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 to C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 23 °C to 196 °C (73 °F to 385 °F).] |
309-879-8 |
101316-76-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-397-00-8 |
Naphtha (petroleum), sweetened light; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting a petroleum naphtha to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C8 and boiling in the range of approximately 20 °C to 130 °C (68 °F to 266 °F).] |
309-976-5 |
101795-01-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-398-00-3 |
Hydrocarbons, C3-6, C5-rich, steam-cracked naphtha; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of steam-cracked naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C6, predominantly C5.] |
310-012-0 |
102110-14-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-399-00-9 |
Hydrocarbons, C5-rich, dicyclopentadiene-contg.; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of the products from a steam-cracking process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers of C5 and dicyclopentadiene and boiling in the range of approximately 30 °C to 170 °C (86 °F to 338 °F).] |
310-013-6 |
102110-15-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-400-00-2 |
Residues (petroleum), steam-cracked light, arom.; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of the products of steam cracking or similar processes after taking off the very light products resulting in a residue starting with hydrocarbons having carbon numbers greater than C5. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers greater than C5 and boiling above approximately 40 °C (104 °F).] |
310-057-6 |
102110-55-4 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-401-00-8 |
Hydrocarbons, C≥5, C5-6-rich; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified |
270-690-8 |
68476-50-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-402-00-3 |
Hydrocarbons, C5-rich; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified |
270-695-5 |
68476-55-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
649-403-00-9 |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C8-10; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified |
292-695-4 |
90989-39-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Asp. Tox. 1 |
H350 H340 H304 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H304 |
H P |
650-016-00-2 |
Mineral wool, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex; [Man-made vitreous (silicate) fibres with random orientation with alkaline oxide and alkali earth oxide (Na2O+K2O+CaO+MgO+BaO) content greater than 18 % by weight] |
— |
— |
Carc. 2 |
H351 |
GHS08 Wng |
H351 |
650-017-00-8 |
Refractory Ceramic Fibres, Special Purpose Fibres, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex; [Man-made vitreous (silicate) fibres with random orientation with alkaline oxide and alkali earth oxide (Na2O+K2O+CaO+MgO+BaO) content less or equal to 18 % by weight] |
— |
— |
Carc. 1B |
H350i |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350i |
AR |
Catalogus-nummer |
Internationale chemische identificatie |
EC-nr. |
CAS-nr. |
Indeling |
Etikettering |
Specifieke concentratiegrenzen M-factoren |
Opmer-kingen |
Gevarenklasse en categoriecode(s) |
Gevaren-aanduidings-code(s) |
Pictogram, signaalwoord-code(s) |
Gevaren-aanduidings-code(s) |
Aanvullende gevaren-aanduidings-code(s) |
003-003-00-5 |
(2-methylpropyl)lithium; isobutyllithium |
440-620-2 |
920-36-5 |
Water-react. 1 Pyr. Liq. 1 Skin Corr. 1A STOT SE 3 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H260 H250 H314 H336 H400 H410 |
GHS02 GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H260 H250 H314 H336 H410 |
EUH014 |
005-007-00-2 |
boric acid; [1] boric acid, crude natural, containing not more than 85 per cent of H3BO3 calculated on the dry weight [2] |
233-139-2 [1] 234-343-4 [2] |
10043-35-3 [1] 11113-50-1 [2] |
Repr. 1B |
H360FD |
GHS08 Dgr |
H360FD |
Repr. 1B; H360FD: C ≥ 5,5 % |
005-008-00-8 |
diboron trioxide; boric oxide |
215-125-8 |
1303-86-2 |
Repr. 1B |
H360FD |
GHS08 Dgr |
H360FD |
Repr. 1B; H360FD: C ≥ 3,1 % |
005-011-00-4 |
disodium tetraborate, anhydrous; boric acid, disodium salt; [1] tetraboron disodium heptaoxide, hydrate; [2] orthoboric acid, sodium salt [3] |
215-540-4 [1] 235-541-3 [2] 237-560-2 [3] |
1330-43-4 [1] 12267-73-1 [2] 13840-56-7 [3] |
Repr. 1B |
H360FD |
GHS08 Dgr |
H360FD |
Repr. 1B; H360FD: C ≥ 4,5 % |
005-011-01-1 |
disodium tetraborate decahydrate; borax decahydrate |
215-540-4 |
1303-96-4 |
Repr. 1B |
H360FD |
GHS08 Dgr |
H360FD |
Repr. 1B; H360FD: C ≥ 8,5 % |
005-011-02-9 |
disodium tetraborate pentahydrate; borax pentahydrate |
215-540-4 |
12179-04-3 |
Repr. 1B |
H360FD |
GHS08 Dgr |
H360FD |
Repr. 1B; H360FD: C ≥ 6,5 % |
005-013-00-5 |
diethylmethoxyborane |
425-380-9 |
7397-46-8 |
Pyr. Liq. 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Corr. 1B Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H250 H332 H312 H302 H373** H314 H317 H413 |
GHS02 GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H250 H332 H312 H302 H373** H314 H317 H413 |
005-014-00-0 |
4-formylphenylboronic acid |
438-670-5 |
87199-17-5 |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
005-015-00-6 |
1-chloromethyl-4-fluoro-1,4-diazoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane bis(tetrafluoroborate) |
414-380-4 |
140681-55-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H318 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 H317 H412 |
005-016-00-1 |
tetrabutylammonium butyl tris-(4-tert-butylphenyl)borate |
431-370-5 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
005-017-00-7 |
sodium perborate; [1] sodium peroxometaborate; [2] sodium peroxoborate; [containing < 0,1 % (w/w) of particles with an aerodynamic diameter of below 50 μm] |
239-172-9 [1] 231-556-4 [2] |
15120-21-5 [1] 7632-04-4 [2] |
Oxid. Sol. 2 Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * STOT SE 3 Eye Dam. 1 |
H272 H360Df H302 H335 H318 |
GHS03 GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H272 H360Df H302 H335 H318 |
Repr. 1B; H360Df: C ≥ 9 % Repr. 1B; H360D: 6,5 % ≤ C < 9 % Eye Dam. 1; H318: C ≥ 22 % Eye Irrit. 2; H319: 14 % ≤ C < 22 % |
005-017-01-4 |
sodium perborate; [1] sodium peroxometaborate; [2] sodium peroxoborate; [containing ≥ 0,1 % (w/w) of particles with an aerodynamic diameter of below 50 μm] |
239-172-9 [1] 231-556-4 [2] |
15120-21-5 [1] 7632-04-4 [2] |
Oxid. Sol. 2 Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT SE 3 Eye Dam. 1 |
H272 H360Df H331 H302 H335 H318 |
GHS03 GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 Dgr |
H272 H360Df H331 H302 H335 H318 |
Repr. 1B; H360Df: C ≥ 9 % Repr. 1B; H360D: 6,5 % ≤ C < 9 % Eye Dam. 1; H318: C ≥ 22 % Eye Irrit. 2; H319: 14 % ≤ C < 22 % |
005-018-00-2 |
perboric acid (H3BO2(O2)), monosodium salt trihydrate; [1] perboric acid, sodium salt, tetrahydrate; [2] perboric acid (HBO(O2)), sodium salt, tetrahydrate; [3] sodium peroxoborate hexahydrate; [containing < 0,1 % (w/w) of particles with an aerodynamic diameter of below 50 μm] |
239-172-9 [1] 234-390-0 [2] 231-556-4 [3] |
13517-20-9 [1] 37244-98-7 [2] 10486-00-7 [3] |
Repr. 1B STOT SE 3 Eye Dam. 1 |
H360Df H335 H318 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H360Df H335 H318 |
Repr. 1B; H360 Df: C ≥ 14 % Repr. 1B; H360D: 10 % ≤ C < 14 % Eye Dam. 1; H318: C ≥ 36 % Eye Irrit. 2; H319: 22 % ≤ C < 36 % |
005-018-01-X |
perboric acid (H3BO2(O2)), monosodium salt, trihydrate; [1] perboric acid, sodium salt, tetrahydrate; [2] perboric acid (HBO(O2)), sodium salt, tetrahydrate; [3] sodium peroxoborate hexahydrate; [containing ≥ 0,1 % (w/w) of particles with an aerodynamic diameter of below 50 μm] |
239-172-9 [1] 234-390-0 [2] 231-556-4 [3] |
13517-20-9 [1] 37244-98-7 [2] 10486-00-7 [3] |
Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * STOT SE 3 Eye Dam. 1 |
H360Df H332 H335 H318 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H360Df H332 H335 H318 |
Repr. 1B; H360 Df: C ≥ 14 % Repr. 1B; H360D: 10 % ≤ C < 14 % Eye Dam. 1; H318: C ≥ 36 % Eye Irrit. 2; H319: 22 % ≤ C < 36 % |
005-019-00-8 |
perboric acid, sodium salt; [1] perboric acid, sodium salt, monohydrate; [2] perboric acid (HBO(O2)), sodium salt, monohydrate; [3] sodium peroxoborate; [containing < 0,1 % (w/w) of particles with an aerodynamic diameter of below 50 μm] |
234-390-0 [1] 234-390-0 [2] 231-556-4 [3] |
11138-47-9 [1] 12040-72-1 [2] 10332-33-9 [3] |
Oxid. Sol. 3 Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * STOT SE 3 Eye Dam. 1 |
H272 H360Df H302 H335 H318 |
GHS03 GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H272 H360Df H302 H335 H318 |
Repr. 1B; H360Df: C ≥ 9 % Repr. 1B; H360D: 6,5 % ≤ C < 9 % Eye Dam. 1; H318: C ≥ 22 % Eye Irrit. 2; H319: 14 % ≤ C < 22 % |
005-019-01-5 |
perboric acid, sodium salt; [1] perboric acid, sodium salt, monohydrate; [2] perboric acid (HBO(O2)), sodium salt, monohydrate; [3] sodium peroxoborate; [containing ≥ 0,1 % (w/w) of particles with an aerodynamic diameter of below 50 μm] |
234-390-0 [1] 234-390-0 [2] 231-556-4 [3] |
11138-47-9 [1] 12040-72-1 [2] 10332-33-9 [3] |
Oxid. Sol. 3 Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT SE 3 Eye Dam. 1 |
H272 H360Df H331 H302 H335 H318 |
GHS03 GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 Dgr |
H272 H360Df H331 H302 H335 H318 |
Repr. 1B; H360Df: C ≥ 9 % Repr. 1B; H360D: 6,5 % ≤ C < 9 % Eye Dam. 1; H318: C ≥ 22 % Eye Irrit. 2; H319: 14 % ≤ C < 22 % |
006-091-00-3 |
propineb (ISO); polymeric zinc propylenebis(dithiocarbamate) |
— |
9016-72-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H332 H373** H317 H400 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H332 H373** H317 H400 |
006-092-00-9 |
tert-butyl (1S)-N-[1-((2S)-2-oxiranyl)-2-phenylethyl]carbamate |
425-420-5 |
98737-29-2 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
006-093-00-4 |
2,2'-dithio di(ethylammonium)-bis(dibenzyldithiocarbamate) |
427-180-7 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H317 H410 |
006-094-00-X |
O-isobutyl-N-ethoxy carbonylthiocarbamate |
434-350-4 |
103122-66-3 |
Flam. Liq. 3 Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H226 H350 H340 H302 H373** H317 H411 |
GHS02 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H226 H350 H340 H302 H373** H317 H411 |
006-095-00-5 |
fosetyl-aluminium (ISO); aluminium triethyl triphosphonate |
254-320-2 |
39148-24-8 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
006-096-00-0 |
chlorpropham (ISO); isopropyl 3-chlorocarbanilate |
202-925-7 |
101-21-3 |
Carc. 2 STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H351 H373** H411 |
GHS08 GHS09 Wng |
H351 H373** H411 |
006-097-00-6 |
1-phenyl-3-(p-toluenesulfonyl)urea |
424-620-1 |
13909-63-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H373** H412 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H302 H373** H412 |
006-098-00-1 |
tert-butyl (1R,5S)-3-azabicyclo[3.1.0]hex-6-ylcarbamate |
429-170-8 |
134575-17-0 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H302 H373** H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgrg |
H302 H373** H318 H317 |
006-099-00-7 |
N-(p-toluenesulfonyl)-N'-(3-(p-toluenesulfonyloxy)phenyl)urea; 3-({[(4-methylphenyl)sulfonyl]carbamoyl}amino)phenyl 4-methylbenzenesulfonate |
432-520-2 |
232938-43-1 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
006-101-00-6 |
reaction mass of: N,N''-(methylenedi-4,1-phenylene)bis[N'-phenylurea]; N-(4-[[4-[[(phenylamino)carbonyl]amino]phenylmethyl]phenyl]-N'-cyclohexylurea; N,N''-(methylenedi-4,1-phenylene)bis[N'-cyclohexylurea] |
423-070-8 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
006-102-00-1 |
O-hexyl-N-ethoxycarbonylthiocarbamate |
432-750-3 |
— |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H350 H340 H302 H373** H317 H411 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350 H340 H302 H373** H317 H411 |
006-103-00-7 |
N,N''-(methylenedi-4,1-phenylene)bis[N'-octyl]urea |
445-760-8 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H318 H334 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H334 H410 |
M=100 |
007-028-00-2 |
hydroxylammonium nitrate |
236-691-2 |
13465-08-2 |
Expl. 1.1 **** Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H201 H351 H311 H302 H373** H319 H315 H317 H400 |
GHS01 GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H201 H351 H311 H302 H373** H319 H315 H317 H400 |
007-029-00-8 |
diethyldimethylammonium hydroxide |
419-400-5 |
95500-19-9 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1A |
H312 H302 H314 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H312 H302 H314 |
012-004-00-X |
aluminium-magnesium-carbonate-hydroxide-perchlorate-hydrate |
422-150-1 |
— |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
013-010-00-5 |
hydroxy aluminium bis(2,4,8,10-tetra-tert-butyl-6-hydroxy-12H-dibenzo[d,g][1.3.2]dioxaphosphocin-6-oxide) |
430-650-4 |
151841-65-5 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
014-033-00-3 |
2-methyl-3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl-2-propenoate hydrolysis product with silica |
419-030-4 |
125804-20-8 |
Flam. Liq. 2 Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 |
H225 H319 H336 |
GHS02 GHS07 Dgr |
H225 H319 H336 |
014-034-00-9 |
3-hexylheptamethyltrisiloxane |
428-700-5 |
1873-90-1 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H332 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H332 H413 |
014-035-00-4 |
2-(3,4-epoxycyclohexyl)ethyltriethoxy silane |
425-050-4 |
10217-34-2 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H412 |
014-036-00-X |
(4-ethoxyphenyl)(3-(4-fluoro-3-phenoxyphenyl)propyl)dimethylsilane |
405-020-7 |
105024-66-6 |
Repr. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H360F*** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H360F*** H410 |
M=1000 |
014-037-00-5 |
2-butanone-O,O',O''-(phenylsilylidyne)trioxime |
433-360-6 |
34036-80-1 |
STOT RE 2 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H373** H317 H412 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H373** H317 H412 |
014-038-00-0 |
S-(3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl) octanethioate |
436-690-9 |
220727-26-4 |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
014-039-00-6 |
(2,3-dimethylbut-2-yl)-trimethoxysilane |
439-360-2 |
142877-45-0 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H315 H318 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H315 H318 H412 |
014-041-00-7 |
N,N-bis(trimethylsilyl)aminopropylmethyldiethoxysilane |
445-890-5 |
201290-01-9 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 |
H302 H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H317 |
014-042-00-2 |
reaction mass of: O,O',O'',O'''-silanetetrayl tetrakis(4-methyl-2-pentanone oxime) (3 stereoisomers) |
423-010-0 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
014-043-00-8 |
reaction product of amorphous silica (50-85 %), butyl (1-methylpropyl) magnesium (3-15 %), tetraethyl orthosilicate (5-15 %) and titanium tetrachloride (5-20 %) |
432-200-2 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
014-044-00-3 |
3-[(4'-acetoxy-3'-methoxyphenyl) propyl]trimethoxysilane |
433-050-0 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
014-045-00-9 |
magnesium sodium fluoride silicate |
442-650-1 |
— |
STOT RE 2 * |
H373** |
GHS08 Wng |
H373** |
015-113-00-0 |
tolclofos-methyl (ISO); O-(2,6-dichloro-p-tolyl)-O,O-dimethyl thiophosphate |
260-515-3 |
57018-04-9 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H410 |
015-182-00-7 |
tetraisopropyldichloromethylenebisphosphonate |
430-630-5 |
10596-22-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 |
H302 H319 H317 |
GHS06 Wng |
H302 H319 H317 |
015-183-00-2 |
(1-hydroxydodecylidene)diphosphonic acid |
425-230-2 |
16610-63-2 |
Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H314 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H314 H410 |
015-188-00-X |
(1-methylethylidene)di-4,1-phenylenetetraphenyl diphosphate |
425-220-8 |
5945-33-5 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
015-190-00-0 |
bis(2,4-dicumylphenyl) neopentyl diphosphite; 3,9-bis[2,4-bis(1-methyl-1-phenylethyl)phenoxy]-2,4,8,10-tetraoxa-3,9-diphosphaspiro[5.5]undecane |
421-920-2 |
154862-43-8 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
015-191-00-6 |
dodecyldiphenyl phosphate |
431-760-5 |
27460-02-2 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H315 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H315 H412 |
015-192-00-1 |
tetrakis(2,6-dimethylphenyl)-m-phenylene biphosphate |
432-770-2 |
139189-30-3 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
015-193-00-7 |
triphenyl(phenylmethyl)phosphonium 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4-nonafluoro-N-methyl-1-butanesulfonamide (1:1) |
442-960-7 |
332350-93-3 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H301 H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H301 H318 H410 |
015-194-00-2 |
tetrabutyl-phosphonium nonafluoro-butane-1-sulfonate |
444-440-5 |
220689-12-3 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H412 |
015-195-00-8 |
reaction mass of: potassium o-toluenephosphonate; potassium m-toluenephosphonate; potassium p-toluenephosphonate |
433-860-4 |
— |
Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H319 H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H319 H317 H412 |
015-196-00-3 |
reaction mass of: dimethyl (2-(hydroxymethylcarbamoyl)ethyl)phosphonate; diethyl (2-(hydroxymethylcarbamoyl)ethyl)phosphonate; methyl ethyl (2-(hydroxymethylcarbamoyl)ethyl)phosphonate |
435-960-3 |
— |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Skin Sens. 1 |
H350 H340 H317 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H350 H340 H317 |
015-197-00-9 |
bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)dithiophosphonic acid |
420-160-9 |
107667-02-7 |
Flam. Liq. 3 Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H226 H331 H302 H314 H411 |
GHS02 GHS06 GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H226 H331 H302 H314 H411 |
015-198-00-4 |
(4-phenylbutyl)phosphinic acid |
420-450-5 |
86552-32-1 |
Carc. 2 Eye Dam. 1 |
H351 H318 |
GHS05 GHS08 Dgr |
H351 H318 |
016-092-00-0 |
reaction mass of: 4,7-bis(mercaptomethyl)-3,6,9-trithia-1,11-undecanedithiol; 4,8-bis(mercaptomethyl)-3,6,9-trithia-1,11-undecanedithiol; 5,7-bis(mercaptomethyl)-3,6,9-trithia-1,11-undecanedithiol |
427-050-1 |
— |
Repr. 1A Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H361f H315 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H361f H315 H317 H410 |
016-094-00-1 |
sulfur |
231-722-6 |
7704-34-9 |
Skin Irrit. 2 |
H315 |
GHS07 Wng |
H315 |
016-097-00-8 |
1-amino-2-methyl-2-propanethiol hydrochloride |
434-480-1 |
32047-53-3 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H314 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H314 H317 H412 |
017-023-00-7 |
[phosphinyldynetris(oxy)] tris[3-aminopropyl-2-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyl-N-(C6-18)-alkyl] trichlorides |
425-520-9 |
197179-61-6 |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H410 |
022-004-00-1 |
potassium titanium oxide (K2Ti6O13) |
432-240-0 |
12056-51-8 |
Carc. 2 |
H351 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H351 |
022-005-00-7 |
[N-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1,1-dimethyl-1-[(1,2,3,4,5-η)-2,3,4,5-tetramethyl-2,4-cyclopentadien-1-yl]silanaminato(2-)-κN][(1,2,3,4-η)-1,3-pentadiene]-titanium |
419-840-8 |
169104-71-6 |
Flam. Sol. 1**** Skin Corr. 1B Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H228 H314 H317 H413 |
GHS02 GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H228 H314 H317 H413 |
024-021-00-X |
potassium tetrasodium bis[(N,N'-n)-1'-(phenylcarbamoyl)-3,5-disulfonatobenzeneazo-1'-prop-1'-ene-2,2'-diolato]chromate(III) |
425-830-4 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
026-003-00-7 |
iron (II) sulfate |
231-753-5 |
7720-78-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 |
H302 H319 H315 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H319 H315 |
026-003-01-4 |
iron (II) sulfate (1:1) heptahydrate; sulfuric acid, iron(II) salt (1:1), heptahydrate; ferrous sulfate heptahydrate |
231-753-5 |
7782-63-0 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 |
H302 H319 H315 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H319 H315 |
Skin Irrit. 2; H315: C ≥ 25 % |
026-004-00-2 |
potassium ferrite |
430-010-4 |
12160-44-0 |
Skin Corr. 1B Skin Sens. 1 |
H314 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H314 H317 |
027-006-00-6 |
cobalt acetate |
200-755-8 |
71-48-7 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 2 Repr. 1B Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360F*** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360F*** H334 H317 H410 |
Carc. 1B; H350i: C ≥ 0,01 % M=10 |
1 |
027-007-00-1 |
zinc hexacyanocobaltate(III), tertiary butyl alcohol/polypropylene glycol complex |
425-240-7 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H318 H411 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H411 |
027-008-00-7 |
complex of cobalt(III)-bis(N-phenyl-4-(5-ethylsulfonyl-2-hydroxyphenylazo)-3-hydroxynaphthylamide), hydrated (n H2O, 2 < n < 3) |
427-390-9 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
027-009-00-2 |
cobalt nitrate |
233-402-1 |
10141-05-6 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 2 Repr. 1B Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360F*** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360F*** H334 H317 H410 |
Carc. 1B; H350i: C ≥ 0,01 % M=10 |
1 |
027-010-00-8 |
cobalt carbonate |
208-169-4 |
513-79-1 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 2 Repr. 1B Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360F*** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360F*** H334 H317 H410 |
Carc. 1B; H350i: C ≥ 0,01 % M=10 |
1 |
028-002-01-4 |
nickel powder; [particle diameter < 1 mm] |
231-111-4 |
7440-02-0 |
Carc. 2 STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H351 H372** H317 H412 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H351 H372** H317 H412 |
028-011-00-6 |
nickel dichloride |
231-743-0 |
7718-54-9 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 1 Skin Irrit. 2 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H331 H301 H372** H315 H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H331 H301 H372** H315 H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE. 1; H373: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE. 2; H373: 0,1 % < C < 1 % Skin Irrit. 2; H315: C ≥ 20 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
028-012-00-1 |
nickel dinitrate; [1] nitric acid, nickel salt [2] |
236-068-5 [1] 238-076-4 [2] |
13138-45-9 [1] 14216-75-2 [2] |
Ox. Sol. 2 Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H272 H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H332 H302 H318 H315 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS03 GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H272 H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H332 H302 H318 H315 H317 H410 |
STOT RE. 1; H373: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE. 2; H373: 0,1 % < C < 1 % Skin Irrit. 2; H315: C ≥ 20 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
028-013-00-7 |
nickel matte |
273-749-6 |
69012-50-6 |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H372** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 H410 |
H |
028-014-00-2 |
slimes and sludges, copper electrolytic refining, decopperised, nickel sulfate |
295-859-3 |
92129-57-2 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H332 H302 H315 H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H332 H302 H315 H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
028-015-00-8 |
slimes and sludges, copper electrolyte refining, decopperised |
305-433-1 |
94551-87-8 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1A STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H410 |
H |
028-016-00-3 |
nickel diperchlorate; perchloric acid, nickel(II) salt |
237-124-1 |
13637-71-3 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Skin Corr. 1B Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H314 H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H314 H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
H |
028-017-00-9 |
nickel dipotassium bis(sulfate); [1] diammonium nickel bis(sulfate) [2] |
237-563-9 [1] 239-793-2 [2] |
13842-46-1 [1] 15699-18-0 [2] |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H332 H302 H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H332 H302 H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
H |
028-018-00-4 |
nickel bis(sulfamidate); nickel sulfamate |
237-396-1 |
13770-89-3 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
H |
028-019-00-X |
nickel bis(tetrafluoroborate) |
238-753-4 |
14708-14-6 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
H |
028-021-00-0 |
nickel diformate; [1] formic acid, nickel salt; [2] formic acid, copper nickel salt [3] |
222-101-0 [1] 239-946-6 [2] 268-755-0 [3] |
3349-06-2 [1] 15843-02-4 [2] 68134-59-8 [3] |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
H |
028-022-00-6 |
nickel di(acetate); [1] nickel acetate [2] |
206-761-7 [1] 239-086-1 [2] |
373-02-4 [1] 14998-37-9 [2] |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H332 H302 H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H332 H302 H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
E H |
028-024-00-7 |
nickel dibenzoate |
209-046-8 |
553-71-9 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
H |
028-025-00-2 |
nickel bis(4-cyclohexylbutyrate) |
223-463-2 |
3906-55-6 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
028-026-00-8 |
nickel(II) stearate; nickel(II) octadecanoate |
218-744-1 |
2223-95-2 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
H |
028-027-00-3 |
nickel dilactate |
— |
16039-61-5 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
H |
028-028-00-9 |
nickel(II) octanoate |
225-656-7 |
4995-91-9 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Skin Corr. 1A Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H314 H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H314 H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
H |
028-029-00-4 |
nickel difluoride; [1] nickel dibromide; [2] nickel diiodide; [3] nickel potassium fluoride [4] |
233-071-3 [1] 236-665-0 [2] 236-666-6 [3]
10028-18-9 [1] 13462-88-9 [2] 13462-90-3 [3] 11132-10-8 [4] |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
H |
028-030-00-X |
nickel hexafluorosilicate |
247-430-7 |
26043-11-8 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
H |
028-031-00-5 |
nickel selenate |
239-125-2 |
15060-62-5 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
H |
028-032-00-0 |
nickel hydrogen phosphate; [1] nickel bis(dihydrogen phosphate); [2] trinickel bis(orthophosphate); [3] dinickel diphosphate; [4] nickel bis(phosphinate); [5] nickel phosphinate; [6] phosphoric acid, calcium nickel salt; [7] diphosphoric acid, nickel(II) salt [8] |
238-278-2 [1] 242-522-3 [2] 233-844-5 [3] 238-426-6 [4] 238-511-8 [5] 252-840-4 [6]
14332-34-4 [1] 18718-11-1 [2] 10381-36-9 [3] 14448-18-1 [4] 14507-36-9 [5] 36026-88-7 [6] 17169-61-8 [7] 19372-20-4 [8] |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H334 H317 H410 |
H |
028-033-00-6 |
diammonium nickel hexacyanoferrate |
— |
74195-78-1 |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H334 H317 H410 |
H |
028-034-00-1 |
nickel dicyanide |
209-160-8 |
557-19-7 |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H334 H317 H410 |
EUH032 |
H |
028-035-00-7 |
nickel chromate |
238-766-5 |
14721-18-7 |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H334 H317 H410 |
H |
028-036-00-2 |
nickel(II) silicate; [1] dinickel orthosilicate; [2] nickel silicate (3:4); [3] silicic acid, nickel salt; [4] trihydrogen hydroxybis[orthosilicato(4-)]trinickelate(3-) [5] |
244-578-4 [1] 237-411-1 [2] 250-788-7 [3] 253-461-7 [4] 235-688-3 [5] |
21784-78-1 [1] 13775-54-7 [2] 31748-25-1 [3] 37321-15-6 [4] 12519-85-6 [5] |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H372** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 H410 |
H |
028-037-00-8 |
dinickel hexacyanoferrate |
238-946-3 |
14874-78-3 |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H372** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 H410 |
H |
028-038-00-3 |
trinickel bis(arsenate); nickel(II) arsenate |
236-771-7 |
13477-70-8 |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350 H372** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350 H372** H317 H410 |
H |
028-039-00-9 |
nickel oxalate; [1] oxalic acid, nickel salt [2] |
208-933-7 [1] 243-867-2 [2] |
547-67-1 [1] 20543-06-0 [2] |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H372** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 H410 |
H |
028-040-00-4 |
nickel telluride |
235-260-6 |
12142-88-0 |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H372** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 H410 |
H |
028-041-00-X |
trinickel tetrasulfide |
— |
12137-12-1 |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H372** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 H410 |
H |
028-042-00-5 |
trinickel bis(arsenite) |
— |
74646-29-0 |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H372** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 H410 |
H |
028-043-00-0 |
cobalt nickel gray periclase; C.I. Pigment Black 25; C.I. 77332; [1] cobalt nickel dioxide; [2] cobalt nickel oxide [3] |
269-051-6 [1] 261-346-8 [2]
68186-89-0 [1] 58591-45-0 [2] 12737-30-3 [3] |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H350i H372** H317 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 |
H |
028-044-00-6 |
nickel tin trioxide; nickel stannate |
234-824-9 |
12035-38-0 |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H350i H372** H317 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 |
H |
028-045-00-1 |
nickel triuranium decaoxide |
239-876-6 |
15780-33-3 |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H350i H372** H317 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 |
H |
028-046-00-7 |
nickel dithiocyanate |
237-205-1 |
13689-92-4 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H410 |
EUH032 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
H |
028-047-00-2 |
nickel dichromate |
239-646-5 |
15586-38-6 |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
H |
028-048-00-8 |
nickel(II) selenite |
233-263-7 |
10101-96-9 |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H334 H317 H410 |
H |
028-049-00-3 |
nickel selenide |
215-216-2 |
1314-05-2 |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H372** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 H410 |
H |
028-050-00-9 |
silicic acid, lead nickel salt |
— |
68130-19-8 |
Carc. 1A Repr. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H360Df H372** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H360Df H372** H317 H410 |
H |
028-051-00-4 |
nickel diarsenide; [1] nickel arsenide [2] |
235-103-1 [1] 248-169-1 [2] |
12068-61-0 [1] 27016-75-7 [2] |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H372** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 H410 |
H |
028-052-00-X |
nickel barium titanium primrose priderite; C.I. Pigment Yellow 157; C.I. 77900 |
271-853-6 |
68610-24-2 |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H350i H372** H317 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 |
H |
028-053-00-5 |
nickel dichlorate; [1] nickel dibromate; [2] ethyl hydrogen sulfate, nickel(II) salt [3] |
267-897-0 [1] 238-596-1 [2] 275-897-7 [3] |
67952-43-6 [1] 14550-87-9 [2] 71720-48-4 [3] |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 %1 M=1 |
H |
028-054-00-0 |
nickel(II) trifluoroacetate; [1] nickel(II) propionate; [2] nickel bis(benzenesulfonate); [3] nickel(II) hydrogen citrate; [4] citric acid, ammonium nickel salt; [5] citric acid, nickel salt; [6] nickel bis(2-ethylhexanoate); [7] 2-ethylhexanoic acid, nickel salt; [8] dimethylhexanoic acid nickel salt; [9] nickel(II) isooctanoate; [10] nickel isooctanoate; [11] nickel bis(isononanoate); [12] nickel(II) neononanoate; [13] nickel(II) isodecanoate; [14] nickel(II) neodecanoate; [15] neodecanoic acid, nickel salt; [16] nickel(II) neoundecanoate; [17] bis(d-gluconato-O 1,O 2)nickel; [18] nickel 3,5-bis(tert-butyl)-4-hydroxybenzoate (1:2); [19] nickel(II) palmitate; [20] (2-ethylhexanoato-O)(isononanoato-O)nickel; [21] (isononanoato-O)(isooctanoato-O)nickel; [22] (isooctanoato-O)(neodecanoato-O)nickel; [23] (2-ethylhexanoato-O)(isodecanoato-O)nickel; [24] (2-ethylhexanoato-O)(neodecanoato-O)nickel; [25] (isodecanoato-O)(isooctanoato-O)nickel; [26] (isodecanoato-O)(isononanoato-O)nickel; [27] (isononanoato-O)(neodecanoato-O)nickel; [28] fatty acids, C6-19-branched, nickel salts; [29] fatty acids, C8-18 and C18-unsaturated, nickel salts; [30] 2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, nickel(II) salt; [31] |
240-235-8 [1] 222-102-6 [2] 254-642-3 [3] 242-533-3 [4] 242-161-1 [5] 245-119-0 [6] 224-699-9 [7] 231-480-1 [8] 301-323-2 [9] 249-555-2 [10] 248-585-3 [11] 284-349-6 [12] 300-094-6 [13] 287-468-1 [14] 287-469-7 [15] 257-447-1 [16] 300-093-0 [17] 276-205-6 [18] 258-051-1 [19] 237-138-8 [20] 287-470-2 [21] 287-471-8 [22] 284-347-5 [23] 284-351-7 [24] 285-698-7 [25] 285-909-2 [26] 284-348-0 [27] 287-592-6 [28] 294-302-1 [29] 283-972-0 [30]
16083-14-0 [1] 3349-08-4 [2] 39819-65-3 [3] 18721-51-2 [4] 18283-82-4 [5] 22605-92-1 [6] 4454-16-4 [7] 7580-31-6 [8] 93983-68-7 [9] 29317-63-3 [10] 27637-46-3 [11] 84852-37-9 [12] 93920-10-6 [13] 85508-43-6 [14] 85508-44-7 [15] 51818-56-5 [16] 93920-09-3 [17] 71957-07-8 [18] 52625-25-9 [19] 13654-40-5 [20] 85508-45-8 [21] 85508-46-9 [22] 84852-35-7 [23] 84852-39-1 [24] 85135-77-9 [25] 85166-19-4 [26] 84852-36-8 [27] 85551-28-6 [28] 91697-41-5 [29] 84776-45-4 [30] 72319-19-8 [31] |
Carc. 1A Muta. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H341 H360D*** H372** H334 H317 H410 |
STOT RE 1; H372: C ≥ 1 % STOT RE 2; H373: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,01 % M=1 |
H |
028-055-00-6 |
nickel(II) sulfite; [1] nickel tellurium trioxide; [2] nickel tellurium tetraoxide; [3] molybdenum nickel hydroxide oxide phosphate [4] |
231-827-7 [1] 239-967-0 [2] 239-974-9 [3] 268-585-7 [4] |
7757-95-1 [1] 15851-52-2 [2] 15852-21-8 [3] 68130-36-9 [4] |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H372** H334 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H334 H317 H410 |
H |
028-056-00-1 |
nickel boride (NiB); [1] dinickel boride; [2] trinickel boride; [3] nickel boride; [4] dinickel silicide; [5] nickel disilicide; [6] dinickel phosphide; [7] nickel boron phosphide [8] |
234-493-0 [1] 234-494-6 [2] 234-495-1 [3] 235-723-2 [4] 235-033-1 [5] 235-379-3 [6] 234-828-0 [7]
12007-00-0 [1] 12007-01-1 [2] 12007-02-2 [3] 12619-90-8 [4] 12059-14-2 [5] 12201-89-7 [6] 12035-64-2 [7] 65229-23-4 [8] |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H372** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 H410 |
H |
028-057-00-7 |
dialuminium nickel tetraoxide; [1] nickel titanium trioxide; [2] nickel titanium oxide; [3] nickel divanadium hexaoxide; [4] cobalt dimolybdenum nickel octaoxide; [5] nickel zirkonium trioxide; [6] molybdenum nickel tetraoxide; [7] nickel tungsten tetraoxide; [8] olivine, nickel green; [9] lithium nickel dioxide; [10] molybdenum nickel oxide; [11] |
234-454-8 [1] 234-825-4 [2] 235-752-0 [3] 257-970-5 [4] 268-169-5 [5] 274-755-1 [6] 238-034-5 [7] 238-032-4 [8] 271-112-7 [9]
12004-35-2 [1] 12035-39-1 [2] 12653-76-8 [3] 52502-12-2 [4] 68016-03-5 [5] 70692-93-2 [6] 14177-55-0 [7] 14177-51-6 [8] 68515-84-4 [9] 12031-65-1 [10] 12673-58-4 [11] |
Carc. 1A STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H350i H372** H317 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H350i H372** H317 |
H |
028-058-00-2 |
cobalt lithium nickel oxide |
442-750-5 |
— |
Carc. 1A Acute Tox. 2 * STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350i H330 H372** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350i H330 H372** H317 H410 |
029-014-00-5 |
reaction mass of: 2,2'-[[cis-1,2-cyclohexanediylbis(nitrilomethylidene)]bis[phenolate]](2-)N,N',O,O'-copper complex; 2,2'-[[trans-1,2-cyclohexanediylbis(nitrilomethylidyne)]bis[phenolate]](2-)N,N',O,O'-copper complex |
419-610-7 |
171866-24-3 |
STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H373** H411 |
GHS08 GHS09 Wng |
H373** H411 |
030-009-00-5 |
zinc-bis(4-(n-octyloxycarbonylamino)salicylate) dihydrate |
417-130-2 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H318 H411 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H411 |
030-010-00-0 |
2-dodec-1-enylbutanedioic acid, 4-methyl ester zinc salt |
430-740-3 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
030-012-00-1 |
aluminium-magnesium-zinc-carbonate-hydroxide |
423-570-6 |
169314-88-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
030-015-00-8 |
tetrazinc(2+)bis(hexacyanocobalt(3+))diacetate |
440-060-9 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
040-003-00-4 |
reaction product of 3,5-di-tert-butylsalicylic acid and zirconium oxychloride, dehydrated, basic Zr: DTBS = 1,0: 1,0 to 1,0: 1,5 |
430-610-6 |
226996-19-6 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
042-005-00-0 |
reaction mass of: mono- and di-glycerols of canola oil; canola oil acid amide of branched 1,3-propanediamine,N-[3-(tridecyloxy)-propyl]; N,N-diorgano dithiocarbamate molybdenum complex |
434-240-6 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H411 |
046-001-00-X |
tetraammine palladium (II) hydrogen carbonate |
425-270-0 |
134620-00-1 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H373** H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H302 H373** H318 H317 H410 |
047-002-00-8 |
polyphosphoric acid, copper, sodium, magnesium, calcium, silver and zinc salt |
416-850-4 |
— |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
050-021-00-4 |
dichlorodioctyl stannane |
222-583-2 |
3542-36-7 |
Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H331 H372** H412 |
GHS06 GHS08 Dgr |
H331 H372** H412 |
050-022-00-X |
dibutyltin dichloride; (DBTC) |
211-670-0 |
683-18-1 |
Muta. 2 Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 1 Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H341 H360FD H330 H301 H312 H372** H314 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H341 H360FD H330 H301 H312 H372** H314 H410 |
Skin Corr. 1B; H314: C ≥ 5 % Skin Irrit. 2; H315: 0,01 % ≤ C < 5 % Eye Dam. 1; H318: 3 % ≤ C < 5 % Eye Irrit. 2; H319: 0,01 % ≤ C < 3 % M=10 |
050-023-00-5 |
reaction mass of: bis[(2-ethyl-1-oxohexyl)oxy]dioctyl stannane; bis[((2-ethyl-1-oxohexyl)oxy)dioctylstannyl]oxide; bis(1-phenyl-1,3-decanedionyl)dioctyl stannane; ((2-ethyl-1-oxohexyl)oxy)-(1-phenyl-1,3-decanedionyl)dioctyl stannane |
422-920-5 |
— |
STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H373** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Wng |
H373** H410 |
M=10 |
050-024-00-0 |
reaction mass of: tri-p-tolyltin hydroxide; hexa-p-tolyl-distannoxane |
432-230-6 |
— |
STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H372** H302 H315 H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H372** H302 H315 H318 H317 H410 |
064-001-00-8 |
gadolinium(III)sulfite trihydrate |
456-900-2 |
51285-81-5 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
078-010-00-X |
tetraammine platinum (II) hydrogen carbonate |
426-730-3 |
123439-82-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H318 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 H412 |
078-011-00-5 |
hydroxydisulfito platinum(II) acid |
423-310-1 |
61420-92-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Corr. 1A Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H373 H314 H334 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H373 H314 H334 H317 H412 |
078-012-00-0 |
platinum(IV) nitrate/nitric acid solution |
432-400-1 |
— |
Skin Corr. 1A Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H314 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H314 H410 |
082-012-00-6 |
barium calcium cesium lead samarium strontium bromide chloride fluoride iodide europium doped |
431-780-4 |
199876-46-5 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H373** H411 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H373** H411 |
601-070-00-0 |
reaction mass of: branched icosane; branched docosane; branched tetracosane |
417-050-8 |
151006-58-5 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H332 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H332 H413 |
601-072-00-1 |
reaction mass of: 1-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1-phenylethane; 1-(3-isopropylphenyl)-1-phenylethane; 1-(2-isopropylphenyl)-1-phenylethane |
430-690-2 |
52783-21-8 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H315 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H315 H410 |
601-075-00-8 |
4,4'-bis(N-carbamoyl-4-methylbenzenesulfonamide)diphenylmethane |
418-770-5 |
151882-81-4 |
Carc. 2 |
H351 |
GHS08 Wng |
H351 |
601-076-00-3 |
ethynyl cyclopropane |
425-430-1 |
6746-94-7 |
Flam. Liq. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H225 H315 H318 H412 |
GHS02 GHS05 Dgr |
H225 H315 H318 H412 |
601-077-00-9 |
reaction mass of: 1-heptyl-4-ethyl-2,6,7-trioxabicyclo[2.2.2]octane; 1-nonyl-4-ethyl-2,6,7-trioxabicyclo[2.2.2]octane |
426-510-7 |
196965-91-0 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
601-078-00-4 |
reaction mass of: 1,7-dimethyl-2-[(3-methylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-yl)methyl]bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane; 2,3-dimethyl-2-[(3-methylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-yl)methyl]bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane |
427-040-5 |
— |
Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H314 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H314 H410 |
601-079-00-X |
reaction mass of: trans-trans-cyclohexadeca-1,9-diene; cis-trans-cyclohexadeca-1,9-diene |
429-620-3 |
— |
Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H315 H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H315 H317 H413 |
601-080-00-5 |
reaction mass of: sec-butylphenyl(phenyl)methane, mixed isomers; 1-(sec-butylphenyl(phenyl)-2-phenylethane, mixed isomers; 1-(sec-butylphenyl-1-phenylethane, mixed isomers |
431-100-6 |
— |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
601-081-00-0 |
cyclohexadeca-1,9-diene |
431-730-1 |
4277-06-9 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H315 H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H315 H317 H413 |
601-082-00-6 |
reaction mass of: endo-2-methyl-exo-3-methyl-exo-2-[(exo-3-methylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-exo-2-yl)methyl]bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane; exo-2-methyl-exo-3-methyl-endo-2-[(endo-3-methylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-exo-2-yl)methyl]bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane |
434-420-4 |
— |
Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H315 H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H315 H318 H410 |
601-083-00-1 |
5-endo-hexyl-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene |
435-000-3 |
22094-83-3 |
Asp. Tox. 1 Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H304 H315 H413 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H304 H315 H413 |
601-084-00-7 |
reaction mass of: 5-endo-butyl-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene; 5-exo-butyl-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene (80:20) |
435-180-3 |
— |
Asp. Tox. 1 Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H304 H315 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H304 H315 H410 |
602-095-00-X |
alkanes, C14-17, chloro; chlorinated paraffins, C14-17 |
287-477-0 |
85535-85-9 |
Lact. Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H362 H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H362 H410 |
EUH066 |
602-098-00-6 |
2-(3-bromophenoxy)tetrahydro-2H-pyran |
429-030-6 |
57999-49-2 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H411 |
602-099-00-1 |
3-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-methylpropionylchloride |
426-370-7 |
— |
Skin Corr. 1A Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H314 H302 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H314 H302 H412 |
EUH014 EUH029 |
602-100-00-5 |
reaction mass of: (R,R)-1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5,5-decafluoropentane; (S,S)-1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5,5-decafluoropentane |
420-640-8 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
602-101-00-0 |
2-chloro-4-fluoro-5-nitrophenyl (isobutyl)carbonate |
427-020-6 |
141772-37-4 |
STOT RE 2 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H373** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H373** H317 H410 |
602-102-00-6 |
1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane |
430-250-1 |
406-58-6 |
Flam. Liq. 2 |
H225 |
GHS02 Dgr |
H225 |
602-103-00-1 |
1-(chlorophenylmethyl)-2-methylbenzene |
431-450-1 |
41870-52-4 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H315 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H315 H410 |
602-104-00-7 |
1,1,2,2,3,3,4-heptafluorocyclopentane |
430-710-1 |
15290-77-4 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
602-105-00-2 |
sodium 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4-nonafluoro-1-butanesulfinate |
422-100-7 |
102061-82-5 |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 |
602-106-00-8 |
2-bromo-4,6-difluoroaniline |
429-430-0 |
444-14-4 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H411 |
602-107-00-3 |
3,3,4,4-tetrafluoro-4-iodo-1-butene |
439-500-2 |
33831-83-3 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H315 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H315 H411 |
602-108-00-9 |
(2,3,5,6-tetrafluorophenyl)methanol |
443-840-7 |
4084-38-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 |
H302 H319 H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H319 H317 |
603-109-00-7 |
reaction mass of: 1-ethoxy-1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-(trifluoromethyl)propane; 1-ethoxy-1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4-nonafluorobutane |
425-340-0 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
603-110-00-2 |
reaction mass of: cis-2-isobutyl-5-methyl 1,3-dioxane; trans-2-isobutyl-5-methyl 1,3-dioxane |
426-130-1 |
166301-21-9 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H315 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H315 H412 |
603-111-00-8 |
reaction mass of: 1-(1,1-dimethylpropyl)-4-ethoxy-cis-cyclohexane; 1-(1,1-dimethylpropyl)-4-ethoxy-trans-cyclohexane |
426-530-6 |
— |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H315 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H315 H410 |
603-112-00-3 |
cyclopentyl 2-phenylethyl ether |
428-340-9 |
— |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H315 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H315 H410 |
603-113-00-9 |
6-glycidyloxynapht-1-yl oxymethyloxirane |
429-960-2 |
27610-48-6 |
Muta. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H341 H312 H315 H317 H412 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H341 H312 H315 H317 H412 |
603-114-00-4 |
9-(2-propenyloxy)tricyclo[,6)]dec-3(or-4-)-ene |
430-830-2 |
26912-64-1 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H315 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H315 H411 |
603-115-00-X |
reaction mass of: O,O',O''-(methylsilanetriyl)tris(4-methyl-2-pentanone oxime) (3 stereoisomers) |
423-580-0 |
— |
STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H373** H413 |
GHS08 Wng |
H373** H413 |
603-116-00-5 |
(Z)-(2,4-difluorophenyl)piperidin-4-ylmethanone oxime monohydrochloride |
424-740-2 |
138271-16-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H318 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 H412 |
603-182-00-5 |
reaction product of: saturated, monounsaturated and multiple unsaturated long-chained partly estrified alcohols of vegetable origin (Brassica napus L., Brassica rapa L., Helianthus annuus L., Glycine hispida, Gossypium hirsutum L., Cocos nucifera L., Elaeis guineensis) with O,O-diisobutyldithiophosphate and 2-ethylhexylamine and hydrogen peroxide |
428-630-5 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
603-188-00-8 |
reaction mass of: 6,7-epoxy-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydro-1,1,2,4,4,7-hexamethylnaphthalene; 7,8-epoxy-1,2,3,4,6,7,8,8a-octahydro-1,1,2,4,4,7-hexamethylnaphthalene |
426-970-9 |
— |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
603-190-00-9 |
8,8-dimethyl-7-isopropyl-6,10-dioxaspiro[4.5]decane |
424-030-2 |
62406-73-9 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H315 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H315 H412 |
603-192-00-X |
(E,E)-3,7,11-trimethyldodeca-1,4,6,10-tetraen-3-ol |
423-240-1 |
125474-34-2 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H315 H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H315 H318 H317 H410 |
603-193-00-5 |
disodium 9,10-anthracenedioxide |
426-030-8 |
46492-07-3 |
Skin Corr. 1A |
H314 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H314 |
603-194-00-0 |
2-(2-aminoethylamino)ethanol; (AEEA) |
203-867-5 |
111-41-1 |
Repr. 1B Skin Corr. 1B Skin Sens. 1 |
H360Fd H361 H314 H317 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H360Fd H361 H314 H317 |
STOT SE 3; H335: C ≥ 5 % |
603-200-00-1 |
1-pentanol; [1] 3-pentanol [2] |
200-752-1 [1] 209-526-7 [2] |
71-41-0 [1] 584-02-1 [2] |
Flam. Liq. 3 Acute Tox. 4 * STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 |
H226 H332 H335 H315 |
GHS02 GHS07 Wng |
H226 H332 H335 H315 |
603-201-00-7 |
(E)-(7R,11R)-3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadec-2-ene-1-ol |
416-120-5 |
— |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H315 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H315 H413 |
603-202-00-2 |
4,4,5,5,5-pentafluoropentan-1-ol |
421-360-9 |
148043-73-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H412 |
603-203-00-8 |
(1R,3S,7R,8R,10R,13R)-5,5,7,9,9,13-hexamethyl-4,6-dioxatetracyclo[,10.03,7]tetradecane |
427-580-1 |
— |
Skin Irrit. 2 |
H315 |
GHS07 Wng |
H315 |
603-204-00-3 |
reaction mass of: 2,2'-(heptane-1,7-diyl)bis-1,3-dioxolane; 2,2'-(heptane-1,6-diyl)bis-1,3-dioxolane |
428-110-8 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
603-205-00-9 |
(1S-cis)-4-(2-amino-6-chloro-9H-purin-9-yl)-2-cyclopentene-1-methanol hydrochloride |
426-200-1 |
172015-79-1 |
STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H372** H302 H318 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H372** H302 H318 H317 H412 |
603-206-00-4 |
2,2-dichloro-1,3-benzodioxol |
426-850-6 |
2032-75-9 |
Flam. Liq. 3 Skin Corr. 1A Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 |
H226 H314 H302 H317 |
GHS02 GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H226 H314 H302 H317 |
EUH014 |
603-207-00-X |
2-isobutyl-2-isopropyl-1,3-dimethoxypropane |
430-800-9 |
129228-21-3 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H315 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H315 H411 |
603-208-00-5 |
1,2-diethoxyethane |
211-076-1 |
629-14-1 |
Flam. Liq. 2 Repr. 1A Eye Irrit. 2 |
H225 H360Df H319 |
GHS02 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H225 H360Df H319 |
EUH019 |
603-209-00-0 |
spinosad (ISO) (reaction mass of spinosyn A and spinosyn D in ratios between 95:5 to 50:50); reaction mass of 50-95 % of (2R,3aS,5aR,5bS,9S,13S,14R,16aS,16bR)-2-(6-deoxy-2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-α-l-mannopyranosyloxy)-13-(4-dimethylamino-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-β-d-erythropyranosyloxy)-9-ethyl-2,3,3a,5a,5b,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16a,16b-hexadecahydro-14-methyl-1H-8-oxacyclododeca[b]as-indacene-7,15-dione and 50-5 % (2S,3aR,5aS,5bS,9S,13S,14R,16aS,16bS)-2-(6-deoxy-2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-α-l-mannopyranosyloxy)-13-(4-dimethylamino-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-β-d-erythropyranosyloxy)-9-ethyl-2,3,3a,5a,5b,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16a,16b-hexadecahydro-4,14-dimethyl-1H-8-oxacyclododeca[b]as-indacene-7,15-dione; [1] spinosyn A; [2] spinosyn D [3] |
131929-60-7 [2] 131929-63-0 [3] |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
M=10 |
603-210-00-6 |
2,4-diethyl-1,5-pentanediol |
429-310-8 |
57987-55-0 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
603-211-00-1 |
2,3-epoxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride … %; glycidyl trimethylammonium chloride … % |
221-221-0 |
3033-77-0 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 2 Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H350 H341 H361f*** H312 H302 H373** H318 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H350 H341 H361f*** H312 H302 H373** H318 H317 H412 |
B |
603-212-00-7 |
1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethylindeno[5,6-c]pyran; galaxolide; (HHCB) |
214-946-9 |
1222-05-5 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
603-213-00-2 |
2-methoxy-2-methylbutane; tert-amyl methyl ether |
213-611-4 |
994-05-8 |
Flam. Liq. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * STOT SE 3 |
H225 H302 H336 |
GHS02 GHS07 Dgr |
H225 H302 H336 |
603-214-00-8 |
1,1-diisopropoxycyclohexane |
413-740-8 |
1132-95-2 |
Skin Corr. 1B |
H314 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H314 |
603-215-00-3 |
1-hydroxy-4-fluoro-1,4-diazoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane bis(tetrafluoroborate) |
418-330-2 |
162241-33-0 |
Expl. 1.1**** Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H201 H302 H373** H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS01 GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H201 H302 H373** H318 H317 H410 |
603-216-00-9 |
cis-1-amino-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-2-ol |
422-660-2 |
7480-35-5 |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 H412 |
603-217-00-4 |
2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenyl 2-butyl-2-ethyl-1,3-propanediolphosphite |
423-560-1 |
161717-32-4 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
603-220-00-0 |
1-{benzyl[2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)ethyl]amino}-3-(9H-carbazol-4-yloxy)propan-2-ol |
432-890-5 |
72955-94-3 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
603-221-00-6 |
1-(2-amino-5-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trifluoro-1,1-ethanediol, hydrochloride; [containing < 0,1 % 4-chloroaniline (EC No 203-401-0)] |
433-580-2 |
214353-17-0 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H314 H411 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H302 H314 H411 |
603-221-01-3 |
1-(2-amino-5-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trifluoro-1,1-ethanediol, hydrochloride; [containing ≥ 0,1 % 4-chloroaniline (EC No 203-401-0)] |
433-580-2 |
214353-17-0 |
Carc. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H350 H302 H314 H411 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350 H302 H314 H411 |
603-222-00-1 |
(2R,3S,4R,5R,7R,9R,10R,11S,12S,13R)-10-[(4-dimethylamino-3-hydroxy-6-methyltetrahydropyran-2-yl)oxy]-2-ethyl-3,4,12-trihydroxy-9-methoxy-3,5,7,9,11,13-hexamethyl-6,14-dioxo-1-oxacyclotetradecane |
433-820-6 |
118058-74-5 |
Eye Irrit. 2 |
H319 |
GHS07 Wng |
H319 |
603-223-00-7 |
2-cyclopentylidene cyclopentanol; 1,1'-bi(cyclopentyliden)-2-ol |
434-270-1 |
6261-30-9 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H315 H318 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H315 H318 H412 |
603-224-00-2 |
3-ethoxy-1,1,1,2,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,6-dodecafluoro-2-(trifluoromethyl)-hexane |
435-790-1 |
297730-93-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
603-225-00-8 |
erythromycin A9-oxime (E); (3R,4S,5S,6R,7R,9R,11R,12R,13S,14R)-4-((2,6-didesoxy-3-C-methyl-3-O-methyl-α-L-ribo-hexopiranosyl)oxy)-14-ethyl-7,12,13-trihydroxy-3,5,7,9,11,13-hexamethyl-6-((3,4,6-tridesoxy-3-dimethylamino-β-d-xylohexapiranosyl)oxy)oxacyclotetradecan-2-ona-10-oxime (E) |
437-070-0 |
13127-18-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
603-226-00-3 |
4,4'(4-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1,3,5-triazin-2,4-diyl)bisbenzene-1,3-diol |
444-500-0 |
1440-00-2 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
603-227-00-9 |
α-hydro-ω-[[[(1,1-dimethylethyl)dioxy]carbonyl]oxy]-poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] ether with 2,2-bis(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (4:1); reaction product of: α-hydro-ω-((chlorocarbonyl)oxy)-poly(oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)) ether with 2,2-bis(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol with potassium 1,1-dimethylethylperoxalate |
445-060-2 |
203574-04-3 |
**** Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
**** H400 H410 |
**** GHS09 Wng |
**** H410 |
603-228-00-4 |
(+/-)-(R*,R*)-6-fluoro-3,4-dihydro-2-oxiranyl-2H-1-benzopyran; 6-fluoro-2-(2-oxiranyl)chromane |
419-620-1 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H411 |
603-229-00-X |
sodium (Z)-3-chloro-3-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-hydroxy-2-propene-1-sulfonate |
420-800-7 |
— |
Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H315 H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H315 H318 H317 H410 |
603-230-00-5 |
2,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethyldecahydro-2H-indeno[4,5-b]furan |
440-030-5 |
— |
Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H315 H318 H413 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H315 H318 H413 |
603-231-00-0 |
(S)-1,1-diphenyl-1,2-propanediol |
443-220-6 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
603-232-00-6 |
3,3,8,8,10,10-hexamethyl-9-[1-(4-oxiranylmethoxy-phenyl)-ethoxy]-1,5-dioxa-9-aza-spiro[5.5]undecane |
444-420-6 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
603-233-00-1 |
reaction mass of: 4-(1,3a,4,6,7,7a-hexahydro-4,7-methanoinden-5-ylidene)-3-methylbutan-2-ol; 4-(3,3a,4,6,7,7a-hexahydro-4,7-methanoinden-5-ylidene)-3-methylbutan-2-ol; 1-(1,3a,4,6,7,7a-hexahydro-4,7-methanoinden-5-ylidene)pentan-3-ol; 1-(3,3a,4,6,7,7a-hexahydro-4,7-methanoinden-5-ylidene)pentan-3-ol; (E)-4-(3a,4,5,6,7,7a-hexahydro-1H-4,7-methanoinden-5-yl)-3-methylbut-3-en-2-ol; (E)-4-(3a,4,5,6,7,7a-hexahydro-3H-4,7-methanoinden-5-yl)-3-methylbut-3-en-2-ol |
444-430-0 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
603-234-00-7 |
(1R,4R)-4-methoxy-2,2,7,7-tetramethyltricyclo(,6))undec-5-ene |
444-480-3 |
— |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H315 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H315 H411 |
604-071-00-4 |
4,4'-(1-{4-[1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-methylethyl]phenyl}ethylidene)diphenol |
425-600-3 |
110726-28-8 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
604-072-00-X |
1,2-bis(phenoxymethyl)benzene |
428-620-0 |
10403-74-4 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
604-073-00-5 |
(E)-3-[1-[4-[2-(dimethylamino)ethoxy]phenyl]-2-phenylbut-1-enyl]phenol |
428-010-4 |
82413-20-5 |
Carc. 2 Repr. 1B Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H351 H360F*** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H351 H360F*** H317 H410 |
604-074-00-0 |
tetrabromobisphenol-A; 2,2',6,6'-tetrabromo-4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol |
201-236-9 |
79-94-7 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
604-075-00-6 |
4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol; 4-tert-octylphenol |
205-426-2 |
140-66-9 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H315 H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H315 H318 H410 |
M=10 |
604-076-00-1 |
phenolphthalein |
201-004-7 |
77-09-8 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 2 Repr. 2 |
H350 H341 H361f*** |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H341 H361f*** |
Carc. 1A; H350: C ≥ 1 % |
604-077-00-7 |
2-benzotriazol-2-yl-4-methyl-6-(2-methylallyl)phenol |
419-750-9 |
98809-58-6 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
604-079-00-8 |
4,4'-(1,3-phenylene-bis(1-methylethylidene))bis-phenol |
428-970-4 |
13595-25-0 |
Repr. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H361f*** H317 H411 |
GHS08 GHS09 Wng |
H361f*** H317 H411 |
604-080-00-3 |
4-fluoro-3-trifluoromethylphenol |
432-560-0 |
61721-07-1 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1A Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H332 H314 H317 H411 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H332 H314 H317 H411 |
604-081-00-9 |
1,1-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-phenylethane |
433-130-5 |
1571-75-1 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
604-082-00-4 |
2-chloro-6-fluoro-phenol |
433-890-8 |
2040-90-6 |
Muta. 1B Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H340 H361f*** H302 H314 H317 H411 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H340 H361f*** H302 H314 H317 H411 |
604-083-00-X |
4,4'-sulfonylbisphenol, polymer with ammonium chloride(NH4Cl), pentachlorophosphorane and phenol |
439-270-3 |
260408-02-4 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
604-084-00-5 |
1-ethoxy-2,3-difluorobenzene |
441-000-4 |
121219-07-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H412 |
604-087-00-1 |
reaction mass of: 1,2-naphthoquinonediazide-5-sulfonylchloride (or sulfonic acid)monoester with 4,4'-(1-(4-(1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-methylethyl)phenyl)ethylidene)bisphenol; 1,2-naphthoquinonediazide-5-sulfonylchloride (or sulfonic acid)diester with 4,4'-(1-(4-(1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-methylethyl)phenyl)ethylidene)bisphenol; 1,2-naphthoquinonediazide-5-sulfonylchloride (or sulfonic acid)triester with 4,4'-(1-(4-(1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-methylethyl)phenyl)ethylidene)bisphenol |
433-640-8 |
— |
Pyr. Sol. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H250 H413 |
GHS02 Dgr |
H250 H413 |
EUH044 |
604-089-00-2 |
2-methyl-5-tert-butylthiophenol |
444-970-7 |
— |
Flam. Liq. 3 Repr. 2 STOT RE 2 * Asp. Tox. 1 Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 STOT SE 3 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H226 H361d*** H373** H304 H319 H315 H317 H336 H400 H410 |
GHS02 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H226 H361d*** H373** H304 H319 H315 H317 H336 H410 |
605-023-00-5 |
5-chloro-2-(4-chlorophenoxy)phenol |
429-290-0 |
3380-30-1 |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H410 |
605-024-00-0 |
2-bromo-5-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde |
426-540-0 |
2973-59-3 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H411 |
605-032-00-4 |
3-[3-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-(1-methylethyl)-1H-indol-2-yl]-(E)-2-propenal |
425-370-4 |
93957-50-7 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H410 |
605-033-00-X |
reaction mass of: 3,7,11-trimethyl-cis-6,10-dodecadienal; 3,7,11-trimethyl-trans-6,10-dodecadienal |
425-910-9 |
32480-08-3 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H315 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H315 H410 |
605-034-00-5 |
reaction mass of: (1RS,2RS,3SR,6RS,9SR)-9-methoxytricyclo[,6)]decane-3-carbaldehyde; (1RS,2RS,3RS,6RS,8SR)-8-methoxytricyclo[,6)]decane-3-carbaldehyde; (1RS,2RS,4SR,6RS,8SR)-8-methoxytricyclo[,6)]decane-4-carbaldehyde |
429-860-9 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H411 |
605-035-00-0 |
(E)-3-(4-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-methoxymethyl-2,6-bis(1-methoxymethyl)pyridin-3-yl)prop-2-enal |
426-330-9 |
177964-68-0 |
Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H319 H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H319 H317 H413 |
605-036-00-6 |
2-bromomalonaldehyde |
430-470-6 |
2065-75-0 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 |
H302 H318 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 |
605-037-00-1 |
trans-3-[2-(7-chloro-2-quinolinyl)vinyl]benzaldehyde; 3-[(E)-2-(7-chloro-2-quinolinyl)vinyl]benzaldehyde |
421-800-1 |
120578-03-2 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
605-038-00-7 |
3-methyl-5-phenylpentan-1-al |
433-900-0 |
55066-49-4 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H315 H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H315 H317 H411 |
605-039-00-2 |
3,4-dihydroxy-5-nitrobenzaldehyde |
441-810-8 |
116313-85-0 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H302 H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 H317 |
606-074-00-6 |
reaction mass of: (1R*,2S*)-2-acetyl-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydro-1,2,8,8-tetramethylnaphthalene; (2R*,3S*)-2-acetyl-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydro-2,3,8,8-tetramethylnaphthalene |
425-570-1 |
— |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
606-090-00-3 |
1-[3-[(dimethylamino)methyl]-4-hydroxyphenyl]ethanone |
430-920-1 |
73096-98-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H318 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 H412 |
606-093-00-X |
5-ethyl-2,4-dihydro-4-(2-phenoxyethyl)-3H-1,2,4-triazol-3-one |
414-470-3 |
95885-13-5 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H412 |
606-094-00-5 |
N-[ethyl(3-methylbutyl)amino]-3-methyl-1-phenyl-spiro[[1]benzo-pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole-4(1H),1'(3'H)-isobenzofuran]-3'-one |
417-460-7 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
606-095-00-0 |
(R,S)-2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-en-3-one |
421-830-3 |
49805-30-3 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 |
H302 H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H317 |
606-096-00-6 |
3-(6-O-(6-desoxy-α-l-mannopyranosyl-O-(α-d-glucopyranosyl)-(β-d-glucopyranosyl)oxy)-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one |
424-170-4 |
130603-71-3 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H411 |
606-097-00-1 |
2,2''-dihydroxy-4,4''-(2-hydroxy-propane-1,3-diyldioxy)dibenzophenone |
424-210-0 |
23911-85-5 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
606-098-00-7 |
1-benzyl-5-(hexadecyloxy)-2,4-imidazolidinedione |
431-220-9 |
158574-65-3 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
606-099-00-2 |
5-methoxy-4'-(trifluoromethyl)valerophenone |
425-000-1 |
61718-80-7 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
606-100-00-6 |
2-butyryl-3-hydroxy-5-thiocyclohexan-3-yl-cyclohex-2-en-1-one |
425-150-8 |
94723-86-1 |
Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H360F*** H302 H317 H412 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H360F*** H302 H317 H412 |
606-101-00-1 |
reaction mass of: 1,5-bis[(2-ethylhexyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione; 1-[(2-ethylhexyl)amino]-5-[3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]propyl]amino-9,10-anthracenedione; 1,5-bis[3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]propyl]amino-9,10-anthracenedione; 1-[(2-ethylhexyl)amino]-5-[(3-methoxypropyl)amino]-9,10-anthracene dione; 1-[3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]propyl]amino-5-[(3-methoxypropyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione; 1,5-bis[(3-methyloxypropyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione |
426-050-7 |
165038-51-7 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
606-102-00-7 |
4-(3-triethoxysilylpropoxy)-2-hydroxybenzophenone |
431-490-8 |
79876-59-8 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
606-103-00-2 |
1-(4-(trans-4-ethylcyclohexyl)phenyl)ethanone |
426-460-6 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
606-104-00-8 |
1-(4-(trans-4-pentylcyclohexyl)phenyl)ethanone |
426-830-7 |
78531-59-6 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
606-105-00-3 |
3,4,3',4'-tetraphenyl-1,1'-ethandiylbispyrol-2,5-dione |
431-500-0 |
226065-73-2 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
606-106-00-9 |
1-(4-(trans-4-butylcyclohexyl)phenyl)ethanone |
427-320-7 |
83626-30-6 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
606-107-00-4 |
8-azaspiro[4.5]decane-7,9-dione |
427-770-4 |
1075-89-4 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H301 H411 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H301 H411 |
606-108-00-X |
1,1,1,2,2,4,5,5,5-nonafluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-3-pentanone |
436-710-6 |
756-13-8 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
606-109-00-5 |
2-(4-methyl-3-pentenyl)anthraquinone |
428-320-1 |
71308-16-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H302 H317 H314 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H317 H314 |
606-110-00-0 |
5-ethoxy-5H-furan-2-one |
428-330-4 |
2833-30-9 |
Skin Corr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Sens. 1 |
H314 H312 H302 H373** H317 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H314 H312 H302 H373** H317 |
606-111-00-6 |
5-amino-6-methyl-1,3-dihydrobenzoimidazol-2-one |
428-410-9 |
67014-36-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H317 H411 |
606-112-00-1 |
(4aR*,8aR*)-4a,5,9,10,11,12-hexahydro-3-methoxy-11-methyl-6H-benzofuro[3a,3,2-ef][2]benzazepin-6-one |
428-690-2 |
1668-86-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H319 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H319 H412 |
606-113-00-7 |
1-[4-(4-benzoylphenylsulfanyl)phenyl]-2-methyl-2-(4-methylphenylsulfonyl)propan-1-one |
429-040-0 |
272460-97-6 |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H318 H314 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 H314 |
606-114-00-2 |
4,4',5,5',6,6',7,7'-octachloro-(2,2')biisoindolyl-1,1',3,3'-tetraone |
429-150-9 |
67887-47-2 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
606-115-00-8 |
profoxydim (ISO); 2-{(EZ)-1-[(2RS)-2-(4-chlorophenoxy)propoxyimino]butyl}-3-hydroxy-5-(thian-3-yl)cyclohex-2-en-1-one |
— |
139001-49-3 |
Carc. 2 Repr. 2 Skin Sens. 1 |
H351 H361d H317 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H351 H361d H317 |
606-116-00-3 |
tepraloxydim (ISO); (RS)-(EZ)-2-{1-[(2E)-3-chloroallyloxyimino]propyl}-3-hydroxy-5-perhydropyran-4-ylcyclohex-2-en-1-one |
— |
149979-41-9 |
Carc. 2 Repr. 2 |
H351 H361fd |
GHS08 Wng |
H351 H361fd |
606-117-00-9 |
2,6-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-(phenylenemethylene)cyclohexa-2,5-dien-1-one |
429-460-4 |
7078-98-0 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
606-118-00-4 |
N-(1,3-dimethylbutyl)-N'-(phenyl)-1,4-benzoquinonediimine |
429-640-2 |
52870-46-9 |
Eye Irrit. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H319 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H319 H410 |
606-119-00-X |
(E)-3-methyl-5-cyclopentadecen-1-one |
429-900-5 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H410 |
606-120-00-5 |
2,5-dihydroxy-5-methyl-3-(morpholin-4-yl)-2-cyclopenten-1-one |
430-170-5 |
114625-74-0 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H412 |
606-121-00-0 |
(+)-(1S,2S,3S,5R)-2,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]heptane-3-spiro-1'-(cyclohex-2'-en-4'-one) |
430-460-1 |
133636-82-5 |
Skin Corr. 1B Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H314 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H314 H317 H410 |
606-122-00-6 |
3-(2-bromopropionoyl)-4,4-dimethyl-1,3-oxazolan-2-one |
430-820-8 |
114341-88-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H373** H315 H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H302 H373** H315 H318 H317 H410 |
606-123-00-1 |
4-hexadecyl-1-phenylpyrazolidin-3-one |
430-840-7 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
606-124-00-7 |
1-cyclopropyl-3-(2-methylthio-4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-1,3-propanedione |
421-080-7 |
161462-35-7 |
STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H373** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Wng |
H373** H410 |
606-125-00-2 |
1-benzylimidazolidine-2,4-dione |
421-340-1 |
6777-05-5 |
Acute Tox. 4 * |
H302 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 |
606-126-00-8 |
1,4-bis(2,3-dihydroxypropylamino)anthraquinone |
421-470-7 |
99788-75-7 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
606-128-00-9 |
2,2'-(1,3-phenylene)bis[5-chloro-1H-isoindole]-1,3(2H)-dione |
422-650-8 |
148935-94-8 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
606-129-00-4 |
5-amino-[2S-di(methylphenyl)amino]-1,6-diphenyl-4Z-hexen-3-one; (2S,4Z)-5-amino-2-(dibenzylamino)-1,6-diphenylhex-4-en-3-one |
423-090-7 |
156732-13-7 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
606-130-00-X |
4-(1,4-dioxa-spiro[4.5]dec-8-yl)-cyclohexanone |
423-860-2 |
56309-94-5 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H412 |
606-131-00-5 |
cyclic 3-(1,2-ethanediylacetale)-estra-5(10),9(11)-diene-3,17-dione |
427-230-8 |
5571-36-8 |
Repr. 1B STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H360F*** H373** H411 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H360F*** H373** H411 |
606-132-00-0 |
(6β)-6,19-epoxyandrost-4-ene-3,17-dione |
433-490-3 |
6563-83-3 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H412 |
606-134-00-1 |
androsta-1,4,9(11)-triene-3,17-dione |
433-560-3 |
15375-21-0 |
Repr. 2 |
H361f*** |
GHS08 Wng |
H361f*** |
606-135-00-7 |
cyclohexadecanone |
438-930-8 |
2550-52-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
606-136-00-2 |
(3S,6R,9S,12R,15S,18R,21S,24R)-6,18-dibenzyl-3,9,15,21-tetraisobutyl-4,10,12,16,22,24-hexamethyl-1,7,13,19-tetraoxa-4,10,16,22-tetraazacyclo-tetracosane-2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23-octaone |
444-350-6 |
133413-70-4 |
Eye Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H319 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H319 H413 |
606-137-00-8 |
trans-7,7'-dimethyl-(4H,4H')-(2,2')bi[benzo[1,4]thiazinylidene]-3,3'-dione |
444-750-0 |
211387-26-7 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
606-138-00-3 |
(2-butyl-5-nitrobenzofuran-3-yl)[4-(3-dibutylaminopropoxy)phenyl]methanone |
444-800-1 |
141645-23-0 |
Flam. Liq. 3 Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H226 H302 H373** H315 H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS02 GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H226 H302 H373** H315 H318 H317 H410 |
M=10 |
606-139-00-9 |
(S)-4-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-naphthalen-1-one |
444-830-5 |
124379-29-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
606-140-00-4 |
2-hydroxy-1-(4-(4-(2-hydroxy-2-methylpropionyl)benzyl)phenyl)-2-methylpropan-1-one |
444-860-9 |
474510-57-1 |
STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H373** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Wng |
H373** H410 |
606-141-00-X |
sodium 3-(methoxycarbonyl)-4-oxo-3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-pyridinolate |
418-410-7 |
— |
Eye Irrit. 2 |
H319 |
GHS07 Wng |
H319 |
606-142-00-5 |
reaction mass of: (1RS,2SR,7SR,8SR,E) 9 and 10-ethylidene-3-oxatricyclo[,7)]undecan-4-one; (1RS,2SR,7SR,8SR,Z)-10-ethylidene-3-oxatricyclo[,7)]undecan-4-one; (1RS,2SR,7SR,8SR,Z)-9-ethylidene-3-oxatricyclo[,7)]undecan-4-one |
434-290-9 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H411 |
607-417-00-2 |
3-chloropropyl chloroformiate |
425-770-9 |
628-11-5 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H331 H302 H373** H315 H318 H317 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 Dgr |
H331 H302 H373** H315 H318 H317 |
607-428-00-2 |
tetrasodium ethylene diamine tetraacetate |
200-573-9 |
64-02-8 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 |
H302 H318 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 |
607-429-00-8 |
edetic acid; (EDTA) |
200-449-4 |
60-00-4 |
Eye Irrit. 2 |
H319 |
GHS07 Wng |
H319 |
607-471-00-7 |
1,6-bis((dibenzylthiocarbamoyl)disulfanyl)hexane |
429-280-6 |
151900-44-6 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-473-00-8 |
pentaerythritol, dipentaerythritol, fatty acids, C6-10, mixed esters with adipic acid, heptanoic acid and isostearic acid |
426-590-3 |
187412-41-5 |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
607-477-00-X |
(1α5α6α)-6-nitro-3-benzyl-3-azabicyclo[3.1.0]hexane methanesulfonate salt |
426-740-8 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H318 H411 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H302 H318 H411 |
607-481-00-1 |
reaction mass of: trihexyl citrate; dihexyloctyl citrate; dioctylhexyl citrate; dihexyldecyl citrate |
430-290-8 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-482-00-7 |
N-[1-(S)-ethoxycarbonyl-3-phenylpropyl]-l-alanyl-N-carboxyanhydride |
430-360-8 |
84793-24-8 |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 |
607-483-00-2 |
1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid; di-C6-8-branched alkylesters, C7-rich |
276-158-1 |
71888-89-6 |
Repr. 1B |
H360D*** |
GHS08 Dgr |
H360D*** |
607-484-00-8 |
ethyl 2-{[3-acetylamino-4-(6-bromo-2-methyl-1,3-dioxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-isoindol-5-ylazo)phenyl]ethylamino}propionate |
430-480-0 |
221452-67-1 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-485-00-3 |
(3S-trans)-phenyl-3-[(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yloxy)methyl]-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-piperidinecarboxylate |
430-510-2 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-486-00-9 |
potassium sodium 5'-(6-chloro-4-(2-(2-vinylsulfonylethoxy)ethylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-4'-hydroxy-2,3'-azodinaphthalene-1,2',5,7'-disulfonate |
402-110-8 |
110081-40-8 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
607-491-00-6 |
reaction mass of: diester of 4,4'-methylenebis[2-(2-hydroxy-5-methylbenzyl)-3,6-dimethylphenol] and 6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (1:2); triester of 4,4'-methylenebis[2-(2-hydroxy-5-methylbenzyl)-3,6-dimethylphenol] and 6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (1:3) |
427-140-9 |
— |
Carc. 2 |
H351 |
GHS08 Wng |
H351 |
607-504-00-5 |
diammonium 1-hydroxy-2-(4-(4-carboxyphenylazo)-2,5-dimethoxyphenylazo)-7-amino-3-naphthalenesulfonate |
422-670-7 |
— |
Repr. 1A Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H361f H301 H373** H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H361f H301 H373** H410 |
607-509-00-2 |
2-phenoxyethyl 4-aminobenzoate |
430-880-5 |
88938-23-2 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
607-510-00-8 |
(2S,5R)-6,6-dibromo-3,3-dimethyl-7-oxo-4-thia-1-azabicyclo[3.2.0]heptane-2-carboxylic acid 4,4-dioxide |
427-200-4 |
76646-91-8 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H302 H315 H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H315 H318 H317 |
607-511-00-3 |
reaction mass of: 4-[(3-decyloxypropyl)(3-isobutoxy-1-isobutoxycarbonyl-3-oxopropyl)amino]-4-oxobutyric acid; 4-[(3-isobutoxy-1-isobutoxycarbonyl-3-oxopropyl)(3-octyloxypropyl)amino]-4-oxobutyric acid |
423-750-4 |
— |
Eye Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H319 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H319 H411 |
607-514-00-X |
potassium N-(1-methoxy-1-oxobut-2-en-3-yl)valinate |
427-240-2 |
134841-35-3 |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
607-518-00-1 |
3-oxoandrost-4-ene-17-β-carboxylic acid |
414-990-0 |
302-97-6 |
Repr. 1A Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H361f H413 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H361f H413 |
607-519-00-7 |
poly-[((4-((4-ethyl-ethylene)amino)phenyl)-((4-(ethyl-(2-oxyethylene)amino)phenyl)methinyl)cyclohexa-2,5-dienylidene)-N-ethyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium acetate] |
427-280-0 |
176429-27-9 |
STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H335 H315 H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H335 H315 H318 H410 |
607-520-00-2 |
reaction mass of: sodium 4,5-dihydro-2-[(propionato)(C6-18)alkyl]-3H-imidazolium-N-ethylphosphate; disodium 4,5-dihydro-2-[(dipropionato)(C6-18)alkyl]-3H-imidazolium-N-ethylphosphate |
427-740-0 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 |
607-521-00-8 |
tetraethyl N,N'-(methylenedicyclohexane-4,1-diyl)bis-dl-aspartate |
429-270-1 |
136210-30-5 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H412 |
607-522-00-3 |
sodium salt of the polymer of: sodium 2-methyl-buta-1,3-diene-1-sulfonate with acrylic acid and 2-hydroxyethyl-2-methylacrylate |
429-720-7 |
184246-86-4 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
607-523-00-9 |
reaction mass of mono to tetra(lithium and/or sodium)3-amino-10-[4-(4-amino-3-sulfonatoanilino)-6-[methyl-(2-sulfonatoethyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino]-6-13-dichlorobenzo[1,2-B:4,5-B']di[1,4]benzoxazine-4,11-disulfonate; mono to tetra(lithium and/or sodium)3-amino-10-[4,6-bis(4-amino-3-sulfonatoanilino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino]-6-13-dichlorobenzo[1,2-B:4,5-B']di[1,4]benzoxazine-4,11-disulfonate; mono to penta(lithium and/or sodium)10,10'-diamino-6,6',13,13'-tetrachloro-3,3'-[6-[methyl-(2-sulfonatoethyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2,4-diyldiimino]bis[benzo[1,2-B:4,5-B']di[1,4]benzoxazine-4,11-disulfonate; mono to hepta(lithium and/or sodium)10-amino-6,6',13,13'-tetrachloro-10'[4-(4-amino-3-sulfonatoanilino)-[6-methyl-(2-sulfonatoethyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2,4-diimino]bis[benzo[1,2-B:4,5-B']di[1,4]benzoxazine-4,11-disulfonate; mono to hepta(lithium and/or sodium)10,10'-diamino-6,6',3,3'[(2-sulfonato)-1,4-phenylenediiminobis[6-methyl-(2-sulfonatoethyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2,4-diyldiimino]bis[benzo[1,2-B:4,5-B']di[1,4]benzoxazine-4,11-disulfonate |
430-200-7 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 H412 |
607-524-00-4 |
tall oil 2-[(tetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yl) thio]ethyl esters |
430-310-5 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
H413 |
607-525-00-X |
(Z)-2-methoxymino-2-[2-(tritylamino)thiazol-4-yl]acetic acid |
431-520-1 |
64485-90-1 |
Flam. Sol. 1**** Carc. 2 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H228 H351 H412 |
GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H228 H351 H412 |
607-528-00-6 |
(S)-3-methyl-2-(2-oxotetrahydropyrimidine-1-yl)butyric acid |
430-900-2 |
192725-50-1 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-529-00-1 |
benzyl cis-4-ammonium-4'-toluenesulfonato-1-cyclohexanecarboxylate |
426-070-6 |
67299-45-0 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
607-530-00-7 |
reaction mass of isomers of: C7-9-alkyl 3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate |
406-040-9 |
125643-61-0 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-531-00-2 |
methyl 3-amino-4,6-dibromo-2-methyl-benzoate |
425-190-6 |
119916-05-1 |
STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H373** H411 |
GHS08 GHS09 Wng |
H373** H411 |
607-532-00-8 |
(S)-1-[2-tert-butoxycarbonyl-3-(2-methoxyethoxy)propyl]-1-cyclopentanecarboxylic acid, cyclohexylamine salt |
425-510-4 |
167944-94-7 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
607-533-00-3 |
pentasodium monohydrogen 6-chloro-3,10-bis[2-[4-chloro-6-(2,4-disulfophenylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl-amino]ethylamino]-13-ethylbenzo[5.6][1.4]oxazino[2,3-b]phenoxazine-4,11-disulfonate |
414-910-4 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 |
607-534-00-9 |
ethyl 2-(3-benzoylphenyl)propanoate |
414-920-9 |
60658-04-0 |
Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H301 H372** H317 H411 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H301 H372** H317 H411 |
607-535-00-4 |
potassium 4-iodo-2-sulfonato-benzoic acid |
426-620-5 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 H412 |
607-536-00-X |
(2,6-xylyloxy) acetic acid |
430-910-7 |
13335-71-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H318 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 H412 |
607-537-00-5 |
isopropylammonium 2-(3-benzoylphenyl)propionate |
417-970-1 |
— |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 1 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H301 H312 H372** H318 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H301 H312 H372** H318 H410 |
607-539-00-6 |
propyl((4-(5-oxo-3-propylisoxazolidin-4-ylidenmethin)phenyl)propoxycarbonylmethyleneamino)acetate |
431-000-2 |
198705-81-6 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-540-00-1 |
1-(mercaptomethyl)cyclopropylacetic acid |
420-240-3 |
162515-68-6 |
Skin Corr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H314 H312 H302 H317 H411 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H314 H312 H302 H317 H411 |
607-541-00-7 |
[(1-methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)bis[nitrilobis(methylene)]]tetrakis(phosphonic acid) |
421-940-1 |
28698-31-9 |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H410 |
607-542-00-2 |
methyl 2-(4-butanesulfonamidophenoxy)tetradecanoate |
422-110-1 |
— |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
607-543-00-8 |
poly-[((4-((4-(ethyl-ethylene)amino)phenyl)-(4-(ethyl-(2-oxyethylene)amino)phenyl)methinyl)-3-methylcyclohexa-2,5-dienylidene)-N-ethyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium acetate] |
427-480-8 |
176429-22-4 |
STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H335 H315 H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H335 H315 H318 H410 |
607-544-00-3 |
ethyl 6,8-difluoro-1-(formylmethylamino)-1,4-dihydro-7-(4-methyl)piperazin-1-yl)-4-oxo-quinoline-3-carboxylate |
427-490-2 |
158585-86-5 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
607-545-00-9 |
1,2-dimethyl-3-(1-methylethenyl)cyclopentyl acetate |
424-070-0 |
94346-09-5 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H315 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H315 H411 |
607-546-00-4 |
reaction mass of: methyl {[5-acetylamino-4-(2-chloro-4-nitrophenylazo)phenyl]methoxycarbonylmethylamino}acetate; methyl {[5-acetylamino-4-(2-chloro-4-nitrophenylazo)phenyl]ethoxycarbonylmethylamino}acetate |
424-290-7 |
188070-47-5 |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
607-547-00-X |
18-methylnonadecyl 2,2 -dimethylpropanoate |
424-370-1 |
125496-22-2 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic |
H315 H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H315 H317 H413 |
607-548-00-5 |
1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethanone methanesulfonate |
431-010-7 |
154486-26-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H318 H411 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H302 H318 H411 |
607-549-00-0 |
methyl (E)-2((3-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-methyl-1-propenyl)amino)benzoate |
424-430-7 |
125778-19-0 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
607-550-00-6 |
2-amino-4-bromo-5-chlorobenzoic acid |
424-700-4 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H410 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 H410 |
607-551-00-1 |
tetrabutylammonium 2-amino-6-iodopurinate |
424-710-9 |
156126-48-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H312 H302 H373** H315 H318 H317 H411 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H312 H302 H373** H315 H318 H317 H411 |
607-552-00-7 |
hexadecyl 3-amino-4-isopropoxybenzoate |
424-830-1 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-553-00-2 |
7-amino-4-hydroxy-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid, coupled with 5 (or 8) -amino-8 (or 5)-[[4-[[4-[[4-amino-6(or 7)-sulfo-1-naphthyl]azo]phenyl]amino]-3-sulfophenyl]azo]-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid and 4-hydroxy-7-(phenylamino)-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid, sodium salt |
424-850-0 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-554-00-8 |
2,4-diamino-5-[4-[(2-sulfoxyl ethyl)sulfonyl]phenylazo]benzenesulfonic acid |
424-870-1 |
27624-67-5 |
Expl. 1.1 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H201 H318 H412 |
GHS01 GHS05 Dgr |
H201 H318 H412 |
607-555-00-3 |
1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutylperoxypivalate |
424-980-8 |
22288-41-1 |
Flam. Liq. 2 Org. Perox. D Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H225 H242 H315 H317 H411 |
GHS02 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H225 H242 H315 H317 H411 |
607-556-00-9 |
2-acetoxymethylene-4-acetylphenylacetate |
425-160-2 |
24085-06-1 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H373** H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H302 H373** H318 H317 H410 |
607-557-00-4 |
salt of: (1S-cis)-1-amino-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-2-ol and [R-[R*R*]]-2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid |
425-210-3 |
169939-84-8 |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
607-558-00-X |
2S-isopropyl-5R-methyl-1R-cyclohexyl (2R,5S)-5-(4-amino-2-oxo-2H-pyrimidin-1-yl)-[1,3]-oxathiolane-2-carboxylate |
425-250-1 |
147027-10-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
607-559-00-5 |
coconut oil, reaction products with glycerol esters of 3,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid |
425-400-6 |
179986-09-5 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-560-00-0 |
(R,S)-2-butyloctanedioic acid |
431-210-4 |
50905-10-7 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-561-00-6 |
sodium 4-hydroxy-3-(N'-(2-(2-hydroxyethylenesulfonyl)ethylene)ureido)-5-nitrobenzenesulfonate |
425-460-3 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H412 |
607-562-00-1 |
reaction mass of: (2R,3R)-3-(2-ethoxyphenoxy)-2-hydroxy-3-phenylpropylammonium methanesulfonate; (2S,3S)-3-(2-ethoxyphenoxy)-2-hydroxy-3-phenylpropylammonium methanesulfonate |
425-530-3 |
98769-75-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H318 H411 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H302 H318 H411 |
607-563-00-7 |
5,7-dichloro-4-hydroxyquinoline-3-carboxylic acid |
431-250-2 |
171850-30-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
607-564-00-2 |
1,6-hexanediammonium, sodium 5-sulfato-1,3-benzenedicarboxylate |
425-730-0 |
51178-75-7 |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
607-565-00-8 |
3-ethyl 5-methyl 2-(2-aminoethoxymethyl)-4-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-6-methyl-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylate |
425-820-1 |
88150-42-9 |
Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H301 H373** H318 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H301 H373** H318 H410 |
607-566-00-3 |
reaction mass of: dodecylphenyl dodecylhydroxybenzenecarboxylate; bis(dodecylphenyl)dodecyl hydroxybenzenedicarboxylate |
426-140-6 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-567-00-9 |
potassium 3-iodo-6-methylbenzenesulfonate |
426-300-5 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-568-00-4 |
potassium 2-chloro-3-(benzyloxy)propionate |
426-350-8 |
138666-92-9 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H302 H373** H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H373** H318 H317 |
607-569-00-X |
reaction mass of: sodium 2-amino-4-(2,6-difluoropyrimidin-4-ylamino)benzenesulfonate; sodium 2-amino-4-(4,6-difluoropyrimidin-4-ylamino)benzenesulfonate |
426-470-0 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
607-570-00-5 |
sodium (6R-trans)-7-amino-8-oxo-3-[[[1-(sulfomethyl)-1H-tetrazol-5-yl]thio]methyl]-5-thia-1-azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylate monohydrate |
426-520-1 |
71420-85-4 |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
607-571-00-0 |
2-cyclopentene-1-acetic acid, 3-hydroxy-2-pentyl-, methyl ester acetate |
431-400-7 |
57374-49-9 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H411 |
607-572-00-6 |
diethyl thiophosphoryl (Z)-(2-aminothiazol-4-yl)methoxyimino acetate |
426-790-0 |
162208-27-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H312 H302 H373** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H312 H302 H373** H317 H410 |
607-573-00-1 |
reaction mass of: disodium 7-(2,4-difluoropyrimidin-6-ylamino)-4-hydroxy-3-(4-methoxy-2-sulfonatophenylazo)naphthalene-2-sulfonate; disodium 7-(4,6-difluoropyrimidin-2-ylamino)-4-hydroxy-3-(4-methoxy-2-sulfonatophenylazo)naphthalene-2-sulfonate |
426-840-1 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-574-00-7 |
[1R-(1-α,2β,5α)]-mono[5-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)cyclohexyl]butanedioate |
426-890-4 |
77341-67-4 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-575-00-2 |
4-(5-(5-[1-(4-carboxyphenyl)hexahydro-2,4,6-trioxopyrimidin-5-ylidene]penta-1,3-dienyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-6-hydroxy-2,4-dioxopyrimidin-1-yl)benzoic acid-triethylamine salt |
426-900-7 |
— |
STOT SE 3 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H335 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H335 H412 |
607-576-00-8 |
branched, octyl 3-[3,5-di(tert-butyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]propanoate |
427-030-0 |
— |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
607-577-00-3 |
(2R*,3S*)-2-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-3-(5-fluoro-4-pyrimidinyl)-1-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)butan-2-ol (1R)-10-camphorsulfonate |
427-100-0 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H318 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 H317 H412 |
607-578-00-9 |
ethyl 4-((4-diethylamino-2-methylphenyl)imino)-4,5-dihydro-1-isopropyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylate |
427-110-5 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H302 H373** H413 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H302 H373** H413 |
607-579-00-4 |
diethyl[(p-ethoxyanilino)methylene]malonate |
431-430-0 |
103976-28-9 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H411 |
607-580-00-X |
ethyl 7-chloro-1-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-1,8-naphthyridine-3-carboxylate |
422-360-1 |
100491-29-0 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H411 |
607-581-00-5 |
ethyl 2-ethoxy-4-carboxymethylbenzoate |
427-630-2 |
99469-99-5 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-582-00-0 |
reaction mass of: tetrasodium 7-(4-(4-fluoro-6-(4-(2-sulfonatoethylsulfonyl)phenylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-2-ureidophenylazo)naphthalene-1,3,6-trisulfonate; tetrasodium 7-(4-(4-hydroxy-6-(4-(2-sulfonatoethylsulfonyl)phenylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-2-ureidophenylazo)naphthalene-1,3,6-trisulfonate |
427-650-1 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
607-583-00-6 |
4-amino-3-[[4-[[2-(sulfooxy)ethyl]sulfonyl]phenyl]azo]-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid |
427-680-5 |
188907-52-0 |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 H412 |
607-584-00-1 |
trisodium 3-[2-acetylamino-4-[4-chloro-6-[4-(2-sulfonatoxyethylsulfonyl)phenylamino]-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino]phenylazo]naphthalene-1,5-disulfonate |
427-710-7 |
215612-56-9 |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 H412 |
607-585-00-7 |
strontium 2-[(2-hydroxy-6-sulfonato-1-naphthyl)azo]naphthalene-1-sulfonate |
427-930-3 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
607-586-00-2 |
dodecyl 3-amino-4-chlorobenzoate |
428-020-9 |
6195-20-6 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
607-587-00-8 |
ethyl cis-4-[4-[[2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-(1H-imidazol-1-ylmethyl)-1,3-dioxolan-4-yl]methoxy]phenyl]piperazine-1-carboxylate |
428-030-3 |
67914-69-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H373** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H373** H410 |
607-588-00-3 |
reaction mass of: 2-ethylhexyl 2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate; bis(2-ethylhexyl) 3,4,5,6-tetrabromophthalate |
428-050-2 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H410 |
607-589-00-9 |
tetrakis(1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidyl)-1,2,3,4-butanetetracarboxylate |
428-070-1 |
91788-83-9 |
STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H372** H302 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H372** H302 H410 |
607-590-00-4 |
hexadecyl 3-[2-(5,5-dimethyl-2,4-dioxo-1,3-oxazolidin-3-yl)-4,4-dimethyl-3-oxovaleramido]-4-isopropoxybenzoate |
428-140-1 |
210706-50-6 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-591-00-X |
reaction mass of: trisodium 5-(4-fluoro-6-morpholin-4-yl-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-4-hydroxy-3-(4-(2-sulfooxyethanesulfonyl)phenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; disodium 3-(4-ethenesulfonylphenylazo)-5-(4-fluoro-6-morpholin-4-yl-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
428-400-4 |
— |
Eye Dam. |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-592-00-5 |
di(C9-11-alkyl) cyclohexane-1,4-dicarboxylate |
428-870-0 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-593-00-0 |
4-(2-methylacryloyloxy)phenyl 4-allyloxybenzoate |
429-000-2 |
159235-16-2 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H412 |
607-594-00-6 |
ethyl (1S,5R,6S)-5-(1-ethylpropoxy)-7-oxabicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-ene-3-carboxylate |
429-020-1 |
204254-96-6 |
STOT RE 2 * Skin Sens. 1 |
H373** H317 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H373** H317 |
607-595-00-1 |
N-amidino-N-methylglycine-2-oxopropionate |
429-120-5 |
208535-04-0 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-596-00-7 |
ethyl 2-(4-phenoxyphenyl)lactate |
429-220-9 |
132584-17-9 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H410 |
607-597-00-2 |
tetrasodium 4,4'-bis{4-[4-(2-hydroxyethylamino)-6-(4-sulfonatoanilino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino]phenylazo}stilbene-2,2'-disulfonate |
429-230-3 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-598-00-8 |
trisodium 3-amino-4-[4-[4-(2-(2-ethenylsulfonylethoxy)ethylamino)-6-fluoro-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino]-2-sulfophenylazo]-5-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
429-240-8 |
212652-59-0 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-599-00-3 |
1,1-dimethylpropyl 3,5,5-trimethylperoxyhexanoate |
431-610-9 |
68860-54-8 |
Org. Perox. D Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H242 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS02 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H242 H317 H410 |
607-600-00-7 |
(1S,1'R)-[1-(3',3'-dimethyl-1'-cyclohexyl)ethoxycarbonyl]methyl propanoate |
431-700-8 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
607-601-00-2 |
1,4-dihydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl piperidinium-2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylate |
429-370-5 |
220410-74-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * |
H302 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 |
607-602-00-8 |
ethyl (3-cyanomethyl-3,4-dihydro-4-oxophthalazin-1-yl)acetate |
429-680-0 |
122665-86-5 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H412 |
607-603-00-3 |
lithium sodium 4,4',4''-(nitrilotris(ethane-2,1-diylimino(6-chloro-1,3,5-triazine-4,2-diyl)imino))tris(5-hydroxy-6-(1-sulfonaphthalene-2-ylazo)-2,7-naphthalene)disulfonate |
429-730-1 |
193562-37-7 |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 |
607-604-00-9 |
guanidinium benzoate |
429-820-0 |
26739-54-8 |
Acute Tox. 4 * |
H302 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 |
607-605-00-4 |
methyl 4-iodo-2-(3-(4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazine-2-yl)ureidosulfonyl)benzoate |
429-890-2 |
144550-06-1 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
607-606-00-X |
(Z)-2-(2-t-butoxycarbonylamino-4-thiazolyl)pent-2-enoic acid |
430-100-3 |
86978-24-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * |
H302 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 |
607-607-00-5 |
reaction mass of: calcium bis(C10-14 branched alkyl salicylate); calcium bis(C18-30-alkyl salicylate); calcium C10-14 branched alkylsalicylato-C18-30-alkyl salicylate; calcium bis (C10-14 branched alkyl phenolate); calcium bis (C18-30-alkyl phenolate); calcium C10-14 branched alkylphenolato-C18-30-alkyl phenolate; C10-14 branched alkyl phenol; C18-30-alkyl phenol |
430-180-1 |
— |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H315 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H315 H411 |
607-608-00-0 |
pentapotassium 2-(4-{5-[1-(2,5-disulfophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-3-methylcarbamoyl-5-oxopyrazol-4-ylidene]-3-(2-pyrrolidinone-1-yl)-1,3-pentadienyl}-3-methylcarbamoyl-5-oxopyrazol-1-yl)benzene-1,4-disulfonate |
430-210-1 |
— |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
607-609-00-6 |
ethyl (3R)-4-cyano-3-hydroxybutanoate |
430-220-6 |
141942-85-0 |
Eye Irrit. 2 |
H319 |
GHS07 Wng |
H319 |
607-610-00-1 |
trisodium 4-hydroxy-6-(sulfonatomethylamino)-5-(2-(2-sulfatoethylsulfonyl)phenylazo)naphthalene-2-sulfonate |
430-280-3 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
607-611-00-7 |
methyl 3-amino-2,2,3-trimethylbutyrate |
431-720-7 |
90886-53-6 |
Skin Corr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H314 H302 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H314 H302 H412 |
607-612-00-2 |
reaction mass of: 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-tridecafluoro-1-octanesulfonic acid; ammonium 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-tridecafluoro-1-octanesulfonate |
432-190-1 |
182176-52-9 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 |
H302 H373** H318 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H373** H318 |
607-613-00-8 |
reaction mass of: succinic acid; monopersuccinic acid; dipersuccinic acid; monomethyl ester of succinic acid; monomethyl ester of persuccinic acid; dimethyl succinate; glutaric acid; monoperglutaric acid; diperglutaric acid; monomethyl ester of glutaric acid; monomethyl ester of perglutaric acid; dimethyl glutarate; adipic acid; monoperadipic acid; diperadipic acid; monomethyl ester of adipic acid; monomethyl ester of peradipic acid; dimethyl adipate; hydrogen peroxide; methanol; water |
432-790-1 |
— |
Muta. 2 Skin Corr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * |
H341 H314 H332 H312 H302 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H341 H314 H332 H312 H302 |
607-614-00-3 |
2-(10-oxo-10H-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthren-10-ylmethyl)succinic acid |
426-480-5 |
63562-33-4 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H412 |
607-615-00-9 |
reaction product of thioglycerol and mercaptoacetic acid consisting mainly of 3-mercapto-1,2-bismercaptoacetoxypropane and oligomers of this substance |
431-120-5 |
— |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 |
H331 H302 H319 H317 |
GHS06 Dgr |
H331 H302 H319 H317 |
607-616-00-4 |
2,4-dichloro-5-fluorobenzoylchloride |
428-390-1 |
86393-34-2 |
STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H335 H315 H318 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H335 H315 H318 H317 H412 |
607-617-00-X |
bis(2-ethylhexyl)-4,5-epoxycyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylate |
430-700-5 |
10138-36-0 |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
607-618-00-5 |
menadione sodium bisulfite; 2-naphthalenesulfonic acid,1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2-methyl-1,4-dioxo-, sodium salt |
204-987-0 |
130-37-0 |
Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H319 H315 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H319 H315 H410 |
607-619-00-0 |
menadione nicotinamide bisulfite; 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2-methyl-1,4-dioxonaphthalene-2-sulfonic acid, compound with nicotin-3-amide (1:1) |
277-543-7 |
73581-79-0 |
Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H319 H315 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H319 H315 H410 |
607-620-00-6 |
trisodium nitrilotriacetate |
225-768-6 |
5064-31-3 |
Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 |
H351 H302 H319 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H351 H302 H319 |
Carc. 2; H351: C ≥ 5 % |
607-621-00-1 |
milbemectin (ISO); [reaction mass of milbemycin A3 (CAS No 51596-10-2) and milbemycin A4 (CAS No 51596-11-3) (30:70)] |
— |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H332 H302 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H332 H302 H410 |
M=100 |
607-622-00-7 |
2-ethylhexyl-2-ethylhexanoate |
231-057-1 |
7425-14-1 |
Repr. 2 |
H361d*** |
GHS08 Wng |
H361d*** |
607-623-00-2 |
diisobutyl phthalate |
201-553-2 |
84-69-5 |
Repr. 1B |
H360Df |
GHS08 Dgr |
H360Df |
Repr. 1B; H360Df: C ≥ 25 % Repr. 2; H361f: 5 % ≤ C < 25 % |
607-624-00-8 |
perfluorooctane sulfonic acid; heptadecafluorooctane-1-sulfonic acid; [1] potassium perfluorooctanesulfonate; potassium heptadecafluorooctane-1-sulfonate; [2] diethanolamine perfluorooctane sulfonate; [3] ammonium perfluorooctane sulfonate; ammonium heptadecafluorooctanesulfonate; [4] lithium perfluorooctane sulfonate; lithium heptadecafluorooctanesulfonate [5] |
217-179-8 [1] 220-527-1 [2] 274-460-8 [3] 249-415-0 [4] 249-644-6 [5] |
1763-23-1 [1] 2795-39-3 [2] 70225-14-8 [3] 29081-56-9 [4] 29457-72-5 [5] |
Carc. 2 Repr. 1B STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Lact. Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H351 H360D*** H372** H332 H302 H362 H411 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H351 H360D*** H372** H332 H302 H362 H411 |
607-625-00-3 |
clodinafop-propargyl (ISO) |
— |
105512-06-9 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H373** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H373** H317 H410 |
Skin Sens. 1; H317: C ≥ 0,001 % M=1 |
607-626-00-9 |
ethyl 1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-5-(trichloromethyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole-3-carboxylate |
401-290-5 |
103112-35-2 |
Carc. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H350 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H350 H410 |
607-627-00-4 |
[(4S,5S)-4-benzyl-2-oxo-5-oxazolidinyl]methyl 4-nitrobenzenesulfonate |
416-360-0 |
162221-28-5 |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
607-628-00-X |
4-oxo-4-(p-tolyl)butyric acid adduct with 4-ethylmorpholine |
419-240-6 |
171054-89-0 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-629-00-5 |
[[2-methyl-1-(1-oxopropoxy)propoxy](4-phenylbutyl)phosphinyl] acetic acid |
419-270-1 |
123599-82-6 |
Eye Irrit. 2 |
H319 |
GHS07 Wng |
H319 |
607-630-00-0 |
acrylic acid, 3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl ester |
419-560-6 |
4369-14-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H332 H314 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H332 H314 H317 H412 |
607-631-00-6 |
reaction mass of: 2-(2-((oxo(phenyl)acetyl)oxy)ethoxy)ethyl oxo(phenyl)acetate; (2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl) oxo(phenyl)acetate |
442-300-8 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
607-632-00-1 |
N-[3-(2,4-di-(1,1-dimethyl-propyl)phenoxy)-propyl]-1-hydroxy-5-(2-methylpropyl-oxycarbonylamino)-naphthamide |
420-210-1 |
111244-14-5 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-633-00-7 |
trisodium 5-{[4-chloro-6-(1-naphthylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino}-4-hydroxy-3-[(E)-(4-methoxy-2-sulfonatophenyl)diazenyl]-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonate |
440-480-2 |
341026-59-3 |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 |
607-634-00-2 |
(S)-(-)-2-acetoxypropionylchloride; (1S)-2-chloro-1-methyl-2-oxoethyl acetate |
420-610-4 |
36394-75-9 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B Skin Sens. 1 |
H302 H314 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H314 H317 |
607-635-00-8 |
trisodium N-(3-propionato)-l-aspartate |
422-090-4 |
172737-80-3 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-636-00-3 |
1-bromo-2-methylpropyl propionate |
422-900-6 |
158894-67-8 |
Flam. Liq. 3 Carc. 2 Skin Corr. 1B Skin Sens. 1 |
H226 H351 H314 H317 |
GHS02 GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H226 H351 H314 H317 |
607-637-00-9 |
disodium 8-amino-5-{4-[2-(sulfonatoethoxy)sulfonyl]phenylazo}naphthalene-2-sulfonate |
423-730-5 |
250688-43-8 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-638-00-4 |
2-hydroxybenzoic acid 2-butyloctyl ester |
431-090-3 |
190085-41-7 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-639-00-X |
2-(2-oxo-5-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)-2,3-dihydro-1-benzofuran-3-yl)-4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl acetate |
431-770-1 |
216698-07-6 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-641-00-0 |
2-(formylamino)-3-thiophenecarboxylic acid; 2-formamido-3-thiophenecarboxylic acid |
431-930-9 |
43028-69-9 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 |
H302 H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H317 |
607-642-00-6 |
3,6,9-trithiaundecamethylene-1,11-dimethacrylate |
432-210-7 |
141631-22-3 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
607-643-00-1 |
dimethyl (2S)-2-hydroxysuccinate |
432-310-0 |
617-55-0 |
Flam. Liq. 3 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H226 H318 H317 |
GHS02 GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H226 H318 H317 |
607-644-00-7 |
methyl 2,2-dimethyl-6-methylenecyclohexanecarboxylate |
432-350-9 |
81752-87-6 |
Skin Irrit. 2 |
H315 |
GHS07 Wng |
H315 |
607-645-00-2 |
tetrasodium 2-(4-fluoro-6-(methyl-(2-(sulfatoethylsulfonyl)ethyl)amino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-5-hydroxy-6-(4-methyl-2-sulfonatophenylazo)naphthalene-1,7-disulfonate |
432-550-6 |
243858-01-7 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-646-00-8 |
d-erythro-hexanoic acid 2,4-dideoxy-3,5-O-(1-methylethylidene)-1,1-dimethylethylester; tert-butyl 2-[(4R,6S)-6-(hydroxymethyl)-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxan-4-yl]acetate |
432-960-5 |
124655-09-0 |
Acute Tox. 4 * |
H302 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 |
607-647-00-3 |
5-acetoxy-2-(R,S)butyryloxymethyl-1,3-oxathiolane |
433-530-1 |
143446-73-5 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H302 H317 H400 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H317 H400 |
607-649-00-4 |
[3-(chlorocarbonyl)-2-methylphenyl]acetate |
433-690-0 |
167678-46-8 |
Skin Corr. 1A Skin Sens. 1 |
H314 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H314 H317 |
607-650-00-X |
2-methyl-1,5-pentanediamine-1,3-benzenedicarboxylate |
433-910-5 |
145153-52-2 |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
607-651-00-5 |
sodium 2-(nonanoyloxy)benzenesulfonate |
434-360-9 |
91125-43-8 |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 |
607-652-00-0 |
ethyl N 2-dodecanoyl-l-argininate hydrochloride |
434-630-6 |
60372-77-2 |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H318 H400 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H400 |
607-653-00-6 |
tetrakis(bis(2-hydroxyethyl)methylammonium) 3-(4-(7-acetylamino-1-hydroxy-3-sulfonatonaphthalen-2-ylazo)-5-methoxy-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-7-(4-amino-3-sulfonatophenylamino)-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonate |
434-840-8 |
225786-91-4 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
607-654-00-1 |
(S)-3-hydroxy-γ-butyrolactone |
434-990-4 |
7331-52-4 |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
607-655-00-7 |
ethyl 6,8-dichlorooctanoate |
435-080-1 |
1070-64-0 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H411 |
607-656-00-2 |
sodium salt of 4-amino-3,6-bis[[5-[[4-chloro-6-[(2-methyl-4-sulfophenyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-2-sulfophenyl]azo]-5-hydroxy-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid |
435-350-7 |
141250-43-3 |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 H412 |
607-657-00-8 |
pentasodium 7-(4-(4-(3-(2-sulfatoethanesulfonyl)phenylamino)-6-(4-(2-sulfatoethanesulfonyl)phenylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-2-ureidophenylazo)naphthalene-1,3,6-trisulfonate |
436-920-8 |
172399-10-9 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-658-00-3 |
3,10-diamino-6,13-dichloro-2-((6-(((4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenyl)sulfonyl)amino)-2-naphthalenyl)sulfonyl)-4,11-triphenodioxazinedisulfonic acid, lithium potassium sodium salt |
440-770-9 |
371921-63-0 |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 H412 |
607-659-00-9 |
pentasodium N-[5-[[4-[[3-[(aminocarbonyl)amino]-4-[(3,6,8-trisulfonatonaphthalen-2-yl)azo]phenyl]amino]-6-chloro-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-2-sulfonato-4-[[4-[[-2-(oxysulfonato)ethyl] sulfonyl]phenyl]azo]phenyl]-3-aminopropanoic acid |
442-030-0 |
321912-47-4 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-660-00-4 |
2-{4-[4-[4-fluoro-6-(2-(2-vinylsulfonylethoxy)ethylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino]phenylazo]phenylazo}naphthalene-4,6,8-trisulfonate, trisodium salt |
442-230-8 |
321679-52-1 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
607-661-00-X |
1,1-dimethylethyl 4'-(bromomethyl)biphenyl-2-carboxylate |
442-850-9 |
114772-40-6 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
607-662-00-5 |
methyl 2-(acetylamino)-3-chloropropionate |
442-860-3 |
87333-22-0 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H410 |
607-663-00-0 |
bis(2-ethylhexyl) naphthalene-2,6-dicarboxylate |
442-980-6 |
127474-91-3 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-664-00-6 |
methyl 2-chlorosulfonyl-4-(methanesulfonylaminomethyl) benzoate |
443-120-2 |
393509-79-0 |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H318 H411 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H411 |
607-665-00-1 |
trans-methyl-2-ethyl-but-2-enoate |
443-150-6 |
101226-85-1 |
Flam. Liq. 3 |
H226 |
GHS02 Wng |
H226 |
607-666-00-7 |
(2S)-5-(benzyloxy)-2-(1,3-dioxo-1,3-dihydro-2H-isoindol-2-yl)-5-oxopentanoic acid |
443-560-5 |
88784-33-2 |
Eye Irrit. 2 |
H319 |
GHS07 Wng |
H319 |
607-667-00-2 |
chloro-1-ethylcyclohexyl carbonate |
444-950-8 |
99464-83-2 |
Muta. 2 Skin Sens. 1 |
H341 H317 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H341 H317 |
607-668-00-8 |
trans-2-isopropyl-5-carboxy-1,3-dioxane |
445-770-2 |
42031-28-7 |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 H412 |
607-669-00-3 |
methyl (9-acetoxy-3,8,10-triethyl-7,8,10-trimethyl-1,5-dioxa-9-aza-spiro[5.5]undec-3-yl)octadecanoate |
445-990-9 |
376588-17-9 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
607-670-00-9 |
dibutyl-3-(4-(5-ammonio-2-butyl)benzofuran-3-yl)carbonyl)phenoxy)propyl ammonium oxalate; (5-amino-2-butylbenzofuran-3-yl) [4-(3-dibutylaminopropoxy)phenyl]methanone, dioxalate |
448-700-9 |
500791-70-8 |
STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H373** H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H373** H318 H317 H410 |
M=10 |
607-671-00-4 |
diethyl 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylate |
417-310-0 |
72903-27-6 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
607-672-00-X |
reaction mass of: 2-hydroxy-3-(methacryloyloxy)propyl (2-benzoyl)benzoate; 1-hydroxymethyl-2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl (2-benzoyl)benzoate; x-hydroxy-y-(methacryloyloxy)propyl(or -ethyl) (2-benzoyl)benzoate |
419-000-0 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H411 |
607-673-00-5 |
1-ethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinolinium tosylate |
419-570-0 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H412 |
607-675-00-6 |
reaction mass of: cis-9-octadecenedioic acid; cis-9-cis-12-octadecadienedioic acid; hexadecanedioic acid; octadecanedioic acid |
422-260-8 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H410 |
607-676-00-1 |
reaction mass of: 2-methylnonanedioic acid; 2,4-dimethyl-4-methoxycarbonylundecanedioic acid; 2,4,6-trimethyl-4,6-dimethoxycarbonyltridecanedioic acid; 8,9-dimethyl-8,9-dimethoxycarbonylhexadecanedioic acid |
423-670-1 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 |
607-677-00-7 |
2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl N-{[methyl[[2-(1-methylethyl)-4-thiazolyl]methyl]amino]carbonyl}-l-valinate |
424-660-8 |
— |
STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H373** H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H373** H318 H317 |
607-678-00-2 |
reaction mass of: ethyl (2R,3R)-3-isopropylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2-carboxylate; ethyl (2S,3S)-3-isopropylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2-carboxylate |
427-090-8 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H411 |
607-679-00-8 |
reaction mass of: 3-{5-[3-(4-{1,6-dihydro-2-hydroxy-4-methyl-1-[3-(methylammonio)propyl]-6-oxo-3-pyridylazo}benzamido)phenylazo]-1,2-dihydro-6-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxo-1-pyridyl}propyl(methyl)ammonium di(acetate); 3-{5-[4-(3-{1,6-dihydro-2-hydroxy-4-methyl-1-[3-(methylammonio)propyl]-6-oxo-3-pyridylazo}benzamido]phenylazo]-1,2-dihydro-6-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxo-1-pyridyl}propyl(dimethyl)ammonium di(acetate); 3-{5-[3-(4-{1-[3-(dimethylammonio)propyl]-1,6-dihydro-2-hydroxy-4-methyl-6-oxo-3-pyridylazo}benzamido)phenylazo]-1,2-dihydro-6-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxo-1-pyridyl}propyl(dimethyl)ammonium di(acetate) |
431-440-5 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H318 H411 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H411 |
607-680-00-3 |
tert-butyl(6-{2-[4-(4-fluorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-2-[methyl(methylsulfonyl)amino]pyrimidin-5-yl]vinyl}(4S,6S)-2,2-dimethyl[1,3]dioxan-4-yl)acetate |
432-810-9 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-681-00-9 |
reaction mass of: 9-nonyl-10-octyl-19-carbonyloxyhexadecylnonadecanoic acid; 9-nonyl-10-octyl-19-carbonyloxyoctadecylnonadecanoic acid; dihexadecyl 9-nonyl-10-octylnonadecandioate; 1-octadecyl,19-hexadecyl 9-nonyl-10-octylnonadecandioate; dioctadecyl 9-nonyl-10-octylnonadecandioate |
432-910-2 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-682-00-4 |
complex reaction mass of Chinese gum rosin post reacted with acrylic acid |
434-230-1 |
144413-22-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-683-00-X |
reaction mass of: methyl 3-((1E)-2-methylprop-1-enyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate; methyl 3-((1Z)-2-methylprop-1-enyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate (20:80) |
435-450-0 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H411 |
607-684-00-5 |
alkenes, C12-14, hydroformylation products, distn. residues, C-(hydrogen sulfobutanedioates), disodium salts |
435-660-2 |
243662-67-1 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 |
H315 H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H315 H317 |
607-685-00-0 |
ammonium 2-cocoyloxyethanesulfonate |
441-050-7 |
— |
Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 |
H315 H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H315 H318 |
607-686-00-6 |
6,6'-bis(diazo-5,5',6,6'-tetrahydro-5,5'-dioxo)[methylene-bis(5-(6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxo-1-naphthylsulphonyloxy)-6-methyl-2-phenylene]di(naphthalene-1-sulfonate) |
441-550-5 |
— |
Self-react. C **** Carc. 2 |
H242 H351 |
GHS02 GHS08 Dgr |
H242 H351 |
607-687-00-1 |
reaction mass of: 2-{3,6-bis-[(2-ethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (2-10 %); 2-{3,6-bis-[(2,3-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (2-10 %); 2-{3,6-bis-[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (2-10 %); 2-{3,6-bis-[(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (2-10 %); 2-{3-[(2,3-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-6-[(2-ethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (7-20 %); 2-{3-[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-6-[(2-ethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (7-20 %); 2-{3-[(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-6-[(2-ethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (7-20 %); 2-{3-[(2,3-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-6-[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (7-20 %); 2-{3-[(2,3-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-6-[(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (7-20 %); 2-{3-[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-6-[(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (7-20 %) |
442-800-6 |
— |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H315 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H315 H411 |
607-688-00-7 |
(R)-1-cyclohexa-1,4-dienyl-1-methoxycarbonyl-methylammoniumchloride |
444-320-2 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * |
H302 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 |
607-689-00-2 |
reaction mass of: methyl 1,4-dimethylcyclohexanecarboxylate („para-isomer” including cis- and trans- isomers); methyl 1,3-dimethylcyclohexanecarboxylate („meta-isomer” including cis- and trans-isomers) |
444-920-4 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
607-690-00-8 |
dimethyl[2S,2S']-6,6,6'6'-tetramethoxy-2,2'-[N,N'-bis(trifluoracetyl)-S,S'-bi(L-homocysteinyl) diimino]dihexanoate |
432-860-1 |
255387-46-3 |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
607-691-00-3 |
magnesium salts, fatty acids, C16-18 and C18 unsaturated, branched and linear |
448-690-6 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-692-00-9 |
zinc salts, fatty acids, C16-18 and C18 unsaturated, branched and linear |
446-470-4 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-693-00-4 |
hexyl 2-(1-(diethylaminohydroxyphenyl)methanoyl)benzoate |
443-860-6 |
302776-68-7 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
607-694-00-X |
ethyl 5,5-diphenyl-2-isoxazoline-3-carboxylate |
443-870-0 |
163520-33-0 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H317 H410 |
608-020-00-7 |
diphenoxymethylenecyanamide |
427-300-8 |
79463-77-7 |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 H412 |
608-032-00-2 |
acetamiprid (ISO); (E)-N1-[(6-chloro-3-pyridyl)methyl]-N2-cyano-N1-methylacetamidine |
— |
135410-20-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H412 |
608-042-00-7 |
(S)-2,2-diphenyl-2-(3-pyrrolidinyl)acetonitrile hydrobromide |
421-810-4 |
194602-27-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H318 H317 H411 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H302 H318 H317 H411 |
608-044-00-8 |
2-cyclohexylidene-2-phenylacetonitrile |
423-740-1 |
10461-98-0 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H411 |
608-046-00-9 |
5-(4-chloro-2-nitro-phenylazo)-1,2-dihydro-6-hydroxy-1,4-dimethyl-2-oxo-pyridine-3-carbonitrile |
425-310-7 |
77889-90-8 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
608-047-00-4 |
2-piperidin-1-yl-benzonitrile |
427-330-1 |
72752-52-4 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
608-048-00-X |
1-(3-cyclopentyloxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-4-oxo-cyclohexanecarbonitrile |
427-450-4 |
152630-47-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H373** H317 H411 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H373** H317 H411 |
608-049-00-5 |
2-(4-(4-(butyl-(1-methylhexyl)amino)phenyl)-3-cyano-5-oxo-1,5-dihydropyrrol-2-ylidene)propandinitrile |
429-180-2 |
157362-53-3 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H410 |
608-050-00-0 |
reaction mass of: 5-(2-cyano-4-nitrophenylazo)-2-(2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethylamino)-4-methyl-6-phenylaminonicotinonitrile; 5-(2-cyano-4-nitrophenylazo)-6-(2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethylamino)-4-methyl-2-phenylaminonicotinonitrile |
429-760-5 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
608-051-00-6 |
(R)-4-(4-dimethylamino-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-hydroxybutyl)-3-(hydroxymethyl)benzonitrile |
430-760-2 |
219861-18-4 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H317 H411 |
608-052-00-1 |
(S)-4-(4-dimethylamino-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-hydroxybutyl)-3-(hydroxymethyl)benzonitrile |
430-770-7 |
128173-52-4 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H317 H411 |
608-053-00-7 |
(R,S)-4-(4-dimethylamino-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-hydroxybutyl)-3-(hydroxymethyl)benzonitrile |
430-780-1 |
103146-25-4 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H317 H411 |
608-054-00-2 |
(R,S)-4-(4-dimethylamino-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-hydroxybutyl)-3-(hydroxymethyl)benzonitrile hemisulfate |
430-790-6 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H318 H317 H411 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H302 H318 H317 H411 |
608-055-00-8 |
fipronil (ISO); 5-amino-1-[2,6-dichloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-4-[(trifluoromethyl)sulfinyl]-1H-pyrazole-3-carbonitrile |
— |
120068-37-3 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H331 H311 H301 H372** H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H331 H311 H301 H372** H410 |
M=10 |
608-056-00-3 |
N-methyl-N-cyanomethylmorpholiniummethylsulfate |
429-340-1 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 |
H302 H318 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 |
608-057-00-9 |
4-cyanomethyl-4-methylmorpholin-4-iumhydrogene sulfate |
431-200-1 |
208538-34-5 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H302 H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 H317 |
608-059-00-X |
5-amino-1-(2,6-dichloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-1H-pyrazole-3-carbonitrile |
421-240-6 |
120068-79-3 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
608-060-00-5 |
5-methyl-2-[(2-nitrophenyl)amino]-3-thiophenecarbonitrile |
421-300-1 |
138564-59-7 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
608-062-00-6 |
2-fluoro-4-hydroxybenzonitrile |
422-810-7 |
82380-18-5 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H318 H411 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H302 H318 H411 |
608-063-00-1 |
(S)-α-hydroxy-3-phenoxy-benzeneacetonitrile |
441-070-6 |
61826-76-4 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H301 H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H301 H318 H317 H410 |
608-064-00-7 |
cyanomethyltrimethylammoniummethylsulfate |
433-720-2 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
609-069-00-7 |
musk ketone; 3,5-dinitro-2,6-dimethyl-4-tert-butylacetophenone; 4'-tert-butyl-2',6'-dimethyl-3',5'-dinitroacetophenone |
201-328-9 |
81-14-1 |
Carc. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H351 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Wng |
H351 H410 |
609-072-00-3 |
4-mesyl-2-nitrotoluene |
430-550-0 |
1671-49-4 |
Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H361f*** H302 H317 H412 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H361f*** H302 H317 H412 |
609-073-00-9 |
lithium potassium sodium N,N''-bis{6-[7-[4-(4-chloro-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)amino-4-(2-ureidophenylazo)]naphthalene-1,3,6-trisulfonato]}-N'-(2-aminoethyl)piperazine |
427-850-9 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
611-050-00-3 |
reaction mass of: pentasodium 7-amino-3-[[4-[[4-[[4-[[4-[(6-amino-1-hydroxy-3-sulfonato-2-naphthyl)azo]-7-sulfonato-1-naphthyl]azo]phenyl]amino]-3-sulfonatophenyl]azo]-6-sulfonato-1-naphthyl]azo]-4-hydroxynaphthalen-2-sulfonate; pentasodium 7-amino-8-[4-[4-[4-[4-(2-amino-5-hydroxy-7-sulfonato-naphthalen-1-ylazo)-7-sulfonatonaphthalen-1-ylazo]-phenylamino]-3-sulfonato-phenylazo]-6-sulfonato-naphthalen-1-ylazo]-4-hydroxy-naphthalene-2-sulfonate; pentasodium 7-amino-8-[4-[4-[4-[4-(6-amino-1-hydroxy-3-sulfonato-naphthalen-1-ylazo)-7-sulfonatonaphthalen-1-ylazo]-phenylamino]-3-sulfonato-phenylazo]-6-sulfonato-naphthalen-1-ylazo]-4-hydroxy-naphthalene-2-sulfonate; tetrasodium 7-amino-4-hydroxy-3-[4-[4-[4-(4-hydroxy-7-sulfonato-naphthalen-1-ylazo)-2-sulfonato-phenylamino]phenylazo]-6-sulfonato-naphthalen-1-ylazo]naphthalene-2-sulfonate; tetrasodium 7-amino-4-hydroxy-3-[4-[4-[4-(4-amino-7-sulfonato-naphthalen-1-ylazo)-2-sulfonato-phenylamino]phenylazo]-6-sulfonato-naphthalen-1-ylazo]naphthalene-2-sulfonate |
415-350-3 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 H412 |
611-102-00-5 |
reaction product of: C.I. Leuco Sulfur Black 1 and reaction mass of: disodium-4-{4-[8-amino-1-hydroxy-7-(4-sulfamoylphenylazo)-3,6-disulfonato-2-naphthylazo]phenylsulfonylamino}benzendiazoniumchlorid; disodium-4-{4-[2,6-dihydroxy-3-(8-hydroxy-3,6-disulfonato-1-naphthylazo)phenylazo]phenylsulfonylamino}benzen-diazoniumchlorid |
424-500-7 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
611-139-00-7 |
reaction product of: C.I. Leuco Sulfur Black 1 with (3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl)trimethylammonium chloride |
424-510-1 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H318 H411 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H411 |
611-141-00-8 |
5-(4-[4-[4-(3,5-dicarboxy-phenyl-azo)phenylamino]-6-morpholin-4-yl-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino]phenylazo)isophthalic acid, mixed monosodium and diammonium salt |
414-410-6 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 |
611-142-00-3 |
product-by-process definition polyazodyestuff obtained by coupling 4-[4-(1-amino-8-hydroxy-3,6-disulfo-2-naphthylazo)phenylsulfonylamino]benzenediazonium with reaction mass of 4-carboxybenzenediazonium and diphenylamine-3-sulfo-4,4'-bisdiazonium, and further coupling of the obtained compounds with reaction mass of naphth-2-ol and 3-aminophenol, sodium salts; sodium chloride |
425-740-5 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 H412 |
611-143-00-9 |
reaction mass of: trisodium 2-(2-[α-(2-carboxylato-κ-O-4-sulfonatophenylazo)benzylidene]hydrazino-κ-N')-6-(2,6-difluoropyrimidin-4-ylamino)-4-sulfonatophenolatocuprate (II); trisodium 2-(2-[α-(2-carboxylato-κ-O-4-sulfonatophenylazo)benzylidene]hydrazino-κ-N')-6-(4,6-difluoropyrimidin-2-ylamino)-4-sulfonatophenolatocuprate (II) |
428-260-4 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
611-144-00-4 |
reaction mass of: 7-amino-3,8-bis-[4-(2-sulfoxyethylsulfonyl)phenylazo]-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonic acid, Na/K salt; 7-amino-3-[4-(2-sulfoxyethylsulfonyl)phenylazo]-4-hydroxy-8-[4-(2-sulfoxyethylsulfonyl)-2-sulfophenylazo]naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid, Na/K salt; 7-amino-8-[4-(2-sulfoxyethylsulfonyl)-phenylazo]-4-hydroxy-3-[4-(2-sulfoxyethylsulfonyl)-2-sulfophenylazo]naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid, Na/K salt; 7-amino-3,8-bis-[4-(2-sulfoxyethylsulfonyl)-2-sulfophenylazo]-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonic acid, Na/K salt |
429-070-4 |
214362-06-8 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
611-145-00-X |
reaction mass of: tetrasodium 3-(1,5-disulfonatonaphthalene-2-ylazo)-4-hydroxy-7-{4-chloro-6-[4-(2-sulfoxyethylsulfonyl)phenylamino]-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino}naphthalene-2-sulfonate; 3-(2,5-disulfophenylazo)-4-hydroxy-7-{4-chloro-6-[4-(2-sulfoxyethylsulfonyl)phenylamino]-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino}naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid, sodium salt |
429-440-5 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
611-146-00-5 |
reaction mass of: pentasodium 3-(4-(4-(7-(2,4-diamino-5-sulfonato-3-(4-sulfonatophenylazo)phenylazo)-1-hydroxy-3-sulfonatonaphthalen-2-ylazo)-2-sulfonatophenylamino)phenylazo)-4-hydroxy-6-(2-oxo-1-phenylcarbamoylpropylazo)naphthalene-2-sulfonate; pentasodium 6-((2,4-diamino-5-sulfonatophenyl)azo)-3-((4-((4-((7-((2,4-diamino-5-sulfonatophenyl)azo)-1-hydroxy-3-sulfonatonaphthalen-2-yl)azo)phenyl)amino)-2-sulfonatophenyl)azo)-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonate; pentasodium 6-((2,4-diamino-5-sulfonato-3-((4-sulfonatophenyl)azo)phenyl)azo)-3-((4-((4-((1,7-dihydroxy-3-sulfonatonaphthalen-2-yl)azo)-2-sulfonatophenyl)amino)phenyl)azo)-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonate; hexasodium 6-((2,4-diamino-5-sulfonatophenyl)azo)-3-((4-((4-((7-((2,4-diamino-5-sulfonato-3-((4-sulfonatophenyl)azo)phenyl)azo)-1-hydroxy-3-sulfonatonaphthalen-2-yl)azo)-2-sulfonatophenyl)amino)phenyl)azo)-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonate |
430-070-1 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
611-147-00-0 |
sodium, potassium, lithium 5-amino-3,6-bis(5-(4-chloro-6-(methyl-(2-methylaminoacetyl)amino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
430-090-0 |
205764-96-1 |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 |
611-148-00-6 |
reaction mass of: 2-(3-(2,6-dichloro-4-nitrophenylazo)carbazol-9-yl)ethanol; 2-(2-(3-(2,6-dichloro-4-nitro-phenylazo)-carbazol-9-yl)-ethoxy)ethanol; 3-(2,6-dichloro-4-nitrophenylazo)carbazol |
429-590-1 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H410 |
611-149-00-1 |
2-(2-chloroacetoxy)ethyl 3-((4-(2,5-dichloro-4-fluorosulfonylphenylazo)-3-methylphenyl)ethylamino)propionate |
427-570-7 |
193486-83-8 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
611-150-00-7 |
tetralithium 2-[6-[7-[2-(carboxylato)phenylazo]-8-hydroxy-3,6-disulfonato-1-naphthylamino]-4-hydroxy-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino]benzoate |
440-460-3 |
— |
Eye Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H319 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H319 H412 |
611-151-00-2 |
chrysoidine; 4-(phenylazo)benzene-1,3-diamine |
207-803-7 |
495-54-5 |
Muta. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H341 H302 H315 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H341 H302 H315 H410 |
611-152-00-8 |
chrysoidine monohydrochloride; 4-phenylazophenylene-1,3-diamine monohydrochloride; [1] chrysoidine monoacetate; 4-(phenylazo)benzene-1,3-diamine monoacetate; [2] chrysoidine acetate; 4-(phenylazo)benzene-1,3-diamine acetate; [3] chrysoidine-p-dodecylbenzenesulfonate; dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid, compound with 4-(phenylazo)benzene-1,3-diamine (1:1); [4] chrysoidine dihydrochloride; 4-(phenylazo)benzene-1,3-diamine dihydrochloride; [5] chrysoidine sulfate; bis[4-(phenylazo)benzene-1,3-diamine] sulfate [6] |
208-545-8 [1] 278-290-5 [2] 279-116-0 [3] 264-409-8 [4] 281-549-5 [5] 282-432-1 [6] |
532-82-1 [1] 75660-25-2 [2] 79234-33-6 [3] 63681-54-9 [4] 83968-67-6 [5] 84196-22-5 [6] |
Muta. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H341 H302 H315 H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H341 H302 H315 H318 H410 |
611-153-00-3 |
chrysoidine C10-14-alkyl derivatives; benzenesulfonic acid, mono-C10-14-alkyl derivatives, compounds with 4-(phenylazo)-1,3-benzenediamine; [1] chrysoidine compound with dibutylnaphthalene sulfonic acid; dibutylnaphthalenesulfonic acid, compound with 4-(phenylazo)benzene-1,3-diamine (1:1) [2] |
286-946-7 [1] 304-236-8 [2] |
85407-90-5 [1] 94247-67-3 [2] |
Muta. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 |
H341 H302 H315 H318 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H341 H302 H315 H318 |
611-154-00-9 |
trisodium 5-benzamido-4-hydroxy-3-(4-methyl-2-sulfonatophenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
403-670-6 |
92408-46-3 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
611-155-00-4 |
4,4'-oxybis(benzenesulfonylazide) |
431-850-4 |
7456-68-0 |
Expl. 1.1**** STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H201 H373** H400 H410 |
GHS01 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H201 H373** H410 |
611-156-00-X |
triammonium 4-[4-[7-(4-carboxylatoanilino)-1-hydroxy-3-sulfonato-2-naphthylazo]-2,5-dimethoxyphenylazo]benzoate |
432-270-4 |
221354-37-6 |
Repr. 2 STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H361f*** H373** H411 |
GHS08 GHS09 Wng |
H361f*** H373** H411 |
611-157-00-5 |
benzenesulfonic acid, 3,3'-(methylenebis((dihydroxyphenylene)azo))bis-, potassium sodium salt; potassium sodium 3-[(E)-(6-{3,4-dihydroxy-2-[(Z)-(3-sulfonatophenyl)diazenyl]benzyl}-2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)diazenyl]benzenesulfonate |
432-590-4 |
243869-48-9 |
Eye Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H319 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H319 H412 |
611-158-00-0 |
reaction product of: 2,3,4,2',3',4'-hexahydroxy-5,5'-diacethyl-diphenylmethane and 6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxo-1-naphthalenesulfonylchloride and 3-diazo-3,4-dihydro-6-methoxy-4-oxo-1-naphthalenesulfonylchloride |
421-520-8 |
— |
**** Aquatic Chronic 4 |
**** H413 |
**** |
**** H413 |
611-159-00-6 |
disodium 4-amino-6-((4-((4-(2,4-diaminophenyl)azo)phenylsulfamoyl)phenyl)azo)-5-hydroxy-3-((4-nitrophenyl)azo)naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
421-880-6 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 H412 |
611-160-00-1 |
reaction mass of: 1,1,1-tris(phenyl-4'-(3''-diazo-3'',4''-dihydro-4''-oxo-naphthalene-1''-sulfonato)ethane; 1,1,1-tris(phenyl-4'-(6''-diazo-5'',6''-dihydro-5''-oxo-naphthalene-1''-sulfonato)ethane; reaction product of 1,1,1-tris(p-hydroxyphenyl)ethane with 6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxo-1-naphthylsulfonylchloride and 3-diazo-3,4-dihydro-4-oxo-1-naphthylsulfonylchloride (2:1); reaction product of 1,1,1-tris(p-hydroxyphenyl)ethane with 6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxo-1-naphthylsulfonylchloride and 3-diazo-3,4-dihydro-4-oxo-1-naphthylsulfonylchloride (1:2) |
422-760-6 |
— |
**** Aquatic Chronic 4 |
**** H413 |
**** |
**** H413 |
611-161-00-7 |
trisodium [1,2'-(2-(8-amino-3,5-disulfonatonaphthalene)azo)-(4'-nitrobenzene)diolato-O,O,N][(Z)-2,2-((phenylcarbamoylprop-1'-enyl)azo)-5-sulfamoylbenzene)diolato-O,O,N]chromate(III) |
423-100-1 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
611-162-00-2 |
2,4-bis(((2-(dimethylammonio)ethyloxy)carbonyl)phen-2-ylazo)benzene-1,3-diolbis(methanesulfonate) |
429-600-4 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H318 H411 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H302 H318 H411 |
611-163-00-8 |
2,4-bis(((2-(dimethylammonio)ethyloxy)carbonyl)phen-2-ylazo)benzene-1,3-diol sulfate |
429-610-9 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H318 H411 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H302 H318 H411 |
611-164-00-3 |
reaction mass of: 2,2'-dimethyl-2,2'-azobutanenitrile; 2-methylpentanenitrile-2-azo-2'-(2'-methylpropanenitrile); 2,2'-dimethyl-2,2'-azoheptanenitrile; 2-methylheptanenitrile-2-azo-2'-(2'-methylpropanenitrile); 2-methylheptanenitrile-2-azo-2'-(2'-methylbutanenitrile) |
429-710-2 |
— |
Self React D Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H242 H302 H411 |
GHS02 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H242 H302 H411 |
611-165-00-9 |
reaction mass of: tetrasodium 4-amino-6-(5-(2,6-difluoropyrimidin-4-ylamino)-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-5-hydroxy-3-(4-(sulfatoethylsulfonyl)phenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; tetrasodium 4-amino-6-(5-(4,6-difluoropyrimidin-2-ylamino)-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-5-hydroxy-3-(4-(2-sulfatoethylsulfonyl)phenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
431-830-5 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
611-166-00-4 |
reaction mass of: pentasodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-{(E)-4-[2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl]phenylazo}-6-{(E)-2-sulfonato-4-[2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl]phenylazo}naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; tetrasodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-{(E)-4-[2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl]phenylazo}-6-[(E)-2-sulfonato-4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; tetrasodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-6-{(E)-2-sulfonato-4-[2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl]phenylazo}-3-[(E)-4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
432-100-9 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 H412 |
611-167-00-X |
sodium bis[tris(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium][6-anilino-4'-(4,8-disulfonato-2-naphthylazo)-5'-methyl-3-sulfonatonaphthalene-2-azobenzene-1,2'-diolato]cuprate(II) |
435-240-9 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
611-168-00-5 |
reaction mass of: 3-[[4-chloro-6-[[7-[(1,5-disulfo-2-naphthalenyl)azo]-8-hydroxy-3,6-disulfo-1-naphthalenyl]amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-5-[[4-chloro-6-[[8-hydroxy-3,6-disulfo-7-[(2-sulfophenyl)azo]-1-naphthalenyl]amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]benzoic acid; 3,5-bis[[4-chloro-6-[[7-[(1,5-disulfo-2-naphthalenyl)azo]-8-hydroxy-3,6-disulfo-1-naphthalenyl]amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]benzoic acid |
435-440-6 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
611-169-00-0 |
sodium 5-(2-carboxyphenylazo)-6-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonate |
435-800-2 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
611-170-00-6 |
reaction mass of: trisodium 2-((1-(2-hydroxy-κ-O-5-(2-sulfonatoethansulfonyl)phenylazo-κ-N2 )-1-phenylmethyl)azo-κ-N1 )-4-sulfonatobenzoate(5-)-κ-O)cuprate(II); disodium 2-((1-(5-ethenesulfonyl-2-hydroxy-κ-O-phenylazo-κ-N2 )-1-phenylmethyl)azo-κ-N1 )-4-sulfonatobenzoate-κ-O-(5-))cuprate(II) |
435-880-9 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
611-171-00-1 |
reaction mass of: trisodium 3-(5-(2,6-difluoropyrimidin-4-ylamino)-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-5-(4-fluoro-6-morpholin-4-yl-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-4-hydroxy-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonate; trisodium 3-(5-(4,6-difluoropyrimidin-2-ylamino)-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-5-(4-fluoro-6-morpholin-4-yl-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-4-hydroxy-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonate |
436-890-6 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 H412 |
611-172-00-7 |
reaction mass of: triammonium 6-amino-3-((2,5-diethoxy-4-(3-phosphonophenyl)azo)phenyl)azo-4-hydroxy-2-naphthalenesulfonate; diammonium 3-((4-((7-amino-1-hydroxy-3-sulfo-naphthalen-2-yl)azo)-2,5-diethoxyphenyl)azo)benzoate |
438-310-7 |
— |
Self-react. C**** Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H242 H361f*** H302 H373** H412 |
GHS02 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H242 H361f*** H302 H373** H412 |
611-173-00-2 |
reaction mass of: 3-[3-carbamoyl-5-(5-{4-chloro-6-[4-(2-sulfonatooxyethylsulfonyl)anilino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-1,2-dihydro-6-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxo-1-pyridyl]propanoic acid, trisodium salt; 3-[3-carbamoyl-5-(5-{4-chloro-6-[4-(vinylsulfonyl)anilino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-1,2-dihydro-6-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxo-1-pyridyl]propanoic acid, disodium salt |
440-510-4 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 |
611-174-00-8 |
reaction mass of: 3-[5-(4-ethenesulfonylbutyrylamino)-2-sulfophenylazo]-5-{4-chloro-[6-(4-(3-amino-5-hydroxy-2,7-disulfonaphthalene-4-ylazo)-3-sulfophenylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulfonic acid, sodium salt; 3-[5-(4-(2-chloroethanesulfonyl)butyrylamino)-2-sulfophenylazo]-5-{4-chloro-[6-(4-(3-amino-5-hydroxy-2,7-disulfonaphthalene-4-ylazo)-3-sulfophenylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulfonic acid, sodium salt |
442-290-5 |
457624-86-1 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
611-175-00-3 |
reaction mass of: trisodium 5-{4-chloro-6-[N-ethyl-(3-(2-sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl)anilino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-4-hydroxy-3-[4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; trisodium 5-{4-chloro-6-[N-ethyl-3-(vinylsulfonyl)anilino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-4-hydroxy-3-[4-(2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; disodium 5-{4-chloro-6-[N-ethyl-3-(vinylsulfonyl)anilino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-4-hydroxy-3-[(4-vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; tetrasodium 5-{4-chloro-6-[N-ethyl-3-(2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl)anilino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-3-[4-(2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl)phenylazo]-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
444-050-5 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 H412 |
611-176-00-9 |
2,6-bis(2,3,4-trihydroxybenzyl)-p-cresol ester with 6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxo-1-naphthalenesulfonate |
444-250-2 |
— |
Self-react. C**** Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H242 H411 |
GHS02 GHS09 Dgr |
H242 H411 |
611-177-00-4 |
reaction mass of: pentasodium bis[6-anilino-3,5'-disulfonatonaphthalene-2-azobenzene-1,2'-diolato]cobaltate(III); tetrasodium [6-anilino-3,5'-disulfonatonaphthalene-2-azobenzene-1,2'-diolato][6-anilino-5'-sulfamoyl-3-sulfonatonaphthalene-2-azobenzene-1,2'-diolato]cobaltate(III); trisodium bis[6-anilino-5'-sulfamoyl-3-sulfonatonaphthalene-2-azobenzene-1,2'-diolato]cobaltate(III) |
444-290-0 |
508202-43-5 |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 H412 |
611-178-00-X |
reaction mass of: pentasodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-{(E)-4-[2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl]phenylazo}-6-{(E)-2-sulfonato-4-[2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl]phenylazo}naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; tetrasodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-{(E)-4-[2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl]phenylazo}-6-[(E)-2-sulfonato-4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; tetrasodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-6-[(E)-2-sulfonato-4-[2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl]phenylazo}-3-[(E)-4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; trisodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-[(E)-4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]-6-[(E)-2-sulfonato-4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; trisodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxyethylsulfonyl)-phenylazo]-6-[(E)-2-sulfonato-4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; trisodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-[(E)-4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]-6-[-2-sulfonato-4-(2-hydroxyethylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
445-280-9 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 H412 |
611-179-00-5 |
reaction mass of: pentasodium 2-[[8-[[4-chloro-6-[[4-(2-sulfonato ethylsulfonyl)]phenyl]amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino-1- hydroxy-3,6-disulfonato-2-naphthalenyl]azo]naphthalene-1,5-disulfonate; 2-[[8-[[4-chloro-6-[[4-[[2-ethenyl]sulfonyl]phenyl]amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-1-hydroxy-3,6-disulfonato-2-naphthalenyl]azo]naphthalene-1,5-disulfonate |
450-010-8 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 |
611-180-00-0 |
iron, complexes with diazotised 4-aminobenzenesulfonamide,diazotised 3-aminobenzenesulfonic acid, diazotised 3-amino-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonamide,diazotised 3-amino-4-hydroxy-N-phenylbenzenesulfonamide, diazotised 5-amino-2-(phenylamino)benzenesulfonic acid and resorcinol, sodium salts |
417-850-7 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
612-057-01-1 |
piperazine; [liquid] |
203-808-3 |
110-85-0 |
Repr. 2 Skin Corr. 1B Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H361fd H314 H334 H317 |
GHS05 GHS08 Dgr |
H361fd H314 H334 H317 |
612-122-01-4 |
hydroxylamine … % [≤ 55 % in aqueous solution] |
232-259-2 |
7803-49-8 |
Met. Corr. 1 Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H290 H351 H312 H302 H373** H335 H315 H318 H317 H400 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H290 H351 H312 H302 H373** H335 H315 H318 H317 H400 |
B |
612-169-00-3 |
bis(N-methyl-N-phenylhydrazine)sulfate |
423-170-1 |
618-26-8 |
Flam. Liq. 2 STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H225 H372** H302 H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS02 GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H225 H372** H302 H318 H317 H410 |
612-203-00-7 |
C8-10 alkyl dimethyl hydroxyethyl ammoniumchloride (chain < C8: < 3 %, chain = C8: 15 %-70 %, chain = C10: 30 %-85 %, chain > C10: < 3 %) |
417-360-3 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 |
H312 H302 H315 |
GHS07 Wng |
H312 H302 H315 |
612-208-00-4 |
N-methylbenzene-1,2-diammonium hydrogen phosphate |
424-460-0 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H317 H411 |
612-216-00-8 |
1-amino-1-cyanamino-2,2-dicyanoethylene, sodium salt |
425-870-2 |
19450-38-5 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H412 |
612-219-00-4 |
(2-hydroxy-3-(3,4-dimethyl-9-oxo-10-thiaanthracen-2-yloxy)propyl)trimethylammonium chloride |
402-200-7 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
612-220-00-X |
N-nitro-N-(3-methyl-3,6-dihydro-2H-1,3,5-oxadiazin-4-yl)amine |
431-060-1 |
153719-38-1 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H317 H412 |
612-221-00-5 |
2-amino-4-(trifluoromethyl)benzenethiol hydrochloride |
429-560-8 |
4274-38-8 |
Skin Corr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H314 H332 H312 H302 H373** H317 H400 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H314 H332 H312 H302 H373** H317 H400 |
612-222-00-0 |
cis-1-(3-(4-fluorophenoxy)propyl)-3-methoxy-4-piperidinamine |
425-080-8 |
104860-26-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H312 H302 H373** H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H312 H302 H373** H318 H410 |
612-223-00-6 |
N-benzyl-N-ethyl-(4-(5-nitro-benzo[c]isothiazol-3-ylazo)phenyl)amine |
425-300-2 |
186450-73-7 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
612-224-00-1 |
N2,N4,N6-tris{4-[(1,4-dimethylpentyl)amino]phenyl}-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine |
426-150-0 |
121246-28-4 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H410 |
612-225-00-7 |
1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane |
425-450-9 |
294-90-6 |
Skin Corr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H314 H312 H302 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H314 H312 H302 H410 |
612-226-00-2 |
3-(2'-phenoxyethoxy)propylamine |
427-870-8 |
6903-18-0 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H315 H318 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H315 H318 H412 |
612-227-00-8 |
benzyl-N-(2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)ethyl)amine hydrochloride |
428-290-8 |
120606-08-8 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H302 H318 H410 |
612-228-00-3 |
reaction mass of: N-(3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl)ethylenediamine; N-benzyl-N-(3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl)ethylenediamine; N-benzyl-N'-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ethylenediamine; N,N'-bis-benzyl-N'-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ethylenediamine; N,N,N'-tris-benzyl-N'-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ethylenediamine; N,N-bis-benzyl-N'-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ethylenediamine |
414-340-6 |
— |
Flam. Liq. 3 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT SE 2 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H226 H332 H312 H302 H371 H318 H317 H412 |
GHS02 GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H226 H332 H312 H302 H371 H318 H317 H412 |
612-229-00-9 |
mepanipyrim; 4-methyl-N-phenyl-6-(1-propynyl)-2-pyrimidinamine |
— |
110235-47-7 |
Carc. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H351 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Wng |
H351 H410 |
612-230-00-4 |
N,N-bis(cocoyl-2-oxypropyl)-N,N-dibutylammonium bromide |
431-530-4 |
— |
Skin Corr. 1A Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H314 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H314 H317 H410 |
612-231-00-X |
3-((C12-18)-acylamino)-N-(2-((2-hydroxyethyl)amino)-2-oxoethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-1-propanaminium chloride |
427-370-1 |
164288-56-6 |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H410 |
612-232-00-5 |
reaction mass of: triisopropanolamine salt of 1-amino-4-(3-propionamidoanilino)anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid; triisopropanolamine salt of 1-amino-4-[3,4-dimethyl-5-(2-hydroxyethylaminosulfonyl)anilino]anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid |
430-410-9 |
186148-38-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
612-237-00-2 |
hydroxylammonium hydrogensulfate; hydroxylamine sulfate(1:1); [1] hydroxylamine phosphate; [2] hydroxylamine dihydrogenphosphate; [3] hydroxylamine 4-methylbenzenesulfonate [4] |
233-154-4 [1] 244-077-0 [2] 242-818-2 [3] 258-872-5 [4] |
10046-00-1 [1] 20845-01-6 [2] 19098-16-9 [3] 53933-48-5 [4] |
Expl. 1.1 Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H201 H351 H312 H302 H373** H319 H315 H317 H400 |
HS01 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H201 H351 H312 H302 H373** H319 H315 H317 H400 |
T |
612-238-00-8 |
(3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl) trimethylammonium chloride … % |
222-048-3 |
3327-22-8 |
Carc. 2 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H351 H412 |
GHS08 Wng |
H351 H412 |
B |
612-239-00-3 |
biphenyl-3,3',4,4'-tetrayltetraamine; diaminobenzidine |
202-110-6 |
91-95-2 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 2 |
H350 H341 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H341 |
612-240-00-9 |
pyrimethanil (ISO); N-(4,6-dimethylpyrimidin-2-yl)aniline |
— |
53112-28-0 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
612-241-00-4 |
piperazine hydrochloride; [1] piperazine dihydrochloride; [2] piperazine phosphate [3] |
228-042-7 [1] 205-551-2 [2] 217-775-8 [3] |
6094-40-2 [1] 142-64-3 [2] 1951-97-9 [3] |
Repr. 2 Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H361fd H319 H315 H334 H317 H412 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H361fd H319 H315 H334 H317 H412 |
612-242-00-X |
cyprodinil (ISO); 4-cyclopropyl-6-methyl-N-phenylpyrimidin-2-amine |
— |
121552-61-2 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H410 |
M=10 |
612-243-00-5 |
(1S-cis)-4-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-N-methyl-1-naphthalenamine 2-hydroxy-2-phenylacetate |
420-560-3 |
79617-97-3 |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H410 |
M=10 |
612-244-00-0 |
3-(piperazin-1-yl)-benzo[d]isothiazole hydrochloride |
421-310-6 |
87691-88-1 |
Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H361f*** H302 H319 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H361f*** H302 H319 H317 H410 |
612-245-00-6 |
2-ethylphenylhydrazine hydrochloride |
421-460-2 |
19398-06-2 |
Carc. 2 STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H351 H372** H302 H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H351 H372** H302 H318 H317 H410 |
M=10 |
612-246-00-1 |
(2-chloroethyl)(3-hydroxypropyl)ammonium chloride |
429-740-6 |
40722-80-3 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B STOT RE 2 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H350 H340 H373** H317 H412 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H350 H340 H373** H317 H412 |
612-247-00-7 |
N-[3-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1H-pyrazol-5-yl]-N'-hydroxy-4-nitrobenzenecarboximidamide |
423-530-8 |
152828-23-4 |
STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H372** H302 H412 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H372** H302 H412 |
612-248-00-2 |
reaction product of diphenylamine, phenothiazine, and alkenes, branched (C8-10, C9-rich) |
439-540-0 |
— |
Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H315 H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H315 H317 H413 |
612-249-00-8 |
4-[(3-chlorophenyl)(1H-imidazol-1-yl)methyl]-1,2-benzenediamine dihydrochloride |
425-030-5 |
159939-85-2 |
Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H361f*** H302 H314 H317 H411 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H361f*** H302 H314 H317 H411 |
612-250-00-3 |
chloro-N,N-dimethylformiminium chloride |
425-970-6 |
3724-43-4 |
Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1A |
H360D*** H302 H314 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H360D*** H302 H314 |
EUH014 |
612-251-00-9 |
cis-1-(3-chloroallyl)-3,5,7-triaza-1-azoniaadamantane chloride |
426-020-3 |
51229-78-8 |
Flam. Sol. 2 Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H228 H361d*** H302 H315 H317 H411 |
GHS02 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H228 H361d*** H302 H315 H317 H411 |
612-252-00-4 |
imidacloprid (ISO); 1-(6-chloropyridin-3-ylmethyl)-N-nitroimidazolidin-2-ylidenamine |
428-040-8 |
138261-41-3 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H410 |
612-253-00-X |
7-methoxy-6-(3-morpholin-4-yl-propoxy)-3H-quinazolin-4-one; [containing < 0,5 % formamide (EC No 200-842-0)] |
429-400-7 |
199327-61-2 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
612-253-01-7 |
7-methoxy-6-(3-morpholin-4-yl-propoxy)-3H-quinazolin-4-one; [containing ≥ 0,5 % formamide (EC No 200-842-0)] |
429-400-7 |
199327-61-2 |
Repr. 1B Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H360D*** H412 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H360D*** H412 |
612-254-00-5 |
reaction products of diisopropanolamine with formaldehyde (1:4) |
432-440-8 |
220444-73-5 |
Carc. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H351 H302 H314 H317 H411 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H351 H302 H314 H317 H411 |
612-255-00-0 |
1-(3-methoxypropyl)-4-piperidinamine |
431-950-8 |
179474-79-4 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H312 H302 H314 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H312 H302 H314 H412 |
612-256-00-6 |
benzyl(S)-2-[(2'-cyanobiphenyl-4-ylmethyl)pentanoylamino]-3-methylbutyrate |
427-470-3 |
137864-22-3 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 |
H302 H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H317 |
612-257-00-1 |
tripropylammonium dihydrogenphosphate |
433-700-3 |
35687-90-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * |
H302 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 |
612-259-00-2 |
N-ethyl-3-trimethoxysilyl-2-methyl-propanamine |
437-720-3 |
227085-51-0 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
612-261-00-3 |
3,5-dichloro-2-fluoro-4-(1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoropropoxy)aniline |
441-190-9 |
121451-05-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H317 H410 |
M=10 |
612-265-00-5 |
bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-(2-hydroxypropyl)ammonium acetate |
444-360-0 |
191617-13-7 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
612-266-00-0 |
3-chloro-4-(3-fluorobenzyloxy)aniline |
445-590-4 |
202197-26-0 |
Muta. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H341 H302 H373** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H341 H302 H373** H410 |
612-267-00-6 |
bis(hydrogenated tallow C16-18-alkyl)hydroxylamine |
418-370-0 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
612-269-00-7 |
reaction mass of: 1-[di(4-octylphenyl)aminomethyl]-5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole; 1-[di(4-octylphenyl)aminomethyl]-4-methyl-1H-benzotriazole; reaction mass of: N-[(5-methyl-1H-benzotriazol-1-yl)methyl]-4-octyl-N-(4-octylphenyl)aniline; N-[(4-methyl-1H-benzotriazol-1-yl)methyl]-4-octyl-N-(4-octylphenyl)aniline |
420-720-2 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
612-270-00-2 |
(S)-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid 4-cyanobenzylamide hydrochloride |
433-010-2 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H317 H412 |
612-271-00-8 |
reaction mass of: ethyl 2-((4-(5,6-dichlorobenzothiazol-2-ylazo)phenyl)ethylamino)benzoate; ethyl 2-((4-(6,7-dichlorobenzothiazol-2-ylazo)phenyl)ethylamino)benzoate |
434-970-5 |
160987-57-5 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
612-272-00-3 |
ammonium (η-6-2-(2-(1,2-dicarboxylatoethylamino)ethylamino)butane-1,4-dioato(4-))iron(3+) monohydrate |
435-210-5 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
612-273-00-9 |
alkyl(rapeseed oil), bis(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium fluoride |
435-650-8 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1A Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H314 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H302 H314 H410 |
612-274-00-4 |
(R,S)-1-[2-amino-1(4-methoxyphenyl)ethyl]cyclohexanol acetate |
445-750-3 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H318 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 H317 H412 |
612-275-00-X |
fatty acids, C18-unsatd., dimers, reaction products with 1-piperazineethanamine and tall oil |
447-880-6 |
206565-89-1 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H315 H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H315 H318 H317 H410 |
M=10 |
612-276-00-5 |
1-amino-4-[(4-amino-2-sulfofenyl)amino]-9,10-dihydro-9,10-dioxo-2-anthracenesulfonic acid, disodium salt, reaction products with 2-[[3-[(4,6-dichloro-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)ethylamino]phenyl]sulfonyl]ethyl hydrogen sulfate, sodium salts |
451-430-4 |
500717-36-2 |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 H412 |
612-277-00-0 |
reaction mass of: 4-amino-3-(4-ethenesulfonyl-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-5-hydroxy-6-(5-{4-chloro-6-[4-(2-sulfonatooxyethanesulfonyl)phenylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-2-sulfonatophenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate potassium/sodium; 4-amino-5-hydroxy-6-(5-{4-chloro-6-[4-(2-sulfonatooxyethanesulfonyl)phenylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-3-(2-sulfonato-4-(2-sulfonatooxyethanesulfonyl)phenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate potassium/sodium |
451-440-9 |
586372-44-3 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
612-278-00-6 |
ethidium bromide; 3,8-diamino-1-ethyl-6-phenylphenantridinium bromide |
214-984-6 |
1239-45-8 |
Muta. 2 Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 4 * |
H341 H330 H302 |
GHS06 GHS08 Dgr |
H341 H330 H302 |
612-279-00-1 |
(R,S)-2-amino-3,3-dimethylbutane amide |
447-860-7 |
144177-62-8 |
Repr. 2 STOT RE 2 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 |
H361f*** H373** H319 H315 H317 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H361f*** H373** H319 H315 H317 |
612-280-00-7 |
3-amino-9-ethyl carbazole; 9-ethylcarbazol-3-ylamine |
205-057-7 |
132-32-1 |
Carc. 1B |
H350 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 |
H |
613-116-01-4 |
tolylfluanid (ISO); dichloro-N-[(dimethylamino)sulphonyl]fluoro-N-(p-tolyl)methanesulphenamide; [containing < 0,1 % (w/w) of particles with an aerodynamic diameter of below 50 μm] |
211-986-9 |
731-27-1 |
Eye Irrit. 2 STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 |
H319 H335 H315 H317 H400 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H319 H335 H315 H317 H400 |
M=10 |
613-161-00-2 |
2,4-diamino-6-hydroxymethylpteridinehydrobromide |
430-620-0 |
76145-91-0 |
STOT RE 2 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H373** H317 H412 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H373** H317 H412 |
613-162-00-8 |
(6R-trans)-1-((7-ammonio-2-carboxylato-8-oxo-5-thia-1-azabicyclo-[4.2.0]oct-2-en-3-yl)methyl)pyridinium iodide |
423-260-0 |
100988-63-4 |
Muta. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H341 H317 H411 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H341 H317 H411 |
613-187-00-4 |
5-(2-amino-5-cyano-6-[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethylamino]-4-methylpyridin-3-ylazo)-3-methyl-2,4-dicarbonitrilethiophene |
410-530-8 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
613-192-00-1 |
3-benzyl-exo-6-nitro-2,4-dioxo-3-aza-cis-bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane |
426-750-2 |
151860-15-0 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H412 |
613-198-00-4 |
2-amino-4-dimethylamino-6-trifluoroethoxy-1,3,5-triazine |
415-500-8 |
145963-84-4 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H373** H412 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H302 H373** H412 |
613-229-00-1 |
1-acetyl-4-(3-dodecyl-2,5-dioxo-1-pyrrolidinyl)-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine |
411-930-5 |
106917-31-1 |
Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H315 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H315 H317 H410 |
613-231-00-2 |
2,6-diamino-3-((pyridine-3-yl)azo)pyridine |
421-430-9 |
28365-08-4 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H373** H411 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H373** H411 |
613-232-00-8 |
3-(benzo[b]thien-2-yl)-5,6-dihydro-1,4,2-oxathiazine-4-oxide |
431-030-6 |
163269-30-5 |
Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H331 H373** H318 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H331 H373** H318 H410 |
613-234-00-9 |
imidazo[1,2-b]pyridazin hydrochloride |
431-510-5 |
18087-70-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 |
H302 H319 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H319 |
613-235-00-4 |
2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-1H-perimidine |
424-060-6 |
6364-17-6 |
Acute Tox. 4* STOT RE 2 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H373** H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H373** H317 H410 |
613-236-00-X |
2-chloro-3-trifluoromethylpyridine |
424-520-6 |
65753-47-1 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 1 Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H311 H301 H372** H314 H412 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 Dgr |
H311 H301 H372** H314 H412 |
613-237-00-5 |
6-tert-butyl-3-(3-dodecylsulfonyl)propyl-7H-1,2,4-triazolo[3.4b][1,3,4]thiadiazine |
424-950-4 |
133949-92-5 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
613-238-00-0 |
sodium 2-[[4-[(4,6-dichloro-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)amino]phenyl]sulfonyl]ethyl sulfate |
430-890-1 |
81992-66-7 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H410 |
613-239-00-6 |
2-[3-(methylamino)propyl]-1H-benzimidazole |
425-760-4 |
64137-52-6 |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 H412 |
613-241-00-7 |
3-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)pyridine |
426-810-8 |
3250-74-6 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
613-242-00-2 |
reaction products of 3,10-bis((2-aminopropyl)amino)-6,13-dichloro-4,11-triphenodioxazinedisulfonic acid with 2-amino-1,4-benzenedisulfonic acid, 2-((4-aminophenyl)sulfonyl)ethyl hydrogen sulfate and 2,4,6-trifluoro-1,3,5-triazine, sodium salts |
426-860-0 |
191877-09-5 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
613-243-00-8 |
4,4'-(1,6-hexamethylenebis(formylimino))bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-oxylpiperidine) |
427-350-0 |
182235-14-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
613-244-00-3 |
5,7-dichloro-4-hydroxyquinoline |
427-420-0 |
21873-52-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
613-245-00-9 |
2-fluoro-6-trifluoromethylpyridine |
428-100-3 |
94239-04-0 |
Flam. Liq. 3 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H226 H332 H302 H412 |
GHS02 GHS07 Wng |
H226 H332 H302 H412 |
613-246-00-4 |
2-hydroxymethyl-3-methyl-4-(2,2,2-trifluoroethoxy)pyridine |
428-200-7 |
103577-66-8 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
613-247-00-X |
3-(2-methoxy-4-methoxycarboxybenzyl)-5-nitroindole |
428-910-7 |
107786-36-7 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
613-248-00-5 |
3,4-dimethyl-1H-pyrazole |
429-130-1 |
2820-37-3 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H318 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 H412 |
613-249-00-0 |
1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1H-pyrazol-4,5-diyldiammoniumsulfate |
429-300-3 |
155601-30-2 |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H318 H317 H411 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H317 H411 |
613-250-00-6 |
reaction mass of: carbonato-bis-N-ethyl-2-isopropyl-1,3-oxazolidine; methyl carbonato-N-ethyl-2-isopropyl-1,3-oxazolidine; 2-isopropyl-N-hydroxyethyl 1,3-oxazolidine |
429-990-6 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H318 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 H412 |
613-251-00-1 |
(R)-3-[(1-methylpyrrolidin-2-yl)methyl]-5-[2-(phenylsulfonyl)ethenyl]-1H-indole |
430-560-5 |
180637-89-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H302 H373** H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H373** H318 H317 |
613-253-00-2 |
2,2-dialkyl-4-hydroxymethyl-1,3-dioxolane; reaction products with ethylene oxide (alkyl is C1-12 and the sum to C13, average degree of ethoxylation is 3,5) |
430-580-4 |
— |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H315 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H315 H411 |
EUH019 |
613-254-00-8 |
forchlorfenuron (ISO); 1-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-3-phenylurea |
— |
68157-60-8 |
Carc. 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H351 H411 |
GHS08 GHS09 Wng |
H351 H411 |
613-255-00-3 |
reaction mass of isomers of: sodium [(2-hydroxyethylsulfamoyl){[2-(2-piperazin-1-ylethylamino)ethylsulfamoyl][2-(4-aminoethylpiperazine-1-yl)ethylsulfamoyl](sulfamoyl)}(sulfonatophthalocyaninato)]copper(II) |
424-270-8 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
613-256-00-9 |
3'5'-anhydro thymidine |
425-810-5 |
38313-48-3 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
613-257-00-4 |
2-phthalimidoethyl N-[4-(2-cyano-4-nitrophenylazo)phenyl]-N-methyl-β-alaninate |
426-400-9 |
170222-39-6 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
613-258-00-X |
reaction mass of: 4-chloro-7-methylbenzotriazole sodium salt; 4-chloro-5-methylbenzotriazole sodium salt; 5-chloro-4-methylbenzotriazole sodium salt |
427-730-6 |
202420-04-0 |
Skin Corr. 1B Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H314 H412 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H314 H412 |
613-259-00-5 |
reaction mass of: [2,4-dioxo-(2-propyn-1-yl)imidazolidin-3-yl]methyl(1R)-cis-chrysanthemate; [2,4-dioxo-(2-propyn-1-yl)imidazolidin-3-yl]methyl(1R)-trans-chrysanthemate |
428-790-6 |
72963-72-5 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H410 |
613-260-00-0 |
(±)-4-(3-chlorophenyl)-6-[(4-chlorophenyl)hydroxy(1-methyl-1H-imidazol-5-yl)methyl]-1-methyl-2(1H)-quinolin |
430-730-9 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H410 |
613-261-00-6 |
pyrazole-1-carboxamidine monohydrochloride |
429-520-1 |
4023-02-3 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H373** H318 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H373** H318 H317 H412 |
613-262-00-1 |
disodium (E)-1,2-bis-(4-(4-methylamino-6-(4-methylcarbamoylphenylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)phenyl-2-sulfonato)ethene |
427-310-2 |
180850-95-7 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
613-263-00-7 |
monosodium 3-cyano-5-fluoro-6-hydroxypyridine-2-olate |
429-570-2 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
613-266-00-3 |
2-chloro-5-chloromethylthiazole |
429-830-5 |
105827-91-6 |
Acute Tox. 3 * Skin Corr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H311 H314 H302 H317 H411 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS09 Dgr |
H311 H314 H302 H317 H411 |
613-267-00-9 |
thiamethoxam (ISO); 3-(2-chloro-thiazol-5-ylmethyl)-5-methyl[1,3,5]oxadiazinan-4-ylidene-N-nitroamine |
428-650-4 |
153719-23-4 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H410 |
M=10 |
613-268-00-4 |
(4aS-cis-)-6-benzyl-octahydropyrrolo[3.4-b]pyridine |
425-930-8 |
151213-39-7 |
Skin Corr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H314 H332 H302 H373** H411 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H314 H332 H302 H373** H411 |
613-269-00-X |
2-thiazolidinylidenecyanamide |
427-720-1 |
26364-65-8 |
Acute Tox. 4* STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H373** H412 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H302 H373** H412 |
613-270-00-5 |
5-amino-N-(2,6-dichloro-3-methylphenyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole-3-sulfonamide |
428-150-6 |
113171-13-4 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
613-271-00-0 |
tritosulfuron (ISO) (containing ≤ 0,02 % AMTT); 1-[4-methoxy-6-(trifluoromethyl)-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]-3-[2-(trifluoromethyl)benzenesulfonyl]urea (containing ≤ 0,02 % AMTT) |
— |
142469-14-5 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H410 |
M=10 |
613-272-00-6 |
pyraclostrobin (ISO); methyl N-{2-[1-(4-chlorophenyl)-1H-pyrazol-3-yloxymethyl]phenyl}(N-methoxy)carbamate |
— |
— |
Acute Tox. 3 * Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H331 H315 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS09 Dgr |
H331 H315 H410 |
M=100 |
613-273-00-1 |
tetrahydro-3-methyl-5-((2-phenylthio)thiazol-5-ylmethyl)-[4H]-1,3,5-oxadiazinan-4-ylidene-N-nitroamine |
427-600-9 |
192439-46-6 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
613-274-00-7 |
2,6-dichloro-1-fluoropyridiniumtetrafluoroborate |
427-400-1 |
140623-89-8 |
Skin Corr. 1B Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H314 H302 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H314 H302 H317 H410 |
613-275-00-2 |
3-(2-chloroethyl)-6,7,8,9-tetra-hydro-2-methyl-4H-pyrido[1,2-a]pyrimidin-4-one monohydrochloride |
424-530-0 |
93076-03-0 |
Acute Tox. 3 * STOT SE 2 STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H301 H371** H373** H318 H317 H411 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H301 H371 H373** H318 H317 H411 |
613-276-00-8 |
1-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,2-dihydro-5H-tetrazol-5-one |
426-110-2 |
98377-35-6 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H412 |
613-277-00-3 |
(4-(6-diethylamino-2-methylpyridin-3-yl)imino-4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-1-(4-methylphenyl)-1H-pyrazol-5-one |
427-070-9 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
613-278-00-9 |
(3-aminophenyl)pyridin-3-ylmethanone |
428-230-0 |
79568-06-2 |
STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H373** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Wng |
H373** H410 |
613-279-00-4 |
2-ethyl-2,3-dihydro-2-methyl-1H-perimidine |
424-380-6 |
43057-68-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H373** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H373** H410 |
613-280-00-X |
tetrahydro-1,3-dimethyl-1H-pyrimidin-2-one; dimethyl propyleneurea |
230-625-6 |
7226-23-5 |
Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 |
H361f*** H302 H318 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H361f*** H302 H318 |
613-281-00-5 |
quinoline |
202-051-6 |
91-22-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H350 H341 H312 H302 H319 H315 H411 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H350 H341 H312 H302 H319 H315 H411 |
613-282-00-0 |
triticonazole (ISO); (RS)-(E)-5-(4-chlorobenzylidene)-2,2-dimethyl-1-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-methyl)cyclopentanol |
— |
131983-72-7 |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
613-283-00-6 |
ketoconazole; 1-[4-[4-[[(2SR,4RS)-2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-(imidazol-1-ylmethyl)-1,3-dioxolan-4-yl]methoxy]phenyl]piperazin-1-yl]ethanone |
265-667-4 |
65277-42-1 |
Repr. 1B Acute Tox. 3 * STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H360F*** H301 H373** H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H360F*** H301 H373** H410 |
613-284-00-1 |
metconazole (ISO); (1RS,5RS;1RS,5SR)-5-(4-chlorobenzyl)-2,2-dimethyl-1-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl)cyclopentanol |
— |
125116-23-6 |
Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H361d*** H302 H411 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H361d*** H302 H411 |
613-285-00-7 |
1-hydroxybenzotriazole, anhydrous; [1] 1-hydroxybenzotriazole, monohydrated [2] |
219-989-7 [1] 219-989-7 [2] |
2592-95-2 [1] 123333-53-9 [2] |
Expl. 1.3 |
H203 |
GHS01 Dgr |
H203 |
613-286-00-2 |
potassium 1-methyl-3-morpholinocarbonyl-4-[3-(1-methyl-3-morpholinocarbonyl-5-oxo-2-pyrazolin-4-ylidene)-1-propenyl]pyrazole-5-olate; [containing < 0,5 % N,N-dimethylformamide (EC no 200-679-5)] |
418-260-2 |
183196-57-8 |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
613-286-01-X |
potassium 1-methyl-3-morpholinocarbonyl-4-[3-(1-methyl-3-morpholinocarbonyl-5-oxo-2-pyrazolin-4-ylidene)-1-propenyl]pyrazole-5-olate; [containing ≥ 0,5 % N,N-dimethylformamide (EC No 200-679-5)] |
418-260-2 |
183196-57-8 |
Repr. 1B Skin Sens. 1 |
H360D*** H317 |
GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H360D*** H317 |
613-287-00-8 |
1-(3-iodo-4-aminobenzyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole |
419-540-7 |
160194-26-3 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H317 H411 |
613-288-00-3 |
1,3-bis(dimethylcarbamoyl)-imidazolium chloride |
420-930-4 |
135756-61-5 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H318 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 H412 |
613-289-00-9 |
3-(4-chloro-2-fluoro-5-methylphenyl)-1-methyl-5-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole |
432-020-4 |
142623-48-1 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
613-290-00-4 |
4-hydroxy-7-(2-aminoethyl)-1,3-benzothiazol-2(3H)-one hydrochloride |
432-470-1 |
189012-93-9 |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H317 H410 |
613-291-00-X |
2,4-dihydro-4-(4-(4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl)phenyl)-2-(1-methylpropyl)-3H-1,2,4-triazol-3-one |
434-820-9 |
106461-41-0 |
STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H373** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Wng |
H373** H410 |
613-292-00-5 |
N,N',N''-tris(2-methyl-2,3-epoxypropyl)-perhydro-2,4,6-oxo-1,3,5-triazine |
435-010-8 |
26157-73-3 |
Muta. 2 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H341 H412 |
GHS08 Wng |
H341 H412 |
613-293-00-0 |
2-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-6-cyano-5-[bis(ethoxycarbonylmethyl)carbamoyloxy]-1H-pyrrolo[1,2-b][1,2,4] triazole-7-carboxylic acid 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylcyclohexylester |
448-050-6 |
444065-11-6 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
613-294-00-6 |
2-hexyldecanoic acid [4-(6-tert-butyl-7-chloro-1H-pyrazolo[1,5-b][1,2,4]triazol-2-yl)phenylcarbamoyl]methylester |
448-260-8 |
379268-96-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
613-295-00-1 |
11-amino-3-chloro-6,11-dihydro-5,5-dioxo-6-methyl-dibenzo[c,f][1,2]thiazepine hydrochloride |
448-720-8 |
363138-44-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H318 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 H412 |
613-296-00-7 |
pentapotassium 2-(4-(5-[1-(2,5-disulfonatophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-3-methylcarbamoyl-5-oxopyrazol-4-ylidene]-3-methyl-1,3-pentadienyl)-3-methylcarbamoyl-5-oxidopyrazol-1-yl)benzene-1,4-disulfonate |
418-270-7 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H412 |
613-297-00-2 |
5-(2-bromophenyl)-2-tert-butyl-2H-tetrazole |
420-820-6 |
— |
Flam. Liq. 3 Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H226 H302 H411 |
GHS02 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H226 H302 H411 |
613-298-00-8 |
bis-(6-hydroxy-4-methyl-5-(3-methylimidazolium-1-yl)-3-(4-phenylazo)-1H-pyridin-2-one)ethylene dilactate |
421-560-6 |
— |
STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H373** H318 H411 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H373** H318 H411 |
613-299-00-3 |
main component 1 (isomer 1): 2-{6-fluoro-4-[3-(2,5-disulfo-phenylazo)-4-hydroxy-2-sulfonapht-7-ylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-3-{6-fluoro-4-[3-(1,5-disulfonaphth-2-ylazo)-4-hydroxy-2-sulfonaphth-7-ylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-propane sodium salt; main component 1 (isomer 2): 2-{6-fluoro-4-[3-(2,5-disulfo-phenylazo)-4-hydroxy-2-sulfonaphth-7-ylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-3-{6-fluoro-4-[3-(2,5-disulfo-phenylazo)-4-hydroxy-2-sulfonaphth-7-ylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-propane sodium salt; main component 2: 2,3-bis-{6-fluoro-4-[3-(2,5-disulfo-phenylazo)-4-hydroxy-2-sulfonaphth-7-ylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-propane sodium salt; main component 3: 2,3-bis-{6-fluoro-4-[3-(1,5-disulfonaphth-2-ylazo)-4-hydroxy-2-sulfonaphth-7-ylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-propane sodium salt |
422-610-1 |
— |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
613-300-00-7 |
1-imidazol-1-yl-octadecan-2-ol |
434-120-3 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
613-301-00-2 |
dimethyl-1-{[2-methoxy-5-(2-methyl-butoxycarbonyl)phenylcarbamoyl]-[2-octadecyl-1,1-dioxo-1,2,4-benzothiadiazin-3-yl]methyl} imidazole-4,5-dicarboxylate |
443-910-7 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
613-302-00-8 |
disodium 2-(5-carbamoyl-1-ethyl-2-hydroxy-4-methyl-6-oxo-1,6-dihydro-pyridine-3-ylazo)-4-(4-fluoro-6-(4-(2-sulfonyloxy-ethylsulfonyl)-phenylamino)-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino)benzene sulfonate |
432-980-4 |
243858-60-8 |
Eye Dam. 1 |
H318 |
GHS05 Dgr |
H318 |
613-303-00-3 |
2-(1-methyl-2-(4-phenoxyphenoxy)ethoxy)pyridine |
429-800-1 |
95737-68-1 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
613-304-00-9 |
5,6-dihydroxy-2,3-dihydro-1H-indolium bromide |
421-170-6 |
138937-28-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 |
H302 H318 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 |
613-305-00-4 |
2-(2-hydroxy-4-octyloxyphenyl)-2H-benzotriazole |
448-630-9 |
3147-77-1 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
613-306-00-X |
(2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl)-9H-fluoren-9-ylmethyl carbonate |
433-520-5 |
82911-69-1 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H317 H411 |
613-307-00-5 |
clothianidin (ISO); 3-[(2-chloro-1,3-thiazol-5-yl)methyl]-2-methyl-1-nitroguanidine |
— |
210880-92-5 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H410 |
M=10 |
613-308-00-0 |
2-amino-5-methylthiazole |
423-800-5 |
7305-71-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H373** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H373** H410 |
613-309-00-6 |
1-methyl-3-phenyl-1-piperazine |
431-180-2 |
5271-27-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H312 H302 H315 H318 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H312 H302 H315 H318 H412 |
613-310-00-1 |
(-)(3S,4R)-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-3-(3,4-methylenedioxy-phenoxymethyl)-N-benzylpiperidine hydrochloride |
432-360-3 |
105813-13-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H317 H410 |
613-311-00-7 |
methyl-5-nitrophenyl-guanidine |
435-500-1 |
152460-07-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H319 H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H319 H317 H412 |
613-312-00-2 |
2-(4-methyl-2-phenyl-1-piperazinyl)benzenemethanol monohydrochloride |
420-200-5 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H318 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 H317 H412 |
613-313-00-8 |
2-(4-(4-(3-pyridinyl)-1H-imidazol-1-yl)butyl)-1H-isoindole-1,3(2H)-dione |
442-780-9 |
173838-67-0 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
613-314-00-3 |
4-decyloxazolidin-2-one; 4-decyl-1,3-oxazolidin-2-one |
443-770-7 |
7693-82-5 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
613-315-00-9 |
tetrapotassium 4-[5-[3-carboxylato-4,5-dihydro-5-oxo-1-(4-sulfonatophenyl)pyrazol-4-ylidene]-3-(piperidinocarbonyl)penta-1,3-dienylidene]-5-hydroxy-1-(4-sulfonatophenyl)pyrazole-3-carboxylate |
430-390-1 |
— |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H332 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H332 H412 |
613-316-00-4 |
trimethylopropane tri(3-aziridinylpropanoate); (TAZ) |
257-765-0 |
52234-82-9 |
Muta. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H341 H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H341 H318 H317 |
H |
615-033-00-1 |
reaction product of diphenylmethanediisocyanate, octylamine, oleylamine and cyclohexylamine (1:1.58:0.32:0.097) |
430-980-9 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
615-034-00-7 |
reaction product of diphenylmethanediisocyanate, octylamine, 4-ethoxyaniline and ethylenediamine (1:0,37:1,53:0,05) |
430-750-8 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
615-035-00-2 |
reaction product of diphenylmethanediisocyanate, octylamine and oleylamine (molar ratio 1:1.86:0.14) |
430-930-6 |
122886-55-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
615-036-00-8 |
reaction product of diphenylmethanediisocyanate, toluenediisocyanate (reaction of isomers: 65 % 2,4- and 35 % 2,6-diisocyanate), octylamine, oleylamine and 4-ethoxyaniline (molar ratio 4:1:7:1:2) |
430-940-0 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
615-037-00-3 |
reaction product of diphenylmethanediisocyanate, toluenediisocyanate (reaction mass of isomers: 65 % 2,4- and 35 % 2,6-diisocyanate), octylamine and oleylamine (molar ratio 4:1:9:1) |
430-950-5 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
615-038-00-9 |
reaction product of toluenediisocyanate (reaction mass of isomers: 65 % 2,4- and 35 % 2,6-diisocyanate) and aniline (molarratio 1:2) |
430-960-1 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
615-039-00-4 |
reaction product of diphenylmethanediisocyanate, toluenediisocyanate (reaction mass of isomers: 65 % 2,4- and 35 % 2,6-diisocyanate), octylamine, oleylamine and 4-ethoxyaniline (molar ratio 3.88:1:6.38:0.47:2.91) |
430-970-4 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
615-044-00-1 |
4-chlorophenylisocyanate |
203-176-9 |
104-12-1 |
Acute Tox. 2 * Acute Tox. 4 * STOT SE 3 Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Dam. 1 Resp. Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H330 H302 H335 H315 H318 H334 H400 H410 |
GHS06 GHS05 GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H330 H302 H335 H315 H318 H334 H410 |
615-045-00-7 |
4,4'-methylene bis(3-chloro-2,6-di-ethylphenylisocyanate) |
420-530-1 |
— |
Resp. Sens. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H334 H317 H413 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H334 H317 H413 |
616-107-00-6 |
cinidon ethyl (ISO); ethyl (Z)-2-chloro-3-[2-chloro-5-(cyclohex-1-ene-1,2-dicarboximido)phenyl]acrylate |
— |
142891-20-1 |
Carc. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H351 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H351 H317 H410 |
616-122-00-8 |
methyl neodecanamide |
414-460-9 |
105726-67-8 |
Acute Tox. 4 * |
H302 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 |
616-126-00-X |
1-methyl-4-nitro-3-propyl-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxamide |
423-960-6 |
139756-01-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H373** H412 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H302 H373** H412 |
616-131-00-7 |
1-aminocyclopentanecarboxamide |
422-950-9 |
17193-28-1 |
STOT RE 1 Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 |
H372** H302 H318 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H372** H302 H318 |
616-136-00-4 |
reaction product of cocoalkyldiethanolamides and cocoalkylmonoglycerides and molybdenumtrioxide (1.75-2.2: 0.75-1.0:0.1-1.1) |
430-380-7 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H411 |
GHS09 |
H411 |
616-137-00-X |
4-dichloroacetyl-1-oxa-4-azaspiro[4,5]decane |
401-130-4 |
71526-07-3 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H411 |
616-138-00-5 |
benzoic acid, N-tert-butyl-N'-(4-chlorobenzoyl)hydrazide |
431-600-4 |
112226-61-6 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H411 |
616-139-00-0 |
(3S,4aS,8aS)-N-tert-butyldecahydro-3-isoquinolinecarboxamide |
420-380-5 |
136465-81-1 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H318 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 H412 |
616-140-00-6 |
N,N''-(methylenedi-4,1-phenylene)bis[N'-(4-methylphenyl)urea] |
429-380-1 |
133336-92-2 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
616-141-00-1 |
zoxamide (ISO); (RS)-3,5-dichloro-N-(3-chloro-1-ethyl-1-methyl-2-oxopropyl)-p-toluamide |
— |
156052-68-5 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H410 |
M=10 |
616-144-00-8 |
3,4-dichloro-N-[5-chloro-4-[2-[4-dodecyloxyphenylsulfonyl]butyramido]-2-hydroxyphenyl]benzamide |
431-130-1 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
616-145-00-3 |
pethoxamide (ISO); 2-chloro-N-(2-ethoxyethyl)-N-(2-methyl-1-phenylprop-1-enyl)acetamide |
— |
106700-29-2 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H302 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H317 H410 |
M=100 |
616-146-00-9 |
N-(2-methoxy-5-octadecanoylaminophenyl)-2-(3-benzyl-2,5-dioxoimidazolidin-1-yl)-4,4-dimethyl-3-oxopentanoic acidamide |
431-330-7 |
142776-95-2 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
616-147-00-4 |
1-methyl-4-(2-methyl-2H-tetrazol-5-yl)-1H-pyrazole-5-sulfonamide |
424-160-1 |
139481-22-4 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H412 |
616-148-00-X |
N-[6,9-dihydro-9-[[2-hydroxy-1-(hydroxymethyl)ethoxy]methyl]-6-oxo-1H-purin-2-yl]acetamide |
424-550-1 |
84245-12-5 |
Carc. 1B Muta. 1B Repr. 1B |
H350 H340 H360FD |
GHS08 Dgr |
H350 H340 H360FD |
616-150-00-0 |
(2R,3S)-N-(3-amino-2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutyl)-N-isobutyl-4-nitrobenzenesulfonamide hydrochloride |
425-260-6 |
— |
STOT RE 2 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H373** H318 H317 H411 |
GHS05 GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H373** H318 H317 H411 |
616-151-00-6 |
N-(2-amino-4,6-dichloropyrimidin-5-yl)formamide |
425-650-6 |
171887-03-9 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H318 H317 H412 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H302 H318 H317 H412 |
616-152-00-1 |
4-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-(2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-oxo-3,N-diphenylbutanamide |
425-850-3 |
125971-96-2 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
616-153-00-7 |
4-methyl-3-oxo-N-phenyl-2-(phenylmethylene)pentanamide |
425-860-8 |
125971-57-5 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H411 |
616-154-00-2 |
3,4-dichloro-N-[5-chloro-4-[2-[4-(hexadecyloxy)phenylsulfonyl]butyramido]-2-hydroxyphenyl]benzamide |
431-110-0 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
616-155-00-8 |
N,N,N',N'-tetracyclohexyl-1,3-benzenedicarboxamide |
431-040-0 |
104560-40-9 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
616-156-00-3 |
6-(2-chloro-6-cyano-4-nitrophenylazo)-4-methoxy-3-[N-(methoxycarbonylmethyl)-N-(1-methoxycarbonylethyl)amino]acetanilide |
430-500-8 |
204277-61-2 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
616-157-00-9 |
3-amino-4-hydroxy-N-(3-isopropoxypropyl)benzenesulfonamide hydrochloride |
427-780-9 |
114565-70-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Dam. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic |
H302 H318 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H302 H318 H410 |
616-158-00-4 |
N-[4-cyano-3-trifluoromethylphenyl]methacrylamide |
427-880-2 |
90357-53-2 |
STOT RE 2 * Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H373** H411 |
GHS08 GHS09 Wng |
H373** H411 |
616-160-00-5 |
2,2'-azobis[N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methylpropionamide] |
429-090-3 |
61551-69-7 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H317 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H412 |
616-161-00-0 |
2,4-dichloro-5-hydroxyacetanilide |
429-110-0 |
67669-19-6 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
616-162-00-6 |
isostearic acid monoisopropanolamide |
431-540-9 |
— |
Skin Irrit. 2 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H315 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H315 H411 |
616-163-00-1 |
4,4'-methylenebis[N-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-hydroxynaphthalene-2-carboxamide] |
430-350-3 |
192463-88-0 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
616-164-00-7 |
dimoxystrobin (ISO); (E)-2-(methoxyimino)-N-methyl-2-[α-(2,5-xylyloxy)-o-tolyl]acetamide |
— |
149961-52-4 |
Carc. 2 Repr. 2 Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H351 H361d*** H332 H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H351 H361d*** H332 H410 |
M=10 |
616-165-00-2 |
beflubutamid (ISO); (RS)-N-benzyl-2-(α,α,α,4-tetrafluoro-m-tolyoxy)butyramide |
— |
113614-08-7 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
M=100 |
616-166-00-8 |
cyazofamid (ISO); 4-chloro-2-cyano-N,N-dimethyl-5-p-tolylimidazole-1-sulfonamide |
— |
120116-88-3 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
M=10 |
616-167-00-3 |
N,N-dibutyl-(2,5-dihydro-5-thioxo-1H-tetrazol-1-yl)acetamide |
418-290-6 |
168612-06-4 |
Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 |
H319 H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H319 H317 |
616-168-00-9 |
1-dimethylcarbamoyl-4-(2-sulfonatoethyl)pyridinium |
418-440-0 |
136997-71-2 |
Skin Sens. 1 |
H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 |
616-169-00-4 |
4-[4-(2,2-dimethyl-propanamido)]phenylazo-3-(2-chloro-5-(2-(3-pentadecylphenoxy)butylamido)anilino)-1-(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)-2-pyrazoline-5-one |
420-220-4 |
92771-56-7 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
616-170-00-X |
(2R)-2-amino-2-phenylacetamide |
420-370-0 |
6485-67-2 |
Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 |
H319 H317 |
GHS07 Wng |
H319 H317 |
616-171-00-5 |
2-(para-chlorophenyl)glycineamide |
420-830-0 |
102333-75-5 |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 |
H318 H317 |
GHS05 GHS07 Dgr |
H318 H317 |
616-172-00-0 |
N-(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-oxylpiperidin-4-yl)acetamide; (4-acetamido-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyl)oxidanyl |
423-840-3 |
14691-89-5 |
Acute Tox. 4 * |
H302 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 |
616-174-00-1 |
2-butyl-1,3-diazaspiro[4.4]non-1-en-4-one hydrochloride |
424-560-4 |
151257-01-1 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 |
H302 H319 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H319 |
616-175-00-7 |
2-(2-hexyldecyloxy)benzamide |
431-230-3 |
202483-62-3 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
616-176-00-2 |
3-N,N-bis(methoxyethyl)aminoacetanilide |
432-530-7 |
24294-01-7 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H302 H412 |
GHS07 Wng |
H302 H412 |
616-177-00-8 |
(3-(4-(2-(butyl-(4-methylphenylsulfonyl)amino)phenylthio)-5-oxo-1-(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-3-ylamino)-4-chlorophenyl)tetradecanamide; N-[3-({4-[(2-{butyl[(4-methylphenyl)sulfonyl]amino}phenyl)thio]-5-oxo-1-(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3-yl}amino)-4-chlorophenyl]tetradecanamide |
432-970-1 |
217324-98-6 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
616-178-00-3 |
N-(5-(bis(2-methoxyethyl)amino)-2-((2-cyano-4,6-dinitrophenyl)-azo)phenyl)acetamide |
434-500-9 |
52583-35-4 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
616-179-00-9 |
2-chloro-N-(4-methylphenyl)acetamide |
435-170-9 |
16634-82-5 |
Eye Dam. 1 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H318 H317 H400 H410 |
GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H318 H317 H410 |
616-180-00-4 |
N,N-(dimethylamino)thioacetamide hydrochloride |
435-470-1 |
27366-72-9 |
Repr. 1B Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H360D*** H400 H410 |
GHS08 GHS09 Dgr |
H360D*** H410 |
616-181-00-X |
4'-methyldodecane-1-sulfonanilide |
435-490-9 |
17417-32-2 |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
616-182-00-5 |
N'-(1,3-dimethylbutylidene)-3-hydroxy-2-naphthohydrazide |
435-860-1 |
214417-91-1 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H317 H411 |
616-183-00-0 |
N-dodecyl-4-methoxybenzamide |
442-340-6 |
1854-15-5 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
616-184-00-6 |
3-methyl-N-(5,8,13,14-tetrahydro-5,8,14-trioxonaphth[2,3-c]acridin-6-yl)benzamide |
442-560-2 |
105043-55-8 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
616-186-00-7 |
N,N'-(2-chloro-1,4-phenylene)bis(3-oxobutaneamide) |
443-010-4 |
53641-10-4 |
Aquatic Chronic 3 |
H412 |
— |
H412 |
616-188-00-8 |
2-(5,5-dimethyl-2,4-dioxooxazolidin-3-yl)-4,4-dimethyl-3-oxo-N-(2-methoxy-5-octadecanoylaminophenyl)pentanoic acid amide |
443-980-9 |
221215-20-9 |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
616-189-00-3 |
N-[5-(bis-(2-methoxy-ethyl)-amino]-2-(6-bromo-2-methyl-1,3-dioxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-isoindol-5-ylazo)-phenyl]acetamide |
444-780-4 |
452962-97-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
616-190-00-9 |
N-decyl-4-nitrobenzamide |
445-880-0 |
64026-19-3 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
616-191-00-4 |
2-ethyl-N-methyl-N-(3-methylphenyl)butanamide |
446-190-2 |
406488-30-0 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Eye Irrit. 2 Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H302 H319 H315 H317 H411 |
GHS07 GHS09 Wng |
H302 H319 H315 H317 H411 |
616-192-00-X |
2-[2-(3-butoxypropyl)-1,1-dioxo-1,2,4-benzothiadiazin-3-yl]-5'-tert-butyl-2-(5,5-dimethyl-2,4-dioxo-1,3-oxazolidin-3-yl)-2'-[(2-ethylhexyl)thio]acetanilide |
448-060-0 |
727678-39-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
616-193-00-5 |
N-[2-(2-butyl-4,6-dicyano-1,3-dioxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-isoindol-5-ylazo)-5-diethylamino-phenyl]acetamide |
449-940-7 |
368450-39-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
616-194-00-0 |
2,2-diethoxy-N,N-dimethylacetamide |
449-950-1 |
34640-92-1 |
Eye Irrit. 2 |
H319 |
GHS07 Wng |
H319 |
616-196-00-1 |
disodium salt of 1-hydroxy-4-(β-(4-(1-hydroxy-3,6-disulfo-8-acetylamino-2-naphthylazo)phenoxy)ethoxy)-N-dodecyl-2-naphthamide |
419-990-4 |
— |
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Chronic 1 |
H400 H410 |
GHS09 Wng |
H410 |
616-197-00-7 |
reaction mass of: potassium N-[3-(dimethyloxidoamino)propyl]-1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-heptadecafluorooctane sulfonamidate; N-[3-(dimethyloxidoamino)propyl]-1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-heptadecafluorooctane sulfonamide |
422-500-1 |
— |
STOT RE 2 * |
H373** |
GHS08 Wng |
H373** |
616-198-00-2 |
1,3-bis[12-hydroxy-octadecamide-N-methylene]-benzene |
423-300-7 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
616-200-00-1 |
reaction mass of: N,N'-ethane-1,2-diylbis(hexanamide); 12-hydroxy-N-[2-[(1-oxyhexyl)amino]ethyl]octadecanamide; N,N'-ethane-1,2-diylbis(12-hydroxyoctadecanamide) |
432-430-3 |
— |
Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H317 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H317 H413 |
616-201-00-7 |
12-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid, reaction products with 1,3-benzenedimethanamine and hexamethylenediamine |
432-840-2 |
220926-97-6 |
Acute Tox. 4 * Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H332 H413 |
GHS07 Wng |
H332 H413 |
616-202-00-2 |
reaction mass of: 2,2'-[(3,3'-dichloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis(azo)]bis[N-(2,4-dimethylphenyl)]-3-oxo-butanamide; 2-[[3,3'-dichloro-4'-[[1[[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)amino]carbonyl]-2-oxopropyl]azo][1,1'-biphenyl]-4-yl]azo]-N-(2-methylphenyl)-3-oxo-butanamide; 2-[[3,3'-dichloro-4'-[[1[[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)amino]carbonyl]-2-oxopropyl]azo][1,1'-biphenyl]-4-yl]azo]-N-(2-carboxylphenyl)-3-oxo-butanamide |
434-330-5 |
— |
Carc. 2 Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H351 H317 H413 |
GHS08 GHS07 Wng |
H351 H317 H413 |
616-203-00-8 |
reaction mass of: N-[5-[bis-(2-methoxyethyl)amino]-2-(2-butyl-4,6-dicyano-1,3-dioxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-isoindol-5-yl-azo)phenyl]acetamide; N-[2-(2-butyl-4,6-dicyano-1,3-dioxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-isoindol-5-ylazo)5-diethylaminophenyl]acetamide |
442-280-0 |
— |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
616-204-00-3 |
N,N''-(methylenedi-4,1-phenylene)bis[N'-octylurea] |
451-060-3 |
122886-55-9 |
Aquatic Chronic 4 |
H413 |
— |
H413 |
617-021-00-1 |
methylethylketone peroxide trimer |
429-320-2 |
— |
Org. Perox. B**** Asp. Tox. 1 Skin Irrit. 2 Skin Sens. 1 |
H241 H304 H315 H317 |
GHS01 GHS02 GHS08 GHS07 Dgr |
H241 H304 H315 H317 |
617-022-00-7 |
reaction mass of: 1,2-dimethylpropylidene dihydroperoxide; dimethyl 1,2-benzenedicarboxylate |
442-480-8 |
— |
Org. Perox. C Acute Tox. 4 * Skin Corr. 1B Skin Sens. 1 Aquatic Chronic 2 |
H242 H302 H314 H317 H411 |
GHS02 GHS05 GHS07 GHS09 Dgr |
H242 H302 H314 H317 H411 |
647-017-00-5 |
laccase |
420-150-4 |
80498-15-3 |
Resp. Sens. 1 |
H334 |
GHS08 Dgr |
H334 |
De vermeldingen in tabel 3.1 en tabel 3.2 met de volgende catalogusnummers worden gewist:
006-089-00-2, 006-089-01-X, 024-004-01-4, 603-037-01-3, 603-155-00-8, 606-080-00-9, 607-443-00-4, 607-472-00-2, 611-084-00-9, en 650-033-00-5.
Catalogus-nummer |
Internationale chemische identificatie |
EC-nr. |
CAS-nr. |
Indeling |
Etikettering |
Concentratiegrenzen |
Opmerkingen |
001-002-00-4 |
aluminium lithium hydride |
240-877-9 |
16853-85-3 |
F; R15 C; R35 |
F; C R: 15-35 S: (1/2-)7/8-26-36/37/39-43-45 |
005-006-00-7 |
dibutyltin hydrogen borate |
401-040-5 |
75113-37-0 |
Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R60-61 T; R48/25 Xn; R21/22 Xi; R41 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 60-61-21/22-41-43-48/25-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E |
006-007-00-5 |
salts of hydrogen cyanide with the exception of complex cyanides such as ferrocyanides, ferricyanides and mercuric oxycyanide and those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
T+; R26/27/28 R32 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 26/27/28-32-50/53 S: (1/2-)7-28-29-45-60-61 |
A |
006-011-00-7 |
carbaryl (ISO); 1-naphthyl methylcarbamate |
200-555-0 |
63-25-2 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Xn; R20/22 N; R50 |
Xn; N R: 20/22-40-50 S: (2-)36/37-46-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 0,25 % |
006-015-00-9 |
diuron (ISO); 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea |
206-354-4 |
330-54-1 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Xn; R22-48/22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-40-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)13-36/37-46-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
006-045-00-2 |
methomyl (ISO); 1-(methylthio)ethylideneamino N-methylcarbamate |
240-815-0 |
16752-77-5 |
T+; R28 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 28-50/53 S: (1/2-)28-36/37-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
006-076-00-1 |
mancozeb (ISO); manganese ethylenebis(dithiocarbamate) (polymeric) complex with zinc salt |
— |
8018-01-7 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R63 R43 N; R50 |
Xn; N R: 43-63-50 S: (2-)36/37-46-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 2,5 % |
006-077-00-7 |
maneb (ISO); manganese ethylenebis(dithiocarbamate) (polymeric) |
235-654-8 |
12427-38-2 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R63 Xn; R20 Xi; R36 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 20-36-43-63-50/53 S: (2-)36/37-46-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
006-084-00-5 |
carbosulfan (ISO); 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7-benzofuryl [(dibutylamino)thio]methylcarbamate |
259-565-9 |
55285-14-8 |
T+; R26 T; R25 R43 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 25-26-43-50/53 S: (1/2-)28-36/37-38-45-63-60-61 |
006-087-00-1 |
furathiocarb (ISO); 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7-benzofuryl 2,4-dimethyl-6-oxa-5-oxo-3-thia-2,4-diazadecanoate |
265-974-3 |
65907-30-4 |
T+; R26 T; R25 Xn; R48/22 Xi; R36/38 R43 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 25-26-36/38-43-48/22-50/53 S: (1/2-)28-36/37-38-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
006-088-00-7 |
benfuracarb (ISO); ethyl N-[2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethylbenzofuran-7-yloxycarbonyl(methyl)aminothio]-N-isopropyl- β-alaninate |
— |
82560-54-1 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R62 T; R23 Xn; R22 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 22-23-62-50/53 S: (1/2-)36/37-45-60-61 |
007-002-00-0 |
nitrogen dioxide; [1] dinitrogen tetraoxide [2] |
233-272-6 [1] 234-126-4 [2] |
10102-44-0 [1] 10544-72-6 [2] |
O; R8 T+; R26 C; R34 |
O; T+ R: 8-26-34 S: (1/2-)9-26-28-36/37/39-45 |
T+; R26: C ≥ 10 % T; R23: 1 % ≤ C < 10 % Xn; R20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % |
5 |
007-007-00-8 |
ethyl nitrate |
210-903-3 |
625-58-1 |
E; R3 |
E R: 3 S: (2-)23-24/25 |
009-001-00-0 |
fluorine |
231-954-8 |
7782-41-4 |
O; R8 T+; R26 C; R35 |
O; T+; C R: 8-26-35 S: (1/2-)9-26-28-36/37/39-45 |
013-002-00-1 |
aluminium powder (stabilised) |
231-072-3 |
7429-90-5 |
F; R11-15 |
F R: 11-15 S: (2-)7/8-43 |
T |
015-003-00-2 |
calcium phosphide; tricalcium diphosphide |
215-142-0 |
1305-99-3 |
F; R15 T+; R28 R29 N; R50 |
F; T+; N R: 15/29-28-50 S: (1/2-)22-28-36/37-43-45-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 0,25 % |
015-004-00-8 |
aluminium phosphide |
244-088-0 |
20859-73-8 |
F; R15 T+; R28 R29 R32 N; R50 |
F; T+; N R: 15/29-28-32-50 S: (1/2-)3/9/14-28-30-36/37-43-45-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 0,25 % |
015-005-00-3 |
magnesium phosphide; trimagnesium diphosphide |
235-023-7 |
12057-74-8 |
F; R15 T+; R28 R29 N; R50 |
F; T+; N R: 15/29-28-50 S: (1/2-)22-28-43-45-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 0,25 % |
015-006-00-9 |
trizinc diphosphide; zinc phosphide |
215-244-5 |
1314-84-7 |
F; R15 T+; R28 R29 R32 N; R50-53 |
F; T+; N R: 15/29-28-32-50/53 S: (1/2-)28-30-36/37-43-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
T |
015-019-00-X |
dichlorvos (ISO); 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate |
200-547-7 |
62-73-7 |
T+; R26 T; R24/25 R43 N; R50 |
T+; N R: 24/25-26-43-50 S: (1/2-)28-36/37-45-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 0,025 % |
015-041-00-X |
malathion (ISO); 1,2-bis(ethoxycarbonyl)ethyl O,O-dimethyl phosphorodithioate; [containing ≤ 0,03 % isomalathion] |
204-497-7 |
121-75-5 |
Xn; R22 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-46-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,025 % N; R51-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % R52-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % |
015-048-00-8 |
fenthion (ISO); O,O-dimethyl-O-(4-methylthion-m-tolyl) phosphorothioate |
200-231-9 |
55-38-9 |
Muta. Cat. 3; R68 T; R23-48/25 Xn; R21/22 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 21/22-23-48/25-68-50/53 S: (1/2-)36/37-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
015-056-00-1 |
azinphos-ethyl (ISO); O,O-diethyl 4-oxobenzotriazin-3-ylmethyl phosphorodithioate |
220-147-6 |
2642-71-9 |
T+; R28 T; R24 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 24-28-50/53 S: (1/2-)28-36/37-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
015-067-00-1 |
phosalone (ISO); S-(6-chloro-2-oxobenzoxazolin-3-ylmethyl) O,O-diethyl phosphorodithioate |
218-996-2 |
2310-17-0 |
T; R25 Xn; R20/21 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 20/21-25-43-50/53 S: (1/2-)36/37-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,025 % N; R51-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % R52-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % |
015-100-00-X |
phoxim (ISO); α-(diethoxyphosphinothioylimino) phenylacetonitrile |
238-887-3 |
14816-18-3 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R62 Xn; R22 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-62-50/53 S: (2-)36/37-46-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,025 % N; R51-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % R52-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % |
015-102-00-0 |
tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate |
204-118-5 |
115-96-8 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Repr. Cat. 2; R60 Xn; R22 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 60-22-40-51/53 S: 53-45-61 |
E |
015-114-00-6 |
chlormephos (ISO); S-chloromethyl O,O-diethyl phosphorodithioate |
246-538-1 |
24934-91-6 |
T+; R27/28 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 27/28-50/53 S: (1/2-)27-28-36/37-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
015-115-00-1 |
chlorthiophos (ISO); [isomeric reaction mass in which O-2,5-dichlorophenyl-4-methylthiophenyl O,O-diethyl phosphorothioate predominates] |
244-663-6 |
21923-23-9 |
T+; R28 T; R24 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 24-28-50/53 S: (1/2-)28-36/37-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,025 % N; R51-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % R52-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % |
015-140-00-8 |
triazophos (ISO); O,O-diethyl-O-1-phenyl-1H-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl phosphorothioate |
245-986-5 |
24017-47-8 |
T; R23/25 Xn; R21 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 21-23/25-50/53 S: (1/2-)36/37-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
015-155-00-X |
glufosinate ammonium (ISO); ammonium 2-amino-4-(hydroxymethylphosphinyl)butyrate |
278-636-5 |
77182-82-2 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R60 Repr. Cat. 3; R63 Xn; R20/21/22-48/20/22 |
T R: 60-20/21/22-48/20/22-63 S: 53-45 |
E |
016-009-00-8 |
disodium sulfide; sodium sulfide |
215-211-5 |
1313-82-2 |
T; R24 Xn; R22 C; R34 R31 N; R50 |
T; C; N R: 22-24-31-34-50 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-61 |
016-084-00-7 |
prosulfuron (ISO); 1-(4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-3-[2-(3,3,3-trifluoropropyl)phenylsulfonyl]urea |
— |
94125-34-5 |
Xn; R22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-50/53 S: (2-)60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
017-001-00-7 |
chlorine |
231-959-5 |
7782-50-5 |
T; R23 Xi; R36/37/38 N; R50 |
T; N R: 23-36/37/38-50 S: (1/2-)9-45-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 0,25 % |
017-009-00-0 |
ammonium perchlorate; [containing ≥ 80 % of 0-30 µm particles] |
232-235-1 |
7790-98-9 |
E; R3 O; R9 |
E R: 3-9 S: (2-)14-16-36/37 |
T |
017-012-00-7 |
calcium hypochlorite |
231-908-7 |
7778-54-3 |
O; R8 C; R34 Xn; R22 R31 N; R50 |
O; C; N R: 8-22-31-34-50 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-61 |
C; R34: C ≥ 10 % Xi; R37/38-41: 3 % ≤ C < 10 % Xi; R36: 0,5 % ≤ C < 3 % N; R50: C ≥ 2,5 % |
017-026-00-3 |
chlorine dioxide |
233-162-8 |
10049-04-4 |
O; R8 R6 T+; R26 C; R34 N; R50 |
O; T+; N R: 6-8-26-34-50 S: (1/2-)23-26-28-36/37/39-38-45-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 2,5 % |
5 |
017-026-01-0 |
chlorine dioxide … % |
233-162-8 |
10049-04-4 |
T; R25 C; R34 N; R50 |
T; N R: 25-34-50 S: (1/2-)23-26-28-36/37/39-45-61 |
C; R34: C ≥ 10 % Xi; R37/38: 3 % ≤ C < 10 % Xi; R36: 0,3 % ≤ C < 10 % N; R50: C ≥ 2,5 % |
B |
024-004-00-7 |
sodium dichromate |
234-190-3 |
10588-01-9 |
O; R8 Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Repr. Cat. 2; R60-61 T+; R26 T; R25-48/23 Xn; R21 C; R34 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
O; T+; N R: 45-46-60-61-8-21-25-26-34-42/43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
C; R34: C ≥ 25 % Xi; R36/37/38: 5 % ≤ C < 10 % R42/43: C ≥ 0,2 % |
E |
027-002-00-4 |
cobalt oxide |
215-154-6 |
1307-96-6 |
Xn; R22 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
027-003-00-X |
cobalt sulfide |
215-273-3 |
1317-42-6 |
R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
027-004-00-5 |
cobalt dichloride |
231-589-4 |
7646-79-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R60 Xn; R22 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-60-22-42/43-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R49: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
E 1 |
027-005-00-0 |
cobalt sulfate |
233-334-2 |
10124-43-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R60 Xn; R22 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-60-22-42/43-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R49: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
E 1 |
028-002-00-7 |
nickel |
231-111-4 |
7440-02-0 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 T; R48/23 R43 |
T R: 40-43-48/23 S: (2-)36/37/39-45 |
S 7 |
028-003-00-2 |
nickel monoxide; [1] nickel oxide; [2] bunsenite [3] |
215-215-7 [1] 234-323-5 [2]
1313-99-1 [1] 11099-02-8 [2] 34492-97-2 [3] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 R53 |
T R: 49-43-48/23-53 S: 53-45-61 |
E |
028-004-00-8 |
nickel dioxide |
234-823-3 |
12035-36-8 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 R53 |
T R: 49-43-48/23-53 S: 53-45-61 |
E |
028-005-00-3 |
dinickel trioxide |
215-217-8 |
1314-06-3 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 R53 |
T R: 49-43-48/23-53 S: 53-45-61 |
E |
028-006-00-9 |
nickel (II) sulfide; [1] nickel sulfide; [2] millerite [3] |
240-841-2 [1] 234-349-7 [2]
16812-54-7 [1] 11113-75-0 [2] 1314-04-1 [3] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 T; R48/23 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E |
028-007-00-4 |
trinickel disulfide; nickel subsulfide; [1] heazlewoodite [2] |
234-829-6 [1]
12035-72-2 [1] 12035-71-1 [2] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 T; R48/23 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E |
028-008-00-X |
nickel dihydroxide; [1] nickel hydroxide [2] |
235-008-5 [1] 234-348-1 [2] |
12054-48-7 [1] 11113-74-9 [2] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 T; R48/23 Xn; R20/22 Xi; R38 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-20/22-38-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E |
028-009-00-5 |
nickel sulfate |
232-104-9 |
7786-81-4 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 Xn; R20/22 Xi; R38 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-20/22-38-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T; R48/23: C ≥ 1 % Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Xi; R38: C ≥ 20 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E |
028-010-00-0 |
nickel carbonate; basic nickel carbonate; carbonic acid, nickel (2+) salt; [1] carbonic acid, nickel salt; [2] [µ-[carbonato(2-)-O:O'']] dihydroxy trinickel; [3] [carbonato(2-)] tetrahydroxytrinickel [4] |
222-068-2 [1] 240-408-8 [2] 265-748-4 [3] 235-715-9 [4] |
3333-67-3 [1] 16337-84-1 [2] 65405-96-1 [3] 12607-70-4 [4] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 Xn; R20/22 Xi; R38 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-20/22-38-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E |
029-013-00-X |
trisodium(2-(α-(3-(4-chloro-6-(2-(2-(vinylsulfonyl)ethoxy)ethylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-2-oxido-5-sulfonatophenylazo)benzylidenehydrazino)-4-sulfonatobenzoato)copper(II) |
407-580-8 |
130201-51-3 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
033-005-00-1 |
arsenic acid and its salts with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
Carc. Cat. 1; R45 T; R23/25 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 45-23/25-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
AE |
034-002-00-8 |
selenium compounds with the exception of cadmium sulphoselenide and those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
T; R23/25 R33 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 23/25-33-50/53 S: (1/2-)20/21-28-45-60-61 |
A |
042-001-00-9 |
molybdenum trioxide |
215-204-7 |
1313-27-5 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Xi; R36/37 |
Xn R: 36/37-40 S: (2-)22-36/37 |
042-002-00-4 |
tetrakis(dimethylditetradecylammonium) hexa-μ-oxotetra-μ3-oxodi-μ5-oxotetradecaoxooctamolybdate(4-) |
404-760-8 |
117342-25-3 |
T; R23 Xi; R41 |
T R: 23-41 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45 |
047-001-00-2 |
silver nitrate |
231-853-9 |
7761-88-8 |
O; R8 C; R34 N; R50-53 |
O; C; N R: 8-34-50/53 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
050-002-00-0 |
cyhexatin (ISO); hydroxytricyclohexylstannane; tri(cyclohexyl)tin hydroxide |
236-049-1 |
13121-70-5 |
Xn; R20/21/22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 20/21/22-50/53 S: (2-)13-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,025 % N; R51-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % R52-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % |
050-003-00-6 |
fentin acetate (ISO); triphenyltin acetate |
212-984-0 |
900-95-8 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Repr. Cat. 3; R63 T+; R26 T; R24/25-48/23 Xi; R37/38-41 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 24/25-26-37/38-40-41-48/23-63-50/53 S: (1/2-)26-28-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
Xi; R37: C ≥ 20 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
050-004-00-1 |
fentin hydroxide (ISO); triphenyltin hydroxide |
200-990-6 |
76-87-9 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Repr. Cat. 3; R63 T+; R26 T; R24/25-48/23 Xi; R37/38-41 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 24/25-26-37/38-40-41-48/23-63-50/53 S: (1/2-)26-28-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
Xi; R37: C ≥ 20 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
050-008-00-3 |
tributyltin compounds, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
T; R25-48/23/25 Xn; R21 Xi; R36/38 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 21-25-36/38-48/23/25-50/53 S: (1/2-)36/37/39-45-60-61 |
T; R25: C ≥ 2,5 % Xn; R22: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % Xn: R21: C ≥ 1 % T; R48/23/25: C ≥ 1 % Xn; R48/20/22: 0,25 % ≤ C < 1 % Xi; R36/38: C ≥ 1 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
A 1 |
050-011-00-X |
triphenyltin compounds, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
T; R23/24/25 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 23/24/25-50/53 S: (1/2-)26-27-28-45-60-61 |
T; R23/24/25: C ≥ 1 % Xn; R20/21/22: 0,25 % ≤ C < 1 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
A 1 |
050-018-00-8 |
tin(II) methanesulphonate |
401-640-7 |
53408-94-9 |
C; R34 Xn; R22 R43 N; R51-53 |
C; N R: 22-34-43-51/53 S: (1/2-)22-26-36/37/39-45-61 |
053-003-00-4 |
iodoxybenzene |
— |
696-33-3 |
E; R2 |
E R: 2 S: (2-)35 |
053-004-00-X |
calcium iodoxybenzoate |
— |
— |
E; R2 |
E R: 2 S: (2-)35 |
C |
080-001-00-0 |
mercury |
231-106-7 |
7439-97-6 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T+; R26 T; R48/23 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 61-26-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E |
080-006-00-8 |
dimercury dicyanide oxide; mercuric oxycyanide |
215-629-8 |
1335-31-5 |
E; R2 T; R23/24/25 R33 N; R50-53 |
E; T; N R: 2-23/24/25-33-50/53 S: (1/2-)28-36/37-45-60-61 |
080-010-00-X |
mercury dichloride; mercuric chloride |
231-299-8 |
7487-94-7 |
Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 T+; R28 T; R48/24/25 C; R34 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 28-34-48/24/25-62-68-50/53 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
082-004-00-2 |
lead chromate |
231-846-0 |
7758-97-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Repr. Cat. 1; R61 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 R33 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 45-61-33-62-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
1 |
082-009-00-X |
lead sulfochromate yellow; C.I. Pigment Yellow 34; [This substance is identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, C.I. 77603.] |
215-693-7 |
1344-37-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Repr. Cat. 1; R61 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 R33 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 45-61-33-62-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
1 |
082-010-00-5 |
lead chromate molybdate sulfate red; C.I. Pigment Red 104; [This substance is identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, C.I. 77605.] |
235-759-9 |
12656-85-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Repr. Cat. 1; R61 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 R33 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 45-61-33-62-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
1 |
092-002-00-3 |
uranium compounds with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
T+; R26/28 R33 N; R51-53 |
T+; N R: 26/28-33-51/53 S: (1/2-)20/21-45-61 |
A |
601-007-00-7 |
hexane (containing < 5 % n-hexane (203-777-6)); 2-methylpentane; [1] 3-methylpentane; [2] 2,2-dimethylbutane; [3] 2,3-dimethylbutane [4] |
203-523-4 [1] 202-481-4 [2] 200-906-8 [3] 201-193-6 [4] |
107-83-5 [1] 96-14-0 [2] 75-83-2 [3] 79-29-8 [4] |
F; R11 Xn; R65 Xi; R38 R67 N; R51-53 |
F; Xn; N R: 11-38-65-67-51/53 S: (2-)9-16-29-33-61-62 |
C |
601-008-00-2 |
heptane; n-heptane; [1] 2,4-dimethylpentane; [2] 2,2,3-trimethylbutane; [3] 3,3-dimethylpentane; [4] 2,3-dimethylpentane; [5] 3-methylhexane; [6] 2,2-dimethylpentane; [7] 2-methylhexane; [8] 3-ethylpentane; [9] isoheptane; [10] |
205-563-8 [1] 203-548-0 [2] 207-346-3 [3] 209-230-8 [4] 209-280-0 [5] 209-643-3 [6] 209-680-5 [7] 209-730-6 [8] 210-529-0 [9] 250-610-8 [10] |
142-82-5 [1] 108-08-7 [2] 464-06-2 [3] 562-49-2 [4] 565-59-3 [5] 589-34-4 [6] 590-35-2 [7] 591-76-4 [8] 617-78-7 [9] 31394-54-4 [10] |
F; R11 Xn; R65 Xi; R38 R67 N; R50-53 |
F; Xn; N R: 11-38-65-67-50/53 S: (2-)9-16-29-33-60-61-62 |
C |
601-009-00-8 |
octane; n-octane; [1] 2,2,4-trimethylpentane; [2] 2,3,3-trimethylpentane; [3] 3,3-dimethylhexane; [4] 2,2,3-trimethylpentane; [5] 2,3,4-trimethylpentane; [6] 3,4-dimethylhexane; [7] 2,3-dimethylhexane; [8] 2,4-dimethylhexane; [9] 4-methylheptane; [10] 3-methylheptane; [11] 2,2-dimethylhexane; [12] 2,5-dimethylhexane; [13] 2-methylheptane; [14] 2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutane; [15] 3-ethyl-2-methylpentane; [16] 3-ethylhexane; [17] 3-ethyl-3-methylpentane; [18] isooctane; [19] |
203-892-1 [1] 208-759-1 [2] 209-207-2 [3] 209-243-9 [4] 209-266-4 [5] 209-292-6 [6] 209-504-7 [7] 209-547-1 [8] 209-649-6 [9] 209-650-1 [10] 209-660-6 [11] 209-689-4 [12] 209-745-8 [13] 209-747-9 [14] 209-855-6 [15] 210-187-2 [16] 210-621-0 [17] 213-923-0 [18] 247-861-0 [19] |
111-65-9 [1] 540-84-1 [2] 560-21-4 [3] 563-16-6 [4] 564-02-3 [5] 565-75-3 [6] 583-48-2 [7] 584-94-1 [8] 589-43-5 [9] 589-53-7 [10] 589-81-1 [11] 590-73-8 [12] 592-13-2 [13] 592-27-8 [14] 594-82-1 [15] 609-26-7 [16] 619-99-8 [17] 1067-08-9 [18] 26635-64-3 [19] |
F; R11 Xn; R65 Xi; R38 R67 N; R50-53 |
F; Xn; N R: 11-38-65-67-50/53 S: (2-)9-16-29-33-60-61-62 |
C |
601-033-00-9 |
benz[a]anthracene |
200-280-6 |
56-55-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 45-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
601-041-00-2 |
dibenz[a,h]anthracene |
200-181-8 |
53-70-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 45-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
601-065-00-3 |
reaction mass of: (1'α,3'α,6'α)-2,2,3',7',7'-pentamethylspiro(1,3-dioxane-5,2'-norcarane); (1'α,3'β,6'α)-2,2,3',7',7'-pentamethylspiro(1,3-dioxane-5,2'-norcarane) |
416-930-9 |
— |
Xi; R38 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-51/53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
602-007-00-X |
bromoform; tribromomethane |
200-854-6 |
75-25-2 |
T; R23 Xn; R22 Xi; R36/38 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 22-23-36/38-51/53 S: (1/2-)28-45-63-61 |
602-030-00-5 |
1,3-dichloropropene; [1] (Z)-1,3-dichloropropene [2] |
208-826-5 [1] 233-195-8 [2] |
542-75-6 [1] 10061-01-5 [2] |
R10 T; R24/25 Xn; R20-65 Xi; R36/37/38 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 10-20-24/25-36/37/38-43-65-50/53 S: (1/2-)36/37-45-60-61 |
C D |
602-050-00-4 |
isodrin; (1α,4α,4aβ,5β,8β,8aβ)-1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro-1,4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydro-1,4:5,8-dimethanonaphthalene |
207-366-2 |
465-73-6 |
T+; R26/27/28 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 26/27/28-50/53 S: (1/2-)13-28-36/37-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
602-052-00-5 |
endosulfan (ISO); 1,2,3,4,7,7-hexachloro-8,9,10-trinorborn-2-en-5,6-ylenedimethylene sulfite; 1,4,5,6,7,7-hexachloro-8,9,10-trinorborn-5-en-2,3-ylenedimethylene sulfite |
204-079-4 |
115-29-7 |
T+; R26/28 Xn; R21 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 21-26/28-50/53 S: (1/2-)28-36/37-45-60-61-63 |
602-054-00-6 |
3-iodpropene; allyl iodide |
209-130-4 |
556-56-9 |
F; R11 C; R34 |
F; C R: 11-34 S: (1/2-)7-16-26-45 |
602-076-00-6 |
2,3,4-trichlorobut-1-ene |
219-397-9 |
2431-50-7 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 T; R23 Xn; R22 Xi; R36/37/38 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 22-23-36/37/38-40-50/53 S: (1/2-)36/37-45-60-61 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40: C ≥ 0,1 % |
602-080-00-8 |
alkanes, C10-13, chloro; chlorinated paraffins, C10-13 |
287-476-5 |
85535-84-8 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 R66 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 40-66-50/53 S: (2-)24-36/37-46-60-61 |
603-005-00-1 |
2-methylpropan-2-ol; tert-butyl alcohol |
200-889-7 |
75-65-0 |
F; R11 Xn; R20 Xi; R36/37 |
F; Xn R: 11-20-36/37 S: (2-)9-16-46 |
603-018-00-2 |
furfuryl alcohol |
202-626-1 |
98-00-0 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 T; R23 Xn; R21/22-48/20 Xi; R36/37 |
T R: 21/22-23-36/37-40-48/20 S: (1/2-)36/37-45-63 |
603-023-00-X |
ethylene oxide; oxirane |
200-849-9 |
75-21-8 |
F+; R12 R6 Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 T; R23 Xi; R36/37/38 |
F+; T R: 45-46-6-12-23-36/37/38 S: 53-45 |
E |
603-029-00-2 |
bis(2-chloroethyl) ether |
203-870-1 |
111-44-4 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 T+; R26/27/28 |
T+ R: 26/27/28-40 S: (1/2-)7/9-27-28-36/37-45 |
603-032-00-9 |
ethylene dinitrate; ethylene glycol dinitrate |
211-063-0 |
628-96-6 |
E; R3 T+; R26/27/28 R33 |
E; T+ R: 3-26/27/28-33 S: (1/2-)27/28-33-35-36/37-45 |
603-037-00-6 |
cellulose nitrate; nitrocellulose |
— |
— |
E; R3 |
E R: 3 S: (2-)35 |
T |
603-046-00-5 |
bis(chloromethyl) ether; oxybis(chloromethane) |
208-832-8 |
542-88-1 |
F; R11 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 T+; R26 T; R24 Xn; R22 |
F; T+ R: 45-11-22-24-26 S: 53-45 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R45: C ≥ 0,001 % |
E |
603-064-00-3 |
1-methoxy-2-propanol; monopropylene glycol methyl ether |
203-539-1 |
107-98-2 |
R10 R67 |
R: 10-67 S: (2-) |
603-066-00-4 |
1,2-epoxy-4-epoxyethylcyclohexane; 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxide |
203-437-7 |
106-87-6 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 T; R23/24/25 |
T R: 23/24/25-40 S: (1/2-)36/37-45-63 |
T; R23/24/25: C ≥ 1 % Xn; R20/21/22: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % |
603-085-00-8 |
bronopol (INN); 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol |
200-143-0 |
52-51-7 |
Xn; R21/22 Xi; R37/38-41 N; R50 |
Xn; N R: 21/22-37/38-41-50 S: (2-)26-36/37/39-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 2,5 % |
603-127-00-5 |
butan-2-ol; [1] (S)-butan-2-ol; [2] (R)-butan-2-ol; [3] (±)-butan-2-ol [4] |
201-158-5 [1] 224-168-1 [2] 238-967-8 [3] 240-029-8 [4] |
78-92-2 [1] 4221-99-2 [2] 14898-79-4 [3] 15892-23-6 [4] |
R10 Xi; R36/37 R67 |
Xi R: 10-36/37-67 S: (2-)7/9-13-24/25-26-46 |
C |
604-005-00-4 |
1,4-dihydroxybenzene; hydroquinone; quinol |
204-617-8 |
123-31-9 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R43 N; R50 |
Xn; N R: 22-40-41-43-68-50 S: (2-)26-36/37/39-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 2,5 % |
604-030-00-0 |
bisphenol A; 4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol |
201-245-8 |
80-05-7 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R62 Xi; R37-41 R43 R52 |
Xn R: 37-41-43-62-52 S: (2-)26-36/37-39-46-61 |
604-055-00-7 |
2,2'-((3,3',5,5'-tetramethyl-(1,1'-biphenyl)-4,4'-diyl)-bis(oxymethylene))-bis-oxirane |
413-900-7 |
85954-11-6 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 R43 |
Xn R: 40-43 S: (2-)22-36/37 |
605-004-00-1 |
2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3,5-trioxane; paraldehyde |
204-639-8 |
123-63-7 |
R10 |
R: 10 S: (2-)29 |
605-005-00-7 |
2,4,6,8-tetramethyl-1,3,5,7-tetraoxacyclooctane; metaldehyde |
203-600-2 |
108-62-3 |
F; R11 Xn; R22 |
F; Xn R: 11-22 S: (2-)13-16-25-46 |
605-010-00-4 |
2-furaldehyde |
202-627-7 |
98-01-1 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 T; R23/25 Xn; R21 Xi; R36/37/38 |
T R: 21-23/25-36/37/38-40 S: (1/2-)26-36/37-45 |
606-013-00-3 |
p-benzoquinone; quinone |
203-405-2 |
106-51-4 |
T; R23/25 Xi; R36/37/38 N; R50 |
T; N R: 23/25-36/37/38-50 S: (1/2-)26-28-45-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 2,5 % |
606-021-00-7 |
N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone; 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone |
212-828-1 |
872-50-4 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61 Xi; R36/37/38 |
T R: 61-36/37/38 S: 53-45 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61: C ≥ 5 % Xi; R36/37/38: C ≥ 10 % |
606-034-00-8 |
metribuzin (ISO); 4-amino-6-tert-butyl-3-methylthio-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one; 4-amino-4,5-dihydro-6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-methylthio-1,2,4-triazin-5-one |
244-209-7 |
21087-64-9 |
Xn; R22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-50/53 S: (2-)60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
607-003-00-1 |
chloroacetic acid |
201-178-4 |
79-11-8 |
T; R23/24/25 C; R34 N; R50 |
T; N R: 23/24/25-34-50 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-61-63 |
C; R34: C ≥ 10 % Xn; 36/37/38: 5 % ≤ C < 10 % |
607-007-00-3 |
salts of oxalic acid with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
Xn; R21/22 |
Xn R: 21/22 S: (2-)24/25 |
Xn; R21/22: C ≥ 5 % |
A |
607-012-00-0 |
benzoyl chloride |
202-710-8 |
98-88-4 |
Xn; R20/21/22 C; R34 R43 |
C R: 20/21/22-34-43 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45 |
607-037-00-7 |
2-ethoxyethyl acetate; ethylglycol acetate |
203-839-2 |
111-15-9 |
R10 Repr. Cat. 2; R60-61 Xn; R20/21/22 |
T R: 60-61-10-20/21/22 S: 53-45 |
E |
607-051-00-3 |
MCPA (ISO); 4-chloro-o-tolyloxyacetic acid |
202-360-6 |
94-74-6 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R38-41 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-38-41-50/53 S: (2-)26-37-39-60-61 |
607-052-00-9 |
salts and esters of MCPA |
— |
— |
Xn; R20/21/22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 20/21/22-50/53 S: (2-)13-60-61 |
A |
607-065-00-X |
bromoacetic acid |
201-175-8 |
79-08-3 |
T; R23/24/25 C; R35 R43 N; R50 |
T; C; N R: 23/24/25-35-43-50 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-61 |
607-085-00-9 |
benzyl benzoate |
204-402-9 |
120-51-4 |
Xn; R22 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-51/53 S: (2-)25-46-61 |
607-095-00-3 |
maleic acid |
203-742-5 |
110-16-7 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R36/37/38 R43 |
Xn R: 22-36/37/38-43 S: (2-)24-26-28-37-46 |
R43: C ≥ 0,1 % |
607-103-00-5 |
succinic anhydride |
203-570-0 |
108-30-5 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R36/37 |
Xn R: 22-36/37 S: (2-)25-46 |
Xn; R22: C ≥ 5 % Xi; R36/37: C ≥ 1 % |
607-142-00-8 |
propyl chloroformate; chloroformic acid propylester; n-propyl chloroformate |
203-687-7 |
109-61-5 |
F; R11 T; R23 C; R34 |
F; T R: 11-23-34 S: (1/2-)16-26-36-45 |
607-162-00-7 |
dalapon; 2,2-dichloropropionic acid; [1] dalapon-sodium; sodium 2,2-dichloropropionate [2] |
200-923-0 [1] 204-828-5 [2] |
75-99-0 [1] 127-20-8 [2] |
Xi; R38-41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 38-41-52/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
607-177-00-9 |
Tribenuron-methyl (ISO); 2-[4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl(methyl)carbamoylsulfamoyl]benzoic acid methyl ester; methyl 2-(3-(4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-3-methylureidosulfonyl)benzoate |
401-190-1 |
101200-48-0 |
R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-46-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
607-189-00-4 |
trimethylenediaminetetraacetic acid |
400-400-9 |
1939-36-2 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 |
Xn R: 22-41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
607-195-00-7 |
2-methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate |
203-603-9 |
108-65-6 |
R10 |
R: 10 S: (2-) |
607-213-00-3 |
ethyl 3,3-bis(tert-pentylperoxy)butyrate |
403-320-2 |
67567-23-1 |
E; R3 O; R7 R10 N; R51-53 |
E; N R: 3-7-10-51/53 S: (2-)3/7-14-33-36/37/39-61 |
607-216-00-X |
glutamic acid, reaction products with N-(C12-14-alkyl)propylenediamine |
403-950-8 |
— |
T+; R26 Xn; R22 C; R34 N; R50 |
T+; N R: 22-26-34-50 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-38-45-61 |
607-231-00-1 |
clopyralid (ISO); 3,6-dichloropyridine-2-carboxylic acid |
216-935-4 |
1702-17-6 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
607-245-00-8 |
tert-butyl acrylate |
216-768-7 |
1663-39-4 |
F; R11 Xn; R20/21/22 Xi; R37/38 R43 N; R51-53 |
F; Xn; N R: 11-20/21/22-37/38-43-51/53 S: (2-)16-25-37-61 |
D |
607-252-00-6 |
lambda-cyhalothrin (ISO); reaction mass of (S)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl(Z)-(1R)-cis-3-(2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropenyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate and (R)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (Z)-(1S)-cis-3-(2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropenyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate (1:1) |
415-130-7 |
91465-08-6 |
T+; R26 T; R25 Xn; R21 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 21-25-26-50/53 S: (1/2-)28-36/37/39-38-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,0025 % N; R51-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % R52-53: 0,000025 % ≤ C < 0,00025 % |
607-253-00-1 |
cyfluthrin (ISO); α-cyano-4-fluoro-3-phenoxybenzyl-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate |
269-855-7 |
68359-37-5 |
T+; R28 T; R23 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 23-28-50/53 S: (1/2-)28-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,025 % N; R51-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % R52-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % |
607-319-00-X |
deltamethrin (ISO); (S)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (1R, 3R)-3-(2,2-dibromovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate |
258-256-6 |
52918-63-5 |
T; R23/25 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 23/25-50/53 S: (1/2-)24-28-36/37/39-38-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,000025 % N; R51-53: 0,0000025 % ≤ C < 0,000025 % R52-53: 0,00000025 % ≤ C < 0,0000025 % |
607-397-00-5 |
reaction mass of: Ca salicylates (branched C10-14 and C18-30 alkylated); Ca phenates (branched C10-14 and C18-30 alkylated); Ca sulfurised phenates (branched C10-14 and C18-30 alkylated) |
415-930-6 |
— |
Repr. Cat. 3; R62 R43 |
Xn R: 43-62 S: (2-)23-36/37 |
607-422-00-X |
α-cypermethrin (ISO); racemate comprising (R)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (1S,3S)-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate; (S)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (1R,3R)-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate |
257-842-9 |
67375-30-8 |
T; R25 Xn; R48/22 Xi; R37 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 25-37-48/22-50/53 S: (1/2-)36/37/39-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,025 % N; R51-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % R52-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % |
608-005-00-5 |
n-butyronitrile |
203-700-6 |
109-74-0 |
F; R11 T; R23/24/25 |
F; T R: 11-23/24/25 S: (1/2-)16-36/37-45-63 |
608-011-00-8 |
oxalonitrile; cyanogen |
207-306-5 |
460-19-5 |
F+; R12 T; R23 N; R50-53 |
F+; T; N R: 12-23-50/53 S: (1/2-)9-16-23-33-45-63-60-61 |
608-014-00-4 |
chlorothalonil (ISO); tetrachloroisophthalonitrile |
217-588-1 |
1897-45-6 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 T+; R26 Xi; R37-41 R43 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 26-37-40-41-43-50/53 S: (1/2-)28-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
608-034-00-3 |
chlorfenapyr (ISO); 4-bromo-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-ethoxymethyl-5-trifluoromethylpyrrole-3-carbonitrile |
— |
122453-73-0 |
T; R23 Xn; R22 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 22-23-50/53 S: (1/2-)13-36/37-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
608-058-00-4 |
esfenvalerate (ISO); (S)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl-(S)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-methylbutyrate |
— |
66230-04-4 |
T; R23/25 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 23/25-43-50/53 S: (1/2-)24-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,0025 % N; R51-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % R52-53: 0,000025 % ≤ C < 0,00025 % |
609-005-00-8 |
1,3,5-trinitrobenzene |
202-752-7 |
99-35-4 |
E; R3 T+; R26/27/28 R33 N; R50-53 |
E; T+; N R: 3-26/27/28-33-50/53 S: (1/2-)28-36/37-45-60-61 |
609-007-00-9 |
2,4-dinitrotoluene; [1] dinitrotoluene [2] |
204-450-0 [1] 246-836-1 [2] |
121-14-2 [1] 25321-14-6 [2] |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 T; R23/24/25 Xn; R48/22 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 45-23/24/25-48/22-62-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E |
609-009-00-X |
2,4,6-trinitrophenol; picric acid |
201-865-9 |
88-89-1 |
E; R3 R4 T; R23/24/25 |
E; T R: 3-4-23/24/25 S: (1/2-)28-35-36/37-45 |
609-018-00-9 |
2,4,6-trinitroresorcinol; styphnic acid |
201-436-6 |
82-71-3 |
E; R3 R4 Xn; R20/21/22 |
E; Xn R: 3-4-20/21/22 S: (2-)35-36/37 |
609-023-00-6 |
dinocap (ISO); (RS)-2,6-dinitro-4-octylphenyl crotonates and (RS)-2,4-dinitro-6-octylphenyl crotonates in which „octyl” is a reaction mass of 1-methylheptyl, 1-ethylhexyl and 1-propylpentyl groups |
254-408-0 |
39300-45-3 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61 Xn; R20/22-48/22 Xi; R38 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 61-20/22-38-43-48/22-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
E |
609-046-00-1 |
trifluralin (ISO) (containing < 0,5 ppm NPDA); α,α,α-trifluoro-2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-p-toluidine (containing < 0,5 ppm NPDA); 2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-4-trifluoromethylaniline (containing < 0,5 ppm NPDA); N,N-dipropyl-2,6-dinitro-4-trifluoromethylaniline (containing < 0,5 ppm NPDA) |
216-428-8 |
1582-09-8 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 40-43-50/53 S: (2-)36/37-46-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
611-028-00-3 |
C,C'-azodi(formamide) |
204-650-8 |
123-77-3 |
E; R2 R42 |
E; Xn R: 2-42 S: (2-)22-24-37 |
611-035-00-1 |
tetralithium 6-amino-4-hydroxy-3-[7-sulfonato-4-(5-sulfonato-2-naphthylazo)-1-naphthylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
403-660-1 |
107246-80-0 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
611-067-00-6 |
reaction mass of: bis(tris(2-(2-hydroxy(1-methyl)ethoxy)ethyl)ammonium) 7-anilino-4-hydroxy-3-(2-methoxy-5-methyl-4-(4-sulfonatophenylazo)phenylazo)naphthalene-2-sulfonate; bis(tris(2-(2-hydroxy(2-methyl)ethoxy)ethyl)ammonium) 7-anilino-4-hydroxy-3-(2-methoxy-5-methyl-4-(4-sulfonatophenylazo)phenylazo)naphthalene-2-sulfonate |
406-910-8 |
— |
Xn; R22 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-52/53 S: (2-)22-61 |
611-130-00-8 |
tetra-ammonium 2-[6-[7-(2-carboxylato-phenylazo)-8-hydroxy-3,6-disulfonato-1-naphthylamino]-4-hydroxy-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino]benzoate |
418-520-5 |
183130-96-3 |
Xi; R36 R52-53 |
Xi R: 36-52/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
612-017-00-6 |
N-methyl-N-2,4,6-tetranitroaniline; tetryl |
207-531-9 |
479-45-8 |
E; R3 T; R23/24/25 R33 |
E; T R: 3-23/24/25-33 S: (1/2-)35-36/37-45-63 |
612-018-00-1 |
bis(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)amine; hexyl |
205-037-8 |
131-73-7 |
E; R3 T+; R26/27/28 R33 N; R51-53 |
E; T+; N R: 3-26/27/28-33-51/53 S: (1/2-)27/28-35-36/37-45-61-63 |
612-019-00-7 |
dipicrylamine, ammonium salt |
220-639-0 |
2844-92-0 |
E; R3 T+; R26/27/28 R33 N; R51-53 |
E; T+; N R: 3-26/27/28-33-51/53 S: (1/2-)27/28-36/37-45-61-63 |
612-034-00-9 |
2-amino-4,6-dinitrophenol; picramic acid |
202-544-6 |
96-91-3 |
E; R2 Xn; R20/21/22 R52-53 |
E; Xn R: 2-20/21/22-52/53 S: (2-)35-36/37-46-61 |
612-044-00-3 |
N,N'-diacetylbenzidine |
210-338-2 |
613-35-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Xn; R20/21/22 |
T R: 45-20/21/22-68 S: 53-45 |
E |
612-050-00-6 |
cyclohexylamine |
203-629-0 |
108-91-8 |
R10 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 Xn; R21/22 C; R34 |
C R: 10-21/22-34-62 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45 |
C; 34: C ≥ 10 % Xi; R36/38: 2 % ≤ C < 10 % |
612-057-00-4 |
piperazine; [solid] |
203-808-3 |
110-85-0 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R62-63 C; R34 R42/43 |
Xn; C R: 34-42/43-62-63 S: (1/2-)22-26-36/37/39-45 |
612-076-00-8 |
ethyldimethylamine |
209-940-8 |
598-56-1 |
F; R11 Xn; R20/22 C; R34 |
F; C R: 11-20/22-34 S: (1/2-)3-16-26-36-45 |
612-083-00-6 |
1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine |
200-730-1 |
70-25-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Xn; R20 Xi; R36/38 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 45-20-36/38-51/53 S: 53-45-61 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45: C ≥ 0,01 % |
E |
612-094-00-6 |
4-(2-chloro-4-trifluoromethyl)phenoxy-2-fluoroaniline hydrochloride |
402-190-4 |
113674-95-6 |
T; R48/25 Xn; R22-48/20 Xi; R41 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 22-41-43-48/20-48/25-50/53 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
612-098-00-8 |
nitrosodipropylamine |
210-698-0 |
621-64-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Xn; R22 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 45-22-51/53 S: 53-45-61 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45: C ≥ 0,001 % |
E |
612-099-00-3 |
4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine; 2,4-toluenediamine |
202-453-1 |
95-80-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 T; R25 Xn; R21-48/22 R43 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 45-21-25-43-48/22-62-68-51/53 S: 53-45-61 |
E |
612-101-00-2 |
methenamine; hexamethylenetetramine |
202-905-8 |
100-97-0 |
F; R11 R43 |
F; Xi R: 11-43 S: (2-)24-37 |
612-122-00-7 |
hydroxylamine … % [> 55 % in aqueous solution] |
232-259-2 |
7803-49-8 |
E; R2 Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Xn; R21/22-48/22 Xi; R37/38-41 R43 N; R50 |
E; Xn; N R: 2-21/22-37/38-40-41-43-48/22-50 S: (2-)26-36/37/39-61 |
B |
612-123-00-2 |
hydroxylammonium chloride; hydroxylamine hydrochloride; [1] bis(hydroxylammonium) sulfate; hydroxylamine sulfate (2:1) [2] |
226-798-2 [1] 233-118-8 [2] |
5470-11-1 [1] 10039-54-0 [2] |
E; R2 Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Xn; R21/22-48/22 Xi; R36/38 R43 N; R50 |
E; Xn; N R: 2-21/22-36/38-40-43-48/22-50 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
612-151-00-5 |
methyl-phenylene diamine; diaminotoluene; [technical product – reaction mass of 4-methyl-m-phenylene diamine (EC No 202-453-1) and 2-methyl-m-phenylene diamine (EC No 212-513-9)] |
— |
— |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 T; R25 Xn; R21-48/22 Xi; R36 R43 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 45-21-25-36-43-48/22-62-68-51/53 S: 53-45-61 |
E |
613-003-00-2 |
1,2,3,4-tetranitrocarbazole |
— |
6202-15-9 |
E; R2 Xn; R20/21/22 |
E; Xn R: 2-20/21/22 S: (2-)35-36/37 |
613-010-00-0 |
ametryn (ISO); 2-ethylamino-4-isopropylamino-6-methylthio-1,3,5-triazine |
212-634-7 |
834-12-8 |
Xn; R22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-50/53 S: (2-)36-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
613-030-00-X |
troclosene potassium; [1] troclosene sodium [2] |
218-828-8 [1] 220-767-7 [2] |
2244-21-5 [1] 2893-78-9 [2] |
E; R2 O; R8 Xn; R22 Xi; R36/37 R31 N; R50-53 |
E; Xn; N R: 2-8-22-31-36/37-50/53 S: (2-)8-26-41-45-60-61 |
Xn; R22: C ≥ 10 % Xi; R36/37: C ≥ 10 % R31: C ≥ 10 % |
T |
613-044-00-6 |
captan (ISO); 1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-N-(trichloromethylthio)phthalimide |
205-087-0 |
133-06-2 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 T; R23 Xi; R41 R43 N; R50 |
T; N R: 23-40-41-43-50 S: (1/2-)26-29-36/37/39-45-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 2,5 % |
613-045-00-1 |
folpet (ISO); N-(trichloromethylthio)phthalimide |
205-088-6 |
133-07-3 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Xn; R20 Xi; R36 R43 N; R50 |
Xn; N R: 20-36-40-43-50 S: (2-)36/37-46-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 2,5 % |
613-060-00-3 |
resmethrin (ISO); 5-benzyl-3-furylmethyl (±)-cis-trans-chrysanthemate |
233-940-7 |
10453-86-8 |
Xn; R22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-50/53 S: (2-)60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,025 % N; R51-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % R52-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % |
613-116-00-7 |
tolylfluanid (ISO); dichloro-N-[(dimethylamino)sulphonyl]fluoro-N-(p-tolyl)methanesulphenamide; [containing ≥ 0,1 % (w/w) of particles with an aerodynamic diameter of below 50 μm] |
211-986-9 |
731-27-1 |
T+; R26 T; R48/23 Xi; R36/37/38 R43 N; R50 |
T+; N R: 26-36/37/38-43-48/23-50 S: (1/2-)28-36/37/39-45-63-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 2,5 % |
613-120-00-9 |
bioresmethrin (ISO); (5-benzylfur-3-yl)methyl(1R)-trans-2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylpropenyl)cyclopropanecarboxylate |
249-014-0 |
28434-01-7 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,025 % N; R51-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % R52-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % |
613-139-00-2 |
metsulfuron-methyl (ISO); 2-(4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylcarbamoylsulfamoyl) benzoic acid |
— |
74223-64-6 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,025 % N; R51-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % R52-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % |
613-163-00-3 |
azimsulfuron (ISO); 1-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yl)-3-[1-methyl-4-(2-methyl-2H-tetrazol-5-yl)pyrazol-5-ylsulfonyl]urea |
— |
120162-55-2 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,025 % N; R51-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % R52-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % |
613-164-00-9 |
flufenacet (ISO); N-(4-fluorophenyl)-N-isopropyl-2-(5-trifluoromethyl-[1,3,4]thiadiazol-2-yloxy)acetamide |
— |
142459-58-3 |
Xn; R22-48/22 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)13-24-37-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
613-165-00-4 |
flupyrsulfuron-methyl-sodium (ISO); methyl 2-[[(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-ylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl]-6-trifluoromethyl]nicotinate, monosodium salt |
— |
144740-54-5 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
613-166-00-X |
flumioxazin (ISO); N-(7-fluoro-3,4-dihydro-3-oxo-4-prop-2-ynyl-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-6-yl)cyclohex-1-ene-1,2-dicarboxamide |
— |
103361-09-7 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 61-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,025 % N; R51-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % R52-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % |
613-169-00-6 |
9-vinylcarbazole |
216-055-0 |
1484-13-5 |
Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Xn; R21/22 Xi; R38 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 21/22-38-43-68-50/53 S: (2-)22-23-36/37-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
613-174-00-3 |
tetraconazole (ISO); (±) 2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)propyl-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethylether |
407-760-6 |
112281-77-3 |
Xn; R20/22 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 20/22-51/53 S: (2-)36-61 |
613-203-00-X |
pyraflufen-ethyl (ISO); 2-chloro-5-(4-chloro-5-difluoromethoxy-1-methylpyrazol-3-yl)-4-fluorophenoxyacetic acid ethyl ester; [1] pyraflufen (ISO); 2-chloro-5-(4-chloro-5-difluoromethoxy-1-methylpyrazol-3-yl)-4-fluorophenoxyacetic acid [2] |
129630-19-9 [1] 129630-17-7 [2] |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,025 % N; R51-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % R52-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % |
613-204-00-5 |
oxadiargyl (ISO); 3-[2,4-dichloro-5-(2-propynyloxy)phenyl]-5-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2(3H)-one; 5-tert-butyl-3-[2,4-dichloro-5-(prop-2-ynyloxy)phenyl]-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2(3H)-one |
254-637-6 |
39807-15-3 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R63 Xn; R48/22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 48/22-63-50/53 S: (2-)36/37-46-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,025 % N; R51-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % R52-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % |
614-005-00-6 |
colchicine |
200-598-5 |
64-86-8 |
Muta. Cat. 2; R46 T+; R28 |
T+ R: 46-28 S: 53-45 |
E |
615-001-00-7 |
methyl isocyanate |
210-866-3 |
624-83-9 |
F; R11 Repr. Cat. 3; R63 T+; R26 T; R24/25 R42/43 Xi; R37/38-41 |
F; T+ R: 11-24/25-26-37/38-41-42/43-63 S: (1/2-)16-26-27/28-36/37/39-45-63 |
615-004-00-3 |
salts of thiocyanic acid, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
Xn; R20/21/22 R32 R52-53 |
Xn R: 20/21/22-32-52/53 S: (2-)13-36/37-46-61 |
A |
615-005-00-9 |
4,4'-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate; diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate; [1] 2,2'-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate; diphenylmethane-2,2'-diisocyanate; [2] o-(p-isocyanatobenzyl)phenyl isocyanate; diphenylmethane-2,4'-diisocyanate; [3] methylenediphenyl diisocyanate [4] |
202-966-0 [1] 219-799-4 [2] 227-534-9 [3] 247-714-0 [4] |
101-68-8 [1] 2536-05-2 [2] 5873-54-1 [3] 26447-40-5 [4] |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Xn; R20-48/20 Xi; R36/37/38 R42/43 |
Xn R: 20-36/37/38-40-42/43-48/20 S: (1/2-)23-36/37-45 |
Xi; R36/37/38: C ≥ 5 % R42: C ≥ 0,1 % |
C 2 |
615-022-00-1 |
methyl 3-isocyanatosulfonyl-2-thiophene-carboxylate |
410-550-7 |
79277-18-2 |
R14 Xn; R48/22 R42/43 |
Xn R: 14-42/43-48/22 S: (2-)22-30-35-36/37-45 |
615-028-00-4 |
ethyl 2-(isocyanatosulfonyl)benzoate |
410-220-2 |
77375-79-2 |
R14 Xn; R22-48/22 Xi; R41 R42/43 |
Xn R: 14-22-41-42/43-48/22 S: (2-)8-23-26-30-35-36/37/39 |
615-030-00-5 |
alkali salts and alkali earth salts of thiocyanic acid, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
Xn; R20/21/22 R32 R52-53 |
Xn R: 20/21/22-32-52/53 S: (2-)13-36/37-46-61 |
A |
615-031-00-0 |
thallium thiocyanate |
222-571-7 |
3535-84-0 |
T+; R26/28 Xn; R21 R32 R33 N; R51-53 |
T+; N R: 21-26/28-32-33-51/53 S: (1/2-)13-28-36/37-45-61 |
615-032-00-6 |
metal salts of thiocyanic acid, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex |
— |
— |
Xn; R20/21/22 R32 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 20/21/22-32-50/53 S: (2-)13-36/37-46-60-61 |
A |
616-006-00-7 |
dichlofluanid (ISO); N-dichlorofluoromethylthio-N',N'-dimethyl-N-phenylsulfamide |
214-118-7 |
1085-98-9 |
Xn; R20 Xi; R36 R43 N; R50 |
Xn; N R: 20-36-43-50 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 2,5 % |
616-009-00-3 |
propanil (ISO); 3',4'-dichloropropionanilide |
211-914-6 |
709-98-8 |
Xn; R22 N; R50 |
Xn; N R: 22-50 S: (2-)22-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 2,5 % |
616-124-00-9 |
lithium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide |
415-300-0 |
90076-65-6 |
T; R24/25 Xn; R48/22 C; R34 R52-53 |
T R: 24/25-34-48/22-52/53 S: (1/2-)22-26-36/37/39-45-61 |
617-008-00-0 |
dibenzoyl peroxide; benzoyl peroxide |
202-327-6 |
94-36-0 |
E; R3 O; R7 Xi; R36 R43 |
E; Xi R: 3-7-36-43 S: (2-)3/7-14-36/37/39 |
617-010-00-1 |
1-hydroperoxycyclohexyl 1-hydroxycyclohexyl peroxide; [1] 1,1'-dioxybiscyclohexan-1-ol; [2] cyclohexylidene hydroperoxide; [3] cyclohexanone, peroxide [4] |
201-091-1 [1] 219-306-2 [2] 220-279-4 [3] 235-527-7 [4] |
78-18-2 [1] 2407-94-5 [2] 2699-11-8 [3] 12262-58-7 [4] |
E; R3 O; R7 C; R34 Xn; R22 |
E; C R: 3-7-22-34 S: (1/2-)3/7-14-36/37/39-45 |
C; R34: C ≥ 10 % Xi; R36/37/38: 5 % ≤ C < 10 % |
C |
617-017-00-X |
reaction mass of: 2,2'-bis(tert-pentylperoxy)-p-diisopropylbenzene; 2,2'-bis(tert-pentylperoxy)-m-diisopropylbenzene |
412-140-3 |
32144-25-5 |
E; R2 O; R7 R53 |
E R: 2-7-53 S: (2-)3/7-14-36/37/39-61 |
T |
648-002-00-6 |
Tar oils, brown-coal; Light Oil; [The distillate from lignite tar boiling in the range of approximately 80 °C to 250 °C (176 °F to 482 °F). Composed primarily of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons and monobasic phenols.] |
302-674-4 |
94114-40-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-003-00-1 |
Benzol forerunnings (coal); Light Oil Redistillate, low boiling; [The distillate from coke oven light oil having an approximate distillation range below 100 °C (212 °F). Composed primarily of C4 to C6 aliphatic hydrocarbons.] |
266-023-5 |
65996-88-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-004-00-7 |
Distillates (coal tar), benzole fraction, BTX-rich; Light Oil Redistillate, low boiling; [A residue from the distillation of crude benzole to remove benzole fronts. Composed primarily of benzene, toluene and xylenes boiling in the range of approximately 75 °C to 200 °C (167 °F to 392 °F).] |
309-984-9 |
101896-26-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-005-00-2 |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C6-10, C8-rich; Light Oil Redistillate, low boiling |
292-697-5 |
90989-41-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-006-00-8 |
Solvent naphtha (coal), light; Light Oil Redistillate, low boiling |
287-498-5 |
85536-17-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-007-00-3 |
Solvent naphtha (coal), xylene-styrene cut; Light Oil Redistillate, intermediate boiling |
287-502-5 |
85536-20-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-008-00-9 |
Solvent naphtha (coal), coumarone-styrene contg.; Light Oil Redistillate, intermediate boiling |
287-500-4 |
85536-19-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-009-00-4 |
Naphtha (coal), distn. residues; Light Oil Redistillate, high boiling; [The residue remaining from the distillation of recovered naphtha. Composed primarily of naphthalene and condensation products of indene and styrene.] |
292-636-2 |
90641-12-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-010-00-X |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C8; Light Oil Redistillate, high boiling |
292-694-9 |
90989-38-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-012-00-0 |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C8-9, hydrocarbon resin polymn. by-product; Light Oil Redistillate, high boiling; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the evaporation of solvent under vacuum from polymerized hydrocarbon resin. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C8 through C9 and boiling in the range of approximately 120 °C to 215 °C (248 °F to 419 °F).] |
295-281-1 |
91995-20-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-013-00-6 |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C9-12, benzene distn.; Light Oil Redistillate, high boiling |
295-551-9 |
92062-36-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-014-00-1 |
Extract residues (coal), benzole fraction alk., acid ext.; Light Oil Extract Residues, low boiling; [The redistillate from the distillate, freed of tar acids and tar bases, from bituminous coal high temperature tar boiling in the approximate range of 90 °C to 160 °C (194 °F to 320 °F). It consists predominantly of benzene, toluene and xylenes.] |
295-323-9 |
91995-61-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-015-00-7 |
Extract residues (coal tar), benzole fraction alk., acid ext.; Light Oil Extract Residues, low boiling; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the redistillation of the distillate of high temperature coal tar (tar acid and tar base free). It consists predominantly of unsubstituted and substituted mononuclear aromatic hydrocarbons boiling in the range of 85 °C to 195 °C (185 °F to 383 °F).] |
309-868-8 |
101316-63-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-016-00-2 |
Extract residues (coal), benzole fraction acid; Light Oil Extract Residues, low boiling; [An acid sludge by-product of the sulfuric acid refining of crude high temperature coal. Composed primarily of sulfuric acid and organic compounds.] |
298-725-2 |
93821-38-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-017-00-8 |
Extract residues (coal), light oil alk., distn. overheads; Light Oil Extract Residues, low boiling; [The first fraction from the distillation of aromatic hydrocarbons, coumarone, naphthalene and indene rich prefractionator bottoms or washed carbolic oil boiling substantially below 145 °C (293 °F). Composed primarily of C7 and C8 aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.] |
292-625-2 |
90641-02-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-018-00-3 |
Extract residues (coal), light oil alk., acid ext., indene fraction; Light Oil Extract Residues, intermediate boiling |
309-867-2 |
101316-62-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-019-00-9 |
Extract residues (coal), light oil alk., indene naphtha fraction; Light Oil Extract Residues, high boiling; [The distillate from aromatic hydrocarbons, coumarone, naphthalene and indene rich prefractionator bottoms or washed carbolic oils, having an approximate boiling range of 155 °C to 180 °C (311 °F to 356 °F). Composed primarily of indene, indan and trimethylbenzenes.] |
292-626-8 |
90641-03-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-020-00-4 |
Solvent naphtha (coal); Light Oil Extract Residues, high boiling; [The distillate from either high temperature coal tar, coke oven light oil, or coal tar oil alkaline extract residue having an approximate distillation range of 130 °C to 210 °C (266 °F to 410 °F). Composed primarily of indene and other polycyclic ring systems containing a single aromatic ring. May contain phenolic compounds and aromatic nitrogen bases.] |
266-013-0 |
65996-79-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-021-00-X |
Distillates (coal tar), light oils, neutral fraction; Light Oil Extract Residues, high boiling; [A distillate from the fractional distillation of high temperature coal tar. Composed primarily of alkyl-substituted one ring aromatic hydrocarbons boiling in the range of approximately 135 °C to 210 °C (275 °F to 410 °F). May also include unsaturated hydrocarbons such as indene and coumarone.] |
309-971-8 |
101794-90-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-022-00-5 |
Distillates (coal tar), light oils, acid exts.; Light Oil Extract Residues, high boiling; [This oil is a complex reaction mass of aromatic hydrocarbons, primarily indene, naphthalene, coumarone, phenol, and o-, m- and p-cresol and boiling in the range of 140 °C to 215 °C (284 °F to 419 °F).] |
292-609-5 |
90640-87-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-023-00-0 |
Distillates (coal tar), light oils; Carbolic Oil; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of coal tar. It consists of aromatic and other hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds and aromatic nitrogen compounds and distills at the approximate range of 150 °C to 210 °C (302 °F to 410 °F).] |
283-483-2 |
84650-03-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-024-00-6 |
Tar oils, coal; Carbolic Oil; [The distillate from high temperature coal tar having an approximate distillation range of 130 °C to 250 °C (266 °F to 410 °F). Composed primarily of naphthalene, alkylnaphthalenes, phenolic compounds, and aromatic nitrogen bases.] |
266-016-7 |
65996-82-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-026-00-7 |
Extract residues (coal), light oil alk., acid ext.; Carbolic Oil Extract Residue; [The oil resulting from the acid washing of alkali-washed carbolic oil to remove the minor amounts of basic compounds (tar bases). Composed primarily of indene, indan and alkylbenzenes.] |
292-624-7 |
90641-01-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-027-00-2 |
Extract residues (coal), tar oil alk.; Carbolic Oil Extract Residue; [The residue obtained from coal tar oil by an alkaline wash such as aqueous sodium hydroxide after the removal of crude coal tar acids. Composed primarily of naphthalenes and aromatic nitrogen bases.] |
266-021-4 |
65996-87-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-028-00-8 |
Extract oils (coal), light oil; Acid Extract; [The aqueous extract produced by an acidic wash of alkali-washed carbolic oil. Composed primarily of acid salts of various aromatic nitrogen bases including pyridine, quinoline and their alkyl derivatives.] |
292-622-6 |
90640-99-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-029-00-3 |
Pyridine, alkyl derivs.; Crude Tar Bases; [The complex combination of polyalkylated pyridines derived from coal tar distillation or as high-boiling distillates approximately above 150 °C (302 °F) from the reaction of ammonia with acetaldehyde, formaldehyde or paraformaldehyde.] |
269-929-9 |
68391-11-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-030-00-9 |
Tar bases, coal, picoline fraction; Distillate Bases; [Pyridine bases boiling in the range of approximately 125 °C to 160 °C (257 °F 320 °F) obtained by distillation of neutralized acid extract of the base-containing tar fraction obtained by the distillation of bituminous coal tars. Composed chiefly of lutidines and picolines.] |
295-548-2 |
92062-33-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-031-00-4 |
Tar bases, coal, lutidine fraction; Distillate Bases |
293-766-2 |
91082-52-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-032-00-X |
Extract oils (coal), tar base, collidine fraction; Distillate Bases; [The extract produced by the acidic extraction of bases from crude coal tar aromatic oils, neutralization, and distillation of the bases. Composed primarily of collidines, aniline, toluidines, lutidines, xylidines.] |
273-077-3 |
68937-63-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-033-00-5 |
Tar bases, coal, collidine fraction; Distillate Bases; [The distillation fraction boiling in the range of approximately 181 °C to 186 °C (356 °F to 367 °F) from the crude bases obtained from the neutralized, acid-extracted base-containing tar fractions obtained by the distillation of bituminous coal tar. It contains chiefly aniline and collidines.] |
295-543-5 |
92062-28-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-034-00-0 |
Tar bases, coal, aniline fraction; Distillate Bases; [The distillation fraction boiling in the range of approximately 180 °C to 200 °C (356 °F to 392 °F) from the crude bases obtained by dephenolating and debasing the carbolated oil from the distillation of coal tar. It contains chiefly aniline, collidines, lutidines and toluidines.] |
295-541-4 |
92062-27-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-035-00-6 |
Tar bases, coal, toluidine fraction; Distillate Bases |
293-767-8 |
91082-53-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-036-00-1 |
Distillates (petroleum), alkene-alkyne manuf. pyrolysis oil, mixed with high-temp. coal tar, indene fraction; Redistillates; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as a redistillate from the fractional distillation of bituminous coal high temperature tar and residual oils that are obtained by the pyrolytic production of alkenes and alkynes from petroleum products or natural gas. It consists predominantly of indene and boils in a range of approximately 160 °C to 190 °C (320 °F to 374 °F).] |
295-292-1 |
91995-31-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-037-00-7 |
Distillates (coal), coal tar-residual pyrolysis oils, naphthalene oils; Redistillates; [The redistillate obtained from the fractional distillation of bituminous coal high temperature tar and pyrolysis residual oils and boiling in the range of approximately 190 °C to 270 °C (374 °F to 518 °F). Composed primarily of substituted dinuclear aromatics.] |
295-295-8 |
91995-35-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-038-00-2 |
Extract oils (coal), coal tar-residual pyrolysis oils, naphthalene oil, redistillate; Redistillates; [The redistillate from the fractional distillation of dephenolated and debased methylnaphthalene oil obtained from bituminous coal high temperature tar and pyrolysis residual oils boiling in the approximate range of 220 °C to 230 °C (428 °F to 446 °F). It consists predominantly of unsubstituted and substituted dinuclear aromatic hydrocarbons.] |
295-329-1 |
91995-66-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-039-00-8 |
Extract oils (coal), coal tar-residual pyrolysis oils, naphthalene oils; Redistillates; [A neutral oil obtained by debasing and dephenolating the oil obtained from the distillation of high temperature tar and pyrolysis residual oils which has a boiliing range of 225 °C to 255 °C (437 °F to 491 °F). Composed primarily of substituted dinuclear aromatic hydrocarbons.] |
310-170-0 |
122070-79-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-040-00-3 |
Extract oils (coal), coal tar residual pyrolysis oils, naphthalene oil, distn. residues; Redistillates; [Residue from the distillation of dephenolated and debased methylnaphthalene oil (from bituminous coal tar and pyrolysis residual oils) with a boiling range of 240 °C to 260 °C (464 °F to 500 °F). Composed primarily of substituted dinuclear aromatic and heterocyclic hydrocarbons.] |
310-171-6 |
122070-80-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-043-00-X |
Creosote oil, acenaphthene fraction, acenaphthene-free; Wash Oil Redistillate; [The oil remaining after removal by a crystallization process of acenaphthene from acenaphthene oil from coal tar. Composed primarily of naphthalene and alkylnaphthalenes.] |
292-606-9 |
90640-85-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 |
T R: 45 S: 53-45 |
H M |
648-080-00-1 |
Residues (coal tar), creosote oil distn.; Wash Oil Redistillate; [The residue from the fractional distillation of wash oil boiling in the approximate range of 270 °C to 330 °C (518 °F to 626 °F). It consists predominantly of dinuclear aromatic and heterocyclic hydrocarbons.] |
295-506-3 |
92061-93-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 |
T R: 45 S: 53-45 |
H M |
648-084-00-3 |
Distillates (coal), coke-oven light oil, naphthalene cut; Naphthalene Oil; [The complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from prefractionation (continuous distillation) of coke oven light oil. It consists predominantly of naphthalene, coumarone and indene and boils above 148 °C (298 °F).] |
285-076-5 |
85029-51-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-085-00-9 |
Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils; Naphthalene Oil; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of coal tar. It consists primarily of aromatic and other hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds and aromatic nitrogen compounds and distills in the approximate range of 200 °C to 250 °C (392 °F to 482 °F).] |
283-484-8 |
84650-04-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-086-00-4 |
Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils, naphthalene-low; Naphthalene Oil Redistillate; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by crystallization of naphthalene oil. Composed primarily of naphthalene, alkyl naphthalenes and phenolic compounds.] |
284-898-1 |
84989-09-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-087-00-X |
Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oil crystn. mother liquor; Naphthalene Oil Redistillate; [A complex combination of organic compounds obtained as a filtrate from the crystallization of the naphthalene fraction from coal tar and boiling in the range of approximately 200 °C to 230 °C (392 °F to 446 °F). Contains chiefly naphthalene, thionaphthene and alkylnaphthalenes.] |
295-310-8 |
91995-49-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-088-00-5 |
Extract residues (coal), naphthalene oil, alk.; Naphthalene Oil Extract Residue; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the alkali washing of naphthalene oil to remove phenolic compounds (tar acids). It is composed of naphthalene and alkyl naphthalenes.] |
310-166-9 |
121620-47-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-089-00-0 |
Extract residues (coal), naphthalene oil, alk., naphthalene-low; Naphthalene Oil Extract Residue; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons remaining after the removal of naphthalene from alkali-washed naphthalene oil by a crystallization process. It is composed primarily of naphthalene and alkyl naphthalenes.] |
310-167-4 |
121620-48-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-090-00-6 |
Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils, naphthalene-free, alk. exts.; Naphthalene Oil Extract Residue; [The oil remaining after the removal of phenolic compounds (tar acids) from drained naphthalene oil by an alkali wash. Composed primarily of naphthalene and alkyl naphthalenes.] |
292-612-1 |
90640-90-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-091-00-1 |
Extract residues (coal), naphthalene oil alk., distn. overheads; Naphthalene Oil Extract Residue; [The distillate from alkali-washed naphthalene oil having an approximate distillation range of 180 °C to 220 °C (356 °F to 428 °F). Composed primarily of naphthalene, alkylbenzenes, indene and indan.] |
292-627-3 |
90641-04-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-092-00-7 |
Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils, methylnaphthalene fraction; Methylnaphthalene Oil; [A distillate from the fractional distillation of high temperature coal tar. Composed primarily of substituted two ring aromatic hydrocarbons and aromatic nitrogen bases boiling in the range of approximately 225 °C to 255 °C (437 °F to 491 °F).] |
309-985-4 |
101896-27-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-093-00-2 |
Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils, indole-methylnaphthalene fraction; Methylnaphthalene Oil; [A distillate from the fractional distillation of high temperature coal tar. Composed primarily of indole and methylnaphthalene boiling in the range of approximately 235 °C to 255 °C (455 °F to 491 °F).] |
309-972-3 |
101794-91-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-094-00-8 |
Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils, acid exts.; Methylnaphthalene Oil Extract Residue; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by debasing the methylnaphthalene fraction obtained by the distillation of coal tar and boiling in the range of approximately 230 °C to 255 °C (446 °F to 491 °F). Contains chiefly 1(2)-methylnaphthalene, naphthalene, dimethylnaphthalene and biphenyl.] |
295-309-2 |
91995-48-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-095-00-3 |
Extract residues (coal), naphthalene oil alk., distn. residues; Methylnaphthalene Oil Extract Residue; [The residue from the distillation of alkali-washed naphthalene oil having an approximate distillation range of 220 °C to 300 °C (428 °F to 572 °F). Composed primarily of naphthalene, alkylnaphthalenes and aromatic nitrogen bases.] |
292-628-9 |
90641-05-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-096-00-9 |
Extract oils (coal), acidic, tar-base free; Methylnaphthalene Oil Extract Residue; [The extract oil boiling in the range of approximately 220 °C to 265 °C (428 °F to 509 °F) from coal tar alkaline extract residue produced by an acidic wash such as aqueous sulfuric acid after distillation to remove tar bases. Composed primarily of alkylnaphthalenes.] |
284-901-6 |
84989-12-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-097-00-4 |
Distillates (coal tar), benzole fraction, distn. residues; Wash Oil; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of crude benzole (high temperature coal tar). It may be a liquid with the approximate distillation range of 150 °C to 300 °C (302 °F to 572 °F) or a semi-solid or solid with a melting point up to 70 °C (158 °F). It is composed primarily of naphthalene and alkyl naphthalenes.] |
310-165-3 |
121620-46-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-098-00-X |
Creosote oil, acenaphthene fraction; Wash Oil; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of coal tar and boiling in the range of approximately 240 °C to 280 °C (464 °F to 536 °F). Composed primarily of acenaphthene, naphthalene and alkyl naphthalene.] |
292-605-3 |
90640-84-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 |
T R: 45 S: 53-45 |
H M |
648-099-00-5 |
Creosote oil; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of coal tar. It consists primarily of aromatic hydrocarbons and may contain appreciable quantities of tar acids and tar bases. It distills at the approximate range of 200 °C to 325 °C (392 °F to 617 °F).] |
263-047-8 |
61789-28-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 |
T R: 45 S: 53-45 |
H M |
648-100-00-9 |
Creosote oil, high-boiling distillate; Wash Oil; [The high-boiling distillation fraction obtained from the high temperature carbonization of bituminous coal which is further refined to remove excess crystalline salts. It consists primarily of creosote oil with some of the normal polynuclear aromatic salts, which are components of coal tar distillates, removed. It is crystal free at approximately 5 °C (41 °F).] |
274-565-9 |
70321-79-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 |
T R: 45 S: 53-45 |
H M |
648-102-00-X |
Extract residues (coal), creosote oil acid; Wash Oil Extract Residue; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the base-freed fraction from the distillation of coal tar, boiling in the range of approximately 250 °C to 280 °C (482 °F to 536 °F). It consists predominantly of biphenyl and isomeric diphenylnaphthalenes.] |
310-189-4 |
122384-77-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 |
T R: 45 S: 53-45 |
H M |
648-103-00-5 |
Anthracene oil, anthracene paste; Anthracene Oil Fraction; [The anthracene-rich solid obtained by the crystallization and centrifuging of anthracene oil. It is composed primarily of anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.] |
292-603-2 |
90640-81-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-104-00-0 |
Anthracene oil, anthracene-low; Anthracene Oil Fraction; [The oil remaining after the removal, by a crystallization process, of an anthracene-rich solid (anthracene paste) from anthracene oil. It is composed primarily of two, three and four membered aromatic compounds.] |
292-604-8 |
90640-82-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-105-00-6 |
Residues (coal tar), anthracene oil distn.; Anthracene Oil Fraction; [The residue from the fraction distillation of crude anthracene boiling in the approximate range of 340 °C to 400 °C (644 °F to 752 °F). It consists predominantly of tri- and polynuclear aromatic and heterocyclic hydrocarbons.] |
295-505-8 |
92061-92-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-106-00-1 |
Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, anthracene fraction; Anthracene Oil Fraction; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by the crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of 330 °C to 350 °C (626 °F to 662 °F). It contains chiefly anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.] |
295-275-9 |
91995-15-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-107-00-7 |
Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, carbazole fraction; Anthracene Oil Fraction; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous coal high temperature tar and boiling in the approximate range of 350 °C to 360 °C (662 °F to 680 °F). It contains chiefly anthracene, carbazole and phenanthrene.] |
295-276-4 |
91995-16-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-108-00-2 |
Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, distn. lights; Anthracene Oil Fraction; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of anthracene obtained by crystallization of anthracene oil from bituminous high temperature tar and boiling in the range of approximately 290 °C to 340 °C (554 °F to 644 °F). It contains chiefly trinuclear aromatics and their dihydro derivatives.] |
295-278-5 |
91995-17-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-109-00-8 |
Tar oils, coal, low-temp.; Tar Oil, high boiling; [A distillate from low-temperature coal tar. Composed primarily of hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds and aromatic nitrogen bases boiling in the range of approximately 160 °C to 340 °C (320 °F to 644 °F).] |
309-889-2 |
101316-87-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-110-00-3 |
Extract residues (coal), low temp. coal atar alk.; [The residue from low temperature coal tar oils after an alkaline wash, such as aqueous sodium hydroxide, to remove crude coal tar acids. Composed primarily of hydrocarbons and aromatic nitrogen bases.] |
310-191-5 |
122384-78-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-111-00-9 |
Phenols, ammonia liquor ext.; Alkaline Extract; [The combination of phenols extracted, using isobutyl acetate, from the ammonia liquor condensed from the gas evolved in low-temperature (less than 700 °C (1 292 °F)) destructive distillation of coal. It consists predominantly of a reaction mass of monohydric and dihydric phenols.] |
284-881-9 |
84988-93-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-112-00-4 |
Distillates (coal tar), light oils, alk. exts.; Alkaline Extract; [The aqueous extract from carbolic oil produced by an alkaline wash such as aqueous sodium hydroxide. Composed primarily of the alkali salts of various phenolic compounds.] |
292-610-0 |
90640-88-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-113-00-X |
Extracts, coal tar oil alk.; Alkaline Extract; [The extract from coal tar oil produced by an alkaline wash such as aqueous sodium hydroxide. Composed primarily of the alkali salts of various phenolic compounds.] |
266-017-2 |
65996-83-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-114-00-5 |
Distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils, alk. exts.; Alkaline Extract; [The aqueous extract from naphthalene oil produced by an alkaline wash such as aqueous sodium hydroxide. Composed primarily of the alkali salts of various phenolic compounds.] |
292-611-6 |
90640-89-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-115-00-0 |
Extract residues (coal), tar oil alk., carbonated, limed; Crude Phenols; [The product obtained by treatment of coal tar oil alkaline extract with CO2 and CaO. Composed primarily of CaCO3, Ca(OH)2, Na2CO3 and other organic and inorganic impurities.] |
292-629-4 |
90641-06-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-116-00-6 |
Tar acids, coal, crude; Crude Phenols; [The reaction product obtained by neutralizing coal tar oil alkaline extract with an acidic solution, such as aqueous sulfuric acid, or gaseous carbon dioxide, to obtain the free acids. Composed primarily of tar acids such as phenol, cresols, and xylenols.] |
266-019-3 |
65996-85-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-117-00-1 |
Tar acids, brown-coal, crude; Crude Phenols; [An acidified alkaline extract of brown coal tar distillate. Composed primarily of phenol and phenol homologs.] |
309-888-7 |
101316-86-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-118-00-7 |
Tar acids, brown-coal gasification; Crude Phenols; [A complex combination of organic compounds obtained from brown coal gasification. Composed primarily of C6-10 hydroxy aromatic phenols and their homologs.] |
295-536-7 |
92062-22-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-119-00-2 |
Tar acids, distn. residues; Distillate Phenols; [A residue from the distillation of crude phenol from coal. It consists predominantly of phenols having carbon numbers in the range of C8 through C10 with a softening point of 60 °C to 80 °C (140 °F to 176 °F).] |
306-251-5 |
96690-55-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-120-00-8 |
Tar acids, methylphenol fraction; Distillate Phenols; [The fraction of tar acid rich in 3- and 4-methylphenol, recovered by distillation of low-temperature coal tar crude tar acids.] |
284-892-9 |
84989-04-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-121-00-3 |
Tar acids, polyalkylphenol fraction; Distillate Phenols; [The fraction of tar acids, recovered by distillation of low-temperature coal tar crude tar acids, having an approximate boiling range of 225 °C to 320 °C (437 °F to 608 °F). Composed primarily of polyalkylphenols.] |
284-893-4 |
84989-05-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-122-00-9 |
Tar acids, xylenol fraction; Distillate Phenols; [The fraction of tar acids, rich in 2,4- and 2,5-dimethylphenol, recovered by distillation of low-temperature coal tar crude tar acids.] |
284-895-5 |
84989-06-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-123-00-4 |
Tar acids, ethylphenol fraction; Distillate Phenols; [The fraction of tar acids, rich in 3- and 4-ethylphenol, recovered by distillation of low-temperature coal tar crude tar acids.] |
284-891-3 |
84989-03-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-124-00-X |
Tar acids, 3,5-xylenol fraction; Distillate Phenols; [The fraction of tar acids, rich in 3,5-dimethylphenol, recovered by distillation of low-temperature coal tar acids.] |
284-896-0 |
84989-07-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-125-00-5 |
Tar acids, residues, distillates, first-cut; Distillate Phenols; [The residue from the distillation in the range of 235 °C to 355 °C (481 °F to 697 °F) of light carbolic oil.] |
270-713-1 |
68477-23-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-126-00-0 |
Tar acids, cresylic, residues; Distillate Phenols; [The residue from crude coal tar acids after removal of phenol, cresols, xylenols and any higher boiling phenols. A black solid with a melting point approximately 80 °C (176 °F). Composed primarily of polyalkylphenols, resin gums, and inorganic salts.] |
271-418-0 |
68555-24-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-127-00-6 |
Phenols, C9-11; Distillate Phenols |
293-435-2 |
91079-47-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-128-00-1 |
Tar acids, cresylic; Distillate Phenols; [A complex combination of organic compounds obtained from brown coal and boiling in the range of approximately 200 °C to 230 °C (392 °F to 446 °F). It contains chiefly phenols and pyridine bases.] |
295-540-9 |
92062-26-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-129-00-7 |
Tar acids, brown-coal, C2-alkylphenol fraction; Distillate Phenols; [The distillate from the acidification of alkaline washed lignite tar distillate boiling in the range of approximately 200 °C to 230 °C (392 °F to 446 °F). Composed primarily of m- and p-ethylphenol as well as cresols and xylenols.] |
302-662-9 |
94114-29-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-130-00-2 |
Extract oils (coal), naphthalene oils; Acid Extract; [The aqueous extract produced by an acidic wash of alkali-washed naphthalene oil. Composed primarily of acid salts of various aromatic nitrogen bases including pyridine, quinoline and their alkyl derivatives.] |
292-623-1 |
90641-00-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-131-00-8 |
Tar bases, quinoline derivs.; Distillate Bases |
271-020-7 |
68513-87-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-132-00-3 |
Tar bases, coal, quinoline derivs. fraction; Distillate Bases |
274-560-1 |
70321-67-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-133-00-9 |
Tar bases, coal, distn. residues; Distillate Bases; [The distillation residue remaining after the distillation of the neutralized, acid-extracted base-containing tar fractions obtained by the distillation of coal tars. It contains chiefly aniline, collidines, quinoline and quinoline derivatives and toluidines.] |
295-544-0 |
92062-29-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-134-00-4 |
Hydrocarbon oils, arom., mixed with polyethylene and polypropylene, pyrolyzed, light oil fraction; Heat Treatment Products; [The oil obtained from the heat treatment of a polyethylene/polypropylene reaction mass with coal tar pitch or aromatic oils. It consists predominantly of benzene and its homologs boiling in a range of approximately 70 °C to 120 °C (158 °F to 248 °F).] |
309-745-9 |
100801-63-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-135-00-X |
Hydrocarbon oils, arom., mixed with polyethylene, pyrolyzed, light oil fraction; Heat Treatment Products; [The oil obtained from the heat treatment of polyethylene with coal tar pitch or aromatic oils. It consists predominantly of benzene and its homologs boiling in a range of 70 °C to 120 °C (158 °F to 248 °F).] |
309-748-5 |
100801-65-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-136-00-5 |
Hydrocarbon oils, arom., mixed with polystyrene, pyrolyzed, light oil fraction; Heat Treatment Products; [The oil obtained from the heat treatment of polystyrene with coal tar pitch or aromatic oils. It consists predominantly of benzene and its homologs boiling in a range of approximately 70 °C to 210 °C (158 °F to 410 °F).] |
309-749-0 |
100801-66-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-137-00-0 |
Extract residues (coal), tar oil alk., naphthalene distn. residues; Naphthalene Oil Extract Residue; [The residue obtained from chemical oil extracted after the removal of naphthalene by distillation composed primarily of two to four membered condensed ring aromatic hydrocarbons and aromatic nitrogen bases.] |
277-567-8 |
73665-18-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-138-00-6 |
Creosote oil, low-boiling distillate; Wash Oil; [The low-boiling distillation fraction obtained from the high temperature carbonization of bituminous coal, which is further refined to remove excess crystalline salts. It consists primarily of creosote oil with some of the normal polynuclear aromatic salts, which are components of coal tar distillate, removed. It is crystal free at approximately 38 °C (100 °F).] |
274-566-4 |
70321-80-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 |
T R: 45 S: 53-45 |
H M |
648-139-00-1 |
Tar acids, cresylic, sodium salts, caustic solns.; Alkaline Extract |
272-361-4 |
68815-21-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-140-00-7 |
Extract oils (coal), tar base; Acid Extract; [The extract from coal tar oil alkaline extract residue produced by an acidic wash such as aqueous sulfuric acid after distillation to remove naphthalene. Composed primarily of the acid salts of various aromatic nitrogen bases including pyridine, quinoline, and their alkyl derivatives.] |
266-020-9 |
65996-86-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-141-00-2 |
Tar bases, coal, crude; Crude Tar Bases; [The reaction product obtained by neutralizing coal tar base extract oil with an alkaline solution, such as aqueous sodium hydroxide, to obtain the free bases. Composed primarily of such organic bases as acridine, phenanthridine, pyridine, quinoline and their alkyl derivatives.] |
266-018-8 |
65996-84-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
648-147-00-5 |
Light oil (coal), coke-oven; Crude benzole; [The volatile organic liquid extracted from the gas evolved in the high temperature (greater than 700 °C (1 292 °F)) destructive distillation of coal. Composed primarily of benzene, toluene, and xylenes. May contain other minor hydrocarbon constituents.] |
266-012-5 |
65996-78-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-148-00-0 |
Distillates (coal), liq. solvent extn., primary; [The liquid product of condensation of vapors emitted during the digestion of coal in a liquid solvent and boiling in the range of approximately 30 °C to 300 °C (86 °F to 572 °F). Composed primarily of partly hydrogenated condensed-ring aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic compounds containing nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur, and their alkyl derivatives having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C14.] |
302-688-0 |
94114-52-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-149-00-6 |
Distillates (coal), solvent extn., hydrocracked; [Distillate obtained by hydrocracking of coal extract or solution produced by the liquid solvent extraction or supercritical gas extraction processes and boiling in the range of approximately 30 °C to 300 °C (86 °F to 572 °F). Composed primarily of aromatic, hydrogenated aromatic and naphthenic compounds, their alkyl derivatives and alkanes with carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C14. Nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen-containing aromatic and hydrogenated aromatic compounds are also present.] |
302-689-6 |
94114-53-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-150-00-1 |
Naphtha (coal), solvent extn., hydrocracked; [Fraction of the distillate obtained by hydrocracking of coal extract or solution produced by the liquid solvent extraction or supercritical gas extraction processes and boiling in the range of approximately 30 °C to 180 °C (86 °F to 356 °F). Composed primarily of aromatic, hydrogenated aromatic and naphthenic compounds, their alkyl derivatives and alkanes with carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 to C9. Nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen-containing aromatic and hydrogenated aromatic compounds are also present.] |
302-690-1 |
94114-54-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-152-00-2 |
Distillates (coal), solvent extn., hydrocracked middle; [Distillate obtained from the hydrocracking of coal extract or solution produced by the liquid solvent extraction or supercritical gas extraction processes and boiling in the range of approximately 180 °C to 300 °C (356 °F to 572 °F. Composed primarily of two-ring aromatic, hydrogenated aromatic and naphthenic compounds, their alkyl derivatives and alkanes having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C9 through C14. Nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen-containing compounds are also present.] |
302-692-2 |
94114-56-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-153-00-8 |
Distillates (coal), solvent extn., hydrocracked hydrogenated middle; [Distillate from the hydrogenation of hydrocracked middle distillate from coal extract or solution produced by the liquid solvent extraction or supercritical gas extraction processes and boiling in the range of approximately 180 °C to 280 °C (356 °F to 536 °F). Composed primarily of hydrogenated two- ring carbon compounds and their alkyl derivatives having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C9 through C14.] |
302-693-8 |
94114-57-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
648-156-00-4 |
Light oil (coal), semi-coking process; Fresh oil; [The volatile organic liquid condensed from the gas evolved in the low-temperature (less than 700 °C (1 292 °F)) destructive distillation of coal. Composed primarily of C6-10 hydrocarbons.] |
292-635-7 |
90641-11-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
T R: 45-46 S: 53-45 |
H J |
649-062-00-6 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracked naphtha depropanizer overhead, C3-rich acid-free; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from fractionation of catalytic cracked hydrocarbons and treated to remove acidic impurities. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C2 through C4, predominantly C3.] |
270-755-0 |
68477-73-6 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-063-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracker; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of the products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists predominantly of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-756-6 |
68477-74-7 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-064-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracker, C1-5-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C6, predominantly C1 through C5.] |
270-757-1 |
68477-75-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-065-00-2 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic polymd. naphtha stabilizer overhead, C2-4-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation stabilization of catalytic polymerized naphtha. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C2 through C6, predominantly C2 through C4.] |
270-758-7 |
68477-76-9 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-066-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic reformer, C1-4-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from a catalytic reforming process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C6, predominantly C1 through C4.] |
270-760-8 |
68477-79-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-067-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), C3-5 olefinic-paraffinic alkylation feed; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of olefinic and paraffinic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C5 which are used as alkylation feed. Ambient temperatures normally exceed the critical temperature of these combinations.] |
270-765-5 |
68477-83-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-068-00-9 |
Gases (petroleum), C4-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from a catalytic fractionation process. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C5, predominantly C4.] |
270-767-6 |
68477-85-0 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-069-00-4 |
Gases (petroleum), deethanizer overheads; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced from distillation of the gas and gasoline fractions from the catalytic cracking process. It contains predominantly ethane and ethylene.] |
270-768-1 |
68477-86-1 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-070-00-X |
Gases (petroleum), deisobutanizer tower overheads; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the atmospheric distillation of a butane-butylene stream. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C4.] |
270-769-7 |
68477-87-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-071-00-5 |
Gases (petroleum), depropanizer dry, propene-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from the gas and gasoline fractions of a catalytic cracking process. It consists predominantly of propylene with some ethane and propane.] |
270-772-3 |
68477-90-7 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-072-00-0 |
Gases (petroleum), depropanizer overheads; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from the gas and gasoline fractions of a catalytic cracking process. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C4.] |
270-773-9 |
68477-91-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-073-00-6 |
Gases (petroleum), gas recovery plant depropanizer overheads; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by fractionation of miscellaneous hydrocarbon streams. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C4, predominantly propane.] |
270-777-0 |
68477-94-1 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-074-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), Girbotol unit feed; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons that is used as the feed into the Girbatol unit to remove hydrogen sulfide. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C4.] |
270-778-6 |
68477-95-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-075-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), isomerized naphtha fractionator, C4-rich, hydrogen sulfide-free; Petroleum gas |
270-782-8 |
68477-99-6 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-076-00-2 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracked clarified oil and thermal cracked vacuum residue fractionation reflux drum; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from fractionation of catalytic cracked clarified oil and thermal cracked vacuum residue. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-802-5 |
68478-21-7 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-077-00-8 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracked naphtha stabilization absorber; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the stabilization of catalytic cracked naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-803-0 |
68478-22-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-078-00-3 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracker, catalytic reformer and hydrodesulfurizer combined fractionater; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation of products from catalytic cracking, catalytic reforming and hydrodesulfurizing processes treated to remove acidic impurities. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having cabon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
270-804-6 |
68478-24-0 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-079-00-9 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic reformed naphtha fractionation stabilizer; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation stabilization of catalytic reformed naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
270-806-7 |
68478-26-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-080-00-4 |
Tail gas (petroleum), saturate gas plant mixed stream, C4-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation stabilization of straight-run naphtha, distillation tail gas and catalytic reformed naphtha stabilizer tail gas. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C6, predominantly butane and isobutane.] |
270-813-5 |
68478-32-0 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-081-00-X |
Tail gas (petroleum), saturate gas recovery plant, C1-2-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from fractionation of distillate tail gas, straight-run naphtha, catalytic reformed naphtha stabilizer tail gas. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1through C5, predominantly methane and ethane.] |
270-814-0 |
68478-33-1 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-082-00-5 |
Tail gas (petroleum), vacuum residues thermal cracker; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the thermal cracking of vacuum residues. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
270-815-6 |
68478-34-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-083-00-0 |
Hydrocarbons, C3-4-rich, petroleum distillate; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation and condensation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C5, predominantly C3 through C4.] |
270-990-9 |
68512-91-4 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-084-00-6 |
Gases (petroleum), full-range straight-run naphtha dehexanizer off; petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractionation of the full-range straight-run naphtha. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C6.] |
271-000-8 |
68513-15-5 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-085-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), hydrocracking depropanizer off, hydrocarbon-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbon produced by the distillation of products from a hydrocracking process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4. It may also contain small amounts of hydrogen and hydrogen sulfide.] |
271-001-3 |
68513-16-6 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-086-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), light straight-run naphtha stabilizer off; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the stabilization of light straight-run naphtha. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C6.] |
271-002-9 |
68513-17-7 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-087-00-2 |
Residues (petroleum), alkylation splitter, C4-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex residuum from the distillation of streams various refinery operations. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C4 through C5, predominantly butane and boiling in the range of approximately –11,7 °C to 27,8 °C (11 °F to 82 °F).] |
271-010-2 |
68513-66-6 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-088-00-8 |
Hydrocarbons, C1-4; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons provided by thermal cracking and absorber operations and by distillation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4 and boiling in the range of approximately minus 164 °C to minus 0,5 °C (– 263 °F to 31 °F).] |
271-032-2 |
68514-31-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-089-00-3 |
Hydrocarbons, C1-4, sweetened; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting hydrocarbon gases to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4 and boiling in the range of approximately – 164 °C to –0,5 °C (– 263 °F to 31 °F).] |
271-038-5 |
68514-36-3 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-090-00-9 |
Hydrocarbons, C1-3; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C3 and boiling in the range of approximately minus 164 °C to minus 42 °C (– 263 °F to –44 °F).] |
271-259-7 |
68527-16-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-091-00-4 |
Hydrocarbons, C1-4, debutanizer fraction; Petroleum gas |
271-261-8 |
68527-19-5 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-092-00-X |
Gases (petroleum), C1-5, wet; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of crude oil and/or the cracking of tower gas oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
271-624-0 |
68602-83-5 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-093-00-5 |
Hydrocarbons, C2-4; Petroleum gas |
271-734-9 |
68606-25-7 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-094-00-0 |
Hydrocarbons, C3; Petroleum gas |
271-735-4 |
68606-26-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-095-00-6 |
Gases (petroleum), alkylation feed; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the catalytic cracking of gas oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C4.] |
271-737-5 |
68606-27-9 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-096-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), depropanizer bottoms fractionation off; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation of depropanizer bottoms. It consists predominantly of butane, isobutane and butadiene.] |
271-742-2 |
68606-34-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-097-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), refinery blend; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination obtained from various processes. It consists of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
272-183-7 |
68783-07-3 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-098-00-2 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracking; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of the products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C5.] |
272-203-4 |
68783-64-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-099-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), C2-4, sweetened; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting a petroleum distillate to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists predominantly of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C4 and boiling in the range of approximately –51 °C to –34 °C (–60 °F to –30 °F).] |
272-205-5 |
68783-65-3 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-100-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), crude oil fractionation off; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the fractionation of crude oil. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
272-871-7 |
68918-99-0 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-101-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), dehexanizer off; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractionation of combined naphtha streams. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
272-872-2 |
68919-00-6 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-102-00-2 |
Gases (petroleum), light straight run gasoline fractionation stabilizer off; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractionation of light straight-run gasoline. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
272-878-5 |
68919-05-1 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-103-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), naphtha unifiner desulfurization stripper off; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by a naphtha unifiner desulfurization process and stripped from the naphtha product. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
272-879-0 |
68919-06-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-104-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), straight-run naphtha catalytic reforming off; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the catalytic reforming of straight-run naphtha and fractionation of the total effluent. It consists of methane, ethane, and propane.] |
272-882-7 |
68919-09-5 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-105-00-9 |
Gases (petroleum), fluidized catalytic cracker splitter overheads; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the fractionation of the charge to the C3 -C4 splitter. It consists predominantly of C3 hydrocarbons.] |
272-893-7 |
68919-20-0 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-106-00-4 |
Gases (petroleum), straight-run stabilizer off; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation of the liquid from the first tower used in the distillation of crude oil. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
272-883-2 |
68919-10-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-107-00-X |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracked naphtha debutanizer; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from fractionation of catalytic cracked naphtha. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
273-169-3 |
68952-76-1 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-108-00-5 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracked distillate and naphtha stabilizer; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractionation of catalytic cracked naphtha and distillate. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
273-170-9 |
68952-77-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-109-00-0 |
Tail gas (petroleum), thermal-cracked distillate, gas oil and naphtha absorber; petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the separation of thermal-cracked distillates, naphtha and gas oil. It consists pedrominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
273-175-6 |
68952-81-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-110-00-6 |
Tail gas (petroleum), thermal cracked hydrocarbon fractionation stabilizer, petroleum coking; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation stabilization of thermal cracked hydrocarbons from petroleum coking process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
273-176-1 |
68952-82-9 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-111-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum, light steam-cracked, butadiene conc.; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a thermal cracking process. It consists of hydrocarbons having a carbon number predominantly of C4.] |
273-265-5 |
68955-28-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-112-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), straight-run naphtha catalytic reformer stabilizer overhead; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the catalytic reforming of straight-run naphtha and the fractionation of the total effluent. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C4.] |
273-270-2 |
68955-34-0 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-113-00-2 |
Hydrocarbons, C4; Petroleum gas |
289-339-5 |
87741-01-3 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-114-00-8 |
Alkanes, C1-4, C3-rich; Petroleum gas |
292-456-4 |
90622-55-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-115-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), steam-cracker C3-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a steam cracking process. It consists predominantly of propylene with some propane and boils in the range of approximately –70 °C to 0 °C (–94 °F to 32 °F).] |
295-404-9 |
92045-22-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-116-00-9 |
Hydrocarbons, C4, steam-cracker distillate; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of the products of a steam cracking process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having a carbon number of C4, predominantly 1-butene and 2-butene, containing also butane and isobutene and boiling in the range of approximately minus 12 °C to 5 °C (10,4 °F to 41 °F).] |
295-405-4 |
92045-23-3 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-117-00-4 |
Petroleum gases, liquefied, sweetened, C4 fraction; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting a liquified petroleum gas mix to a sweetening process to oxidize mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists predominantly of C4 saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.] |
295-463-0 |
92045-80-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
649-118-00-X |
Hydrocarbons, C4, 1,3-butadiene- and isobutene-free; Petroleum gas |
306-004-1 |
95465-89-7 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-119-00-5 |
Raffinates (petroleum), steam-cracked C4 fraction cuprous ammonium acetate extn., C3-5 and C3-5 unsatd., butadiene-free; Petroleum gas |
307-769-4 |
97722-19-5 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-120-00-0 |
Gases (petroleum), amine system feed; Refinery gas; [The feed gas to the amine system for removal of hydrogen sulfide. It consists of hydrogen. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5 may also be present.] |
270-746-1 |
68477-65-6 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-121-00-6 |
Gases (petroleum), benzene unit hydrodesulfurizer off; Refinery gas; [Off gases produced by the benzene unit. It consists primarily of hydrogen. Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6, including benzene, may also be present.] |
270-747-7 |
68477-66-7 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-122-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), benzene unit recycle, hydrogen-rich; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by recycling the gases of the benzene unit. It consists primarily of hydrogen with various small amounts of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-748-2 |
68477-67-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-123-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), blend oil, hydrogen-nitrogen-rich; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of a blend oil. It consists primarily of hydrogen and nitrogen with various small amounts of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
270-749-8 |
68477-68-9 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-124-00-2 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic reformed naphtha stripper overheads; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from stabilization of catalytic reformed naphtha. Its consists of hydrogen and saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
270-759-2 |
68477-77-0 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-125-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), C6-8 catalytic reformer recycle; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from catalytic reforming of C6-C8 feed and recycled to conserve hydrogen. It consists primarily of hydrogen. It may also contain various small amounts of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-761-3 |
68477-80-5 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-126-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), C6-8 catalytic reformer; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from catalytic reforming of C6-C8feed. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C5 and hydrogen.] |
270-762-9 |
68477-81-6 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-127-00-9 |
Gases (petroleum), C6-8 catalytic reformer recycle, hydrogen-rich; Refinery gas |
270-763-4 |
68477-82-7 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-128-00-4 |
Gases (petroleum), C2-return stream; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the extraction of hydrogen from a gas stream which consists primarily of hydrogen with small amounts of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, ethane, and ethylene. It contains predominantly hydrocarbons such as methane, ethane, and ethylene with small amounts of hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon monoxide.] |
270-766-0 |
68477-84-9 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-129-00-X |
Gases (petroleum), dry sour, gas-concn.-unit-off; Refinery gas; [The complex combination of dry gases from a gas concentration unit. It consists of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C3.] |
270-774-4 |
68477-92-9 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-130-00-5 |
Gases (petroleum), gas concn. reabsorber distn.; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from combined gas streams in a gas concentration reabsorber. It consists predominantly of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C3.] |
270-776-5 |
68477-93-0 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-131-00-0 |
Gases (petroleum), hydrogen absorber off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained by absorbing hydrogen from a hydrogen rich stream. It consists of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, and methane with small amounts of C2 hydrocarbons.] |
270-779-1 |
68477-96-3 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-132-00-6 |
Gases (petroleum), hydrogen-rich; Refinery gas; [A complex combination separated as a gas from hydrocarbon gases by chilling. It consists primarily of hydrogen with various small amounts of carbon monoxide, nitrogen, methane, and C2 hydrocarbons.] |
270-780-7 |
68477-97-4 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-133-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), hydrotreater blend oil recycle, hydrogen-nitrogen-rich; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from recycled hydrotreated blend oil. It consists primarily of hydrogen and nitrogen with various small amounts of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
270-781-2 |
68477-98-5 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-134-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), recycle, hydrogen-rich; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from recycled reactor gases. It consists primarily of hydrogen with various small amounts of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C5.] |
270-783-3 |
68478-00-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-135-00-2 |
Gases (petroleum), reformer make-up, hydrogen-rich; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from the reformers. It consists primarily of hydrogen with various small amounts of carbon monoxide and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
270-784-9 |
68478-01-3 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-136-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), reforming hydrotreater; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from the reforming hydrotreating process. It consists primarily of hydrogen, methane, and ethane with various small amounts of hydrogen sulfide and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C5.] |
270-785-4 |
68478-02-4 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-137-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), reforming hydrotreater, hydrogen-methane-rich; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from the reforming hydrotreating process. It consists primarily of hydrogen and methane with various small amounts of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C5.] |
270-787-5 |
68478-03-5 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-138-00-9 |
Gases (petroleum), reforming hydrotreater make-up, hydrogen-rich; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from the reforming hydrotreating process. It consists primarily of hydrogen with various small amounts of carbon monoxide and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
270-788-0 |
68478-04-6 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-139-00-4 |
Gases (petroleum), thermal cracking distn.; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by distillation of products from a thermal cracking process. It consists of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-789-6 |
68478-05-7 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-140-00-X |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracker refractionation absorber; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from refractionation of products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists of hydrogen and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C3.] |
270-805-1 |
68478-25-1 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-141-00-5 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic reformed naphtha separator; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the catalytic reforming of straight run naphtha. It consists of hydrogen and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-807-2 |
68478-27-3 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-142-00-0 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic reformed naphtha stabilizer; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the stabilization of catalytic reformed naphtha. It consists of hydrogen and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-808-8 |
68478-28-4 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-143-00-6 |
Tail gas (petroleum), cracked distillate hydrotreater separator; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating cracked distillates with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrogen and saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
270-809-3 |
68478-29-5 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-144-00-1 |
Tail gas (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized straight-run naphtha separator; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from hydrodesulfurization of straight-run naphtha. It consists of hydrogen and saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
270-810-9 |
68478-30-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-145-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic reformed straight-run naphtha stabilizer overheads; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the catalytic reforming of straight-run naphtha followed by fractionation of the total effluent. It consists of hydrogen, methane, ethane and propane.] |
270-999-8 |
68513-14-4 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-146-00-2 |
Gases (petroleum), reformer effluent high-pressure flash drum off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by the high-pressure flashing of the effluent from the reforming reactor. It consists primarily of hydrogen with various small amounts of methane, ethane, and propane.] |
271-003-4 |
68513-18-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-147-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), reformer effluent low-pressure flash drum off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by low-pressure flashing of the effluent from the reforming reactor. It consists primarily of hydrogen with various small amounts of methane, ethane, and propane.] |
271-005-5 |
68513-19-9 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-148-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), oil refinery gas distn. off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination separated by distillation of a gas stream containing hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C6 or obtained by cracking ethane and propane. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C2, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide.] |
271-258-1 |
68527-15-1 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-149-00-9 |
Gases (petroleum), benzene unit hydrotreater depentanizer overheads; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by treating the feed from the benzene unit with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst followed by depentanizing. It consists primarily of hydrogen, ethane and propane with various small amounts of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6. It may contain trace amounts of benzene.] |
271-623-5 |
68602-82-4 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-150-00-4 |
Gases (petroleum), secondary absorber off, fluidized catalytic cracker overheads fractionator; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by the fractionation of the overhead products from the catalytic cracking process in the fluidized catalytic cracker. It consists of hydrogen, nitrogen, and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C3.] |
271-625-6 |
68602-84-6 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-151-00-X |
Petroleum products, refinery gases; Refinery gas; [A complex combination which consists primarily of hydrogen with various small amounts of methane, ethane, and propane.] |
271-750-6 |
68607-11-4 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-152-00-5 |
Gases (petroleum), hydrocracking low-pressure separator; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained by the liquid-vapor separation of the hydrocracking process reactor effluent. It consists predominantly of hydrogen and saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C3.] |
272-182-1 |
68783-06-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-153-00-0 |
Gases (petroleum), refinery; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from various petroleum refining operations. It consists of hydrogen and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C3.] |
272-338-9 |
68814-67-5 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-154-00-6 |
Gases (petroleum), platformer products separator off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from the chemical reforming of naphthenes to aromatics. It consists of hydrogen and saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C4.] |
272-343-6 |
68814-90-4 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-155-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), hydrotreated sour kerosine depentanizer stabilizer off; Refinery gas; [The complex combination obtained from the depentanizer stabilization of hydrotreated kerosine. It consists primarily of hydrogen, methane, ethane, and propane with various small amounts of nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C5.] |
272-775-5 |
68911-58-0 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-156-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), hydrotreated sour kerosine flash drum; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from the flash drum of the unit treating sour kerosine with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists primarily of hydrogen and methane with various small amounts of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C5.] |
272-776-0 |
68911-59-1 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-157-00-2 |
Gases (petroleum), distillate unifiner desulfurization stripper off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination stripped from the liquid product of the unifiner desulfurization process. It consists of hydrogen sulfide, methane, ethane, and propane.] |
272-873-8 |
68919-01-7 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-158-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), fluidized catalytic cracker fractionation off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by the fractionation of the overhead product of the fluidized catalytic cracking process. It consists of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
272-874-3 |
68919-02-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-159-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), fluidized catalytic cracker scrubbing secondary absorber off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by scrubbing the overhead gas from the fluidized catalytic cracker. It consists of hydrogen, nitrogen, methane, ethane and propane.] |
272-875-9 |
68919-03-9 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-160-00-9 |
Gases (petroleum), heavy distillate hydrotreater desulfurization stripper off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination stripped from the liquid product of the heavy distillate hydrotreater desulfurization process. It consists of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
272-876-4 |
68919-04-0 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-161-00-4 |
Gases (petroleum), platformer stabilizer off, light ends fractionation; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained by the fractionation of the light ends of the platinum reactors of the platformer unit. It consists of hydrogen, methane, ethane and propane.] |
272-880-6 |
68919-07-3 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-162-00-X |
Gases (petroleum), preflash tower off, crude distn.; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced from the first tower used in the distillation of crude oil. It consists of nitrogen and saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
272-881-1 |
68919-08-4 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-163-00-5 |
Gases (petroleum), tar stripper off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained by the fractionation of reduced crude oil. It consists of hydrogen and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
272-884-8 |
68919-11-9 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-164-00-0 |
Gases (petroleum), unifiner stripper off; Refinery gas; [A combination of hydrogen and methane obtained by fractionation of the products from the unifiner unit.] |
272-885-3 |
68919-12-0 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-165-00-6 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic hydrodesulfurized naphtha separator; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the hydrodesulfurization of naphtha. It consists of hydrogen, methane, ethane, and propane.] |
273-173-5 |
68952-79-4 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-166-00-1 |
Tail gas (petroleum), straight-run naphtha hydrodesulfurizer; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from the hydrodesulfurization of straight-run naphtha. It consists of hydrogen and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
273-174-0 |
68952-80-7 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-167-00-7 |
Gases (petroleum), sponge absorber off, fluidized catalytic cracker and gas oil desulfurizer overhead fractionation; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained by the fractionation of products from the fluidized catalytic cracker and gas oil desulfurizer. It consists of hydrogen and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
273-269-7 |
68955-33-9 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-168-00-2 |
Gases (petroleum), crude distn. and catalytic cracking; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by crude distillation and catalytic cracking processes. It consists of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and paraffinic and olefinic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
273-563-5 |
68989-88-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-169-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), gas oil diethanolamine scrubber off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination produced by desulfurization of gas oils with diethanolamine. It consists predominantly of hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C5.] |
295-397-2 |
92045-15-3 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-170-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), gas oil hydrodesulfurization effluent; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained by separation of the liquid phase from the effluent from the hydrogenation reaction. It consists predominantly of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C3.] |
295-398-8 |
92045-16-4 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-171-00-9 |
Gases (petroleum), gas oil hydrodesulfurization purge; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of gases obtained from the reformer and from the purges from the hydrogenation reactor. It consists predominantly of hydrogen and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
295-399-3 |
92045-17-5 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-172-00-4 |
Gases (petroleum), hydrogenator effluent flash drum off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination of gases obtained from flash of the effluents after the hydrogenation reaction. It consists predominantly of hydrogen and aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
295-400-7 |
92045-18-6 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-173-00-X |
Gases (petroleum), naphtha steam cracking high-pressure residual; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained as a reaction mass of the non-condensable portions from the product of a naphtha steam cracking process as well as residual gases obtained during the preparation of subsequent products. It consists predominantly of hydrogen and paraffinic and olefinic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5 with which natural gas may also be mixed.] |
295-401-2 |
92045-19-7 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-174-00-5 |
Gases (petroleum), residue visbaking off; Refinery gas; [A complex combination obtained from viscosity reduction of residues in a furnace. It consists predominantly of hydrogen sulfide and paraffinic and olefinic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
295-402-8 |
92045-20-0 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-177-00-1 |
Gases (petroleum), C3-4; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from the cracking of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C4, predominantly of propane and propylene, and boiling in the range of approximately –51 °C to –1 °C (–60 °F to 30 °F.)] |
268-629-5 |
68131-75-9 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-178-00-7 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic cracked distillate and catalytic cracked naphtha fractionation absorber; Petroleum gas; [The complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of the products from catalytic cracked distillates and catalytic cracked naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C4.] |
269-617-2 |
68307-98-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-179-00-2 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic polymn. naphtha fractionation stabilizer; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the fractionation stabilization products from polymerization of naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C1 through C4.] |
269-618-8 |
68307-99-3 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-180-00-8 |
Tail gas (petroleum), catalytic reformed naphtha fractionation stabilizer, hydrogen sulfide-free; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from fractionation stabilization of catalytic reformed naphtha and from which hydrogen sulfide has been removed by amine treatment. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
269-619-3 |
68308-00-9 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-181-00-3 |
Tail gas (petroleum), cracked distillate hydrotreater stripper; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating thermal cracked distillates with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
269-620-9 |
68308-01-0 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-182-00-9 |
Tail gas (petroleum), straight-run distillate hydrodesulfurizer, hydrogen sulfide-free; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from catalytic hydrodesulfurization of straight run distillates and from which hydrogen sulfide has been removed by amine treatment. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
269-630-3 |
68308-10-1 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-183-00-4 |
Tail gas (petroleum), gas oil catalytic cracking absorber; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of products from the catalytic cracking of gas oil. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
269-623-5 |
68308-03-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-184-00-X |
Tail gas (petroleum), gas recovery plant; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of products from miscellaneous hydrocarbon streams. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
269-624-0 |
68308-04-3 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-185-00-5 |
Tail gas (petroleum), gas recovery plant deethanizer; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of products from miscellaneous hydrocarbon streams. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
269-625-6 |
68308-05-4 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-186-00-0 |
Tail gas (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized distillate and hydrodesulfurized naphtha fractionator, acid-free; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from fractionation of hydrodesulfurized naphtha and distillate hydrocarbon streams and treated to remove acidic impurities. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
269-626-1 |
68308-06-5 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-187-00-6 |
Tail gas (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized vacuum gas oil stripper, hydrogen sulfide-free; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from stripping stabilization of catalytic hydrodesulfurized vacuum gas oil and from which hydrogen sulfide has been removed by amine treatment. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
269-627-7 |
68308-07-6 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-188-00-1 |
Tail gas (petroleum), light straight-run naphtha stabilizer, hydrogen sulfide-free; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from fractionation stabilization of light straight run naphtha and from which hydrogen sulfide has been removed by amine treatment. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
269-629-8 |
68308-09-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-189-00-7 |
Tail gas (petroleum), propane-propylene alkylation feed prep deethanizer; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of the reaction products of propane with propylene. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
269-631-9 |
68308-11-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-190-00-2 |
Tail gas (petroleum), vacuum gas oil hydrodesulfurizer, hydrogen sulfide-free; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from catalytic hydrodesulfurization of vacuum gas oil and from which hydrogen sulfide has been removed by amine treatment. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.] |
269-632-4 |
68308-12-3 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-191-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic cracked overheads; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from the catalytic cracking process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C5 and boiling in the range of approximately –48 °C to 32 °C (–54 °F to 90 °F).] |
270-071-2 |
68409-99-4 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-193-00-9 |
Alkanes, C1-2; Petroleum gas |
270-651-5 |
68475-57-0 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-194-00-4 |
Alkanes, C2-3; Petroleum gas |
270-652-0 |
68475-58-1 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-195-00-X |
Alkanes, C3-4; petroleum gas |
270-653-6 |
68475-59-2 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-196-00-5 |
Alkanes, C4-5; Petroleum gas |
270-654-1 |
68475-60-5 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-197-00-0 |
Fuel gases; Petroleum gas; [A combination of light gases. It consists predominantly of hydrogen and/or low molecular weight hydrocarbons.] |
270-667-2 |
68476-26-6 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-198-00-6 |
Fuel gases, crude oil of distillates; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of light gases produced by distillation of crude oil and by catalytic reforming of naphtha. It consists of hydrogen and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4 and boiling in the range of approximately – 217 °C to –12 °C (– 423 °F to 10 °F).] |
270-670-9 |
68476-29-9 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-199-00-1 |
Hydrocarbons, C3-4; Petroleum gas |
270-681-9 |
68476-40-4 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-200-00-5 |
Hydrocarbons, C4-5; Petroleum gas |
270-682-4 |
68476-42-6 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-201-00-0 |
Hydrocarbons, C2-4, C3-rich; Petroleum gas |
270-689-2 |
68476-49-3 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-202-00-6 |
Petroleum gases, liquefied; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C7 and boiling in the range of approximately –40 °C to 80 °C (–40 °F to 176 °F).] |
270-704-2 |
68476-85-7 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
649-203-00-1 |
Petroleum gases, liquefied, sweetened; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting liquefied petroleum gas mix to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C7 and boiling in the range of approximately –40 °C to 80 °C (–40 °F to 176 °F).] |
270-705-8 |
68476-86-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
649-204-00-7 |
gases (petroleum), C3-4, isobutane-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons usually ranging in carbon numbers from C3 through C6, predominantly butane and isobutane. It consists of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C4, predominantly isobutane.] |
270-724-1 |
68477-33-8 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-205-00-2 |
Distillates (petroleum), C3-6, piperylene-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of saturated and unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons usually ranging in the carbon numbers C3 through C6. It consists of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C6, predominantly piperylenes.] |
270-726-2 |
68477-35-0 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-206-00-8 |
Gases (petroleum), butane splitter overheads; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of the butane stream. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C4.] |
270-750-3 |
68477-69-0 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-207-00-3 |
Gases (petroleum), C2-3-; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a catalytic fractionation process. It contains predominantly ethane, ethylene, propane, and propylene.] |
270-751-9 |
68477-70-3 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-208-00-9 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic-cracked gas oil depropanizer bottoms, C4-rich acid-free; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from fractionation of catalytic cracked gas oil hydrocarbon stream and treated to remove hydrogen sulfide and other acidic components. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C5, predominantly C4.] |
270-752-4 |
68477-71-4 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-209-00-4 |
Gases (petroleum), catalytic-cracked naphtha debutanizer bottoms, C3-5-rich; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the stabilization of catalytic cracked naphtha. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C5.] |
270-754-5 |
68477-72-5 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-210-00-X |
Tail gas (petroleum), isomerized naphtha fractionation stabilizer; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation stabilization products from isomerized naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C4.] |
269-628-2 |
68308-08-7 |
F+; R12 Carc. Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 |
F+; T R: 45-46-12 S: 53-45 |
H K |
649-261-00-8 |
Gasoline, natural; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons separated from natural gas by processes such as refrigeration or absorption. It consists predominantly of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C8 and boiling in the range of approximately minus 20 °C to 120 °C (–4 °F to 248 °F).] |
232-349-1 |
8006-61-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-262-00-3 |
Naphtha; Low boiling point naphtha; [Refined, partly refined, or unrefined petroleum products produced by the distillation of natural gas. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C6 and boiling in the range of approximately 100 °C to 200 °C (212 °F to 392 °F).] |
232-443-2 |
8030-30-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-263-00-9 |
Ligroine; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractional distillation of petroleum. This fraction boils in a range of approximately 20 °C to 135 °C (58 °F to 275 °F).] |
232-453-7 |
8032-32-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-264-00-4 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy straight-run; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 65 °C to 230 °C (149 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-041-0 |
64741-41-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-265-00-X |
Naphtha (petroleum), full-range straight-run; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 220 °C (–4 °F to 428 °F).] |
265-042-6 |
64741-42-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-266-00-5 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light straight-run; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of crude oil. It consists predominantly of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 180 °C (–4 °F to 356 °F).] |
265-046-8 |
64741-46-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-267-00-0 |
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light aliph.; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of crude oil or natural gasoline. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 160 °C (95 °F to 320 °F).] |
265-192-2 |
64742-89-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-268-00-6 |
Distillates (petroleum), straight-run light; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C7 and boiling in the range of approximately –88 °C to 99 °C (– 127 °F to 210 °F).] |
270-077-5 |
68410-05-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-269-00-1 |
Gasoline, vapor-recovery; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons separated from the gases from vapor recovery systems by cooling. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 196 °C(-4 °F to 384 °F).] |
271-025-4 |
68514-15-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-270-00-7 |
Gasoline, straight-run, topping-plant; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced from the topping plant by the distillation of crude oil. It boils in the range of approximately 36,1 °C to 193,3 °C (97 °F to 380 °F).] |
271-727-0 |
68606-11-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-271-00-2 |
Naphtha (petroleum), unsweetened; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced from the distillation of naphtha streams from various refinery processes. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 0 °C to 230 °C (25 °F to 446 °F).] |
272-186-3 |
68783-12-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-272-00-8 |
Distillates (petroleum), light straight-run gasoline fractionation stabilizer overheads; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractionation of light straight-run gasoline. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C6.] |
272-931-2 |
68921-08-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-273-00-3 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy straight run, arom.-contg.; Low boiling point naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from a distillation process of crude petroleum. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C8 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 130 °C to 210 °C (266 °F to 410 °F).] |
309-945-6 |
101631-20-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-274-00-9 |
Naphtha (petroleum), full-range alkylate; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of the reaction products of isobutane with monoolefinic hydrocarbons usually ranging in carbon numbers from C3 through C5 It consists of predominantly branched chain saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 90 °C to 220 °C (194 °F to 428 °F).] |
265-066-7 |
64741-64-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-275-00-4 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy alkylate; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of the reaction products of isobutane with monoolefinic hydrocarbons usually ranging in carbon numbers from C3 to C5. It consists of predominantly branched chain saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C9 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 150 °C to 220 °C (302 °F to 428 °F).] |
265-067-2 |
64741-65-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-276-00-X |
Naphtha (petroleum), light alkylate; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of the reaction products of isobutane with monoolefinic hydrocarbons usually ranging in carbon numbers from C3 through C5. It consists of predominantly branched chain saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 90 °C to 160 °C (194 °F to 320 °F).] |
265-068-8 |
64741-66-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-277-00-5 |
Naphtha (petroleum), isomerization; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from catalytic isomerization of straight chain paraffinic C4 through C6 hydrocarbons. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons such as isobutane, isopentane, 2,2-dimethylbutane, 2-methylpentane, and 3-methylpentane.] |
265-073-5 |
64741-70-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-278-00-0 |
Naphtha (petroleum), solvent-refined light; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as the raffinate from a solvent extraction process. It consists predominantly of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 190 °C (95 °F to 374 °F).] |
265-086-6 |
64741-84-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-279-00-6 |
Naphtha (petroleum), solvent-refined heavy; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as the raffinate from a solvent extraction process. It consists predominantly of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 90 °C to 230 °C (194 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-095-5 |
64741-92-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-280-00-1 |
Raffinates (petroleum), catalytic reformer ethylene glycol-water countercurrent exts.; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as the raffinate from the UDEX extraction process on the catalytic reformer stream. It consists of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C9.] |
270-088-5 |
68410-71-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-281-00-7 |
Raffinates (petroleum), reformer, Lurgi unit-sepd.; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [The complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as a raffinate from a Lurgi separation unit. It consists predominantly of non-aromatic hydrocarbons with various small amounts of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C8.] |
270-349-3 |
68425-35-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-282-00-2 |
Naphtha (petroleum), full-range alkylate, butane-contg.; Low boiling point modified naphta; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of the reaction products of isobutane with monoolefinic hydrocarbons usually ranging in carbon numbers from C3 through C5. It consists of predominantly branched chain saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 with some butanes and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 200 °C (95 °F to 428 °F).] |
271-267-0 |
68527-27-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-283-00-8 |
Distillates (petroleum), naphtha steam cracking-derived, solvent-refined light hydrotreated; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as the raffinates from a solvent extraction process of hydrotreated light distillate from steam-cracked naphtha.] |
295-315-5 |
91995-53-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-284-00-3 |
Naphtha (petroleum), C4-12, butane-alkylate, isooctane-rich; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by alkylation of butanes. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C12, rich in isooctane, and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 210 °C (95 °F to 410 °F).] |
295-430-0 |
92045-49-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-285-00-9 |
Hydrocarbons, hydrotreated light naphtha distillates, solvent-refined; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of hydrotreated naphtha followed by a solvent extraction and distillation process. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons boiling in the range of approximately 94 °C to 99 °C (201 °F to 210 °F).] |
295-436-3 |
92045-55-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-286-00-4 |
Naphtha (petroleum), isomerization, C6-fraction; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of a gasoline which has been catalytically isomerized. It consists predominantly of hexane isomers boiling in the range of approximately 60 °C to 66 °C (140 °F to 151 °F).] |
295-440-5 |
92045-58-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-287-00-X |
Hydrocarbons, C6-7, naphtha-cracking, solvent-refined; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the sorption of benzene from a catalytically fully hydrogenated benzene-rich hydrocarbon cut that was distillatively obtained from prehydrogenated cracked naphtha. It consists predominantly of paraffinic and naphthenic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C7 and boiling in the range of approximately 70 °C to 100 °C (158 °F to 212 °F).] |
295-446-8 |
92045-64-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-288-00-5 |
Hydrocarbons, C6-rich, hydrotreated light naphtha distillates, solvent-refined; Low boiling point modified naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of hydrotreated naphtha followed by solvent extraction. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons and boiling in the range of approximately 65 °C to 70 °C (149 °F to 158 °F).] |
309-871-4 |
101316-67-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-289-00-0 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy catalytic cracked; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by a distillation of products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 65 °C to 230 °C (148 °F to 446 °F). It contains a relatively large proportion of unsaturated hydrocarbons.] |
265-055-7 |
64741-54-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-290-00-6 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light catalytic cracked; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 190 °C (–4 °F to 374 °F). It contains a relatively large proportion of unsaturated hydrocarbons.] |
265-056-2 |
64741-55-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-291-00-1 |
Hydrocarbons, C3-11, catalytic cracker distillates; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillations of products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C11 and boiling in a range approximately up to 204 °C (400 °F).] |
270-686-6 |
68476-46-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-292-00-7 |
Naphtha (petroleum), catalytic cracked light distd.; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C5.] |
272-185-8 |
68783-09-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-293-00-2 |
Distillates (petroleum), naphtha steam cracking-derived, hydrotreated light arom.; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha.; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a light distillate from steam-cracked naphtha. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons.] |
295-311-3 |
91995-50-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-294-00-8 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy catalytic cracked, sweetened; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting a catalytic cracked petroleum distillate to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 60 °C to 200 °C (140 °F to 392 °F).] |
295-431-6 |
92045-50-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-295-00-3 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light catalytic cracked sweetened; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting naphtha from a catalytic cracking process to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons boiling in a range of approximately 35 °C to 210 °C (95 °F to 410 °F).] |
295-441-0 |
92045-59-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-296-00-9 |
Hydrocarbons, C8-12, catalytic-cracking, chem. neutralized; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of a cut from the catalytic cracking process, having undergone an alkaline washing. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C8 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 130 °C to 210 °C (266 °F to 410 °F).] |
295-794-0 |
92128-94-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-297-00-4 |
Hydrocarbons, C8-12, catalytic cracker distillates; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of products from a catalytic cracking process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C8 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 140 °C to 210 °C (284 °F to 410 °F).] |
309-974-4 |
101794-97-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-298-00-X |
Hydrocarbons, C8-12, catalytic cracking, chem. neutralized, sweetened; Low boiling point cat-cracked naphtha |
309-987-5 |
101896-28-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-299-00-5 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light catalytic reformed; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced from the distillation of products from a catalytic reforming process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 190 °C (95 °F to 374 °F). It contains a relatively large proportion of aromatic and branched chain hydrocarbons. This stream may contain 10 vol. % or more benzene.] |
265-065-1 |
64741-63-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-300-00-9 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy catalytic reformed; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced from the distillation of products from a catalytic reforming process. It consists of predominantly aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 90 °C to 230 °C (194 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-070-9 |
64741-68-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-301-00-4 |
Distillates (petroleum), catalytic reformed depentanizer; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of products from a catalytic reforming process. It consists predominantly of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C6 and boiling in the range of approximately –49 °C to 63 °C (–57 °F to 145 °F).] |
270-660-4 |
68475-79-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-302-00-X |
Hydrocarbons, C2-6, C6-8 catalytic reformer; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha |
270-687-1 |
68476-47-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-303-00-5 |
Residues (petroleum), C6-8 catalytic reformer; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex residuum from the catalytic reforming of C6-8 feed. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C6.] |
270-794-3 |
68478-15-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-304-00-0 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light catalytic reformed, arom.-free; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from distillation of products from a catalytic reforming process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C8 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 120 °C (95 °F to 248 °F). It contains a relatively large proportion of branched chain hydrocarbons with the aromatic components removed.] |
270-993-5 |
68513-03-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-305-00-6 |
Distillates (petroleum), catalytic reformed straight-run naphtha overheads; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the catalytic reforming of straight-run naphtha followed by the fractionation of the total effluent. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C6.] |
271-008-1 |
68513-63-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-306-00-1 |
Petroleum products, hydrofiner-powerformer reformates; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [The complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained in a hydrofiner-powerformer process and boiling in a range of approximately 27 °C to 210 °C (80 °F to 410 °F).] |
271-058-4 |
68514-79-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-307-00-7 |
Naphtha (petroleum), full-range reformed; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of the products from a catalytic reforming process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 230 °C (95 °F to 446 °F).] |
272-895-8 |
68919-37-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-308-00-2 |
Naphtha (petroleum), catalytic reformed; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a catalytic reforming process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 30 °C to 220 °C (90 °F to 430 °F). It contains a relatively large proportion of aromatic and branched chain hydrocarbons. This stream may contain 10 vol. % or more benzene.] |
273-271-8 |
68955-35-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-309-00-8 |
Distillates (petroleum), catalytic reformed hydrotreated light, C8-12 arom. fraction; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of alkylbenzenes obtained by the catalytic reforming of petroleum naphtha. It consists predominantly of alkylbenzenes having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C8 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 160 °C to 180 °C (320 °F to 356 °F).] |
285-509-8 |
85116-58-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-310-00-3 |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C8, catalytic reforming-derived; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha |
295-279-0 |
91995-18-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-311-00-9 |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C7-12, C8-rich; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by separation from the platformate-containing fraction. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 (primarily C8) and can contain nonaromatic hydrocarbons, both boiling in the range of approximately 130 °C to 200 °C (266 °F to 392 °F).] |
297-401-8 |
93571-75-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-312-00-4 |
Gasoline, C5-11, high-octane stabilised reformed; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex high octane combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the catalytic dehydrogenation of a predominantly naphthenic naphtha. It consists predominantly of aromatics and non-aromatics having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 45 °C to 185 °C (113 °F to 365 °F).] |
297-458-9 |
93572-29-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-313-00-X |
Hydrocarbons, C7-12, C≥9-arom.-rich, reforming heavy fraction; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by separation from the platformate-containing fraction. It consists predominantly of nonaromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 120 °C to 210 °C (248 °F to 380 °F) and C9 and higher aromatic hydrocarbons.] |
297-465-7 |
93572-35-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-314-00-5 |
Hydrocarbons, C5-11, nonaroms.-rich, reforming light fraction; Low boiling point cat-reformed naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by separation from the platformate-containing fraction. It consists predominantly of nonaromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 125 °C (94 °F to 257 °F), benzene and toluene.] |
297-466-2 |
93572-36-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-316-00-6 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light thermal cracked; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from distillation of products from a thermal cracking process. It consists predominantly of unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C8 and boiling in the range of approximately –10 °C to 130 °C (14 °F to 266 °F).] |
265-075-6 |
64741-74-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-317-00-1 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy thermal cracked; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from distillation of the products from a thermal cracking process. It consists predominantly of unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 65 °C to 220 °C (148 °F to 428 °F).] |
265-085-0 |
64741-83-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-318-00-7 |
Distillates (petroleum), heavy arom.; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [The complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of the products from the thermal cracking of ethane and propane. This higher boiling fraction consists predominantly of C5-7 aromatic hydrocarbons with some unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon number predominantly of C5. This stream may contain benzene.] |
267-563-4 |
67891-79-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-319-00-2 |
Distillates (petroleum), light arom.; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [The complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of the products from the thermal cracking of ethane and propane. This lower boiling fraction consists predominantly of C5-7 aromatic hydrocarbons with some unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having a carbon number predominantly of C5. This stream may contain benzene.] |
267-565-5 |
67891-80-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-320-00-8 |
Distillates (petroleum), naphtha-raffinate pyrolyzate-derived, gasoline-blending; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [The complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the pyrolysis fractionation at 816 °C (1 500 °F) of naphtha and raffinate. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having a carbon number of C9 and boiling at approximately 204 °C (400 °F).] |
270-344-6 |
68425-29-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-321-00-3 |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C6-8, naphtha-raffinate pyrolyzate-derived; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractionation pyrolysis at 816 °C (1 500 °F) of naphtha and raffinate. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C8, including benzene.] |
270-658-3 |
68475-70-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-322-00-9 |
Distillates (petroleum), thermal cracked naphtha and gas oil; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of thermally cracked naphtha and/or gas oil. It consists predominantly of olefinic hydrocarbons having a carbon number of C5 and boiling in the range of approximately 33 °C to 60 °C (91 °F to 140 °F).] |
271-631-9 |
68603-00-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-323-00-4 |
Distillates (petroleum), thermal cracked naphtha and gas oil, C5-dimer-contg.; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the extractive distillation of thermal cracked naphtha and/or gas oil. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having a carbon number of C5 with some dimerized C5 olefins and boiling in the range of approximately 33 °C to 184 °C (91 °F to 363 °F).] |
271-632-4 |
68603-01-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-324-00-X |
Distillates (petroleum), thermal cracked naphtha and gas oil, extractive; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the extractive distillation of thermal cracked naphtha and/or gas oil. It consists of paraffinic and olefinic hydrocarbons, predominantly isoamylenes such as 2-methyl-1-butene and 2-methyl-2-butene and boiling in the range of approximately 31 °C to 40 °C (88 °F to 104 °F).] |
271-634-5 |
68603-03-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-325-00-5 |
Distillates (petroleum), light thermal cracked, debutanized arom.; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a thermal cracking process. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons, primarily benzene.] |
273-266-0 |
68955-29-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-326-00-0 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light thermal cracked, sweetened; Low boiling point thermally cracked naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting a petroleum distillate from the high temperature thermal cracking of heavy oil fractions to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans. It consists predominantly of aromatics, olefins and saturated hydrocarbons boiling in the range of approximately 20 °C to 100 °C (68 °F to 212 °F).] |
295-447-3 |
92045-65-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-327-00-6 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C13 and boiling in the range of approximately 65 °C to 230 °C (149 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-150-3 |
64742-48-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-328-00-1 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated light; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately minus 20 °C to 190 °C (–4 °F to 374 °F).] |
265-151-9 |
64742-49-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-329-00-7 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized light; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from a catalytic hydrodesulfurization process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 190 °C (–4 °F to 374 °F).] |
265-178-6 |
64742-73-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-330-00-2 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized heavy; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from a catalytic hydrodesulfurization process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 90 °C to 230 °C (194 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-185-4 |
64742-82-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-331-00-8 |
Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle, intermediate boiling; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of products from a middle distillate hydrotreating process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 127 °C to 188 °C (262 °F to 370 °F).] |
270-092-7 |
68410-96-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-332-00-3 |
Distillates (petroleum), light distillate hydrotreating process, low-boiling; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of products from the light distillate hydrotreating process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C9 and boiling in the range of approximately 3 °C to 194 °C (37 °F to 382 °F).] |
270-093-2 |
68410-97-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-333-00-9 |
Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy naphtha, deisohexanizer overheads; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of the products from a heavy naphtha hydrotreating process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C6 and boiling in the range of approximately –49 °C to 68 °C (–57 °F to 155 °F).] |
270-094-8 |
68410-98-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-334-00-4 |
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom., hydrotreated; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C8 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 135 °C to 210 °C (275 °F to 410 °F).] |
270-988-8 |
68512-78-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-335-00-X |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized thermal cracked light; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by fractionation of hydrodesulfurized thermal cracker distillate. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 to C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 23 °C to 195 °C (73 °F to 383 °F).] |
285-511-9 |
85116-60-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-336-00-5 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated light, cycloalkane-contg.; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of a petroleum fraction. It consists predominantly of alkanes and cycloalkanes boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 190 °C (–4 °F to 374 °F).] |
285-512-4 |
85116-61-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-337-00-0 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy steam-cracked, hydrogenated; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha |
295-432-1 |
92045-51-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-338-00-6 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized full-range; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from a catalytic hydrodesulfurization process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 30 °C to 250 °C (86 °F to 482 °F).] |
295-433-7 |
92045-52-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-339-00-1 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated light steam-cracked; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction, derived from a pyrolysis process, with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists predominantly of unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 190 °C (95 °F to 374 °F).] |
295-438-4 |
92045-57-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-340-00-7 |
Hydrocarbons, C4-12, naphtha-cracking, hydrotreated; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation from the product of a naphtha steam cracking process and subsequent catalytic selective hydrogenation of gum formers. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 30 °C to 230 °C (86 °F to 446 °F).] |
295-443-1 |
92045-61-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-341-00-2 |
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated light naphthenic; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum fraction with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists predominantly of cycloparaffinic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C7 and boiling in the range of approximately 73 °C to 85 °C (163 °F to 185 °F).] |
295-529-9 |
92062-15-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-342-00-8 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked, hydrogenated; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced from the separation and subsequent hydrogenation of the products of a steam-cracking process to produce ethylene. It consists predominantly of saturated and unsaturated paraffins, cyclic paraffins and cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 50 °C to 200 °C (122 °F to 392 °F). The proportion of benzene hydrocarbons may vary up to 30 wt. % and the stream may also contain small amounts of sulfur and oxygenated compounds.] |
296-942-7 |
93165-55-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-343-00-3 |
Hydrocarbons, C6-11, hydrotreated, dearomatized; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as solvents which have been subjected to hydrotreatment in order to convert aromatics to naphthenes by catalytic hydrogenation.] |
297-852-0 |
93763-33-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-344-00-9 |
Hydrocarbons, C9-12, hydrotreated, dearomatized; Low boiling point hydrogen treated naphtha; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as solvents which have been subjected to hydrotreatment in order to convert aromatics to naphthenes by catalytic hydrogenation.] |
297-853-6 |
93763-34-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-345-00-4 |
Stoddard solvent; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A colorless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odors and that boils in a range of approximately 148,8 °C to 204,4 °C. (300 °F to 400 °F).] |
232-489-3 |
8052-41-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-346-00-X |
Natural gas condensates (petroleum); Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons separated as a liquid from natural gas in a surface separator by retrograde condensation. It consists mainly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 to C20. It is a liquid at atmospheric temperature and pressure.] |
265-047-3 |
64741-47-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-347-00-5 |
Natural gas (petroleum), raw liq. mix; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons separated as a liquid from natural gas in a gas recycling plant by processes such as refrigeration or absorption. It consists mainly of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C2 through C8.] |
265-048-9 |
64741-48-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-348-00-0 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light hydrocracked; Low boiling naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from distillation of the products from a hydrocracking process. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C10, and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 180 °C (–4 °F to 356 °F).] |
265-071-4 |
64741-69-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-349-00-6 |
Naphtha (petroleum), heavy hydrocracked; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from distillation of the products from a hydrocracking process. It consists predominantly of saturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C12, and boiling in the range of approximately 65 °C to 230 °C (148 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-079-8 |
64741-78-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-350-00-1 |
Naphtha (petroleum), sweetened; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting a petroleum naphtha to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately –10 °C to 230 °C (14 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-089-2 |
64741-87-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-351-00-7 |
Naphtha (petroleum), acid-treated; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as a raffinate from a sulfuric acid treating process. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 90 °C to 230 °C (194 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-115-2 |
64742-15-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-352-00-2 |
Naphtha (petroleum), chemically neutralized heavy; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by a treating process to remove acidic materials. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 65 °C to 230 °C (149 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-122-0 |
64742-22-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-353-00-8 |
Naphtha (petroleum), chemically neutralized light; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by a treating process to remove acidic materials. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 190 °C (–4 °F to 374 °F).] |
265-123-6 |
64742-23-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-354-00-3 |
Naphtha (petroleum), catalytic dewaxed; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the catalytic dewaxing of a petroleum fraction. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 230 °C (95 °F to 446 °F).] |
265-170-2 |
64742-66-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-355-00-9 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of the products from a steam cracking process. It consists predominantly of unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately minus 20 °C to 190 °C (–4 °F to 374 °F). This stream is likely to contain 10 vol. % or more benzene.] |
265-187-5 |
64742-83-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-356-00-4 |
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom.; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from distillation of aromatic streams. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C8 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 135 °C to 210 °C (275 °F to 410 °F).] |
265-199-0 |
64742-95-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-357-00-X |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C6-10, acid-treated, neutralized; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified |
268-618-5 |
68131-49-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-358-00-5 |
Distillates (petroleum), C3-5, 2-methyl-2-butene-rich; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons from the distillation of hydrocarbons usually ranging in carbon numbers from C3 through C5, predominantly isopentane and 3-methyl-1-butene. It consists of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C5, predominantly 2-methyl-2-butene.] |
270-725-7 |
68477-34-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-359-00-0 |
Distillates (petroleum), polymd. steam-cracked petroleum distillates, C5-12 fraction; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of polymerized steam-cracked petroleum distillate. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C12.] |
270-735-1 |
68477-50-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-360-00-6 |
Distillates (petroleum), steam-cracked, C5-12 fraction; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of organic compounds obtained by the distillation of products from a steam cracking process. It consists of unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C12.] |
270-736-7 |
68477-53-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-361-00-1 |
Distillates (petroleum), steam-cracked, C5-10 fraction, mixed with light steam-cracked petroleum naphtha C5 fraction; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified |
270-738-8 |
68477-55-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-362-00-7 |
Extracts (petroleum), cold-acid, C4-6; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of organic compounds produced by cold acid unit extraction of saturated and unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons usually ranging in carbon numbers from C3 through C6, predominantly pentanes and amylenes. It consists predominantly of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C4 through C6, predominantly C5.] |
270-741-4 |
68477-61-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-363-00-2 |
Distillates (petroleum), depentanizer overheads; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from a catalytic cracked gas stream. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C6.] |
270-771-8 |
68477-89-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-364-00-8 |
Residues (petroleum), butane splitter bottoms; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex residuum from the distillation of butane stream. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C6.] |
270-791-7 |
68478-12-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-365-00-3 |
Residual oils (petroleum), deisobutanizer tower; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex residuum from the atmospheric distillation of the butane-butylene stream. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C6.] |
270-795-9 |
68478-16-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-366-00-9 |
Naphtha (petroleum), full-range coker; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a fluid coker. It consists predominantly of unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C15 and boiling in the range of approximately 43 °C to 250 °C (110 °F-500 °F).] |
270-991-4 |
68513-02-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-367-00-4 |
Naphtha (petroleum), steam-cracked middle arom.; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of products from a steam-cracking process. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 130 °C to 220 °C (266 °F to 428 °F).] |
271-138-9 |
68516-20-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-368-00-X |
Naphtha (petroleum), clay-treated full-range straight-run; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons resulting from treatment of full-range straight-run naphtha with natural or modified clay, usually in a percolation process to remove the trace amounts of polar compounds and impurities present. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 220 °C (–4 °F to 429 °F).] |
271-262-3 |
68527-21-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-369-00-5 |
Naphtha (petroleum), clay-treated light straight-run; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons resulting from treatment of light straight-run naphtha with a natural or modified clay, usually in a percolation process to remove the trace amounts of polar compounds and impurities present. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 93 °C to 180 °C (200 °F to 356 °F).] |
271-263-9 |
68527-22-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-370-00-0 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked arom.; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from a steam-cracking process. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C9 and boiling in the range of approximately 110 °C to 165 °C (230 °F to 329 °F).] |
271-264-4 |
68527-23-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-371-00-6 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked, debenzenized; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by distillation of products from a steam-cracking process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 80 °C to 218 °C (176 °F to 424 °F).] |
271-266-5 |
68527-26-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-372-00-1 |
Naphtha (petroleum), arom.-contg.; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified |
271-635-0 |
68603-08-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-373-00-7 |
Gasoline, pyrolysis, debutanizer bottoms; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the fractionation of depropanizer bottoms. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly greater than C5.] |
271-726-5 |
68606-10-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-374-00-2 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light, sweetened; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting a petroleum distillate to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists predominantly of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C6 and boiling in the range of approximately –20 °C to 100 °C (–4 °F to 212 °F).] |
272-206-0 |
68783-66-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-375-00-8 |
Natural gas condensates; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons separated and/or condensed from natural gas during transportation and collected at the wellhead and/or from the production, gathering, transmission, and distribution pipelines in deeps, scrubbers, etc. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C8.] |
272-896-3 |
68919-39-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-376-00-3 |
Distillates (petroleum), naphtha unifiner stripper; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by stripping the products from the naphtha unifiner. It consists of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C2 through C6.] |
272-932-8 |
68921-09-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-377-00-9 |
Naphtha (petroleum), catalytic reformed light, arom.-free fraction; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons remaining after removal of aromatic compounds from catalytic reformed light naphtha in a selective absorption process. It consists predominantly of paraffinic and cyclic compounds having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 to C8 and boiling in the range of approximately 66 °C to 121 °C (151 °F to 250 °F).] |
285-510-3 |
85116-59-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-378-00-4 |
Gasoline; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons consisting primarily of paraffins, cycloparaffins, aromatic and olefinic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly greater than C3 and boiling in the range of 30 °C to 260 °C (86 °F to 500 °F).] |
289-220-8 |
86290-81-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-379-00-X |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C7-8, dealkylation products, distn. residues; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified |
292-698-0 |
90989-42-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-380-00-5 |
Hydrocarbons, C4-6, depentanizer lights, arom. hydrotreater; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as first runnings from the depentanizer column before hydrotreatment of the aromatic charges. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C6, predominantly pentanes and pentenes, and boiling in the range of approximately 25 °C to 40 °C (77 °F to 104 °F).] |
295-298-4 |
91995-38-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-381-00-0 |
Distillates (petroleum), heat-soaked steam-cracked naphtha, C5-rich; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of heat-soaked steam-cracked naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C4 through C6, predominantly C5.] |
295-302-4 |
91995-41-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-382-00-6 |
Extracts (petroleum), catalytic reformed light naphtha solvent; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as the extract from the solvent extraction of a catalytically reformed petroleum cut. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C8 and boiling in the range of approximately 100 °C to 200 °C (212 °F to 392 °F).] |
295-331-2 |
91995-68-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-383-00-1 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized light, dearomatized; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of hydrodesulfurized and dearomatized light petroleum fractions. It consists predominantly of C7 paraffins and cycloparaffins boiling in a range of approximately 90 °C to 100 °C (194 °F to 212 °F).] |
295-434-2 |
92045-53-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-384-00-7 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light, C5-rich, sweetened; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting a petroleum naphtha to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C5, predominantly C5, and boiling in the range of approximately minus 10 °C to 35 °C (14 °F to 95 °F).] |
295-442-6 |
92045-60-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-385-00-2 |
Hydrocarbons, C8-11, naphtha-cracking, toluene cut; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation from prehydrogenated cracked naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C8 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 130 °C to 205 °C (266 °F to 401 °F).] |
295-444-7 |
92045-62-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-386-00-8 |
Hydrocarbons, C4-11, naphtha-cracking, arom.-free; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from prehydrogenated cracked naphtha after distillative separation of benzene- and toluene-containing hydrocarbon cuts and a higher boiling fraction. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 30 °C to 205 °C (86 °F to 401 °F).] |
295-445-2 |
92045-63-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-387-00-3 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light heat-soaked, steam-cracked; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractionation of steam cracked naphtha after recovery from a heat soaking process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having a carbon number predominantly in the range of C4 through C6 and boiling in the range of approximately 0 °C to 80 °C (32 °F to 176 °F).] |
296-028-8 |
92201-97-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-388-00-9 |
Distillates (petroleum), C6-rich; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of a petroleum feedstock. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers of C5 through C7, rich in C6, and boiling in the range of approximately 60 °C to 70 °C (140 °F to 158 °F).] |
296-903-4 |
93165-19-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-389-00-4 |
Gasoline, pyrolysis, hydrogenated; Low boiling point naphtha-unspecified; [A distillation fraction from the hydrogenation of pyrolysis gasoline boiling in the range of approximately 20 °C to 200 °C (68 °F to 392 °F).] |
302-639-3 |
94114-03-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-390-00-X |
Distillates (petroleum), steam-cracked, C8-12 fraction, polymd., distn. lights; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of the polymerized C8 through C12 fraction from steam-cracked petroleum distillates. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C8 through C12.] |
305-750-5 |
95009-23-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-391-00-5 |
Extracts (petroleum) heavy naphtha solvent, clay-treated; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the treatment of heavy naphthic solvent petroleum extract with bleaching earth. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C10 and boiling in the range of approximately 80 °C to 180 °C (175 °F to 356 °F).] |
308-261-5 |
97926-43-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-392-00-0 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked, debenzenized, thermally treated; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the treatment and distillation of debenzenized light steam-cracked petroleum naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 and boiling in the range of approximately 95 °C to 200 °C (203 °F to 392 °F).] |
308-713-1 |
98219-46-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-393-00-6 |
Naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked, thermally treated; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the treatment and distillation of light steam-cracked petroleum naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C6 and boiling in the range of approximately 35 °C to 80 °C (95 °F to 176 °F).] |
308-714-7 |
98219-47-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-394-00-1 |
Distillates (petroleum), C7-9, C8-rich, hydrodesulfurized dearomatized; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of petroleum light fraction, hydrodesulfurized and dearomatized. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C7 through C9, predominantly C8 paraffins and cycloparaffins, boiling in the range of approximately 120 °C to 130 °C (248 °F to 266 °F).] |
309-862-5 |
101316-56-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-395-00-7 |
Hydrocarbons, C6-8, hydrogenated sorption-dearomatized, toluene raffination; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained during the sorptions of toluene from a hydrocarbon fraction from cracked gasoline treated with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C6 through C8 and boiling in the range of approximately 80 °C to 135 °C (176 °F to 275 °F).] |
309-870-9 |
101316-66-9 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-396-00-2 |
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised full-range coker; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by fractionation from hydrodesulfurised coker distillate. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 to C11 and boiling in the range of approximately 23 °C to 196 °C (73 °F to 385 °F).] |
309-879-8 |
101316-76-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-397-00-8 |
Naphtha (petroleum), sweetened light; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by subjecting a petroleum naphtha to a sweetening process to convert mercaptans or to remove acidic impurities. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C5 through C8 and boiling in the range of approximately 20 °C to 130 °C (68 °F to 266 °F).] |
309-976-5 |
101795-01-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-398-00-3 |
Hydrocarbons, C3-6, C5-rich, steam-cracked naphtha; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of steam-cracked naphtha. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers in the range of C3 through C6, predominantly C5.] |
310-012-0 |
102110-14-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-399-00-9 |
Hydrocarbons, C5-rich, dicyclopentadiene-contg.; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of the products from a steam-cracking process. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers of C5 and dicyclopentadiene and boiling in the range of approximately 30 °C to 170 °C (86 °F to 338 °F).] |
310-013-6 |
102110-15-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-400-00-2 |
Residues (petroleum), steam-cracked light, arom.; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of the products of steam cracking or similar processes after taking off the very light products resulting in a residue starting with hydrocarbons having carbon numbers greater than C5. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers greater than C5 and boiling above approximately 40 °C (104 °F).] |
310-057-6 |
102110-55-4 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-401-00-8 |
Hydrocarbons, C≥5, C5-6-rich; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified |
270-690-8 |
68476-50-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-402-00-3 |
Hydrocarbons, C5-rich; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified |
270-695-5 |
68476-55-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
649-403-00-9 |
Aromatic hydrocarbons, C8-10; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified |
292-695-4 |
90989-39-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R65 |
T R: 45-46-65 S: 53-45 |
H P |
650-016-00-2 |
Mineral wool, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex; [Man-made vitreous (silicate) fibres with random orientation with alkaline oxide and alkali earth oxide (Na2O+K2O+CaO+MgO+BaO) content greater than 18 % by weight] |
— |
— |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 |
Xn R: 40 S: (2-)36/37 |
650-017-00-8 |
Refractory Ceramic Fibres, Special Purpose Fibres, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in this Annex; [Man-made vitreous (silicate) fibres with random orientation with alkaline oxide and alkali earth oxide (Na2O+K2O+CaO+ MgO+BaO) content less or equal to 18 % by weight] |
— |
— |
Carc. Cat. 2; R49 |
T R: 49 S: 53-45 |
AR |
Catalogus-nummer |
Internationale chemische identificatie |
EC-nr. |
CAS-nr. |
Indeling |
Etikettering |
Concentratiegrenzen |
Opmerkingen |
003-003-00-5 |
(2-methylpropyl)lithium; isobutyllithium |
440-620-2 |
920-36-5 |
F; R15-17 R14 C; R35 R67 N; R50-53 |
F; C; N R: 14/15-17-35-67-50/53 S: (1/2-)6-16-26-30-33-36/37/39-43-45-60-61 |
005-007-00-2 |
boric acid; [1] boric acid, crude natural, containing not more than 85 per cent of H3BO3 calculated on the dry weight [2] |
233-139-2 [1] 234-343-4 [2] |
10043-35-3 [1] 11113-50-1 [2] |
Repr. Cat. 2; R60-61 |
T R: 60-61 S: 53-45 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R60-61: C ≥ 5,5 % |
005-008-00-8 |
diboron trioxide; boric oxide |
215-125-8 |
1303-86-2 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R60-61 |
T R: 60-61 S: 53-45 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R60-61: C ≥ 3,1 % |
005-011-00-4 |
disodium tetraborate, anhydrous; boric acid, disodium salt; [1] tetraboron disodium heptaoxide, hydrate; [2] orthoboric acid, sodium salt [3] |
215-540-4 [1] 235-541-3 [2] 237-560-2 [3] |
1330-43-4 [1] 12267-73-1 [2] 13840-56-7 [3] |
Repr. Cat. 2; R60-61 |
T R: 60-61 S: 53-45 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R60-61: C ≥ 4,5 % |
005-011-01-1 |
disodium tetraborate decahydrate; borax decahydrate |
215-540-4 |
1303-96-4 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R60-61 |
T R: 60-61 S: 53-45 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R60-61: C ≥ 8,5 % |
005-011-02-9 |
disodium tetraborate pentahydrate; borax pentahydrate |
215-540-4 |
12179-04-3 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R60-61 |
T R: 60-61 S: 53-45 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R60-61: C ≥ 6,5 % |
005-013-00-5 |
diethylmethoxyborane |
425-380-9 |
7397-46-8 |
F; R17 Xn; R20/21/22-48/22 C; R34 R43 R53 |
F; C R: 17-20/21/22-34-43-48/22-53 S: (1/2-)6-26-36/37/39-43-45-61 |
005-014-00-0 |
4-formylphenylboronic acid |
438-670-5 |
87199-17-5 |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
005-015-00-6 |
1-chloromethyl-4-fluoro-1,4-diazoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane bis(tetrafluoroborate) |
414-380-4 |
140681-55-6 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R43 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-41-43-52/53 S: (2-)21-26-36/37/39-61 |
005-016-00-1 |
tetrabutylammonium butyl tris-(4-tert-butylphenyl)borate |
431-370-5 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
005-017-00-7 |
sodium perborate; [1] perboric acid, sodium salt; [2] perboric acid, sodium salt, monohydrate; [3] sodium peroxometaborate; [4] perboric acid (HBO(O2)), sodium salt, monohydrate; [5] sodium peroxoborate; [containing < 0,1 % (w/w) of particles with an aerodynamic diameter of below 50 μm] |
239-172-9 [1] 234-390-0 [2] 234-390-0 [3] 231-556-4 [4] 231-556-4 [5] |
15120-21-5 [1] 11138-47-9 [2] 12040-72-1 [3] 7632-04-4 [4] 10332-33-9 [5] |
O; R8 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 Xn; R22 Xi; R37-41 |
O; T R: 61-8-22-37-41-62 S: 53-45 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61: C ≥ 6,5 % Repr. Cat. 3; R62: C ≥ 9 % Xi; R41: C ≥ 22 % Xi; R36: 14 % ≤ C < 22 % |
E |
005-017-01-4 |
sodium perborate; [1] perboric acid, sodium salt; [2] perboric acid, sodium salt, monohydrate; [3] sodium peroxometaborate; [4] perboric acid (HBO(O2)), sodium salt, monohydrate; [5] sodium peroxoborate; [containing ≥ 0,1 % (w/w) of particles with an aerodynamic diameter of below 50 μm] |
239-172-9 [1] 234-390-0 [2] 234-390-0 [3] 231-556-4 [4] 231-556-4 [5] |
15120-21-5 [1] 11138-47-9 [2] 12040-72-1 [3] 7632-04-4 [4] 10332-33-9 [5] - |
O; R8 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 T; R23 Xn; R22 Xi; R37-41 |
O; T R: 61-8-22-23-37-41-62 S: 53-45 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61: C ≥ 6,5 % Repr. Cat. 3; R62: C ≥ 9 % Xi; R41: C ≥ 22 % Xi; R36: 14 % ≤ C < 22 % |
E |
005-018-00-2 |
perboric acid (H3BO2(O2)), monosodium salt trihydrate; [1] perboric acid, sodium salt, tetrahydrate; [2] perboric acid (HBO(O2)), sodium salt, tetrahydrate; [3] sodium peroxoborate hexahydrate; [containing < 0,1 % (w/w) of particles with an aerodynamic diameter of below 50 μm] |
239-172-9 [1] 234-390-0 [2] 231-556-4 [3] |
13517-20-9 [1] 37244-98-7 [2] 10486-00-7 [3] - |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 Xi; R37-41 |
T R: 61-37-41-62 S: 53-45-47 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61: C ≥ 10 % Repr. Cat. 3; R62: C ≥ 14 % Xi; R41: C ≥ 36 % Xi; R36: 22 % ≤ C < 36 % |
005-018-01-X |
perboric acid (H3BO2(O2)), monosodium salt, trihydrate; [1] perboric acid, sodium salt, tetrahydrate; [2] perboric acid (HBO(O2)), sodium salt, tetrahydrate; [3] sodium peroxoborate hexahydrate; [containing ≥ 0,1 % (w/w) of particles with an aerodynamic diameter of below 50 μm] |
239-172-9 [1] 234-390-0 [2] 231556-4 [3] |
13517-20-9 [1] 37244-98-7 [2] 10486-00-7 [3] - |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 Xn; R20 Xi; R37-41 |
T R: 61-20-37-41-62 S: 53-45-47 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61: C ≥ 10 % Repr. Cat. 3; R62: C ≥ 14 % Xi; R41: C ≥ 36 % Xi; R36: 22 % ≤ C < 36 % |
E |
006-091-00-3 |
propineb (ISO); polymeric zinc propylenebis(dithiocarbamate) |
— |
9016-72-2 |
Xn; R20-48/20/22 R43 N; R50 |
Xn; N R: 20-43-48/20/22-50 S: (1/2-)24-37-46-61 |
006-092-00-9 |
tert-butyl (1S)-N-[1-((2S)-2-oxiranyl)-2-phenylethyl]carbamate |
425-420-5 |
98737-29-2 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
006-093-00-4 |
2,2'-dithio di(ethylammonium)-bis(dibenzyldithiocarbamate) |
427-180-7 |
— |
Xn; R22 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-50/53 S: (2-)15-22-29-36/37-60-61 |
006-094-00-X |
O-isobutyl-N-ethoxy carbonylthiocarbamate |
434-350-4 |
103122-66-3 |
R10 Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R22-48/22 R43 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 45-46-10-22-43-48/22-51/53 S: 53-45-61 |
E |
006-095-00-5 |
fosetyl-aluminium (ISO); aluminium triethyl triphosphonate |
254-320-2 |
39148-24-8 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39-46 |
006-096-00-0 |
chlorpropham (ISO); isopropyl 3-chlorocarbanilate |
202-925-7 |
101-21-3 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Xn; R48/22 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 40-48/22-51/53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
006-097-00-6 |
1-phenyl-3-(p-toluenesulfonyl)urea |
424-620-1 |
13909-63-2 |
Xn; R22-48/22 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-48/22-52/53 S: (2-)22-36-61 |
006-098-00-1 |
tert-butyl (1R,5S)-3-azabicyclo[3.1.0]hex-6-ylcarbamate |
429-170-8 |
134575-17-0 |
Xn; R22-48/22 Xi; R41 R43 |
Xn R: 22-41-43-48/22 S: (2-)22-26-36/37/39 |
006-099-00-7 |
N-(p-toluenesulfonyl)-N'-(3-(p-toluenesulfonyloxy)phenyl)urea; 3-({[(4-methylphenyl)sulfonyl]carbamoyl}amino)phenyl 4-methylbenzenesulfonate |
432-520-2 |
232938-43-1 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 22-61 |
006-101-00-6 |
reaction mass of: N,N''-(methylenedi-4,1-phenylene)bis[N'-phenylurea]; N-(4-[[4-[[(phenylamino)carbonyl]amino]phenylmethyl]phenyl]-N'-cyclohexylurea; N,N''-(methylenedi-4,1-phenylene)bis[N'-cyclohexylurea] |
423-070-8 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
006-102-00-1 |
O-hexyl-N-ethoxycarbonylthiocarbamate |
432-750-3 |
— |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R22-48/22 R43 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 45-46-22-43-48/22-51/53 S: 53-45-61 |
E |
006-103-00-7 |
N,N''-(methylenedi-4,1-phenylene)bis[N'-octyl]urea |
445-760-8 |
— |
Xi; R41 R42 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 41-42-50/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
007-028-00-2 |
hydroxylammonium nitrate |
236-691-2 |
13465-08-2 |
E; R2 Carc. Cat. 3; R40 T; R24 Xn; R22-48/22 Xi; R36/38 R43 N; R50 |
E; T; N R: 2-22-24-36/38-40-43-48/22-50 S: (1/2-)26-36/37-45-61 |
007-029-00-8 |
diethyldimethylammonium hydroxide |
419-400-5 |
95500-19-9 |
Xn; R21/22 C; R35 |
C R: 21/22-35 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45 |
012-004-00-X |
aluminium-magnesium-carbonate-hydroxide-perchlorate-hydrate |
422-150-1 |
— |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
013-010-00-5 |
hydroxy aluminium bis(2,4,8,10-tetra-tert-butyl-6-hydroxy-12H-dibenzo[d,g][1.3.2]dioxaphosphocin-6-oxide) |
430-650-4 |
151841-65-5 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
014-033-00-3 |
2-methyl-3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl-2-propenoate hydrolysis product with silica |
419-030-4 |
125804-20-8 |
F; R11 Xi; R36 R67 |
F; Xi R: 11-36-67 S: (2-)16-26 |
014-034-00-9 |
3-hexylheptamethyltrisiloxane |
428-700-5 |
1873-90-1 |
Xn; R20 R53 |
Xn R: 20-53 S: (2-)61 |
014-035-00-4 |
2-(3,4-epoxycyclohexyl)ethyltriethoxy silane |
425-050-4 |
10217-34-2 |
R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 43-52/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
014-036-00-X |
(4-ethoxyphenyl)(3-(4-fluoro-3-phenoxyphenyl)propyl)dimethylsilane |
405-020-7 |
105024-66-6 |
Repr. Cat.2; R60 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 60-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,025 % N; R51-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % R52-53: 0,00025 % ≤ C < 0,0025 % |
014-037-00-5 |
2-butanone-O,O',O''-(phenylsilylidyne)trioxime |
433-360-6 |
34036-80-1 |
Xn; R48/22 R43 R52-53 |
Xn R: 43-48/22-52/53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
014-038-00-0 |
S-(3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl) octanethioate |
436-690-9 |
220727-26-4 |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
014-039-00-6 |
(2,3-dimethylbut-2-yl)-trimethoxysilane |
439-360-2 |
142877-45-0 |
Xi; R38-41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 38-41-52/53 S: (2-)26-37/39-61 |
014-041-00-7 |
N,N-bis(trimethylsilyl)aminopropylmethyldiethoxysilane |
445-890-5 |
201290-01-9 |
Xn; R22 R43 |
Xn R: 22-43 S: (2-)24-37 |
014-042-00-2 |
reaction mass of: O,O',O'',O'''-silanetetrayl tetrakis(4-methyl-2-pentanone oxime) (3 stereoisomers) |
423-010-0 |
— |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
014-043-00-8 |
reaction product of amorphous silica (50-85 %), butyl (1-methylpropyl) magnesium (3-15 %), tetraethyl orthosilicate (5-15 %) and titanium tetrachloride (5-20 %) |
432-200-2 |
— |
F; R11 Xi; R37/38-41 R52-53 |
F; Xi R: 11-37/38-41-52/53 S: (2-)6-26-36/39-61 |
014-044-00-3 |
3-[(4'-acetoxy-3'-methoxyphenyl) propyl]trimethoxysilane |
433-050-0 |
— |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
014-045-00-9 |
magnesium sodium fluoride silicate |
442-650-1 |
— |
Xn; R48/20 |
Xn R: 48/20 S: (2-)22-36 |
015-113-00-0 |
tolclofos-methyl (ISO); O-(2,6-dichloro-p-tolyl)-O,O-dimethyl thiophosphate |
260-515-3 |
57018-04-9 |
R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-60-61 |
015-182-00-7 |
tetraisopropyldichloromethylenebisphosphonate |
430-630-5 |
10596-22-2 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R36 R43 |
Xn R: 22-36-43 S: (2-)24-26-37 |
015-183-00-2 |
(1-hydroxydodecylidene)diphosphonic acid |
425-230-2 |
16610-63-2 |
C; R34 N; R50-53 |
C; N R: 34-50/53 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
015-188-00-X |
(1-methylethylidene)di-4,1-phenylenetetraphenyl diphosphate |
425-220-8 |
5945-33-5 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
015-190-00-0 |
bis(2,4-dicumylphenyl) neopentyl diphosphite; 3,9-bis[2,4-bis(1-methyl-1-phenylethyl)phenoxy]-2,4,8,10-tetraoxa-3,9-diphosphaspiro[5.5]undecane |
421-920-2 |
154862-43-8 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
015-191-00-6 |
dodecyldiphenyl phosphate |
431-760-5 |
27460-02-2 |
Xi; R38 R52-53 |
Xi R: 38-52/53 S: (2-)37-61 |
015-192-00-1 |
tetrakis(2,6-dimethylphenyl)-m-phenylene biphosphate |
432-770-2 |
139189-30-3 |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
015-193-00-7 |
triphenyl(phenylmethyl)phosphonium 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4-nonafluoro-N-methyl-1-butanesulfonamide (1:1) |
442-960-7 |
332350-93-3 |
T; R25 Xi; R41 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 25-41-50/53 S: (1/2-)26-39-45-60-61 |
015-194-00-2 |
tetrabutyl-phosphonium nonafluoro-butane-1-sulfonate |
444-440-5 |
220689-12-3 |
Xn; R22 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-52/53 S: (2-)61 |
015-195-00-8 |
reaction mass of: potassium o-toluenephosphonate; potassium m-toluenephosphonate; potassium p-toluenephosphonate |
433-860-4 |
— |
Xi; R36 R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 36-43-52/53 S: (2-)24-26-37-61 |
015-196-00-3 |
reaction mass of: dimethyl (2-(hydroxymethylcarbamoyl)ethyl)phosphonate; diethyl (2-(hydroxymethylcarbamoyl)ethyl)phosphonate; methyl ethyl (2-(hydroxymethylcarbamoyl)ethyl)phosphonate |
435-960-3 |
— |
Carc. Cat.2; R45 Muta. Cat.2; R46 R43 |
T R: 45-46-43 S: 53-45 |
015-197-00-9 |
bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)dithiophosphonic acid |
420-160-9 |
107667-02-7 |
R10 T; R23 Xn; R22 C; R34 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 10-22-23-34-51/53 S: (1/2-)9-26-36/37/39-45-61 |
015-198-00-4 |
(4-phenylbutyl)phosphinic acid |
420-450-5 |
86552-32-1 |
Carc. Cat.3; R40 Xi; R41 |
Xn R: 40-41 S: (2-)23-26-36/37/39 |
016-092-00-0 |
reaction mass of: 4,7-bis(mercaptomethyl)-3,6,9-trithia-1,11-undecanedithiol; 4,8-bis(mercaptomethyl)-3,6,9-trithia-1,11-undecanedithiol; 5,7-bis(mercaptomethyl)-3,6,9-trithia-1,11-undecanedithiol |
427-050-1 |
— |
Repr. Cat. 3; R62 Xi; R38 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 38-43-62-50/53 S: (2-)36/37-60-61 |
016-094-00-1 |
sulfur |
231-722-6 |
7704-34-9 |
Xi; R38 |
Xi R: 38 S: (2-)46 |
016-097-00-8 |
1-amino-2-methyl-2-propanethiol hydrochloride |
434-480-1 |
32047-53-3 |
Xn; R22 C; R34 R43 R52-53 |
C R: 22-34-43-52/53 S: (1/2-)22-26-36/37/39-45-61 |
017-009-01-8 |
ammonium perchlorate; [containing < 80 % of 0-30 µm particles] |
232-235-1 |
7790-98-9 |
E; R2 O; R9 |
E R: 2-9 S: (2-)14-16-36/37 |
T |
017-023-00-7 |
[phosphinyldynetris(oxy)] tris[3-aminopropyl-2-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyl-N-(C6-18)-alkyl] trichlorides |
425-520-9 |
197179-61-6 |
Xi; R41 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 41-50/53 S: (2-)26-39-60-61 |
022-004-00-1 |
potassium titanium oxide (K2Ti6O13) |
432-240-0 |
12056-51-8 |
Carc. Cat.3; R40 |
Xn R: 40 S: (2-)22-36/37 |
022-005-00-7 |
[N-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1,1-dimethyl-1-[(1,2,3,4,5-η)-2,3,4,5-tetramethyl-2,4-cyclopentadien-1-yl]silanaminato(2-)-κN][(1,2,3,4-η)-1,3-pentadiene]-titanium |
419-840-8 |
169104-71-6 |
F; R11 C; R34 R43 R53 |
F; C R: 11-34-43-53 S: (1/2-)6-9-16-26-36/37/39-45-61 |
024-021-00-X |
potassium tetrasodium bis[(N,N'-n)-1'-(phenylcarbamoyl)-3,5-disulfonatobenzeneazo-1'-prop-1'-ene-2,2'-diolato]chromate(III) |
425-830-4 |
— |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
026-003-00-7 |
iron (II) sulfate |
231-753-5 |
7720-78-7 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R36/38 |
Xn R: 22-36/38 S: (2-)46 |
026-003-01-4 |
iron (II) sulfate (1:1) heptahydrate; sulfuric acid, iron(II) salt (1:1), heptahydrate; ferrous sulfate heptahydrate |
231-753-5 |
7782-63-0 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R36/38 |
Xn R: 22-36/38 S: (2-)46 |
Xi; R38: C ≥ 25 % |
026-004-00-2 |
potassium ferrite |
430-010-4 |
12160-44-0 |
C; R34 R43 |
C R: 34-43 S: (1/2-)22-26-36/37/39-40-45 |
027-006-00-6 |
cobalt acetate |
200-755-8 |
71-48-7 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R60 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-60-42/43-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R49: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
1 |
027-007-00-1 |
zinc hexacyanocobaltate(III), tertiary butyl alcohol/polypropylene glycol complex |
425-240-7 |
— |
Xi; R41 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 41-51/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
027-008-00-7 |
complex of cobalt(III)-bis(N-phenyl-4-(5-ethylsulfonyl-2-hydroxyphenylazo)-3-hydroxynaphthylamide), hydrated (n H2O, 2<n<3) |
427-390-9 |
— |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
027-009-00-2 |
cobalt nitrate |
233-402-1 |
10141-05-6 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R60 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-60-42/43-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R49: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
1 |
027-010-00-8 |
cobalt carbonate |
208-169-4 |
513-79-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R60 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-60-42/43-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R49: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
1 |
028-002-01-4 |
nickel powder; [particle diameter < 1 mm] |
231-111-4 |
7440-02-0 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 T; R48/23 R43 R52-53 |
T R: 40-43-48/23-52/53 S: (2-)36/37/39-45-61 |
028-011-00-6 |
nickel dichloride |
231-743-0 |
7718-54-9 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R23/25-48/23 Xi; R38 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-23/25-38-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T; R48/23: C ≥ 1 % Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Xi; R38: C ≥ 20 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E |
028-012-00-1 |
nickel dinitrate; [1] nitric acid, nickel salt [2] |
236-068-5 [1] 238-076-4 [2] |
13138-45-9 [1] 14216-75-2 [2] |
O; R8 Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 Xn; R20/22 Xi; R38-41 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
O; T; N R: 49-61-8-20/22-38-41-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T; R48/23: C ≥ 1 % Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % Xi; R38: C ≥ 20 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E |
028-013-00-7 |
nickel matte |
273-749-6 |
69012-50-6 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-014-00-2 |
slimes and sludges, copper electrolytic refining, decopperised, nickel sulfate |
295-859-3 |
92129-57-2 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 Xn; R20/22 Xi; R38 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-20/22-38-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 % Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E |
028-015-00-8 |
slimes and sludges, copper electrolyte refining, decopperised |
305-433-1 |
94551-87-8 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 1; R61 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-42/43-48/23-62-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-016-00-3 |
nickel diperchlorate; perchloric acid, nickel(II) salt |
237-124-1 |
13637-71-3 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 C; R34 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-34-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 % Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % C; R34: C ≥ 5 %: Xi; R36/38: 1 % ≤ C < 5 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E H |
028-017-00-9 |
nickel dipotassium bis(sulfate); [1] diammonium nickel bis(sulfate) [2] |
237-563-9 [1] 239-793-2 [2] |
13842-46-1 [1] 15699-18-0 [2] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 Xn; R20/22 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-20/22-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53:2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E H |
028-018-00-4 |
nickel bis(sulfamidate); nickel sulfamate |
237-396-1 |
13770-89-3 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E H |
028-019-00-X |
nickel bis(tetrafluoroborate) |
238-753-4 |
14708-14-6 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E H |
028-021-00-0 |
nickel diformate; [1] formic acid, nickel salt; [2] formic acid, copper nickel salt [3] |
222-101-0 [1] 239-946-6 [2] 268-755-0 [3] |
3349-06-2 [1] 15843-02-4 [2] 68134-59-8 [3] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E H |
028-022-00-6 |
nickel di(acetate); [1] nickel acetate [2] |
206-761-7 [1] 239-086-1 [2] |
373-02-4 [1] 14998-37-9 [2] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 Xn; R20/22 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-20/22-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E H |
028-024-00-7 |
nickel dibenzoate |
209-046-8 |
553-71-9 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E H |
028-025-00-2 |
nickel bis(4-cyclohexylbutyrate) |
223-463-2 |
3906-55-6 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
028-026-00-8 |
nickel(II) stearate; nickel(II) octadecanoate |
218-744-1 |
2223-95-2 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E U |
028-027-00-3 |
nickel dilactate |
— |
16039-61-5 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E H |
028-028-00-9 |
nickel(II) octanoate |
225-656-7 |
4995-91-9 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat 2; R61 T; R48/23 C; R35 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; C; N R: 49-61-35-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E H |
028-029-00-4 |
nickel difluoride; [1] nickel dibromide; [2] nickel diiodide; [3] nickel potassium fluoride [4] |
233-071-3 [1] 236-665-0 [2] 236-666-6 [3]
10028-18-9 [1] 13462-88-9 [2] 13462-90-3 [3] 11132-10-8 [4] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E H |
028-030-00-X |
nickel hexafluorosilicate |
247-430-7 |
26043-11-8 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E H |
028-031-00-5 |
nickel selenate |
239-125-2 |
15060-62-5 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E H |
028-032-00-0 |
nickel hydrogen phosphate; [1] nickel bis(dihydrogen phosphate); [2] trinickel bis(orthophosphate); [3] dinickel diphosphate; [4] nickel bis(phosphinate); [5] nickel phosphinate; [6] phosphoric acid, calcium nickel salt; [7] diphosphoric acid, nickel(II) salt [8] |
238-278-2 [1] 242-522-3 [2] 233-844-5 [3] 238-426-6 [4] 238-511-8 [5] 252-840-4 [6]
14332-34-4 [1] 18718-11-1 [2] 10381-36-9 [3] 14448-18-1 [4] 14507-36-9 [5] 36026-88-7 [6] 17169-61-8 [7] 19372-20-4 [8] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-42/43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-033-00-6 |
diammonium nickel hexacyanoferrate |
— |
74195-78-1 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-42/43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-034-00-1 |
nickel dicyanide |
209-160-8 |
557-19-7 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R42/43 R32 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-32-42/43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-035-00-7 |
nickel chromate |
238-766-5 |
14721-18-7 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-42/43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-036-00-2 |
nickel(II) silicate; [1] dinickel orthosilicate; [2] nickel silicate (3:4); [3] silicic acid, nickel salt; [4] trihydrogen hydroxybis[orthosilicato(4-)]trinickelate(3-) [5] |
244-578-4 [1] 237-411-1 [2] 250-788-7 [3] 253-461-7 [4] 235-688-3 [5] |
21784-78-1 [1] 13775-54-7 [2] 31748-25-1 [3] 37321-15-6 [4] 12519-85-6 [5] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-037-00-8 |
dinickel hexacyanoferrate |
238-946-3 |
14874-78-3 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-038-00-3 |
trinickel bis(arsenate); nickel(II) arsenate |
236-771-7 |
13477-70-8 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R45 T; R48/23 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 45-43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-039-00-9 |
nickel oxalate; [1] oxalic acid, nickel salt [2] |
208-933-7 [1] 243-867-2 [2] |
547-67-1 [1] 20543-06-0 [2] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 N: R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-040-00-4 |
nickel telluride |
235-260-6 |
12142-88-0 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-041-00-X |
trinickel tetrasulfide |
— |
12137-12-1 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-042-00-5 |
trinickel bis(arsenite) |
— |
74646-29-0 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-043-00-0 |
cobalt nickel gray periclase; C.I. Pigment Black 25; C.I. 77332; [1] cobalt nickel dioxide; [2] cobalt nickel oxide [3] |
269-051-6 [1] 261-346-8 [2]
68186-89-0 [1] 58591-45-0 [2] 12737-30-3 [3] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 |
T R: 49-43-48/23 S: 53-45 |
E H |
028-044-00-6 |
nickel tin trioxide; nickel stannate |
234-824-9 |
12035-38-0 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 |
T R: 49-43-48/23 S: 53-45 |
E H |
028-045-00-1 |
nickel triuranium decaoxide |
239-876-6 |
15780-33-3 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 |
T R: 49-43-48/23 S: 53-45 |
E H |
028-046-00-7 |
nickel dithiocyanate |
237-205-1 |
13689-92-4 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3;R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 R42/43 R32 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-32-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E H |
028-047-00-2 |
nickel dichromate |
239-646-5 |
15586-38-6 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E H |
028-048-00-8 |
nickel(II) selenite |
233-263-7 |
10101-96-9 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-42/43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-049-00-3 |
nickel selenide |
215-216-2 |
1314-05-2 |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-050-00-9 |
silicic acid, lead nickel salt |
— |
68130-19-8 |
Carc. Cat. 1: R49 Repr. Cat. 1: R61 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 T; R48/23 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-43-48/23-62-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-051-00-4 |
nickel diarsenide; [1] nickel arsenide [2] |
235-103-1 [1] 248-169-1 [2] |
12068-61-0 [1] 27016-75-7 [2] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-052-00-X |
nickel barium titanium primrose priderite; C.I. Pigment Yellow 157; C.I. 77900 |
271-853-6 |
68610-24-2 |
Carc. Cat. 1: R49 T; R48/23 R43 |
T R: 49-43-48/23 S: 53-45 |
E H |
028-053-00-5 |
nickel dichlorate; [1] nickel dibromate; [2] ethyl hydrogen sulfate, nickel(II) salt [3] |
267-897-0 [1] 238-596-1 [2] 275-897-7 [3] |
67952-43-6 [1] 14550-87-9 [2] 71720-48-4 [3] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E H |
028-054-00-0 |
nickel(II) trifluoroacetate; [1] nickel(II) propionate; [2] nickel bis(benzenesulfonate); [3] nickel(II) hydrogen citrate; [4] citric acid, ammonium nickel salt; [5] citric acid, nickel salt; [6] nickel bis(2-ethylhexanoate); [7] 2-ethylhexanoic acid, nickel salt; [8] dimethylhexanoic acid nickel salt; [9] nickel(II) isooctanoate; [10] nickel isooctanoate; [11] nickel bis(isononanoate); [12] nickel(II) neononanoate; [13] nickel(II) isodecanoate; [14] nickel(II) neodecanoate; [15] neodecanoic acid, nickel salt; [16] nickel(II) neoundecanoate; [17] bis(d-gluconato-O 1,O 2)nickel; [18] nickel 3,5-bis(tert-butyl)-4-hydroxybenzoate (1:2); [19] nickel(II) palmitate; [20] (2-ethylhexanoato-O)(isononanoato-O)nickel; [21] (isononanoato-O)(isooctanoato-O)nickel; [22] (isooctanoato-O)(neodecanoato-O)nickel; [23] (2-ethylhexanoato-O)(isodecanoato-O)nickel; [24] (2-ethylhexanoato-O)(neodecanoato-O)nickel; [25] (isodecanoato-O)(isooctanoato-O)nickel; [26] (isodecanoato-O)(isononanoato-O)nickel; [27] (isononanoato-O)(neodecanoato-O)nickel; [28] fatty acids, C6-19-branched, nickel salts; [29] fatty acids, C8-18 and C18-unsaturated, nickel salts; [30] 2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, nickel(II) salt; [31] |
240-235-8 [1] 222-102-6 [2] 254-642-3 [3] 242-533-3 [4] 242-161-1 [5] 245-119-0 [6] 224-699-9 [7] 231-480-1 [8] 301-323-2 [9] 249-555-2 [10] 248-585-3 [11] 284-349-6 [12] 300-094-6 [13] 287-468-1 [14] 287-469-7 [15] 257-447-1 [16] 300-093-0 [17] 276-205-6 [18] 258-051-1 [19] 237-138-8 [20] 287-470-2 [21] 287-471-8 [22] 284-347-5 [23] 284-351-7 [24] 285-698-7 [25] 285-909-2 [26] 284-348-0 [27] 287-592-6 [28] 294-302-1 [29] 283-972-0 [30]
16083-14-0 [1] 3349-08-4 [2] 39819-65-3 [3] 18721-51-2 [4] 18283-82-4 [5] 22605-92-1 [6] 4454-16-4 [7] 7580-31-6 [8] 93983-68-7 [9] 29317-63-3 [10] 27637-46-3 [11] 84852-37-9 [12] 93920-10-6 [13] 85508-43-6 [14] 85508-44-7 [15] 51818-56-5 [16] 93920-09-3 [17] 71957-07-8 [18] 52625-25-9 [19] 13654-40-5 [20] 85508-45-8 [21] 85508-46-9 [22] 84852-35-7 [23] 84852-39-1 [24] 85135-77-9 [25] 85166-19-4 [26] 84852-36-8 [27] 85551-28-6 [28] 91697-41-5 [29] 84776-45-4 [30] 72319-19-8 [31] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-61-42/43-48/23-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
T R48/23: C ≥ 1 %: Xn; R48/20: 0,1 % ≤ C < 1 % R43: C ≥ 0,01 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
E H |
028-055-00-6 |
nickel(II) sulfite; [1] nickel tellurium trioxide; [2] nickel tellurium tetraoxide; [3] molybdenum nickel hydroxide oxide phosphate [4] |
231-827-7 [1] 239-967-0 [2] 239-974-9 [3] 268-585-7 [4] |
7757-95-1 [1] 15851-52-2 [2] 15852-21-8 [3] 68130-36-9 [4] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R42/43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-42/43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-056-00-1 |
nickel boride (NiB); [1] dinickel boride; [2] trinickel boride; [3] nickel boride; [4] dinickel silicide; [5] nickel disilicide; [6] dinickel phosphide; [7] nickel boron phosphide [8] |
234-493-0 [1] 234-494-6 [2] 234-495-1 [3] 235-723-2 [4] 235-033-1 [5] 235-379-3 [6] 234-828-0 [7]
12007-00-0 [1] 12007-01-1 [2] 12007-02-2 [3] 12619-90-8 [4] 12059-14-2 [5] 12201-89-7 [6] 12035-64-2 [7] 65229-23-4 [8] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 49-43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E H |
028-057-00-7 |
dialuminium nickel tetraoxide; [1] nickel titanium trioxide; [2] nickel titanium oxide; [3] nickel divanadium hexaoxide; [4] cobalt dimolybdenum nickel octaoxide; [5] nickel zirkonium trioxide; [6] molybdenum nickel tetraoxide; [7] nickel tungsten tetraoxide; [8] olivine, nickel green; [9] lithium nickel dioxide; [10] molybdenum nickel oxide; [11] |
234-454-8 [1] 234-825-4 [2] 235-752-0 [3] 257-970-5 [4] 268-169-5 [5] 274-755-1 [6] 238-034-5 [7] 238-032-4 [8] 271-112-7 [9]
12004-35-2 [1] 12035-39-1 [2] 12653-76-8 [3] 52502-12-2 [4] 68016-03-5 [5] 70692-93-2 [6] 14177-55-0 [7] 14177-51-6 [8] 68515-84-4 [9] 12031-65-1 [10] 12673-58-4 [11] |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T; R48/23 R43 |
T R: 49-43-48/23 S: 53-45 |
E H |
028-058-00-2 |
cobalt lithium nickel oxide |
442-750-5 |
— |
Carc. Cat. 1; R49 T+; R26 T; R48/23 R43 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 49-26-43-48/23-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E |
029-014-00-5 |
reaction mass of: 2,2'-[[cis-1,2-cyclohexanediylbis(nitrilomethylidene)]bis[phenolate]](2-)N,N',O,O'-copper complex; 2,2'-[[trans-1,2-cyclohexanediylbis(nitrilomethylidyne)]bis[phenolate]](2-)N,N',O,O'-copper complex |
419-610-7 |
171866-24-3 |
Xn; R48/22 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 48/22-51/53 S: (2-)22-36-61 |
030-009-00-5 |
zinc-bis(4-(n-octyloxycarbonylamino)salicylate) dihydrate |
417-130-2 |
— |
Xi; R41 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 41-51/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
030-010-00-0 |
2-dodec-1-enylbutanedioic acid, 4-methyl ester zinc salt |
430-740-3 |
— |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
030-012-00-1 |
aluminium-magnesium-zinc-carbonate-hydroxide |
423-570-6 |
169314-88-9 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
030-015-00-8 |
tetrazinc(2+)bis(hexacyanocobalt(3+))diacetate |
440-060-9 |
— |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
040-003-00-4 |
reaction product of 3,5-di-tert-butylsalicylic acid and zirconium oxychloride, dehydrated, basic Zr: DTBS = 1,0 to 1,0: 1,5 |
430-610-6 |
226996-19-6 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
042-005-00-0 |
reaction mass of: mono- and di-glycerols of canola oil; canola oil acid amide of branched 1,3-propanediamine,N-[3-(tridecyloxy)-propyl]; N,N-diorgano dithiocarbamate molybdenum complex |
434-240-6 |
— |
R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-51/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
046-001-00-X |
tetraammine palladium (II) hydrogen carbonate |
425-270-0 |
134620-00-1 |
Xn; R22-48/22 Xi; R41 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-41-43-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)22-26-36/37/39-60-61 |
047-002-00-8 |
polyphosphoric acid, copper, sodium, magnesium, calcium, silver and zinc salt |
416-850-4 |
— |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
050-021-00-4 |
dichlorodioctyl stannane |
222-583-2 |
3542-36-7 |
T; R23-48/25 R53 |
T R: 23-48/25-53 S: (1/2-)38-45-61 |
050-022-00-X |
dibutyltin dichloride; (DBTC) |
211-670-0 |
683-18-1 |
Mut. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 2; R60-61 T+; R26 T; R25-48/25 C; R34 Xn; R21 N; R50-53 |
T+; C; N R: 60-61-21-25-26-34-48/25-68-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
C; R34: C ≥ 10 % Xi; R36/38: 0,01 % ≤ C < 10 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
E |
050-023-00-5 |
reaction mass of: bis[(2-ethyl-1-oxohexyl)oxy]dioctyl stannane; bis[((2-ethyl-1-oxohexyl)oxy)dioctylstannyl]oxide; bis(1-phenyl-1,3-decanedionyl)dioctyl stannane; ((2-ethyl-1-oxohexyl)oxy)-(1-phenyl-1,3-decanedionyl)dioctyl stannane |
422-920-5 |
— |
Xn; R48/22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 48/22-50/53 S: (2-)23-36-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
050-024-00-0 |
reaction mass of: tri-p-tolyltin hydroxide; hexa-p-tolyl-distannoxane |
432-230-6 |
— |
T; R48/25 Xn; R22 Xi; R38-41 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 22-38-41-43-48/25-50/53 S: (1/2-)22-26-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
064-001-00-8 |
gadolinium(III)sulfite trihydrate |
456-900-2 |
51285-81-5 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
078-010-00-X |
tetraammine platinum (II) hydrogen carbonate |
426-730-3 |
123439-82-7 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-41-52/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
078-011-00-5 |
hydroxydisulfito platinum(II) acid |
423-310-1 |
61420-92-6 |
Xn; R22-48/20/21/22 C; R35 R42/43 R52-53 |
C R: 22-35-42/43-48/20/21/22-52/53 S: (1/2-)23-24-26-28-36/37/39-45-61 |
078-012-00-0 |
platinum(IV) nitrate/nitric acid solution |
432-400-1 |
— |
C; R35 N; R50-53 |
C; N R: 35-50/53 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
082-012-00-6 |
barium calcium cesium lead samarium strontium bromide chloride fluoride iodide europium doped |
431-780-4 |
199876-46-5 |
Xn; R22-48/22 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-48/22-51/53 S: (2-)22-36-61 |
601-070-00-0 |
reaction mass of: branched icosane; branched docosane; branched tetracosane |
417-050-8 |
151006-58-5 |
Xn; R20 R53 |
Xn R: 20-53 S: (2-)61 |
601-072-00-1 |
reaction mass of: 1-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1-phenylethane; 1-(3-isopropylphenyl)-1-phenylethane; 1-(2-isopropylphenyl)-1-phenylethane |
430-690-2 |
52783-21-8 |
Xi; R38 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-50/53 S: (2-)37-60-61 |
601-075-00-8 |
4,4'-bis(N-carbamoyl-4-methylbenzenesulfonamide)diphenylmethane |
418-770-5 |
151882-81-4 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 |
Xn R: 40 S: (2-)22-36/37 |
601-076-00-3 |
ethynyl cyclopropane |
425-430-1 |
6746-94-7 |
F; R11 R4 Xi; R38-41 R52-53 |
F; Xi R: 4-11-38-41-52/53 S: (2-)9-16-26-33-37/39-61 |
601-077-00-9 |
reaction mass of: 1-heptyl-4-ethyl-2,6,7-trioxabicyclo[2.2.2]octane; 1-nonyl-4-ethyl-2,6,7-trioxabicyclo[2.2.2]octane |
426-510-7 |
196965-91-0 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
601-078-00-4 |
reaction mass of: 1,7-dimethyl-2-[(3-methylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-yl)methyl]bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane; 2,3-dimethyl-2-[(3-methylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-yl)methyl]bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane |
427-040-5 |
— |
C; R34 N; R50-53 |
C; N R: 34-50/53 S: (1/2-)23-26-36/37/39-45-57-60-61 |
601-079-00-X |
reaction mass of: trans-trans-cyclohexadeca-1,9-diene; cis-trans-cyclohexadeca-1,9-diene |
429-620-3 |
— |
Xi; R38 R43 R53 |
Xi R: 38-43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
601-080-00-5 |
reaction mass of: sec-butylphenyl(phenyl)methane, mixed isomers; 1-(sec-butylphenyl(phenyl)-2-phenylethane, mixed isomers; 1-(sec-butylphenyl-1-phenylethane, mixed isomers |
431-100-6 |
— |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
601-081-00-0 |
cyclohexadeca-1,9-diene |
431-730-1 |
4277-06-9 |
Xi; R38 R43 R53 |
Xi R: 38-43-53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
601-082-00-6 |
reaction mass of: endo-2-methyl-exo-3-methyl-exo-2-[(exo-3-methylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-exo-2-yl)methyl]bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane; exo-2-methyl-exo-3-methyl-endo-2-[(endo-3-methylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-exo-2-yl)methyl]bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane |
434-420-4 |
— |
Xi; R38-41 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-41-50/53 S: (2-)23-26-37/39-57-60-61 |
601-083-00-1 |
5-endo-hexyl-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene |
435-000-3 |
22094-83-3 |
Xn; R65 Xi; R38 R53 |
Xn R: 38-65-53 S: (2-)37-62-61 |
601-084-00-7 |
reaction mass of: 5-endo-butyl-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene; 5-exo-butyl-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene (80:20) |
435-180-3 |
— |
Xn; R65 Xi; R38 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 38-65-50/53 S: (2-)37-62-60-61 |
602-095-00-X |
alkanes, C14-17, chloro; chlorinated paraffins, C14-17 |
287-477-0 |
85535-85-9 |
R64 R66 N; R50-53 |
N R: 64-66-50/53 S: (2-)24-60-61 |
602-098-00-6 |
2-(3-bromophenoxy)tetrahydro-2H-pyran |
429-030-6 |
57999-49-2 |
R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-51/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
602-099-00-1 |
3-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-methylpropionylchloride |
426-370-7 |
— |
R14 R29 C; R35 Xn; R22 R52-53 |
C R: 14-22-29-35-52/53 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-61 |
602-100-00-5 |
reaction mass of: (R,R)-1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5,5-decafluoropentane; (S,S)-1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5,5-decafluoropentane |
420-640-8 |
— |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
602-101-00-0 |
2-chloro-4-fluoro-5-nitrophenyl (isobutyl)carbonate |
427-020-6 |
141772-37-4 |
Xn; R48/22 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 43-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)36/37-60-61 |
602-102-00-6 |
1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane |
430-250-1 |
406-58-6 |
F; R11 |
F R: 11 S: (2-)3-9-16-41 |
602-103-00-1 |
1-(chlorophenylmethyl)-2-methylbenzene |
431-450-1 |
41870-52-4 |
Xi; R38 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-50/53 S: (2-)36/37-60-61 |
602-104-00-7 |
1,1,2,2,3,3,4-heptafluorocyclopentane |
430-710-1 |
15290-77-4 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
602-105-00-2 |
sodium 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4-nonafluoro-1-butanesulfinate |
422-100-7 |
102061-82-5 |
Xi; R41 R43 |
Xi R: 41-43 S: (2-)24-26-37/39 |
602-106-00-8 |
2-bromo-4,6-difluoroaniline |
429-430-0 |
444-14-4 |
Xn; R22 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-51/53 S: (2-)25-61 |
602-107-00-3 |
3,3,4,4-tetrafluoro-4-iodo-1-butene |
439-500-2 |
33831-83-3 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R38 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-38-51/53 S: (2-)37-61 |
602-108-00-9 |
(2,3,5,6-tetrafluorophenyl)methanol |
443-840-7 |
4084-38-2 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R36 R43 |
Xn R: 22-36-43 S: (2-)26-36/37 |
603-109-00-7 |
reaction mass of: 1-ethoxy-1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-(trifluoromethyl)propane; 1-ethoxy-1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4-nonafluorobutane |
425-340-0 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 21-23-61 |
603-110-00-2 |
reaction mass of: cis-2-isobutyl-5-methyl 1,3-dioxane; trans-2-isobutyl-5-methyl 1,3-dioxane |
426-130-1 |
166301-21-9 |
Xi; R38 R52-53 |
Xi R: 38-52/53 S: (2-)23-37-61 |
603-111-00-8 |
reaction mass of: 1-(1,1-dimethylpropyl)-4-ethoxy-cis-cyclohexane; 1-(1,1-dimethylpropyl)-4-ethoxy-trans-cyclohexane |
426-530-6 |
— |
Xi; R38 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-60-61 |
603-112-00-3 |
cyclopentyl 2-phenylethyl ether |
428-340-9 |
— |
Xi; R38 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-50/53 S: (2-)37-60-61 |
603-113-00-9 |
6-glycidyloxynapht-1-yl oxymethyloxirane |
429-960-2 |
27610-48-6 |
Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Xn; R21 Xi; R38 R43 R52-53 |
Xn R: 21-38-43-68-52/53 S: (2-)36/37/39-61 |
603-114-00-4 |
9-(2-propenyloxy)tricyclo[,6)]dec-3(or-4-)-ene |
430-830-2 |
26912-64-1 |
Xi; R38 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-51/53 S: (2-)23-37-61 |
603-115-00-X |
reaction mass of: O,O',O''-(methylsilanetriyl)tris(4-methyl-2-pentanone oxime) (3 stereoisomers) |
423-580-0 |
— |
Xn; R48/22 R53 |
Xn R: 48/22-53 S: 2-36-61 |
603-116-00-5 |
(Z)-(2,4-difluorophenyl)piperidin-4-ylmethanone oxime monohydrochloride |
424-740-2 |
138271-16-6 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-41-52/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
603-182-00-5 |
reaction product of: saturated, monounsaturated and multiple unsaturated long-chained partly estrified alcohols of vegetable origin (Brassica napus L., Brassica rapa L., Helianthus annuus L., Glycine hispida, Gossypium hirsutum L., Cocos nucifera L., Elaeis guineensis) with O,O-diisobutyldithiophosphate and 2-ethylhexylamine and hydrogen peroxide |
428-630-5 |
— |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
603-188-00-8 |
reaction mass of: 6,7-epoxy-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydro-1,1,2,4,4,7-hexamethylnaphthalene; 7,8-epoxy-1,2,3,4,6,7,8,8a-octahydro-1,1,2,4,4,7-hexamethylnaphthalene |
426-970-9 |
— |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
603-190-00-9 |
8,8-dimethyl-7-isopropyl-6,10-dioxaspiro[4.5]decane |
424-030-2 |
62406-73-9 |
Xi; R38 R52-53 |
Xi R: 38-52/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
603-192-00-X |
(E,E)-3,7,11-trimethyldodeca-1,4,6,10-tetraen-3-ol |
423-240-1 |
125474-34-2 |
Xi; R38-41 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-41-43-50/53 S: (2-)23-24-26-37/39-60-61 |
603-193-00-5 |
disodium 9,10-anthracenedioxide |
426-030-8 |
46492-07-3 |
C; R35 |
C R: 35 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45 |
603-194-00-0 |
2-(2-aminoethylamino)ethanol; (AEEA) |
203-867-5 |
111-41-1 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 C; R34 R43 |
T R: 61-34-43-62 S: 53-45 |
C; R34: C ≥ 10 % Xi; R36/37/38: 5 % ≤ C < 10 % |
603-200-00-1 |
1-pentanol; [1] 3-pentanol [2] |
200-752-1 [1] 209-526-7 [2] |
71-41-0 [1] 584-02-1 [2] |
R10 Xn; R20 Xi; R37/38 |
Xn R: 10-20-37/38 S: (1/2-)36/37-46 |
603-201-00-7 |
(E)-(7R,11R)-3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadec-2-ene-1-ol |
416-120-5 |
— |
Xi; R38 R53 |
Xi R: 38-53 S: (2-)37-61 |
603-202-00-2 |
4,4,5,5,5-pentafluoropentan-1-ol |
421-360-9 |
148043-73-6 |
Xn; R22 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-52/53 S: (2-)23-61 |
603-203-00-8 |
(1R,3S,7R,8R,10R,13R)-5,5,7,9,9,13-hexamethyl-4,6-dioxatetracyclo[,10.03,7]tetradecane |
427-580-1 |
— |
Xi; R38 |
Xi R: 38 S: (2-)37 |
603-204-00-3 |
reaction mass of: 2,2'-(heptane-1,7-diyl)bis-1,3-dioxolane; 2,2'-(heptane-1,6-diyl)bis-1,3-dioxolane |
428-110-8 |
— |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
603-205-00-9 |
(1S-cis)-4-(2-amino-6-chloro-9H-purin-9-yl)-2-cyclopentene-1-methanol hydrochloride |
426-200-1 |
172015-79-1 |
T; R48/25 Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R43 R52-53 |
T R: 22-41-43-48/25-52/53 S: (1/2-)22-26-36/37/39-45-61 |
603-206-00-4 |
2,2-dichloro-1,3-benzodioxol |
426-850-6 |
2032-75-9 |
R10 R14 C; R35 Xn; R22 R43 |
C R: 10-14-22-35-43 S: (1/2-)7/8-23-26-36/37/39-45 |
603-207-00-X |
2-isobutyl-2-isopropyl-1,3-dimethoxypropane |
430-800-9 |
129228-21-3 |
Xi; R38 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-51/53 S: (2-)23-37-61 |
603-208-00-5 |
1,2-diethoxyethane |
211-076-1 |
629-14-1 |
F; R11 R19 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 Xi; R36 |
F; T R: 61-11-19-36-62 S: 53-45 |
603-209-00-0 |
spinosad (ISO) (reaction mass of spinosyn A and spinosyn D in ratios between 95:5 to 50:50); reaction mass of 50-95 % of (2R,3aS,5aR,5bS,9S,13S,14R,16aS,16bR)-2-(6-deoxy-2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-α-l-mannopyranosyloxy)-13-(4-dimethylamino-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-β-d-erythropyranosyloxy)-9-ethyl-2,3,3a,5a,5b,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16a,16b-hexadecahydro-14-methyl-1H-8-oxacyclododeca[b]as-indacene-7,15-dione and 50-5 % (2S,3aR,5aS,5bS,9S,13S,14R,16aS,16bS)-2-(6-deoxy-2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-α-l-mannopyranosyloxy)-13-(4-dimethylamino-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-β-d-erythropyranosyloxy)-9-ethyl-2,3,3a,5a,5b,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16a,16b-hexadecahydro-4,14-dimethyl-1H-8-oxacyclododeca[b]as-indacene-7,15-dione; [1] spinosyn A; [2] spinosyn D [3] |
131929-60-7 [2] 131929-63-0 [3] |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
603-210-00-6 |
2,4-diethyl-1,5-pentanediol |
429-310-8 |
57987-55-0 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
603-211-00-1 |
2,3-epoxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride … %; glycidyl trimethylammonium chloride … % |
221-221-0 |
3033-77-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 Xn; R21/22-48/22 Xi; R41 R43 R52-53 |
T R: 45-21/22-41-43-48/22-62-68-52/53 S: 53-45-61 |
B E |
603-212-00-7 |
1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethylindeno[5,6-c]pyran; galaxolide; (HHCB) |
214-946-9 |
1222-05-5 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
603-213-00-2 |
2-methoxy-2-methylbutane; tert-amyl methyl ether |
213-611-4 |
994-05-8 |
F; R11 Xn; R22 R67 |
F; Xn R: 11-22-67 S: (2-)9-16-23-33 |
603-214-00-8 |
1,1-diisopropoxycyclohexane |
413-740-8 |
1132-95-2 |
C; R34 |
C R: 34 S: (1/2-)23-26-36/37/39-45 |
603-215-00-3 |
1-hydroxy-4-fluoro-1,4-diazoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane bis(tetrafluoroborate) |
418-330-2 |
162241-33-0 |
E; R2 Xn; R22-48/22 Xi; R41 R43 N; R50-53 |
E; Xn; N R: 2-22-41-43-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)22-26-36/37/39-60-61 |
603-216-00-9 |
cis-1-amino-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-2-ol |
422-660-2 |
7480-35-5 |
Xi; R41 R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-43-52/53 S: (2-)24-26-37/39-61 |
603-217-00-4 |
2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenyl 2-butyl-2-ethyl-1,3-propanediolphosphite |
423-560-1 |
161717-32-4 |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)24-37/39-61 |
603-220-00-0 |
1-{benzyl[2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)ethyl]amino}-3-(9H-carbazol-4-yloxy)propan-2-ol |
432-890-5 |
72955-94-3 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
603-221-00-6 |
1-(2-amino-5-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trifluoro-1,1-ethanediol, hydrochloride; [containing < 0,1 % 4-chloroaniline (EC No 203-401-0)] |
433-580-2 |
214353-17-0 |
Xn; R22 C; R34 N; R51-53 |
C; N R: 22-34-51/53 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-61 |
603-221-01-3 |
1-(2-amino-5-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trifluoro-1,1-ethanediol, hydrochloride; [containing ≥ 0,1 % 4-chloroaniline (EC No 203-401-0)] |
433-580-2 |
214353-17-0 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Xn; R22 C; R34 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 45-22-34-51/53 S: 53-45-61 |
E |
603-222-00-1 |
(2R,3S,4R,5R,7R,9R,10R,11S,12S,13R)-10-[(4-dimethylamino-3-hydroxy-6-methyltetrahydropyran-2-yl)oxy]-2-ethyl-3,4,12-trihydroxy-9-methoxy-3,5,7,9,11,13-hexamethyl-6,14-dioxo-1-oxacyclotetradecane |
433-820-6 |
118058-74-5 |
Xi; R36 |
Xi R: 36 S: (2-)26 |
603-223-00-7 |
2-cyclopentylidene cyclopentanol; 1,1'-bi(cyclopentyliden)-2-ol |
434-270-1 |
6261-30-9 |
Xi; R38-41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 38-41-52/53 S: (2-)26-37/39-61 |
603-224-00-2 |
3-ethoxy-1,1,1,2,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,6-dodecafluoro-2-(trifluoromethyl)-hexane |
435-790-1 |
297730-93-9 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
603-225-00-8 |
erythromycin A9-oxime (E); (3R,4S,5S,6R,7R,9R,11R,12R,13S,14R)-4-((2,6-didesoxy-3-C-methyl-3-O-methyl-α-L-ribo-hexopiranosyl)oxy)-14-ethyl-7,12,13-trihydroxy-3,5,7,9,11,13-hexamethyl-6-((3,4,6-tridesoxy-3-dimethylamino-β-d-xylohexapiranosyl)oxy)oxacyclotetradecan-2-ona-10-oxime (E) |
437-070-0 |
13127-18-9 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
603-226-00-3 |
4,4'(4-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1,3,5-triazin-2,4-diyl)bisbenzene-1,3-diol |
444-500-0 |
1440-00-2 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
603-227-00-9 |
α-hydro-ω-[[[(1,1-dimethylethyl)dioxy]carbonyl]oxy]-poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)] ether with 2,2-bis(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (4:1); reaction product of: α-hydro-ω-((chlorocarbonyl)oxy)-poly(oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)) ether with 2,2-bis(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol with potassium 1,1-dimethylethylperoxalate |
445-060-2 |
203574-04-3 |
O; R7 N; R50-53 |
O; N R: 7-50/53 S: (2-)3/7-14-36/37/39-60-61 |
603-228-00-4 |
(+/-)-(R*,R*)-6-fluoro-3,4-dihydro-2-oxiranyl-2H-1-benzopyran; 6-fluoro-2-(2-oxiranyl)chromane |
419-620-1 |
— |
R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-51/53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
603-229-00-X |
sodium (Z)-3-chloro-3-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-hydroxy-2-propene-1-sulfonate |
420-800-7 |
— |
Xi; R38-41 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-41-43-50/53 S: (2-)24-26-37/39-60-61 |
603-230-00-5 |
2,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethyldecahydro-2H-indeno[4,5-b]furan |
440-030-5 |
— |
Xi; R38-41 R53 |
Xi R: 38-41-53 S: (2-)26-37/39-61 |
603-231-00-0 |
(S)-1,1-diphenyl-1,2-propanediol |
443-220-6 |
— |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 22-61 |
603-232-00-6 |
3,3,8,8,10,10-hexamethyl-9-[1-(4-oxiranylmethoxy-phenyl)-ethoxy]-1,5-dioxa-9-aza-spiro[5.5]undecane |
444-420-6 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
603-233-00-1 |
reaction mass of: 4-(1,3a,4,6,7,7a-hexahydro-4,7-methanoinden-5-ylidene)-3-methylbutan-2-ol; 4-(3,3a,4,6,7,7a-hexahydro-4,7-methanoinden-5-ylidene)-3-methylbutan-2-ol; 1-(1,3a,4,6,7,7a-hexahydro-4,7-methanoinden-5-ylidene)pentan-3-ol; 1-(3,3a,4,6,7,7a-hexahydro-4,7-methanoinden-5-ylidene)pentan-3-ol; (E)-4-(3a,4,5,6,7,7a-hexahydro-1H-4,7-methanoinden-5-yl)-3-methylbut-3-en-2-ol; (E)-4-(3a,4,5,6,7,7a-hexahydro-3H-4,7-methanoinden-5-yl)-3-methylbut-3-en-2-ol |
444-430-0 |
— |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
603-234-00-7 |
(1R,4R)-4-methoxy-2,2,7,7-tetramethyltricyclo(,6))undec-5-ene |
444-480-3 |
— |
Xi; R38 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-51/53 S: (2-)37-61 |
604-071-00-4 |
4,4'-(1-{4-[1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-methylethyl]phenyl}ethylidene)diphenol |
425-600-3 |
110726-28-8 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
604-072-00-X |
1,2-bis(phenoxymethyl)benzene |
428-620-0 |
10403-74-4 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 22-60-61 |
604-073-00-5 |
(E)-3-[1-[4-[2-(dimethylamino)ethoxy]phenyl]-2-phenylbut-1-enyl]phenol |
428-010-4 |
82413-20-5 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Repr. Cat. 2; R60 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 60-40-43-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
604-074-00-0 |
tetrabromobisphenol-A; 2,2',6,6'-tetrabromo-4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol |
201-236-9 |
79-94-7 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
604-075-00-6 |
4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol; 4-tert-octylphenol |
205-426-2 |
140-66-9 |
Xi; R38-41 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-41-50/53 S: (2-)26-37/39-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
604-076-00-1 |
phenolphthalein |
201-004-7 |
77-09-8 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 |
T R: 45-62-68 S: 53-45 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45: C ≥ 1 % |
604-077-00-7 |
2-benzotriazol-2-yl-4-methyl-6-(2-methylallyl)phenol |
419-750-9 |
98809-58-6 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
604-079-00-8 |
4,4'-(1,3-phenylene-bis(1-methylethylidene))bis-phenol |
428-970-4 |
13595-25-0 |
Repr. Cat.3; R62 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 43-62-51/53 S: (2-)22-36/37-61 |
604-080-00-3 |
4-fluoro-3-trifluoromethylphenol |
432-560-0 |
61721-07-1 |
Xn; R20 C; R35 R43 N; R51-53 |
C; N R: 20-35-43-51/53 S: (1/2-)26-28-36/37/39-45-61 |
604-081-00-9 |
1,1-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-phenylethane |
433-130-5 |
1571-75-1 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 25-60-61 |
604-082-00-4 |
2-chloro-6-fluoro-phenol |
433-890-8 |
2040-90-6 |
Muta. Cat.2; R46 Repr. Cat.3; R62 Xn; R22 C; R34 R43 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 46-22-34-43-62-51/53 S: 53-45-61 |
E |
604-083-00-X |
4,4'-sulfonylbisphenol, polymer with ammonium chloride(NH4Cl), pentachlorophosphorane and phenol |
439-270-3 |
260408-02-4 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
604-084-00-5 |
1-ethoxy-2,3-difluorobenzene |
441-000-4 |
121219-07-6 |
Xn; R22 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-52/53 S: (2-)23-61 |
604-087-00-1 |
reaction mass of: 1,2-naphthoquinonediazide-5-sulfonylchloride (or sulfonic acid)monoester with 4,4'-(1-(4-(1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-methylethyl)phenyl)ethylidene)bisphenol; 1,2-naphthoquinonediazide-5-sulfonylchloride (or sulfonic acid)diester with 4,4'-(1-(4-(1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-methylethyl)phenyl)ethylidene)bisphenol; 1,2-naphthoquinonediazide-5-sulfonylchloride (or sulfonic acid)triester with 4,4'-(1-(4-(1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-methylethyl)phenyl)ethylidene)bisphenol |
433-640-8 |
— |
F; R17 R44 R53 |
F R: 17-44-53 S: (2-)15-22-61 |
604-089-00-2 |
2-methyl-5-tert-butylthiophenol |
444-970-7 |
— |
R10 Repr. Cat.3; R63 Xn; R48/20/22-65 Xi; R36/38 R43 R67 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 10-36/38-43-48/20/22-63-65-67-50/53 S: (2-)26-36/37-62-60-61 |
605-023-00-5 |
5-chloro-2-(4-chlorophenoxy)phenol |
429-290-0 |
3380-30-1 |
Xi; R41 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 41-50/53 S: (2-)26-39-60-61 |
605-024-00-0 |
2-bromo-5-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde |
426-540-0 |
2973-59-3 |
R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-51/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
605-032-00-4 |
3-[3-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-(1-methylethyl)-1H-indol-2-yl]-(E)-2-propenal |
425-370-4 |
93957-50-7 |
R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-50/53 S: (2-)22-24-37-60-61 |
605-033-00-X |
reaction mass of: 3,7,11-trimethyl-cis-6,10-dodecadienal; 3,7,11-trimethyl-trans-6,10-dodecadienal |
425-910-9 |
32480-08-3 |
Xi; R38 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-50/53 S: (2-)37-60-61 |
605-034-00-5 |
reaction mass of: (1RS,2RS,3SR,6RS,9SR)-9-methoxytricyclo[,6)]decane-3-carbaldehyde; (1RS,2RS,3RS,6RS,8SR)-8-methoxytricyclo[,6)]decane-3-carbaldehyde; (1RS,2RS,4SR,6RS,8SR)-8-methoxytricyclo[,6)]decane-4-carbaldehyde |
429-860-9 |
— |
R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-51/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
605-035-00-0 |
(E)-3-(4-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-methoxymethyl-2,6-bis(1-methoxymethyl)pyridin-3-yl)prop-2-enal |
426-330-9 |
177964-68-0 |
Xi; R36 R43 R53 |
Xi R: 36-43-53 S: (2-)24-26-37-61 |
605-036-00-6 |
2-bromomalonaldehyde |
430-470-6 |
2065-75-0 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 |
Xn R: 22-41 S: (2-)26-39 |
605-037-00-1 |
trans-3-[2-(7-chloro-2-quinolinyl)vinyl]benzaldehyde; 3-[(E)-2-(7-chloro-2-quinolinyl)vinyl]benzaldehyde |
421-800-1 |
120578-03-2 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 22-61 |
605-038-00-7 |
3-methyl-5-phenylpentan-1-al |
433-900-0 |
55066-49-4 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R38 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-38-43-51/53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
605-039-00-2 |
3,4-dihydroxy-5-nitrobenzaldehyde |
441-810-8 |
116313-85-0 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R43 |
Xn R: 22-41-43 S: (2-)22-24-26-37/39 |
606-074-00-6 |
reaction mass of: (1R*,2S*)-2-acetyl-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydro-1,2,8,8-tetramethylnaphthalene; (2R*,3S*)-2-acetyl-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydro-2,3,8,8-tetramethylnaphthalene |
425-570-1 |
— |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
606-090-00-3 |
1-[3-[(dimethylamino)methyl]-4-hydroxyphenyl]ethanone |
430-920-1 |
73096-98-7 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-41-52/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
606-093-00-X |
5-ethyl-2,4-dihydro-4-(2-phenoxyethyl)-3H-1,2,4-triazol-3-one |
414-470-3 |
95885-13-5 |
Xn; R22 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-52/53 S: (2-)22-36-61 |
606-094-00-5 |
N-[ethyl(3-methylbutyl)amino]-3-methyl-1-phenyl-spiro[[1]benzo-pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole-4(1H),1'(3'H)-isobenzofuran]-3'-one |
417-460-7 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
606-095-00-0 |
(R,S)-2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-en-3-one |
421-830-3 |
49805-30-3 |
Xn; R22 R43 |
Xn R: 22-43 S: (2-)22-24-37 |
606-096-00-6 |
3-(6-O-(6-desoxy-α-l-mannopyranosyl-O-(α-d-glucopyranosyl)-(β-d-glucopyranosyl)oxy)-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one |
424-170-4 |
130603-71-3 |
R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-51/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
606-097-00-1 |
2,2''-dihydroxy-4,4''-(2-hydroxy-propane-1,3-diyldioxy)dibenzophenone |
424-210-0 |
23911-85-5 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
606-098-00-7 |
1-benzyl-5-(hexadecyloxy)-2,4-imidazolidinedione |
431-220-9 |
158574-65-3 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
606-099-00-2 |
5-methoxy-4'-(trifluoromethyl)valerophenone |
425-000-1 |
61718-80-7 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
606-100-00-6 |
2-butyryl-3-hydroxy-5-thiocyclohexan-3-yl-cyclohex-2-en-1-one |
425-150-8 |
94723-86-1 |
Repr. Cat.2; R60 Xn; R22 R43 R52-53 |
T R: 60-22-43-52/53 S: 53-45-61 |
E |
606-101-00-1 |
reaction mass of: 1,5-bis[(2-ethylhexyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione; 1-[(2-ethylhexyl)amino]-5-[3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]propyl]amino-9,10-anthracenedione; 1,5-bis[3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]propyl]amino-9,10-anthracenedione; 1-[(2-ethylhexyl)amino]-5-[(3-methoxypropyl)amino]-9,10-anthracene dione; 1-[3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]propyl]amino-5-[(3-methoxypropyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione; 1,5-bis[(3-methyloxypropyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione |
426-050-7 |
165038-51-7 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
606-102-00-7 |
4-(3-triethoxysilylpropoxy)-2-hydroxybenzophenone |
431-490-8 |
79876-59-8 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
606-103-00-2 |
1-(4-(trans-4-ethylcyclohexyl)phenyl)ethanone |
426-460-6 |
— |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
606-104-00-8 |
1-(4-(trans-4-pentylcyclohexyl)phenyl)ethanone |
426-830-7 |
78531-59-6 |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
606-105-00-3 |
3,4,3',4'-tetraphenyl-1,1'-ethandiylbispyrol-2,5-dione |
431-500-0 |
226065-73-2 |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)22-24-37-61 |
606-106-00-9 |
1-(4-(trans-4-butylcyclohexyl)phenyl)ethanone |
427-320-7 |
83626-30-6 |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
606-107-00-4 |
8-azaspiro[4.5]decane-7,9-dione |
427-770-4 |
1075-89-4 |
T; R25 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 25-51/53 S: (1/2-)22-36-45-61 |
606-108-00-X |
1,1,1,2,2,4,5,5,5-nonafluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-3-pentanone |
436-710-6 |
756-13-8 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
606-109-00-5 |
2-(4-methyl-3-pentenyl)anthraquinone |
428-320-1 |
71308-16-2 |
Xn; R22 R43 R53 |
Xn R: 22-43-53 S: (2-)22-24-37-61 |
606-110-00-0 |
5-ethoxy-5H-furan-2-one |
428-330-4 |
2833-30-9 |
C; R34 Xn; R21/22-48/22 R43 |
C R: 21/22-34-43-48/22 S: (1/2-)23-26-36/37/39-45 |
606-111-00-6 |
5-amino-6-methyl-1,3-dihydrobenzoimidazol-2-one |
428-410-9 |
67014-36-2 |
Xn; R22 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-51/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
606-112-00-1 |
(4aR*,8aR*)-4a,5,9,10,11,12-hexahydro-3-methoxy-11-methyl-6H-benzofuro[3a,3,2-ef][2]benzazepin-6-one |
428-690-2 |
1668-86-6 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R36 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-36-52/53 S: (2-)22-26-61 |
606-113-00-7 |
1-[4-(4-benzoylphenylsulfanyl)phenyl]-2-methyl-2-(4-methylphenylsulfonyl)propan-1-one |
429-040-0 |
272460-97-6 |
Xi; R41 R53 |
Xi R: 41-53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
606-114-00-2 |
4,4',5,5',6,6',7,7'-octachloro-(2,2')biisoindolyl-1,1',3,3'-tetraone |
429-150-9 |
67887-47-2 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
606-115-00-8 |
profoxydim (ISO); 2-{(EZ)-1-[(2RS)-2-(4-chlorophenoxy)propoxyimino]butyl}-3-hydroxy-5-(thian-3-yl)cyclohex-2-en-1-one |
— |
139001-49-3 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Repr. Cat. 3; R63 R43 |
Xn R: 40-43-63 S: (2-)36/37-46 |
606-116-00-3 |
tepraloxydim (ISO); (RS)-(EZ)-2-{1-[(2E)-3-chloroallyloxyimino]propyl}-3-hydroxy-5-perhydropyran-4-ylcyclohex-2-en-1-one |
— |
149979-41-9 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Repr. Cat. 3; R62-63 |
Xn R: 40-62-63 S: (2-)36/37-46 |
606-117-00-9 |
2,6-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-(phenylenemethylene)cyclohexa-2,5-dien-1-one |
429-460-4 |
7078-98-0 |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
606-118-00-4 |
N-(1,3-dimethylbutyl)-N'-(phenyl)-1,4-benzoquinonediimine |
429-640-2 |
52870-46-9 |
Xi; R36 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 36-50/53 S: (2-)26-60-61 |
606-119-00-X |
(E)-3-methyl-5-cyclopentadecen-1-one |
429-900-5 |
— |
R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-60-61 |
606-120-00-5 |
2,5-dihydroxy-5-methyl-3-(morpholin-4-yl)-2-cyclopenten-1-one |
430-170-5 |
114625-74-0 |
Xn; R22 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-52/53 S: (2-)46-61 |
606-121-00-0 |
(+)-(1S,2S,3S,5R)-2,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]heptane-3-spiro-1'-(cyclohex-2'-en-4'-one) |
430-460-1 |
133636-82-5 |
C; R34 R43 N; R50-53 |
C; N R: 34-43-50/53 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-57-60-61 |
606-122-00-6 |
3-(2-bromopropionoyl)-4,4-dimethyl-1,3-oxazolan-2-one |
430-820-8 |
114341-88-7 |
Xn; R22-48/22 Xi; R38-41 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-38-41-43-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)26-36/37/39-60-61 |
606-123-00-1 |
4-hexadecyl-1-phenylpyrazolidin-3-one |
430-840-7 |
— |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
606-124-00-7 |
1-cyclopropyl-3-(2-methylthio-4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-1,3-propanedione |
421-080-7 |
161462-35-7 |
Xn; R48/22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 48/22-50/53 S: (2-)36-60-61 |
606-125-00-2 |
1-benzylimidazolidine-2,4-dione |
421-340-1 |
6777-05-5 |
Xn; R22 |
Xn R: 22 S: (2-)22 |
606-126-00-8 |
1,4-bis(2,3-dihydroxypropylamino)anthraquinone |
421-470-7 |
99788-75-7 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
606-128-00-9 |
2,2'-(1,3-phenylene)bis[5-chloro-1H-isoindole]-1,3(2H)-dione |
422-650-8 |
148935-94-8 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
606-129-00-4 |
5-amino-[2S-di(methylphenyl)amino]-1,6-diphenyl-4Z-hexen-3-one; (2S,4Z)-5-amino-2-(dibenzylamino)-1,6-diphenylhex-4-en-3-one |
423-090-7 |
156732-13-7 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
606-130-00-X |
4-(1,4-dioxa-spiro[4.5]dec-8-yl)-cyclohexanone |
423-860-2 |
56309-94-5 |
R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 43-52/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
606-131-00-5 |
cyclic 3-(1,2-ethanediylacetale)-estra-5(10),9(11)-diene-3,17-dione |
427-230-8 |
5571-36-8 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R60 Xn; R48/22 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 60-48/22-51/53 S: 53-45-61 |
E |
606-132-00-0 |
(6β)-6,19-epoxyandrost-4-ene-3,17-dione |
433-490-3 |
6563-83-3 |
R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 43-52/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
606-134-00-1 |
androsta-1,4,9(11)-triene-3,17-dione |
433-560-3 |
15375-21-0 |
Repr. Cat.3; R62 |
Xn R: 62 S: (2-)22-36/37 |
606-135-00-7 |
cyclohexadecanone |
438-930-8 |
2550-52-9 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
606-136-00-2 |
(3S,6R,9S,12R,15S,18R,21S,24R)-6,18-dibenzyl-3,9,15,21-tetraisobutyl-4,10,12,16,22,24-hexamethyl-1,7,13,19-tetraoxa-4,10,16,22-tetraazacyclo-tetracosane-2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23-octaone |
444-350-6 |
133413-70-4 |
Xi; R36 R53 |
Xi R: 36-53 S: (2-)26-61 |
606-137-00-8 |
trans-7,7'-dimethyl-(4H,4H')-(2,2')bi[benzo[1,4]thiazinylidene]-3,3'-dione |
444-750-0 |
211387-26-7 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 22-61 |
606-138-00-3 |
(2-butyl-5-nitrobenzofuran-3-yl)[4-(3-dibutylaminopropoxy)phenyl]methanone |
444-800-1 |
141645-23-0 |
R10 Xn; R22-48/22 Xi; R38-41 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 10-22-38-41-43-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)23-26-36/37/39-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 %3 |
606-139-00-9 |
(S)-4-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-naphthalen-1-one |
444-830-5 |
124379-29-9 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
606-140-00-4 |
2-hydroxy-1-(4-(4-(2-hydroxy-2-methylpropionyl)benzyl)phenyl)-2-methylpropan-1-one |
444-860-9 |
474510-57-1 |
Xn; R48/22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 48/22-50/53 S: (2-)22-36-60-61 |
606-141-00-X |
sodium 3-(methoxycarbonyl)-4-oxo-3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-pyridinolate |
418-410-7 |
— |
Xi; R36 |
Xi R: 36 S: (2-)26 |
606-142-00-5 |
reaction mass of: (1RS,2SR,7SR,8SR,E) 9 and 10-ethylidene-3-oxatricyclo[,7)]undecan-4-one; (1RS,2SR,7SR,8SR,Z)-10-ethylidene-3-oxatricyclo[,7)]undecan-4-one; (1RS,2SR,7SR,8SR,Z)-9-ethylidene-3-oxatricyclo[,7)]undecan-4-one |
434-290-9 |
— |
Xn; R22 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-51/53 S: (2-)61 |
607-417-00-2 |
3-chloropropyl chloroformiate |
425-770-9 |
628-11-5 |
T; R23 Xn; R22-48/22 Xi; R38-41 R43 |
T R: 22-23-38-41-43-48/22 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45 |
607-428-00-2 |
tetrasodium ethylene diamine tetraacetate |
200-573-9 |
64-02-8 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 |
Xn R: 22-41 S: (2-)26-39-46 |
607-429-00-8 |
edetic acid; (EDTA) |
200-449-4 |
60-00-4 |
Xi; R36 |
Xi R: 36 S: (2-)26 |
607-471-00-7 |
1,6-bis((dibenzylthiocarbamoyl)disulfanyl)hexane |
429-280-6 |
151900-44-6 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-473-00-8 |
pentaerythritol, dipentaerythritol, fatty acids, C6-10, mixed esters with adipic acid, heptanoic acid and isostearic acid |
426-590-3 |
187412-41-5 |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
607-477-00-X |
(1α5α6α)-6-nitro-3-benzyl-3-azabicyclo[3.1.0]hexane methanesulfonate salt |
426-740-8 |
— |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-41-51/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
607-481-00-1 |
reaction mass of: trihexyl citrate; dihexyloctyl citrate; dioctylhexyl citrate; dihexyldecyl citrate |
430-290-8 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-482-00-7 |
N-[1-(S)-ethoxycarbonyl-3-phenylpropyl]-l-alanyl-N-carboxyanhydride |
430-360-8 |
84793-24-8 |
Xi; R41 R43 |
Xi R: 41-43 S: (2-)22-24-26-37/39 |
607-483-00-2 |
1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid; di-C6-8-branched alkylesters, C7-rich |
276-158-1 |
71888-89-6 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61 |
T R: 61 S: 53-45 |
607-484-00-8 |
ethyl 2-{[3-acetylamino-4-(6-bromo-2-methyl-1,3-dioxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-isoindol-5-ylazo)phenyl]ethylamino}propionate |
430-480-0 |
221452-67-1 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-485-00-3 |
(3S-trans)-phenyl-3-[(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yloxy)methyl]-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-piperidinecarboxylate |
430-510-2 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 22-61 |
607-486-00-9 |
potassium sodium 5'-(6-chloro-4-(2-(2-vinylsulfonylethoxy)ethylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-4'-hydroxy-2,3'-azodinaphthalene-1,2',5,7'-disulfonate |
402-110-8 |
110081-40-8 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 22-61 |
607-491-00-6 |
reaction mass of: diester of 4,4'-methylenebis[2-(2-hydroxy-5-methylbenzyl)-3,6-dimethylphenol] and 6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (1:2); triester of 4,4'-methylenebis[2-(2-hydroxy-5-methylbenzyl)-3,6-dimethylphenol] and 6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (1:3) |
427-140-9 |
— |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 |
Xn R: 40 S: (2-)36/37 |
607-504-00-5 |
diammonium 1-hydroxy-2-(4-(4-carboxyphenylazo)-2,5-dimethoxyphenylazo)-7-amino-3-naphthalenesulfonate |
422-670-7 |
— |
Repr. Cat. 3; R62 T; R25 Xn; R48/22 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 25-48/22-62-50/53 S: (1/2-)36/37-45-60-61 |
607-509-00-2 |
2-phenoxyethyl 4-aminobenzoate |
430-880-5 |
88938-23-2 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
607-510-00-8 |
(2S,5R)-6,6-dibromo-3,3-dimethyl-7-oxo-4-thia-1-azabicyclo[3.2.0]heptane-2-carboxylic acid 4,4-dioxide |
427-200-4 |
76646-91-8 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R38-41 R43 |
Xn R: 22-38-41-43 S: (2-)24-26-37/39 |
607-511-00-3 |
reaction mass of: 4-[(3-decyloxypropyl)(3-isobutoxy-1-isobutoxycarbonyl-3-oxopropyl)amino]-4-oxobutyric acid; 4-[(3-isobutoxy-1-isobutoxycarbonyl-3-oxopropyl)(3-octyloxypropyl)amino]-4-oxobutyric acid |
423-750-4 |
— |
Xi; R36 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 36-51/53 S: (2-)26-61 |
607-514-00-X |
potassium N-(1-methoxy-1-oxobut-2-en-3-yl)valinate |
427-240-2 |
134841-35-3 |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
607-518-00-1 |
3-oxoandrost-4-ene-17-β-carboxylic acid |
414-990-0 |
302-97-6 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R62 R53 |
Xn R: 62-53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
607-519-00-7 |
poly-[((4-((4-ethyl-ethylene)amino)phenyl)-((4-(ethyl-(2-oxyethylene)amino)phenyl)methinyl)cyclohexa-2,5-dienylidene)-N-ethyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium acetate] |
427-280-0 |
176429-27-9 |
Xi; R37/38-41 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 37/38-41-50/53 S: (2-)26-37/39-60-61 |
607-520-00-2 |
reaction mass of: sodium 4,5-dihydro-2-[(propionato)(C6-18)alkyl]-3H-imidazolium-N-ethylphosphate; disodium 4,5-dihydro-2-[(dipropionato)(C6-18)alkyl]-3H-imidazolium-N-ethylphosphate |
427-740-0 |
— |
Xi; R41 R43 |
Xi R: 41-43 S: (2-)24-26-37/39 |
607-521-00-8 |
tetraethyl N,N'-(methylenedicyclohexane-4,1-diyl)bis-dl-aspartate |
429-270-1 |
136210-30-5 |
R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 43-52/53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
607-522-00-3 |
sodium salt of the polymer of: sodium 2-methyl-buta-1,3-diene-1-sulfonate with acrylic acid and 2-hydroxyethyl-2-methylacrylate |
429-720-7 |
184246-86-4 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
607-523-00-9 |
reaction mass of mono to tetra(lithium and/or sodium)3-amino-10-[4-(4-amino-3-sulfonatoanilino)-6-[methyl-(2-sulfonatoethyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino]-6-13-dichlorobenzo[1,2-B:4,5-B']di[1,4]benzoxazine-4,11-disulfonate; mono to tetra(lithium and/or sodium)3-amino-10-[4,6-bis(4-amino-3-sulfonatoanilino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino]-6-13-dichlorobenzo[1,2-B:4,5-B']di[1,4]benzoxazine-4,11-disulfonate; mono to penta(lithium and/or sodium)10,10'-diamino-6,6',13,13'-tetrachloro-3,3'-[6-[methyl-(2-sulfonatoethyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2,4-diyldiimino]bis[benzo[1,2-B:4,5-B']di[1,4]benzoxazine-4,11-disulfonate; mono to hepta(lithium and/or sodium)10-amino-6,6',13,13'-tetrachloro-10'[4-(4-amino-3-sulfonatoanilino)-[6-methyl-(2-sulfonatoethyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2,4-diimino]bis[benzo[1,2-B:4,5-B']di[1,4]benzoxazine-4,11-disulfonate; mono to hepta(lithium and/or sodium)10,10'-diamino-6,6',3,3'[(2-sulfonato)-1,4-phenylenediiminobis[6-methyl-(2-sulfonatoethyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2,4-diyldiimino]bis[benzo[1,2-B:4,5-B']di[1,4]benzoxazine-4,11-disulfonate |
430-200-7 |
— |
Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-52/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
607-524-00-4 |
tall oil 2-[(tetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yl) thio]ethyl esters |
430-310-5 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-525-00-X |
(Z)-2-methoxymino-2-[2-(tritylamino)thiazol-4-yl]acetic acid |
431-520-1 |
64485-90-1 |
E; R2 Carc. Cat. 3; R40 R52-53 |
E; Xn R: 2-40-52/53 S: (2-)23-25-35-36/37-61 |
607-528-00-6 |
(S)-3-methyl-2-(2-oxotetrahydropyrimidine-1-yl)butyric acid |
430-900-2 |
192725-50-1 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
607-529-00-1 |
benzyl cis-4-ammonium-4'-toluenesulfonato-1-cyclohexanecarboxylate |
426-070-6 |
67299-45-0 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
607-530-00-7 |
reaction mass of isomers of: C7-9-alkyl 3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate |
406-040-9 |
125643-61-0 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-531-00-2 |
methyl 3-amino-4,6-dibromo-2-methyl-benzoate |
425-190-6 |
119916-05-1 |
Xn; R48/22 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 48/22-51/53 S: (2-)22-36-61 |
607-532-00-8 |
(S)-1-[2-tert-butoxycarbonyl-3-(2-methoxyethoxy)propyl]-1-cyclopentanecarboxylic acid, cyclohexylamine salt |
425-510-4 |
167944-94-7 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
607-533-00-3 |
pentasodium monohydrogen 6-chloro-3,10-bis[2-[4-chloro-6-(2,4-disulfophenylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl-amino]ethylamino]-13-ethylbenzo[5.6][1.4]oxazino[2,3-b]phenoxazine-4,11-disulfonate |
414-910-4 |
— |
Xi; R41 R43 |
Xi R: 41-43 S: (2-)22-24-26-37/39 |
607-534-00-9 |
ethyl 2-(3-benzoylphenyl)propanoate |
414-920-9 |
60658-04-0 |
T; R25-48/25 R43 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 25-43-48/25-51/53 S: (1/2-)36/37-45-61 |
607-535-00-4 |
potassium 4-iodo-2-sulfonato-benzoic acid |
426-620-5 |
— |
Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-52/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
607-536-00-X |
(2,6-xylyloxy) acetic acid |
430-910-7 |
13335-71-2 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-41-52/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
607-537-00-5 |
isopropylammonium 2-(3-benzoylphenyl)propionate |
417-970-1 |
— |
T; R25-48/25 Xn; R21 Xi; R41 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 21-25-41-48/25-50/53 S: (1/2-)22-26-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
607-539-00-6 |
propyl((4-(5-oxo-3-propylisoxazolidin-4-ylidenmethin)phenyl)propoxycarbonylmethyleneamino)acetate |
431-000-2 |
198705-81-6 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-540-00-1 |
1-(mercaptomethyl)cyclopropylacetic acid |
420-240-3 |
162515-68-6 |
C; R34 Xn; R21/22 R43 N; R51-53 |
C; N R: 21/22-34-43-51/53 S: (1/2-)22-26-36/37/39-45-61 |
607-541-00-7 |
[(1-methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)bis[nitrilobis(methylene)]]tetrakis(phosphonic acid) |
421-940-1 |
28698-31-9 |
Xi; R41 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 41-50/53 S: (2-)26-39-60-61 |
607-542-00-2 |
methyl 2-(4-butanesulfonamidophenoxy)tetradecanoate |
422-110-1 |
— |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
607-543-00-8 |
poly-[((4-((4-(ethyl-ethylene)amino)phenyl)-(4-(ethyl-(2-oxyethylene)amino)phenyl)methinyl)-3-methylcyclohexa-2,5-dienylidene)-N-ethyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium acetate] |
427-480-8 |
176429-22-4 |
Xi; R37/38-41 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 37/38-41-50/53 S: (2-)26-37/39-60-61 |
607-544-00-3 |
ethyl 6,8-difluoro-1-(formylmethylamino)-1,4-dihydro-7-(4-methyl)piperazin-1-yl)-4-oxo-quinoline-3-carboxylate |
427-490-2 |
158585-86-5 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
607-545-00-9 |
1,2-dimethyl-3-(1-methylethenyl)cyclopentyl acetate |
424-070-0 |
94346-09-5 |
Xi; R38 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-51/53 S: (2-)37-61 |
607-546-00-4 |
reaction mass of: methyl {[5-acetylamino-4-(2-chloro-4-nitrophenylazo)phenyl]methoxycarbonylmethylamino}acetate; methyl {[5-acetylamino-4-(2-chloro-4-nitrophenylazo)phenyl]ethoxycarbonylmethylamino}acetate |
424-290-7 |
188070-47-5 |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)22-24-37 |
607-547-00-X |
18-methylnonadecyl 2,2 -dimethylpropanoate |
424-370-1 |
125496-22-2 |
Xi; R38 R43 R53 |
Xi R: 38-43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
607-548-00-5 |
1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethanone methanesulfonate |
431-010-7 |
154486-26-7 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-41-51/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
607-549-00-0 |
methyl (E)-2((3-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-methyl-1-propenyl)amino)benzoate |
424-430-7 |
125778-19-0 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
607-550-00-6 |
2-amino-4-bromo-5-chlorobenzoic acid |
424-700-4 |
— |
Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-52/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
607-551-00-1 |
tetrabutylammonium 2-amino-6-iodopurinate |
424-710-9 |
156126-48-6 |
Xn; R21/22-48/22 Xi; R38-41 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 21/22-38-41-43-48/22-51/53 S: (2-)26-36/37/39-61 |
607-552-00-7 |
hexadecyl 3-amino-4-isopropoxybenzoate |
424-830-1 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 35-61 |
607-553-00-2 |
7-amino-4-hydroxy-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid, coupled with 5 (or 8) -amino-8 (or 5)-[[4-[[4-[[4-amino-6(or 7)-sulfo-1-naphthyl]azo]phenyl]amino]-3-sulfophenyl]azo]-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid and 4-hydroxy-7-(phenylamino)-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid, sodium salt |
424-850-0 |
— |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
607-554-00-8 |
2,4-diamino-5-[4-[(2-sulfoxyl ethyl)sulfonyl]phenylazo]benzenesulfonic acid |
424-870-1 |
27624-67-5 |
E; R3 Xi; R41 R52-53 |
E; Xi R: 3-41-52/53 S: (2-)22-26-35-39-61 |
607-555-00-3 |
1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutylperoxypivalate |
424-980-8 |
22288-41-1 |
F; R11 O; R7 Xi; R38 R43 N; R51-53 |
F; O; Xi; N R: 7-11-38-43-51/53 S: (2-)7-14-16-36/37/39-47-61 |
607-556-00-9 |
2-acetoxymethylene-4-acetylphenylacetate |
425-160-2 |
24085-06-1 |
Xn; R22-48/22 Xi; R41 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-41-43-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)22-26-36/37/39-60-61 |
607-557-00-4 |
salt of: (1S-cis)-1-amino-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-2-ol and [R-[R*R*]]-2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid |
425-210-3 |
169939-84-8 |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
607-558-00-X |
2S-isopropyl-5R-methyl-1R-cyclohexyl (2R,5S)-5-(4-amino-2-oxo-2H-pyrimidin-1-yl)-[1,3]-oxathiolane-2-carboxylate |
425-250-1 |
147027-10-9 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
607-559-00-5 |
coconut oil, reaction products with glycerol esters of 3,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid |
425-400-6 |
179986-09-5 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-560-00-0 |
(R,S)-2-butyloctanedioic acid |
431-210-4 |
50905-10-7 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
607-561-00-6 |
sodium 4-hydroxy-3-(N'-(2-(2-hydroxyethylenesulfonyl)ethylene)ureido)-5-nitrobenzenesulfonate |
425-460-3 |
— |
R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 43-52/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
607-562-00-1 |
reaction mass of: (2R,3R)-3-(2-ethoxyphenoxy)-2-hydroxy-3-phenylpropylammonium methanesulfonate; (2S,3S)-3-(2-ethoxyphenoxy)-2-hydroxy-3-phenylpropylammonium methanesulfonate |
425-530-3 |
98769-75-6 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-41-51/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
607-563-00-7 |
5,7-dichloro-4-hydroxyquinoline-3-carboxylic acid |
431-250-2 |
171850-30-9 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
607-564-00-2 |
1,6-hexanediammonium, sodium 5-sulfato-1,3-benzenedicarboxylate |
425-730-0 |
51178-75-7 |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
607-565-00-8 |
3-ethyl 5-methyl 2-(2-aminoethoxymethyl)-4-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-6-methyl-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylate |
425-820-1 |
88150-42-9 |
T; R25 Xn; R48/22 Xi; R41 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 25-41-48/22-50/53 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
607-566-00-3 |
reaction mass of: dodecylphenyl dodecylhydroxybenzenecarboxylate; bis(dodecylphenyl)dodecyl hydroxybenzenedicarboxylate |
426-140-6 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-567-00-9 |
potassium 3-iodo-6-methylbenzenesulfonate |
426-300-5 |
— |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
607-568-00-4 |
potassium 2-chloro-3-(benzyloxy)propionate |
426-350-8 |
138666-92-9 |
Xn; R22-48/22 Xi; R41 R43 |
Xn R: 22-41-43-48/22 S: (2-)26-36/37/39 |
607-569-00-X |
reaction mass of: sodium 2-amino-4-(2,6-difluoropyrimidin-4-ylamino)benzenesulfonate; sodium 2-amino-4-(4,6-difluoropyrimidin-4-ylamino)benzenesulfonate |
426-470-0 |
— |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)22-24-37 |
607-570-00-5 |
sodium (6R-trans)-7-amino-8-oxo-3-[[[1-(sulfomethyl)-1H-tetrazol-5-yl]thio]methyl]-5-thia-1-azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylate monohydrate |
426-520-1 |
71420-85-4 |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
607-571-00-0 |
2-cyclopentene-1-acetic acid, 3-hydroxy-2-pentyl-, methyl ester acetate |
431-400-7 |
57374-49-9 |
R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-51/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
607-572-00-6 |
diethyl thiophosphoryl (Z)-(2-aminothiazol-4-yl)methoxyimino acetate |
426-790-0 |
162208-27-7 |
Xn; R21/22-48/22 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 21/22-43-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)36/37-60-61 |
607-573-00-1 |
reaction mass of: disodium 7-(2,4-difluoropyrimidin-6-ylamino)-4-hydroxy-3-(4-methoxy-2-sulfonatophenylazo)naphthalene-2-sulfonate; disodium 7-(4,6-difluoropyrimidin-2-ylamino)-4-hydroxy-3-(4-methoxy-2-sulfonatophenylazo)naphthalene-2-sulfonate |
426-840-1 |
— |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
607-574-00-7 |
[1R-(1-α,2β,5α)]-mono[5-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)cyclohexyl]butanedioate |
426-890-4 |
77341-67-4 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
607-575-00-2 |
4-(5-(5-[1-(4-carboxyphenyl)hexahydro-2,4,6-trioxopyrimidin-5-ylidene]penta-1,3-dienyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-6-hydroxy-2,4-dioxopyrimidin-1-yl)benzoic acid-triethylamine salt |
426-900-7 |
— |
Xi; R37 R52-53 |
Xi R: 37-52/53 S: (2-)61 |
607-576-00-8 |
branched, octyl 3-[3,5-di(tert-butyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]propanoate |
427-030-0 |
— |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
607-577-00-3 |
(2R*,3S*)-2-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-3-(5-fluoro-4-pyrimidinyl)-1-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)butan-2-ol (1R)-10-camphorsulfonate |
427-100-0 |
— |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R43 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-41-43-52/53 S: (2-)22-24-26-37/39-61 |
607-578-00-9 |
ethyl 4-((4-diethylamino-2-methylphenyl)imino)-4,5-dihydro-1-isopropyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylate |
427-110-5 |
— |
Xn; R22-48/22 R53 |
Xn R: 22-48/22-53 S: (2-)36-61 |
607-579-00-4 |
diethyl[(p-ethoxyanilino)methylene]malonate |
431-430-0 |
103976-28-9 |
Xn; R22 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-51/53 S: (2-)61 |
607-580-00-X |
ethyl 7-chloro-1-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-1,8-naphthyridine-3-carboxylate |
422-360-1 |
100491-29-0 |
R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-51/53 S: (2-)22-24-37-61 |
607-581-00-5 |
ethyl 2-ethoxy-4-carboxymethylbenzoate |
427-630-2 |
99469-99-5 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
607-582-00-0 |
reaction mass of: tetrasodium 7-(4-(4-fluoro-6-(4-(2-sulfonatoethylsulfonyl)phenylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-2-ureidophenylazo)naphthalene-1,3,6-trisulfonate; tetrasodium 7-(4-(4-hydroxy-6-(4-(2-sulfonatoethylsulfonyl)phenylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-2-ureidophenylazo)naphthalene-1,3,6-trisulfonate |
427-650-1 |
— |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 22-61 |
607-583-00-6 |
4-amino-3-[[4-[[2-(sulfooxy)ethyl]sulfonyl]phenyl]azo]-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid |
427-680-5 |
188907-52-0 |
Xi; R41 R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-43-52/53 S: (2-)22-24-26-37/39-61 |
607-584-00-1 |
trisodium 3-[2-acetylamino-4-[4-chloro-6-[4-(2-sulfonatoxyethylsulfonyl)phenylamino]-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino]phenylazo]naphthalene-1,5-disulfonate |
427-710-7 |
215612-56-9 |
Xi; R41 R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-43-52/53 S: (2-)24-26-37/39-61 |
607-585-00-7 |
strontium 2-[(2-hydroxy-6-sulfonato-1-naphthyl)azo]naphthalene-1-sulfonate |
427-930-3 |
— |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)22-24-37 |
607-586-00-2 |
dodecyl 3-amino-4-chlorobenzoate |
428-020-9 |
6195-20-6 |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
607-587-00-8 |
ethyl cis-4-[4-[[2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-(1H-imidazol-1-ylmethyl)-1,3-dioxolan-4-yl]methoxy]phenyl]piperazine-1-carboxylate |
428-030-3 |
67914-69-6 |
Xn; R22-48/22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)36-60-61 |
607-588-00-3 |
reaction mass of: 2-ethylhexyl 2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate; bis(2-ethylhexyl) 3,4,5,6-tetrabromophthalate |
428-050-2 |
— |
R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-50/53 S: (2-)36/37-60-61 |
607-589-00-9 |
tetrakis(1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidyl)-1,2,3,4-butanetetracarboxylate |
428-070-1 |
91788-83-9 |
T; R48/25 Xn; R22 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 22-48/25-50/53 S: (1/2-)22-36-45-57-60-61 |
607-590-00-4 |
hexadecyl 3-[2-(5,5-dimethyl-2,4-dioxo-1,3-oxazolidin-3-yl)-4,4-dimethyl-3-oxovaleramido]-4-isopropoxybenzoate |
428-140-1 |
210706-50-6 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-591-00-X |
reaction mass of: trisodium 5-(4-fluoro-6-morpholin-4-yl-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-4-hydroxy-3-(4-(2-sulfooxyethanesulfonyl)phenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; disodium 3-(4-ethenesulfonylphenylazo)-5-(4-fluoro-6-morpholin-4-yl-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
428-400-4 |
— |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
607-592-00-5 |
di(C9-11-alkyl) cyclohexane-1,4-dicarboxylate |
428-870-0 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-593-00-0 |
4-(2-methylacryloyloxy)phenyl 4-allyloxybenzoate |
429-000-2 |
159235-16-2 |
R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 43-52/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
607-594-00-6 |
ethyl (1S,5R,6S)-5-(1-ethylpropoxy)-7-oxabicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-ene-3-carboxylate |
429-020-1 |
204254-96-6 |
Xn; R48/22 R43 |
Xn R: 43-48/22 S: (2-)22-36/37 |
607-595-00-1 |
N-amidino-N-methylglycine-2-oxopropionate |
429-120-5 |
208535-04-0 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
607-596-00-7 |
ethyl 2-(4-phenoxyphenyl)lactate |
429-220-9 |
132584-17-9 |
R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-50/53 S: (2-)36/37-57-60-61 |
607-597-00-2 |
tetrasodium 4,4'-bis{4-[4-(2-hydroxyethylamino)-6-(4-sulfonatoanilino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino]phenylazo}stilbene-2,2'-disulfonate |
429-230-3 |
— |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
607-598-00-8 |
trisodium 3-amino-4-[4-[4-(2-(2-ethenylsulfonylethoxy)ethylamino)-6-fluoro-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino]-2-sulfophenylazo]-5-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
429-240-8 |
212652-59-0 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
607-599-00-3 |
1,1-dimethylpropyl 3,5,5-trimethylperoxyhexanoate |
431-610-9 |
68860-54-8 |
O; R7 R43 N; R50-53 |
O; Xi; N R: 7-43-50/53 S: (2-)3-14-36/37/39-60-61 |
607-600-00-7 |
(1S,1'R)-[1-(3',3'-dimethyl-1'-cyclohexyl)ethoxycarbonyl]methyl propanoate |
431-700-8 |
— |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
607-601-00-2 |
1,4-dihydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl piperidinium-2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylate |
429-370-5 |
220410-74-2 |
Xn; R22 |
Xn R: 22 S: (2-) |
607-602-00-8 |
ethyl (3-cyanomethyl-3,4-dihydro-4-oxophthalazin-1-yl)acetate |
429-680-0 |
122665-86-5 |
R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 43-52/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
607-603-00-3 |
lithium sodium 4,4',4''-(nitrilotris(ethane-2,1-diylimino(6-chloro-1,3,5-triazine-4,2-diyl)imino))tris(5-hydroxy-6-(1-sulfonaphthalene-2-ylazo)-2,7-naphthalene)disulfonate |
429-730-1 |
193562-37-7 |
Xi; R41 R43 |
Xi R: 41-43 S: (2-)22-24-26-37/39 |
607-604-00-9 |
guanidinium benzoate |
429-820-0 |
26739-54-8 |
Xn; R22 |
Xn R: 22 S: (2-)22-25 |
607-605-00-4 |
methyl 4-iodo-2-(3-(4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazine-2-yl)ureidosulfonyl)benzoate |
429-890-2 |
144550-06-1 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
607-606-00-X |
(Z)-2-(2-t-butoxycarbonylamino-4-thiazolyl)pent-2-enoic acid |
430-100-3 |
86978-24-7 |
Xn; R22 |
Xn R: 22 S: (2-)22 |
607-607-00-5 |
reaction mass of: calcium bis(C10-14 branched alkyl salicylate); calcium bis(C18-30-alkyl salicylate); calcium C10-14 branched alkylsalicylato-C18-30-alkyl salicylate; calcium bis (C10-14 branched alkyl phenolate); calcium bis (C18-30-alkyl phenolate); calcium C10-14 branched alkylphenolato-C18-30-alkyl phenolate; C10-14 branched alkyl phenol; C18-30-alkyl phenol |
430-180-1 |
— |
Xi; R38 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-51/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
607-608-00-0 |
pentapotassium 2-(4-{5-[1-(2,5-disulfophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-3-methylcarbamoyl-5-oxopyrazol-4-ylidene]-3-(2-pyrrolidinone-1-yl)-1,3-pentadienyl}-3-methylcarbamoyl-5-oxopyrazol-1-yl)benzene-1,4-disulfonate |
430-210-1 |
— |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
607-609-00-6 |
ethyl (3R)-4-cyano-3-hydroxybutanoate |
430-220-6 |
141942-85-0 |
Xi; R36 |
Xi R: 36 S: (2-)26 |
607-610-00-1 |
trisodium 4-hydroxy-6-(sulfonatomethylamino)-5-(2-(2-sulfatoethylsulfonyl)phenylazo)naphthalene-2-sulfonate |
430-280-3 |
— |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)22-24-37 |
607-611-00-7 |
methyl 3-amino-2,2,3-trimethylbutyrate |
431-720-7 |
90886-53-6 |
C; R34 Xn; R22 R52-53 |
C R: 22-34-52/53 S: (1/2-)23-26-36/37/39-45-61 |
607-612-00-2 |
reaction mass of: 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-tridecafluoro-1-octanesulfonic acid; ammonium 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-tridecafluoro-1-octanesulfonate |
432-190-1 |
182176-52-9 |
Xn; R22-48/22 Xi; R41 |
Xn R: 22-41-48/22 S: (2-)26-36/37/39 |
607-613-00-8 |
reaction mass of: succinic acid; monopersuccinic acid; dipersuccinic acid; monomethyl ester of succinic acid; monomethyl ester of persuccinic acid; dimethyl succinate; glutaric acid; monoperglutaric acid; diperglutaric acid; monomethyl ester of glutaric acid; monomethyl ester of perglutaric acid; dimethyl glutarate; adipic acid; monoperadipic acid; diperadipic acid; monomethyl ester of adipic acid; monomethyl ester of peradipic acid; dimethyl adipate; hydrogen peroxide; methanol; water |
432-790-1 |
— |
Muta. Cat. 3; R68 C; R34 Xn; R20/21/22 |
C R: 20/21/22-34-68 S: (1/2-)26-28-36/37/39-45 |
607-614-00-3 |
2-(10-oxo-10H-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthren-10-ylmethyl)succinic acid |
426-480-5 |
63562-33-4 |
R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 43-52/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
607-615-00-9 |
reaction product of thioglycerol and mercaptoacetic acid consisting mainly of 3-mercapto-1,2-bismercaptoacetoxypropane and oligomers of this substance |
431-120-5 |
— |
T; R23 Xn; R22 Xi; R36 R43 |
T R: 22-23-36-43 S: (1/2-)24-26-37-45 |
607-616-00-4 |
2,4-dichloro-5-fluorobenzoylchloride |
428-390-1 |
86393-34-2 |
Xi; R37/38-41 R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 37/38-41-43-52/53 S: (2-)24-26-37/39-61 |
607-617-00-X |
bis(2-ethylhexyl)-4,5-epoxycyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylate |
430-700-5 |
10138-36-0 |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
607-618-00-5 |
menadione sodium bisulfite; 2-naphthalenesulfonic acid,1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2-methyl-1,4-dioxo-, sodium salt |
204-987-0 |
130-37-0 |
Xi; R36/38 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 36/38-50/53 S: (2-)24/25-60-61 |
607-619-00-0 |
menadione nicotinamide bisulfite; 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2-methyl-1,4-dioxonaphthalene-2-sulfonic acid, compound with nicotin-3-amide (1:1) |
277-543-7 |
73581-79-0 |
Xi; R36/38 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 36/38-50/53 S: (2-)24/25-60-61 |
607-620-00-6 |
trisodium nitrilotriacetate |
225-768-6 |
5064-31-3 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Xn; R22 Xi; R36 |
Xn R: 22-36-40 S: (2-)26-36/37-46 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40: C ≥ 5 % |
607-621-00-1 |
milbemectin (ISO); [reaction mass of milbemycin A3 (CAS No 51596-10-2) and milbemycin A4 (CAS No 51596-11-3) (30:70)] |
— |
— |
Xn; R20/22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 20/22-50/53 S: (2-)46-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
607-622-00-7 |
2-ethylhexyl-2-ethylhexanoate |
231-057-1 |
7425-14-1 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R63 |
Xn R: 63 S: (2-)36/37 |
607-623-00-2 |
diisobutyl phthalate |
201-553-2 |
84-69-5 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 |
T R: 61-62 S: 53-45 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61: C ≥ 25 % Repr. Cat. 3; R62: C ≥ 5 % |
607-624-00-8 |
perfluorooctane sulfonic acid; heptadecafluorooctane-1-sulfonic acid; [1] potassium perfluorooctanesulfonate; potassium heptadecafluorooctane-1-sulfonate; [2] diethanolamine perfluorooctane sulfonate; [3] ammonium perfluorooctane sulfonate; ammonium heptadecafluorooctanesulfonate; [4] lithium perfluorooctane sulfonate; lithium heptadecafluorooctanesulfonate [5] |
217-179-8 [1] 220-527-1 [2] 274-460-8 [3] 249-415-0 [4] 249-644-6 [5] |
1763-23-1 [1] 2795-39-3 [2] 70225-14-8 [3] 29081-56-9 [4] 29457-72-5 [5] |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 T; R48/25 Xn; R20/22 R64 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 61-20/22-40-48/25-64-51/53 S: 53-45-61 |
E |
607-625-00-3 |
clodinafop-propargyl (ISO) |
— |
105512-06-9 |
Xn; R22-48/22 R43 N; R50-53. |
Xn; N R: 22-43-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)24-36/37-46-60-61 |
R43: C ≥ 0,001 % N; R50-53: C ≥ 25 % N; R51-53: 2,5 % ≤ C < 25 % R52-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % |
607-626-00-9 |
ethyl 1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-5-(trichloromethyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole-3-carboxylate |
401-290-5 |
103112-35-2 |
Carc. Cat.2; R45 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 45-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
607-627-00-4 |
[(4S,5S)-4-benzyl-2-oxo-5-oxazolidinyl]methyl 4-nitrobenzenesulfonate |
416-360-0 |
162221-28-5 |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)22-24-37 |
607-628-00-X |
4-oxo-4-(p-tolyl)butyric acid adduct with 4-ethylmorpholine |
419-240-6 |
171054-89-0 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
607-629-00-5 |
[[2-methyl-1-(1-oxopropoxy)propoxy](4-phenylbutyl)phosphinyl] acetic acid |
419-270-1 |
123599-82-6 |
Xi; R36 |
Xi R: 36 S: (2-)26 |
607-630-00-0 |
acrylic acid, 3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl ester |
419-560-6 |
4369-14-6 |
Xn; R20 C; R34 R43 R52-53 |
C R: 20-34-43-52/53 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-61 |
607-631-00-6 |
reaction mass of: 2-(2-((oxo(phenyl)acetyl)oxy)ethoxy)ethyl oxo(phenyl)acetate; (2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl) oxo(phenyl)acetate |
442-300-8 |
— |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
607-632-00-1 |
N-[3-(2,4-di-(1,1-dimethyl-propyl)phenoxy)-propyl]-1-hydroxy-5-(2-methylpropyl-oxycarbonylamino)-naphthamide |
420-210-1 |
111244-14-5 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-633-00-7 |
trisodium 5-{[4-chloro-6-(1-naphthylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino}-4-hydroxy-3-[(E)-(4-methoxy-2-sulfonatophenyl)diazenyl]-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonate |
440-480-2 |
341026-59-3 |
Xi; R41 R43 |
Xi R: 41-43 S: (2-)22-24-26-37/39 |
607-634-00-2 |
(S)-(-)-2-acetoxypropionylchloride; (1S)-2-chloro-1-methyl-2-oxoethyl acetate |
420-610-4 |
36394-75-9 |
Xn; R22 C; R34 R43 |
C R: 22-34-43 S: (1/2-)23-26-36/37/39-45 |
607-635-00-8 |
trisodium N-(3-propionato)-l-aspartate |
422-090-4 |
172737-80-3 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
607-636-00-3 |
1-bromo-2-methylpropyl propionate |
422-900-6 |
158894-67-8 |
R10 Carc. Cat.3; R40 C; R34 R43 |
C R: 10-34-40-43 S: (1/2-)7/9-8-23-26-36/37/39-45 |
607-637-00-9 |
disodium 8-amino-5-{4-[2-(sulfonatoethoxy)sulfonyl]phenylazo}naphthalene-2-sulfonate |
423-730-5 |
250688-43-8 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
607-638-00-4 |
2-hydroxybenzoic acid 2-butyloctyl ester |
431-090-3 |
190085-41-7 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-639-00-X |
2-(2-oxo-5-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)-2,3-dihydro-1-benzofuran-3-yl)-4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl acetate |
431-770-1 |
216698-07-6 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-641-00-0 |
2-(formylamino)-3-thiophenecarboxylic acid; 2-formamido-3-thiophenecarboxylic acid |
431-930-9 |
43028-69-9 |
Xn; R22 R43 |
Xn R: 22-43 S: (2-)22-24-37 |
607-642-00-6 |
3,6,9-trithiaundecamethylene-1,11-dimethacrylate |
432-210-7 |
141631-22-3 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
607-643-00-1 |
dimethyl (2S)-2-hydroxysuccinate |
432-310-0 |
617-55-0 |
R10 Xi; R41 R43 |
Xi R: 10-41-43 S: (2-)24-26-37/39-43 |
607-644-00-7 |
methyl 2,2-dimethyl-6-methylenecyclohexanecarboxylate |
432-350-9 |
81752-87-6 |
Xi; R38 |
Xi R: 38 S: (2-)37 |
607-645-00-2 |
tetrasodium 2-(4-fluoro-6-(methyl-(2-(sulfatoethylsulfonyl)ethyl)amino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-5-hydroxy-6-(4-methyl-2-sulfonatophenylazo)naphthalene-1,7-disulfonate |
432-550-6 |
243858-01-7 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
607-646-00-8 |
d-erythro-hexanoic acid 2,4-dideoxy-3,5-O-(1-methylethylidene)-1,1-dimethylethylester; tert-butyl 2-[(4R,6S)-6-(hydroxymethyl)-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxan-4-yl]acetate |
432-960-5 |
124655-09-0 |
Xn; R22 |
Xn R: 22 S: (2-)25 |
607-647-00-3 |
5-acetoxy-2-(R,S)butyryloxymethyl-1,3-oxathiolane |
433-530-1 |
143446-73-5 |
Xn; R22 R43 N; R50 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-50 S: (2-)24-37-57-61 |
607-649-00-4 |
[3-(chlorocarbonyl)-2-methylphenyl]acetate |
433-690-0 |
167678-46-8 |
C; R35 R43 |
C R: 35-43 S: (1/2-)7/8-26-36/37/39-45 |
607-650-00-X |
2-methyl-1,5-pentanediamine-1,3-benzenedicarboxylate |
433-910-5 |
145153-52-2 |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
607-651-00-5 |
sodium 2-(nonanoyloxy)benzenesulfonate |
434-360-9 |
91125-43-8 |
Xi; R41 R43 |
Xi R: 41-43 S: (2-)24-26-37/39 |
607-652-00-0 |
ethyl N 2-dodecanoyl-l-argininate hydrochloride |
434-630-6 |
60372-77-2 |
Xi; R41 N; R50 |
Xi; N R: 41-50 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
607-653-00-6 |
tetrakis(bis(2-hydroxyethyl)methylammonium) 3-(4-(7-acetylamino-1-hydroxy-3-sulfonatonaphthalen-2-ylazo)-5-methoxy-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-7-(4-amino-3-sulfonatophenylamino)-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonate |
434-840-8 |
225786-91-4 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
607-654-00-1 |
(S)-3-hydroxy-γ-butyrolactone |
434-990-4 |
7331-52-4 |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)23-24-37 |
607-655-00-7 |
ethyl 6,8-dichlorooctanoate |
435-080-1 |
1070-64-0 |
R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-51/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
607-656-00-2 |
sodium salt of 4-amino-3,6-bis[[5-[[4-chloro-6-[(2-methyl-4-sulfophenyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-2-sulfophenyl]azo]-5-hydroxy-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid |
435-350-7 |
141250-43-3 |
Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-52/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
607-657-00-8 |
pentasodium 7-(4-(4-(3-(2-sulfatoethanesulfonyl)phenylamino)-6-(4-(2-sulfatoethanesulfonyl)phenylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-2-ureidophenylazo)naphthalene-1,3,6-trisulfonate |
436-920-8 |
172399-10-9 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
607-658-00-3 |
3,10-diamino-6,13-dichloro-2-((6-(((4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenyl)sulfonyl)amino)-2-naphthalenyl)sulfonyl)-4,11-triphenodioxazinedisulfonic acid, lithium potassium sodium salt |
440-770-9 |
371921-63-0 |
Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-52/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
607-659-00-9 |
pentasodium N-[5-[[4-[[3-[(aminocarbonyl)amino]-4-[(3,6,8-trisulfonatonaphthalen-2-yl)azo]phenyl]amino]-6-chloro-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-2-sulfonato-4-[[4-[[-2-(oxysulfonato)ethyl] sulfonyl]phenyl]azo]phenyl]-3-aminopropanoic acid |
442-030-0 |
321912-47-4 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
607-660-00-4 |
2-{4-[4-[4-fluoro-6-(2-(2-vinylsulfonylethoxy)ethylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino]phenylazo]phenylazo}naphthalene-4,6,8-trisulfonate, trisodium salt |
442-230-8 |
321679-52-1 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
607-661-00-X |
1,1-dimethylethyl 4'-(bromomethyl)biphenyl-2-carboxylate |
442-850-9 |
114772-40-6 |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)22-24-37-61 |
607-662-00-5 |
methyl 2-(acetylamino)-3-chloropropionate |
442-860-3 |
87333-22-0 |
R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-60-61 |
607-663-00-0 |
bis(2-ethylhexyl) naphthalene-2,6-dicarboxylate |
442-980-6 |
127474-91-3 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-664-00-6 |
methyl 2-chlorosulfonyl-4-(methanesulfonylaminomethyl) benzoate |
443-120-2 |
393509-79-0 |
Xi; R41 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 41-51/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
607-665-00-1 |
trans-methyl-2-ethyl-but-2-enoate |
443-150-6 |
101226-85-1 |
R10 |
R: 10 S: 23 |
607-666-00-7 |
(2S)-5-(benzyloxy)-2-(1,3-dioxo-1,3-dihydro-2H-isoindol-2-yl)-5-oxopentanoic acid |
443-560-5 |
88784-33-2 |
Xi; R36 |
Xi R: 36 S: (2-)26 |
607-667-00-2 |
chloro-1-ethylcyclohexyl carbonate |
444-950-8 |
99464-83-2 |
Muta. Cat.3; R68 R43 |
Xn R: 43-68 S: (2-)23-36/37 |
607-668-00-8 |
trans-2-isopropyl-5-carboxy-1,3-dioxane |
445-770-2 |
42031-28-7 |
Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-52/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
607-669-00-3 |
methyl (9-acetoxy-3,8,10-triethyl-7,8,10-trimethyl-1,5-dioxa-9-aza-spiro[5.5]undec-3-yl)octadecanoate |
445-990-9 |
376588-17-9 |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
607-670-00-9 |
dibutyl-3-(4-(5-ammonio-2-butyl)benzofuran-3-yl)carbonyl)phenoxy)propyl ammonium oxalate; (5-amino-2-butylbenzofuran-3-yl) [4-(3-dibutylaminopropoxy)phenyl]methanone, dioxalate |
448-700-9 |
500791-70-8 |
Xn; R48/22 Xi; R41 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 41-43-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)22-26-36/37/39-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
607-671-00-4 |
diethyl 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylate |
417-310-0 |
72903-27-6 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
607-672-00-X |
reaction mass of: 2-hydroxy-3-(methacryloyloxy)propyl (2-benzoyl)benzoate; 1-hydroxymethyl-2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl (2-benzoyl)benzoate; x-hydroxy-y-(methacryloyloxy)propyl(or -ethyl) (2-benzoyl)benzoate |
419-000-0 |
— |
R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-51/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
607-673-00-5 |
1-ethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinolinium tosylate |
419-570-0 |
— |
Xn; R22 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-52/53 S: (2-)61 |
607-675-00-6 |
reaction mass of: cis-9-octadecenedioic acid; cis-9-cis-12-octadecadienedioic acid; hexadecanedioic acid; octadecanedioic acid |
422-260-8 |
— |
Xi; R41 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 41-50/53 S: (2-)26-39-60-61 |
607-676-00-1 |
reaction mass of: 2-methylnonanedioic acid; 2,4-dimethyl-4-methoxycarbonylundecanedioic acid; 2,4,6-trimethyl-4,6-dimethoxycarbonyltridecanedioic acid; 8,9-dimethyl-8,9-dimethoxycarbonylhexadecanedioic acid |
423-670-1 |
— |
Xi; R41 R43 |
Xi R: 41-43 S: (2-)24-26-37/39 |
607-677-00-7 |
2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl N-{[methyl[[2-(1-methylethyl)-4-thiazolyl]methyl]amino]carbonyl}-l-valinate |
424-660-8 |
— |
Xn; R48/22 Xi; R41 R43 |
Xn R: 41-43-48/22 S: (2-)22-26-36/37/39 |
607-678-00-2 |
reaction mass of: ethyl (2R,3R)-3-isopropylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2-carboxylate; ethyl (2S,3S)-3-isopropylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2-carboxylate |
427-090-8 |
— |
R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-51/53 S: (2-)23-25-36/37-61 |
607-679-00-8 |
reaction mass of: 3-{5-[3-(4-{1,6-dihydro-2-hydroxy-4-methyl-1-[3-(methylammonio)propyl]-6-oxo-3-pyridylazo}benzamido)phenylazo]-1,2-dihydro-6-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxo-1-pyridyl}propyl(methyl)ammonium di(acetate); 3-{5-[4-(3-{1,6-dihydro-2-hydroxy-4-methyl-1-[3-(methylammonio)propyl]-6-oxo-3-pyridylazo}benzamido]phenylazo]-1,2-dihydro-6-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxo-1-pyridyl}propyl(dimethyl)ammonium di(acetate); 3-{5-[3-(4-{1-[3-(dimethylammonio)propyl]-1,6-dihydro-2-hydroxy-4-methyl-6-oxo-3-pyridylazo}benzamido)phenylazo]-1,2-dihydro-6-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxo-1-pyridyl}propyl(dimethyl)ammonium di(acetate) |
431-440-5 |
— |
Xi; R41 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 41-51/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
607-680-00-3 |
tert-butyl(6-{2-[4-(4-fluorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-2-[methyl(methylsulfonyl)amino]pyrimidin-5-yl]vinyl}(4S,6S)-2,2-dimethyl[1,3]dioxan-4-yl)acetate |
432-810-9 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-681-00-9 |
reaction mass of: 9-nonyl-10-octyl-19-carbonyloxyhexadecylnonadecanoic acid; 9-nonyl-10-octyl-19-carbonyloxyoctadecylnonadecanoic acid; dihexadecyl 9-nonyl-10-octylnonadecandioate; 1-octadecyl,19-hexadecyl 9-nonyl-10-octylnonadecandioate; dioctadecyl 9-nonyl-10-octylnonadecandioate |
432-910-2 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-682-00-4 |
complex reaction mass of Chinese gum rosin post reacted with acrylic acid |
434-230-1 |
144413-22-9 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-683-00-X |
reaction mass of: methyl 3-((1E)-2-methylprop-1-enyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate; methyl 3-((1Z)-2-methylprop-1-enyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate (20:80) |
435-450-0 |
— |
R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-51/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
607-684-00-5 |
alkenes, C12-14, hydroformylation products, distn. residues, C-(hydrogen sulfobutanedioates), disodium salts |
435-660-2 |
243662-67-1 |
Xi; R38 R43 |
Xi R: 38-43 S: (2-)24-37 |
607-685-00-0 |
ammonium 2-cocoyloxyethanesulfonate |
441-050-7 |
— |
Xi; R38-41 |
Xi R: 38-41 S: (2-)26-37/39 |
607-686-00-6 |
6,6'-bis(diazo-5,5',6,6'-tetrahydro-5,5'-dioxo)[methylene-bis(5-(6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxo-1-naphthylsulphonyloxy)-6-methyl-2-phenylene]di(naphthalene-1-sulfonate) |
441-550-5 |
— |
E; R2 F; R11 Carc. Cat. 3; R40 |
E; Xn R: 2-11-40 S: (2-)7-22-36/37 |
607-687-00-1 |
reaction mass of: 2-{3,6-bis-[(2-ethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (2-10 %); 2-{3,6-bis-[(2,3-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (2-10 %); 2-{3,6-bis-[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (2-10 %); 2-{3,6-bis-[(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (2-10 %); 2-{3-[(2,3-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-6-[(2-ethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (7-20 %); 2-{3-[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-6-[(2-ethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (7-20 %); 2-{3-[(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-6-[(2-ethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (7-20 %); 2-{3-[(2,3-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-6-[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (7-20 %); 2-{3-[(2,3-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-6-[(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (7-20 %); 2-{3-[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-6-[(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-methylamino]-xanthylium-9-yl}-benzenesulfonate (7-20 %) |
442-800-6 |
— |
Xi; R38 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-51/53 S: (2-)37-61 |
607-688-00-7 |
(R)-1-cyclohexa-1,4-dienyl-1-methoxycarbonyl-methylammoniumchloride |
444-320-2 |
— |
Xn; R22 |
Xn R: 22 S: (2-) |
607-689-00-2 |
reaction mass of: methyl 1,4-dimethylcyclohexanecarboxylate („para-isomer” including cis- and trans- isomers); methyl 1,3-dimethylcyclohexanecarboxylate („meta-isomer” including cis- and trans-isomers) |
444-920-4 |
— |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
607-690-00-8 |
dimethyl[2S,2S']-6,6,6'6'-tetramethoxy-2,2'-[N,N'-bis(trifluoracetyl)-S,S'-bi(L-homocysteinyl) diimino]dihexanoate |
432-860-1 |
255387-46-3 |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
607-691-00-3 |
magnesium salts, fatty acids, C16-18 and C18 unsaturated, branched and linear |
448-690-6 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-692-00-9 |
zinc salts, fatty acids, C16-18 and C18 unsaturated, branched and linear |
446-470-4 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-693-00-4 |
hexyl 2-(1-(diethylaminohydroxyphenyl)methanoyl)benzoate |
443-860-6 |
302776-68-7 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
607-694-00-X |
ethyl 5,5-diphenyl-2-isoxazoline-3-carboxylate |
443-870-0 |
163520-33-0 |
Xn; R22 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-50/53 S: (2-)22-36/37-60-61 |
608-020-00-7 |
diphenoxymethylenecyanamide |
427-300-8 |
79463-77-7 |
Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-52/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
608-032-00-2 |
acetamiprid (ISO); (E)-N1-[(6-chloro-3-pyridyl)methyl]-N2-cyano-N1-methylacetamidine |
— |
135410-20-7 |
Xn; R22 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-52/53 S: (2-)46-61 |
608-042-00-7 |
(S)-2,2-diphenyl-2-(3-pyrrolidinyl)acetonitrile hydrobromide |
421-810-4 |
194602-27-2 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-41-43-51/53 S: (2-)24-26-37/39-61 |
608-044-00-8 |
2-cyclohexylidene-2-phenylacetonitrile |
423-740-1 |
10461-98-0 |
Xn; R22 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-51/53 S: (2-)46-61 |
608-046-00-9 |
5-(4-chloro-2-nitro-phenylazo)-1,2-dihydro-6-hydroxy-1,4-dimethyl-2-oxo-pyridine-3-carbonitrile |
425-310-7 |
77889-90-8 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
608-047-00-4 |
2-piperidin-1-yl-benzonitrile |
427-330-1 |
72752-52-4 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
608-048-00-X |
1-(3-cyclopentyloxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-4-oxo-cyclohexanecarbonitrile |
427-450-4 |
152630-47-2 |
Xn; R22-48/22 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-48/22-51/53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
608-049-00-5 |
2-(4-(4-(butyl-(1-methylhexyl)amino)phenyl)-3-cyano-5-oxo-1,5-dihydropyrrol-2-ylidene)propandinitrile |
429-180-2 |
157362-53-3 |
R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-60-61 |
608-050-00-0 |
reaction mass of: 5-(2-cyano-4-nitrophenylazo)-2-(2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethylamino)-4-methyl-6-phenylaminonicotinonitrile; 5-(2-cyano-4-nitrophenylazo)-6-(2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethylamino)-4-methyl-2-phenylaminonicotinonitrile |
429-760-5 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
608-051-00-6 |
(R)-4-(4-dimethylamino-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-hydroxybutyl)-3-(hydroxymethyl)benzonitrile |
430-760-2 |
219861-18-4 |
Xn; R22 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-51/53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
608-052-00-1 |
(S)-4-(4-dimethylamino-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-hydroxybutyl)-3-(hydroxymethyl)benzonitrile |
430-770-7 |
128173-52-4 |
Xn; R22 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-51/53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
608-053-00-7 |
(R,S)-4-(4-dimethylamino-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-hydroxybutyl)-3-(hydroxymethyl)benzonitrile |
430-780-1 |
103146-25-4 |
Xn; R22 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-51/53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
608-054-00-2 |
(R,S)-4-(4-dimethylamino-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-hydroxybutyl)-3-(hydroxymethyl)benzonitrile hemisulfate |
430-790-6 |
— |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-41-43-51/53 S: (2-)22-26-36/37/39-61 |
608-055-00-8 |
fipronil (ISO); 5-amino-1-[2,6-dichloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-4-[(trifluoromethyl)sulfinyl]-1H-pyrazole-3-carbonitrile |
— |
120068-37-3 |
T; R23/24/25-48/25 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 23/24/25-48/25-50/53 S: (1/2-)28-36/37-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
608-056-00-3 |
N-methyl-N-cyanomethylmorpholiniummethylsulfate |
429-340-1 |
— |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 |
Xn R: 22-41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
608-057-00-9 |
4-cyanomethyl-4-methylmorpholin-4-iumhydrogene sulfate |
431-200-1 |
208538-34-5 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R43 |
Xn R: 22-41-43 S: (2-)22-24-26-37/39 |
608-059-00-X |
5-amino-1-(2,6-dichloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-1H-pyrazole-3-carbonitrile |
421-240-6 |
120068-79-3 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 22-61 |
608-060-00-5 |
5-methyl-2-[(2-nitrophenyl)amino]-3-thiophenecarbonitrile |
421-300-1 |
138564-59-7 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 22-60-61 |
608-062-00-6 |
2-fluoro-4-hydroxybenzonitrile |
422-810-7 |
82380-18-5 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-41-51/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
608-063-00-1 |
(S)-α-hydroxy-3-phenoxy-benzeneacetonitrile |
441-070-6 |
61826-76-4 |
T; R25 Xi; R41 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 25-41-43-50/53 S: (1/2-)9-26-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
608-064-00-7 |
cyanomethyltrimethylammoniummethylsulfate |
433-720-2 |
— |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
609-069-00-7 |
musk ketone; 3,5-dinitro-2,6-dimethyl-4-tert-butylacetophenone; 4'-tert-butyl-2',6'-dimethyl-3',5'-dinitroacetophenone |
201-328-9 |
81-14-1 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 40-50/53 S: (2-)36/37-46-60-61 |
609-072-00-3 |
4-mesyl-2-nitrotoluene |
430-550-0 |
1671-49-4 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R62 Xn; R22 R43 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-43-62-52/53 S: (2-)22-36/37-61 |
609-073-00-9 |
lithium potassium sodium N,N''-bis{6-[7-[4-(4-chloro-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)amino-4-(2-ureidophenylazo)]naphthalene-1,3,6-trisulfonato]}-N'-(2-aminoethyl)piperazine |
427-850-9 |
— |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)22-24-37 |
611-050-00-3 |
reaction mass of: pentasodium 7-amino-3-[[4-[[4-[[4-[[4-[(6-amino-1-hydroxy-3-sulfonato-2-naphthyl)azo]-7-sulfonato-1-naphthyl]azo]phenyl]amino]-3-sulfonatophenyl]azo]-6-sulfonato-1-naphthyl]azo]-4-hydroxynaphthalen-2-sulfonate; pentasodium 7-amino-8-[4-[4-[4-[4-(2-amino-5-hydroxy-7-sulfonato-naphthalen-1-ylazo)-7-sulfonatonaphthalen-1-ylazo]-phenylamino]-3-sulfonato-phenylazo]-6-sulfonato-naphthalen-1-ylazo]-4-hydroxy-naphthalene-2-sulfonate; pentasodium 7-amino-8-[4-[4-[4-[4-(6-amino-1-hydroxy-3-sulfonato-naphthalen-1-ylazo)-7-sulfonatonaphthalen-1-ylazo]-phenylamino]-3-sulfonato-phenylazo]-6-sulfonato-naphthalen-1-ylazo]-4-hydroxy-naphthalene-2-sulfonate; tetrasodium 7-amino-4-hydroxy-3-[4-[4-[4-(4-hydroxy-7-sulfonato-naphthalen-1-ylazo)-2-sulfonato-phenylamino]phenylazo]-6-sulfonato-naphthalen-1-ylazo]naphthalene-2-sulfonate; tetrasodium 7-amino-4-hydroxy-3-[4-[4-[4-(4-amino-7-sulfonato-naphthalen-1-ylazo)-2-sulfonato-phenylamino]phenylazo]-6-sulfonato-naphthalen-1-ylazo]naphthalene-2-sulfonate |
415-350-3 |
— |
Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-52/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
611-102-00-5 |
reaction product of: C.I. Leuco Sulfur Black 1 and reaction mass of: disodium-4-{4-[8-amino-1-hydroxy-7-(4-sulfamoylphenylazo)-3,6-disulfonato-2-naphthylazo]phenylsulfonylamino}benzendiazoniumchlorid; disodium-4-{4-[2,6-dihydroxy-3-(8-hydroxy-3,6-disulfonato-1-naphthylazo)phenylazo]phenylsulfonylamino}benzen-diazoniumchlorid |
424-500-7 |
— |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
611-139-00-7 |
reaction product of: C.I. Leuco Sulfur Black 1 with (3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl)trimethylammonium chloride |
424-510-1 |
— |
Xi; R41 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 41-51/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
611-141-00-8 |
5-(4-[4-[4-(3,5-dicarboxy-phenyl-azo)phenylamino]-6-morpholin-4-yl-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino]phenylazo)isophthalic acid, mixed monosodium and diammonium salt |
414-410-6 |
— |
Xi; R41 R43 |
Xi R: 41-43 S: (2-)22-24-26-37/39 |
611-142-00-3 |
product-by-process definition polyazodyestuff obtained by coupling 4-[4-(1-amino-8-hydroxy-3,6-disulfo-2-naphthylazo)phenylsulfonylamino]benzenediazonium with reaction mass of 4-carboxybenzenediazonium and diphenylamine-3-sulfo-4,4'-bisdiazonium, and further coupling of the obtained compounds with reaction mass of naphth-2-ol and 3-aminophenol, sodium salts; sodium chloride |
425-740-5 |
— |
Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-52/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
611-143-00-9 |
reaction mass of: trisodium 2-(2-[α-(2-carboxylato-κ-O-4-sulfonatophenylazo)benzylidene]hydrazino-κ-N')-6-(2,6-difluoropyrimidin-4-ylamino)-4-sulfonatophenolatocuprate (II); trisodium 2-(2-[α-(2-carboxylato-κ-O-4-sulfonatophenylazo)benzylidene]hydrazino-κ-N')-6-(4,6-difluoropyrimidin-2-ylamino)-4-sulfonatophenolatocuprate (II) |
428-260-4 |
— |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
611-144-00-4 |
reaction mass of: 7-amino-3,8-bis-[4-(2-sulfoxyethylsulfonyl)phenylazo]-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonic acid, Na/K salt; 7-amino-3-[4-(2-sulfoxyethylsulfonyl)phenylazo]-4-hydroxy-8-[4-(2-sulfoxyethylsulfonyl)-2-sulfophenylazo]naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid, Na/K salt; 7-amino-8-[4-(2-sulfoxyethylsulfonyl)-phenylazo]-4-hydroxy-3-[4-(2-sulfoxyethylsulfonyl)-2-sulfophenylazo]naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid, Na/K salt; 7-amino-3,8-bis-[4-(2-sulfoxyethylsulfonyl)-2-sulfophenylazo]-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonic acid, Na/K salt |
429-070-4 |
214362-06-8 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
611-145-00-X |
reaction mass of: tetrasodium 3-(1,5-disulfonatonaphthalene-2-ylazo)-4-hydroxy-7-{4-chloro-6-[4-(2-sulfoxyethylsulfonyl)phenylamino]-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino}naphthalene-2-sulfonate; 3-(2,5-disulfophenylazo)-4-hydroxy-7-{4-chloro-6-[4-(2-sulfoxyethylsulfonyl)phenylamino]-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino}naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid, sodium salt |
429-440-5 |
— |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
611-146-00-5 |
reaction mass of: pentasodium 3-(4-(4-(7-(2,4-diamino-5-sulfonato-3-(4-sulfonatophenylazo)phenylazo)-1-hydroxy-3-sulfonatonaphthalen-2-ylazo)-2-sulfonatophenylamino)phenylazo)-4-hydroxy-6-(2-oxo-1-phenylcarbamoylpropylazo)naphthalene-2-sulfonate; pentasodium 6-((2,4-diamino-5-sulfonatophenyl)azo)-3-((4-((4-((7-((2,4-diamino-5-sulfonatophenyl)azo)-1-hydroxy-3-sulfonatonaphthalen-2-yl)azo)phenyl)amino)-2-sulfonatophenyl)azo)-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonate; pentasodium 6-((2,4-diamino-5-sulfonato-3-((4-sulfonatophenyl)azo)phenyl)azo)-3-((4-((4-((1,7-dihydroxy-3-sulfonatonaphthalen-2-yl)azo)-2-sulfonatophenyl)amino)phenyl)azo)-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonate; hexasodium 6-((2,4-diamino-5-sulfonatophenyl)azo)-3-((4-((4-((7-((2,4-diamino-5-sulfonato-3-((4-sulfonatophenyl)azo)phenyl)azo)-1-hydroxy-3-sulfonatonaphthalen-2-yl)azo)-2-sulfonatophenyl)amino)phenyl)azo)-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonate |
430-070-1 |
— |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
611-147-00-0 |
sodium, potassium, lithium 5-amino-3,6-bis(5-(4-chloro-6-(methyl-(2-methylaminoacetyl)amino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
430-090-0 |
205764-96-1 |
Xi; R41 R43 |
Xi R: 41-43 S: (2-)22-24-26-37/39 |
611-148-00-6 |
reaction mass of: 2-(3-(2,6-dichloro-4-nitrophenylazo)carbazol-9-yl)ethanol; 2-(2-(3-(2,6-dichloro-4-nitro-phenylazo)-carbazol-9-yl)-ethoxy)ethanol; 3-(2,6-dichloro-4-nitrophenylazo)carbazol |
429-590-1 |
— |
R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-60-61 |
611-149-00-1 |
2-(2-chloroacetoxy)ethyl 3-((4-(2,5-dichloro-4-fluorosulfonylphenylazo)-3-methylphenyl)ethylamino)propionate |
427-570-7 |
193486-83-8 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
611-150-00-7 |
tetralithium 2-[6-[7-[2-(carboxylato)phenylazo]-8-hydroxy-3,6-disulfonato-1-naphthylamino]-4-hydroxy-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino]benzoate |
440-460-3 |
— |
Xi; R36 R52-53 |
Xi R: 36-52/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
611-151-00-2 |
chrysoidine; 4-(phenylazo)benzene-1,3-diamine |
207-803-7 |
495-54-5 |
Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Xn; R22 Xi; R38 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-38-68-50/53 S: (2-)23-26-36/37-46-60-61 |
611-152-00-8 |
chrysoidine monohydrochloride; 4-phenylazophenylene-1,3-diamine monohydrochloride; [1] chrysoidine monoacetate; 4-(phenylazo)benzene-1,3-diamine monoacetate; [2] chrysoidine acetate; 4-(phenylazo)benzene-1,3-diamine acetate; [3] chrysoidine-p-dodecylbenzenesulfonate; dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid, compound with 4-(phenylazo)benzene-1,3-diamine (1:1); [4] chrysoidine dihydrochloride; 4-(phenylazo)benzene-1,3-diamine dihydrochloride; [5] chrysoidine sulfate; bis[4-(phenylazo)benzene-1,3-diamine] sulfate [6] |
208-545-8 [1] 278-290-5 [2] 279-116-0 [3] 264-409-8 [4] 281-549-5 [5] 282-432-1 [6] |
532-82-1 [1] 75660-25-2 [2] 79234-33-6 [3] 63681-54-9 [4] 83968-67-6 [5] 84196-22-5 [6] |
Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Xn; R22 Xi; R38-41 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-38-41-68-50/53 S: (2-)23-26-36/37/39-46-60-61 |
611-153-00-3 |
chrysoidine C10-14-alkyl derivatives; benzenesulfonic acid, mono-C10-14-alkyl derivatives, compounds with 4-(phenylazo)-1,3-benzenediamine; [1] chrysoidine compound with dibutylnaphthalene sulfonic acid; dibutylnaphthalenesulfonic acid, compound with 4-(phenylazo)benzene-1,3-diamine (1:1) [2] |
286-946-7 [1] 304-236-8 [2] |
85407-90-5 [1] 94247-67-3 [2] |
Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Xn; R22 Xi; R38-41 |
Xn R: 22-38-41-68 S: (2-)23-26-36/37/39-46 |
611-154-00-9 |
trisodium 5-benzamido-4-hydroxy-3-(4-methyl-2-sulfonatophenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
403-670-6 |
92408-46-3 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
611-155-00-4 |
4,4'-oxybis(benzenesulfonylazide) |
431-850-4 |
7456-68-0 |
E; R3 F; R11 Xn; R48/22 N; R50-53 |
E; Xn; N R: 3-11-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)14-22-33-35-36-60-61 |
611-156-00-X |
triammonium 4-[4-[7-(4-carboxylatoanilino)-1-hydroxy-3-sulfonato-2-naphthylazo]-2,5-dimethoxyphenylazo]benzoate |
432-270-4 |
221354-37-6 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R62 Xn; R48/22 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 48/22-62-51/53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
611-157-00-5 |
benzenesulfonic acid, 3,3'-(methylenebis((dihydroxyphenylene)azo))bis-, potassium sodium salt; potassium sodium 3-[(E)-(6-{3,4-dihydroxy-2-[(Z)-(3-sulfonatophenyl)diazenyl]benzyl}-2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)diazenyl]benzenesulfonate |
432-590-4 |
243869-48-9 |
Xi; R36 R52-53 |
Xi R: 36-52/53 S: (2-)26-61 |
611-158-00-0 |
reaction product of: 2,3,4,2',3',4'-hexahydroxy-5,5'-diacethyl-diphenylmethane and 6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxo-1-naphthalenesulfonylchloride and 3-diazo-3,4-dihydro-6-methoxy-4-oxo-1-naphthalenesulfonylchloride |
421-520-8 |
— |
F; R11 R53 |
F R: 11-53 S: (2-)3-12-16-33-61 |
611-159-00-6 |
disodium 4-amino-6-((4-((4-(2,4-diaminophenyl)azo)phenylsulfamoyl)phenyl)azo)-5-hydroxy-3-((4-nitrophenyl)azo)naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
421-880-6 |
— |
Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-52/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
611-160-00-1 |
reaction mass of: 1,1,1-tris(phenyl-4'-(3''-diazo-3'',4''-dihydro-4''-oxo-naphthalene-1''-sulfonato)ethane; 1,1,1-tris(phenyl-4'-(6''-diazo-5'',6''-dihydro-5''-oxo-naphthalene-1''-sulfonato)ethane; reaction product of 1,1,1-tris(p-hydroxyphenyl)ethane with 6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxo-1-naphthylsulfonylchloride and 3-diazo-3,4-dihydro-4-oxo-1-naphthylsulfonylchloride (2:1); reaction product of 1,1,1-tris(p-hydroxyphenyl)ethane with 6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxo-1-naphthylsulfonylchloride and 3-diazo-3,4-dihydro-4-oxo-1-naphthylsulfonylchloride (1:2) |
422-760-6 |
— |
F; R11 R53 |
F R: 11-53 S: (2-)3-12-33-61 |
611-161-00-7 |
trisodium [1,2'-(2-(8-amino-3,5-disulfonatonaphthalene)azo)-(4'-nitrobenzene)diolato-O,O,N][(Z)-2,2-((phenylcarbamoylprop-1'-enyl)azo)-5-sulfamoylbenzene)diolato-O,O,N]chromate(III) |
423-100-1 |
— |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
611-162-00-2 |
2,4-bis(((2-(dimethylammonio)ethyloxy)carbonyl)phen-2-ylazo)benzene-1,3-diolbis(methanesulfonate) |
429-600-4 |
— |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-41-51/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
611-163-00-8 |
2,4-bis(((2-(dimethylammonio)ethyloxy)carbonyl)phen-2-ylazo)benzene-1,3-diol sulfate |
429-610-9 |
— |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-41-51/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
611-164-00-3 |
reaction mass of: 2,2'-dimethyl-2,2'-azobutanenitrile; 2-methylpentanenitrile-2-azo-2'-(2'-methylpropanenitrile); 2,2'-dimethyl-2,2'-azoheptanenitrile; 2-methylheptanenitrile-2-azo-2'-(2'-methylpropanenitrile); 2-methylheptanenitrile-2-azo-2'-(2'-methylbutanenitrile) |
429-710-2 |
— |
R10 R32 R44 Xn; R22 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 10-22-32-44-51/53 S: (2-)12-15-16-47-51-61 |
611-165-00-9 |
reaction mass of: tetrasodium 4-amino-6-(5-(2,6-difluoropyrimidin-4-ylamino)-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-5-hydroxy-3-(4-(sulfatoethylsulfonyl)phenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; tetrasodium 4-amino-6-(5-(4,6-difluoropyrimidin-2-ylamino)-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-5-hydroxy-3-(4-(2-sulfatoethylsulfonyl)phenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
431-830-5 |
— |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
611-166-00-4 |
reaction mass of: pentasodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-{(E)-4-[2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl]phenylazo}-6-{(E)-2-sulfonato-4-[2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl]phenylazo}naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; tetrasodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-{(E)-4-[2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl]phenylazo}-6-[(E)-2-sulfonato-4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; tetrasodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-6-{(E)-2-sulfonato-4-[2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl]phenylazo}-3-[(E)-4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
432-100-9 |
— |
Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-52/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
611-167-00-X |
sodium bis[tris(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium][6-anilino-4'-(4,8-disulfonato-2-naphthylazo)-5'-methyl-3-sulfonatonaphthalene-2-azobenzene-1,2'-diolato]cuprate(II) |
435-240-9 |
— |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
611-168-00-5 |
reaction mass of: 3-[[4-chloro-6-[[7-[(1,5-disulfo-2-naphthalenyl)azo]-8-hydroxy-3,6-disulfo-1-naphthalenyl]amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-5-[[4-chloro-6-[[8-hydroxy-3,6-disulfo-7-[(2-sulfophenyl)azo]-1-naphthalenyl]amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]benzoic acid; 3,5-bis[[4-chloro-6-[[7-[(1,5-disulfo-2-naphthalenyl)azo]-8-hydroxy-3,6-disulfo-1-naphthalenyl]amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]benzoic acid |
435-440-6 |
— |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
611-169-00-0 |
sodium 5-(2-carboxyphenylazo)-6-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonate |
435-800-2 |
— |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
611-170-00-6 |
reaction mass of: trisodium 2-((1-(2-hydroxy-κ-O-5-(2-sulfonatoethansulfonyl)phenylazo-κ-N2 )-1-phenylmethyl)azo-κ-N1 )-4-sulfonatobenzoate(5-)-κ-O)cuprate(II); disodium 2-((1-(5-ethenesulfonyl-2-hydroxy-κ-O-phenylazo-κ-N2 )-1-phenylmethyl)azo-κ-N1 )-4-sulfonatobenzoate-κ-O-(5-))cuprate(II) |
435-880-9 |
— |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 22-61 |
611-171-00-1 |
reaction mass of: trisodium 3-(5-(2,6-difluoropyrimidin-4-ylamino)-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-5-(4-fluoro-6-morpholin-4-yl-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-4-hydroxy-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonate; trisodium 3-(5-(4,6-difluoropyrimidin-2-ylamino)-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-5-(4-fluoro-6-morpholin-4-yl-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)-4-hydroxy-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonate |
436-890-6 |
— |
Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-52/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
611-172-00-7 |
reaction mass of: triammonium 6-amino-3-((2,5-diethoxy-4-(3-phosphonophenyl)azo)phenyl)azo-4-hydroxy-2-naphthalenesulfonate; diammonium 3-((4-((7-amino-1-hydroxy-3-sulfo-naphthalen-2-yl)azo)-2,5-diethoxyphenyl)azo)benzoate |
438-310-7 |
— |
E; R2 Repr. Cat. 3; R62 Xn; R22-48/22 R52-53 |
E; Xn R: 2-22-48/22-62-52/53 S: (2-)22-35-36/37-61 |
611-173-00-2 |
reaction mass of: 3-[3-carbamoyl-5-(5-{4-chloro-6-[4-(2-sulfonatooxyethylsulfonyl)anilino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-1,2-dihydro-6-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxo-1-pyridyl]propanoic acid, trisodium salt; 3-[3-carbamoyl-5-(5-{4-chloro-6-[4-(vinylsulfonyl)anilino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-1,2-dihydro-6-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxo-1-pyridyl]propanoic acid, disodium salt |
440-510-4 |
— |
Xi; R41 R43 |
Xi R: 41-43 S: (2-)22-26-36/37/39 |
611-174-00-8 |
reaction mass of: 3-[5-(4-ethenesulfonylbutyrylamino)-2-sulfophenylazo]-5-{4-chloro-[6-(4-(3-amino-5-hydroxy-2,7-disulfonaphthalene-4-ylazo)-3-sulfophenylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulfonic acid, sodium salt; 3-[5-(4-(2-chloroethanesulfonyl)butyrylamino)-2-sulfophenylazo]-5-{4-chloro-[6-(4-(3-amino-5-hydroxy-2,7-disulfonaphthalene-4-ylazo)-3-sulfophenylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulfonic acid, sodium salt |
442-290-5 |
457624-86-1 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
611-175-00-3 |
reaction mass of: trisodium 5-{4-chloro-6-[N-ethyl-(3-(2-sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl)anilino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-4-hydroxy-3-[4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; trisodium 5-{4-chloro-6-[N-ethyl-3-(vinylsulfonyl)anilino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-4-hydroxy-3-[4-(2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; disodium 5-{4-chloro-6-[N-ethyl-3-(vinylsulfonyl)anilino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-4-hydroxy-3-[(4-vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; tetrasodium 5-{4-chloro-6-[N-ethyl-3-(2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl)anilino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-3-[4-(2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl)phenylazo]-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
444-050-5 |
— |
Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-52/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
611-176-00-9 |
2,6-bis(2,3,4-trihydroxybenzyl)-p-cresol ester with 6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxo-1-naphthalenesulfonate |
444-250-2 |
— |
E; R2 F; R11 N; R51-53 |
E; N R: 2-11-51/53 S: (2-)22-61 |
611-177-00-4 |
reaction mass of: pentasodium bis[6-anilino-3,5'-disulfonatonaphthalene-2-azobenzene-1,2'-diolato]cobaltate(III); tetrasodium [6-anilino-3,5'-disulfonatonaphthalene-2-azobenzene-1,2'-diolato][6-anilino-5'-sulfamoyl-3-sulfonatonaphthalene-2-azobenzene-1,2'-diolato]cobaltate(III); trisodium bis[6-anilino-5'-sulfamoyl-3-sulfonatonaphthalene-2-azobenzene-1,2'-diolato]cobaltate(III) |
444-290-0 |
508202-43-5 |
Xi; R41 R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-43-52/53 S: (2-)22-24-26-37/39-61 |
611-178-00-X |
reaction mass of: pentasodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-{(E)-4-[2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl]phenylazo}-6-{(E)-2-sulfonato-4-[2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl]phenylazo}naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; tetrasodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-{(E)-4-[2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl]phenylazo}-6-[(E)-2-sulfonato-4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; tetrasodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-6-[(E)-2-sulfonato-4-[2-(sulfonatooxy)ethylsulfonyl]phenylazo}-3-[(E)-4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; trisodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-[(E)-4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]-6-[(E)-2-sulfonato-4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; trisodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxyethylsulfonyl)-phenylazo]-6-[(E)-2-sulfonato-4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate; trisodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-[(E)-4-(vinylsulfonyl)phenylazo]-6-[-2-sulfonato-4-(2-hydroxyethylsulfonyl)phenylazo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate |
445-280-9 |
— |
Xi; R41 R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-43-52/53 S: (2-)24-26-37/39-61 |
611-179-00-5 |
reaction mass of: pentasodium 2-[[8-[[4-chloro-6-[[4-(2-sulfonato ethylsulfonyl)]phenyl]amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino-1- hydroxy-3,6-disulfonato-2-naphthalenyl]azo]naphthalene-1,5-disulfonate; 2-[[8-[[4-chloro-6-[[4-[[2-ethenyl]sulfonyl]phenyl]amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-1-hydroxy-3,6-disulfonato-2-naphthalenyl]azo]naphthalene-1,5-disulfonate |
450-010-8 |
— |
Xi; R41 R43 |
Xi R: 41-43 S: (2-)22-24-26-37/39 |
611-180-00-0 |
iron, complexes with diazotised 4-aminobenzenesulfonamide,diazotised 3-aminobenzenesulfonic acid, diazotised 3-amino-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonamide,diazotised 3-amino-4-hydroxy-N-phenylbenzenesulfonamide, diazotised 5-amino-2-(phenylamino)benzenesulfonic acid and resorcinol, sodium salts |
417-850-7 |
— |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 22-61 |
612-057-01-1 |
piperazine; [liquid] |
203-808-3 |
110-85-0 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R62-63 C; R34 R42/43 |
Xn; C R: 34-42/43-62-63 S: (1/2-)23-26-36/37/39-45 |
612-122-01-4 |
hydroxylamine … % [≤ 55 % in aqueous solution] |
232-259-2 |
7803-49-8 |
R5 Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Xn; R21/22-48/22 Xi; R37/38-41 R43 N; R50 |
Xn; N R: 5-21/22-37/38-40-41-43-48/22-50 S: (2-)26-36/37/39-46-61 |
B |
612-169-00-3 |
bis(N-methyl-N-phenylhydrazine)sulfate |
423-170-1 |
618-26-8 |
F; R11 T; R48/25 Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R43 N; R50-53 |
F; T; N R: 11-22-41-43-48/25-50/53 S: (1/2-)22-26-33-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
612-203-00-7 |
C8-10 alkyl dimethyl hydroxyethyl ammoniumchloride (chain < C8: <3 %, chain = C8: 15 %-70 %, chain = C10: 30 %-85 %, chain > C10: <3 %) |
417-360-3 |
— |
Xn; R21/22 Xi; R38 |
Xn R: 21/22-38 S: (2-)25-36/37 |
612-208-00-4 |
N-methylbenzene-1,2-diammonium hydrogen phosphate |
424-460-0 |
— |
Xn; R22 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-51/53 S: (2-)22-25-36/37-61 |
612-216-00-8 |
1-amino-1-cyanamino-2,2-dicyanoethylene, sodium salt |
425-870-2 |
19450-38-5 |
R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 43-52/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
612-219-00-4 |
(2-hydroxy-3-(3,4-dimethyl-9-oxo-10-thiaanthracen-2-yloxy)propyl)trimethylammonium chloride |
402-200-7 |
— |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
612-220-00-X |
N-nitro-N-(3-methyl-3,6-dihydro-2H-1,3,5-oxadiazin-4-yl)amine |
431-060-1 |
153719-38-1 |
Xn; R22 R43 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-43-52/53 S: (2-)22-24-37-61 |
612-221-00-5 |
2-amino-4-(trifluoromethyl)benzenethiol hydrochloride |
429-560-8 |
4274-38-8 |
C; R34 Xn; R20/21/22-48/22 R43 N; R50 |
C; N R: 20/21/22-34-43-48/22-50 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-61 |
612-222-00-0 |
cis-1-(3-(4-fluorophenoxy)propyl)-3-methoxy-4-piperidinamine |
425-080-8 |
104860-26-6 |
Xn; R21/22-48/22 Xi; R41 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 21/22-41-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)26-36/37/39-60-61 |
612-223-00-6 |
N-benzyl-N-ethyl-(4-(5-nitro-benzo[c]isothiazol-3-ylazo)phenyl)amine |
425-300-2 |
186450-73-7 |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)22-24-37-61 |
612-224-00-1 |
N2,N4,N6-tris{4-[(1,4-dimethylpentyl)amino]phenyl}-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine |
426-150-0 |
121246-28-4 |
R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-60-61 |
612-225-00-7 |
1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane |
425-450-9 |
294-90-6 |
C; R34 Xn; R21/22 N; R50-53 |
C; N R: 21/22-34-50/53 S: (1/2-)22-26-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
612-226-00-2 |
3-(2'-phenoxyethoxy)propylamine |
427-870-8 |
6903-18-0 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R38-41 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-38-41-52/53 S: (2-)23-26-37/39-61 |
612-227-00-8 |
benzyl-N-(2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)ethyl)amine hydrochloride |
428-290-8 |
120606-08-8 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-41-50/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-60-61 |
612-228-00-3 |
reaction mass of: N-(3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl)ethylenediamine; N-benzyl-N-(3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl)ethylenediamine; N-benzyl-N'-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ethylenediamine; N,N'-bis-benzyl-N'-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ethylenediamine; N,N,N'-tris-benzyl-N'-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ethylenediamine; N,N-bis-benzyl-N'-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ethylenediamine |
414-340-6 |
— |
R10 Xn; R20/21/22-68/20/21/22 Xi; R41 R43 R52-53 |
Xn R: 10-20/21/22-41-43-68/20/21/22-52/53 S: (2-)26-36/37/39-61 |
612-229-00-9 |
mepanipyrim; 4-methyl-N-phenyl-6-(1-propynyl)-2-pyrimidinamine |
— |
110235-47-7 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 40-50/53 S: (2-)36/37-46-60-61 |
612-230-00-4 |
N,N-bis(cocoyl-2-oxypropyl)-N,N-dibutylammonium bromide |
431-530-4 |
— |
C; R35 R43 N; R50-53 |
C; N R: 35-43-50/53 S: (1/2-)26-28-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
612-231-00-X |
3-((C12-18)-acylamino)-N-(2-((2-hydroxyethyl)amino)-2-oxoethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-1-propanaminium chloride |
427-370-1 |
164288-56-6 |
Xi; R41 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 41-50/53 S: (2-)26-39-60-61 |
612-232-00-5 |
reaction mass of: triisopropanolamine salt of 1-amino-4-(3-propionamidoanilino)anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid; triisopropanolamine salt of 1-amino-4-[3,4-dimethyl-5-(2-hydroxyethylaminosulfonyl)anilino]anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid |
430-410-9 |
186148-38-9 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
612-237-00-2 |
hydroxylammonium hydrogensulfate; hydroxylamine sulfate(1:1); [1] hydroxylamine phosphate; [2] hydroxylamine dihydrogenphosphate; [3] hydroxylamine 4-methylbenzenesulfonate [4] |
233-154-4 [1] 244-077-0 [2] 242-818-2 [3] 258-872-5 [4] |
10046-00-1 [1] 20845-01-6 [2] 19098-16-9 [3] 53933-48-5 [4] |
E; R2 Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Xn; R21/22-48/22 Xi; R36/38 R43 N; R50 |
E; Xn; N R: 2-21/22-36/38-40-43-48/22-50 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
T |
612-238-00-8 |
(3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl) trimethylammonium chloride … % |
222-048-3 |
3327-22-8 |
Carc. Cat. 3, R40 R52-53 |
Xn R: 40-52/53 S: 36/37-61 |
B |
612-239-00-3 |
biphenyl-3,3',4,4'-tetrayltetraamine; diaminobenzidine |
202-110-6 |
91-95-2 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 |
T R: 45-68 S: 53-45 |
612-240-00-9 |
pyrimethanil (ISO); N-(4,6-dimethylpyrimidin-2-yl)aniline |
— |
53112-28-0 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
612-241-00-4 |
piperazine hydrochloride; [1] piperazine dihydrochloride; [2] piperazine phosphate [3] |
228-042-7 [1] 205-551-2 [2] 217-775-8 [3] |
6094-40-2 [1] 142-64-3 [2] 1951-97-9 [3] |
Repr. Cat. 3; R62-63 Xi; R36/38 R42/43 R52-53 |
Xn R: 36/38-42/43-62-63-52/53 S: (1/2-)22-36/37-45-63-61 |
612-242-00-X |
cyprodinil (ISO); 4-cyclopropyl-6-methyl-N-phenylpyrimidin-2-amine |
— |
121552-61-2 |
R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-46-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
612-243-00-5 |
(1S-cis)-4-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-N-methyl-1-naphthalenamine 2-hydroxy-2-phenylacetate |
420-560-3 |
79617-97-3 |
Xi; R41 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 41-50/53 S: (2-)26-39-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
612-244-00-0 |
3-(piperazin-1-yl)-benzo[d]isothiazole hydrochloride |
421-310-6 |
87691-88-1 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R62 Xn; R22 Xi; R36 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-36-43-62-50/53 S: (2-)22-26-36/37/39-60-61 |
612-245-00-6 |
2-ethylphenylhydrazine hydrochloride |
421-460-2 |
19398-06-2 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 T; R48/25 Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R43 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 22-40-41-43-48/25-50/53 S: (1/2-)22-26-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
612-246-00-1 |
(2-chloroethyl)(3-hydroxypropyl)ammonium chloride |
429-740-6 |
40722-80-3 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Xn; R48/22 R43 R52-53 |
T R: 45-46-43-48/22-52/53 S: 53-45-61 |
E |
612-247-00-7 |
N-[3-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1H-pyrazol-5-yl]-N'-hydroxy-4-nitrobenzenecarboximidamide |
423-530-8 |
152828-23-4 |
T; R48/25 Xn; R22 R52-53 |
T R: 22-48/25-52/53 S: (1/2-)22-36-45-61 |
612-248-00-2 |
reaction product of diphenylamine, phenothiazine, and alkenes, branched (C8-10, C9-rich) |
439-540-0 |
— |
Xi; R38 R43 R53 |
Xi R: 38-43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
612-249-00-8 |
4-[(3-chlorophenyl)(1H-imidazol-1-yl)methyl]-1,2-benzenediamine dihydrochloride |
425-030-5 |
159939-85-2 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R62 Xn; R22 C; R34 R43 N; R51-53 |
C; N R: 22-34-43-62-51/53 S: (1/2-)22-26-36/37/39-45-61 |
612-250-00-3 |
chloro-N,N-dimethylformiminium chloride |
425-970-6 |
3724-43-4 |
R14 Repr. Cat. 2; R61 Xn; R22 C; R35 |
T; C R: 61-14-22-35 S: 53-45 |
E |
612-251-00-9 |
cis-1-(3-chloroallyl)-3,5,7-triaza-1-azoniaadamantane chloride |
426-020-3 |
51229-78-8 |
F; R11 Repr. Cat. 3; R63 Xn; R22 Xi; R38 R43 N; R51-53 |
F; Xn; N R: 11-22-38-43-63-51/53 S: (2-)7-22-33-36/37-61 |
612-252-00-4 |
imidacloprid (ISO); 1-(6-chloropyridin-3-ylmethyl)-N-nitroimidazolidin-2-ylidenamine |
428-040-8 |
138261-41-3 |
Xn; R22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-50/53 S: (2-)22-57-60-61 |
612-253-00-X |
7-methoxy-6-(3-morpholin-4-yl-propoxy)-3H-quinazolin-4-one; [containing < 0,5 % formamide (EC No 200-842-0)] |
429-400-7 |
199327-61-2 |
R52-53 |
R: R52/53 S: 61 |
612-253-01-7 |
7-methoxy-6-(3-morpholin-4-yl-propoxy)-3H-quinazolin-4-one; [containing ≥ 0,5 % formamide (EC No 200-842-0)] |
429-400-7 |
199327-61-2 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61 R52-53 |
T R: 61-52/53 S: 53-45-61 |
612-254-00-5 |
reaction products of diisopropanolamine with formaldehyde (1:4) |
432-440-8 |
220444-73-5 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Xn; R22 C; R34 R43 N; R51-53 |
C; N R: 22-34-40-43-51/53 S: (1/2-)13-25-26-36/37/39-45-61 |
612-255-00-0 |
1-(3-methoxypropyl)-4-piperidinamine |
431-950-8 |
179474-79-4 |
Xn; R21/22 C; R34 R52-53 |
C R: 21/22-34-52/53 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-61 |
612-256-00-6 |
benzyl(S)-2-[(2'-cyanobiphenyl-4-ylmethyl)pentanoylamino]-3-methylbutyrate |
427-470-3 |
137864-22-3 |
Xn; R22 R43 |
Xn R: 22-43 S: (2-)36/37 |
612-257-00-1 |
tripropylammonium dihydrogenphosphate |
433-700-3 |
35687-90-2 |
Xn; R22 |
Xn R: 22 S: (2-)22 |
612-259-00-2 |
N-ethyl-3-trimethoxysilyl-2-methyl-propanamine |
437-720-3 |
227085-51-0 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
612-261-00-3 |
3,5-dichloro-2-fluoro-4-(1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoropropoxy)aniline |
441-190-9 |
121451-05-6 |
Xn; R22 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
612-265-00-5 |
bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-(2-hydroxypropyl)ammonium acetate |
444-360-0 |
191617-13-7 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
612-266-00-0 |
3-chloro-4-(3-fluorobenzyloxy)aniline |
445-590-4 |
202197-26-0 |
Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Xn; R22-48/22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-48/22-68-50/53 S: (2-)22-36/37-60-61 |
612-267-00-6 |
bis(hydrogenated tallow C16-18-alkyl)hydroxylamine |
418-370-0 |
— |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
612-269-00-7 |
reaction mass of: 1-[di(4-octylphenyl)aminomethyl]-5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole; 1-[di(4-octylphenyl)aminomethyl]-4-methyl-1H-benzotriazole; reaction mass of: N-[(5-methyl-1H-benzotriazol-1-yl)methyl]-4-octyl-N-(4-octylphenyl)aniline; N-[(4-methyl-1H-benzotriazol-1-yl)methyl]-4-octyl-N-(4-octylphenyl)aniline |
420-720-2 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 22-61 |
612-270-00-2 |
(S)-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid 4-cyanobenzylamide hydrochloride |
433-010-2 |
— |
Xn; R22 R43 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-43-52/53 S: (2-)22-36/37-61 |
612-271-00-8 |
reaction mass of: ethyl 2-((4-(5,6-dichlorobenzothiazol-2-ylazo)phenyl)ethylamino)benzoate; ethyl 2-((4-(6,7-dichlorobenzothiazol-2-ylazo)phenyl)ethylamino)benzoate |
434-970-5 |
160987-57-5 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
612-272-00-3 |
ammonium (η-6-2-(2-(1,2-dicarboxylatoethylamino)ethylamino)butane-1,4-dioato(4-))iron(3+) monohydrate |
435-210-5 |
— |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
612-273-00-9 |
alkyl(rapeseed oil), bis(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium fluoride |
435-650-8 |
— |
Xn; R22 C; R35 N; R50-53 |
C; N R: 22-35-50/53 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
612-274-00-4 |
(R,S)-1-[2-amino-1(4-methoxyphenyl)ethyl]cyclohexanol acetate |
445-750-3 |
— |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R43 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-41-43-52/53 S: (2-)22-24-26-37/39-61 |
612-275-00-X |
fatty acids, C18-unsatd., dimers, reaction products with 1-piperazineethanamine and tall oil |
447-880-6 |
206565-89-1 |
Xi; R38-41 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-41-43-50/53 S: (2-)23-26-36/37/39-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
612-276-00-5 |
1-amino-4-[(4-amino-2-sulfofenyl)amino]-9,10-dihydro-9,10-dioxo-2-anthracenesulfonic acid, disodium salt, reaction products with 2-[[3-[(4,6-dichloro-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)ethylamino]phenyl]sulfonyl]ethyl hydrogen sulfate, sodium salts |
451-430-4 |
500717-36-2 |
Xi; R41 R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-43-52/53 S: (2-)22-24-26-36/37/39-61 |
612-277-00-0 |
reaction mass of: 4-amino-3-(4-ethenesulfonyl-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-5-hydroxy-6-(5-{4-chloro-6-[4-(2-sulfonatooxyethanesulfonyl)phenylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-2-sulfonatophenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate potassium/sodium; 4-amino-5-hydroxy-6-(5-{4-chloro-6-[4-(2-sulfonatooxyethanesulfonyl)phenylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-2-sulfonatophenylazo)-3-(2-sulfonato-4-(2-sulfonatooxyethanesulfonyl)phenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate potassium/sodium |
451-440-9 |
586372-44-3 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
612-278-00-6 |
ethidium bromide; 3,8-diamino-1-ethyl-6-phenylphenantridinium bromide |
214-984-6 |
1239-45-8 |
Muta. Cat. 3; R68 T+; R26 Xn; R22 |
T+ R: 22-26-68 S: (1/2-)28-36/37-45-63 |
612-279-00-1 |
(R,S)-2-amino-3,3-dimethylbutane amide |
447-860-7 |
144177-62-8 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R62 Xn; R48/22 Xi; R36/38 R43 |
Xn R: 36/38-43-48/22-62 S: (2-)22-26-36/37 |
612-280-00-7 |
3-amino-9-ethyl carbazole; 9-ethylcarbazol-3-ylamine |
205-057-7 |
132-32-1 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 |
T R: 45 S: 53-45 |
H |
613-116-01-4 |
tolylfluanid (ISO); dichloro-N-[(dimethylamino)sulphonyl]fluoro-N-(p-tolyl)methanesulphenamide; [containing < 0,1 % (w/w) of particles with an aerodynamic diameter of below 50 μm] |
211-986-9 |
731-27-1 |
Xi; R36/37/38 R43 N; R50 |
Xi; N R: 36/37/38-43-50 S: (2-)25-36/37-46-61 |
N; R50: C ≥ 2,5 % |
613-161-00-2 |
2,4-diamino-6-hydroxymethylpteridinehydrobromide |
430-620-0 |
76145-91-0 |
Xn; R48/22 R43 R52-53 |
Xn R: 43-48/22-52/53 S: (2-)22-36/37-61 |
613-162-00-8 |
(6R-trans)-1-((7-ammonio-2-carboxylato-8-oxo-5-thia-1-azabicyclo-[4.2.0]oct-2-en-3-yl)methyl)pyridinium iodide |
423-260-0 |
100988-63-4 |
Muta. Cat. 3; R68 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 43-68-51/53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
613-187-00-4 |
5-(2-amino-5-cyano-6-[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethylamino]-4-methylpyridin-3-ylazo)-3-methyl-2,4-dicarbonitrilethiophene |
410-530-8 |
— |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
613-192-00-1 |
3-benzyl-exo-6-nitro-2,4-dioxo-3-aza-cis-bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane |
426-750-2 |
151860-15-0 |
R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 43-52/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
613-198-00-4 |
2-amino-4-dimethylamino-6-trifluoroethoxy-1,3,5-triazine |
415-500-8 |
145963-84-4 |
Xn; R22-48/22 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-48/22-52/53 S: (2-)22-36-61 |
613-229-00-1 |
1-acetyl-4-(3-dodecyl-2,5-dioxo-1-pyrrolidinyl)-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine |
411-930-5 |
106917-31-1 |
Xi; R38 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-60-61 |
613-231-00-2 |
2,6-diamino-3-((pyridine-3-yl)azo)pyridine |
421-430-9 |
28365-08-4 |
Xn; R22-48/22 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-48/22-51/53 S: (2-)22-36-61 |
613-232-00-8 |
3-(benzo[b]thien-2-yl)-5,6-dihydro-1,4,2-oxathiazine-4-oxide |
431-030-6 |
163269-30-5 |
T; R23 Xn; R48/22 Xi; R41 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 23-41-48/22-50/53 S: (1/2-)26-36/39-45-57-60-61 |
613-234-00-9 |
imidazo[1,2-b]pyridazin hydrochloride |
431-510-5 |
18087-70-2 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R36 |
Xn R: 22-36 S: (2-)26 |
613-235-00-4 |
2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-1H-perimidine |
424-060-6 |
6364-17-6 |
Xn; R22-48/22 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)28-36/37-60-61 |
613-236-00-X |
2-chloro-3-trifluoromethylpyridine |
424-520-6 |
65753-47-1 |
T; R24/25-48/25 C; R34 R52-53 |
T R: 24/25-34-48/25-52/53 S: (1/2-)23-26-36/37/39-45-61 |
613-237-00-5 |
6-tert-butyl-3-(3-dodecylsulfonyl)propyl-7H-1,2,4-triazolo[3.4b][1,3,4]thiadiazine |
424-950-4 |
133949-92-5 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
613-238-00-0 |
sodium 2-[[4-[(4,6-dichloro-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)amino]phenyl]sulfonyl]ethyl sulfate |
430-890-1 |
81992-66-7 |
R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-50/53 S: (2-)22-24-37-60-61 |
613-239-00-6 |
2-[3-(methylamino)propyl]-1H-benzimidazole |
425-760-4 |
64137-52-6 |
Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-52/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
613-241-00-7 |
3-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)pyridine |
426-810-8 |
3250-74-6 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
613-242-00-2 |
reaction products of 3,10-bis((2-aminopropyl)amino)-6,13-dichloro-4,11-triphenodioxazinedisulfonic acid with 2-amino-1,4-benzenedisulfonic acid, 2-((4-aminophenyl)sulfonyl)ethyl hydrogen sulfate and 2,4,6-trifluoro-1,3,5-triazine, sodium salts |
426-860-0 |
191877-09-5 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
613-243-00-8 |
4,4'-(1,6-hexamethylenebis(formylimino))bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-oxylpiperidine) |
427-350-0 |
182235-14-9 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
613-244-00-3 |
5,7-dichloro-4-hydroxyquinoline |
427-420-0 |
21873-52-9 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
613-245-00-9 |
2-fluoro-6-trifluoromethylpyridine |
428-100-3 |
94239-04-0 |
R10 Xn; R20/22 R52-53 |
Xn R: 10-20/22-52/53 S: (2-)16-61 |
613-246-00-4 |
2-hydroxymethyl-3-methyl-4-(2,2,2-trifluoroethoxy)pyridine |
428-200-7 |
103577-66-8 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
613-247-00-X |
3-(2-methoxy-4-methoxycarboxybenzyl)-5-nitroindole |
428-910-7 |
107786-36-7 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
613-248-00-5 |
3,4-dimethyl-1H-pyrazole |
429-130-1 |
2820-37-3 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-41-52/53 S: (2-)26-39-61 |
613-249-00-0 |
1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1H-pyrazol-4,5-diyldiammoniumsulfate |
429-300-3 |
155601-30-2 |
Xi; R41 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 41-43-51/53 S: (2-)24-26-37/39-61 |
613-250-00-6 |
reaction mass of: carbonato-bis-N-ethyl-2-isopropyl-1,3-oxazolidine; methyl carbonato-N-ethyl-2-isopropyl-1,3-oxazolidine; 2-isopropyl-N-hydroxyethyl 1,3-oxazolidine |
429-990-6 |
— |
Xi; R41 R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 41-43-52/53 S: (2-)24-26-37/39-61 |
613-251-00-1 |
(R)-3-[(1-methylpyrrolidin-2-yl)methyl]-5-[2-(phenylsulfonyl)ethenyl]-1H-indole |
430-560-5 |
180637-89-2 |
Xn; R22-48/22 Xi; R41 R43 |
Xn R: 22-41-43-48/22 S: (2-)26-36/37/39 |
613-253-00-2 |
2,2-dialkyl-4-hydroxymethyl-1,3-dioxolane; reaction products with ethylene oxide (alkyl is C1-12 and the sum to C13, average degree of ethoxylation is 3,5) |
430-580-4 |
— |
R19 Xi; R38 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 19-38-51/53 S: (2-)37-61 |
613-254-00-8 |
forchlorfenuron (ISO); 1-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-3-phenylurea |
— |
68157-60-8 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 40-51/53 S: (2-)36/37-46-61 |
613-255-00-3 |
reaction mass of isomers of: sodium [(2-hydroxyethylsulfamoyl){[2-(2-piperazin-1-ylethylamino)ethylsulfamoyl][2-(4-aminoethylpiperazine-1-yl)ethylsulfamoyl](sulfamoyl)}(sulfonatophthalocyaninato)]copper(II) |
424-270-8 |
— |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
613-256-00-9 |
3'5'-anhydro thymidine |
425-810-5 |
38313-48-3 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
613-257-00-4 |
2-phthalimidoethyl N-[4-(2-cyano-4-nitrophenylazo)phenyl]-N-methyl-β-alaninate |
426-400-9 |
170222-39-6 |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
613-258-00-X |
reaction mass of: 4-chloro-7-methylbenzotriazole sodium salt; 4-chloro-5-methylbenzotriazole sodium salt; 5-chloro-4-methylbenzotriazole sodium salt |
427-730-6 |
202420-04-0 |
C; R34 R52-53 |
C R: 34-52/53 S: (1/2-)26-28-36/37/39-45-61 |
613-259-00-5 |
reaction mass of: [2,4-dioxo-(2-propyn-1-yl)imidazolidin-3-yl]methyl(1R)-cis-chrysanthemate; [2,4-dioxo-(2-propyn-1-yl)imidazolidin-3-yl]methyl(1R)-trans-chrysanthemate |
428-790-6 |
72963-72-5 |
Xn; R22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-50/53 S: (2-)60-61 |
613-260-00-0 |
(±)-4-(3-chlorophenyl)-6-[(4-chlorophenyl)hydroxy(1-methyl-1H-imidazol-5-yl)methyl]-1-methyl-2(1H)-quinolin |
430-730-9 |
— |
Xi; R41 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 41-50/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-60-61 |
613-261-00-6 |
pyrazole-1-carboxamidine monohydrochloride |
429-520-1 |
4023-02-3 |
Xn; R22-48/22 Xi; R41 R43 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-41-43-48/22-52/53 S: (2-)22-26-36/37/39-61 |
613-262-00-1 |
disodium (E)-1,2-bis-(4-(4-methylamino-6-(4-methylcarbamoylphenylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino)phenyl-2-sulfonato)ethene |
427-310-2 |
180850-95-7 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)26-39 |
613-263-00-7 |
monosodium 3-cyano-5-fluoro-6-hydroxypyridine-2-olate |
429-570-2 |
— |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
613-266-00-3 |
2-chloro-5-chloromethylthiazole |
429-830-5 |
105827-91-6 |
T; R24 C; R34 Xn; R22 R43 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 22-24-34-43-51/53 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-61 |
613-267-00-9 |
thiamethoxam (ISO); 3-(2-chloro-thiazol-5-ylmethyl)-5-methyl[1,3,5]oxadiazinan-4-ylidene-N-nitroamine |
428-650-4 |
153719-23-4 |
Xn; R22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-50/53 S: (2-)60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
613-268-00-4 |
(4aS-cis-)-6-benzyl-octahydropyrrolo[3.4-b]pyridine |
425-930-8 |
151213-39-7 |
C; R34 Xn; R20/22-48/22 N; R51-53 |
C; N R: 20/22-34-48/22-51/53 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-61 |
613-269-00-X |
2-thiazolidinylidenecyanamide |
427-720-1 |
26364-65-8 |
Xn; R22-48/22 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-48/22-52/53 S: (2-)22-36-61 |
613-270-00-5 |
5-amino-N-(2,6-dichloro-3-methylphenyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole-3-sulfonamide |
428-150-6 |
113171-13-4 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
613-271-00-0 |
tritosulfuron (ISO) (containing ≤ 0,02 % AMTT); 1-[4-methoxy-6-(trifluoromethyl)-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]-3-[2-(trifluoromethyl)benzenesulfonyl]urea (containing ≤ 0,02 % AMTT) |
— |
142469-14-5 |
R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-46-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
613-272-00-6 |
pyraclostrobin (ISO); methyl N-{2-[1-(4-chlorophenyl)-1H-pyrazol-3-yloxymethyl]phenyl}(N-methoxy)carbamate |
— |
— |
T; R23 Xi; R38 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 23-38-50/53 S: (1/2-)45-60-61-63 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
613-273-00-1 |
tetrahydro-3-methyl-5-((2-phenylthio)thiazol-5-ylmethyl)-[4H]-1,3,5-oxadiazinan-4-ylidene-N-nitroamine |
427-600-9 |
192439-46-6 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
613-274-00-7 |
2,6-dichloro-1-fluoropyridiniumtetrafluoroborate |
427-400-1 |
140623-89-8 |
C; R34 Xn; R22 R43 N; R50-53 |
C; N R: 22-34-43-50/53 S: (1/2-)26-36/37/39-45-60-61 |
613-275-00-2 |
3-(2-chloroethyl)-6,7,8,9-tetra-hydro-2-methyl-4H-pyrido[1,2-a]pyrimidin-4-one monohydrochloride |
424-530-0 |
93076-03-0 |
T; R25 Xn; R68/21-48/22 Xi; R41 R43 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 25-41-43-48/22-68/21-51/53 S: (1/2-)22-26-36/37/39-45-61 |
613-276-00-8 |
1-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,2-dihydro-5H-tetrazol-5-one |
426-110-2 |
98377-35-6 |
R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 43-52/53 S: (2-)24/25-37-61 |
613-277-00-3 |
(4-(6-diethylamino-2-methylpyridin-3-yl)imino-4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-1-(4-methylphenyl)-1H-pyrazol-5-one |
427-070-9 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
613-278-00-9 |
(3-aminophenyl)pyridin-3-ylmethanone |
428-230-0 |
79568-06-2 |
Xn; R48/22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 48/22-50/53 S: (2-)22-36-60-61 |
613-279-00-4 |
2-ethyl-2,3-dihydro-2-methyl-1H-perimidine |
424-380-6 |
43057-68-7 |
Xn; R22-48/22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)36/37-60-61 |
613-280-00-X |
tetrahydro-1,3-dimethyl-1H-pyrimidin-2-one; dimethyl propyleneurea |
230-625-6 |
7226-23-5 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R62 Xn; R22 Xi; R41 |
Xn R: 22-41-62 S: 26-36/37/39 |
613-281-00-5 |
quinoline |
202-051-6 |
91-22-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Xn; R21/22 Xi; R36/38 N; R51-53 |
T; N R: 45-21/22-36/38-68-51/53 S: 53-45-61 |
E |
613-282-00-0 |
triticonazole (ISO); (RS)-(E)-5-(4-chlorobenzylidene)-2,2-dimethyl-1-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-methyl)cyclopentanol |
— |
131983-72-7 |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
613-283-00-6 |
ketoconazole; 1-[4-[4-[[(2SR,4RS)-2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-(imidazol-1-ylmethyl)-1,3-dioxolan-4-yl]methoxy]phenyl]piperazin-1-yl]ethanone |
265-667-4 |
65277-42-1 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R60 T; R25 Xn; R48/22 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 60-25-48/22-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
E |
613-284-00-1 |
metconazole (ISO); (1RS,5RS;1RS,5SR)-5-(4-chlorobenzyl)-2,2-dimethyl-1-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl)cyclopentanol |
— |
125116-23-6 |
Repr. Cat. 3; R63 Xn; R22 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-63-51/53 S: (2-)36/37-46-61 |
613-285-00-7 |
1-hydroxybenzotriazole, anhydrous; [1] 1-hydroxybenzotriazole, monohydrated [2] |
219-989-7 [1] 219-989-7 [2] |
2592-95-2 [1] 123333-53-9 [2] |
E; R2 |
E R: 2 S: 16-35 |
613-286-00-2 |
potassium 1-methyl-3-morpholinocarbonyl-4-[3-(1-methyl-3-morpholinocarbonyl-5-oxo-2-pyrazolin-4-ylidene)-1-propenyl]pyrazole-5-olate; [containing < 0,5 % N,N-dimethylformamide (EC no 200-679-5)] |
418-260-2 |
183196-57-8 |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)24-37 |
613-286-01-X |
potassium 1-methyl-3-morpholinocarbonyl-4-[3-(1-methyl-3-morpholinocarbonyl-5-oxo-2-pyrazolin-4-ylidene)-1-propenyl]pyrazole-5-olate; [containing ≥ 0,5 % N,N-dimethylformamide (EC No 200-679-5)] |
418-260-2 |
183196-57-8 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61 R43 |
T R: 61-43 S: 53-45 |
613-287-00-8 |
1-(3-iodo-4-aminobenzyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole |
419-540-7 |
160194-26-3 |
Xn; R22 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-51/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
613-288-00-3 |
1,3-bis(dimethylcarbamoyl)-imidazolium chloride |
420-930-4 |
135756-61-5 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-41-52/53 S: (2-)22-26-37/39-61 |
613-289-00-9 |
3-(4-chloro-2-fluoro-5-methylphenyl)-1-methyl-5-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole |
432-020-4 |
142623-48-1 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
613-290-00-4 |
4-hydroxy-7-(2-aminoethyl)-1,3-benzothiazol-2(3H)-one hydrochloride |
432-470-1 |
189012-93-9 |
Xi; R41 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 41-43-50/53 S: (2-)24-26-37/39-60-61 |
613-291-00-X |
2,4-dihydro-4-(4-(4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl)phenyl)-2-(1-methylpropyl)-3H-1,2,4-triazol-3-one |
434-820-9 |
106461-41-0 |
Xn; R48/22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 48/22-50/53 S: (2-)22-36-60-61 |
613-292-00-5 |
N,N',N''-tris(2-methyl-2,3-epoxypropyl)-perhydro-2,4,6-oxo-1,3,5-triazine |
435-010-8 |
26157-73-3 |
Muta. Cat. 3; R68 R52-53 |
Xn R: 68-52/53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
613-293-00-0 |
2-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-6-cyano-5-[bis(ethoxycarbonylmethyl)carbamoyloxy]-1H-pyrrolo[1,2-b][1,2,4] triazole-7-carboxylic acid 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylcyclohexylester |
448-050-6 |
444065-11-6 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
613-294-00-6 |
2-hexyldecanoic acid [4-(6-tert-butyl-7-chloro-1H-pyrazolo[1,5-b][1,2,4]triazol-2-yl)phenylcarbamoyl]methylester |
448-260-8 |
379268-96-9 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
613-295-00-1 |
11-amino-3-chloro-6,11-dihydro-5,5-dioxo-6-methyl-dibenzo[c,f][1,2]thiazepine hydrochloride |
448-720-8 |
363138-44-7 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-41-52/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
613-296-00-7 |
pentapotassium 2-(4-(5-[1-(2,5-disulfonatophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-3-methylcarbamoyl-5-oxopyrazol-4-ylidene]-3-methyl-1,3-pentadienyl)-3-methylcarbamoyl-5-oxidopyrazol-1-yl)benzene-1,4-disulfonate |
418-270-7 |
— |
R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 43-52/53 S: (2-)24-37-47-61 |
613-297-00-2 |
5-(2-bromophenyl)-2-tert-butyl-2H-tetrazole |
420-820-6 |
— |
R10 Xn; R22 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 10-22-51/53 S: (2-)16-61 |
613-298-00-8 |
bis-(6-hydroxy-4-methyl-5-(3-methylimidazolium-1-yl)-3-(4-phenylazo)-1H-pyridin-2-one)ethylene dilactate |
421-560-6 |
— |
Xn; R48/22 Xi; R41 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 41-48/22-51/53 S: (2-)22-26-36/39-61 |
613-299-00-3 |
main component 1 (isomer 1): 2-{6-fluoro-4-[3-(2,5-disulfo-phenylazo)-4-hydroxy-2-sulfonapht-7-ylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-3-{6-fluoro-4-[3-(1,5-disulfonaphth-2-ylazo)-4-hydroxy-2-sulfonaphth-7-ylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-propane sodium salt; main component 1 (isomer 2): 2-{6-fluoro-4-[3-(2,5-disulfo-phenylazo)-4-hydroxy-2-sulfonaphth-7-ylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-3-{6-fluoro-4-[3-(2,5-disulfo-phenylazo)-4-hydroxy-2-sulfonaphth-7-ylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-propane sodium salt; main component 2: 2,3-bis-{6-fluoro-4-[3-(2,5-disulfo-phenylazo)-4-hydroxy-2-sulfonaphth-7-ylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-propane sodium salt; main component 3: 2,3-bis-{6-fluoro-4-[3-(1,5-disulfonaphth-2-ylazo)-4-hydroxy-2-sulfonaphth-7-ylamino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino}-propane sodium salt |
422-610-1 |
— |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
613-300-00-7 |
1-imidazol-1-yl-octadecan-2-ol |
434-120-3 |
— |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
613-301-00-2 |
dimethyl-1-{[2-methoxy-5-(2-methyl-butoxycarbonyl)phenylcarbamoyl]-[2-octadecyl-1,1-dioxo-1,2,4-benzothiadiazin-3-yl]methyl} imidazole-4,5-dicarboxylate |
443-910-7 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
613-302-00-8 |
disodium 2-(5-carbamoyl-1-ethyl-2-hydroxy-4-methyl-6-oxo-1,6-dihydro-pyridine-3-ylazo)-4-(4-fluoro-6-(4-(2-sulfonyloxy-ethylsulfonyl)-phenylamino)-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino)benzene sulfonate |
432-980-4 |
243858-60-8 |
Xi; R41 |
Xi R: 41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
613-303-00-3 |
2-(1-methyl-2-(4-phenoxyphenoxy)ethoxy)pyridine |
429-800-1 |
95737-68-1 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
613-304-00-9 |
5,6-dihydroxy-2,3-dihydro-1H-indolium bromide |
421-170-6 |
138937-28-7 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 |
Xn R: 22-41 S: (2-)22-26-39 |
613-305-00-4 |
2-(2-hydroxy-4-octyloxyphenyl)-2H-benzotriazole |
448-630-9 |
3147-77-1 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
613-306-00-X |
(2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl)-9H-fluoren-9-ylmethyl carbonate |
433-520-5 |
82911-69-1 |
Xn; R22 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-51/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
613-307-00-5 |
clothianidin (ISO); 3-[(2-chloro-1,3-thiazol-5-yl)methyl]-2-methyl-1-nitroguanidine |
— |
210880-92-5 |
Xn; R22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-50/53 S: (2-)46-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
613-308-00-0 |
2-amino-5-methylthiazole |
423-800-5 |
7305-71-7 |
Xn; R22-48/22 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-48/22-50/53 S: (2-)22-36-60-61 |
613-309-00-6 |
1-methyl-3-phenyl-1-piperazine |
431-180-2 |
5271-27-2 |
Xn; R21/22 Xi; R38-41 R52-53 |
Xn R: 21/22-38-41-52/53 S: (2-)26-36/37/39-61 |
613-310-00-1 |
(-)(3S,4R)-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-3-(3,4-methylenedioxy-phenoxymethyl)-N-benzylpiperidine hydrochloride |
432-360-3 |
105813-13-6 |
Xn; R22 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-50/53 S: (2-)22-24-37-60-61 |
613-311-00-7 |
methyl-5-nitrophenyl-guanidine |
435-500-1 |
152460-07-6 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R36 R43 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-36-43-52/53 S: (2-)22-24-26-37-61 |
613-312-00-2 |
2-(4-methyl-2-phenyl-1-piperazinyl)benzenemethanol monohydrochloride |
420-200-5 |
— |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R43 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-41-43-52/53 S: (2-)22-26-36/37/39-61 |
613-313-00-8 |
2-(4-(4-(3-pyridinyl)-1H-imidazol-1-yl)butyl)-1H-isoindole-1,3(2H)-dione |
442-780-9 |
173838-67-0 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
613-314-00-3 |
4-decyloxazolidin-2-one; 4-decyl-1,3-oxazolidin-2-one |
443-770-7 |
7693-82-5 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 22-24-60-61 |
613-315-00-9 |
tetrapotassium 4-[5-[3-carboxylato-4,5-dihydro-5-oxo-1-(4-sulfonatophenyl)pyrazol-4-ylidene]-3-(piperidinocarbonyl)penta-1,3-dienylidene]-5-hydroxy-1-(4-sulfonatophenyl)pyrazole-3-carboxylate |
430-390-1 |
— |
Xn; R20 R52-53 |
Xn R: 20-52/53 S: (2-)25-61 |
613-316-00-4 |
trimethylopropane tri(3-aziridinylpropanoate); (TAZ) |
257-765-0 |
52234-82-9 |
Muta. Cat. 3; R68 Xi; R41 R43 |
Xn R: 41-43-68 S: 26-36/37/39-42 |
H |
615-033-00-1 |
reaction product of diphenylmethanediisocyanate, octylamine, oleylamine and cyclohexylamine (1:1.58:0.32:0.097) |
430-980-9 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
615-034-00-7 |
reaction product of diphenylmethanediisocyanate, octylamine, 4-ethoxyaniline and ethylenediamine (1:0,37:1,53:0,05) |
430-750-8 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
615-035-00-2 |
reaction product of diphenylmethanediisocyanate, octylamine and oleylamine (molar ratio 1:1.86:0.14) |
430-930-6 |
122886-55-9 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
615-036-00-8 |
reaction product of diphenylmethanediisocyanate, toluenediisocyanate (reaction mass of isomers: 65 % 2,4- and 35 % 2,6-diisocyanate), octylamine, oleylamine and 4-ethoxyaniline (molar ratio 4:1:7:1:2) |
430-940-0 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
615-037-00-3 |
reaction product of diphenylmethanediisocyanate, toluenediisocyanate (reaction mass of isomers: 65 % 2,4- and 35 % 2,6-diisocyanate), octylamine and oleylamine (molar ratio 4:1:9:1) |
430-950-5 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
615-038-00-9 |
reaction product of toluenediisocyanate (reaction mass of isomers: 65 % 2,4- and 35 % 2,6-diisocyanate) and aniline (molarratio 1:2) |
430-960-1 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
615-039-00-4 |
reaction product of diphenylmethanediisocyanate, toluenediisocyanate (reaction mass of isomers: 65 % 2,4- and 35 % 2,6-diisocyanate), octylamine, oleylamine and 4-ethoxyaniline (molar ratio 3.88:1:6.38:0.47:2.91) |
430-970-4 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
615-044-00-1 |
4-chlorophenylisocyanate |
203-176-9 |
104-12-1 |
T+; R26 Xn; R22 Xi; R37/38-41 R42 N; R50-53 |
T+; N R: 22-26-37/38-41-42-50/53 S: (1/2-)26-28-36/37/39-45-63-60-61 |
615-045-00-7 |
4,4'-methylene bis(3-chloro-2,6-di-ethylphenylisocyanate) |
420-530-1 |
— |
R42/43 R53 |
Xn R: 42/43-53 S: (2-)23-24-37-45-61 |
616-107-00-6 |
cinidon ethyl (ISO); ethyl (Z)-2-chloro-3-[2-chloro-5-(cyclohex-1-ene-1,2-dicarboximido)phenyl]acrylate |
— |
142891-20-1 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 40-43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-46-60-61 |
616-122-00-8 |
methylneodecanamide |
414-460-9 |
105726-67-8 |
Xn; R22 |
Xn R: 22 S: (2-) |
616-126-00-X |
1-methyl-4-nitro-3-propyl-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxamide |
423-960-6 |
139756-01-7 |
Xn; R22-48/22 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-48/22-52/53 S: (2-)22-36/37-61 |
616-131-00-7 |
1-aminocyclopentanecarboxamide |
422-950-9 |
17193-28-1 |
T; R48/25 Xn; R22 Xi; R41 |
T R: 22-41-48/25 S: (1/2-)22-26-36/39-45 |
616-136-00-4 |
reaction product of cocoalkyldiethanolamides and cocoalkylmonoglycerides and molybdenumtrioxide (1.75-2.2: 0.75-1.0:0.1-1.1) |
430-380-7 |
— |
N; R51-53 |
N R: 51/53 S: 61 |
616-137-00-X |
4-dichloroacetyl-1-oxa-4-azaspiro[4,5]decane |
401-130-4 |
71526-07-3 |
R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-51/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
616-138-00-5 |
benzoic acid, N-tert-butyl-N'-(4-chlorobenzoyl)hydrazide |
431-600-4 |
112226-61-6 |
R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-51/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
616-139-00-0 |
(3S,4aS,8aS)-N-tert-butyldecahydro-3-isoquinolinecarboxamide |
420-380-5 |
136465-81-1 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-41-52/53 S: (2-)22-26-39-61 |
616-140-00-6 |
N,N''-(methylenedi-4,1-phenylene)bis[N'-(4-methylphenyl)urea] |
429-380-1 |
133336-92-2 |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
616-141-00-1 |
zoxamide (ISO); (RS)-3,5-dichloro-N-(3-chloro-1-ethyl-1-methyl-2-oxopropyl)-p-toluamide |
— |
156052-68-5 |
R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-46-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
616-144-00-8 |
3,4-dichloro-N-[5-chloro-4-[2-[4-dodecyloxyphenylsulfonyl]butyramido]-2-hydroxyphenyl]benzamide |
431-130-1 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
616-145-00-3 |
pethoxamide (ISO); 2-chloro-N-(2-ethoxyethyl)-N-(2-methyl-1-phenylprop-1-enyl)acetamide |
— |
106700-29-2 |
Xn; R22 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-43-50/53 S: (2-)24-37-46-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0, 25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
616-146-00-9 |
N-(2-methoxy-5-octadecanoylaminophenyl)-2-(3-benzyl-2,5-dioxoimidazolidin-1-yl)-4,4-dimethyl-3-oxopentanoic acidamide |
431-330-7 |
142776-95-2 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 22-61 |
616-147-00-4 |
1-methyl-4-(2-methyl-2H-tetrazol-5-yl)-1H-pyrazole-5-sulfonamide |
424-160-1 |
139481-22-4 |
Xn; R22 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-52/53 S: (2-)61 |
616-148-00-X |
N-[6,9-dihydro-9-[[2-hydroxy-1-(hydroxymethyl)ethoxy]methyl]-6-oxo-1H-purin-2-yl]acetamide |
424-550-1 |
84245-12-5 |
Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Repr. Cat. 2; R60-61 |
T R: 45-46-60-61 S: 53-45 |
616-150-00-0 |
(2R,3S)-N-(3-amino-2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutyl)-N-isobutyl-4-nitrobenzenesulfonamide hydrochloride |
425-260-6 |
— |
Xn; R48/22 Xi; R41 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 41-43-48/22-51/53 S: (2-)22-26-36/37/39-61 |
616-151-00-6 |
N-(2-amino-4,6-dichloropyrimidin-5-yl)formamide |
425-650-6 |
171887-03-9 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 R43 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-41-43-52/53 S: (2-)24-26-37/39-61 |
616-152-00-1 |
4-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-(2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-oxo-3,N-diphenylbutanamide |
425-850-3 |
125971-96-2 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
616-153-00-7 |
4-methyl-3-oxo-N-phenyl-2-(phenylmethylene)pentanamide |
425-860-8 |
125971-57-5 |
R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-51/53 S: (2-)22-24-37-61 |
616-154-00-2 |
3,4-dichloro-N-[5-chloro-4-[2-[4-(hexadecyloxy)phenylsulfonyl]butyramido]-2-hydroxyphenyl]benzamide |
431-110-0 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
616-155-00-8 |
N,N,N',N'-tetracyclohexyl-1,3-benzenedicarboxamide |
431-040-0 |
104560-40-9 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
616-156-00-3 |
6-(2-chloro-6-cyano-4-nitrophenylazo)-4-methoxy-3-[N-(methoxycarbonylmethyl)-N-(1-methoxycarbonylethyl)amino]acetanilide |
430-500-8 |
204277-61-2 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
616-157-00-9 |
3-amino-4-hydroxy-N-(3-isopropoxypropyl)benzenesulfonamide hydrochloride |
427-780-9 |
114565-70-7 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R41 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-41-50/53 S: (2-)26-39-60-61 |
616-158-00-4 |
N-[4-cyano-3-trifluoromethylphenyl]methacrylamide |
427-880-2 |
90357-53-2 |
Xn; R48/22 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 48/22-51/53 S: (2-)36-61 |
616-160-00-5 |
2,2'-azobis[N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methylpropionamide] |
429-090-3 |
61551-69-7 |
R43 R52-53 |
Xi R: 43-52/53 S: (2-)12-15-24-37-61 |
616-161-00-0 |
2,4-dichloro-5-hydroxyacetanilide |
429-110-0 |
67669-19-6 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
616-162-00-6 |
isostearic acid monoisopropanolamide |
431-540-9 |
— |
Xi; R38 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 38-51/53 S: (2-)37-61 |
616-163-00-1 |
4,4'-methylenebis[N-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-hydroxynaphthalene-2-carboxamide] |
430-350-3 |
192463-88-0 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
616-164-00-7 |
dimoxystrobin (ISO); (E)-2-(methoxyimino)-N-methyl-2-[α-(2,5-xylyloxy)-o-tolyl]acetamide |
— |
149961-52-4 |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 Repr. Cat. 3; R63 Xn; R20 N; R50-53 |
Xn; N R: 20-40-63-50/53 S: (2-)36/37-46-60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
616-165-00-2 |
beflubutamid (ISO); (RS)-N-benzyl-2-(α,α,α,4-tetrafluoro-m-tolyoxy)butyramide |
— |
113614-08-7 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 0,25 % N; R51-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % R52-53: 0,0025 % ≤ C < 0,025 % |
616-166-00-8 |
cyazofamid (ISO); 4-chloro-2-cyano-N,N-dimethyl-5-p-tolylimidazole-1-sulfonamide |
— |
120116-88-3 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
N; R50-53: C ≥ 2,5 % N; R51-53: 0,25 % ≤ C < 2,5 % R52-53: 0,025 % ≤ C < 0,25 % |
616-167-00-3 |
N,N-dibutyl-(2,5-dihydro-5-thioxo-1H-tetrazol-1-yl)acetamide |
418-290-6 |
168612-06-4 |
Xi; R36 R43 |
Xi R: 36-43 S: (2-)24-26-37 |
616-168-00-9 |
1-dimethylcarbamoyl-4-(2-sulfonatoethyl)pyridinium |
418-440-0 |
136997-71-2 |
R43 |
Xi R: 43 S: (2-)22-24-37 |
616-169-00-4 |
4-[4-(2,2-dimethyl-propanamido)]phenylazo-3-(2-chloro-5-(2-(3-pentadecylphenoxy)butylamido)anilino)-1-(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)-2-pyrazoline-5-one |
420-220-4 |
92771-56-7 |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
616-170-00-X |
(2R)-2-amino-2-phenylacetamide |
420-370-0 |
6485-67-2 |
Xi; R36 R43 |
Xi R: 36-43 S: (2-)22-26-36/37 |
616-171-00-5 |
2-(para-chlorophenyl)glycineamide |
420-830-0 |
102333-75-5 |
Xi; R41 R43 |
Xi R: 41-43 S: (2-)24-26-37/39 |
616-172-00-0 |
N-(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-oxylpiperidin-4-yl)acetamide; (4-acetamido-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyl)oxidanyl |
423-840-3 |
14691-89-5 |
Xn; R22 |
Xn R: 22 S: (2-)22 |
616-174-00-1 |
2-butyl-1,3-diazaspiro[4.4]non-1-en-4-one hydrochloride |
424-560-4 |
151257-01-1 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R36 |
Xn R: 22-36 S: (2-)22-26 |
616-175-00-7 |
2-(2-hexyldecyloxy)benzamide |
431-230-3 |
202483-62-3 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
616-176-00-2 |
3-N,N-bis(methoxyethyl)aminoacetanilide |
432-530-7 |
24294-01-7 |
Xn; R22 R52-53 |
Xn R: 22-52/53 S: (2-)22-24-61 |
616-177-00-8 |
(3-(4-(2-(butyl-(4-methylphenylsulfonyl)amino)phenylthio)-5-oxo-1-(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-3-ylamino)-4-chlorophenyl)tetradecanamide; N-[3-({4-[(2-{butyl[(4-methylphenyl)sulfonyl]amino}phenyl)thio]-5-oxo-1-(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3-yl}amino)-4-chlorophenyl]tetradecanamide |
432-970-1 |
217324-98-6 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
616-178-00-3 |
N-(5-(bis(2-methoxyethyl)amino)-2-((2-cyano-4,6-dinitrophenyl)-azo)phenyl)acetamide |
434-500-9 |
52583-35-4 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 22-61 |
616-179-00-9 |
2-chloro-N-(4-methylphenyl)acetamide |
435-170-9 |
16634-82-5 |
Xi; R41 R43 N; R50-53 |
Xi; N R: 41-43-50/53 S: (2-)22-26-36/37/39-60-61 |
616-180-00-4 |
N,N-(dimethylamino)thioacetamide hydrochloride |
435-470-1 |
27366-72-9 |
Repr. Cat. 2; R61 N; R50-53 |
T; N R: 61-50/53 S: 53-45-60-61 |
616-181-00-X |
4'-methyldodecane-1-sulfonanilide |
435-490-9 |
17417-32-2 |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
616-182-00-5 |
N'-(1,3-dimethylbutylidene)-3-hydroxy-2-naphthohydrazide |
435-860-1 |
214417-91-1 |
R43 N; R51-53 |
Xi; N R: 43-51/53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
616-183-00-0 |
N-dodecyl-4-methoxybenzamide |
442-340-6 |
1854-15-5 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
616-184-00-6 |
3-methyl-N-(5,8,13,14-tetrahydro-5,8,14-trioxonaphth[2,3-c]acridin-6-yl)benzamide |
442-560-2 |
105043-55-8 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
616-186-00-7 |
N,N'-(2-chloro-1,4-phenylene)bis(3-oxobutaneamide) |
443-010-4 |
53641-10-4 |
R52-53 |
R: 52/53 S: 61 |
616-188-00-8 |
2-(5,5-dimethyl-2,4-dioxooxazolidin-3-yl)-4,4-dimethyl-3-oxo-N-(2-methoxy-5-octadecanoylaminophenyl)pentanoic acid amide |
443-980-9 |
221215-20-9 |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
616-189-00-3 |
N-[5-(bis-(2-methoxy-ethyl)-amino]-2-(6-bromo-2-methyl-1,3-dioxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-isoindol-5-ylazo)-phenyl]acetamide |
444-780-4 |
452962-97-9 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
616-190-00-9 |
N-decyl-4-nitrobenzamide |
445-880-0 |
64026-19-3 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
616-191-00-4 |
2-ethyl-N-methyl-N-(3-methylphenyl)butanamide |
446-190-2 |
406488-30-0 |
Xn; R22 Xi; R36/38 R43 N; R51-53 |
Xn; N R: 22-36/38-43-51/53 S: (2-)24-26-37-61 |
616-192-00-X |
2-[2-(3-butoxypropyl)-1,1-dioxo-1,2,4-benzothiadiazin-3-yl]-5'-tert-butyl-2-(5,5-dimethyl-2,4-dioxo-1,3-oxazolidin-3-yl)-2'-[(2-ethylhexyl)thio]acetanilide |
448-060-0 |
727678-39-9 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
616-193-00-5 |
N-[2-(2-butyl-4,6-dicyano-1,3-dioxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-isoindol-5-ylazo)-5-diethylamino-phenyl]acetamide |
449-940-7 |
368450-39-9 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
616-194-00-0 |
2,2-diethoxy-N,N-dimethylacetamide |
449-950-1 |
34640-92-1 |
Xi; R36 |
Xi R: 36 S: (2-)26 |
616-196-00-1 |
disodium salt of 1-hydroxy-4-(β-(4-(1-hydroxy-3,6-disulfo-8-acetylamino-2-naphthylazo)phenoxy)ethoxy)-N-dodecyl-2-naphthamide |
419-990-4 |
— |
N; R50-53 |
N R: 50/53 S: 60-61 |
616-197-00-7 |
reaction mass of: potassium N-[3-(dimethyloxidoamino)propyl]-1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-heptadecafluorooctane sulfonamidate; N-[3-(dimethyloxidoamino)propyl]-1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-heptadecafluorooctane sulfonamide |
422-500-1 |
— |
Xn; R48/22 |
Xn R: 48/22 S: (2-)22-36 |
616-198-00-2 |
1,3-bis[12-hydroxy-octadecamide-N-methylene]-benzene |
423-300-7 |
— |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
616-200-00-1 |
reaction mass of: N,N'-ethane-1,2-diylbis(hexanamide); 12-hydroxy-N-[2-[(1-oxyhexyl)amino]ethyl]octadecanamide; N,N'-ethane-1,2-diylbis(12-hydroxyoctadecanamide) |
432-430-3 |
— |
R43 R53 |
Xi R: 43-53 S: (2-)24-37-61 |
616-201-00-7 |
12-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid, reaction products with 1,3-benzenedimethanamine and hexamethylenediamine |
432-840-2 |
220926-97-6 |
Xn; R20 R53 |
Xn R: 20-53 S: (2-)22-61 |
616-202-00-2 |
reaction mass of: 2,2'-[(3,3'-dichloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis(azo)]bis[N-(2,4-dimethylphenyl)]-3-oxo-butanamide; 2-[[3,3'-dichloro-4'-[[1[[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)amino]carbonyl]-2-oxopropyl]azo][1,1'-biphenyl]-4-yl]azo]-N-(2-methylphenyl)-3-oxo-butanamide; 2-[[3,3'-dichloro-4'-[[1[[(2,4-dimethylphenyl)amino]carbonyl]-2-oxopropyl]azo][1,1'-biphenyl]-4-yl]azo]-N-(2-carboxylphenyl)-3-oxo-butanamide |
434-330-5 |
— |
Carc. Cat. 3; R40 R43 R53 |
Xn R: 40-43-53 S: (2-)36/37-61 |
616-203-00-8 |
reaction mass of: N-[5-[bis-(2-methoxyethyl)amino]-2-(2-butyl-4,6-dicyano-1,3-dioxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-isoindol-5-yl-azo)phenyl]acetamide; N-[2-(2-butyl-4,6-dicyano-1,3-dioxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-isoindol-5-ylazo)5-diethylaminophenyl]acetamide |
442-280-0 |
— |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
616-204-00-3 |
N,N''-(methylenedi-4,1-phenylene)bis[N'-octylurea] |
451-060-3 |
122886-55-9 |
R53 |
R: 53 S: 61 |
617-021-00-1 |
methylethylketone peroxide trimer |
429-320-2 |
— |
E; R2 O; R7 Xn; R65 Xi; R38 R43 |
E; Xn R: 2-7-38-43-65 S: (2-)3/7-14-23-36/37/39-62 |
617-022-00-7 |
reaction mass of: 1,2-dimethylpropylidene dihydroperoxide; dimethyl 1,2-benzenedicarboxylate |
442-480-8 |
— |
O; R7 Xn; R22 C; R34 R43 N; R51-53 |
O; C; N R: 7-22-34-43-51/53 S: (1/2-)3/7-14-26-36/37/39-45-50-61 |
647-017-00-5 |
laccase |
420-150-4 |
80498-15-3 |
R42 |
Xn R: 42 S: (2-)23-45 |
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