Besluit 2009/902 - Oprichting van een Europees netwerk inzake criminaliteitspreventie (ENCP)


Samenvatting van Wetgeving

European cooperation on crime prevention

Council Decision 2009/902/JHA - setting up a European crime prevention network (EUCPN)


Council Decision 2009/902/JHA of 30 November 2009 setting up a European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) and repealing Decision 2001/427/JHA


Crime prevention policy in the European Union (EU) is enhanced by cooperation between authorities at national and local level and other experts and practitioners in the field.


It establishes the European crime prevention network (EUCPN) to assist in the development of crime prevention measures in the EU. It provides a framework for cooperation between EU countries; the network also supports crime prevention activities at the national and local levels.


The EUCPN is responsible for:


improving cooperation, contacts and exchanges of information between stakeholders;


collecting, evaluating and sharing information on crime prevention;


organising conferences and activities to develop crime prevention and sharing the results of the work on crime prevention;


providing expertise to the European institutions (Council and Commission);


reporting annually to the Council on its work;


developing and implementing a work programme that addresses relevant crime threats.

The goals of the EUCPN are achieved through an annual work programme, part of a multiannual strategy (2010-2015).

The network is composed of:


aBoard - responsible for its overall management;


aSecretariat -provides administrative support to the Board;


contact points - support the exchanges of information and expertise between the national representatives.


The EUCPN carries out a number of activities including:


promoting good practice - through a database containing EU-wide examples of initiatives and projects on crime prevention (ranging from preventing violent crime to cybercrime);


organising the ‘Best Practice Conference’ - a yearly event for policymakers, practitioners and researchers for the sharing and passing on of experiences and best practices in crime prevention, as well as safety and security in EU countries;


presenting the European crime prevent award which aims to reward the best European crime prevention project. The award is open to any project, initiative or package of measures designed to reduce crime and the fear of crime within the specified theme;


collecting and promoting research-based findings and activities to prevent crime. ‘Toolboxes’ on specific aspects of crime prevention aim to inform, support and inspire local practitioners and policymakers with actual knowledge in the form of an easy-to-read document;


creating and keeping an archive of studies, articles and other documents on crime prevention accessible through an online library search engine on the EUCPN website.


From 30 November 2009.

For more information, see the EUCPN website.




Entry into force

Deadline for transposition in the Member States

Official Journal

Decision 2009/902/JHA



OJ L 321 of 8.12.2009, pp. 44-46

Last updated: 13.08.2015

Deze samenvatting is overgenomen van EUR-Lex.



Besluit 2009/902/JBZ van de Raad van 30 november 2009 betreffende de oprichting van een Europees netwerk inzake criminaliteitspreventie (ENCP) en tot intrekking van Besluit 2001/427/JBZ