(José Manuel) Fernandes - Hoofdinhoud
José Manuel Fernandes is a member of the European Parliament since 14 July 2009 for the "Partido Social Democrata", which is aligned with the European People's Party. Fernandes is elected on behalf of Portugal.
Place and date of birth
Vila Verde, 26 July 1967 National political party
Partido Social Democrata
European Parliamentary Group
European People's Party Main functions and occupations
-Founder of Moure Youth Association and Chair of its executive committee, from 1990 until 1992
-Chair General Assembly Youth Association, from 1992 until 1994
-Vila Verde PSD councillor, from December 1993 until December 1997
-Founder and Vice-Chair of the Moure Social and Parish Centre, from 1994 until 1997
-Chair of the bureau of the plenary assembly, 1997
-Member of the National Assembly, from 1999 until 2002
-Mayor of Vila Verde, from December 1997 until July 2009
-President of the Cávado Regional Development Agency and Chair of the Association of Cávado Valley Municipalities
-President of the executive council of the Cávado Valley Intermunicipal Community (Cávado CIM), from 17 November 2008 until July 2009
-member of the general council of the Northern Region Coordination Commission and the general council of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities until July, 2009
-member European Parliament, from 14 July 2009
-Chair of the Young Social Democrats (JSD) in Vila Verde, from 1992 until 1993
-Chair of the Braga District Political Committee of the JSD, from 1994 until 1996
-Member of the District Political Committee of the Braga PSD, from 1994 until 1996
-Chair of the Policy Committee of the Vila Verde Section of the PSD, from 1997 until 2002
-PSD leader of the bureau of the Braga District Assembly, from 2000 until 2002
-Chair of the PSD Braga District Policy Committee, from 2002 until 2004
-PSD Chair of the bureau of the Braga District Assembly, from 2005
-Graduate in systems engineering and computer science, University of the Minho
-currently in the third year of a law degree at the University of the Minho
-elected as a member of the PSD National Policy Committee at the 26th Congress in Barcelos in 2004, 2004
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