LI President Van Baalen: post-Gaddafi Libya needs democracy and a liberal constitution

Met dank overgenomen van J.C. (Hans) van Baalen i, gepubliceerd op maandag 22 augustus 2011.

Liberal International President Hans van Baalen MEP has welcomed the latest news from Libya, where the rebels have taken over the control of large parts of the capital city of Tripoli and have been cheered by the local residents.

“Gaddafi's defeat is now evident. We must help the rebels to make the final push against Gaddafi. Should there be negotiations they should lead only towards surrender of Gaddafi, as we have seen so many times that he doesn't have respect for human lives. Enough bloodshed! What we also need to do is to offer help to the NTC so they immediately take over the government of the country, in accordance to the pledges they have been making. My meeting with the National Transitional Council (NTC) Chairman Mustafa Abdul Jalil in March and the consequent actions, including a liberal NTC draft constitution, make me hopeful that Libya's future is indeed in freedom, democracy and respect of Human Rights.”

It is on the Libyans to make decisions themselves and the UN must be ready to provide support if requested. It is also a duty of the region and Libya's neighbors to support the new Libyan government. The fall of Gaddafi should be a serious warning to Assad of Syria that he must immediately stop the violence against his own people.”