(Tomáš) Zdechovský

Tomáš Zdechovský is a member of the European Parliament since 1 July 2014 for "Křesťanská a demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová", which is aligned with the European People's Party. Zdechovský is elected on behalf of the Czech Republic.


Personal data

Czech Republic



National political party
Křesťanská a demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová

European Parliamentary Group
European People's Party


Main functions and occupations

Main functions and occupations
  • employee at the news magazine ChristNet.cz, from 2000 until 2005
  • member of the student chamber of the Council of Universities (SK UC), from 2001 until 2002
  • representative of the University of South Bohemia in the Student Chamber of the Council of Higher Education, from 2003 until 2004
  • establishment of Communication and PR agencies Commservis.com, the later Commservis.com, Ltd., 2004
  • consultant in Communication 1st Vice Chamber of Deputies, from July 2004 until June 2006
  • director and CEO from Commservis.com, Ltd., from September 2004 until 30 June 2014
  • consultant in communication and election campaign manager first vice-president 00-06-2006/00-11-2006
  • consultant in communication MPs and senators of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, 2006
  • crisis media adviser first deputy prime minister and minister for Regional Development, from January 2007 until February 2007
  • manager in PA region, advisor incumbent Governor, from February 2007 until December 2008
  • media consultant at the Office of the Government, 2009
  • media advisor to the Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Education, 2009
  • media advisor to the Ministry of the Interior, from September 2009 until April 2010
  • director of the company Brain2win, a company in brain training, 2011
  • director of WIFI Czech Republic, branches of the largest educational agency in Central Europe, 2011
  • member European Parliament, from 1 July 2014



Secondary education
  • secondary school in the General Ledeč Sázavou, 1998

Academic education
  • social pastoral assistant at the faculty of Theology, University of South Bohemia in the Czech Budejovice (two masters degrees), from 1998 until 2004
  • bachelor's degree social communcation (specializing in political communication, campaigns) at Pontificia University Salesiana, Facolta di Scienze della Comunicazione Sociale in Rome, from 2002 until 2003
  • Italian language at the Pontificia Studiorum University in Salesiana. Facolta Litterarum Christianarum et Classicarum, from the Institute Pontificium-tum Altioris Latinitatis in Rome, from 2002 until 2003
  • master's degree Media Studies and Journalism (specializing in crisis communication) at the The Faculty of Social Studies at Masaryk University in Brno, from 2004 until 2008




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