In Europe’s Shadow - An Evening with Robert Kaplan

Met dank overgenomen van J.C. (Hans) van Baalen i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 15 maart 2016, 16:11.

The ALDE Group in European Parliament, The European Network of the VVD, and VVD International in cooperation with The Hague Institute for Global Justice and publisher Unieboek|Het Spectrum was pleased to host Author Robert Kaplan for a discussion on his forthcoming book, In Europe’s Shadow.

Robert D. Kaplan is the bestselling author of 16 books on foreign affairs and travel that have been translated into many languages, including Asia’s Cauldron, The Revenge of Geography, Monsoon, The Coming Anarchy, and Balkan Ghosts.

He is a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security and a contributing editor at The Atlantic, where his work has appeared for three decades.

In Europe’s Shadow is a riveting journey through Romania, one of Europe’s frontier countries—and a potent examination of the forces that will determine Europe’s fate in the postmodern age. Kaplan illuminates the fusion of the Latin West and the Greek East that created Romania, a country he visited for the first time in the 1970s. Upon his return to Romania in 2013 and 2014, Kaplan found the country transformed yet again—now a traveler’s destination shaped by Western tastes, yet still emerging from the long shadows of Hitler and Stalin. In Europe’s Shadow is the story of an ideological and geographic frontier—and the book you must read in order to truly understand the crisis with Russia, and within Europe itself.

The lecture was preceded by welcome remarks from Dr. Abi Williams, President of The Hague Institute, and be followed by a contribution from Hans van Baalen, MEP and president of the ALDE Party, and a moderated discussion with the audience.

An Evening with Robert Kaplan on Soundcloud

The Hague Institute for Global Justice