Blog: Sustainability is finally becoming part of the way we fly!

Met dank overgenomen van V. (Violeta) Bulc i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 14 oktober 2016.

I am happy to welcome two outstanding achievements that will leave a sustainable mark in the field of transport and environment. The European Union has formally ratified the Paris Agreement, which is set to keep the global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius. On the other side of the big pond, for the first time ever, the international community agreed on a binding scheme to reduce CO2 emissions in a specific sector of the economy.

Autumn has started off strong for me and my team - I am happy to welcome two outstanding achievements that will leave a sustainable mark in the field of transport and environment. The European Union has formally ratified the Paris Agreement, which is set to keep the global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius. On the other side of the big pond, in Montreal, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) reached an unprecedented agreement, opening a new chapter in international aviation. For the first time ever, the international community agreed on a binding scheme to reduce CO2 emissions in a specific sector of the economy.

Like in Paris, the European Union was once again one of the key driving forces behind this agreement. The dedication of all EU countries shows our commitment to combat Climate Change, in line with the Paris agreement. European strength, solidarity, perseverance and leadership have come together to allow us to clinch this unprecedented deal.

During the Assembly in Montreal, I met with representatives from all key delegations, industry and non-governmental organisations where I discussed their concerns and how we could overcome them together.

On behalf of the EU I also renewed our partnership with ICAO, to provide further technical and financial assistance to support countries that need help to implement the scheme. We need as many countries on board and we must ensure that no country would be left behind.

But what does the agreement mean in practice?

The agreement provides for the establishment of GMBM scheme, which will oblige airlines to offset the growth of their CO2 emissions post 2020. This means that 80% of the emissions above 2020 levels will be offset by the scheme between 2021 and 2035. To do so, airlines will buy 'emission units', generated by projects reducing CO2 emissions in other sectors of the economy, for instance in the renewable energy sector.

There are two stages of the agreement's implementation. In its first phase between 2021 and 2026, 65 countries will participate on a voluntary basis. Let me highlight that this includes all EU Member States as well as 18 out of the top 20 states with the world's most extensive aviation activity. During its second phase between 2027 and 2035, participation will be mandatory for all countries, except for those with a small aviation sector, such as small island states.

The EU has consistently called for comprehensive and coordinated action to address the growth of aviation emissions. I am pleased that together we have made an important step towards a sustainable way of flying, and hope the same rate of success will follow in other transport sectors.



Zgodovinski korak k trajnostnemu načinu letenja

Jesen se je zame in za moje sodelavce začela odlično - vesela sem, da lahko pozdravim dva izjemna dosežka, ki bosta pustila trajnostni pečat na prometnem in okoljevarstvenem področju. Evropska unija je uradno ratificirala pariški podnebni sporazum, ki omejuje dvig globalne temperature na največ dve stopinji Celzija do konca stoletja. Na drugi strani luže, pa je Mednarodna organizacija za civilno letalstvo (ICAO) v Montrealu sprejela sporazum, ki odpira novo poglavje v mednarodnem letalskem prometu. Prvič v zgodovini, se je mednarodna skupnost dogovorila o zavezujoči shemi za zmanjšanje emisij CO2 v določenem sektorju gospodarstva.

Tako kot v Parizu, je bila Evropska unija ena izmed ključnih gonilnih sil tega sporazuma. Predanost vseh držav članic EU kaže našo zavezanost v boju proti podnebnim spremembam v skladu s pariškim sporazumom. Z evropskimi vrednotami, kot so trdnost, solidarnost, vztrajnost in vodstvo, smo skupaj dosegli izjemen dosežek.

Na skupščini v Montrealu sem se srečala s predstavniki ključnih delegacij, prometnega sektorja ter nevladnih organizacij, s katerimi smo razpravljali o problemih, in kako bi jih lahko premagali skupaj.

V imenu EU smo obnovili partnerstvo z ICAO, da bi zagotovili nadaljnjo tehnično in finančno podporo državam, ki potrebujejo pomoč pri izvajanju sheme. Zagotoviti moramo, da se v shemo vključi čim več držav, ter da nobena od njih ne bi bila zapostavljena.

Toda, kaj sporazum pomeni v praksi?

Sporazum predvideva uvedbo globalnih tržnih mehanizmov, ki bodo letalske družbe zavezali k nadomestitvi naraščanja emisij v letalskem prometu po letu 2020. Ukrep naj bi v obdobju 2021-2035 prispeval k 80-odstotnemu zmanjšanju emisij nad ravnmi v letu 2020. V ta namen bodo letalske družbe kupovale "emisijske enote", ustvarjene s projekti za zmanjšanje emisij CO2 v drugih sektorjih gospodarstva, na primer v sektorju obnovljivih virov energije.

Dogovor bo potekal v dveh obdobjih. V prvem obdobju med letoma 2021-2026 bo prostovoljno vključenih 64 držav. Naj izpostavim, da so med njimi vse države članice EU ter tudi 18 od 20 držav z najobsežnejšimi dejavnostmi v civilnem letalstvu na svetu. V drugem obdobju med letoma 2027-2035 bo udeležba obvezna za vse države, razen tiste z majhnim letalskim sektorjem, kot so na primer majhne otoške države. Shema bo veljala za zrakoplovne poti med državami, ki so vključene v dogovor, vsi letalski prevozniki pa bodo imeli enake obveznosti na enakih zrakoplovnih poteh.

EU se nenehno zavzema za globalno in usklajeno ukrepanje proti naraščanju CO2 emisij. Veseli me, da smo skupaj storili napreden korak k trajnostnemu načina letenja - enakih uspehov pa si v prihodnje želim tudi v drugih prometnih sektorjih.

