The Council of the People and the Bears: Vision of animal-inclusive democracies - Melanie Challenger

Met dank overgenomen van Partij voor de Dieren (PvdD) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 31 januari 2025, 12:47.

At the tail end of 2024, around 70 participants from 30 different countries gathered in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, for the annual Animal Politics World Conference.

This years’s theme was ‘Human - Wildlife Conflict: let’s coexist peacefully!

Keynote speaker Melanie Challenger gave a lecture on 'The Council of the People and the Bears: A vision of animal-inclusive democracies.'

Melanie is the co-director of Animals in the Room and Vice President of the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). She is a writer, specializing in ideas about nature.

As co-founder of Animals in the Room, she works on arts and tech-based models for representing non-human life in decision-making. She’s the author of How to be Animal and Animal Dignity (ed.), among other books.

Bears in the Room is a talk on how to bring the voices and perspectives of large carnivores and other animals into decision-making contexts that will directly impact them. Melanie will introduce a forthcoming pilot in Trentino Italy to represent the voices of bears in a participatory process around human-bear co-existence, and suggests ways forward for deliberation that includes other species in policy and social change.


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