Regionaal operationeel programma 2007-2013: "Lager Silesië" (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 26 februari 2008.
  • 1. 
    Dolnoslaskie Regional Operational Programme, Convergence objective, co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

[ Figures and graphics available in PDF and WORD PROCESSED ] [Image] [ Figures and graphics available in PDF and WORD PROCESSED ]

  • 2. 
    On 6 September 2007, the European Commission approved the regional development programme in the Lower-Silesian region in Poland for the period 2007-2013, entitled the "Regional Operational Programme for the Dolnoslaskie voivodship for 2007-2013". This programme involves Community support for Dolnoslaskie within the framework of the "Convergence" objective. The total budget of the programme is around EUR 1.56 billion and the Community investment through the ERDF amounts to EUR 1.21 billion (approximately 1.8 % of the total EU money to be spent in Poland under Cohesion policy 2007-2013).
  • 3. 
    The purpose and aim of the EU investment

The Dolnoslaskie Regional Operational Programme (ROP) is the region's first ever large-scale, coordinated, multi-annual and financially stable programme of development measures. Its strategic goals are to improve the region's competitiveness, social cohesion and accessibility, realise its unique economic and cultural potential and ensure a sustainable use of its environment. Consequently, the Dolnoslaskie ROP will become the region's most important instrument for making structural changes happen. It will also be an important tool for the delivery of the revised Lisbon Strategy. The Lisbon objectives allocation in the Programme is more than 40% of its ERDF budget.

The Strategic Goal of the Programme is to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of Dolnoslaskie and to increase the region's competitiveness while respecting principles of sustainable development.

  • 4. 
    The expected impact of the investment

The programme will ensure the creation of around 8 400 new jobs, of which 4 200 will be for women. 540 km of new sewerage pipelines will be constructed and 40 000 persons will get access to the waste water canalization. 250 000 persons will receive access to broadband Internet.

  • 5. 

The programme is structured according to the following priorities:

Priority 1: Growth of competitiveness of Dolnoslaskie enterprises ("Enterprises and Innovation")

The objective of the priority is the growth of the competitiveness of Dolnoslaskie enterprises mainly through activities supporting the development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) as well as strengthening and exploiting the potential of the Research and Development (R&D) sector. There will be direct and indirect SME financial support instruments. Difficulties in obtaining external commercial sources of financing and a limited amount of own funds are among the main barriers to the development of Dolnoslaskie enterprises, especially in the SME sector. Therefore, this priority will include support for the innovative investments of enterprises, including investments in the field of research and development activities. This will be through the purchase of fixed assets related to conducting R&D works in enterprises and support for revolving instruments financed for SMEs, especially the regional and local loan and guarantee funds. The application of the JEREMIE initiative is also allowed in this field. The other main area of intervention is cooperation between enterprises as well as between enterprises and R&D centres.

Priority 2: Development of the information society in Dolnoslaskie ("Information Society")

The main objective of the priority is to support the competitiveness of the region through the development of broadly understood regional and local infrastructure for the information society.

It will contribute to reducing disparities in the access and use of the Internet and other Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) between the Dolnoslaskie society and other regions of the European Union. It is also important to reduce existing differences occurring in the region, in particular between urban centres and rural areas. Subsidised projects concerning rural areas and small towns shall receive at least 38% of this priority.

Priority 3: Development of transport infrastructure in Dolnoslaskie ("Transport")

The main objective of this priority is the modernisation and development of the existing transport infrastructure so as to modernise transport networks with neighbouring regions and domestic connections, which will contribute to the development of areas of economic and tourism activity. This will ensure the connection of the regional road network with the national and international transport system. These actions aim at developing and improving mass transport, reducing its adverse effect on the environment, and overcoming barriers faced by the disabled. Subsidised projects concerning rural areas and small towns shall receive at least 38% of this priority.

Priority 4: Improvement of the natural environment and improvement of ecological and flood safety in Dolnoslaskie ("Environment and Ecological Safety")

The objective of the priority is the improvement of the quality of the environment, prevention of its degradation and conservation of the biodiversity and natural assets of Dolnoslaskie. At the same time the aim is the improvement of safety in the region through counteracting natural and technological risks and eliminating their effects as well as through supporting the rescue services operating in this field. Subsidised projects concerning rural areas and small towns shall receive at least 38% of this priority.

Priority 5: Environmentally friendly energy infrastructure in the region ("Energy")

The aim of the priority is the improvement of energy security of the region through modernising the energy distribution system to reduce losses and to ensure the security of energy supplies. Special attention will be also paid to decreasing the usage of solid fuels and taking into consideration environmental protection requirements in the process of energy production, including the use of renewable energy sources. Subsidised projects concerning rural areas and small towns shall receive at least 38% of this priority.

Priority 6: Exploitation and promotion of the Dolnoslaskie tourism and cultural spa potential ("Tourism and Culture")

The main objective of the priority is the improvement of competitiveness of tourism in Dolnoslaskie and the exploitation of its cultural and heritage potential to increase the attractiveness of the region in the national and international markets. The implementation of this priority will contribute to an increase in importance of tourism and culture as a factor influencing socio-economic development in the voivodship.

Priority 7: Dev elopment and modernisation of education infrastructure in Dolnoslaskie ("Education")

The main objective of the priority is the improvement in quality and effectiveness of the education and training system through investment in Dolnoslaskie's educational institutions.

The implementation of the objective will contribute, among other things, to enhancing the role of higher education institutions and preparing them to fulfil a key role in the process of establishing a competitive regional economy. This competitiveness will also be strengthened through an improvement in schools and institutions which operate within the education system as well as lifelong learning establishments, including centres that educate teachers and improve their professional skills. Subsidised projects concerning rural areas and small towns shall have at least a15% budget share for this priority.

Priority 8: Modernisation of health infrastructure in Dolnoslaskie ("Health")

The main objective of this priority is the enhancement of the quality of healthcare through increasing the standards of medical services and improving the accessibility of services provided by healthcare institutions. Actions undertaken will lead to a rationalisation of the network of healthcare institutions. This priority will not provide financing for the on-going activities of the sector.

Priority 9: Rehabilitation of degraded urban areas in Dolnoslaskie ("Towns")

The main objective of the priority is the prevention of marginalisation of urban areas in Dolnoslaskie where negative socio-economic phenomena are intensifying and the physical condition of the environment is subject to degradation. Actions undertaken within this priority will lead to the renovation of the most degraded urban areas and the enhancement of socio-economic structures. Priority will be given in particular to integrated solutions dealing in a comprehensive way with social and environmental problems.

Priority 10 : Technical Assistance

The objective of this priority is to increase the possibilities of absorption of resources from the Structural Funds within the Regional Operational Programme in Dolnoslaskie. This will be achieved through supporting the efficient and effective implementation of the ROP. The priority will also allow for financing the preparations for the next programming period.

  • 6. 
    Managing Authority: Marshal's Office of the Dolnoslaskie voivodship

Contact: Mr Ireneusz Ratuszniak

Department of the regional development

Marshal's Office of the Dolnoslaskie voivodship

ul. Wybrze?e S?owackiego 12-14

PL-50-411 Wroc?aw

Tel. + 48 71 776 9335 Fax.+ 48 71 776 9003



  • 7. 
    Title: "Regional Operational Programme for Dolnoslaskie voivodship", programme under the Convergence objective

Intervention type: Operational Programme

CCI No.: 2007PL161PO005

No. of decision: C/07/4207

Final approval date: 04/09/2007

  • 8. 
    Breakdown of Finances by priority (in euros)


Community Funding

National counterpart

Total funding

1.Enterprises and Innovation

309 842 736

151 249 296

461 092 032

  • 2. 
    Information society



97 051 591

22 835 668

119 887 259


227 950 624

45 512 610

273 463 234

4.Environment and Ecological Safety

128 759 928

23 311 076

152 071 004

  • 5. 



36 394 347

11 649 756

48 044 103

  • 6. 
    Tourism and Culture



108 479 487

26 540 377

135 019 864

  • 7. 



99 050 316

21 047 342

120 097 658

  • 8. 



52 722 970

11 888 513

64 611 483

  • 9. 



106 867 090

25 800 021

132 667 111

  • 10. 
    Technical Assistance



46 025 790

8 122 199

54 147 989


1 213 144 879

347 956 858

1 561 101 737