Regionaal operationeel programma 2007-2013: "Groter Polen" (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 26 februari 2008.

[Graphic in PDF & Word format]

  • 1. 
    Wielkopolskie Regional Operational Programme, Convergence objective, co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
  • 2. 
    On 6 September 2007 , the European Commission approved the regional development programme in the Wielkopolskie region in Poland for the period 2007-2013, entitled the "Regional Operational Programme for the Wielkopolskie for 2007-2013". This programme involves Community support for Wielkopolskie within the framework of the "Convergence" objective. The total budget of the programme is €1 639 800 809 and the Community investment through the ERDF amounts to € 1 272 792 644 (approximately 1.8 % of the total EU money to be spent in Poland under Cohesion policy 2007-2013).
  • 3. 
    The purpose and aim of the EU investment

The Wielkopolskie Regional Operational Programme (ROP) is the region's first ever large-scale, coordinated, multi-annual and financially stable programme of development measures. Its strategic goal is to improve the region's competitiveness, social cohesion and accessibility and realise its unique economic and cultural potential and ensure the sustainable use of its environment. Consequently, the Wielkopolskie ROP will become the region's most important instrument for making structural changes happen. It will also be an important tool for the delivery of the revised Lisbon Strategy. The Lisbon objectives allocation in the Programme is more than 40% of its ERDF budget.

  • 4. 
    The expected impact of the investment

The programme will ensure the creation of around 10 000 new jobs, of which 5800 will be for women. 250 km of new roads will be constructed and 750 km will be renovated. 500 000 persons will receive access to broadband internet.

  • 5. 

The programme is structured according to the following priorities:

Priority 1: Competitiveness of enterprises

The main objective of this priority will be realized in the region by measures aimed at strengthening SMEs' potential, their innovativeness, cooperative connections and links to science. Another area of support consists of assistance to business environment institutions, which offer a variety of services such as information, consulting, training courses, financial assistance, technological support and also the support during the start-up phase of enterprise incubating. To reinforce assistance to financial entrepreneurship the possibility of creating and developing financial instruments is also envisaged including the use of the JEREMIE initiative.

Priority 2: Communication infrastructure

The unlimited exchange of goods, services, people and information is a basic factor shaping competitiveness of the region. Wielkopolske, in comparison to other regions of the European Union, is a region with low standard and quality of roads, railways, air-transport, mass transport, communication and IT infrastructure. This situation has a significant impact on competitiveness and investment attractiveness and thus job creation. The spatial differentiation of access to particular types of infrastructure is one of the main reasons for the intraregional economic divide, which is the most important reason for the marginalization of particular parts of the region and certain groups of inhabitants. One of the consequences of this problem is that it results in a sub-optimal exploitation of regional development potential.

Priority 3: Environment

Making the Wielkopolske voivodship, in accordance with the renewed Lisbon Strategy, an attractive place for investments and work, is impossible without an increase in the quality of the environment. The bad condition of the environment and non-rational use of its resources are the most important factors limiting competitiveness of the region. This priority is a complex proposition for improving the condition of the region's environment.

Priority 4: Revitalization of problem areas

This priority aims at strengthening selected areas where there is a concentration of problems or where the existing potential is incorrectly or inefficiently used. Measures undertaken in the framework of this priority will comprise two fields of intervention: renewal of (parts of) towns and degraded post-military and post-industrial areas.

Priority 5: Infrastructure for human capital

A diagnosis of the education system in Wielkopolskie has shown that the structure of population over 15 years of age is dominated by persons with primary and secondary vocational education. This is particularly visible in small towns and villages. Better education structure is observed in Pozna?, poviat towns and throughout the poviat of Pozna?. Due to the shape of the transport infrastructure and economic preconditions, these centres are not always available for people from other locations. Such scattering of human capital conditions the economic potential of each region.

Priority 6: Tourism and cultural environment

The diversity of tourist and cultural attractions in Wielkopolskie is an important, yet not fully used development potential. To make the most of it, it is necessary to improve the poor condition of infrastructure and to understand the importance of nature and culture for the economic growth and creation of new jobs. The emphasis will be put on projects aiming at expanding tourism infrastructure (both technical and institutional) and employing cultural potential for tourism and for the economic development of the region.

Priority 7: Technical assistance

The objective of this priority is to increase the possibilities of absorption of resources from the Structural Funds within the Regional Operational Programme in Wielkopolskie. This will be achieved through supporting the efficient and effective implementation of the ROP (including communication activities). The priority will also allow for financing the preparations for the next programming period.

  • 6. 
    Managing Authority: Marshal's Office of the Wielkopolskie voivodship

Contact: Mr Grzegorz Potrzebowski

Departament of the regional policy

Marshal's Office of the Wielkopolskie voivodship

al. Niepodleg?o[ci 18

PL-61-713 Pozna?

Tel.: + 48 61 854 17 88

Fax.: + 48 61 854 17 85


  • 7. 
    Title: "Regional Operational Programme for Wielkopolskie", programme under the Convergence objective

Intervention type: Operational Programme

CCI No.: 2007PL161PO017

No. of decision: C/07/4205

Final approval date: 04/09/2007

  • 8. 
    Breakdown of Finances by priority area (in euros)

Priority area

Community Funding

National counterpart

  • 1. 
    Competitiveness of enterprises



328 887 000

147 010 705

  • 2. 
    Communication infrastructure



493 361 547

105 851 440

  • 3. 



173 821 000

34 848 635

  • 4. 
    Revitalization of problem areas



54 060 000

15 744 706

  • 5. 
    Infrastructure for human capital



121 284 097

36 182 679

  • 6. 
    Tourism and cultural environment



61 470 000

27 370 000

  • 7. 
    Technical assistance



39 909 000



1 272 792 644

367 008 165