Regio's benadrukken eigen identiteit binnen Europa (en) - Hoofdinhoud
The Committee of the Regions i (CoR) believes that the basic principle underlying the process of European integration is respect for and the promotion of cultural diversity. Intercultural dialogue is a key instrument in promoting understanding of cultural diversity, that strengthens and unites people in a multilingual, multicultural Europe. The CoR opinion entitled "Integration policy and intercultural dialogue" was prepared at the request of the French EU presidency i and adopted at the plenary session on 26 November.
The CoR believes that local and regional authorities have important expertise in promoting intercultural dialogue. They bear a major responsibility for shaping and supporting our rich variety of cultures. They have a key role in disseminating and applying best practices and sharing experiences, while promoting mutual understanding and respect for differences.
"Organisations of different beliefs are fundamental actors in our society. At local and regional levels, public and religious authorities are in a position to develop together working methods for promoting mutual understanding".
The CoR rapporteur, Milan Belica (SK/PPE), President of the Nitra self-governing region, underlines the role of intercultural dialogue in the integration of immigrants, arguing that "dialogue between different religions and world views is one of the major tools for sustainable intercultural dialogue. We need to ensure that cultural differences do not provoke disharmony but instead become a tool of development, and an instrument for strengthening tolerance and uniting populations. Local media can strengthen the adaptability of the host country population, raising intercultural awareness and knowledge."
The Committee considers “local and regional authorities are at the front line when it comes to migration policy, because many of the services that are important for a successful integration such as housing, healthcare, education, learning programmes for skills and languages, are provided at the local and regional level.
The opinion was approved on the closing day of the CoR's forum entitled: "Intercultural dialogue at the heart of Europe's cities and regions" (click here for programme) which was co-organised with the European Commission during the current Year of Intercultural Dialogue.
For more information, please contact:
Athénais Cazalis de Fondouce
+32 0)2 282 24 47
+32 (0)2 282 20 85
Renate Kohl-Wachter
+32 0)2 282 23 57
+32 (0)2 282 20 85