Besluit nr. 2/82 van de Gemengde Commissie EEG- Oostenrijk - gemeenschappelijk douanevervoer - van 27 oktober 1982 houdende wijziging van de Overeenkomst met Oostenrijk over de toepassing van de voorschriften inzake gemeenschappelijk douanevervoer

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Stand van zaken

Deze overig was geldig van 1 januari 1983 tot 31 december 1994.



officiële titel

Besluit nr. 2/82 van de Gemengde Commissie EEG- Oostenrijk - communautair douanevervoer - van 27 oktober 1982 houdende wijziging van de Overeenkomst tussen de Europese Economische Gemeenschap en de Republiek Oostenrijk over de toepassing van de voorschriften inzake communautair douanevervoer

officiële Engelstalige titel

Decision No 2/82 of the EEC-Austria Joint Committee - Community transit - of 27 October 1982 amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Austria on the application of the rules on Community transit
Rechtsinstrument Overig
Celex-nummer i 21982D1216(01)


Key dates

Document 27-10-1982
Bekendmaking in Publicatieblad 16-12-1982; PB L 355 p. 47-50
Ondertekening 27-10-1982; Brussel
Inwerkingtreding 01-01-1983; in werking zie art 5
Einde geldigheid 31-12-1994; zie 272A1130(01)



Avis juridique important




Decision No 2/82 of the EEC-Austria Joint Committee - Community transit - of 27 October 1982 amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Austria on the application of the rules on Community transit

Official Journal L 355 , 16/12/1982 P. 0047 - 0050

DECISION No 2/82 OF THE EEC-AUSTRIA JOINT COMMITTEE - Community transit - of 27 October 1982 amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Austria on the application of the rules on Community transit


Having regard to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Austria on the application of rules on Community transit, and in particular Article 16 (3) (a) and (b) thereof,

Whereas the Regulation on Community transit has undergone certain technical amendments in particular for the purpose of deleting references to the TIF document, the time limit for producing the goods, the conditions governing the release of the guarantor from his obligations, and the exemption from guarantee for air traffic;

Whereas moreover the Regulation on provisions for the implementation of the Community transit procedure and for certain simplifications of that procedure has also undergone certain technical amendments, in particular the deletion of the list of airline companies exempt from a Community transit guarantee, and concerning the measures made necessary by the abolition of the DD 3 movement certificate and the stamping of international consignment notes which accompany consignments dispatched under cover of T documents;

Whereas the said Regulations are set out in Appendices I and II to the Agreement ; whereas these Appendices should, therefore, be amended;

Whereas these amendments make it necessary to amend the Agreement itself in certain respects;

Whereas Decision No 2/78 of the Joint Committee added to the Agreement an Appendix II A relating to the introduction, on an experimental basis, of a Community transit declaration form for use in an automatic or electronic data-processing system ; whereas this Appendix II A was amended by Decision No 2/79 ; whereas the said Decisions apply until 31 December 1982;

Whereas it has been found necessary to provide for use of the said form beyond that date ; whereas the term of validity of the aforementioned Decisions should, therefore, be extended,


Article 1

The Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Austria on the application of the rules on Community transit is hereby amended as follows:

Article 13 (1) shall be replaced by the following:

"1. The provisions set out in square brackets in Appendices I and II and listed below shall not apply:

Appendix I:

Article 1 (4) and (5) ; Article 2 (2), second subparagraph ; Articles 3, 4 and 10 ; Article 12 (1), last sentence ; Article 22 (1), last sentence ; Articles 26 (2), 29 and 30 (3) ; Article 32 (1), second subparagraph, and (3) ; Article 39 (1), last sentence ; Articles 41, 44 (1) and (2), 47, 48 (2), 50 to 53 and 55 to 61;

Appendix II:

Article 1 (3), (6), first sentence, and (9) ; Articles 2 (11), 4, 7 (3), 10 to 14, 15 (2) and 22 ; Article 24 (5), second subparagraph, last sentence ; Articles 27 to 34, 35 (a), 42 (2) and (4) and 50 (a) ; Article 50i (2), (3), (3a), second subparagraph, second sentence and (5) ; Article 51 ; Article 54, second paragraph ; Articles 68 (1), 68a to 68d and 74.

However, the provisions of Articles 4, 41, 44 (1) and (2), 47 and 50 to 53 of Appendix I and of Article 24 (5), second subparagraph, last sentence, Articles 27 to 34, 35 (a), 42 (2) and (4), 50 (a), 50i (2), (3), (3a) second subparagraph, second sentence, and (5), Article 51, Article 54, second paragraph, Articles 68 (1), 68a to 68d and 74 of Appendix II shall continue to apply in the Member States."

Article 2

Appendix I to the Agreement is hereby amended as...

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