(Andrey) Kovatchev - Hoofdinhoud
Andrey Kovatchev is a member of the European Parliament since 24 August 2009 for "Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria", which is aligned with the European People's Party. Kovatchev is elected on behalf of Bulgaria.
CountryBulgaria National political party
Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria
European Parliamentary Group
European People's Party Main functions and occupations
-University assistant, from 1995 until 1998
-Traineeship at the European Parliament, 1998
-Commercial director at Alfa Laval Agri, from 1998 until 2002
-Area commercial manager for John Deere, from 2002 until 2004
-Regional director for Elsevier, from 2004 until 2009
-Vice-chairman of the Committee on foreign policy and European affairs within the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (GERB) party, from 2007
-member European Parliament, from 24 August 2009
-Degree in Biology from Saarland University, Germany, from 1990 until 1995
-Doctor of Natural Sciences, Saarland University, Germany, from 1995 until 1998
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