Globaliseringsfonds: EP-begrotingscommissie steunt hulp aan Ierse werknemers (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 27 oktober 2010, 9:41.

An application from Ireland for EU funding for 850 workers who lost their jobs in the aircraft maintenance industry in and around Dublin was approved by the European Parliament's Budgets Committee on Tuesday and now just requires final approval by the full Parliament and the Council of Ministers.

Ireland, like many other European countries, suffers heavily from the economic crisis. It has requested assistance in respect of 850 redundancies in the company SR Technics Ireland Ltd, operating in the air transport sector in the Dublin region. The total amount of EU funding earmarked for these workers is €7 445 863. 

Although there was a broad trend even before the financial and economic crisis for airlines to reduce their costs by outsourcing maintenance work to suppliers in lower-cost countries, these job losses were triggered by the onset of the crisis, which led airlines to pursue cost-cutting more vigorously.

The package of EGF i assistance for the former workers of SR Technics will help 850 of the most disadvantaged workers back into employment by offering them: guidance and training, both in and outside the workplace, education and promotion of entrepreneurship and self-employment. The total estimated cost of the package is almost €11.5 million, of which the European Union has been asked to provide EGF assistance of €7.4 million.

Following the green light by the committee, the full Parliament will vote on the proposals in November in Brussels and the Council of Ministers then has to give its final approval.

The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) was established to provide additional support for workers made redundant as a result of major structural changes in world trade patterns due to globalisation or the financial crisis and to assist them with their reintegration into the labour market. The annual ceiling of the fund is €500 million.


In the chair : Alain LAMASSOURE (EPP, FR)