Wilders to Dutch Prime Minister: Distance yourself publicly of OIC statements

Met dank overgenomen van G. (Geert) Wilders i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 6 juli 2011.

Written Parliamentary questions of Geert Wilders MP (PVV) to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs about the statements of the OIC on Dutch politicians and the intimidating statement of the OIC secretary-general about me.


Have you seen the intimidating statement of the OIC Secretary General, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, about me and the OIC report “Fourth OIC observatory report on islamophobia” about statements made by various Dutch politicians?(*)


Do you agree that the OIC has vastly overstepped the boundaries with these intimidating statements and do you agree with me that a Dutch politician should have the right to criticise Islam and multiculturalism in a public debate, as was confirmed during my political trial by the court decision of June 23rd?


Are you prepared to explain to the OIC member countries that criticism of Islam and freedom of speech are essential in a democratic society under the rule of law? If not, why not?


Do you share the opinion that criticism, such as that of an organization like the OIC, is hypocrite and despicable given that the OIC in article 24 of its own Cairo Declaration on Human Rights explicitly states that all rights and freedoms are subject to Islamic Shari’ah law? If not, why not?


Are you prepared in the short term to distance yourself publicly in strong wordings of this report and of the intimidating statement of the OIC secretary general? If not, why not?


Will you make it clear once and for all to the OIC that the Netherlands will not accept to be lectured by an institution such as the OIC which makes human rights subject to the barbaric Shari’ah, and that we will not allow our fundamental freedoms and our freedom of speech to be restricted? If not, why not?


Are you prepared to answer these questions this week?

(*) http://www.oic-oci.org/topic_detail.asp?t_id=5464
