Deens voorzitterschap zal 25 jaar Erasmus-programma vieren op 9 mei (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 19 april 2012.

The Danish Presidency - Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation - in cooperation with the Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission intends to organise a conference on the 25th anniversary of the Erasmus Programme in Copenhagen on 9th May 2011.

The conference will be a one day event consisting of a plenary session in the morning followed by parallel workshops in the afternoon and a final plenary session later in the afternoon. In follow-up to the launch conference in Brussels in January 2012, the 66 Erasmus ambassadors worked on what should be the challenges for the future, from which they have drafted an 'Erasmus Manifesto' which sets out their vision of how the scheme can develop in future. They will present it during the conference in Copenhagen in May, where participants will discuss in workshops how to concretely implement this vision in the future. The results of these workshops will be discussed with the European Commission, European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.

In parallel to the Erasmus conference two free concerts are hosted in downtown Copenhagen. The two band playing are very popular upcoming Danish bands (Got You On Tape and Dig & Mig). While the music is playing a team of the Danish Erasmus national agency will be guiding eager and curious students in search of knowledge, challenges and adventure at the information stand about the possibilities the Erasmus programme offers.

Prior to the conference an Erasmus dinner will be held on 8th May 2012, which will include the ECTS and Diploma Supplement award ceremony with the reward of the 13 ECTS labels and 59 Diploma Supplement labels 2011.