Raad van de Europese Unie zet verdere lijnen Erasmus for All-programma uit (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 16 mei 2012.

On Thursday 11 May, the Council of the EU adopted a general approach on the new integrated Erasmus for All programme proposed by the European Commission. This will replace the current education, training and youth programmes for the 2014-2020 period, and add a new dimension, sport.

The Danish minister Christine Antorini said that the Commission objective of rationalising existing initiatives would provide greater clarity and make things work better. She also said that member states support this new programme, which aims to combine youth mobility and education. The programme demonstrates the importance of education in improving young people's employability, she added.

The Commissioner for education, culture, youth and multilingualism, Androulla Vassiliou i was delighted that there had been such broad consensus on the major programme points; that they had been able to focus on European added value and that the ministers had confirmed the three key programme action areas.

The Council nevertheless introduced some changes in the Commission’s proposal, notably the introduction of a separate youth chapter with a separate budget for youth. Commissioner Vassiliou emphasized that the innovative integrated approach of Erasmus for All must be preserved and that the distinction between the youth field and the other parts of the programme was in fact artificial. She welcomed the fact that the fundamental principles underpinning its proposal had been maintained in the Presidency compromise package. She also considered that the important budget allocation proposed for the programme will send a clear signal to young people and also to the adult learners that Europe is strongly committed and will have the means of tackling their problems.

Discussions did not broach the budget, which will be debated during the ongoing negotiations on the multiannual financial framework. The Commission has proposed providing the Erasmus for All programme with a budget of €19 billion for 2014-2020, which is a 70% increase compared to current spending.

More information

Council of the European Union, press release "Council meeting Education, Youth, Culture and Sport "