In memoriam Edith Mastenbroek

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Thijs) Berman i, gepubliceerd op maandag 27 augustus 2012, 2:25.

Afgelopen donderdag is oud-PvdA-Europarlementariër Edith Mastenbroek op 37-jarige leeftijd overleden. Lees hier de reactie van delegatieleider Thijs Berman.

Those of you who remember our former colleague Edith Mastenbroek will undoubtedly be just as shocked as we are, at the news of her unexpected passing last Thursday, 23rd of August. She was only 37.

Edith was a committed, flamboyant politician. She has been courageous and very active in our labour party in the Netherlands, the PvdA, aiming at renewal, and has given much of her energy combating discrimination in all its forms, in particular islamophobia. She also played an important role pleading for a just solution for the Palestine people.

Edith has been a Member of the European Parliament from 2004 till early 2008. More recently, she became a proud mother. She leaves a son, aged three.

Thijs Berman, MEP