EC-voorzitter Barroso zal plannen 2013 bespreken tijdens plenaire CvdR-vergadering (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 26 november 2012.

On 29 November, a few days after the EU Member States failed to reach an agreement on the EU budget, the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso i, will address the Committee of the Regions' (CoR) plenary session to present the European Commission's Work Programme and priorities for 2013.

CoR members will then adopt an opinion on the Common Strategic Framework for cohesion policy after 2014 drafted by Marek Woźniak (Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region, PL/EPP). MEP Lambert van Nistelrooij i, co-rapporteur on the same issue for the European Parliament, will also take part in the debate. Other relevant topics related to the future cohesion policy will also be discussed based on the opinions on the European Community led local development (Rapporteur Graham Garvie, Member of the Scottish Borders Council, UK/ALDE) and on the proposed European Code of Conduct on Partnership (Rapporteur Stanislaw Szwabski, Chairman of the Municipality of Gdynia, PL/EA).

On the basis of the opinion drafted by Alain Hutchinson (BE/PES), the controversial issue of the protection of workers temporarily posted abroad will also be among the main topics of debate. The opinion proposes a series of amendments to the European Commission's proposal to make sure that EU legislation offers appropriate social security and labour protection to posted workers.

Environmental issues will also heavily feature during the plenary discussions with four opinions up for adoption. Nilgun Canver (UK/PES) will present her opinion on the proposed 7th Environment Action Programme, which defines objectives for environmental policy and looks to improve implementation in Europe, thus supporting the Europe2020 objectives. Urve Erikson (EE/EA), Member of Tudulinna Municipality Council, will also present her opinion on "Priority substances in the field of water policy" on the second day of the plenary, following which Corrie McChord (UK/PES), Member of Stirling Council, will present for discussion his opinion on "The implementation of the Soil Thematic Strategy" for debate. On the same day the CoR recommendations as regards the EU Strategy towards a sustainable bioeconomy (rapporteur: Rogier van der Sande (NL/ALDE)) will also be put to vote.

The Plenary session will be held in the premises of the European Parliament on 29-30 November in Brussels.

The debates will be streamed live at on Thursday 29 November from 3 pm and Friday 30 November from 9 am.

For more information, please contact:

Pierluigi Boda

Tel.: +32 (0)2 282 2461

Mobile: +32 (0)473 85 17 43

Nathalie Vandelle

Tel: +32 (0)2 282 2499

Mobile: +32 (0)473 86 05 30

David French

Tel: +32 (0) 2 282 2535

Mobile: +32 (0) 473 85 47 59

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