Internationale conferentie over Europese structuurfondsen in de periode 2014-2020 (en) - Hoofdinhoud
On July 4-5 in Vilnius the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Commission will hold an international conference focussed on the programming and evaluation of the EU Structural Funds for 2014-2020.
This will be the opening event by the Ministry of Finance related to the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The conference will be opened by Minister of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania Rimantas Šadžius together with the European Commission's Deputy Director General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Zoltán Kazatsay. On the second day the participants will be welcomed by European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László Andor i.
The experts from Lithuania and abroad will discuss a new approach and requirements by the European Commission in the areas of intervention logic, monitoring and evaluation as well as the results of ex-ante evaluations of operational programmes of the upcoming period. Great attention will be given to the European Social Fund, as its role in employment, training and education as well as other social areas will increase due to the high rate of unemployment in Europe and the rise in risk of exclusion of certain social groups.
The organisers expect nearly 200 participants from Lithuania and 25 foreign countries, including the representatives of the Lithuanian and the European Commission’s authorities, academic society, evaluators, and other guests interested in the issues of the EU Structural Funds programming, monitoring and evaluation. This will be the fifth conference on the EU Structural Funds Evaluation organised by the Ministry of Finance in Lithuania (the first was held in 2005.).
The conference will be held in the Conference Centre at Radisson SAS Blu Lietuva Hotel, Vilnius (Konstitucijos ave. 20). More information is available here.