Conclusies Raad Landbouw en Visserij 15 juli 2013 (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 15 juli 2013.


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3253rd Council meeting Agriculture and Fisheries

Brussels, 15 July 2013

Minister for Agriculture of Lithuania


15 July 2013

Main results of the Council

The Presidency presented in public to the Council its work programme and priorities for agriculture andfisheries.

As regards agriculture, there was be a public debate on the state of play on the common agricultural policy (CAP) reform package after a political agreement was reached with the other EU institutions on the proposals for the direct payments regulation, the single common market organisation (CMO) regulation, the rural development regulation and the horizontal regulation.

Concerning fisheries issues, ministers reached an agreement for a full general approach on a proposal for the European maritime andfisheries fund (EMFF) within the framework of the common fisheries policy (CFP) reform package. This agreement on budgetary issues achieves the work initiated by the Council in October last year when a partial general approach was reached on technical aspects. This will enable the Council to start negotiations on the EMFF with the European Parliament during the Autumn. The Council confirmed also the political agreement on the two other proposed regulation of the CFP reform: basic provisions and market regulation.

The Commission then briefed the Council on a consultation for fishing opportunities 2014, outlining the state of the stocks, providing a limited overview of the economic performance of the EUfleet, a commitment to long-term plans management and to management in accordance with scientific advice.

Finally the ministers were briefed on mislabelling of beef products, the re-evaluation by EFSA of a neonicotinoid insecticide, the labelling of meat from animals slaughtered without stunning, Newcastle disease in Cyprus, food waste and North East Atlantic mackerel management.



15 July 2013



Presidency work programme...............................................................................................................8


Reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP)............................................................................10


Reform of the common fisheries policy (CFP) - European Maritime and Fisheries Fund................12

Fishing opportunities for 2014...........................................................................................................13

ANY OTHER BUSINESS.................................................................................................................15

Mislabelling of beef products............................................................................................................15

Risk assessment of an insecticide (fipronil).......................................................................................16

Animals slaughtered without stunning...............................................................................................17

Newcastle disease in Cyprus..............................................................................................................17

Food waste.........................................................................................................................................18

North East Altantic Mackerel management and trade measures.......................................................18

1 • Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks

  • • 
    Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's Internet site or may be obtained from the Press Office




  • EU fisheries reform: the Council confirms the political agreement......................................................................19

EU position at ICCAT...........................................................................................................................................19

  • Partnership agreement between EU and Comoros - Negotiations for agreement and protocol.............................20
  • Partnership agreement between EU and Mauritania - Amendment of fishing opportunities................................20


  • EU Special Representatives...................................................................................................................................21


  • Crisis Management Military' Exercise 2013..........................................................................................................21


  • Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage..................................................................................22
  • Cyprus - Green Line..............................................................................................................................................22


  • Republic of Guinea................................................................................................................................................22
  • Guinea-Bissau - appropriate measures..................................................................................................................23


  • Changes in the establishment plans of two agencies and the Court of Justice......................................................23
  • Mobilisation of the EU solidarity fund for Slovenia, Croatia and Austria............................................................23


  • Biocidal active substances - work programme extension......................................................................................23


  • Network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems...................................................24


  • Motor vehicles - UNECE agreement on harmonisation of technical regulations..................................................24


  • Antidumping - ironing boards...............................................................................................................................24




— Air services agreement with Sri Lanka*................................................................................................................25


— Authorisation of food additives and follow-on formulae......................................................................................25


Economic and Social Committee..........................................................................................................................26


15 July 2013




Mr Olivier BELLE Bulgaria:

Ms Valentina MARINOVA Czech Republic:

Ms Jaroslava BES SPALKOVA Denmark:



Mr Robert KLOOS


Mr Clyde KULL Ireland:

Mr Simon COVEY Greece:

Mr Dimitrios MELAS Spain:

Mr Miguel ARIAS CANETE France:




Mr Tihomir JAKOVINA Italy:

Mr Marco PERONACI Cyprus:



Mr Edvards SMIL TS


Mr Vigilijus JUKNA





Mr Endre KARDEVAN Malta:

Mr Roderick GALDES Mr Patrick R. MIFSUD

Minister-President of the Flemish Government and Flemish Minister for the Economy, Foreign Policy, Agriculture and Rural Policy Deputy Permanent Representative

Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Food

Deputy Minister for Agriculture

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries

State Secretary

Deputy Permanent Representative

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Secretary General for Rural Development and Food

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Environment

Minister with responsibility for Transport, Oceans and Fisheries, attached to the Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy Director General for Policies on Agriculture, Agri-food and Territories

Minister for Agriculture

Représentant Permanent adjoint

Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment

Parliamentary Secretary

Minister for Agriculture Deputy Minister for Agriculture

Minister for Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development, Minister for Sport, Minister with responsibility for Economic Solidarity

State Secretary

Parliamentary Secretary foe Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights

Deputy Permanent Representative


15 July 2013






Mr Stanslaw KALEMBA Kazimierz PLOCKE








Ms Magdaléna LACKO-BARTOSOVA Finland:

Mr Jari KOSKIN Sweden:


United Kingdom:



Minister for Agriculture

Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development State Secretary

State Secretary for Agriculture State Secretary of the Sea

State secretary, Ministry of Agriculture

Minister of Agriculture and the Environment

State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Minister for Rural Affairs

Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Minister for Environment and Climate Change


Mr Dacian CIOLOS Member

Mme Maria DAMAN AKI Member

M. Tonio BORG Member


15 July 2013

ITEMS DEBATED Presidency work programme

The Lithuanian Presidency gave a public presentation on its work programme in the agriculture and fisheries sectors

The agricultural policy priorities of the Presidency will include:

  • • 
    Seeking the completion of the work related to the approval and entry into force of the Common agriculture policy (CAP) reform package on the basis of the political agreement reached with the other EU institutions at the end of June this year;
  • • 
    Negotiating with the European Parliament and adopting a proposal that provides for the transitional CAP provisions in 2014 related with certain aspects of CAP reform entering into force in January 2015 in particular for direct payments and rural development;
  • • 
    Initiating the work on a proposal on information and promotion for agricultural products within and outside the EU, focusing on a more flexible response to the specific needs of different markets and the simplification of programme administration;
  • • 
    Initiating negotiations on a proposal for a Common organisation of the market organisation in the fruit and vegetable sector including better administration and implementation of measures in the fruit and vegetable sector, as related to the organisation of producers, their operating funds and programmes

The priorities of the Presidency for fisheries policy will focus on:

  • • 
    Reaching an agreement with the European Parliament on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) that will be used in 2014 to 2020 to fund the implementation of the new Common fisheries policy (CFP) on which a provisional agreement has been reached in May this year;


15 July 2013

  • • 
    Setting the total allowable catches (TACs) and the allocation of fishing quotas

with keeping in mind a goal for an economically and environmentally balanced political agreement on fishing opportunities for 2014 in the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, and other EU and non-EU waters;

  • • 
    Establishing long-term management plans following the Council's proposal to establish an inter-institutional Task Force to help find the most appropriate way forward on this issue, expressed in the CFP reform context in May 2013. The Presidency intends to go in this direction in order to find a solution, that would respect the legal views of both sides and facilitate the development and introduction of multi-annual plans under the new CFP;
  • • 
    Leading the preparation by the Council for sustainable fisheries partnership agreements with third countries, coastal states consultations and annual meetings of regional fisheries management organizations within the framework of the external dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy.

As regards food and veterinary issues the Presidency intends to:

  • • 
    Deepening the work on the proposal on a regulation laying down provisions for the management of expenditure relating to the food chain, animal health and animal welfare, and relating to plant health and plant reproductive material with a view of an agreement in 2014;
  • • 
    Continuing the work on the package of food chain legislation, including regulations on official control, on animal health, on protective measures against plant pests, and on the production and marketing of plant reproductive material.;

Finally on forests, the Presidency will focus on:

  • • 
    Preparing conclusions on the coordinated implementation of sustainable forest management principles in the Member States on the basis of a communication on the EU Forestry Strategy.

Seeking the adequate representation of the EU and its Member States in the resumed fourth session of the intergovernmental negotiating Committee and the extraordinary Ministerial Conference to be held in Madrid in the framework of negotiations on a legally binding agreement on Forests in Europe.



Reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP)

The Council held a public debate on the state of play of the CAP reform after a political agreement was reached last month with the European Parliament and the Commission on the whole CAP reform package {).

Several member states highlighted that further discussion on the outstanding issues linked to the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020 in the CAP reform package risks to unbalance the entire agreement on the CAP reform package; they considered that there is no more flexibility from the Council side on the MFF-related issues. Presidency however highlighted that further trilogues with the European Parliament on MFF-related issues cannot be excluded but considered that the mandate given to the Presidency by the Council is clear and reflects both the European Council conclusions of 7-8 February 2013 on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF)1 and the revised mandate agreed by the Council in June

Some outstanding issues linked to the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020 were not part of the political agreement on the CAP reform package reached at the concluding trilogue on 26 June 2013. Since then a general agreement was reached between EU institutions on the MFF 2014-2020. In addition, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (COMAGRI) of the European Parliament has indicated at its meeting on 8 July that MFF-related points and other outstanding issues should be considered open

The CAP reform package consists of four main texts:

  • • 
    the proposal for a regulation establishing rules for direct payments to farmers (direct payments regulation) (/11. /13 REV 1). The direct payment regulation seeks to better target support for specific actions, areas or beneficiaries, as well as to pave the way for convergence of the support level within and across member states;
  • • 
    the proposal for a regulation establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products (/11; /13 REV 1 + REV 1 ADD 1). The single common market organisation (CMO) regulation aims to streamline, expand and simplify the current provisions on public intervention, private storage, exceptional or emergency measures and aid to specific sectors, as well as to facilitate cooperation through producer and interbranch organisations;

1 Point 67.


15 July 2013

  • • 
    the proposal for a regulation on support for rural development (rural development regulation) (/11; /13 REV 1). The rural development regulation covers voluntary measures for rural development, adapted to national and regional specificities, whereby member states draw up and co-finance multiannual programmes under a common framework in cooperation with the EU;
  • • 
    the proposal for a regulation on the financing, management and monitoring of the CAP (horizontal regulation) (/11; /13 REV 1 + REV 1 ADD 1). The horizontal regulation lays down rules concerning expenditure, the farm advisory system, the management and control systems to be put in place by member states, the cross-compliance system and the clearance of accounts

The MFF issues include the financial provisions in the rural development regulation, the capping, external convergence and flexibility between pillars in the direct payments regulation, the crisis reserve and other provisions in the horizontal regulation



Reform of the common fisheries policy (CFP) - European Maritime and Fisheries Fund

The Council reached agreement on a full general approach on the proposal for a regulation on the European maritime and fisheries fund (EMFF) replacing the existing European fisheries fund (). This agreement achieves the work initiated in October last year when the Council adopted a general approach on the technical aspects of the proposal ().

The agreement specifically focussed on articles 15 to 17 covering budgetary resources under shared and direct management as well as financial distribution for shared management "allocation criteria" and article 101 on sanctions. Some of these outstanding issues had been left open pending a agreement on the Multi-annual financial framework (MFF) between EU institutions. Since then a general agreement was reached between EU institutions on the MFF 2014-2020

On the basis of this full general approach, the Council is now in a position to start negotiating with the European Parliament during the Autumn

The general objective of the EMFF is to support the implementation of the Common fisheries policy (CFP) and to further develop the EU's integrated maritime policy (FMP) by financing some of the priorities identified. It provides support to the main elements of the two other proposed regulations on the CFP reform

• proposal for a regulation on the CFP replacing the basic provisions of the CFP ():

• proposal for a regulation on the common organisation of the markets (CMO) in fishery and aquaculture products focussing on market policy issues ().

The Council confirmed today (See below in "Other items") the political agreement reached by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on the outstanding issues concerning these two proposals (. ).



15 July 2013

Fishing opportunities for 2014

The Council was briefed by the Commission and held an exchange of views on a communication concerning a consultation on fishing opportunities for 2014 ().

Most of the member states acknowledged the global improvement of the state of the fish resource. Concerning data-poor stocks, some delegations said they would prefer a case by case approach based on the existing total allowable catches (TACs)

During the discussion on fishing opportunities, several delegations referred to the agreement on CFP reform reached in June this year (See below in "Other items") where the establishment of TACS is now based on maximum sustainable yields (MSY) by 2015 where possible (e.g when scientific advice on the stocks was available in the necessary detail) and by 2020 at the latest

In general setting pluriannual plans was also considered essential by a majority of member states

The Communication sets out the general approach to be taken by the Commission in formulating its proposals for fishing opportunities 2014. The document outlines the state of the stocks, a limited overview of the economic performance of the EU fleet, the Commission's continued commitment to long-term plans management and to management in accordance with scientific advice

It offers some good news - an increase in stocks exploited at MSY levels, a decrease in overfishing and an improvement in the general knowledge about the state of stocks, a somewhat decreasing trend in fishing effort; however, some mixed news were conveyed as well, especially regarding stocks in the Celtic Sea, Black Sea and the Bay of Biscay and Iberian-Atlantic Area and fishing effort in Iberian-Atlantic Area

It is to note that management plans continue to be a key instrument in fisheries management and multi-stock management plans are the next step ahead

Furthermore, additional work is necessary into identifying the implications of the upcoming obligation to land all catches (agreed in the CFP reform context) on the adoption of fishing opportunities for the upcoming years


15 July 2013

The Communication outlines the proposed working method for proposing the Total allowable catches (TACs). Long-term management plans and international agreements will be directly implemented. For species for which International Council for the exploration of the seas (ICES) developed an MSY framework, the Commission intends to apply it directly. In addition, where indicative scientific advice exists, it should be used for setting the TACs. Last, but not the least, where there is no scientific advice, a precautionary approach is recommended. In this context, some adjustments will be made as compared to the past years:

• Regional advisory Councils (RAC) developed plans that have been positively evaluated by ICES and the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) will be followed;

• Where scientific advice allows for the setting of the TACs at a level that would allow attaining MSY before 2015 with no or small decrease, Commission will make such proposal

Another element introduced by the Communication is the intention to discontinue the last two years' practice of presenting two Commission proposals: one on internal stocks and another one on shared and international stocks. A single proposal will be presented instead in October

The Commission proposals for the Baltic and the Black Sea will be submitted to Council in September and November, respectively



15 July 2013

ANY OTHER BUSINESS Mislabelling of beef products

At the request of the Presidency, the Commission gave an updated overview of the current situation regarding food products containing horsemeat mislabelled as beef ().

Some delegations considered that mandatory labelling of origin of meat used as an ingredient of processed meat products could contribute positively to the re-establishment of consumers' confidence. Proposals could be done on the basis of the Commission report on labelling expected later this year. Others noted that the current cases of fraud would not have been prevented by more legislation

The Commission confirmed that the results of the extensive EU-wide testing in processed products did uncover widespread deceptive practices - essentially the unlabelled substitution of horsemeat for beef - which has had a significant impact on consumer trust. There are still ongoing criminal investigations in some member states. The Commission highlighted its efforts to fight and stamp out these fraudulent practices. In addition, it announced the publication of the report on labelling of the origin of meat used as an ingredient of processed meat products at the Autumn this year

Following the discovery in January in Ireland of the presence of horse traces in beef burgers, several other member states subsequently found horse meat in a range of processed beef products. A widespread fraud and mislabelling of certain processed meat products was suspected at this time. As a follow-up of an informal ministerial meeting in February this year, tests were performed in the member states to assess the extent of the use of horse meat in beef products, on the basis of a Commission recommendation establishing the conditions under which the tests should be performed


15 July 2013

Risk assessment of an insecticide (Fipronil)

At the request of the Dutch delegation, the Commission reported to the Council about an European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) risk assessment on a specific insecticide (fipronil) as regards bees health ().

Some member states supported the Dutch delegation asking the Commission to propose actions on the basis of this risk assessment while some other considered that further scientific advice should be sought before taking any action against the pesticides in question

The EFSA recently published a conclusion on the risk to bees from the substance Fipronil. This conclusion identified a high acute risk to bees from exposure to dust generated when maize seeds treated with products containing Fipronil are sown. On this basis the Commission has proposed measures concerning Fipronil which are being discussed with Member States in the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health (SCOFCAH)

These measures would limit the use of Fipronil to the treatment of seeds intended to be sown in greenhouses, and to seeds of leeks, onions and shallots intended to be sown in the field and harvested before flowering

This proposal follows a previous ban of certain pesticides under certain conditions. The ban was based on a EFSA risk assessment identifying a number of risks posed to bees by three pesticides from the neonicotinoid group (imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and clothianidin) used for certain crops


15 July 2013

Animals slaughtered without stunning

Ministers were briefed by the Netherlands on the issue of labelling of meat from animals slaughtered without stunning ().

Some member states supported the request from the Netherland which pointed out the importance of the study into informing consumers about stunning of animals announced by the Commission. On the basis of the results of this study, legal proposals could be presented by the Commission. Other delegations noted that it was not yet clear to what extent EU consumers were interested in receiving such information and that this study should integrate an evaluation of the economic consequences of such measures for the meat sector

The Commission reminded first that slaughter without stunning is only permitted under EU legislation in the context of slaughter prescribed by certain religious rites. Wishing to better identify the potential demand for transparency to enable consumers to choose to buy meat only from animals that have been stunned, the Commission decided - in the framework of the EU animal welfare strategy 2012-2015 - to launch a study on the possibility of providing consumers with information on the stunning of animals. This study is ongoing and its results are expected in April 2014

Newcastle disease in Cyprus

The Cyprus delegation briefed the Council on the consequences to the poultry sector following a outbreak of Newcastle disease in the island ().

The outbreak affected considerably the whole poultry sector in the island which had to implement strict sanitary measures in the contaminated farms to eradicate the disease. It affected also the consumer confidence in poultry products and comes at the same moment Cyprus faces an economic crisis

The Commission detailed the two type of actions which can be envisaged in this case at the EU level: firstly co-financed veterinary measures for the eradication of the disease and secondly support against disruption of the market. For the latter, precise economic data have to be submitted by Cyprus to the Commission



15 July 2013

Food waste

The Council was briefed by the Hungarian delegation of the importance for the EU of tackling with food waste as a follow-up of several high level events organised by the United Nations on the issue and the upcoming European Year against Food waste which will take place in 2014 ().

A lot of member states supported the request from the Hungarian delegation that the Commission should analyse the situation and possibly make recommendation on this issue

The Commission pointed out that there is a specific group from the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health (SCOFCAH) working precisely on this issue. It noted also that the Communication on sustainable food scheduled for the end of the year will take into account this issue. 2014 could officially become the year of the fight against food waste

North East Altantic Mackerel management and trade measures

Ireland, the United Kingdom, France and Spain asked the Commission to consider trade sanctions against Iceland and the Faroe Islands concerning the management of the North East Atlantic mackerel stock and the Atlanto-Scandian herring ().

Many member states supported the taking of such trade sanctions. However, ome delegations suggested exploring further possibilities to continue negotiations with Iceland and the Faroe Islands

Since 2008, there has been a recurring dispute on the management of the North-East Atlantic mackerel stock between the EU on one hand and Iceland and the Faroe Islands on the other. Iceland and the Faroe Islands have set unilateral fishing quotas, refusing previous sharing arrangements negotiated between the Coastal States (EU, Norway, Iceland, Faroe Islands). Furthermore, in March 2013 the Faroe Islands also set a unilateral quota for this year for Atlanto-Scandian herring. Both fish stocks are important for a number of member states, including the United Kingdom, Ireland and France

Concerning the Faroe Islands' step of setting a unilateral quota for the Atlanto-Scandian herring, the Commission indicated it has already initiated the process to impose trade measures which will be presented soon to the Council. As regards the mackerel stock the Commission is ready to initiate trade sanctions but is still open to explore any possibility to negotiate with Iceland and Faroe Islands

A legal instrument on trade sanctions to tackle this type of situation was adopted by the Council and the European Parliament in September 2012


15 July 2013


EU fisheries reform: the Council confirms the political agreement

The Council confirmed today the political agreement with the European Parliament on the two final compromise texts on the Common fisheries policy (CFP) reform:

• Proposal for a regulation on the CFP () replacing the basic provisions of the common fisheries (basic regulation);

• Proposal for a regulation on the common organisation of the markets (CMO) in fishery and aquaculture products (), focusing on market policy issues (market regulation);

The regulation on basic provisions of the CFP and the market regulation are two of the three texts of the CFP reform "package" together with the proposal on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) which will be discussed later this year between the EU institutions

For further details, see . EU position at ICCAT

The Council adopted a decision for the establishment of the EU position in the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) for the annual meeting of the ICCAT in December 2013. This regulation extends the application of the EU position (Council decision of 11 November 2008 amended in 2010) by another year

The ICCAT is an intergovernmental organisation responsible for the management and conservation of tuna and tuna-like species in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas


15 July 2013

Partnership agreement between EU and Comoros - Negotiations for agreement and protocol

The Council adopted a decision authorising the Commission to open negotiations on behalf of the EU for a fisheries partnership agreement (FPA) and its protocol with the Cook Islands

The FPA and its protocol between the EU and the Cooks Islands should be in line with the 19 March 2012 Council conclusions on the external dimension of the common fisheries policy. The agreement and its protocol would principally cover surpluses of tuna stocks and would stay in line with conservation measures adopted in Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)

Partnership agreement between EU and Mauritania - Amendment of fishing opportunities

The Council adopted an amendment to regulation on the allocation of the fishing opportunities provided for in the Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA) between the EU and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania ().

The FPA between the EU and Mauritania was concluded in 2006. The protocol to this FPA defines the fishing opportunities offered to EU vessels as well as the financial contribution due, separately, for access rights and for sectoral support. Following negotiations, a new protocol was initialled on 26 July 2012, with the previous protocol having expired on 31 July 2012. The new protocol covers a period of two years from the date of its signature



15 July 2013


EU Special Representatives

- Afghanistan

The Council extended the mandate of the EU Special Representative in Afghanistan until 30 June 2014. At the same time, it allocated a budget of EUR 6 585 000 for the period from 1 July 2013 until 30 June 2014. His role is to promote the views of the Union on the political process and developments in Afghanistan

- Sudan and South Sudan

The Council extended the mandate of Mrs Rosalind Marsden, EU Special Representative for Sudan and South Sudan, until 31 October 2013. A budget of EUR 690 000 has been allocated for the period from 1 July to 31 October 2013. The Special Representative contributes to the EU's objective of a peaceful coexistence between Sudan and South Sudan based on the principle of two viable, peaceful, and prosperous states

-African Union

The Council extended the mandate of the EU Special Representative to the African Union, Mr Gary Quince, for a final period of 12 months, i.e. until 30 June 2014. He is tasked with enhancing the EU's political dialogue and broader relationship with the African Union. EUR 585 000 are available for the period from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014


Crisis Management Military Exercise 2013

The Council approved the exercise specifications for the EU Crisis Management Military Exercise 2013 (MTLEX 13)



15 July 2013


Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage

The Council adopted a decision authorising certain member states1 to ratify, or to accede to, the Protocol amending the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage of 21 May 1963, in the interest of the European Union, and to make a declaration on the application of the relevant internal rules of Union law ().

GERAL AFFAIRS Cyprus - Green Line

The Council adopted a regulation amending special rules on the movement of goods crossing the Green Line in Cyprus in order to enable farmers from the remote Kato Pyrgos area to transport their products to the market in Nicosia ().

The regulation amends regulation that established a regime for goods, services and persons crossing the Green Line, i.e. the limit between those areas over which the government of Cyprus does and does not exercise effective control. It regulates the movement of goods taken out and back into areas under the effective control of the government, subsequent to the opening of an authorised crossing point at Kato Pyrgos-Karavostasi

Regulation was adopted in accordance with protocol 10 to the Act of Accession of Cyprus to the European Union


Republic of Guinea

The Council extended the application of the remaining EU appropriate measures against the Republic of Guinea until 19 July 2014 (). The measures were first imposed in July 2009, in view of the coup d'état in Guinea on 23 December 2008, which the EU considered a serious violation of democracy and the rule of law


Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia


15 July 2013

Guinea-Bissau - appropriate measures

The Council extended the application of EU appropriate measures against Guinea-Bissau until 19 July 2014 (). The measures were first imposed in July 2011, following the military mutiny of 1 April 2010 and the subsequent appointment of its main instigators to leading posts in the military hierarchy, which the EU considered a serious and evident breach of the essential elements of the Cotonou Agreement


Changes in the establishment plans of two agencies and the Court of Justice

The Council adopted its position on draft amending budget no 4 to the EU budget for 2013, accepting certain changes in the establishment plans of the European Agency for the global navigation satellite system (GNSS), the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the Court of Justice. All changes are budgetary neutral

Mobilisation of the EU solidarity fund for Slovenia, Croatia and Austria

The Council adopted its position on draft amending budget no 5 to the EU budget for 2013, mobilising EUR 14.6 million from the EU solidarity fund for Slovenia, Croatia and Austria hit by flooding disasters in October and November last year. An amount of EUR 14.08 million will be allocated to Slovenia, EUR 286587 to Croatia and EUR 240000 to Austria


Biocidal active substances - work programme extension

The Council decided not to object to a Commission delegated regulation amending regulation (EU) No as regards the duration of the work programme for examination of existing biocidal active substances (). The delegated act extends the duration of the work programme until 31 December 2024

The regulation is a delegated act pursuant to article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU. This means that now that the Council has given its consent, the act can enter into force, unless the European Parliament objects to it


15 July 2013


Network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems

The Council decided not to oppose the adoption by the Commission of a regulation establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and supplementing regulation (EC) No ().

The Commission regulation is subject to the so called regulatory procedure with scrutiny. This means that now that the Council has given its consent, the Commission may adopt it, unless the European Parliament objects


Motor vehicles - UNECE agreement on harmonisation of technical regulations

The Council authorised the Commission to negotiate, on behalf of the EU, the review of the Agreement of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for the reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these prescriptions ('Revised 1958 Agreement')


Antidumping - ironing boards

The Council adopted a regulation imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of ironing boards originating in China and repealing the anti-dumping measures on imports of ironing boards originating in Ukraine ().

GATT - Croatia

The Council adopted a decision authorising the Commission to open negotiations under the WTO's General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) following the accession of Cyprus to the European Union in order to establish a new tariff schedule for the EU of 28 member states



15 July 2013


Air services agreement with Sri Lanka*

The Council authorised the conclusion of an agreement on certain aspects of air services with Sri Lanka (Council decision: ; text of agreement: ).

The agreement, which was signed in September 2012, supersedes or complements the existing bilateral agreements that individual EU member states have with Sri Lanka, bringing their provisions into line with EU law. The issues covered include in particular competition rules and non-discriminatory access of all EU air carriers to routes between the EU and Sri Lanka


Authorisation of food additives and follow-on formulae

The Council decided not to oppose the adoption of the following Commission's regulations and directive:

• regulation amending annex II to regulation authorising stigmasterol-rich plant sterols as a stabiliser in ready-to-freeze alcoholic cocktails and assigning E 499 as an E-number to that food additive ();

• regulation amending annex III to regulation authorising the use of Sucrose esters of fatty acids (E 473) as a food additive in flavourings for water based clear flavoured drinks ();

• regulation amending annex II to regulation authorising the use of neutral methacrylate copolymer and anionic methacrylate copolymer in solid food supplements ();

• regulation amending annex II to regulation authorising the use of several additives in seaweed based fish product analogues ();


15 July 2013

• directive amending directive /EC authorising follow-on formulae based on hydrolysed whey protein with a protein content of 1.9 g/100 kcal (0.47g/100 kJ) ():

• regulation amending annex II and III to regulation and the annex to regulation authorising the use of octenyl succinic acid modified gum arabic in the food categories applied for and to assign number E 423 to that food additive ().

The Commission regulations and directive are subject to the so called regulatory procedure with scrutiny. This means that now that the Council has given its consent, the Commission may adopt them, unless the European Parliament objects


Economic and Social Committee

The Council appointed Mr Timo VUORI and Ms Marianne MUONA (Finland), as a members of the European Economic and Social Committee for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 20 September 2015 ().