Book Launch with Eric Lowitt, October 16th 18.00h-19.15h

Met dank overgenomen van J.A. (Judith) MerkiesĀ i, gepubliceerd op maandag 14 oktober 2013, 0:13.
Book Launch with Eric Lowitt, October 16th 18.00h-19.15h
Bron: Blog Judith Merkies

This Wednesday I will host the book launch: 'The Collaboration Economy' on new business models for sustainable growth. On behalf of author Eric Lowitt and vice-president the of the Parliament Alexander Alvaro, you are kindly invited to attend the event.

Earlier on, I wrote an article in The Guardian with Eric Lowitt on the leasing society. Find it here. Please find the program and the invitation below.

18.05: Welcome by vice-president Alexander Alvaro MEP

18.15: Introduction by Judith Merkies MEP

18.25: Book Launch, speech by Eric Lowitt

18.45-19.15: Discussion

Registrations via

Book Launch with Eric Lowitt, October 16th 18.00h-19.15h
Bron: Blog Judith Merkies