(Pascal) Arimont - Hoofdinhoud
Pascal Arimont is a member of the European Parliament since 1 July 2014 for the "Christlich Soziale Partei", which is aligned with the European People's Party. Arimont is elected on behalf of Belgium.
Belgium National political party
Christlich Soziale Partei
European Parliamentary Group
European People's Party Main functions and occupations
-assistant to the CSP group in the European Parliament, from 1998 until 2002
-lawyer, from 2002 until 2006
-member of the Provincial Council of Liège, from 2006 until 2009
-member of the Parliament of the German-speaking Community, from 2009 until 2014
-member European Parliament, from 1 July 2014
-chair of the CSP group in the Parliament of the German-speaking Community, from 2009 until 2014
-licentiate classical philology at the University of Liège, 1996
-bachelorstudies law at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
-master in European Studies at the RWTH Aachen
-master at the Catholic University Leuven, 2002
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