(Costas) Mavrides - Hoofdinhoud
Costas Mavrides is a member of the European Parliament since 1 July 2014 for the "Democratic Party", which is aligned with the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats. Mavrides is elected on behalf of Cyprus.
Cyprus National political party
Democratic Party
European Parliamentary Group
Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Main functions and occupations
-Worked at the House of Representatives
-Worked at the Ministry of Labour
-Teacher at various universities in the USA
-Teacher at various universities in Cyprus and Greece
-member European Parliament, from 1 July 2014
-Member of the executive board of the Democratic Party, from 10 February 2014
-Pancyprian Gymnasium
Academic education
-Bsc Accounting/Finance Foundation
-Msc Economics at Rutgers University
-PhD in Management (Finance) in Houston, Texas
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