ITN call results - Hoofdinhoud
MSCA networks set the competition high for applicants, as it closes with an anticipated success rate of 7%. 1,567 project proposals were received, showing an increase in submission of 35% compared to the same call last year. With a budget of €370 million it is expected to fund about 115 projects supporting over 1,400 young researchers.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN) aim to train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers. With a budget of € 370 million, ITN will support the European Training Networks (ETN) with €317 million, the European Joint Doctorates (EJD) with €25 million and the European Industrial Doctorates (EID) with €28 million.
'The registration trend suggested an increase in submission. This was validated by the 1,567 project proposals submitted, 35% above the figure of the previous ITN call in 2014. This confirms a growing interest for this early-stage research, bottom-up scheme' says the call coordinator Olivier Pastre.
The breakdown of submission figures shows that ETN has been the most popular scheme (1,320 project proposals, 84%), followed by EID (159 proposals, 10%) and EJD (88 proposals, 6%).
Evaluation of the research proposals will start in February 2015. All Grant Agreements are expected to be signed by September 2015.
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