Blog: Energy Union for all - join the chat with @Maroš Šefčovič

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Maroš) Sefčovič i, gepubliceerd op maandag 23 februari 2015.

Twitter chat on February 26: the European #EnergyUnion

Invitation to #EnergyUnionChat

Video of Invitation to #EnergyUnionChat

You may have heard recently that we are working towards a resilient #EnergyUnion with a forward looking Climate Change policy.

.… but what does this mean? What are the implications for you, as a European citizen? Do you pay electricity bills, or does somebody from your family?

Could we in the European Union have lower energy bills for households and companies?

How could we change supply and cut down our dependency on gas from the East?

What are the plans for the European Union to become number one in renewables?

What are the next steps?

On February 26, I will host a Twitter Chat to answer your questions directly. I want to hear from you; your insights and opinions will help us to make sustainable steps towards affordable, secure, competitive and sustainable energy to all.

Send me your questions using the hashtag #EnergyUnionChat now - we have already begun gathering them! I will answer as many as possible from 13:30 - 14:30 (CET) 26/02/2015.

I'm looking forward to your tweets.


PS: for background information check and our dedicated event on Facebook