Blog: Earth Hour 2015 - Will you use #YourPower to fight climate change?

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Maroš) Sefčovič i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 25 maart 2015.

The Vice President of the European Commmission for Energy Union, Maroš Šefčovič, will switch off the lights for Earth Hour 2015 and sends a message to fight climate change.

Earth Hour 2015 - Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the European Commission

Video of Earth Hour 2015 - Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the European Commission

On Saturday evening, 28th of March at exactly 20:30 I will be sitting in the dark. So will many of my colleagues at the European Commission. So will millions of people across Europe and around the world. By sitting in the dark they will send a message of enlightenment, a message that urgent change is needed.


Because global warming is having devastating effects on our planet, on animals, on humans:

Natural disasters are increasing in frequency and severity.

Our ecological system is being disrupted.

Climate change is having severe impacts on human health and on our economy.

It causes entire populations to migrate in search of new resources, sometimes forcing them into conflict.

But wait! We can still change climate change!


By using our power.

I'm asking you to turn off the light for just one hour in order to send a message:

A message to your friends and family that you care about climate change and hope they do too!

A message to your local and national decision makers - that you expect them to prescribe forward-looking climate change policies.

A message to me, Vice President of the European Commission for Energy Union, and to my colleagues in the Commission - that you support our attempts to reduce Europe's greenhouse gas emissions.

By 2030, the EU aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40%, boost renewable energy by at least 27%, and improve energy efficiency by at least 27%. We will do so by increasing energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.

I will use my power to fight climate change.

Will you use yours?

Watch the video:

Read more about WWF's Earth Hour here: