MEP reacts to legislative proposal revising the EU emissions trading system

Met dank overgenomen van G.J.M. (Gerben-Jan) Gerbrandy i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 15 juli 2015.

Today the European Commission put forward a legislative proposal revising the Directive on the EU´s carbon market, the EU emissions trading system (EU ETS). Dutch Member of the European Parliament Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy (ALDE/D66) responds:

"I much welcome this timely launch of the EU's carbon market reform. We really needed to update the current system, but the Commission could have been more ambitious. You can see that the Commission has worked mainly within the very detailed guidelines set out by EU leaders instead of putting forward an independent progressive strategy. In the coming weeks I will assess the Commission's proposal closely. My attention will focus on boosting low-carbon innovation and a targeted approach to protect the competitiveness of the European industry."

"It is disappointing to see that power plants in Central and Eastern Europe can keep using an exception until 2030. We must ensure that the free allocation of carbon allowances to power plants in Central and Eastern Europe won't distort the Energy Union and the emerging European electricity sector. "