Volkswagen: formal investigation needed now; 'real driving emissions' tests must be implemented within six months

Met dank overgenomen van G.J.M. (Gerben-Jan) Gerbrandy i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 6 oktober 2015.

The Volkswagen scandal was today discussed by the European Parliament, following the tabling of an urgent oral question to the Commission to assess whether European testing regimes have also been affected. Liberals and Democrats in the European Parliament today call for a formal investigation into the EU's failure to enforce EU emission standards in spite of the fact that for years, both Member States and the Commission have been fully aware of misuse of the testing procedures. The Commission's own research body uncovered major gaps between the results of car emission tests and the real world in 2011, and the Commission has admitted to being aware of the risk of "defeat devices" being used in the EU. While current EU laws task the Member States with the testing of new cars, the Commission should not duck its responsibility for ensuring that rules are respected across the EU. Alongside a formal investigation, Liberal and Democrat MEPs on the European Parliament's Environment Committee have also called for real driving emissions test procedures which respect the legal emission limits for all vehicles to be fully in place within the next six months. The implementation of such tests was laid down in European law almost a decade ago.

Gerben - Jan Gerbrandy, ALDE Coordinator on the European Parliament's Environment Committee commented today:

"The European Commission's own research body uncovered the major gap between the results of car emission tests and the real world in 2011. We must get an explanation from Commissioner Bienkowska for the Commission's failure to act on this information. Why haven't investigations and infringement procedures been launched to end this blatant betrayal of consumers? Why are we still waiting for new car emissions tests? We call for an investigation into the Commission's failure to intervene."

"European Liberals and Democrats call for "Real Driving Emissions" tests, which respect the legal emission limits, to be fully implemented within six months. Moreover, an independent European type approval authority should be established, with the means to test car models independently."

"I am really surprised that the Commission wants to implement the new tests only in 2017, after so many years of preparation. Why give the industry two more years when it is technically already possible to revise the tests. By continuing to give unnecessary clemency to the car industry, the Commission keeps on making the same mistakes."

The parliamentary question tabled by MEPs today to the European Commission can be found here.