Monday 5 - Friday 9 December: First European Vocational Education and Training Skills Week - Hoofdinhoud
The news:
From 5 to 9 December, the 'Vocational Education and Training' (VET) Skills Week will take place in Brussels and all over Europe, under the motto 'Discover Your Talent'. It will be a week full of EU-level events taking place in Brussels, and over 650 national events across Europe.
The background:
The aim of this week is to showcase excellence in Vocational Education and Training, demonstrating that this type of learning has proven to be a successful path to get people into jobs and allow to them to adapt and improve their skills over the course of their career.
Promoting vocational education and training is one of the actions proposed under the New Skills Agenda for Europe.
The event:
On Monday 5 December, Commissioner Thyssen will give a press statement at 12:00 in the Berlaymont press room.
Earlier that day, she will officially open the week at a dedicated event at the Port of Antwerp. Journalists interested in participating can register here.
The sources:
All information on the VET Skills week can be found here.
Press contacts:
General public inquiries: Europe Direct by phone 00 800 67 89 10 11 or by email |
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