Blog: The Maltese Presidency of the EU - a moment of personal and professional pride

Met dank overgenomen van K. (Karmenu) Vella i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 10 januari 2017.

The Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU is something that fills me with pride.

It goes without saying that President Juncker and the European Commission fully support the priorities of the Presidency.

As a Maltese citizen and as a committed European, seeing our country step up to the EU Presidency plate is a big moment. It marks a definitive chapter in our small European nation's history.

The next 6 months will see Malta take the chair and work to advance the EU agenda across a huge range of issues, all within a turbulent political context.

What gives me the most pride is that I am utterly convinced that Malta is ready for the challenge. I know that the first six months of 2017 will be a success.

My confidence is based on the level of dedication and commitment that Prime Minister Muscat and his Cabinet have put into the preparations. Seasoned diplomats, who have seen many an EU Presidency, are already voicing how impressive the planning has been.

In addition, Malta, being a small country, has a natural understanding of the importance of grassroots. Our close community values allow us to address the issues that concerns EU citizens with genuine warmth.

From my own portfolio perspective I am particularly excited at how far the Maltese Presidency will advance Environmental and Maritime related issues, particularly on Oceans. In April, Malta will host a special EU Environmental Ministers meeting that will be dedicated to the oceans. This will allow us to develop the European ocean policy. It will be a big stepping stone for the Our Ocean 2017 event that Malta will host in October of this year.

Issues such as tackling marine litter and making sure that the Mediterranean sea becomes plentiful again, are all great examples that people can easily understand.

We will also make sure that the opportunities of the sea - the blue economy - are outlined in a way that protects our marine resources.

The Presidency agenda on the Circular Economy fits perfectly in to this plan. We will work to show how recycling, reusing and even redesigning products all make economic as well as environmental sense.

I am very excited that I will witness the Maltese Presidency 'up-close' and I am really looking forward to working with Joseph and his colleagues.

The very best to all involved for an excellent 6 months.