Blog: #OurOcean 2017: An Ocean for Life

Met dank overgenomen van K. (Karmenu) Vella i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 11 augustus 2017.

If you are reading this, it means you are in the air, returning to or coming from Malta. It also means you are most likely flying above the beautiful Mediterranean, Malta's own sea.

If you can, take a moment and look out the window at the inviting blue below. These waters, and the oceans around the globe, represent our shared heritage. And we all have a role as ocean protectors.

That is why on 5-6 October, here in Malta, the European Union will host the fourth "Our Ocean" conference.

This is the premier global ocean event. It brings together ocean champions from all walks of life - ministers, scientists, entrepreneurs. One thousand actors, each deeply committed to the sustainable use of our shared seas.

Since being launched by the US in 2014, Our Ocean conferences have resulted in 8 billion euros' worth of pledges. The 2017 edition will keep us on that upward trend: practical steps to ocean recovery.

And you, too, can become involved. For example, here in Malta, young teenagers have launched school projects to learn about the ocean. The winners will get to present their findings at our conference. Join in at

The European Union is a proud global ocean leader. We have launched a plan for better international cooperation. We reformed our policy to ensure that fishing and aquaculture provide good, green jobs. We are cracking down on illegal fishing. We launched a strategy to free our waters from waste.

But we want to push forward and get the whole international community on board.

With Our Ocean, the EU will seize the opportunity. We will show how together we can use the ocean to benefit us all - from new energy sources like wave power to coordination through the new EU Coast Guard. New action will be announced on marine protected areas, climate action, sustainable fisheries and marine litter prevention.

I am proud that the European Union is hosting Our Ocean here in Malta. It will be a proud day for my home country, and a great moment on our journey to ocean recovery.

Find out more: Get involved: #OurOcean

This article was published in 'Bizzila' Issue 53 by AirMalta: