Blog: For more than 15 years now, EU Green Week has been a highlight of Europe's environmental calendar.

Met dank overgenomen van K. (Karmenu) Vella i, gepubliceerd op maandag 20 november 2017.

Thousands gather for one week every summer to launch the newest green ideas and to share even more...

Next year's edition will take place between 21 and 25 May. It will be all about making Europe's cities greener. "Green Cities for a Greener Future" is all about showing that a green city is possible if everyone gets involved. From the most senior town planner, to the most overworked single mom, our message is that everyone has a voice, everyone has a role to play and everyone can benefit.

For museums, that means showcasing under the EU Green Week banner, your extraordinary exhibits that point the way to cleaner healthier cities. The more interactive the better!

Our approach will be to frame the issues in a way that show we understand today city life. Whether it is the air you breathe, the water you drink, the waste collection rules you have to navigate, or the authorities who you try to get to listen. Everyone has frustrations. But given the right encouragement, everyone usually has great ideas.

Just like green ideas, Green Week has grown enormously. It started out as a Brussels event, but it's blossomed in recent years, reaching citizens all across the continent. In 2017 some 125 000 participants took part in 120 events. EU Green Week 2018 will gather examples of how cities can be inspiring places to live and work. We want to show this in a way that makes the idea of a green city aspirational not exclusive.

Most of the technologies Europe needs for a green transformation already exist, from power generation and energy efficiency to water purification and clean air mobility. That means that any city can be a green city, regardless of its location or size, because going green isn't just about green spaces and parks. It's about improving everyday issues that touch people's lives, like noise and public transport, water quality and getting their voice heard.

Science centres and museums are ideal partners for Green Week

Science centres and museums are ideal partners for Green Week. As institutions that blend technical expertise with top-notch skills in reaching out, you are key players to engage with the public...

Taking part in EU Green Week is a great way to show how your organisation is playing an active role in Europe's transition to a greener future. All kinds of events are welcome, from workshops and public discussions to awareness-raising events for families, open door days and guided tours. The only requirement is that they point the way to greener cities.

In Brussels, the Green Week debates will be covering three main strands.

The first covers quality of life, and includes issues like biodiversity, air quality, mobility, water, green infrastructure and links to health. A second strand involves the circular economy, covering issues like waste, recycling, energy solutions, construction, business opportunities and access to EU funds. The third strand is governance, putting the spotlight on issues like community engagement and exchanges of best practices through schemes like the European Green Capitals Award. We will also promote our toolkit to benchmark green cities to measure progress and many other tools.

Partner events needn't take place during 21-25 May, but they do need to take place in May. A call to register events will be opened later on this year, but if you want more details now, check out or send us an email.

And last but not least, it's a great opportunity for your organisation to cross promote with partners around the EU. Why not join this EU-wide movement?

Just think, next time you visit one of those partners, you could have made a role in making your city stay even more pleasant.

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This article was originally published in 'Spokes', the European network of science centres and museums.