Results of the Horizon Europe implementation co-design exercise: towards a sound implementation framework - Hoofdinhoud
After a broad agreement on the draft Orientations towards Horizon Europe Implementation strategy, simplifications under Horizon 2020 are considered as a good basis for further simplification under Horizon Europe. However, there is scope for further improvements across the entire project lifecycle under the next EU research and innovation programme. Read more in the final report on the Horizon Europe implementation co-design exercise.
During the Horizon Europe implementation strategy process, 2 major sets of co-design activities took place between July and October 2019.
Firstly, an open web consultation on Horizon Europe co-design implementation that collected 1,549 replies between 31 July 2019 and 4 October 2019. Respondents appreciated the continuity approach taken by the Commission regarding the rules of participation and by extension in a wider sense, to Horizon Europe’s implementation.
Secondly, through meetings and exchanges at the European Research and Innovation Days (24-26 September 2019), which attracted a large stakeholder community of almost 4,000 participants.
The feedback collected will feed into the on-going work on the Horizon Europe Implementation Strategy.