Eurogroup, Brussel - Hoofdinhoud
datum | 16 januari 2023 |
plaats | Brussel, België |
locatie | Brussels, Belgium ![]() |
organisatie | Eurogroep i, Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2023 i |
Agenda highlights
Euro area enlargement: update on euro cash changeover in Croatia
Infographic - How EU countries join the euro area
The Eurogroup will mark the particular occasion of Croatia’s euro accession. The Croatian Minister, the Commission and the ECB will update Ministers on the state of play on the changeover to the euro.
Digital euro - stocktake on the advancement of the project
The Eurogroup will take stock of the advancement of the digital euro project and discuss the way forward. Ministers are expected to adopt a Eurogroup statement which will summarise the views expressed on the policy topics discussed so far and outline the continuation of the Eurogroup involvement in this project.
Economic situation and IMF Article IV review of euro area policies - interim staff visit
The International Monetary Fund will present the outcome of its interim Article IV staff visit to the euro area. The IMF review is expected to be concluded by mid-2023. Ministers will also hear from the institutions on their assessment of the latest macroeconomic developments and outlook.
The Article IV review of the euro area is a regular exercise in which the IMF reviews economic developments, consults with euro area policy-makers and provides targeted policy advice. The discussions in the Eurogroup are a valuable opportunity to exchange views on current developments and emerging challenges.
Fiscal policy coordination in the euro area - energy support to households and firms - case studies
Ministers will continue their coordination exercise on fiscal policy focusing on the energy support measures, with a presentation of case studies. The French and Dutch Ministers will be invited to present their national experience and provide a basis for the Eurogroup to discuss the challenges faced in designing and implementing measures to alleviate the impact of the surge in the price of energy on households and firms.
Euro area aspects of the economic governance review
Ministers will have an exchange on the euro area aspects of the economic governance review, such as the draft budgetary plans exercise, the euro area fiscal stance and macroeconomic stabilisation, as well as the post-programme surveillance process and the application of the Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure to euro area Member States.
The euro area recommendations for 2023
Ministers will discuss the draft recommendations on the economic policy of the euro area for 2023, ahead of their approval at the ECOFIN.
Based on Commission proposals, the Council addresses annual recommendations on economic policy to the euro area as a whole within the European Semester. The recommendations are first discussed in the Eurogroup and formally adopted by the Council after endorsement in the March European Council.
Other topics
Stocktake on the ESM treaty ratification
The Eurogroup will take stock on progress made with the ESM treaty ratification.
Policy priorities of the Latvian government
The new Latvian Minister will be invited to present the policy priorities of the new Latvian government. This is standard practice in the Eurogroup when new governments take office.
De Eurogroep bestaat uit de ministers van Financiën van de landen die de euro als nationale munteenheid hebben ingevoerd (de eurozone i). Dit samenwerkingsverband heeft als doel de coördinatie van economisch beleid binnen de muntunie i te versterken en de financiële stabiliteit van de eurolanden te bevorderen. Het is strikt genomen een informeel orgaan en geen formatie i van de Raad.
De Eurogroep bereidt ook de bijeenkomsten voor van de Eurotop i, die bestaat uit de staatshoofden en de regeringsleiders van de eurolanden, en zorgt voor de uitwerking van de besluiten die daarin worden genomen.
Van 1 januari tot en met 30 juni 2023 vervult Zweden het voorzitterschap i van de Raad van de Europese Unie. Zweden is onderdeel van een trojka i, waarin Frankrijk i aftrapte, Tsjechië i volgde en Zweden afsluit.
In december 2022 presenteerde de Zweedse overheid de prioriteiten van het Zweeds voorzitterschap. De gevolgen van de oorlog met Oekraïne overheersen een groot deel van deze agenda. Zo staat steun voor Oekraïne en het versterken van het veiligheids- en defensiebeleid van de EU bovenaan.