Fintech rapport aangenomen! - Hoofdinhoud
17Vandaag is in Straatsburg het rapport dat Cora van Nieuwenhuizen schreef over Fintech met grote meerderheid aangenomen. Dat betekent dat de Europese Commissie aan de slag moet met de aanbevelingen van Van Nieuwenhuizen. Fintech is het huwelijk tussen de financiële sector en vernieuwende technologie.
Het hele rapport is hier te lezen.
Hieronder het internationale persbericht:
European Parliament calls for an innovative approach to facilitate innovation
The European Parliament has today adopted a report intended to encourage the EU to further support Fintech development. The proposals, addressed to the European Commission, seek to define an EU regulatory framework for Fintech and call for a comprehensive EU plan to boost Fintech in Europe, similar to those developed as part of the Digital Single Market and Capital Markets Union.
The report calls for closer co-operation between national supervisory authorities across the European Union and underlines the importance of a “one stop shop” regulator model for Fintech service providers, in order to strike the right balance between incentives to innovative consumer and investor protection and financial stability. The report also encourages the European Commission to call for an investigation into a data sharing strategy that gives consumers control over their personal data, while highlighting the need for end-to-end security across the whole financial services network to combat cyberattacks.
Cora van Nieuwenhuizen MEP, Parliament’s rapporteur, commented from Strasbourg;
“The development of new financial services and the digitalisation of existing services will change market dynamics for the financial services sector and European regulators must respond - our challenge is to deliver certainty without hampering innovation.”
“It’s time for Europe to embrace and adapt to FinTech, which has the potential to transform the world of finance and regulatory innovation. A glut of additional regulation at this stage could limit innovation and see fledgling FinTech companies already in the EU moving to the US or Singapore, which must be avoided. Regulators need to start "thinking instead of ticking".
“We need a technology-neutral, risk-based supervisory framework to ensure a level playing field between big technology companies, start-ups and financial institutions, combined with a comprehensive EU plan to boost Fintech. We also need to attract more technical & digital staff to work with regulators and within the financial sector as a whole.”
“In light of an increase in the number of cyberattacks on both large and small companies, the EU should act to ensure end-to-end security across the financial services network in Europe, along with the development of a more comprehensive regulatory framework for major incident reporting.”