Committee of Experts on Posting of Workers (ECPW)

Deze expertgroep [EU] i (nr. E02274) adviseert de Europese Commissie (Directoraat-generaal Werkgelegenheid, sociale zaken en inclusie (EMPL) i) bij het opstellen van nieuwe wetgeving en nieuw beleid. Expertgroepen zijn samengesteld uit deskundigen van nationale overheden, vertegenwoordigers van belangenorganisaties en/of experts uit het bedrijfsleven.


Committee of Experts on Posting of Workers (ECPW)


Abbreviation: ECPW

Policy Area: Employment and Social Affairs

Lead DG: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Type: Formal;Permanent

Scope: Limited

Mission: The Group of experts should, inter alia, support and assist Member States in identifying and exchanging experience and good practice, promote the exchange of relevant information, examine any questions and difficulties which might arise in the practical application of the posting of workers legislation, as well as its enforcement in practice.

Task: Coordinate with Member States, exchange of views

Contact: -

Publication in RegExp: 06/03/2009

Creating Act: -

Last updated: 26/05/2021

Additional Information

Activity report: The Committee of Experts on Posting of Workers, composed by representatives of Member States, and by social partners representatives as observers, supports and assists the Member States in identifying and promoting the exchange of experience and good practices, promotes the exchange of relevant information, including information on existing forms of (bilateral) administrative cooperation between the Member States and/or social partners and examines any questions, difficulties and specific issues which might arise concerning the implementation and practical application of Directive 96/71/EC or the national implementing measures, as well as its enforcement in practice. The Committee of Experts meets usually twice a year. The last meeting of the Committee was largely dedicated to the implementation of the cooperation between Member States, in compliance with the Enforcement Directive on Posting. It discussed in particular the forms of the different modules in the IMI system to implement the Enforcement Directive. The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled for March 2017.

Selection procedure: 1. Each Member State shall appoint two representatives to the Committee. They may also appoint two substitutes. In appointing their representatives, Member States should involve the public bodies, such as labour inspectorates, responsible for the control of the legislation applicable to posted workers. They may also, in accordance with national law and/or practice, involve the social partners. 2. Representatives of the two sides of industry at Community level, as well as representatives of the social partners in sectors with a high incidence of recourse to posted workers may attend meetings of the Committee as observers, according to the procedures determined by their organisations and the Commission. The representatives shall be appointed by the Commission, acting upon proposal from the relevant social partners at Community or sectoral level. This group of observers shall comprise up to a maximum of 20 members composed as follows: — five members representing employers’ organisations at Community level, — five members representing workers’ organisations atCommunity level, a maximum of 10 representatives of the social partners (divided evenly between employers’ and workers’ organisations) in sectors with a high incidence of recourse to posted workers. 3. Representatives of the EEA/EFTA States, the EFTA Surveillance Authority, accession and candidate countries and Switzerland may equally attend meetings of the Committee as observers. 4. The names of members are to be collected, processed and published in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council

Rules of procedure: Rules of Procedure of the committee of Experts on Posting of Workers were adopted on 25.03.2009. Rules of Procedure cover the following topics: convening a meeting, agenda, forwarding of documents to group members, sub-groups, admission to third parties, minutes of the meetings and written procedure, secretariat, attendance list, prevention of conflicts of interest, correspondence, transparency and protection of personal data.

ECPW 1-09 - rules of procedure_EN.doc (approx. 44 kb)


No Subgroups assigned to this group.