Eco-innovation Action Plan - High Level Working Group (EcoAP HLWG)

Deze expertgroep [EU] i (nr. E02781) adviseert de Europese Commissie (Directoraat-generaal Milieu (ENV) i) bij het opstellen van nieuwe wetgeving en nieuw beleid. Expertgroepen zijn samengesteld uit deskundigen van nationale overheden, vertegenwoordigers van belangenorganisaties en/of experts uit het bedrijfsleven.


Eco-innovation Action Plan - High Level Working Group (EcoAP HLWG)


Abbreviation: EcoAP HLWG

Policy Area: Enterprise


Research and Innovation

Lead DG: ENV - DG Environment

Associated DG: GROW - DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

RTD - DG Research and Innovation

Type: Informal, Permanent

Scope: Limited

Mission: To establish a good co-operation between the institutions of the Member States and the Commission, and advise the Commission on the implementation of the Eco-innovation Action Plan; To facilitate the exchange of information, experience and good practice on the promotion of eco-innovation.

Task: Assist the Commission in the preparation of legislative proposals and policy initiatives

Coordinate with Member States, exchange of views


Publication in RegExp: 26 Oct 2012

Link to Website:

Last updated: 04 Oct 2018

Additional Information

Activity Report The ninth meeting of this group took place on 31 May 2016

EcoAP_HLWG_ 31052016_ minutes.docx (approx. 56 kb)

Activity Report The eight meeting of this group took place on 15 October 2015

Minutes 8th HLWG 15oct2015v1.doc (approx. 71 kb)

Main findings HLWG meeting EcoAP Review 15-10-2015.pdf (approx. 221 kb)

Presentation interim results for HLWG EcoAP_v4.pdf (approx. 779 kb)

Activity Report The seventh meeting of this group took place on 24 March 2015.

Minutes 7th HLWG 24mar2015v1.doc (approx. 234 kb)

Activity Report The sixth meeting of this group took place on 21 October 2014.

minutes_v8 FINAL.doc (approx. 222 kb)

Activity Report The fifth meeting of this group took place on 18 March 2014. It has been followed by a workshop for group members on 19 March 2014.

Minutes of ECOAP HLWG 18-3-14 FINAL.doc (approx. 221 kb)

Activity Report The fourth meeting of this group took place on 30 September 2013.

Agenda 20130930 Version MS-2.doc[1].pdf (approx. 15 kb)

Minutes of ECOAP HLWG 30-9-13 FINAL ADOPTED-add.doc (approx. 124 kb)

Activity Report The third meeting of this group took place on 20 June 2013. It has been preceded by a workshop for group members on 19 June 2013.

Agenda 20130620 Version MS.doc (approx. 61 kb)

Programme Workshop Structural Funds 19 June.doc (approx. 277 kb)

Minutes of ECOAP HLWG 20-6- FINAL.doc (approx. 227 kb)

Keypoints Structural Funds 19 June.doc (approx. 262 kb)

Activity Report The second meeting of this group took place on 1 February 2013. It was preceded by a workshop for group members on 31 January 2013.

Minutes of ECOAP HLWG 1-2-2013 FINAL.doc (approx. 221 kb)

Activity Report The first meeting of this group took place on 17 September 2012

Minutes of ECOAP HLWG 17-9-2012 Draft.doc (approx. 189 kb)

Selection Procedure (members) The members of this group are the Member States. It is for the authority of each Member State to decide on who will represent them.Internal Rules of Procedure Expert groups usually operate in an informal setting without any formal rules of procedure. This is the case for this group.


No Subgroups assigned to this group.