High Level Group on gender mainstreaming (HLG on gender mainstreaming)

Deze expertgroep [EU] i (nr. E01240) adviseert de Europese Commissie (Directoraat-generaal Justitie en Consumentenzaken (JUST) i) bij het opstellen van nieuwe wetgeving en nieuw beleid. Expertgroepen zijn samengesteld uit deskundigen van nationale overheden, vertegenwoordigers van belangenorganisaties en/of experts uit het bedrijfsleven.


High Level Group on gender mainstreaming (HLG on gender mainstreaming)


Abbreviation: HLG on gender mainstreaming

Policy Area: Employment and Social Affairs;Human rights

Lead DG: DG Justice and Consumers

Type: Informal

Scope: Limited

Mission: The HLG plays a key role for the EU gender equality agenda, including in the formulation, programming and implementation of the EU Gender Equality Pact and the Trio-Presidencies Programme. It helps the Presidencies and the Commission to identify gender equality subjects and priorities which are of political relevance, including for the Council debate. The HLG is also the main forum for planning the follow-up of the BPfA inside the EU and for preparing the annual meeting of the UN Commission on the Status of Women. It also assists the Commission in the preparation of its Report on equality between women and men.

Task: Assist the Commission in relation to the implementation of existing Union legislation, programmes and policies

Contact: -

Publication in RegExp: 04/10/2005

Creating Act: -

Last updated: 30/09/2022

Additional Information

Activity report: 2010

Activity report 2010.doc (approx. 91 kb)

Activity report: 2012

HLG activity report 2012.doc (approx. 72 kb)

Activity report: 2013

HLG activity report 2013.doc (approx. 77 kb)

Activity report: 2014

HLG activity report 2014.doc (approx. 76 kb)

Activity report: 2015

Item 2 Summary and operational conclusions 22-23 January 2015.doc (approx. 85 kb)

summary and operational conclusions 17-18 09.docx (approx. 81 kb)

Activity report: 2016

Minutes 21-22 January .docx (approx. 115 kb)

Summary and operational conclusions 7-8 FINAL.pdf (approx. 461 kb)

Activity report: 2017 - Malta

3001 Annotated agenda 1-2 February.doc (approx. 172 kb)

Summary and operational conclusions.pdf (approx. 454 kb)

Activity report: 2017 - Estonia

Final Agenda Sept 2017.pdf (approx. 29 kb)

For comments summary & operational conclusions 8-9 Sept 2017.docx (approx. 101 kb)

Selection procedure: The members of this group are the Member States. It is for the authority of each Member State to decide on who will represent them.

Rules of procedure: Expert groups usually operate in an informal setting without any formal rules of procedure. This is the case for this group.


No Subgroups assigned to this group.